SWSecurity Declaration 190601


Cover Letter(s)

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Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH | Postfach 2260 | 76303 Karlsbad

To whom it may concern
                                                                                              Karlsbad, 2019-06-01

SW Security Declaration WiFi 5GHz – NTG6N

Related to product:                                 Type of equipment:   automotive headunit
                                                    Brand name:          Mercedes-Benz
                                                    FCC ID:              T8GNTG6NH /         T8GNTG6NEM
                                                    IC ID:               6434A-NTG6NH / 6434A-NTG6NEM

Dear Ladies and Gentleman,

we hereby declare that above mentioned device is programmed to operate only in the
following frequencies:

2.4 GHz Band, Frequency Range 2.401 - 2.482 GHz

                   •      Channels 1-11 (BW 22 MHz)
                   •      Channels 1-11 (BW 20 MHz)
                   •      Channels 3 and 11 (BW 40 MHz)

5GHz Band, In Canada, the device won’t operate in the frequency range 5.6 – 5.65 GHz
(channels within this range won’t be used)

                   •      Frequency Range 5.170 – 5.330 GHz
                             o Channels 36-64 (BW 20 MHz)
                             o Channels 38-62 (BW 40 MHz)
                             o Channels 42 and 58 (BW 80 MHz)

                   •      Frequency Range 5.490 – 5.730 GHz
                             o Channels 100-144 (BW 20 MHz) (Except 120, 124, 128 in Canada)
                             o Channels 102-142 (BW 40 MHz) (Except channels 118 and 126 in Canada)
                             o Channels 106 and 138 (BW 80 MHz) (not in channel 122 in Canada)

Operation modes, DFS and TPC

This device does not support Ad-Hoc / Wi-Fi hotspot mode in 5 GHz frequency band where the
device operates as a client device without Radar detection.

Ad-hoc / Wi-Fi hotspot feature is limited to 11 channels available in 2.4 GHz frequency band.

As client device, this product does not initiate transmission of any probes, beacons and does
not initiate Ad-Hoc operations when not associated with and under the control of a certified
master device, according to Section 15.202 of FCC rules.
Geschäftsführung: Holger Mann, Michael Mauser
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Frank Groth
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Karlsbad | Amtsgericht Mannheim: HRB-Nr. 361395

Future changes in this device will not change theses operational characteristics, in any mode
of operation.

Software security description per KDB 594280 D02:
                                                              NTG6N will be installed within car by OEM
              1. Describe how any software/firmware
                                                              customer. Service (as SW updates) will be
              updates for elements than can affect the
                                                              executed by car service garages or Over-The-
              device’s RF parameters will be obtained,
                                                              Air from OEM customer server. End
              downloaded, validated and installed. For
                                                              customer has no possibility to do SW update.
              software      that     is   accessed through
              manufacturer’s        website     or device’s
                                                              Additionally, all SW update packages are
              management system, describe the different
                                                              signed and the signature is verified on the
              levels of security as appropriate.
                                                              system before new SW can be installed.
              2. Describe the RF parameters that are
              modified by any software/firmware without
              any hardware changes. Are these parameters RF Parameters are determined by the binary
              in some way limited such that any other image. The end user cannot modify RF
              software/firmware changes will not allow the parameters.
Description   device to exceed the authorized RF
                                                             All software is signed by using public-private
                                                             key signatures. No software is installed
                                                             without valid signatures.
              3. Describe in detail the authentication
              protocols that are in place to ensure that the
                                                             The installed SW is verified on each boot
              source of the RF-related software/firmware is
                                                             using the Secure Boot mechanism which
              valid. Describe in detail how the RF-related
                                                             ensures that the SW has not been
              software is protected against modification.
                                                             No port available/open to install any
                                                             software or do changes on the existing one.

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                                                             The SW is checked on each startup using
                                                             Secure Boot with digital signatures and a
                                                             fused public key (not changeable). Further
              4. Describe in detail any encryption methods parts are integrity protected using dm-verity.
              used to support the use of legitimate RF- The update/installation data of RF
              related software/firmware.                     parameters is encrypted and secure by the
                                                             secure SW update process.
                                                             Changes in the RF parameters at runtime are
                                                             only done by SW covered by secure boot.
              5. For a device that can be configured as a
              master and client (with active or passive
                                                             Device is master and Client.
              scanning), explain how the device ensures
                                                             By configuration file (clm/blob) which is
              compliance for each mode? In particular if the
                                                             written during production and protected
              device acts as master in some band of
                                                             it is ensured that only allowed channels and
              operation and client in another; how is
                                                             modes are used. EndCustomer has no
              compliance ensured in each band of
                                                             possibility to change that configuration file.

                                                                Not possible for 3rd parties to load any
              1. Explain if any third parties have the          software or drivers. Country settings can
              capability to operate a U.S.-sold device on any   only be changed by Daimler and authorized
              other regulatory domain, frequencies, or in       service garages.
              any manner that may allow the device to           System is bind to car and cannot be used
              operate in violation of the device’s              outside its regulatory domain.
              authorization if activated in the U.S.            Option is not provided for any third party

Third-Party   2. Describe, if the device permits third-party
 Access       software or firmware installation, what
 Control      mechanisms are provided by the manufacturer
              to permit integration of such functions while
              ensuring that the RF parameters of the device
              cannot be operated outside its authorization      Not possible for 3rd parties to load any
              for operation in the U.S. In the description      software or drivers.
              include what controls and/or agreements are
              in place with providers of third-party
              functionality to ensure the devices’ underlying
              RF parameters are unchanged and how the
              manufacturer verifies the functionality.

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                    3. For Certified Transmitter modular devices,
                                                                     The parameters are adjusted during
                    describe how the module grantee ensures that
                                                                     manufacturing process and cannot be
                    host manufacturers fully comply with these
                                                                     changed at later time.
                    software security requirements for U-NII
                    devices. If the module is controlled through
                    driver software loaded in the host, describe
                    how the drivers are controlled and managed
                    such that the modular transmitter RF
                    parameters are not modified outside the grant
                    of authorization.

In case of any question please do not hesitate and contact us.

With kind regards

                 i.V.                                                     i.V.

Stefan Blaschek                                                Simon Vögele
Regulatory Compliance Management                               Regulatory Compliance Management

Harman Infotainment Division                                   Harman Infotainment Division
Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH                          Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH
Becker-Göring-Straße 16                                        Becker-Göring-Straße 16
76307 Karlsbad                                                 76307 Karlsbad
Phone: +49 7248 71 3382                                        Phone: +49 7248 71 3667
Fax: +49 7248 71 3802                                          Fax: +49 7248 71 3802
Mobile: +49 172 94 191 49                                      Mobile: +49 175 4366188
Email: stefan.blaschek@harman.com                              Email: simon.voegele@harman.com
Web: www.harman.com                                            Web: www.harman.com

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Document Created: 2019-07-05 10:44:24
Document Modified: 2019-07-05 10:44:24

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