Test Report I Part 5

FCC ID: TA8AKRC161609-2

Test Report

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                                                            Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
                                                                               Page 338 of 356


    Level [dBµV/m]




                                                x    x     x                x
30                x       x     x
                                      +         +    +     +       +
20           ++      +        + +


        1G               1.5G                2G          2.5G               3G
                                    Frequency [Hz]

x       MES AE1029_LV6_red
+       MES AE1029_LV6_red2
        MES AE1029_LV6_pre
        MES AE1029_LV6_pre2
        LIM FCC 15 F 3 PK   Field Strength QP
        LIM FCC 15 F 3 AV   Field Strength QP

                                                            TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                          Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
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    Level [dBµV/m]



50                                                                        x
                                                          x         x
                                        x            x
                          x      x          x
40                    x                                                       +
             x                                            +         +
                                        +             +
30                               +              +
                      +   +


        3G       4G       5G     6G   7G 8G         10G                 18G
                               Frequency [Hz]

x       MES AE1029_LH12_red
+       MES AE1029_LH12_red2
        MES AE1029_LH12_pre
        MES AE1029_LH12_pre2
        LIM FCC 15 F 3 PK   Field Strength QP
        LIM FCC 15 F 3 AV   Field Strength QP

                                                          TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                              Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
                                                                                 Page 340 of 356


    Level [dBµV/m]



50                                                                      x
                                 x       x          x
40               x                                                             +
             x                                                +         +
                                     +                    +
30                               +              +
                      +   +


        3G       4G       5G     6G   7G 8G             10G                 18G
                               Frequency [Hz]

x       MES AE1029_LV12_red
+       MES AE1029_LV12_red2
        MES AE1029_LV12_pre
        MES AE1029_LV12_pre2
        LIM FCC 15 F 3 PK   Field Strength QP
        LIM FCC 15 F 3 AV   Field Strength QP

                                                              TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                         Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
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    Level [dBµV/m]



50        x     x      x   x      x            x     x           x      x





        18G   19G    20G    21G     22G     23G    24G     25G       26.5G
                             Frequency [Hz]

x       MES AE1030_HH4_red
        MES AE1030_HH4_pre
        LIM FCC 15 F 3 PK  Field Strength QP
        LIM FCC 15 F 3 AV  Field Strength QP

                                                         TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

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    Level [dBµV/m]



50            x             x     x   x              x         x        x         x
                        x                       x





        18G       19G       20G   21G     22G     23G    24G         25G       26.5G
                                   Frequency [Hz]

x       MES AE1030_HV4_red
        MES AE1030_HV4_pre
        LIM FCC 15 F 3 PK  Field Strength QP
        LIM FCC 15 F 3 AV  Field Strength QP

                                                               TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

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              TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                       Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
                                                                          Page 344 of 356

Channel Position M – QPSK

No emissions were detected within 20dB of the limit.

Channel Position T – QPSK

No emissions were detected within 20dB of the limit.

                                                       TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                                  Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
                                                                                     Page 345 of 356

L-MIMO-MC 1 (2C)

Maximum Output Power 12dBm per port:

         Channel Position                               Channel Frequency
              BRFBW                                    5500MHz + 5520MHz

Channel Position BRFBW – QPSK

No emissions were detected within 20dB of the limit.

L-MIMO-MC 2 (3C)

Maximum Output Power 12dBm per port:

         Channel Position                               Channel Frequency
              BRFBW                                5500MHz + 5520MHz + 5540MHz

Channel Position BRFBW – QPSK

No emissions were detected within 20dB of the limit.

                                                                  TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                            Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
                                                                               Page 346 of 356

Configuration B1


Maximum Output Power 12dBm per port:

         Channel Position                 Bandwidth (MHz)         Channel Frequency
                B                            20.0 MHz                  5260MHz
               M                             20.0 MHz                  5300MHz
                T                            20.0 MHz                  5320MHz

Channel Position B – QPSK

No emissions were detected within 20dB of the limit.

Channel Position T – QPSK

No emissions were detected within 20dB of the limit.

Channel Position M – QPSK

                                                            TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                            Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
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Configuration B2


Maximum Output Power 12dBm per port:

         Channel Position                 Bandwidth (MHz)         Channel Frequency
                B                            20.0 MHz                  5500MHz
            M (for IC)                       20.0 MHz                  5580MHz
            M (for FCC)                      20.0 MHz                  5600MHz
                T                            20.0 MHz                  5700MHz

Channel Position B – QPSK

No emissions were detected within 20dB of the limit.

Channel Position M – QPSK

No emissions were detected within 20dB of the limit.

Channel Position T – QPSK

                                                            TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                                              Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
                                                                                                 Page 348 of 356

9     Conducted Emission
      Test result:         Pass

9.1    Limit

                                                                  Conducted Limit (dBuV)
        Frequency of Emission (MHz)
                                                             QP                               AV
                     0.15-0.5                            66 to 56*                         56 to 46 *
                      0.5-5                                  56                               46
                      5-30                                   60                               50
 * Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

9.2     Test Method

Measured levels of ac power-line conducted emission shall be the emission voltages from the voltage
probe, where permitted, or across the 50 Ω LISN port (to which the EUT is connected), where permitted,
terminated into a 50 Ω measuring instrument. All emission voltage and current measurements shall be
made on each current-carrying conductor at the plug end of the EUT power cord by the use of mating plugs
and receptacles on the LISN, if used. Equipment shall be tested with power cords that are normally supplied
or recommended by the manufacturer and that have electrical and shielding characteristics that are the
same as those cords normally supplied or recommended by the manufacturer. For those measurements
using a LISN, the 50 Ω measuring port is terminated by a measuring instrument having 50 Ω input
impedance. All other ports are terminated in 50 Ω loads.

Tabletop devices shall be placed on a platform of nominal size 1 m by 1.5 m, raised 80 cm above the
reference ground plane. The vertical conducting plane or wall of an RF-shielded (screened) room shall be
located 40 cm to the rear of the EUT. Floor-standing devices shall be placed either directly on the reference
ground-plane or on insulating material. All other surfaces of tabletop or floor-standing EUTs shall be at least
80 cm from any other grounded conducting surface, including the case or cases of one or more LISNs.

The bandwidth of the test receiver is set at 9 kHz.

                                                                             TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                                         Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
                                                                                            Page 349 of 356

9.3       Test Results

Note: The EUT was set to Transmitting Mode with AC power supply and the worse results and plots is shown
as below

Test Curve:

L line:

                                Quasi-peak                                       Average
      Frequency                                      Frequency
                          Level   Limit    Margin                      Level       Limit      Margin
        (MHz)                                          (MHz)
                         dB(μV)  dB(μV)     dB                        dB(μV)      dB(μV)       dB
          0.1635         51.33    65.28    13.95        0.1635        40.65       55.28       14.63
          0.3255         48.03    59.57    11.54        0.3255        33.09       49.57       16.48
          0.50549        19.73    56.00    36.27       0.50549        10.63       46.00       35.37
           6.333         15.86    60.00    44.14        6.333         11.04       50.00       38.96
           7.872         18.15    60.00    41.85        7.872          5.83       50.00       44.17
          22.083         21.60    60.00    38.40        22.083        13.20       50.00       36.80

                                                                        TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

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N line:

                             Quasi-peak                                Average
     Frequency                                   Frequency
                     Level     Limit    Margin                Level      Limit      Margin
       (MHz)                                       (MHz)
                    dB(μV)    dB(μV)     dB                  dB(μV)     dB(μV)       dB
           0.159    49.14      65.52    16.38      0.159     33.28      55.52       22.24
           0.303    46.55      60.16    13.61      0.303     35.90      50.16       14.26
           0.321    46.84      59.68    12.84      0.321     32.40      49.68       17.28
           2.535    12.75      56.00    43.25      2.535      5.34      46.00       40.66
           6.333    23.88      60.00    36.12      6.333     11.06      50.00       38.94
          21.9255   20.84      60.00    39.16     21.9255    12.76      50.00       37.24

                                                               TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                                                Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
                                                                                                   Page 351 of 356

10 Frequency Stability
     Test result:        Pass

10.1 Limit

The frequency stability shall be sufficient to ensure that an emission is maintained within the band of
operation under all conditions of normal operation as specified in the user’s manual.

10.2 Test Result:

      Frequency Error - Temperature Variation

      Configuration A1


      Maximum Output Power 18dBm per port:

                                                               Frequency Stability (Hz)
        Supply Voltage   Temperature
                                         Channel Position B      Channel Position M         Channel Position H
           DC (V)           (°C)
                                            (5260MHz)               (5300MHz)                  (5320MHz)
                                -30            -17.97                  -13.94                     -18.63
                                -20            -12.27                  -17.49                     -14.90
                                -10            -10.06                  -10.74                     -9.92
                                0              -15.76                  -15.57                     -15.89
             -48.0              10             -14.36                  -10.89                     -12.89
                                20             -26.30                  -26.85                     -26.23
                                30             -20.03                  -24.72                     -14.83
                                40             -17.04                  -19.77                     -16.91
                                50             -21.94                  -21.99                     -24.20

                                                                                TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                                    Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
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Configuration A2


Maximum Output Power 18dBm per port:

                                                     Frequency Stability (Hz)
              Temperature   Channel Position   Channel Position Channel Position    Channel Position
                 (°C)             B                M for IC           M for FCC           H
    DC (V)
                              (5500MHz)          (5580MHz)           (5600MHz)        (5700MHz)
                   -30          -14.67             -16.14            -14.97              -16.24
                   -20          -14.24             -15.52            -13.89              -17.72
                   -10          -12.04             -10.87             -9.39              -13.07
                   0            -21.58             -14.88            -19.59              -15.14
    -48.0          10           -14.01             -15.78            -13.76              -16.92
                   20           -28.17             -25.37            -25.46              -27.20
                   30           -14.23             -13.97            -16.82              -14.26
                   40           -14.42             -14.04            -11.60              -14.31
                   50           -17.97             -16.29            -17.48              -21.10

                                                                   TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                                              Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
                                                                                                 Page 353 of 356

Frequency Error - Voltage Variation

Configuration A1


Maximum Output Power 18dBm per port:

                                                             Frequency Stability (Hz)
 Supply Voltage     Temperature
                                      Channel Position B       Channel Position M         Channel Position H
    DC (V)             (°C)
                                         (5260MHz)                (5300MHz)                  (5320MHz)
     -48.0                                  -26.30                   -26.85                     -26.23
     -40.8                 20               -30.24                   -30.48                     -26.59
     -55.2                                  -27.04                   -28.83                     -28.02

Configuration A2


Maximum Output Power 18dBm per port:

                                                           Frequency Stability (Hz)
                  Temperature     Channel Position   Channel Position Channel Position        Channel Position
                     (°C)               B                M for IC           M for FCC               H
    DC (V)
                                    (5500MHz)          (5580MHz)           (5600MHz)            (5700MHz)
    -48.0                             -28.17               -25.37              -25.46              -27.20
    -40.8             20              -25.86               -26.14              -26.71              -26.81
    -55.2                             -28.05               -24.32              -23.72              -24.83

                                                                              TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                                       Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
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Frequency Error - Temperature Variation

Configuration B1


Maximum Output Power 12dBm per port:

                                                      Frequency Stability (Hz)
 Supply Voltage    Temperature
                                 Channel Position B     Channel Position M         Channel Position H
    DC (V)            (°C)
                                    (5260MHz)              (5300MHz)                  (5320MHz)
                       -30            -18.23                  -15.83                     -14.23
                       -20            -14.66                  -12.99                     -16.74
                       -10            -12.64                  -10.23                     -10.76
                       0              -15.49                  -13.74                     -16.16
     -48.0             10             -13.17                  -12.29                     -12.56
                       20             -27.20                  -27.53                     -27.95
                       30             -14.26                  -14.32                     -13.84
                       40             -16.57                  -16.22                     -20.17
                       50             -20.84                  -21.44                     -19.89

                                                                       TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

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Configuration B2


Maximum Output Power 12dBm per port:

                                                     Frequency Stability (Hz)
              Temperature   Channel Position   Channel Position Channel Position    Channel Position
                 (°C)             B                M for IC           M for FCC           H
    DC (V)
                              (5500MHz)          (5580MHz)           (5600MHz)        (5700MHz)
                   -30          -19.76             -16.67            -15.74              -18.52
                   -20          -15.39             -13.76            -15.15              -15.14
                   -10          -12.38             -10.32            -10.59              -10.17
                   0            -15.96             -14.44            -13.48              -13.79
    -48.0          10           -14.14             -16.21            -18.07              -15.39
                   20           -25.12             -27.69            -26.51              -27.33
                   30           -14.84             -14.32            -14.09              -13.83
                   40           -16.02             -15.89            -12.35              -15.26
                   50           -15.91             -15.70            -18.34              -20.52

                                                                   TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

                                                                                   Test report no. 181101313SHA-001
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     Frequency Error - Voltage Variation

     Configuration B1


     Maximum Output Power 12dBm per port:

                                                                  Frequency Stability (Hz)
      Supply Voltage     Temperature
                                           Channel Position B       Channel Position M         Channel Position H
         DC (V)             (°C)
                                              (5260MHz)                (5300MHz)                  (5320MHz)
          -40.8                                  -27.20                   -27.53                     -27.95
          -48.0                 20               -26.54                   -31.50                     -28.02
          -55.2                                  -24.56                   -30.90                     -26.67

     Configuration B2


     Maximum Output Power 12dBm per port:

                                                                Frequency Stability (Hz)
                       Temperature     Channel Position   Channel Position Channel Position        Channel Position
                          (°C)               B                M for IC           M for FCC               H
         DC (V)
                                         (5500MHz)          (5580MHz)           (5600MHz)            (5700MHz)
         -40.8                             -25.12               -27.69              -26.51              -27.33
         -48.0             20              -27.62               -26.80              -28.01              -24.43
         -55.2                             -26.62               -28.69              -26.50              -26.48

***************************************** END *****************************************

                                                                                   TTRF15.407-02_V1 © 2017 Intertek

Document Created: 2019-03-28 11:33:56
Document Modified: 2019-03-28 11:33:56

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