test report part 3 of 4

FCC ID: TA8AKRC161752-1

Test Report

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Section 8               Testing data
Test name               Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification           FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

 Figure 8.4-29: Conducted spurious emissions for 10 MHz low channel with     Figure 8.4-30: Conducted spurious emissions for 10 MHz low channel with
                       60 W configuration at Port A                                                60 W configuration at Port C

 Figure 8.4-31: Conducted spurious emissions for 10 MHz mid channel with     Figure 8.4-32: Conducted spurious emissions for 10 MHz mid channel with
                       60 W configuration at Port A                                                60 W configuration at Port C

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                              Page 70 of 118

Section 8                Testing data
Test name                Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification            FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

 Figure 8.4-33: Conducted spurious emissions for 10 MHz high channel with     Figure 8.4-34: Conducted spurious emissions for 10 MHz high channel with
                       60 W configuration at Port A                                                 60 W configuration at Port C

Figure 8.4-35: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 2× 5 MHz channel with     Figure 8.4-36: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 2× 5 MHz channel with
                      40 W configuration at Port A                                                 40 W configuration at Port B

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                               Page 71 of 118

Section 8               Testing data
Test name               Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification           FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

Figure 8.4-37: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 2× 5 MHz channel with    Figure 8.4-38: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 2× 5 MHz channel with
                      40 W configuration at Port C                                                40 W configuration at Port D

Figure 8.4-39: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 2× 5 MHz channel with    Figure 8.4-40: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 2× 5 MHz channel with
                      60 W configuration at Port A                                                60 W configuration at Port C

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                             Page 72 of 118

Section 8               Testing data
Test name               Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification           FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

Figure 8.4-41: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 2× 10 MHz channel with   Figure 8.4-42: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 2× 10 MHz channel with
                       40 W configuration at Port A                                                40 W configuration at Port B

Figure 8.4-43: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 2× 10 MHz channel with   Figure 8.4-44: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 2× 10 MHz channel with
                       40 W configuration at Port C                                                40 W configuration at Port D

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                              Page 73 of 118

Section 8               Testing data
Test name               Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification           FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

Figure 8.4-45: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 2× 10 MHz channel with   Figure 8.4-46: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 2× 10 MHz channel with
                       60 W configuration at Port A                                                60 W configuration at Port C

Figure 8.4-47: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 3× 5 MHz channel with    Figure 8.4-48: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 3× 5 MHz channel with
                      40 W configuration at Port A                                                40 W configuration at Port B

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                              Page 74 of 118

Section 8               Testing data
Test name               Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification           FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

Figure 8.4-49: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 3× 5 MHz channel with    Figure 8.4-50: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 3× 5 MHz channel with
                      40 W configuration at Port C                                                40 W configuration at Port D

Figure 8.4-51: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 3× 5 MHz channel with    Figure 8.4-52: Conducted spurious emissions for MC 3× 5 MHz channel with
                      60 W configuration at Port A                                                60 W configuration at Port C

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Section 8               Testing data
Test name               Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification           FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

 Figure 8.4-53: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, 5 MHz channel       Figure 8.4-54: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, 5 MHz channel
                    with 40 W configuration at Port A                                           with 40 W configuration at Port B

 Figure 8.4-55: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, 5 MHz channel       Figure 8.4-56: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, 5 MHz channel
                    with 40 W configuration at Port C                                           with 40 W configuration at Port D

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                            Page 76 of 118

Section 8               Testing data
Test name               Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification           FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

 Figure 8.4-57: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, 5 MHz channel       Figure 8.4-58: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, 5 MHz channel
                    with 60 W configuration at Port A                                           with 60 W configuration at Port C

 Figure 8.4-59: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, 5 MHz channel       Figure 8.4-60: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, 5 MHz channel
                    with 40 W configuration at Port A                                           with 40 W configuration at Port B

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                            Page 77 of 118

Section 8               Testing data
Test name               Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification           FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

 Figure 8.4-61: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, 5 MHz channel       Figure 8.4-62: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, 5 MHz channel
                    with 40 W configuration at Port C                                           with 40 W configuration at Port D

 Figure 8.4-63: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, 5 MHz channel       Figure 8.4-64: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, 5 MHz channel
                    with 60 W configuration at Port A                                           with 60 W configuration at Port C

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                            Page 78 of 118

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification          FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

Figure 8.4-65: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, 10 MHz channel     Figure 8.4-66: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, 10 MHz channel
                    with 40 W configuration at Port A                                          with 40 W configuration at Port B

Figure 8.4-67: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, 10 MHz channel     Figure 8.4-68: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, 10 MHz channel
                    with 40 W configuration at Port C                                          with 40 W configuration at Port D

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                           Page 79 of 118

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification          FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

Figure 8.4-69: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, 10 MHz channel     Figure 8.4-70: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, 10 MHz channel
                    with 60 W configuration at Port A                                          with 60 W configuration at Port C

Figure 8.4-71: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, 10 MHz channel     Figure 8.4-72: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, 10 MHz channel
                    with 40 W configuration at Port A                                          with 40 W configuration at Port B

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                           Page 80 of 118

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification          FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

Figure 8.4-73: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, 10 MHz channel     Figure 8.4-74: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, 10 MHz channel
                    with 40 W configuration at Port C                                          with 40 W configuration at Port D

Figure 8.4-75: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, 10 MHz channel     Figure 8.4-76: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, 10 MHz channel
                    with 60 W configuration at Port A                                          with 60 W configuration at Port C

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                           Page 81 of 118

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification          FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

  Figure 8.4-77: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, MC 2×5 MHz         Figure 8.4-78: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, MC 2×5 MHz
                 channel with 40 W configuration at Port A                                  channel with 40 W configuration at Port B

  Figure 8.4-79: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, MC 2×5 MHz         Figure 8.4-80: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, MC 2×5 MHz
                 channel with 40 W configuration at Port C                                  channel with 40 W configuration at Port D

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                          Page 82 of 118

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification          FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

  Figure 8.4-81: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, MC 2×5 MHz         Figure 8.4-82: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, MC 2×5 MHz
                 channel with 60 W configuration at Port A                                  channel with 60 W configuration at Port C

  Figure 8.4-83: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, MC 2×5 MHz         Figure 8.4-84: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, MC 2×5 MHz
                 channel with 40 W configuration at Port A                                  channel with 40 W configuration at Port B

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                          Page 83 of 118

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification          FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

  Figure 8.4-85: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, MC 2×5 MHz         Figure 8.4-86: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, MC 2×5 MHz
                 channel with 40 W configuration at Port C                                  channel with 40 W configuration at Port D

  Figure 8.4-87: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, MC 2×5 MHz         Figure 8.4-88: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, MC 2×5 MHz
                 channel with 60 W configuration at Port A                                  channel with 60 W configuration at Port C

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                          Page 84 of 118

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification          FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

 Figure 8.4-89: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, MC 2×10 MHz        Figure 8.4-90: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, MC 2×10 MHz
                 channel with 40 W configuration at Port A                                  channel with 40 W configuration at Port B

 Figure 8.4-91: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, MC 2×10 MHz        Figure 8.4-92: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, MC 2×10 MHz
                 channel with 40 W configuration at Port C                                  channel with 40 W configuration at Port D

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                          Page 85 of 118

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification          FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

 Figure 8.4-93: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, MC 2×10 MHz        Figure 8.4-94: Conducted band edge emission at 869 MHz, MC 2×10 MHz
                 channel with 60 W configuration at Port A                                  channel with 60 W configuration at Port C

 Figure 8.4-95: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, MC 2×10 MHz        Figure 8.4-96: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, MC 2×10 MHz
                 channel with 40 W configuration at Port A                                  channel with 40 W configuration at Port B

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                          Page 86 of 118

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Clause 22.917(a) and RSS-132 5.5 Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (B5)
Specification          FCC Part 22 and RSS-132

 Figure 8.4-97: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, MC 2×10 MHz        Figure 8.4-98: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, MC 2×10 MHz
                 channel with 40 W configuration at Port C                                  channel with 40 W configuration at Port D

 Figure 8.4-99: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, MC 2×10 MHz        Figure 8.4-100: Conducted band edge emission at 894 MHz, MC 2×10 MHz
                 channel with 60 W configuration at Port A                                  channel with 60 W configuration at Port C

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                          Page 87 of 118

 Section 8                Testing data
 Test name                Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (multi band B5 and B12A)
 Specification            FCC Parts 22 and 27, RSS-130 and RSS-132

8.5     Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (multi band B5 and B12A)

8.5.1       Definitions and limits

 FCC P27, FCC P22, RSS-130 and RSS-132
 Out of band emissions. The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below the transmitting
 power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB.

8.5.2       Test summary

Test date               October 25, 2018

8.5.3       Observations, settings and special notes

 The spectrum was searched from 30 MHz to the 10 th harmonic.
 All measurements were performed using a RMS detector.
 For compensation of 40 W MIMO 4×4 application limit lines were adjusted by 6 dB 1 to −19 dBm
 For compensation of 60 W MIMO 2×2 application limit lines were adjusted by 3 dB 2 to −16 dBm
            110 × Log (4) = −6 dB
            210 × Log (2) = −3 dB

 Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                               Page 88 of 118

Section 8                Testing data
Test name                Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (multi band B5 and B12A)
Specification            FCC Parts 22 and 27, RSS-130 and RSS-132

8.5.4     Test data

  Figure 8.5-1: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz low      Figure 8.5-2: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz low
    channel, B12A 5 MHz low channel with 40 W configuration at Port A           channel, B12A 5 MHz low channel with 40 W configuration at Port B

  Figure 8.5-3: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz low      Figure 8.5-4: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz low
    channel, B12A 5 MHz low channel with 40 W configuration at Port C           channel, B12A 5 MHz low channel with 40 W configuration at Port D

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                              Page 89 of 118

Section 8                Testing data
Test name                Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (multi band B5 and B12A)
Specification            FCC Parts 22 and 27, RSS-130 and RSS-132

  Figure 8.5-5: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz low      Figure 8.5-6: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz low
    channel, B12A 5 MHz mid channel with 60 W configuration at Port A           channel, B12A 5 MHz mid channel with 40 W configuration at Port C

  Figure 8.5-7: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz mid      Figure 8.5-8: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz mid
    channel, B12A 5 MHz mid channel with 40 W configuration at Port A           channel, B12A 5 MHz mid channel with 40 W configuration at Port B

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                              Page 90 of 118

Section 8                Testing data
Test name                Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (multi band B5 and B12A)
Specification            FCC Parts 22 and 27, RSS-130 and RSS-132

  Figure 8.5-9: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz mid     Figure 8.5-10: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz mid
    channel, B12A 5 MHz mid channel with 40 W configuration at Port C           channel, B12A 5 MHz mid channel with 40 W configuration at Port D

 Figure 8.5-11: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz mid     Figure 8.5-12: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz mid
    channel, B12A 5 MHz mid channel with 60 W configuration at Port A           channel, B12A 5 MHz mid channel with 60 W configuration at Port C

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                              Page 91 of 118

Section 8                Testing data
Test name                Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (multi band B5 and B12A)
Specification            FCC Parts 22 and 27, RSS-130 and RSS-132

 Figure 8.5-13: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz high    Figure 8.5-14: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz high
    channel, B12A 5 MHz high channel with 40 W configuration at Port A          channel, B12A 5 MHz high channel with 40 W configuration at Port B

 Figure 8.5-15: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz high    Figure 8.5-16: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz high
    channel, B12A 5 MHz high channel with 40 W configuration at Port C          channel, B12A 5 MHz high channel with 40 W configuration at Port D

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                              Page 92 of 118

Section 8                Testing data
Test name                Spurious emissions at RF antenna connector (multi band B5 and B12A)
Specification            FCC Parts 22 and 27, RSS-130 and RSS-132

 Figure 8.5-17: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz high    Figure 8.5-18: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 5 MHz high
    channel, B12A 5 MHz high channel with 60 W configuration at Port A          channel, B12A 5 MHz high channel with 60 W configuration at Port C

Figure 8.5-19: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 10 MHz low     Figure 8.5-20: Conducted spurious emissions for multi band B5 10 MHz low
   channel, B12A 10 MHz low channel with 40 W configuration at Port A           channel, B12A 10 MHz low channel with 40 W configuration at Port B

Report reference ID: 362902-1TRFWL-R1                                                                                              Page 93 of 118

Document Created: 2018-12-07 09:51:10
Document Modified: 2018-12-07 09:51:10

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