test report part 2 of 2

FCC ID: TA8AKRD901190-1

Test Report

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Section 8               Testing data
Test name               Clause 27.53 and RSS-139, 4.2, RSS-170, 5.4 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector
Specification           FCC Part 27, RSS-139, Issue 3, RSS-170 Issue 3

        Figure 8.2-49: Conducted band edge emission at 2200 MHz,                    Figure 8.2-50: Conducted band edge emission at 2201 MHz,
          15 MHz channel LTE + IoT operation (RBW = 1% of EBW)                          15 MHz channel LTE + IoT operation (RBW = 1 MHz)

        Figure 8.2-51: Conducted band edge emission at 2200 MHz,                    Figure 8.2-52: Conducted band edge emission at 2201 MHz,
          20 MHz channel LTE + IoT operation (RBW = 1% of EBW)                          20 MHz channel LTE + IoT operation (RBW = 1 MHz)

Report reference ID: 356914-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                             Page 40 of 49

 Section 8                 Testing data
 Test name                 Clause 27.53 and RSS-139, 4.2, RSS-170, 5.4 Radiated spurious emissions
 Specification             FCC Part 27, RSS-139, Issue 3, RSS-170 Issue 3

8.3     FCC 27.53 and RSS-139, 4.2, RSS-170, 5.4 Radiated spurious emissions

8.3.1       Definitions and limits

 (h) AWS emission limits
 (1) General protection levels. Except as otherwise specified below, for operations in the 1695–1710 MHz, 1710–1755 MHz, 1755–1780 MHz, 1915–1920
 MHz, 1995–2000 MHz, 2000–2020 MHz, 2110–2155 MHz, 2155–2180 MHz, and 2180–2200 bands, the power of any emission outside a licensee's
 frequency block shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) in watts by at least 43 + 10 log 10 (P) dB.

 (3) Measurement procedure.
             (i) Compliance with this provision is based on the use of measurement instrumentation employing a resolution bandwidth of 1 m egahertz or
             greater. However, in the 1 megahertz bands immediately outside and adjacent to the licensee's frequency block, a resolution bandwidth of at
             least one percent of the emission bandwidth of the fundamental emission of the transmitter may be employed. The emission bandwidth is
             defined as the width of the signal between two points, one below the carrier center frequency and one above the carrier center frequency,
             outside of which all emissions are attenuated at least 26 dB below the transmitter power.
             (ii) When measuring the emission limits, the nominal carrier frequency shall be adjusted as close to the licensee's frequency block edges, both
             upper and lower, as the design permits.
 (iii) The measurements of emission power can be expressed in peak or average values, provided they are expressed in the same parameters as the
 transmitter power.

 RSS-139, Section 6.6:
 i. In the first 1.0 MHz bands immediately outside and adjacent to the equipment’s smallest operating frequency block, which can contain the equipment’s
 occupied bandwidth, the emission power per any 1% of the emission bandwidth shall be attenuated below the transmitter output power P (in dBW) by at
 least 43 + 10 log10 p (watts) dB.
 ii. After the first 1.0 MHz outside the equipment’s smallest operating frequency block, which can contain the equipment’s occupie d bandwidth, the
 emission power in any 1 MHz bandwidth shall be attenuated below the transmitter output power P (in dBW) by at least 43 + 10 log 10 p (watts) dB.

 RSS-170, Section 5.4:
 The transmitter unwanted emissions shall be measured for all channel bandwidths with the carrier frequency set at both the highest and lowest channels
 in which the equipment is designed to operate.

 The e.i.r.p. density of unwanted and carrier‑off state emissions outlined in this section (Section 5.4) shall be averaged over any 2‑ms active transmission
 using an RMS detector with a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz for broadband emissions and a resolution bandwidth of 1 kHz for discrete emissions, unless
 stated otherwise.

 For ATC equipment operating in the bands 2000-2020 MHz and 2180-2200 MHz, the unwanted emission limits shall be determined using a measurement
 bandwidth of 1 MHz or greater. However, in the 1 MHz band immediately outside and adjacent to the equipment's operating frequency block, a
 resolution bandwidth of at least 1% of the occupied bandwidth may be employed. ATC Base Station Equipment operating in bands 2000-2020 MHz and 2180-2200 MHz
 he unwanted emissions of ATC base station equipment transmitting in the bands 2000-2020 MHz and 2180-2200 MHz shall comply with the following:

   (1) The power of any unwanted emissions at frequencies outside the equipment's operating frequency block shall be attenuated below the transmitter
 power P (dBW), by 43 + 10 log p (watts), dB.
   (2) For equipment operating in the band 2180–2200 MHz, in addition to (1), the power of any emissions on all frequencies between 2200 MHz and 2290
 MHz shall not exceed an e.i.r.p. of −100.6 dBW/4 kHz (−70.6 dBm/4 kHz).*

 * This requirement is for implementation and is enforced at the time of licensing. Therefore results are not included in this report.

8.3.2       Test summary

Test date                July 18, 2018
Test engineer            Predrag Golic

 Report reference ID: 356914-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                                      Page 41 of 49

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Clause 27.53 and RSS-139, 4.2, RSS-170, 5.4 Radiated spurious emissions
Specification          FCC Part 27, RSS-139, Issue 3, RSS-170 Issue 3

8.3.3     Observations, settings and special notes

The spectrum was searched from 30 MHz to the 10 th harmonic.
All measurements were performed using a peak detector.
RBW within 30–1000 MHz was 100 kHz and 1 MHz above 1 GHz. VBW was wider than RBW.
Testing was performed with RF ports terminated with 50 Ohm load.

8.3.4     Test data

                                           Figure 8.3-1: Radiated emissions setup photo – below 1 GHz

Report reference ID: 356914-1TRFWL-R1                                                                   Page 42 of 49

Section 8                               Testing data
Test name                               Clause 27.53 and RSS-139, 4.2, RSS-170, 5.4 Radiated spurious emissions
Specification                           FCC Part 27, RSS-139, Issue 3, RSS-170 Issue 3

                                                                  Figure 8.3-2: Radiated emissions setup photo – above 1 GHz





                Level in dBµV/m






                                  30M              50        60        80    100M                       200        300         400   500   800       1G

                                                                                            Frequency in Hz

                Preview Result 1-PK+
                FCC Part 15 and ICES - Class B 3m Q-Peak Limit
                Final_Result QPK

                                                                     Figure 8.3-1: Radiated spurious emission below 1 GHz

Report reference ID: 356914-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                                            Page 43 of 49

Section 8                                           Testing data
Test name                                           Clause 27.53 and RSS-139, 4.2, RSS-170, 5.4 Radiated spurious emissions
Specification                                       FCC Part 27, RSS-139, Issue 3, RSS-170 Issue 3


                                                                                                                               Intentional Tx


                 Level in dBµV/m






                                         1000          1200           1400             1600      1800            2000       2200          2400   2600   2800         3000

                                                                                                        Frequency in MHz

                                         FCC Part 15 and ICES- Class B 3m Peak Limit
                                         FCC Part 15 and ICES - Class B 3m Average Limit
                                         MaxPeak-PK+ (Single)
                                         CAverage-CAV (Single)

The spectral plot is a summation of a vertical and horizontal scan. The spectral scan has been corrected with the associated transducer factors (i.e. antenna factors, cable loss,
amplifier gains, and attenuators).
                                                                                  Figure 8.3-2: Radiated spurious emission (1 to 3 GHz)





          Level in dBµV/m






                                    3G                                            5G            6            7          8      9      10G                                18G

                                                                                                          Frequency in Hz

          Preview Result 1-PK+
          FCC Part 15 and ICES- Class B 3m Peak Limit
          FCC Part 15 and ICES - Class B 3m Average Limit
          Final_Result PK+
          Final_Result CAV

The spectral plot is a summation of a vertical and horizontal scan. The spectral scan has been corrected with the associated transducer factors (i.e. antenna factors, cable loss,
amplifier gains, and attenuators.

                                                                             Figure 8.3-3: Radiated emissions spectral plot (3 to 18 GHz)

Report reference ID: 356914-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                                                          Page 44 of 49

Section 8                             Testing data
Test name                             Clause 27.53 and RSS-139, 4.2, RSS-170, 5.4 Radiated spurious emissions
Specification                         FCC Part 27, RSS-139, Issue 3, RSS-170 Issue 3





           Level in dBµV/m








                               18           18.5                19             19.5             20              20.5            21                21.5               22

                                                                                        Frequency in GHz

                      FCC Part 15 and ICES- Class B 1m Peak Limit
                      FCC Part 15 and ICES - Class B 1m Average Limit

The spectral plot is a summation of a vertical and horizontal scan. The spectral scan has been corrected with the associated transducer factors (i.e. antenna factors, cable loss,
amplifier gains, and attenuators.

                                                               Figure 8.3-4: Radiated emissions spectral plot (18 to 22 GHz)

Report reference ID: 356914-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                                                       Page 45 of 49

 Section 8                Testing data
 Test name                FCC Part 2.1049 and RSS-Gen, 6.7 Occupied bandwidth
 Specification            FCC Part 2, RSS-Gen, Issue 5

8.4     FCC Part 2.1049 and RSS-Gen, 6.7 Occupied bandwidth

8.4.1      Definitions and limits

 The emission bandwidth is defined as the width of the signal between two points, one below the carrier center frequency and o ne above the carrier
 center frequency, outside of which all emissions are attenuated at least 26 dB below the transmitter power.

 RSS-Gen, 6.7
 The occupied bandwidth or the “99% emission bandwidth” is defined as the frequency range between two points, one above and the other below the
 carrier frequency, within which 99% of the total transmitted power of the fundamental transmitted emission is contained. The occupied bandwidth shall
 be reported for all equipment in addition to the specified bandwidth required in the applicable RSSs.

8.4.2      Test summary

Test date               January 11, 2019
Test engineer           Andrey Adelberg

8.4.3      Observations, settings and special notes

Spectrum analyzer settings:

Detector mode                  Peak
Resolution bandwidth           ≥1 % of span
Video bandwidth                RBW × 3
Trace mode                     Max Hold

8.4.4      Test data

                                                         Table 8.4-1: Occupied bandwidth results

             Remarks                             Frequency, MHz                         99% OBW, MHz                            26 dB BW, MHz
   5 MHz, 256QAM, low channel                        2112.5                                 4.4792                                   4.695
     5 MHz, QPSK, mid channel                        2155.0                                 4.4711                                   4.698
     5 MHz, QPSK, high channel                       2197.5                                 4.4829                                   4.722
   10 MHz, 256QAM, low channel                       2115.0                                 9.4188                                   9.722
    10 MHz, QPSK, mid channel                        2155.0                                 9.4206                                   9.727
    10 MHz, QPSK, high channel                       2195.0                                 9.4313                                   9.704
   15 MHz, 256QAM, low channel                       2117.5                                 13.981                                   14.40
    15 MHz, QPSK, mid channel                        2155.0                                 13.997                                   14.39
    15 MHz, QPSK, high channel                       2192.5                                 13.995                                   14.40
   20 MHz, 256QAM, low channel                       2120.0                                 18.465                                   19.01
    20 MHz, QPSK, mid channel                        2155.0                                 18.478                                   19.05
    20 MHz, QPSK, high channel                       2190.0                                 18.463                                   19.05

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Section 8                Testing data
Test name                FCC Part 2.1049 and RSS-Gen, 6.7 Occupied bandwidth
Specification            FCC Part 2, RSS-Gen, Issue 5

Figure 8.4-1: Occupied bandwidth for LTE + IoT, 5 MHz channel, sample plot     Figure 8.4-2: Occupied bandwidth for LTE + IoT, 10 MHz channel, sample

  Figure 8.4-3: Occupied bandwidth for LTE + IoT, 15 MHz channel, sample       Figure 8.4-4: Occupied bandwidth for LTE + IoT, 20 MHz channel, sample
                                   plot                                                                         plot

Report reference ID: 356914-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                               Page 47 of 49

 Section 9              Section 9. Block diagrams of test set-ups

Block diagrams of test set-ups

8.5     Radiated emissions set-up for frequencies below 1 GHz

                                                     Radio absorbing material




                                         EUT                          antenna

                                       table                                                                       1m
                           0.8 m

                                                                    Metal ground
                                    Turn table


8.6     Radiated emissions set-up for frequencies above 1 GHz

                                                      Radio absorbing material




                            1.5 m

                                                                                                                        Metal ground plane

                                      Turn table


                                                                                                      RF pre-amp

 Report reference ID: 356914-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                                       Page 48 of 49

 Section 9              Section 9. Block diagrams of test set-ups

8.7     Conducted emissions set-up

                                Environmental test chamber


                                         DC power supply


 Report reference ID: 356914-1TRFWL-R1                                                      Page 49 of 49

Document Created: 2019-02-13 11:38:17
Document Modified: 2019-02-13 11:38:17

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