Updated RF Exposure Information

FCC ID: TA8AKRD901059-1

RF Exposure Info

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GFTB-17:001589 Uen, Rev C, 2018-10-10

                                          Rapport utfärdad av ackrediterat provningslaboratorium
                                          Test report issued by an Accredited Testing Laboratory

         Ackred. Nr 1761
         ISO/IEC 17025

                                  EMF Test Report: Ericsson AIR 5121
   Document number:                  GFTB-17:001589 Uen                Date of report:            2018-10-10
                                     Rev C

   Testing laboratory:               Ericsson EMF Research             Company/Client:            Göran Berglund
                                                                                                  Ericsson AB
                                     Ericsson AB                                                  SE-164 80 Stockholm
                                     SE-164 80 Stockholm                                          Sweden

   Tests performed by:               Elif Degirmenci                   Dates of tests:            2018-10-10 (Rev C)
                                                                                                  This document replaces the GFTB-
                                                                                                  17:001589 Uen, Rev B

   Manufacturer and                  Ericsson AIR 5121
   market name(s) of

   Testing has been                  European standards: EN 50385:2017, IEC/EN 62232:2017
   performed in
   accordance with:                  FCC OET Bulletin 65

   Test results:                     The tested equipment complies with the requirements in respect of all parameters subject to
                                     the test.

   Additional information: By inclusion of the test report summary and the content of Appendices B and C in the
                           product documentation, the tested equipment complies with the requirements of EN 50385.

   Signature:        Quality Manager                                                     Test Engineer

                     _____________________________                                       ____________________________________
                     Björn Thors                                                         Elif Degirmenci
                     Senior Specialist - RF Exposure Assessment                          Experienced Researcher
                     bjorn.thors@ericsson.com                                            elif.degirmenci@ericsson.com
                     Tel: +46 10 717 18 24                                               Tel: +46107178061

© Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB.
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.

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GFTB-17:001589 Uen, Rev C, 2018-10-10

1          Summary of EMF Test Report1
           Equipment under test (EUT)

             Product name                                           AIR 5121

             Product number                                         KRD 901 059/1, KRD 901 059/4

             Supported Tx frequency range (GHz)
                                                                    27.5 - 28.35                              NR, VTF (pre-NR)
             and standards
             Duplexing technology and fraction of
             downlink transmission time to total                    TDD (89 %)

             Exposure environment                                   General public/uncontrolled, Workers/controlled

             EIRP2 (dBm) and IEC 62232 installation
                                                                    55                                        E+
             class [9]

1.1         Results

           RF exposure compliance boundaries, outside of which the exposure is below the general public (GP)
           and workers (W) exposure limits, are listed below.

Dimensions of the box-shaped compliance boundary for general public (GP) and workers (W) exposure for maximum output
power including 1.5 dB power tolerance and TDD ratio.

                                                                                    Dimensions of the box-shaped compliance boundary (m)

Mode and output power for AIR 5121                                                  Distance in                                            Distance
                                                                                    front of           Width               Height          behind
                                                                                    antenna                                                antenna

Standard                                       Nominal EIRP per beam                GP        W        GP          W       GP        W     GP     W

NR, VTF3 (pre-NR)                              46 dBm                               1.8       0.8      2.3         1.0     1.0       0.5   0      0

1   This page contains a summary of the test results. The full report provides a complete description of all test details and results.
2   The stated EIRP value is the total EIRP without power tolerance included.
3   The abbreviation stands for Verizon technical forum.

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2          General information

The test results presented in this report define compliance boundaries for maximum power configurations for
AIR 5121. Outside of these compliance boundaries the radio frequency (RF) exposure levels are below the
limits specified by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) [3]-[5] and the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) [6][7].
The tests were performed by calculations in accordance with the Ericsson RF exposure calculation procedure
for base stations [8], which is in conformity with the European standards IEC/EN 62232 [9], EN 50385 [2], and
FCC OET Bulletin 65 [7] .
Recommended product specific EMF health and safety information for Ericsson radio products is found in [1].
By inclusion of the test report summary in [1] and the content of Appendices B and C in the product
documentation of the tested equipment, it complies with the documentation requirements listed in clause 8 of
EN 50385 [2].

3          Equipment under test

Tables 1 and 2 below summarize the technical data for the equipment under test (EUT) and the antenna
properties for the tested antennas.
Table 1     Technical data for the EUT.

    Product name and product number                   AIR 5121                           KRD 901 059/1, KRD 901 059/4

    Supported Tx frequency range (GHz), and
                                                      27.5 - 28.35                       NR, VTF (pre-NR)

    Antennas                                          PAAM (Phased Array Antenna Module)

    Dimensions, H x W x D (mm)                        600 x 300 x 90

    Duplexing technology and fraction of
                                                      TDD (89 %)
    downlink transmission time to total time

    Exposure environment                              General public, Workers

    EIRP4 (dBm) and IEC 62232 installation
                                                      55                                           E+
    class [9]

Table 2. EUT antenna properties.

    Type                                                                  Internal AAS

    Number of antenna panels                                                    4

    Number of beams                                                             8

    Gain5 (dBi)                                                                24

    EIRP6 (dBm) per beam                                                       46

    Horizontal HPBW7 (degrees)                                               12°±2°

    Vertical HPBW7 (degrees)                                                 12°±2°

    Number of antenna elements (𝑡𝐇,𝑡𝐕)                                (8,8) (2 polarizations)

    Element separation distance (πš«π‡,πš«π•) (mm)                                (5.9, 5.9)

    Maximum scan range in horizontal plane (degrees)                          ±60°

    Maximum scan range in vertical plane (degrees)                             ±15°

4 The stated EIRP value is the total EIRP without power tolerance included.
5 The stated gain value is the peak beam gain.
6 The stated EIRP value is the peak beam EIRP without power tolerance included.

7 The stated half-power beam widths are for the reference direction (πœƒ,πœ™) = (90°,0°).

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Table 3 lists the nominal output power from the radio unit (total power from all antenna branches) and the total
power delivered to the antenna panels. The total power antenna includes an output power tolerance of 1.5 dB
and TDD ratio.
Table 3. Nominal output power level and total power level including a tolerance of 1.5 dB and TDD ratio for the EUT.
                           Nominal output power         Maximum TDD                  Total time-averaged power delivered
 Standard                  from the radio (dBm/W)       downlink/uplink ratio [8]    to antenna panels (dBm/W)
                                   31 / 1.26                      89:11                              32 / 1.58
    NR, VTF (pre-NR)

4         Exposure conditions

The EUT is intended to be installed on roof-tops, masts, towers, buildings, and similar structures making it
possible to ensure that the general public has no access to the EMF compliance boundary. Other installation
related exposure conditions are not reasonably foreseeable for the EUT.

The maximum TDD downlink/uplink ratio was considered to obtain the maximum time-averaged power
delivered to the antenna. Other factors such as beam scanning in elevation and azimuth, RBS utilization, and
scheduling time are reasonably foreseeable and will significantly reduce the time-averaged power and the RF
exposure. These factors were however not considered in this assessment, which adds to the conservativeness
of the obtained compliance boundaries.

5         Exposure limits

Table 4 presents the FCC [6] and ICNIRP [3] limits on power density for general public/uncontrolled and
workers/controlled exposure in the frequency range used by the EUT.
Table 4    RF EMF expsoure limits applicable for the frequency range used by the EUT.

 Quantity                       General public / Uncontrolled exposure limit        Workers / Controlled exposure limit

 Power density S (W/m2)                               10                                               50

6         EMF compliance boundary calculations
Compliance boundary calculations were conducted according to the Ericsson RF exposure calculation
procedure for base stations using large array antennas [8] which is based on the far-field formula assuming a
cosine scan loss and a Gaussian beam shape [9],[11]. For convenience, the used formulas taken from [8] are
included in Appendix A.

A box-shaped compliance boundary is used, characterized by its width, height, and the compliance distances
behind and in front of the back plane of the EUT, see Figure 1. Outside of this box the RF exposure is below
the exposure limits.

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                                                         Distance in
           Distance behind EUT                          front of EUT

Figure 1. Box-shaped structure specifying the compliance boundary for the EUT.

The compliance distance behind the EUT is determined using the SAR estimation formula [8],[9]. With the
number of elements and the total power level given in Table 2 and Table 3, and the ICNIRP/FCC localized
SAR limits for general public and workers, the compliance distance behind the antenna ground plane was
found to be less than 1 cm for both general public and workers exposure. Since this distance is much shorter
than the thickness of the radio located behind the antenna, the EUT is compliant for touch conditions in the
back direction.

The obtained compliance boundary dimensions are given in Table 5.

Table 5 Dimensions of the box-shaped compliance boundary for general public (GP) and workers (W) exposure for maximum
output power with an assumed 1.5 dB power tolerance and TDD ratio.

                                                  Dimensions of the box-shaped compliance boundary (m)
Mode and output power for AIR 5121                Distance in                                             Distance behind
                                                                       Width             Height
                                                  front of EUT                                            EUT
Standard                  Nominal EIRP per beam   GP        W          GP       W        GP        W      GP      W
NR, VTF (pre-NR)          46 dBm                  1.8       0.8        2.3      1.0      1.0       0.5    0       0

7      Uncertainty
The input parameters were chosen within their range so as to maximize the calculated compliance boundary
dimensions. Consequently, the approach described in Section 6 results in an exposure assessment which is

8      References
    [1] Ericsson, 5/124 46-LZA             701     6001,        “Radio       Frequency         Electromagnetic   Exposure,

    [2] EN 50385, “Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of base station equipment with radio
        frequency electromagnetic field exposure limits (110 MHz – 100 GHz), when placed on the market”,
        European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), 2017.

    [3] ICNIRP, “Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields
        (up to 300 GHz)”, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), Health
        Physics, vol. 74, pp 494-522, April 1998.

    [4] 1999/519/EC, “Council Recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public to
        electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz)”, July 1999.

    [5] 2013/35/EU, “Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the minimum health and
        safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents

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        (electromagnetic fields) (20th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive
        89/391/EEC) and repealing Directive 2004/40/EC”, June 2013.

    [6] FCC, Code of Federal Regulations CFR title 47, part 1.1310 “Radiofrequency radiation exposure
        limits”, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), August 1997.

    [7] FCC, “Evaluating compliance with FCC guidelines for human exposure to radiofrequency
        electromagnetic fields. OET Bulletin 65. Edition 97-01.” Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
        Office of Engineering and Technology, August 1997.

    [8] GFTE-16:001718 Uen, “Ericsson RF exposure calculation procedure for base stations”, Instruction.

    [9] EN/IEC 62232:2017, Determination of RF field strength, power density and SAR in the vicinity of radio
        communication base stations for the purpose of evaluating human exposure, 2017

    [10] 3GPP TS 36:211, “3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access
         Network; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Physical channels and modulation”,

    [11] Mailloux, “Phased array antenna handbook”, Artech House, 2005.

    [12] Ericsson, LME-12:001904 Uen, “Exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields”.

9      Revision history
Rev.       Date               Description
A          2017-10-24         First revision
B          2018-01-16         Corrected nominal power per beam and updated results
C          2018-10-10         Removed bands, updated standard and product numbers

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        Appendix A. Formulas used to estimate the compliance boundary
The compliance distances in front of, to the left/right and above/below the EUT are determined using the
equations below [8]

                                                 𝐢𝐷front =

                                                          (                                                                        )
                                                                                              2(𝛼GS,H β€’ 𝛼)
                                𝐢𝐷left/right = max
                                             𝛼 ≤ 𝛼max,H
                                                              𝐢𝐷front cos 𝛼
                                                                                      β€’   [   π»π»π‘ƒπ΅π‘Š(𝛼)       ] sin (𝛼
                                                                                                                        GS,H   )

                                                              (                                                                        )
                                                                                                  2(𝛼GS,V β€’ 𝛼)
                                 𝐢𝐷up/down = max
                                               𝛼 ≤ 𝛼max,V
                                                                  𝐢𝐷front cos 𝛼
                                                                                          β€’   [   π‘‰π»π‘ƒπ΅π‘Š(𝛼)       ] sin (𝛼
                                                                                                                            GS,V   )

where 𝛼max,H, 𝛼max,V, π»π»π‘ƒπ΅π‘Š,and π‘‰π»π‘ƒπ΅π‘Š denote the maximum scan angles and the half power beam
widths in the horizontal and vertical planes, respectively, and 𝐴 denotes the antenna aperture area given by

                                              𝐴 = 𝑁 𝑦 Δ π‘¦ 𝑁 π‘§Δ π‘§.

Furthermore, with πœ† denoting the free space wavelength

                                                                  𝐴H𝛼 + 𝐴H2 𝛼2 + 4𝐴H +
                                                 𝛼GS,H =
                                                                            2 𝐴H +
                                                                                      3       )
                                                                   𝐴V𝛼 + 𝐴V2𝛼2 + 4𝐴V +
                                                  𝛼GS,V =
                                                                            2 𝐴V +
                                                                                      3       )
                                                                      4ln 2
                                                  𝐴H2 =

                                                                      4ln 2
                                                   𝐴V2 =

                                         π»π»π‘ƒπ΅π‘Š(𝛼) =
                                                                  𝑁𝑦Δ𝑦cos 𝛼
                                         π‘‰π»π‘ƒπ΅π‘Š(𝛼) =
                                                                  𝑁𝑧Δ𝑧cos 𝛼

The compliance distance in the back direction is given by [9]

                                                                  𝐷10g 𝑃t
                                              back =                          ,

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         B                β€’1                                                            gp,occ
where 𝐷10g = 0.005 m ⋅ kg , 𝑁e is the number of antenna elements for all panels, and 𝑆𝐴𝑅 lim denotes the
SAR limits for general public and workers exposure, respectively.

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        Appendix B. Guidelines on how to install the product

The AIR 5121 product (KRD 901 059/1, KRD 901 059/4) shall be installed to make sure that the general public
does not have access to the applicable RF EMF compliance boundary. The compliance boundary dimensions
were determined for the product transmitting in free space. To consider possible contributions from ambient
sources (e.g. other radio products already present on site) or the influence from any reflecting or scattering
objects in the vicinity of the product installation, procedures in IEC 62232 [9] apply.

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        Appendix C. Guidelines for workers during installation,
        maintenance, and repair of the product
For AIR 5121 (KRD 901 059/1, KRD 901 059/4), it is possible to work behind the radio without any restrictions
related to RF EMF exposure if the product is installed so that contributions from other ambient sources (e.g.
other radio products) are not significant and may be neglected. If work needs to be performed within the
compliance boundary applicable for workers, the radio equipment shall be powered off, or the power be
reduced to a level ensuring that the RF EMF exposure is below the relevant exposure limit for workers. To
consider possible contributions from ambient sources (e.g. other radio products already present on site) or the
influence from any reflecting or scattering objects in the vicinity of the product installation, procedures in IEC
62232 [9] apply.

If work is conducted on behalf of Ericsson, minimum EMF related requirements are provided in[12].

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       Appendix D. Photograph of the EUT

                          Figure D.1 Front view of the AIR 5121 with dimensions.

Document Created: 2018-10-10 10:45:35
Document Modified: 2018-10-10 10:45:35

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