Cal cert Mixer FSZ220


Test Report

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Calibration Certificate                                                                     Certificate Number 24-0220-100967-01
Kalibrierschein                                                                             Zertifikatsnummer
                                                                                                                               This calibration certificate documents, that
Unit Data
                                                                                                                               the named item is tested and measured
Item                Harmonic Mixer, 140 GHz to 220 GHz                                                                         against defined specifications. Measurement
                                                                                                                               results are located usually in the

Manufacturer        RPG                                                                                                        corresponding interval with a probability of
Hersteller                                                                                                                     approx. 95% (coverage factor k = 2).
                                                                                                                               Calibration is performed with test equipment
Type                RPG FS-Z220                                                                                                and standards directly or indirectly traceable
                                                                                                                               by means of approved calibration techniques
Material Number     3593.3250.02              Serial Number        100967                                                      to the PTB/DKD or other
Materialnummer                                Seriennummer                                                                     national/international standards, which
                                                                                                                               realize the physical units of measurement
Asset Number
Inventarnummer                                                                                                                 according to the International System of
                                                                                                                               Units (SI). In all cases where no standards are
                                                                                                                               available, measurements are referenced to
                                                                                                                               standards of the R&S laboratories. Principles
Order Data                                                                                                                     and methods of calibration correspond with
Customer                                                                                                                       EN ISO/IEC 17025. This calibration certificate
                                                                                                                               may not be reproduced other than in full.
                                                                                                                               Calibration certificates without signatures are
                                                                                                                               not valid. The user is obliged to have the
                                                                                                                               object recalibrated at appropriate intervals.

Order Number                                                                                                                   Dieser Kalibrierschein dokumentiert, dass der
Bestellnummer                                                                                                                  genannte Gegenstand nach festgelegten
                                                                                                                               Vorgaben geprüft und gemessen wurde. Die
Date of Receipt
Eingangsdatum                                                                                                                  Messwerte lagen im Regelfall mit einer
                                                                                                                               Wahrscheinlichkeit von annähernd 95% im
Performance                                                                                                                    zugeordneten Werteintervall (Erweiterte
                                                                                                                               Messunsicherheit mit k = 2). Die Kalibrierung
Place and Date of Calibration                 Meckenheim, 2018-03-01
                                                                                                                               erfolgte mit Messmitteln und Normalen, die direkt
Ort und Datum der Kalibrierung
                                                                                                                               oder indirekt durch Ableitung mittels anerkannter
Scope of Calibration                          Standard Calibration                                                             Kalibriertechniken rückgeführt sind auf Normale
Umfang der Kalibrierung
                                                                                                                               der PTB/DKD oder anderer

Statement of Compliance                       New device                                                                       nationaler/internationaler Standards zur

(Incoming)                                                                                                                     Darstellung der physikalischen Einheiten in
Konformitätsaussage                                                                                                            Übereinstimmung mit dem Internationalen
(Anlieferung)                                                                                                                  Einheitensystem (SI). Wenn keine Normale
                                                                                                                               existieren, erfolgt die Rückführung auf
                                                                                                                               Bezugsnormale der R&S-Laboratorien.

Statement of Compliance                       All measured values are within the data sheet                                    Grundsätze und Verfahren der Kalibrierung
                                                                                                                               beziehen sich auf EN ISO/IEC 17025. Dieser
(Outgoing)                                    specifications.
Konformitätsaussage                                                                                                            Kalibrierschein darf nur vollständig und
                                                                                                                               unverändert weiterverbreitet werden.
Extend of Calibration Documents               2 pages Calibration Certificate                                                  Kalibrierscheine ohne Unterschriften sind
Umfang des Kalibrierdokuments                 5 pages Outgoing Results                                                         ungültig. Für die Einhaltung einer angemessenen
                                                                                                                               Frist zur Wiederholung der Kalibrierung ist der
                                                                                                                               Benutzer verantwortlich.

Radiometer Physics GmbH; Meckenheim
Date of Issue                                Head of Laboratory                                  Person Responsible
Ausstellungsdatum                            Laborleitung                                        Bearbeiter

                                             Schulze                                             Grossmindorf                                             Page (Seite) 1/2

                Radiometer Physics GmbH ● Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 4 ● 53340 Meckenheim ● Telephone national: 02225/99981-0 international: 0049 2225-99981-0
                            Fax: 02225/99981-99 ● Managing Director: Achim Walber, Dr. Thomas Rose ● Company's Place of Business: Meckenheim
                                            Commercial Register No.: Bonn, HRB 10291 ● VAT Identification No.: DE 123 377 395

Material Number 3593.3250.02                        Serial Number 100967                           Certificate Number 24-0220-100967-01

Calibration Method                          RPG-PAQA-TN-2014-002                                                                Relative Humidity      20 % - 80 %
Kalibrieranweisung                                                                                                              Relative Luftfeuchte
Ambient Temperature                         (23    -3   ) °C

  Working standards used (having a significant effect on the accuracy)
  Verwendete Gebrauchsnormale (mit signifikantem Einfluss auf die Genauigkeit)

  Item                                               Type                          Serial Number            Calibration Certificate Number                  Cal. Due
  Gegenstand                                         Typ                           Seriennummer             Kalibrierscheinnummer                           Kalibr. bis

  Vector Network Analyzer                            R&S® ZVA67                    101097                   20-300432406                                    2020-07-21

  Powersensor                                        R&S® NRP-Z55                  140093                   20-300426315                                    2018-05-17

 UGB1        A compliance statement may be possible where a confidence level of less than 95 % is acceptable.
             Die Bestätigung der Konformität ist möglich, sofern ein Grad des Vertrauens von weniger als 95 % akzeptabel ist.

 UGB2        A non-compliance statement may be possible where a confidence level of less than 95 % is acceptable.
             Die Bestätigung der Nicht-Konformität ist möglich, sofern ein Grad des Vertrauens von weniger als 95 % akzeptabel ist.

 Ref.: ILAC-G8:03/2009 ‘Guidelines on the Reporting of Compliance with Specification’.


If the new product is stored under the climate conditions as specified in the data sheet upon delivery, the product’s accuracy is not significantly affected within 12
month after its calibration in our factory. In this case, the recommended calibration interval starts on the date when the product is actually put into operation.

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Material Number 3593.3250.02         Serial Number 100967             Certificate Number 24-0220-100967-01

Outgoing Results
The following abbreviations may be used in this document

{a}                  No measurement uncertainty stated because the errors always add together.
                     So it is sure that a measurement result evaluated as "PASS" is pass.
{b}                  The measurement uncertainty depends on the measurement result. The stated measurement uncertainty is valid
                     for the close area around the specification. Measurement results outside the close area have a higher
                     measurement uncertainty but are within the specification.
{c}                  Functional test, therefore no measurement uncertainty is stated.
{d}                  Typical value, refer to performance test.
{e}                  The measurement uncertainty is taken into account when setting the measuring system.
DL or DT             Data Limit for symmetrical tolerance limits
DLL                  Datasheet Lower Limit
DUL                  Datasheet Upper Limit
MU                   Measurement Uncertainty
MLL or MLV           Measurement Uncertainty Lower Value
MUL or MUV           Measurement Uncertainty Upper Value
Nom.                 Nominal Value
Dev.                 Deviation
MErr.                Measurement Error
Act.                 Actual Value
UGB                  Uncertainty Guard Band: Measuring uncertainty violates the data (spec.) limit.
UGB1                 Measurement results marked as UGB1 show conformity with a probability of >50 %and <95 %.
UGB2                 Measurement results marked as UGB2 show non-conformity with a probability of >50 %and <95 %.
DU                   Datasheet Uncertainty

Explanation of charts

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Material Number 3593.3250.02       Serial Number 100967   Certificate Number 24-0220-100967-01

Software used for measurement
Item Type                                      Version              Remark
Measurement Studio Professional Edition        2013
MixerCertification                             7_08

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Material Number 3593.3250.02   Serial Number 100967   Certificate Number 24-0220-100967-01

1.1 RF Input – VSWR
Measurement uncertainty:         0.05 (VSWR)

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Material Number 3593.3250.02        Serial Number 100967   Certificate Number 24-0220-100967-01

1.2 Conversion loss
LO level                       +13 dBm nominal
Bias                           0A

Measurement uncertainty:              4 dB

Note: Numeric calibration data can be found attached to the PDF file of the calibration certificate.
Click the “paper clip” symbol to display the file.

The file has been renamed for safety reasons.
When downloading the file onto your PC, please delete the “.file” extension and unzip the data.

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Material Number 3593.3250.02          Serial Number 100967        Certificate Number 24-0220-100967-01

1.3 Frequency response within 1 GHz
                               DUL                           Actual                Evaluation
                                                             (worst case)
IF = 404.4 MHz,                6 dB                          4 dB                  PASS
16th harmonic
IF = 729 MHz,                  6 dB                          4.22 dB               PASS
16th harmonic
IF = 1330 MHz,                 6 dB                          4.13 dB               PASS
14th harmonic

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Document Created: 2018-03-02 08:11:49
Document Modified: 2018-03-02 08:11:49

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