Test Report III


Test Report

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Report On
FCC Testing of the
Ericsson Remote Radio Unit LTE KRC 161 592/1 and KRC 161 592/2
Radio 2217 B26D (859-880 MHz) Base Station configuration in
accordance with FCC CFR 47 Part 2, FCC CFR 47 Part 22, and
FCC CFR 47 Part 90

PREPARED BY                     APPROVED BY            DATED

                                                       18 September 2018
Maggie Whiting                  Ryan Henley
Key Account Manager             Authorised Signatory

Document 75939974 Report 03 Issue 1                    September 2018


Section                                                                                                                                          Page No

1             REPORT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 2
1.1          Report Details ................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2          Brief Summary of Results .............................................................................................................. 4
1.3          Configuration Description .............................................................................................................. 5
1.4          Declaration of Build Status ............................................................................................................ 6
1.5          Product Information ....................................................................................................................... 7
1.6          Test Setup ..................................................................................................................................... 8
1.7          Test Conditions .............................................................................................................................. 9
1.8          Deviation From The Standard ....................................................................................................... 9
1.9          Modification Record ....................................................................................................................... 9
1.10         Test Location ................................................................................................................................. 9
2             TEST DETAILS .......................................................................................................................... 10
2.1          Maximum Peak Output Power and Peak to Average Ratio - Conducted .................................... 11
2.2          Occupied Bandwidth .................................................................................................................... 15
2.3          Band Edge ................................................................................................................................... 18
2.4          Transmitter Spurious Emissions .................................................................................................. 22
3             TEST EQUIPMENT USED ......................................................................................................... 26
3.1          Test Equipment Used .................................................................................................................. 27
3.2          Measurement Uncertainty............................................................................................................ 29
4             ACCREDITATION, DISCLAIMERS AND COPYRIGHT............................................................ 30
4.1          Accreditation, Disclaimers and Copyright .................................................................................... 31

ANNEX A Module Lists..............................................................................................................................A.2

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                                      SECTION 1

                                  REPORT INFORMATION

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        The information contained in this report is intended to show verification of the Ericsson Radio
        2217 B26D KRC 161 592/1 and KRC 161 592/2 to the requirements of FCC CFR 47 Parts 22
        and 90.

        Testing was carried out in support of an application for Grant of Radio 2217 B26D KRC 161
        592/1 and KRC 161 592/2 in LTE mode.

        Manufacturer                         Ericsson AB

        Address                              Isafjordsgatan 10
                                             SE-164 80
                                             Stockholm 16480
        Product Name                         Radio 2217 B26D

        Product Number                       KRC 161 592/1

        Serial Number(s)                     SD825975510

        Software Version                     CXP 901 7316/2 R67GK

        Hardware Version                     R1E

        Non-Test Variant                     KRC 161 592/2

        Test Specification/Issue/Date        FCC CFR 47 Part 2: 2016
                                             FCC CFR 47 Part 22: 2016
                                             FCC CFR 47 Part 90: 2016
        Start of Test                        26 September 2017

        Finish of Test                       28 September 2017

        Name of Engineer(s)                  Mohamed Toubella

        Related Document(s)                  KDB 971168 D01 v02r02
                                             KDB 662911 D01 v02r01

          This report has been up issued to Issue 2 and should be read in place of Issue 1. This
            report has been up issued to Issue 2 to correct the Maximum rated output power
                        Statement in Section 1.4, The Declaration of Build Status.

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        A brief summary of results for each configuration, in accordance with FCC CFR 47 Part 2, FCC
        CFR 47 Part 22 and FCC 47 CFR Part 90 is shown below.

                                Specification Clause
         Section   FCC CFR 47     FCC CFR 47         FCC CFR 47   Test Description                            Result
                     Part 2           Part 22          Part 90

                                                                  Maximum Peak Output Power and Peak to
         2.1         2.1046         22.913 (a)       90.635                                                   Pass
                                                                  Average Ratio - Conducted

         2.2         2.1049         22.917 (b)          -         Occupied Bandwidth                          Pass

         2.3         2.1051      22.905 / 22.917     90.691       Band Edge                                   Pass

         2.4         2.1051          22.917          90.691       Transmitter Spurious Emissions              Pass

        NOTE: Only a limited subset of testing was performed to cover 15 MHz bandwidth where the
        channel is configured to overlap between the 859 MHz to 869 MHz and 869 MHz to 880 MHz
        bands. Further test results can be found in test reports 75939974 Report 01 and 75939974
        Report 02.

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                           Configuration Code   Carrier(s)   Configuration Description
          Config A         L-MIMO-SC            1C           LTE MIMO, Single Carrier

          Config B         L-MIMO-MC            2C           LTE MIMO, Multi Carrier x2

          Config C         L-MIMO-MC1           3C           LTE MIMO, Multi Carrier x3

        The Radio 2217 B26D KRC 161 592/1 and KRC 161 592/2 supports Test Models E-TM1.1, E-
        TM3.2 and E-TM3.1 at 800 MHz defined in 3GPP TS 36.141. Test Model E-TM1.1 is used to
        represent QPSK modulation only, and Test Model E-TM3.2 is used to represent 16QAM
        modulation, and Test Model E-TM3.1 is used to represent 64QAM modulation. The product also
        supports ETM3.1a for 256QAM.

        The settings below were deemed representative for all traffic scenarios when settings with
        different modulations, channel bandwidths, number of carriers and RF configurations have been
        tested to find the worst case setting. The setting below were used for all measurements if not
        otherwise noted:

        MIMO mode single carrier: E-TM1.1
        MIMO mode multi carrier (x2): E-TM1.1
        MIMO mode multi carrier (x3): E-TM1.1

        The Maximum Output Power was tested on both TX/RX output connector RF A and RF B, all
        other TX measurements were performed on the combined TX/RX output connector RF A of the
        EUT as the representative ports.

        The complete testing was performed with the EUT transmiting at maximum RF power Unless
        otherwise stated.

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         Manufacturing Description   Remote Radio Unit
         Manufacturer                Ericsson AB
         Product Name                Radio 2217 B26D
                                     KRC 161 592/1
         Product Number
                                     KRC 161 592/2
         RU Name                     Radio 2217 B26D
         RU Number                   KRC 161 592/1
                                     KRC 161 592/2
         DU Name                     NA
         DU Number                   NA
         Band Number                 B26D
         RAT                         LTE
         Number of carriers          Maximum 3 carriers per port
         Base station class          Wide Area
         Maximum rated output        Maximum 46.0dBm (40W) per port for all modes except maximum 43.0dBm (20W) per
         power(s)                    carrier per port for LTE 1.4MHz Single Carrier
         Duplex Mode                 FDD
         Frequency Band              B26D (800MHz)
         Modulation type(s)          LTE: QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM
         Channel Bandwidth(s)        LTE: 1.4MHz, 3MHz, 5MHz, 10MHz, 15MHz
         Transmit diversity          Each transmitter path is declared to be equivalent
         Receive diversity           Each receiver path is declared to be equivalent
         MIMO                        Each transmitter path is declared to be equivalent
                                     Each receiver path is declared to be equivalent
         ITU designation or class    LTE: 1M40F9W, 3M00F9W, 5M00F9W, 10M0F9W, 15M0F9W
         of emission
         Hardware Version            R1E
         Software Version            CXP 901 7316/2 R67GK
         FCC ID                      TA8AKRC161592
         ISED Model Name
         Highest Internally          1030.1 MHz
         Generated Frequency
         Environment temperature     Minimum                                 Maximum
         range(s)                    −40 °C                                  +55 °C
         AC Power source             Voltage Range(s)
                                     Minimum VAC                       Nominal     Maximum VAC
         DC Power source             Yes
                                     Voltage Range(s)
                                     Minimum VDC                       Nominal     Maximum VDC
                                     −36.0                             −48 V       −58.5 V
         Options                     Type                                    Model


         D of B S Serial No

        No responsibility will be accepted by TÜV SÜD Product Service UK Limited as to the accuracy
        of the information declared in this document by the manufacturer.

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1.5.1   Technical Description

        The Equipment Under Test (EUT) Radio 2217 B26D KRC 161 592/1 and KRC 161 592/2 is an
        Ericsson Remote Radio Unit working in the public mobile service 800 MHz band which provides
        communication connections to 800 MHz network. The Radio 2217 B26D KRC 161 592/1 and
        KRC 161 592/2 operates from a -48V DC supply.

        The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is shown in the photograph below. A full technical description
        can be found in the Manufacturer’s documentation.

                                            Equipment Under Test

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1.6     TEST SETUP

        Block diagram of Radio 2217 B26D with cables and auxiliary equipment for Conducted

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        For all tests the EUT was set up in accordance with the relevant test standard and to represent
        typical operating conditions. Tests were applied with the EUT situated in a shielded enclosure,
        test laboratories or a chamber as appropriate.

        The EUT was powered from a -48V DC supply.

        FCC Measurement Facility Registration Number
        90987 Octagon House, Fareham Test Laboratory


        No deviations from the applicable test standards or test plan were made during testing.


        No modifications were made to the EUT during testing.


        TÜV SÜD Product Service conducted the following tests at our Fareham Test Laboratory.

         Test Name                                             Name of Engineer(s)

         Maximum Peak Output Power and Peak to Average Ratio   Mohamed Toubella
         - Conducted

         Occupied Bandwidth                                    Mohamed Toubella

         Band Edge                                             Mohamed Toubella

         Transmitter Spurious Emissions                        Mohamed Toubella

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                                       SECTION 2

                                      TEST DETAILS

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2.1.1   Specification Reference

        FCC CFR 47 Part 2, Clause 2.1046
        FCC CFR 47 Part 22, Clause 22.913 (a)
        FCC CFR 47 Part 90, Clause 90.635

2.1.2   Date of Test and Modification State

        28 September 2017 - Modification State 0

2.1.3   Test Equipment Used

        The major items of test equipment used for the above tests are identified in Section 3.1.

2.1.4   Environmental Conditions

        Ambient Temperature       21.9C
        Relative Humidity         55.3%

2.1.5   Test Method

        All measurements were made in accordance with FCC KDB 971168 D01, clause 5.2.1 and
        summed in accordance with FCC KDB 662911 D01. Peak to Average measurements were
        performed in accordance with FCC KDB 971168 D01, clause 5.7.1.

        Measurements were performed with a Spectrum Analyser using the Band Power measurement
        function. The detector was set to RMS with an RBW of at least 1 % of the carrier bandwidth
        and a VBW of at least 3 times the RBW. The integration bandwidth was configured to cover
        only the portion of the band being tested - 859 - 869 MHz for Part 90 and 869 - 880 MHz for
        Part 22. Using a sweep time of auto, measurements were performed over 200 samples, with
        the average measurement recorded. By summing the power in the 859 – 869 MHz and 869 –
        880 MHz, the declared maximum power is achieved.

        Due to Average measurements being recorded, an additional Peak to Average measurement
        was made in all single carrier configurations. This was achieved using the CCDF function of the
        Spectrum Analyser with the RBW being set to a value wider than the largest signal being
        measured – in this case – 15 MHz.

        For PSD, measurements were performed in both parts of the bands - 859 - 869 MHz and 869 -
        880 MHz. The maximum of the two average PSD's was recorded and also a measurement of
        the total 15 MHz power. The results are recorded in the tables below.

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2.1.6   Test Results

        Configuration A

        Maximum Output Power 46 dBm

                                                            Peak to Average Ratio (PAR) / Output Power
                                           LTE Carrier                  Channel Position B
             Antenna      LTE Modulation
                                           Bandwidth                     Total Average Power (15 MHz BW)
                                                          PAR (dB)
                                                                             dBm              dBm/MHz
               A              QPSK         15.0 MHz         7.28             46.23              35.87

                                                            Peak to Average Ratio (PAR) / Output Power
                                           LTE Carrier                  Channel Position B
             Antenna      LTE Modulation
                                           Bandwidth                    859 – 869 MHz Band Average Power
                                                          PAR (dB)
                                                                             dBm              dBm/MHz
               A              QPSK         15.0 MHz          -               44.68              35.76

                                                            Peak to Average Ratio (PAR) / Output Power
                                           LTE Carrier                  Channel Position B
             Antenna      LTE Modulation
                                           Bandwidth                    869 – 880 MHz Band Average Power
                                                          PAR (dB)
                                                                             dBm              dBm/MHz
               A              QPSK         15.0 MHz          -               40.32              35.78

        Antenna A - LTE Modulation QPSK - LTE Carrier Bandwidth 15.0 MHz - Channel Position B

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        Configuration A

        Maximum Output Power 46 dBm

                                                            Peak to Average Ratio (PAR) / Output Power
                                           LTE Carrier                  Channel Position T
             Antenna      LTE Modulation
                                           Bandwidth                       Average Power (15 MHz BW)
                                                          PAR (dB)
                                                                             dBm              dBm/MHz
               A              QPSK         15.0 MHz         7.20             46.20              35.70

                                                            Peak to Average Ratio (PAR) / Output Power
                                           LTE Carrier                  Channel Position T
             Antenna      LTE Modulation
                                           Bandwidth                    859 – 869 MHz Band Average Power
                                                          PAR (dB)
                                                                             dBm              dBm/MHz
               A              QPSK         15.0 MHz          -               40.20              35.56

                                                            Peak to Average Ratio (PAR) / Output Power
                                           LTE Carrier                  Channel Position T
             Antenna      LTE Modulation
                                           Bandwidth                    869 – 880 MHz Band Average Power
                                                          PAR (dB)
                                                                             dBm              dBm/MHz
               A              QPSK         15.0 MHz          -               45.18              46.48

        Antenna A - LTE Modulation QPSK - LTE Carrier Bandwidth 15.0 MHz - Channel Position T

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                                                                      Part 22: ≤500 W or ≤+57 dBm
         Peak Power
                                                                      Part 90: ≤65 W* or 48.13 dBm
         Peak to Average Ratio                                        13 dB
        *Note: Part 90 test limit is based on the worst case antenna height of 1,372m. A review of the measurement results
        should be undertaken by the installer to determine the maximum antenna gain and height which is usable.

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2.2.1   Specification Reference

        FCC CFR 47 Part 2, Clause 2.1049
        FCC CFR 47 Part 22, Clause 22.917 (b)

2.2.2   Date of Test and Modification State

        26 September 2017 - Modification State 0

2.2.3   Test Equipment Used

        The major items of test equipment used for the above tests are identified in Section 3.1.

2.2.4   Environmental Conditions

        Ambient Temperature        22.5C
        Relative Humidity          55.2%

2.2.5   Test Method

        All measurements were made in accordance with FCC KDB 971168 D01 Clause 4.2.

        The Spectrum Analyser RBW was configured to be at least 1% of the channel bandwidth of the
        carrier to be measured.

        For 26dB Bandwidth, in accordance with KDB 971168 D01, a peak detector and a trace setting
        of Max Hold were used. The trace was allowed to stabilse. Using the Spectrum Analyser
        function, the 26 dB measurement result was obtained.

2.2.6   Test Results

        Configuration A

        Maximum Output Power 46 dBm

                                                                         Result (kHz)
                   LTE          LTE Carrier     Channel Position B     Channel Position M     Channel Position T
                   Modulation   Bandwidth     Occupied     -26 dB    Occupied      -26 dB   Occupied     -26 dB
                                              Bandwidth Bandwidth    Bandwidth Bandwidth    Bandwidth Bandwidth
         A         QPSK         15.0 MHz      13412.86    14296.95   13397.05    14394.88   13439.30    14378.11

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        Antenna A - LTE Modulation QPSK - LTE Carrier Bandwidth 15.0 MHz - Channel Position B

        Antenna A - LTE Modulation QPSK - LTE Carrier Bandwidth 15.0 MHz - Channel Position M

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        Antenna A - LTE Modulation QPSK - LTE Carrier Bandwidth 15.0 MHz - Channel Position T

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2.3     BAND EDGE

2.3.1   Specification Reference

        FCC CFR 47 Part 2, Clause 2.1051
        FCC CFR 47 Part 22, Clause 22.905
        FCC CFR 47 Part 90, Clause 90.691

2.3.2   Date of Test and Modification State

        26 September 2017 - Modification State 0

2.3.3   Test Equipment Used

        The major items of test equipment used for the above tests are identified in Section 3.1.

2.3.4   Environmental Conditions

        Ambient Temperature       22.5C
        Relative Humidity         55.2%

2.3.5   Test Method

        All measurements were made in accordance with FCC KDB 971168 D01 Clause 6.

        The EUT was connected to a Spectrum Analyser via 40 dB of attenuation. The path loss
        between the EUT and the Spectrum Analyser was measured using a Network Analyser. The
        measured path loss was entered as a Reference Level Offset in the Spectrum Analyser. All
        measurements were made using a RBW of <1 % of the 26 dB Bandwidth in conjunction with the
        Band Power function of the Spectrum Analyser. The Band Power span was configured to be at
        least 1 % of the 26 dB Bandwidth and was positioned in the 1 MHz region above/below the
        band edge which gave the worst case result. The result was an integration of the power giving
        the result as a value which was at least 1 % of the 26 dB Bandwidth. The display line was set
        to the worst case accounting for 2 Port MIMO operation in accordance with KDB 662911 D01 .
        This equated to 43 + 10log(P) – 10log(2) = -16dBm.

        For measurements up to 37.5 kHz, (96.691(a)(1), from the band edge, measurement results
        were verified against the least stringent value of 50 + 10log(P) – 10log(2) = -23 dBm and were
        established as being compliant.

        Additional plots were shown for measurements from 1 to 5 MHz away from the Band Edge. A
        RBW of 51 kHz was used with the limit line corrected by 10log(100 kHz / 51 kHz) = 3 dB.
        Therefore the limit line, accounting for MIMO and the reduced RBW, was set at -19 dBm.

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2.3.6   Test Results

        Configuration A

        Maximum Output Power 46 dBm

                                                                                Band Edge (MHz)
         Antenna           LTE Modulation    LTE Carrier Bandwidth
                                                                     Channel Position B   Channel Position T
         A                 QPSK              15.0 MHz                     866.5                872.5

        Antenna A - LTE Modulation QPSK - LTE Carrier Bandwidth 15.0 MHz - Channel Position B

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        Antenna A - LTE Modulation QPSK - LTE Carrier Bandwidth 15.0 MHz - Channel Position T

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                                      < 37.5 kHz from Band Edge: -23 dBm
         Limit                        > 37.5 kHz from Band Edge: -16 dBm
                                      Values include correction for MIMO with 2 ports, (10log(2))

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2.4.1   Specification Reference

        FCC CFR 47 Part 2, Clause 2.1051
        FCC CFR 47 Part 22, Clause 22.905
        FCC CFR 47 Part 90, Clause 90.691

2.4.2   Date of Test and Modification State

        26 September 2017 - Modification State 0

2.4.3   Test Equipment Used

        The major items of test equipment used for the above tests are identified in Section 3.1.

2.4.4   Environmental Conditions

        Ambient Temperature        22.5C
        Relative Humidity          55.2%

2.4.5   Test Method

        All measurements were made in accordance with FCC KDB 971168 D01 Clause 6.

        The EUT was connected to a Spectrum Analyser via 40 dB of attenuation for measurements
        below 1.5 GHz and up to 9 GHz using 30 dB of attenuation and a high pass filter. Prior to
        testing, a Network Analyser was used to calibrate the path loss between the EUT and the
        Spectrum Analyser. The worst case path loss in the measured ranges was entered as a
        reference level offset. Over the measured ranges, the RBW was set to 1 MHz with a VBW of 3
        MHz. All measurement results are specified as average with an RMS detector being used in
        conjunction with a trace setting of Max Hold. Measurements were performed in configurations
        of the EUT as reported below.

        The EUT can transmit with 1 or 2 ports simultaneously. Testing was performed on all ports with
        the test limits being reduced from the specification limit of 43+10log(P) by a factor of 10log(2) in
        accordance with KDB 662911 D01 v02r01 to cover all MIMO configurations. This equated to a
        limit of -16 dBm, (worst case).

2.4.6   Test Results

        Configuration A

        Maximum Output Power 46 dBm

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        Antenna A - LTE Modulation QPSK - LTE Carrier Bandwidth 15.0 MHz - Channel Position B -
        Band 1 - Range 0.009 to 1500 MHz

        Antenna A - LTE Modulation QPSK - LTE Carrier Bandwidth 15.0 MHz - Channel Position B -
        Band 2 - Range 1500 to 9000 MHz

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        Antenna A - LTE Modulation QPSK - LTE Carrier Bandwidth 15.0 MHz - Channel Position M -
        Band 1 - Range 0.009 to 1500 MHz

        Antenna A - LTE Modulation QPSK - LTE Carrier Bandwidth 15.0 MHz - Channel Position M -
        Band 2 - Range 1500 to 9000 MHz

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        Antenna A - LTE Modulation QPSK - LTE Carrier Bandwidth 15.0 MHz - Channel Position T -
        Band 1 - Range 0.009 to 1500 MHz

        Antenna A - LTE Modulation QPSK - LTE Carrier Bandwidth 15.0 MHz - Channel Position T -
        Band 2 - Range 1500 to 9000 MHz

                                                      -16 dBm
                                                      Value includes correction for MIMO with 2 ports, (10log(2))

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                                       SECTION 3

                                  TEST EQUIPMENT USED

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        List of absolute measuring and other principal items of test equipment.

         Instrument                  Manufacturer      Type No.            TE No.     Period
         Maximum Peak Output Power and Peak to Average Ratio – Conducted
         Power Meter                 Agilent           N1911A              3981       12            29-Sep-2017
         Spectrum Analyser           Keysight          N9030A              4654       12            06-Oct-2017
         40 dB Attenuator            Unknown           TSG150R-4-450N11    15093066   -             O/P MON
         40 dB Attenuator            Unknown           DTS100G-40dB-18G    Unknown    -             O/P MON
         30 dB Attenuator            Weinschel         CH9182              4863       12            03/05/2018
         DC Power Supply             Farnell           H 60/50             1095       -             O/P MON
         Digital Multi-meter         FLUKE             79 Series III       498        12            20-Dec-2017
         Thermo-hygrometer           AZ Instruments    8705                3220       12            20-Aug-2018
         Calibration Kit             Hewlett Packard   85054A              1309       12            29-Mar-2018
         Analyser                    Hewlett Packard   8753D               1149       12            05-Sep-2018
         Calibration Kit             Hewlett Packard   85032B              1282       12            23-May-2018
         Precision 'N' Termination   Maury             2510A6              0487       12            21-Oct-2017
         Precision 'N' Termination                                                    12            21-Oct-2017
                                     Maury             2510B6              0488
         Network Analyser            Hewlett Packard   8510A               1151       12            12-May-2018
         S' Parameter Test Box       Hewlett Packard   8514A               1152       12            12-May-2018
         Signal Generator            Hewlett Packard   8340A               1159       12            13-May-2018
         Occupied Bandwidth
         Power Meter                 Agilent           N1911A              3981       12            29-Sep-2017
         Spectrum Analyser           Keysight          N9030A              4654       12            06-Oct-2017
         40 dB Attenuator            Unknown           TSG150R-4-450N11    15093066   -             O/P MON
         40 dB Attenuator            Unknown           DTS100G-40dB-18G    Unknown    -             O/P MON
         30 dB Attenuator            Weinschel         CH9182              4863       12            03/05/2018
         DC Power Supply             Farnell           H 60/50             1095       -             O/P MON
         Digital Multi-meter         FLUKE             79 Series III       498        12            20-Dec-2017
         Thermo-hygrometer           AZ Instruments    8705                3220       12            20-Aug-2018
         Calibration Kit             Hewlett Packard   85054A              1309                     29-Mar-2018
         Analyser                    Hewlett Packard   8753D               1149       12            05-Sep-2018
         Calibration Kit             Hewlett Packard   85032B              1282       12            23-May-2018
         Precision 'N' Termination   Maury             2510A6              0487       12            21-Oct-2017
         Precision 'N' Termination                                                    12            21-Oct-2017
                                     Maury             2510B6              0488
         Network Analyser            Hewlett Packard   8510A               1151       12            12-May-2018
         S' Parameter Test Box       Hewlett Packard   8514A               1152       12            12-May-2018
         Signal Generator            Hewlett Packard   8340A               1159       12            13-May-2018
         Band Edge
         Power Meter                 Agilent           N1911A              3981       12            29-Sep-2017
         Spectrum Analyser           Keysight          N9030A              4654       12            06-Oct-2017
         40dB Attenuator             Unknown           TSG150R-4-450N11    15093066   -             O/P MON
         40dB Attenuator             Unknown           DTS100G-40dB-18G    Unknown    -             O/P MON
         30dB Attenuator             Weinschel         CH9182              4863       12            03/05/2018
         DC Power Supply             Farnell           H 60/50             1095       -             O/P MON
         Digital Multi-meter         FLUKE             79 Series III       498        12            20-Dec-2017
         Thermo-hygrometer           AZ Instruments    8705                3220       12            20-Aug-2018

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         Instrument                  Manufacturer      Type No.           TE No.     Period
         Calibration Kit             Hewlett Packard   85054A             1309                     29-Mar-2018
         Analyser                    Hewlett Packard   8753D              1149       12            05-Sep-2018
         Calibration Kit             Hewlett Packard   85032B             1282       12            23-May-2018
         Precision 'N' Termination   Maury             2510A6             0487       12            21-Oct-2017
         Precision 'N' Termination                                                   12            21-Oct-2017
                                     Maury             2510B6             0488
         Network Analyser            Hewlett Packard   8510A              1151       12            12-May-2018
         S' Parameter Test Box       Hewlett Packard   8514A              1152       12            12-May-2018
         Signal Generator            Hewlett Packard   8340A              1159       12            13-May-2018
         Transmitter Spurious Emissions
         Power Meter                 Agilent           N1911A             3981       12            29-Sep-2017
         Spectrum Analyser           Keysight          N9030A             4654       12            06-Oct-2017
         40dB Attenuator             Unknown           TSG150R-4-450N11   15093066   -             O/P MON
         40dB Attenuator             Unknown           DTS100G-40dB-18G   Unknown    -             O/P MON
         30dB Attenuator             Weinschel         CH9182             4863       12            03/05/2018
         DC Power Supply             Farnell           H 60/50            1095       -             O/P MON
         Digital Multi-meter         FLUKE             79 Series III      498        12            20-Dec-2017
         Thermo-hygrometer           AZ Instruments    8705               3220       12            20-Aug-2018
         Calibration Kit             Hewlett Packard   85054A             1309                     29-Mar-2018
         Analyser                    Hewlett Packard   8753D              1149       12            05-Sep-2018
         Calibration Kit             Hewlett Packard   85032B             1282       12            23-May-2018
         Precision 'N' Termination   Maury             2510A6             0487       12            21-Oct-2017
         Precision 'N' Termination                                                   12            21-Oct-2017
                                     Maury             2510B6             0488
         Network Analyser            Hewlett Packard   8510A              1151       12            12-May-2018
         S' Parameter Test Box       Hewlett Packard   8514A              1152       12            12-May-2018
         Signal Generator            Hewlett Packard   8340A              1159       12            13-May-2018

        N/A – Not Applicable
        O/P Mon – Output Monitored with Calibrated Equipment

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        For a 95% confidence level, the measurement uncertainties for defined systems are:-

         Test Discipline                       Frequency / Parameter                          MU

         Conducted Maximum Peak Output Power   30 MHz to 20 GHz Amplitude                     ± 0.1 dB

         Conducted Emissions                   30 MHz to 20 GHz Amplitude                     ± 2.3 dB
         Frequency Stability                   30 MHz to 2 GHz                                ± 5.0 Hz
         Occupied Bandwidth                    Up to 20 MHz Bandwidth                         ± 1.1 Hz
         Band Edge                             30 MHz to 20 GHz Amplitude                     ± 2.3 dB

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                                      SECTION 5


Document 75939974 Report 03 Issue 1                            Page 30 of 31


                        This report relates only to the actual item/items tested.

 Our UKAS Accreditation does not cover opinions and interpretations and any expressed are outside the
                                  scope of our UKAS Accreditation.

          Results of tests not covered by our UKAS Accreditation Schedule are marked NUA
                                        (Not UKAS Accredited).

                                  © 2018 TÜV SÜD Product Service

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                                       ANNEX A

                                      MODULE LIST

Document 75939974 Report 03 Issue 1                 Page A.1 of A.2

         Configurations A, B & C
         Product                      Product No       R-State     Serial No
         Radio 2217 B26D              KRC 161 592/1    R1E         SD825975510
         Software Version:            CXP 901 7316/2   Revision:   R67GK

Document 75939974 Report 03 Issue 1                                              Page A.2 of A.2

Document Created: 2019-03-27 00:19:25
Document Modified: 2019-03-27 00:19:25

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