Test Report


Test Report

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Ke Mei Ou Laboratory Co., Ltd.
E506, 5th Floor, No.39 Keji Middle 2nd Rd, Science & Technology
Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P. R. China
Tel: + 86 755 83642690       Fax: + 86 755 83297077

                                      FCC TEST REPORT
                                                  FCC Part 15, Class B

                                                       Prepared For:

                 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd
           4th-5th Floor, South Building,NO.63 WangHai Road, 2nd Software Park, Xiamen, China

                                                  FCC ID: T2C-T21P
                                                     EUT: IP Phone
                                                    Model: SIP-T21P

                                                      August 8, 2013
                                                          Issue Date:

                                                     Original Report
                                                        Report Type:

                                                   Test Engineer: Eric Guo

                                                Review By: Apollo Liu / Manager

      The test report consists 28 pages in total. It may be duplicated completely for legal use with the allowance of the
      applicant. It shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Ke Mei Ou Laboratory
      Corporation. The test result in the report only applied to the tested sample.

 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                                                                                                 FCC ID: T2C-T21P

                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. General Information ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
   1. 1 Notes............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
   1. 2 Testing Laboratory .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
   1. 3 Details of Applicant ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
   1. 4 Application Details ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
   1. 5 Test Item ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
   1. 6 Test Standards ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Technical Test ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
   2. 1 Summary of Test Results ................................................................................................................................................ 4
3. EUT Modifications .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
4. Conducted Power Line Test................................................................................................................................................ 5
   4. 1 Test Equipment ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
   4. 2 Test Procedure ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
   4. 3 Test Setup ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
   4. 4 Configuration of The EUT.............................................................................................................................................. 6
   4. 5 EUT Operating Condition............................................................................................................................................... 7
   4. 6 Conducted Power Line Emission Limits ........................................................................................................................ 7
   4. 7 Conducted Power Line Test Result ................................................................................................................................. 8
5. Radiated Emission Test ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
   5. 1 Test Equipment ..............................................................................................................................................................11
   5. 2 Test Procedure ...............................................................................................................................................................11
   5. 3 Radiated Test Setup .......................................................................................................................................................11
   5. 4 Configuration of The EUT............................................................................................................................................ 12
   5. 5 EUT Operating Condition............................................................................................................................................. 12
   5. 6 Radiated Emission Limit .............................................................................................................................................. 12
   5. 7 Radiated Emission Test Result...................................................................................................................................... 13
6. Photo of Testing ................................................................................................................................................................. 15
   6.1 Emission test view ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
   6.2 Photograph - EUT.......................................................................................................................................................... 17
7. FCC ID Label..................................................................................................................................................................... 27
8. Test Equipment.................................................................................................................................................................. 28

KMO FCC 15 Test Report                                                                    Page 2 of 28                                         Report #: KSZ2013062101J01

 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                                           FCC ID: T2C-T21P

1. General Information
1. 1 Notes
The test results of this report relate exclusively to the test item specified in 1.5. The KMO Lab does not assume
responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations drawn from the test results with regard to other specimens or samples
of the type of the equipment represented by the test item. The test report may only be reproduced or published in full.
Reproduction or publication of extracts from the report requires the prior written approval of the KMO Lab.

1. 2 Testing Laboratory
Sintek Laboratory Co., Ltd.
Site on File with the Federal Communications Commission – United Sates
Registration Number: 963441

Site Listed with Industry Canada of Ottawa, Canada
Registration Number: 7353A

1. 3 Details of Applicant
 Name         : Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd
 Address      : 4th-5th Floor, South Building,NO.63 WangHai Road, 2nd Software Park, Xiamen, China

1. 4 Application Details
 Date of Receipt of Application            : June 21, 2013
 Date of Receipt of Test Item              : June 21, 2013
 Date of Test                              : June 27~August 8, 2013

1. 5 Test Item
 Manufacturer                              : Yealink Network Technology Co.,Ltd
 Address                                   : 4th-5th Floor, South Building,NO.63 WangHai Road, 2nd Software Park,
                                             Xiamen, China
 Trade Name                                : Yealink
 Model No.(Base)                           : SIP-T21P
 Model No.(Extension)                      : N/A
 Description                               : IP Phone

Additional Information
 Frequency                                 : N/A
 Number of Channels                        : N/A
 Power Supply                              : DC 5V/600mA(Adapter model:OH-1006B0500600U-UL)
                                             DC 5V/0.6A(Adapter model:NSA6EU-050060)
                                             POE 48V power
 Operation Distance                        : N/A
 Resolution                                : N/A

1. 6 Test Standards
                                                   FCC 15 Subpart B
Note: All radiated measurements were made in all three orthogonal planes. The values reported are the maximum values.

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                          FCC ID: T2C-T21P

2. Technical Test
2. 1 Summary of Test Results
                     The EUT has been tested according to the following specifications:
                                   FCC 15 Subpart B: 2007, Class B
                       Standard                        Test Type       Result           Notes
               FCC Part 15, Paragraph 15.107           Conducted Test   PASS           Complies
               FCC Part 15, Paragraph 15.109            Radiated Test   PASS           Complies

3. EUT Modifications
No modification by test lab.

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                                       FCC ID: T2C-T21P

4. Conducted Power Line Test
4. 1 Test Equipment
Please refer to Section 8 this report.

4. 2 Test Procedure
The EUT was tested according to ANSI C63.4 - 2003. The frequency spectrum from 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz was investigated.
The LISN used was 50 ohm / 50 u-Henry as specified by section 5.1 OF ANSI C63.4 - 2003. cables and peripherals were
moved to find the maximum emission levels for each frequency.

4. 3 Test Setup

             Vertical Reference
               Ground Plane

                                                                            Test receiver
                    EUT                  Peripheral


                                                        Horizontal Reference
                                                            Ground Plane
For the actual test configuration, Please refer to the related items – Photos of Testing.

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                                       FCC ID: T2C-T21P

4. 4 Configuration of The EUT
The EUT was configured according to ANSI C63.4-2003. All interface ports were connected to the appropriate peripherals.
All peripherals and cables are listed below.

             Device                       Manufacturer                           Model #                 FCC ID
                                      Yealink (Xiamen) Network
           IP Phone                                                              SIP-T21P               T2C-T21P
                                         Technology Co.,Ltd

B. Internal Devices
          Device                         Manufacturer                            Model #              FCCID / DoC

C. Peripherals
                                                   Model #             FCC ID/
      Device              Manufacturer                                                              Cable
                                                   Serial #             DoC
                                                                                        1.5m unshielded power cord
      Printer                   HP                 HP930C               DoC
                                                                                        1.2m unshielded data cable.
                                                                                        1.5m unshielded power cord
      Modem                    GVC                    N/A               DoC
                                                                                        1.2m unshielded data cable.
     Notebook                 DELL                  PP10L               DoC             1.5m unshielded power cord
        PC                     Dell                  2400n              DoC             1.5m unshielded power cord

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                            FCC ID: T2C-T21P

4. 5 EUT Operating Condition

Operating condition is according to ANSI C63.4 - 2003.
A. Setup the EUT and simulators as shown on follow.
B. Enable RF signal and confirm EUT active.
A. Modulate output capacity of EUT up to specification.

4. 6 Conducted Power Line Emission Limits

               Frequency Range (MHz)              Class A QP/AV (dBuV)   Class B QP/AV (dBuV)
                      0.15 – 0.5                              79/66            66 –56/56 –46
                       0.5 – 5.0                              73/60                56/46
                        5.0 – 30                              73/60                60/50
Note: In the above table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                                        FCC ID: T2C-T21P

4. 7 Conducted Power Line Test Result

 Product               : IP Phone                                  Test Mode         : Normal Link / Auto
 Test Item             : Conducted Emission Data                   Temperature       : 25 ℃
 Test Voltage          : DC 5V                                     Humidity          : 56%RH
 Test Result           : PASS                                      Adapter Model     :

The frequency spectrum from 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz was investigated. All readings are quasi -peak values with a resolution
bandwidth of 9 KHz.
. Temperature : 26 ℃
. Humidity      : 53 % RH
                                Adapter model: OH-1006B0500600U-UL
                                           FCC Part 15 Paragraph 15.207
          Frequency        Emission (dBuV)           LINE/            Limit (dBuV)            Margin (dB)
            (MHz)           QP         AV          NEUTRAL            QP        AV           QP        AV
             0.330         52.58        44.39          Line          59.45      49.45       -6.87       -5.06
             0.162         44.65        33.01        Neutral         65.36      55.36      -20.71      -22.35
             0.682         45.26        36.51          Line          56.00      46.00      -10.74       -9.49
             0.326         45.73        35.78        Neutral         59.55      49.55      -13.82      -13.77
             0.814         45.29        38.29          Line          56.00      46.00      -10.71       -7.71
             0.738         38.38        29.57        Neutral         56.00      46.00      -17.62      -16.43
Note: NF = No Significant Peak was Found.
                                     Adapter model: NSA6EU-050060
                                           FCC Part 15 Paragraph 15.207
          Frequency        Emission (dBuV)           LINE/            Limit (dBuV)            Margin (dB)
            (MHz)           QP         AV          NEUTRAL            QP        AV           QP        AV
             0.154         53.52        40.68          Line          65.78      55.78      -12.26      -15.10
             0.154         53.22        39.38        Neutral         65.78      55.78      -12.56      -16.40
             0.162         53.88        43.89          Line          65.36      55.36      -11.48      -11.47
             0.178         49.48        35.52        Neutral         64.58      54.58      -15.10      -19.06
             0.654         51.78        44.56          Line          56.00      46.00       -4.22       -1.44
             0.650         48.38        41.78        Neutral         56.00      46.00       -7.62       -4.22
Note: NF = No Significant Peak was Found.
                                           FCC Part 15 Paragraph 15.107
          Frequency        Emission (dBuV)           LINE/            Limit (dBuV)            Margin (dB)
            (MHz)           QP         AV          NEUTRAL            QP        AV           QP        AV
             0.246         36.06        32.61          Line          61.89      51.89      -25.83      -19.28
             0.242         37.08        33.62        Neutral         62.03      52.03      -24.95      -18.41
             0.426         37.32        33.91          Line          57.33      47.33      -20.01      -13.42
             0.366         37.01        33.78        Neutral         58.59      48.59      -21.58      -14.81
             0.486         37.22        33.79          Line          56.24      46.24      -19.02      -12.45
             0.426         37.51        34.22        Neutral         57.33      47.33      -19.82      -13.11
Note: NF = No Significant Peak was Found.

1.Uncertainty in conducted emission measured is <+/ -2dB.
2.The emission levels of other frequencies were very low against the limit.
3.All Reading Levels are Quasi-Peak and Average value.
4.Emission = Meter Reading + Factor; Factor = Insertion Loss + Cable Loss.
5.Margin Value = Emission Level - Limit Value.
nducted Emission

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                                  FCC ID: T2C-T21P

EUT: IP Phone
Manufacturer:   Yealink(Xiamen) Network Technology Co. Ltd
Operating Condition: Transmitter
Test Site: Normal
Operator: Eric
Test Specification: LINE&NEUTRAL
Adapter model: OH-1006B0500600U-UL
                                          RBW    9 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                          MT     100 ms             55.68 dBµV
                              Att 10 dB   PREAMP OFF         330.000000000 kHz
dBµV    100                     1 MHz                       10 MHz


1 PK

2 PK
MAXH                                                                             TDF







        150 kHz                                                         30 MHz

Date:         3.JUL.2013   14:30:29

Adapter model: NSA6EU-050060
                                          RBW    9 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                          MT     100 ms             55.83 dBµV
                              Att 10 dB   PREAMP OFF         154.000000000 kHz
dBµV    100                     1 MHz                       10 MHz


1 PK

2 PK
MAXH                                                                             TDF








        150 kHz                                                         30 MHz

Date:         3.JUL.2013   14:40:38

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                                  FCC ID: T2C-T21P

                                          RBW    9 kHz    Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                          MT     100 ms             41.74 dBµV
                              Att 10 dB   PREAMP OFF         366.000000000 kHz
dBµV    100                     1 MHz                       10 MHz


1 PK

2 PK
        70                                                                       TDS








        150 kHz                                                         30 MHz

Date:         8.AUG.2013   16:20:54

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                                            FCC ID: T2C-T21P

5. Radiated Emission Test
5. 1 Test Equipment
Please refer to Section 8 this report.

5. 2 Test Procedure

1. The EUT was tested according to ANSI C63.4 - 2003.
2. The EUT, peripherals were put on the turntable which table size is 1m x 1.5 m, table high 0.8 m. All set up is according to
   ANSI C63.4-2003.
3. The frequency spectrum from 9 kHz to 25 GHz was investigated. All readings from 9 kHz to 150 kHz are quasi-peak
   values with a resolution bandwidth of 200 Hz. All readings from 150 kHz to 30 MHz are quasi-peak values with a
   resolution bandwidth of 9 KHz. All readings from 30 MHz to 1 GHz are quasi-peak values with a resolution bandwidth of
   120 KHz. All readings are above 1 GHz , peak values with a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz . Measurements were made
   at 3 meters.
4. The emissions from the EUT were measured continuously at every azimuth by rotating the turntable. The Receiving
   antenna high is varied from 1 m to 4 m high to find the maximum emission for each frequency. Emissions below 30MHz
   were measured with a loop antenna while emission above 30MHz were measured using a broadband E-field antenna.
5. Maximizing procedure was performed on the six (6) highest emissions to ensure EUT compliance is with all installation
   combinations. All data was recorded in the peak detection mode. Quasi-peak readings was performed only when an
   emission was found to be marginal (within -4 dB of specification limit), and are distinguished with a "QP" in the data
6. Each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of receiving antenna both horizontal and vertical. In
   order to find out the max. emission, the relative positions of this transmitter(EUT) was rotated through three orthogonal
   axes according to the requirements in Section 8 and 13 of ANSI C63.4 - 2003.

5. 3 Radiated Test Setup
For Frequencies below 30 MHz


Plane           80cm

                                TURN TABLE

                                                                                             Test Receiver
          For the actual test configuration , please refer to the related items – Photos of Testing

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                                           FCC ID: T2C-T21P

For Frequencies above 30 MHz

                                                                            Antenna        Antenna Tower

                                                                                                         1- 4m


Plane          80cm

                               TURN TABLE

                                                                                          Test Receiver
                 For the actual test configuration , please refer to the related items – Photos of Testing

5. 4 Configuration of The EUT
Same as section 4.4 of this report
5. 5 EUT Operating Condition
Same as section 4.5 of this report
5. 6 Radiated Emission Limit
All emission from a digital device, including any network of conductors and apparatus connected thereto, shall not exceed
the level of field strength specified below:

                          Frequencies in restricted band are complied to limit on Paragraph 15.109.
                        Frequency (MHz)          Distance (m)         Field Strength (dBuV/m)
                                30 - 88                 3                         40.0
                               88 - 216                 3                         43.5
                              216 - 960                 3                         46.0
                              Above 960                 3                         54.0
1. In the emission tables above, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
2. Distance refers to the distance between measuring instrument, antenna, and the closest point of any part of the device or
3. The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                                        FCC ID: T2C-T21P

5. 7 Radiated Emission Test Result
 Product                  : IP Phone                                Test Mode         : Normal Link / Auto
 Test Item                : Fundamental Radiated Emission Data      Temperature       : 25 ℃
 Test Voltage             : DC 5V/POE                               Humidity          : 56%RH
 Test Result              : PASS                                    Model             :

For Frequency Below 30MHz
     Freq.        Emission (dBuV/m)              HORIZ /             Limits              Margin
    (MHz)            QP Detector                  VERT             (dBuV/m)               (dB)
      N/A                N/A                       N/A                N/A                 N/A

Note:      (1) All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above are performed with peak and/or average measurements
               as necessary.
           (2) “N/A” remark, if no specific emissions from the EUT are recorded (ie: margin>20dB from the applicable
               limit) and considered that’s already beyond the background noise floor.
           (3) Emission Level = Reading Level + Probe Factor + Cable Loss.
For Frequency Above 30MHz
Adapter model: OH-1006B0500600U-UL
         Freq.          Emission (dBuV/m)        HORIZ /             Limits              Margin
        (MHz)             QP Detector             VERT             (dBuV/m)               (dB)
        221.200                 34.53              HORZ               46.0                -11.47
        30.960                  34.22              VERT               40.0                 -5.78
        350.040                 36.48              HORZ               46.0                 -9.52
        39.520                  33.94              VERT               40.0                 -6.06
        442.400                 39.67              HORZ               46.0                 -6.33
        442.400                 41.18              VERT               46.0                 -4.82
Adapter model: NSA6EU-050060
         Freq.          Emission (dBuV/m)        HORIZ /             Limits              Margin
        (MHz)             QP Detector             VERT             (dBuV/m)               (dB)
        221.200                 32.95              HORZ               46.0                -13.05
        30.720                  32.72              VERT               40.0                 -7.28
        276.480                 34.18              HORZ               46.0                -11.82
        37.560                  36.01              VERT               40.0                 -3.99
        442.400                 39.41              HORZ               46.0                 -6.59
        442.400                 38.76              VERT               46.0                 -7.24
     Freq.             Emission (dBuV/m)         HORIZ /             Limits              Margin
    (MHz)                QP Detector              VERT             (dBuV/m)               (dB)
    276.520                   35.52               HORZ                46.0                -10.48
      36.160                  35.25                VERT               40.0                -4.75
    442.400                   40.31               HORZ                46.0                -5.69
    221.200                   32.87                VERT               46.0                -13.13
    850.120                   41.19               HORZ                46.0                -4.81
    442.400                   37.78                VERT               46.0                -8.22
 Note:            (1) All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above are performed with peak and/or average
                      measurements as necessary.
                  (2) Emission Level = Reading Level + Probe Factor + Cable Loss.

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  Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                                      FCC ID: T2C-T21P

 For Frequency above 1GHz
     Freq.      Emission (dBuV/m)          HORIZ /         Limits(dBuV/m)          Margin(dB)
    (MHz)           PK        AV            VERT            PK        AV          PK       AV
   1056.36         32.37         -          HORZ            74          54       -41.63        -
   1075.08         32.36         -          VERT            74          54       -41.64        -
   1302.44         33.58         -          HORZ            74          54       -40.42        -
   1280.64         33.39         -          VERT            74          54       -40.61        -
   1878.64         33.35         -          HORZ            74          54       -40.65        -
   1628.36         32.36         -          VERT            74          54       -41.64        -
Note:        (1) All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above are performed with peak and/or average measurements
                 as necessary.
             (2) Emission Level = Reading Level + Probe Factor + Cable Loss.

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                FCC ID: T2C-T21P

6. Photo of Testing
6.1 Emission test view

                                      Conducted emission test view

                                       Radiated emission test view

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                          FCC ID: T2C-T21P

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                               FCC ID: T2C-T21P

6.2 Photograph - EUT
                                                EUT top view

                                               EUT bottom view

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                               FCC ID: T2C-T21P

                                          EUT inside whole view

                                   Main & RF board component side

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                          FCC ID: T2C-T21P

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                               FCC ID: T2C-T21P

                                      Main & RF board solder side

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                               FCC ID: T2C-T21P

                                               Adapter top view

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                FCC ID: T2C-T21P

                                               Adapter side view

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                               FCC ID: T2C-T21P

                                        Adapter inside whole view

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                             FCC ID: T2C-T21P

                                          Adapter PCB rear view

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                          FCC ID: T2C-T21P

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                                          FCC ID: T2C-T21P

7. FCC ID Label

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.

The Label must not be a stick-on paper label. The Label on these products must be permanently affixed to the product and
readily visible at the time of purchase and must last the expected lifetime of the equipment not be readily detachable.

                                            Proposed Label Location on EUT

                                   EUT Bottom View/Proposed FCC ID Label Location

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 Yealink (Xiamen) Network Technology Co.,Ltd                                          FCC ID: T2C-T21P

8. Test Equipment
         The following test equipments were used during the radiated & conducted emission test:
      Equipment/            Manufacturer            Model #             Serial No.        Due Date
        Turntable                  SinTek               N/A              N/A                  NCR
      Antenna Tower                SinTek               N/A              N/A                  NCR
          OATS                     SinTek               N/A              N/A               Sep.28, 2013
       Pre-Amplifier               Agilent             87405C         KMO-SZ155            Dec.6, 2013

       Pre-Amplifier             Com-Power            PAM-840         KMO-SZ156            Dec.6, 2013
       Horn Antenna              Com-Power             AH-840         KMO-SZ157            Dec.6, 2013
     EMI Test Receiver         Rohde & Schwarz         ESPI7          KMO-SZ002            June 01, 2014

     Spectrum Analyzer         Rohde & Schwarz         FSP40          KMO-SZ003            May 27, 2014

      Signal Generator             FLUKE            PM5418+Y/C        KMO-SZ020            May 27, 2014
        Loop Antenna           Rohde & Schwarz        HFH2-Z2         KMO-SZ004            Jan. 30, 2014
   Trilog-Super Broadband
                               SCHWARZBECK           VULB9161         KMO-SZ005            Sep.18, 2013
   Trilog-Super Broadband
                               SCHWARZBECK           VULB9161         KMO-SZ006            Sep.18, 2013
  Broad-Band Horn Antenna      SCHWARZBECK          BBHA 9120D        KMO-SZ007            Sep.18, 2013

  Broad-Band Horn Antenna      SCHWARZBECK          BBHA 9120D        KMO-SZ008            Sep.18, 2013

           AMN                 Rohde & Schwarz        ESH3-Z5         KMO-SZ009            May 27, 2014

       Pulse Limiter           SCHWARZBECK          VTSD 9561-F       KMO-SZ077            Nov.29, 2013

            ISN                SCHWARZBECK        NTFM 8158 CAT3      KMO-SZ070            Nov.19, 2013

            ISN                SCHWARZBECK        NTFM 8158 CAT5      KMO-SZ071            Nov.19, 2013

            ISN                SCHWARZBECK        NTFM 8158 CAT6      KMO-SZ072            Nov.19, 2013
    KMO Shielded Room               KMO               KMO-001            N/A                   N/A
     Coaxial Cable with
                               SCHWARZBECK            AK9515H         KMO-SZ037            Sep.18, 2013
 SOHO Telephone Switching
                                    IKE              2000-108C           N/A                   NCR
   3m Anechoic Chamber              KMO              KMO-3AC          KMO-3AC-1            May 29, 2014
                                   TABAI             PSL-4GTW            N/A               Feb.10, 2014

KMO FCC 15 Test Report                           Page 28 of 28                 Report #: KSZ2013062101J01

Document Created: 2019-06-13 01:18:24
Document Modified: 2019-06-13 01:18:24

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