Test Report for DTS-1

FCC ID: T58WF2780R

Test Report

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                       FCC Radio Test Report
                              FCC ID: T58WF2780R
           This report concerns (check one):        Original Grant    Class II Change

            Project No.        :   1409C014
            Equipment          :   AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
            Model Name         :   WF2880
            Applicant          :   NETIS SYSTEMS CO., LTD
            Address            :   4F&5F R&D Building, Oriental Cyberport, High-Tech
                                   Industrial Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China.

            Date of Receipt    :   Sep. 01, 2014
            Date of Test       :   Sep. 01, 2014 ~ Oct. 08, 2014
            Issued Date        :   Oct. 17, 2014
            Tested by          :   BTL Inc.

            Testing Engineer                :
                                                            (David Mao)

            Technical Manager               :
                                                            (Leo Hung)

            Authorized Signatory            :
                                                            (Steven Lu)

                   BTL                            INC.
        No.3, Jinshagang 1st Road, Shixia, Dalang Town, Dongguan,
                           Guangdong, China.
           TEL: +86-769-8318-3000     FAX: +86-769-8319-6000

Report No.: BTL-FCCP-1-1409C014                                                 Page 1 of 32

   BTL represents to the client that testing is done in accordance with standard procedures as applicable and
   that test instruments used has been calibrated with the standards traceable to National Measurement
   Laboratory (NML) of R.O.C, or National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of U.S.A.
   BTL's reports apply only to the specific samples tested under conditions. It is manufacture’s responsibility
   to ensure that additional production units of this model are manufactured with the identical electrical and
   mechanical components. BTL shall have no liability for any declarations, inferences or generalizations
   drawn by the client or others from BTL issued reports.
   BTL’s reports must not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by the authorities or any
   agency of the Government.
   This report is the confidential property of the client. As a mutual protection to the clients, the public and
   BTL-self, extracts from the test report shall not be reproduced except in full with BTL’s authorized written
   BTL’s laboratory quality assurance procedures are in compliance with the ISO Guide 17025 requirements,
   and accredited by the conformity assessment authorities listed in this test report.
   For the use of the authority's logo is limited unless the Test Standard(s)/Scope(s)/Item(s) mentioned in this
   test report is (are) included in the conformity assessment authorities acceptance respective.

Report No.: BTL-FCCP-1-1409C014                                                               Page 2 of 32

                                  Table of Contents              Page

    1 . CERTIFICATION                                                   5
    2 . SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS                                         6
       2.1 TEST FACILITY                                                7
       2.2 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY                                      7
    3 . GENERAL INFORMATION                                             8
       3.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EUT                                   8
       3.2 DESCRIPTION OF TEST MODES                                 10
       3.5 DESCRIPTION OF SUPPORT UNITS                              12
    4 . EMC EMISSION TEST                                            13
       4.1     CONDUCTED EMISSION MEASUREMENT                        13
             4.1.1 POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION LIMITS              13
             4.1.2 TEST PROCEDURE                                    13
             4.1.3 DEVIATION FROM TEST STANDARD                      13
             4.1.4 TEST SETUP                                        14
             4.1.5 EUT OPERATING CONDITIONS                          14
             4.1.6 EUT TEST CONDITIONS                               14
             4.1.7 TEST RESULTS                                      14
       4.2 RADIATED EMISSION MEASUREMENT                             17
          4.2.1 RADIATED EMISSION LIMITS                             17
          4.2.2 TEST PROCEDURE                                       18
          4.2.3 DEVIATION FROM TEST STANDARD                         18
          4.2.4 TEST SETUP                                           19
          4.2.5 EUT OPERATING CONDITIONS                             20
          4.2.6 EUT TEST CONDITIONS                                  20
          4.2.7 TEST RESULTS (9K~ 30MHZ)                             21
          4.2.8 TEST RESULTS (BETWEEN 30 – 1000 MHZ)                 22
    5 . MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS LIST                                 29
    6 . EUT TEST PHOTO                                               30

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                                  REPORT ISSUED HISTORY

          Issued No.                        Description                  Issued Date
    NEI-FCCP-1-1402C047      Original Report.                            Apr. 10, 2014
                             Compared with previous report
                             (NEI-FCCP-1-1402C047), added a USB port,
                             the adapter and model name are changed,
   BTL-FCCP-1-1409C014       the RF module is the same, Conducted        Oct. 17, 2014
                             Emission and Radiated Emission (Below
                             1GHz) have been re-evaluated and recorded
                             in the test report.

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    Equipment :        AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
    Brand Name :       netis
    Model Name :       WF2880
    Applicant    :     NETIS SYSTEMS CO., LTD
    Manufacturer :     Shenzhen Netcore Industrial Ltd.
    Address      :     4F&5F R&D Building, Oriental Cyberport, High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan,
                       Shenzhen, China.
    Factory        :   Dongguan City Netcore Network Technology Co.,Ltd.
    Address        :   No. 10-1, Sankeng Road, Qinghutou, Tangxia Town, Dongguan City
    Date of Test   :   Sep. 01, 2014 ~ Oct. 08, 2014
    Test Item      :   ENGINEERING SAMPLE
    Standard(s)    :   FCC Part15, Subpart C(15.247) / ANSI C63.4-2009

 The above equipment has been tested and found compliance with the requirement of the relative
 standards by BTL Inc..
 The test data, data evaluation, and equipment configuration contained in our test report (Ref No.
 BTL-FCCP-1-1409C014) were obtained utilizing the test procedures, test instruments, test sites
 that has been accredited by the Authority of TAF according to the ISO-17025 quality assessment
 standard and technical standard(s).

 Test result included in this report is only for the 2.4GHz part of the product.

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 Test procedures according to the technical standard(s):

                   Applied Standard(s): FCC Part15 (15.247) , Subpart C

            Standard(s) Section
                                                      Test Item        Judgment    Remark
                   15.207                       Conducted Emission      PASS
                                                Antenna conducted
                  15.247(d)                                              N/A
                                                Spurious Emission
                 15.247(a)(2)                      6dB Bandwidth         N/A

                 15.247(b)(3)                   Peak Output Power        N/A

                  15.247(e)                   Power Spectral Density     N/A

                   15.203                      Antenna Requirement       N/A
                                                Transmitter Radiated
                15.209/15.205                                           PASS

     (1)” N/A” denotes test is not applicable in this test report.
       (2) The test follows FCC KDB Publication No. 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v03r02
       (Measurement Guidelines of DTS)

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    The test facilities used to collect the test data in this report is DG-C02/DG-CB03 at the location
   of No.3,Jinshagang 1st Road, ShiXia, Dalang Town, Dong Guan, China.523792
    BTL's test firm number for FCC: 319330

     Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated
     for tests performed on the EUT as specified in CISPR 16-4-2:

    The reported uncertainty of measurement y ± U,where expended uncertainty U is based on a
    standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor of k=2,providing a level of confidence of
    approximately 95 %.

    A. Conducted Measurement :
       Test Site Method   Measurement Frequency Range                U,(dB)           NOTE
        DG-C02 CISPR           150 KHz ~ 30MHz                        1.94

    B. Radiated Measurement :

                              Measurement Frequency          Ant.
        Test Site   Method                                           U,(dB)           NOTE
                                     Ra ge                   H/V
                                  9KHz~30MHz                  V        3.79
                                  9KHz~30MHz                  H        3.57
                                30MHz ~ 200MHz                V        3.82
                                30MHz ~ 200MHz                H        3.60
                               200MHz ~ 1,000MHz              V        3.86
       DG-CB03      CISPR
                               200MHz ~ 1,000MHz              H        3.94
                                  1GHz~18GHz                  V        3.12
                                  1GHz~18GHz                  H        3.68
                                 18GHz~40GHz                  V        4. 5
                                 18GHz~40GHz                  H        4.14

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     Equipment                 AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
     Brand Name                netis
     Model Name                WF2880
     Model Difference          N/A
                               Operation Frequency         2412~2462 MHz
                               Modulation Technology    802.11g:OFDM
                                                        802.11b: 11/5.5/2/1 Mbps
     Product Description                                802.11g:
                               Bit Rate of Transmitter
                                                        54/48/36/24/18/12/9/6 Mbps
                                                        802.11n up to 300 Mbps
                                                        802.11b: 13.77 dBm
                                                        802.11g: 13.95 dBm
                               Output Power (Max.)
                                                        802.11n(20MHz): 15.79 dBm
                                                        802.11n(40MHz): 15.44 dBm
                               DC Voltage Supplied from AC Adapter.
     Power Source
                               Brand/Model: GOSPELL / G0612U-120-150
     Power Rating              I/P: AC 100-240V~ 50/60Hz 0.5A MAX O/P: DC 12V 1.5A

 1. For a more detailed features description, please refer to the manufacturer’s specifications or the
    User's Manual.

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   2. CH 01 – CH 11 for 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n(20MHz)
      CH 03 – CH 09 for 802.11n(40MHz)

                                                Channel List
                      Frequency              Frequency               Frequency                  Frequency
           Channel                 Channel                Channel                  Channel
                         (MHz)                 (MHz)                   (MHz)                      (MHz)
               01       2412         04       2427          07        2442           10             2457
               02       2417         05       2432          08        2447           11             2462
               03       2422         06       2437          09        2452

   3. Table for Filed Antenna
          Ant.      Manufacturer       Model Name        Antenna Type    Connector                    Note
           1                           RF21C00072A          Dipole           N/A             5.42    TX/RX

           2                           RF21C00002A          Dipole           N/A             4.96    TX/RX

        (1) The EUT incorporates a MIMO function. Physically, the EUT provides two completed two
            transmitters and two receivers (2T2R), all transmit signals are completely uncorrelated.

                 Operating Mode
                                                           1TX                      2TX
                                   TX Mode
                             802.11b                     V (ANT 1)                    -

                             802.11g                     V (ANT 1)                    -

                         802.11n(20MHz)                      -             V (ANT 1 + ANT 2)

                         802.11n(40MHz)                      -             V (ANT 1 + ANT 2)

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     To investigate the maximum EMI emission characteristics generates from EUT, the test system
     was pre-scanning tested base on the consideration of following EUT operation mode or test
     configuration mode which possible have effect on EMI emission level. Each of these EUT
     operation mode(s) or test configuration mode(s) mentioned above was evaluated respectively.

         Pretest Mode                              Description

            Mode 1                      TX B MODE CHANNEL 01/06/11

            Mode 2                      TX G MODE CHANNEL 01/06/11

            Mode 3                  TX N-20MHZ MODE CHANNEL 01/06/11

            Mode 4                  TX N-40MHZ MODE CHANNEL 03/06/09

            Mode 5                                  TX MODE

     The EUT system operated these modes were found to be the worst case during the
     pre-scanning test as following:

                                   For Conducted Test
        Final Test Mode                            Description
            Mode 5                                  TX MODE

                                    For Radiated Test

        Final Test Mode                            Description

            Mode 1                      TX B MODE CHANNEL 01/06/11

            Mode 2                      TX G MODE CHANNEL 01/06/11

            Mode 3                  TX N-20MHZ MODE CHANNEL 01/06/11

            Mode 4                  TX N-40MHZ MODE CHANNEL 03/06/09

     (1) The measurements are performed at the high, middle, low available channels.
     (2) 802.11b mode: DBPSK (1Mbps)
         802.11g mode: OFDM (6Mbps)
         802.11n HT20 mode : BPSK (13Mbps)
         802.11n HT40 mode : BPSK (27Mbps)
         For radiated emission tests, the highest output powers were set for final test.
     (3) For radiated below 1G test, the 802.11b is found to be the worst case and recorded.

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     During testing, channel & power controlling software provided by the customer was used to
     control the operating channel as well as the output power level. The RF output power selection
     is for the setting of RF output power expected by the customer and is going to be fixed on the
     firmware of the final end product power parameters of WLAN

            Test software version                         Duck_1_1-9
                 Frequency              2412 MHz           2437 MHz           2462 MHz
            IEEE 802.11b DSSS               26                 26                 26
            IEEE 802.11g OFDM               20                 19                 19

            Test software version                         Duck_1_1-9
             Frequency (MHz)            2412 MHz           2437 MHz           2462 MHz
           IEEE 802.11n (20MHz)             22                 22                 21
              Frequency (MHz)           2422 MHz           2437 MHz           2452 MHz
           IEEE 802.11n (40MHz)             22                 22                 22

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 The EUT has been tested as an independent unit together with other necessary accessories or
 support units. The following support units or accessories were used to form a representative test
 configuration during the tests.

  Item     Equipment       Mfr/Brand      Model/Type No.      FCC ID/IC    Series No.         Note
   -           -               -                -                 -              -

   Item    Shielded Type   Ferrite Core        Length                     Note
       -           -               -                -                       -

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  4.1.1 POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION Limits                (Frequency Range 150KHz-30MHz)

                                     Class A (dBuV)              Class B   dBuV)
       Frequency (MHz)                                                                     Standard
                               Quasi-peak       Average     Quasi-peak      Av rage
           0.15 -0.5               79.00          66.00      66 - 56 *      56 - 46 *       CISPR
           0.50 -5.0               73.00          60.00        56.00         46.00          CISPR
           5.0 -30.0               73.00          60.00        60.00         50.00          CISPR

           0.15 -0.5               79.00          66.00      66 - 56 *      56 - 46 *        FCC
           0.50 -5.0               73.00          60.00        56.00         46.00           FCC
           5.0 -30.0               73.00          60.00        60.00         50.00           FCC
           (1) The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
           (2) The limit of " * " marked band means the limitation decreases linearly with the
               logarithm of the frequency in the range.

 The following table is the setting of the receiver
               Receiver Parameters                                        Setting
                     Attenuation                                           10 dB
                  Start Frequency                                        0.15 MHz
                  Stop Frequency                                          30 MHz
                    IF Bandwidth                                           9 KHz

   a. The EUT was placed 0.8 meters from the horizontal ground plane with EUT being connected
      to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN). All other support
      equipments powered from additional LISN(s). The LISN provide 50 Ohm/ 50uH of coupling
      impedance for the measuring instrument.
   b. Interconnecting cables that hang closer than 40 cm to the ground plane shall be folded back
      and forth in the center forming a bundle 30 to 40 cm long.
   c. I/O cables that are not connected to a peripheral shall be bundled in the center. The end of the
      cable may be terminated, if required, using the correct terminating impedance. The overall
      length shall not exceed 1 m.
   d. LISN at least 80 cm from nearest part of EUT chassis.
   e. For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related Item –EUT Test Photos.
  No deviation

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  4.1.4 TEST SETUP
                       V e r tic a l R e fe r e n c e
                       G r o u n d P la n e                                                T e s t R e c e iv e r

                        EU T

       L IS N

                                                                       H o r iz o n ta l R e fe r e n c e
                                                                        G r o u n d P la n e

        N o te : 1 .S u p p o r t u n its w e r e c o n n e c t e d t o s e c o n d L IS N .
                 2 .B o th o f L IS N s ( A M N ) a r e 8 0 c m f r o m E U T a n d a t le a s t 8 0
                    fr o m o th e r u n its a n d o th e r m e ta l p la n e s

  The EUT was configured for testing in a typical fashion (as a customer would normally use it). The
  EUT has been programmed to continuously transmit during test. This operating condition was
  tested and used to collect the included data.
  Temperature: 25°C
  Relative Humidity: 55%
  Test Voltage: AC 120V/60Hz


     (1) All readings are QP Mode value unless otherwise stated AVG in column of『Note』
                                                                                     . If the QP
         Mode Measured value compliance with the QP Limits and lower than AVG Limits, the EUT
         shall be deemed to meet both QP & AVG Limits and then only QP Mode was measured,
         but AVG Mode didn‘t perform.In this case, a “ * ” marked in AVG Mode column of
         Interference Voltage Measured.
     (2) Measuring frequency range from 150KHz to 30MHz.

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 Test Mode :       TX MODE


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 Test Mode :       TX MODE


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  4.2.1 RADIATED EMISSION LIMITS (Frequency Range 9KHz-1000MHz)
  20dB in any 100 KHz bandwidth outside the operating frequency band. In case the emission fall
  within the restricted band specified on 15.205(a), then the 15.209(a) limit in the table below has to
  be followed.
            Frequency                   Field Strength          Measurement Distance
             (MHz)                    (microvolts/meter)                 (meters)
          0.009~0.490                   2400/F(KHz)                         300
          0.490~1.705                  24000/F(KHz)                            30
           1.705~30.0                        30                                30
             30~88                           100                               3
             88~216                          150                               3
            216~960                          200                               3
           960~1000                          500                               3


                                                           (dBuV/m) (at 3 meters)
              Frequency (MHz)
                                                     PEAK                  AVERAGE
                 Above 1000                            74                           54

          (1) The limit for radiated test was performed according to FCC PART 15C.
          (2) The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
          (3) Emission level (dBuV/m)=20log Emission level (uV/m).

          Spectrum Parameter                                          Setting
               Attenuation                                             Auto
             Start Frequency                                         1000 MHz
             Stop Frequency                                    10th carrier harmonic
               RBW / VBW
                                              1MHz / 1MHz for Peak, 1 MHz / 10Hz for Average
      (Emission in restricted band)

          Receiver Parameter                                          Setting
               Attenuation                                              Auto
         Start ~ Stop Frequency                       9KHz~90KHz for PK/AVG detector
         Start ~ Stop Frequency                         90KHz~110KHz for QP detector
         Start ~ Stop Frequency                      110KHz~490KHz for PK/AVG detector
         Start ~ Stop Frequency                         490KHz~30MHz for QP detector
         Start ~ Stop Frequency                        30MHz~1000MHz for QP detector

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   a. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3 meter
       semi-anechoic chamber. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the
       highest radiation.(below 1GHz)
   b. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3 meter
       fully-anechoic chamber. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the
       highest radiation.(above 1GHz)
   c. The height of the equipment or of the substitution antenna shall be 0.8 m; the height of the test
       antenna shall vary between 1 m to 4 m. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the
       antenna are set to make the measurement.
   d. The initial step in collecting conducted emission data is a spectrum analyzer peak detector
       mode pre-scanning the measurement frequency range. Significant peaks are then marked and
       then Quasi Peak detector mode re-measured.
   e. If the Peak Mode measured value compliance with and lower than Quasi Peak Mode Limit, the
       EUT shall be deemed to meet QP Limits and then no additional QP Mode measurement
    f. For the actual test configuration, please refer to the related Item –EUT Test Photos.

  No deviation

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  4.2.4 TEST SETUP
  (A) Radiated Emission Test Set-Up Frequency Below 1 GHz


                                                                  1-4 m


                0.8 m

                                     Ground Plane

                                                       Receiver   Amp.

  (B) Radiated Emission Test Set-Up Frequency Above 1 GHz

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   (C) For radiated emissions below 30MHz

  The EUT tested system was configured as the statements of 4.1.6 Unless otherwise a special
  operating condition is specified in the follows during the testing.
  Temperature: 25°C
  Relative Humidity: 55%
  Test Voltage: AC 120V/60Hz

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  4.2.7 TEST RESULTS (9K~ 30MHZ)

 Test Mode :       TX Mode 2412MHz

    Frequency     Ant                Factor   Measured(FS)    Limit(QP)    Margin
                            level                                                     Note
      (MHz)      0°/90°               (dB)      (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)      (dB)
     0.0157        0°      13.40     24.58       37.99         103.74      -65.75     AVG
     0.0157        0°      14.25     24.58       38.84         123.74      -84.90    PEAK
     0.0311        0°      6.13      23.60       30.40         97.75       -67.35     AVG
     0.0311        0°      8.09      23.60       31.60         117.75      -86.15    PEAK
     0.0382        0°      4.35      23.13       27.43         95.90       -68.47     AVG
     0.0382        0°      5.78      23.13       28.83         115.90      -87.07    PEAK
     0.0473        0°      3.11      22.59       25.71         94.16       -68.45     AVG
     0.0473        0°      4.76      22.59       27.37         114.16      -86.79    PEAK
     2.0601        0°      28.71     19.46       48.17         69.54       -21.37     QP
     3.3735        0°      20.36     18.94       39.31         69.54       -30.23     QP

  Frequency      Ant                 Factor   Measured(FS)    Limit(QP)    Margin
                            level                                                      Note
    (MHz)       0°/90°                (dB)      (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)      (dB)
    0.0152        90°      13.17     24.30        37.48        123.80      -86.32     AVG
    0.0152        90°      14.25     24.30        38.47        143.80     -105.33     PEAK
    0.0317        90°      6.86      23.60        30.47        117.75      -87.28     AVG
    0.0317        90°      7.80      23.60        31.39        137.75     -106.36     PEAK
    0.0365        90°      5.87      23.20        29.13        116.17      -87.04     AVG
    0.0365        90°      6.73      23.20        30.04        136.17     -106.13     PEAK
    0.0438        90°      5.18      22.59        27.73        114.16      -86.43     AVG
    0.0438        90°      6.23      22.59        28.68        134.16     -105.48     PEAK
    2.0617        90°      29.75     19.46        49.09         69.54      -20.45      QP
    3.2852        90°      17.27     18.93        36.05         69.54      -33.49      QP

       (1) The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated by more than 20 dB below
           the permissible value has no need to be reported.
       (2) Distance extrapolation factor = 40 log (specific distance / test distance) (dB);
       (3) Limit line = specific limits (dBuV) + distance extrapolation factor.

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  4.2.8 TEST RESULTS (BETWEEN 30 – 1000 MHZ)

       (1) Reading in which marked as QP or Peak means measurements by using are Quasi-Peak
           Mode or Peak Mode with Detector BW=120KHz;SPA setting in RBW=120KHz, VBW
           =120KHz, Swp. Time = 0.3 sec./MHz.
       (2) All readings are Peak unless otherwise stated QP in column of『Note』. Peak denotes
           that the Peak reading compliance with the QP Limits and then QP Mode measurement
           didn‘t perform.
       (3) Measuring frequency range from 30MHz to 1000MHz.
       (4) If the peak scan value lower limit more than 20dB, then this signal data does not show
           in table.

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 Test Mode:        TX B MODE CHANNEL 01


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 Test Mode:        TX B MODE CHANNEL 01


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 Test Mode:        TX B MODE CHANNEL 06


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 Test Mode:        TX B MODE CHANNEL 06


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 Test Mode:        TX B MODE CHANNEL 11


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 Test Mode:        TX B MODE CHANNEL 11


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                               Conducted Emission Measurement
  Item Kind of Equipment     Manufacturer         Type No.       Serial No.    Calibrated until
   1          LISN                EMCO             3816/2        00052765      Mar. 29, 2015
   2          LISN                 R&S            ENV216           101447      Mar. 29, 2015
   3       Test Cable              N/A             C_17              N/A       Mar. 14, 2015
           EMI TEST
   4                               R&S            ESCS30         833364/017    Mar. 29, 2015
   5     50Ω Terminator            SHX           TF2-3G-A        08122902      Mar. 29, 2015
          Measurement                             EZ-EMC
   6                               Fara                              N/A            N/A
            Software                          Ver.NB-03A1-01

                                  Radiated Emission Measurement

  Item Kind of Equipment     Manufacturer         Type No.       Serial No.    Calibrated until
   1        Antenna           Schwarbeck         VULB9160        9160-3232     Mar. 29, 2015
   2        Amplifier               HP             8447D        2944A09673     Mar. 29, 2015
   3        Receiver           AGILENT            N9038A        MY52130039     Sep. 30, 2015
   4       Test Cable              N/A          C-01_CB03            N/A        Jul. 01, 2015
   5       Controller               CT             SC100             N/A             N/A
          Measurement                             EZ-EMC
   6                               Fara                              N/A            N/A
           Software                           Ver.NB-03A1-01

   Remark: “N/A” denotes no model name, serial no. or calibration specified.
           All calibration period of equipment list is one year.

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                                  Conducted Measurement Photos

Report No.: BTL-FCCP-1-1409C014                                  Page 30 of 32

                              Radiated Measurement Photos

                                    9KHz to 30MHz

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                              Radiated Measurement Photos

                                   30MHz to 1000MHz

Report No.: BTL-FCCP-1-1409C014                             Page 32 of 32

Document Created: 2019-07-05 20:45:19
Document Modified: 2019-07-05 20:45:19

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