User Manual


Users Manual

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                                 Fluke Biomedical                   Beacon100

                                                                  Users Guide

PN 2803836
January 2007
© 2007 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in USA
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.

                      Warranty and Product Support
        Fluke Biomedical warrants this instrument against defects in materials and workmanship
        for one full year from the date of original purchase. During the warranty period, we will
        repair or, at our option, replace at no charge a product that proves to be defective,
        provided you return the product, shipping prepaid, to Fluke Biomedical. This warranty
        does not apply if the product has been damaged by accident or misuse or as the result of
        service or modification by other than Fluke Biomedical. IN NO EVENT SHALL FLUKE
        Only serialized products and their accessory items (those products and items bearing a
        distinct serial number tag) are covered under this one–year warranty. PHYSICAL
        UNDER THE WARRANTY. Items such as cables and nonserialized modules are not
        covered under this warranty.
        Recalibration of instruments is not covered under the warranty.
        This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which
        vary from state to state, province to province, or country to country. This warranty is
        limited to repairing the instrument to Fluke Biomedical’s specifications.

Warranty Disclaimer
      Should you elect to have your instrument serviced and/or calibrated by someone other
      than Fluke Biomedical, please be advised that the original warranty covering your
      product becomes void when the tamper-resistant Quality Seal is removed or broken
      without proper factory authorization. We strongly recommend, therefore, that you send
      your instrument to Fluke Biomedical for factory service and calibration, especially during
      the original warranty period.


All Rights Reserved
      © Copyright 2006, Fluke Biomedical. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval
      system, or translated into any language without the written permission of Fluke Biomedical.

Copyright Release
      Fluke Biomedical agrees to a limited copyright release that allows you to reproduce manuals and other printed materials for use in
      service training programs and other technical publications. If you would like other reproductions or distributions, submit a written
      request to Fluke Biomedical.

Unpacking and Inspection
      Follow standard receiving practices upon receipt of the instrument. Check the shipping carton for damage. If damage is found, stop
      unpacking the instrument. Notify the carrier and ask for an agent to be present while the instrument is unpacked. There are no special
      unpacking instructions, but be careful not to damage the instrument when unpacking it. Inspect the instrument for physical damage such
      as bent or broken parts, dents, or scratches.

Technical Support
      For application support or answers to technical questions, either email or call 1-800- 648-7952 or 1-

      Our routine method of shipment is via common carrier, FOB origin. Upon delivery, if physical damage is found, retain all packing
      materials in their original condition and contact the carrier immediately to file a claim. If the instrument is delivered in good physical
      condition but does not operate within specifications, or if there are any other problems not caused by shipping damage, please contact
      Fluke Biomedical or your local sales representative.

Standard Terms and Conditions
Refunds and Credits
      Please note that only serialized products and their accessory items (i.e., products and items bearing a distinct serial number
      tag) are eligible for partial refund and/or credit. Nonserialized parts and accessory items (e.g., cables, carrying cases,
      auxiliary modules, etc.) are not eligible for return or refund. Only products returned within 90 days from the date of original
      purchase are eligible for refund/credit. In order to receive a partial refund/credit of a product purchase price on a serialized product, the
      product must not have been damaged by the customer or by the carrier chosen by the customer to return the goods, and the product
      must be returned complete (meaning with all manuals, cables, accessories, etc.) and in “as new” and resalable condition. Products not
      returned within 90 days of purchase, or products which are not in “as new” and resalable condition, are not eligible for credit return and
      will be returned to the customer. The Return Procedure (see below) must be followed to assure prompt refund/credit.

Restocking Charges
      Products returned within 30 days of original purchase are subject to a minimum restocking fee of 15 %. Products returned in
      excess of 30 days after purchase, but prior to 90 days, are subject to a minimum restocking fee of 20 %. Additional charges for
      damage and/or missing parts and accessories will be applied to all returns.

Return Procedure
      All items being returned (including all warranty-claim shipments) must be sent freight-prepaid to our factory location. When you return
      an instrument to Fluke Biomedical, we recommend using United Parcel Service, Federal Express, or Air Parcel Post. We also
      recommend that you insure your shipment for its actual replacement cost. Fluke Biomedical will not be responsible for lost shipments
      or instruments that are received in damaged condition due to improper packaging or handling.
      Use the original carton and packaging material for shipment. If they are not available, we recommend the following guide for
          ƒ     Use a double–walled carton of sufficient strength for the weight being shipped.
          ƒ     Use heavy paper or cardboard to protect all instrument surfaces. Use nonabrasive material around all projecting parts.
          ƒ     Use at least four inches of tightly packed, industry-approved, shock-absorbent material around the instrument.
      Returns for partial refund/credit:
      Every product returned for refund/credit must be accompanied by a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number, obtained from our
      Order Entry Group at 1-800-648-7952 or 1-425-446-6945.
      Repair and calibration:
      To find the nearest service center, goto or

      In the U.S.A.:
        Cleveland Calibration Lab
        Tel: 1-800-850-4606

         Everett Calibration Lab
         Tel: 1-888-99 FLUKE (1-888-993-5853)

       In Europe, Middle East, and Africa:
         Eindhoven Calibration Lab
         Tel: +31-402-675300

       In Asia:
         Everett Calibration Lab
         Tel: +425-446-6945

       This instrument was thoroughly tested and inspected. It was found to meet Fluke Biomedical’s manufacturing specifications when it
       was shipped from the factory. Calibration measurements are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
       Devices for which there are no NIST calibration standards are measured against in-house performance standards using accepted test

       Unauthorized user modifications or application beyond the published specifications may result in electrical shock hazards or improper
       operation. Fluke Biomedical will not be responsible for any injuries sustained due to unauthorized equipment modifications.

Restrictions and Liabilities
       Information in this document is subject to change and does not represent a commitment by Fluke Biomedical. Changes made
       to the information in this document will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. No responsibility is assumed by
       Fluke Biomedical for the use or reliability of software or equipment that is not supplied by Fluke Biomedical, or by its
       affiliated dealers.

Manufacturing Location
      The BEACON100 is manufactured in Everett, WA, U.S.A.

                                                            Table of Contents

                                                Title                                                                    Page

Introduction........................................................................................................     1
   Software Release Level .................................................................................              1
   Beacon100 Features.......................................................................................             1
Tag Operation ....................................................................................................       1
   User Interface ................................................................................................       1
   Activating the Tag .........................................................................................          2
   Status Indication LEDs..................................................................................              2
   Button Scan ...................................................................................................       3
   Resetting to Factory Settings.........................................................................                3
   Firmware Update ...........................................................................................           3
   Optimizing Battery Life ................................................................................              4
Tag Configuration..............................................................................................          4
   Network Settings ...........................................................................................          4
   Wake-up Settings...........................................................................................           5
Technical Specifications ....................................................................................            6
   General ..........................................................................................................    6
   Wi-Fi .............................................................................................................   6
   Operating Ranges from Access Point............................................................                        7
   Battery Replacement .....................................................................................             7
   Care and Maintenance ...................................................................................              8
Certifications......................................................................................................     8
   FCC Rules .....................................................................................................       8
   FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement ........................................................                          9
   CE Marking ...................................................................................................        9
Limited Warranty...............................................................................................          9


Fluke Biomedical
Users Guide


                                                                              List of Tables

Table                                                Title                                                           Page

  1.    Tag Mode LED Indications.................................................................................... 3
  2.    Network Settings Available for Beacon100........................................................... 5
  3.    Additional Beacon100 Settings.............................................................................. 6


Fluke Biomedical
Users Guide


                                                                              List of Figures

Figure                                                  Title                                                            Page

  1.     Beacon100 User Interface ...................................................................................... 2
  2.     Battery Polarity and Replacement.......................................................................... 7


Fluke Biomedical
Users Guide



        The Fluke Biomedical Beacon100 Wi-Fi tag performs a critical role in Fluke Biomedical
        Asset Tracking System (ATS) that consists of the Beacon100 tag, Fluke Biomedical
        Positioning Engine software platform, and Compass end-user applications. The
        Beacon100 tags can be attached to any mobile object or asset, and can be carried by
        people, as well. The Positioning Engine software continuously reports the tag coordinates
        and logical areas within the Wi-Fi coverage area both indoors and outdoors.

Software Release Level
      This guide documents the functionality available with software release level 1.0.

Beacon100 Features
     The following features are included with this software release:
            •   Compatibility with standard 802.11b and 802.11g Wi-Fi networks
            •   Support for 40 or 104-bit WEP key authentication
            •   Static and dynamic IP addressing
            •   Two configurable buttons for switching the tag on and resetting the tag to its
                factory settings
            •   Location reporting triggered by button, motion, and periodic timer
            •   Two status indication light-emmiting diodes (LEDs) for the tag status
            •   Configuration using Fluke Biomedical Activator, stand-alone tag configuration

Tag Operation
User Interface
       The Beacon100 tag user interface includes buttons and LEDs to indicate status, shown in
       Figure 1.


Users Guide

                                             Figure 1. Beacon100 User Interface

              Activating the Tag
                     The Beacon100 tag is delivered without any of the configuration settings needed to
                     function. These environment specific settings must be applied before the tag can connect
                     to the network and the Positioning Engine.
                      Tag activation is done using Beacon100 software that wirelessly configures the tags. See
                      more information on the Activator software in the Fluke Biomedical Activator Users
                      After successful activation, the MAC address of the tag appears in the Positioning Engine
                      tag list. After successful connection with Positioning Engine, you can directly manage the
                      configuration from Positioning Engine using the Beacon100 tag configurations.

              Status Indication LEDs
                     The Beacon100 tag is equipped with two multi-color LEDs that provide status indication.
                      The following Table 1 lists the different modes of the tag LEDs.


                                                                                                      Tag Operation

                                Table 1. Tag Mode LED Indications

         Action              Right LED            Left LED                      Status

 Periodic or motion       2x Green blink      -                   Successful scan and send results to
 activated scan.                                                  Positioning Engine.

 Periodic or motion       2x Red blink        -                   Unsuccessful scan or unsuccessful
 activated scan.                                                  results send.

 Blue button press.       1x Orange +         -                   Success green.

                          2x Green blink or                       Unsuccessful scan or results send
                          2x Red blink

 Blue button press.       2x Green blink or   1x Orange           Success green.

                          2x Red blink                            Unsuccessful scan or results send

 Activation.              1x Orange           1x Orange +         Both LEDs blink orange after button
                                                                  press. Left LED blinks during
 Blue button 3 seconds.                       6x Red blink +
                                                                  activation. Finally left LED blinks
                                              2x Green blink or   green or red. Green indicates
                                                                  successful activation.
                                              2x Red blink

Button Scan
Pressing the blue or green button sends a scan command to the tag. After the button press, the tag
immediately scans and sends the results to Positioning Engine. The LEDs indicate the scan
success or failure similarly as in the scan activated by the wakeup interval.

Resetting to Factory Settings
       The Beacon100 can be reset to factory setting by either pressing a button sequence or by
       opening the back cover and removing the batteries.
        To reset the Beacon100 using buttons with a button sequence, do the following:
        1. Press the blue button until left LED flashes orange.
        2. When the left LED flashes orange, press the green button immediately.
        3. After approximately 2 seconds both LEDs flash orange.
        4. The tag has now been reset to factory settings. The tag is in reset mode when it does
           not executing button scan as defined in the “Button Scan” section.

Firmware Update
      The tag firmware can be updated wirelessly using Positioning Engine. The firmware is
      uploaded to the Beacon100 from the Tag Properties page in Positioning Engine. Follow
      instruction in the Fluke Biomedical Positioning Engine Users Guide for updating


Users Guide

              Optimizing Battery Life
                    The Beacon100 Wi-Fi tag uses an ultra-low power system-on-chip architecture that
                    minimizes the power consumption. This enables running tags with same batteries for
                    several years. However, to get the maximum lifetime from your tags, you should take
                    care that your network and tag configuration supports all possible power saving features.
                      The principle behind optimizing battery life is to minimize the amount of time the tag is
                      Recommendations for optimizing battery lifetime include the following:
                          •   Scan only channels that are in use in your network. Typically, because of overlap
                              of channels, there are only 3 or 4 channels in use from the 11 (or 13/14)
                          •   Use single SSID whenever possible. Using multiple SSIDs requires additional
                              network scans and decreases battery lifetime.
                          •   When using dynamic IP addressing, tune the DHCP server to provide very long
                              lease times for tag IP addresses.
                          •   Beacon100 tags support roaming between sub networks. This feature renews a
                              tag’s IP address whenever the access point association changes. Since renewing
                              IP addresses consumes large amounts of energy, it is strongly recommended to
                              avoid using the network-wide dynamic addressing feature if it is not needed.
                          •   Tune the wake-up settings to match your application needs. More frequent
                              updates shorten the battery lifetime.

              Tag Configuration
                      The tag can be adjusted for each application and network settings by adjusting a set of
                      parameters. The parameters can be changed wirelessly using the Beacon100 laptop
                      software or through Tag Configurations in Positioning Engine.
                      Activator is used for the initial configuration settings that allow connecting the tag to
                      Positioning Engine over the network. After connection is established with Positioning
                      Engine, all configurations can be managed through Positioning Engine.

              Network Settings
                    Table 2 shows the list of available network settings.


                                                                                                    Tag Configuration

                          Table 2. Network Settings Available for Beacon100

       Setting                 Description                     Values            Available in Activator

  SSID 1               Wireless network settings:      SSID=max 32 digits,       Yes
                       SSID, Encryption, Key and       Encryption=no; WEP 40;
                       Key Index                       104bit

                       Use exactly 5 or 13             Note that WPA is not
                       characters (or hex bytes) for   supported with this
                       40/104 bit encryption keys      firmware

  SSID 2               Second wireless network         SSID=max 32 digits,       No
                       settings: SSID, Encryption,     Encryption=no; WEP 40;
                       Key and Key Index               104bit

                       Use exactly 5 or 13             Note that WPA is not
                       characters (or hex bytes) for   supported with this
                       40/104 bit encryption keys      firmware

  Scan Channels        Selection of channels that are Check boxes for           Yes
                       scanned.                       selecting scanned
                                                      channels from 1 to 14
                       To conserve battery, select
                                                      Note the channel
                       only the channels in use
                                                      restrictions depending on
                                                      operating region

  IP method            Defines the IP address          DHCP, static or network   Yes (DHCP or static)
                       assigning method                wide DHCP1

  IP address           Beacon100 IP address if         Beacon100 IP address      Yes
                       static addressing is used

  IP netmask           Beacon100 netmask when          Beacon100 netmask         Yes
                       static addressing is used

  IP gateway           IP network gateway when         Network gateway           Yes
                       static addressing is used

  Positioning Engine   IP Address of Positioning       IP Address                Yes
  IP address           Engine

  Engine Port          Port number of Positioning      Port number. Default port Yes
                       Engine location protocol port   is 8552

  Positioning          Port number of Positioning      Port number               Yes
  Management UDP       Engine maintenance port
                                                       Default port is 8553

   Network wide DHCP enables roaming between sub networks. With this setting, the Beacon100 tag
refreshes its IP address whenever the tag associates with a new access point. It is not recommended to use
the feature if it not required, due to higher power consumption.

Wake-up Settings
      The list of other settings is shown in Table 3.


Users Guide

                                             Table 3. Additional Beacon100 Settings

                      Setting                   Description               Values           Available in Activator

               Periodic Wakeup Interval Interval between periodic   Interval in seconds.   Yes
                                        wakeups and network

               Maintenance Interval     Interval between periodic   Interval in seconds.   Yes
                                        maintenance calls.

               Motion sensor enabled    If set, activates motion    Activated when         Yes
                                        sensor.                     checked.

              Technical Specifications
                    Outside Dimensions: 1.8 in L x 2.2 in W x 0.7 in H (45 m L x 55 mm W 19 mm H)
                      Weight: 1.8oz / 50 with batteries
                      Power: 2xCR2 3.0V Lithium (LiMnO2) batteries
                      Two buttons with call button functionality
                      Two red/green/orange status indication LEDs
                      Operating Temperature: 32 to 122ºF / 0 to 50 ºC (shorter battery lifetime on the low and
                      high end of the temperature range)
                      Storage Temperature: -40 to 140ºF / -40 to 60 ºC (shorter battery lifetime on the low and
                      high end of the temperature range); storage at room temperature recommended
                      Humidity: From 20% to 95 % non-condensing, relative humidity
                      Environmental Protection: protected against dust and spraying water, IP-65

                      Supported IEEE Standards: 802.11b/g
                      Modulation Scheme: Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)
                      Media Access: CSMA/CA
                      Transmit Power: +11.5dBm at 2Mbps
                      Receiver Sensitivity: -89 dBm at 11Mbps
                      Frequency Ranges:
                          2.400 – 2.4835 GHz (USA, Canada, Europe)
                          2.400 – 2.497 GHz (Japan)
                      Supported Networking Protocols: UDP/IP, DHCP or static addressing
                      Security: WEP Encryption 40/104 Bit
                      Antenna Type: 2x internal omni-directional ceramic multilayer, antenna diversity
                      Maximum Antenna Gain: +1.5 dBi


                                                                                         Technical Specifications

Operating Ranges from Access Point
      Open Space: 60m (180ft)
       Typical Office: 30m (90ft)

Battery Replacement
       Replace the batteries by opening the four screws on the backside of the tag. Remove old
       batteries from the device by pulling them gently upwards. Place each new battery
       between the battery clips.

          When replacing the batteries, take out one first and replace, and only after
          that replace the other second battery. This way the tag maintains its
       Check that the polarity of the batteries is correct. There are battery polarity indicators on
       the circuit board and inner surface of the front cover. The correct polarity is also shown
       in Figure 2. When replacing batteries, avoid touching the circuit board and the flex cable,
       which can be damaged by static electricity or mechanical impact.

                           Figure 2. Battery Polarity and Replacement

       Recommendations for choosing and replacing batteries include the following:
           •   Always use new batteries
           •   Replace the batteries together, removing and replacing first one, then the other
           •   Use only 3.0V, CR2 size batteries
           •   Fluke Biomedical recommends batteries from Durecell, Maxell, Sanyo or
       After batteries have been replaced close the back cover, replace and tighten the screws.


Users Guide

              Care and Maintenance
                    The Beacon100 tag is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be
                    treated with care. The following suggestions will help you fulfill any warranty
                    obligations and to use this product for many years.
                         •   Keep the Beacon100 dry. Precipitation, humidity, liquids of any types, or
                             moisture can contain minerals that will corrode electronic circuits.
                         •   Do not use or store the Beacon100 in dusty or dirty areas, since moving parts can
                             be damaged.
                         •   Do not store the Beacon100 in hot areas. High temperatures can shorten the life
                             of electronic devices, damage batteries, and warp or melt certain plastics.
                         •   Do not store the Beacon100 in cold areas. When it warms up to its normal
                             temperature, moisture can form inside, which may damage electronic circuit
                         •   Do not operate the Beacon100 outside its operating temperature range.
                         •   Open the Beacon100 only for replacing batteries.
                         •   Do not drop, knock or shake the Beacon100. Rough handling can break internal
                             circuit boards.
                         •   Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the
                             Beacon100 tag.
                         •   Use a soft, clean, and dry cloth to clean tags.
                         •   Do not paint the Beacon100. Paint can clog the moving parts, affect the radio
                             communication, and prevent proper operation.
                         •   Use only the supplied antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or
                             attachments could damage the Beacon100 and may violate regulations governing
                             radio devices.

              FCC Rules
                   The Beacon100 complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
                   following two conditions:
                     1. The device may not cause harmful interference
                     2. The device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
                        cause undesired operation.
                     FCC ID of the Fluke Beacon100 device is: T68-BEACON100

                     This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class-B digital
                     device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
                     reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
                     equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
                     and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
                     communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
                     particular installation.



       If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
       can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
       correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
           •   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
           •   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
           •   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
               receiver is connected.
           •   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement
     This equipment complies with FCC Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Signal (RF)
     exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment of portable transmission. This
     product has been evaluated for RF exposure at a distance of 0.2 inches (0.5 cm).
     Operation at a separation distance less than 0.2 inches (0.5 cm) from the radiating
     element to nearby persons will expose nearby persons to RF levels that exceed the FCC
     rules for RF exposure.

CE Marking
      This device has been tested to meet the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
      requirements of EN 50082-1 and EN 50022 for the CE Declaration of Conformity (DoC).


Users Guide


Document Created: 2007-02-13 12:17:59
Document Modified: 2007-02-13 12:17:59

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