Parts List/Tune Up Info

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Main Board--204000201446           109                                          RD:刘飞翔
N.O Part Number      Component     Qty                Location                        Parameter                   Vender PN         Manufacture Manufacture Manufacture
      310000400583                                                                                                DF2B6.8M1ACT        TOSHIBA    Outsourcing   SS-00259
                        ESD        3                  D1,D2,D22                           ,               ,
                                                                             *0.38mm,0.4pf contact±12kv air±
                                                                                                                 ESD9N5BU-2/TR        Willsemi   Outsourcing   SS-00259
      312000100317                                                                                              1239AS-H-2R2M=P2       Toko      Outsourcing   SS-00259
 2                    Inductance   4                  L1,L4,L5,L6               2.2uH,20%,2.5mm×2.0mm
      312000100805                                                                                             LVF252A12-2R2M-N       Chilisin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
 3    315001500015     Reset IC     1                     U6                       2.63V reset SOT-23           SGM803-RXN3L/TR      SGMICRO     Outsourcing   SS-00259
 4    315000301059     DC/DC        1                     U7                      IN:2.7-6V,SOT23-8,1A             MP2149GJ–Z           MPS      Outsourcing   SS-00259
 6    315000300514     DC/DC        1                     U2                       IN:2.5-5.5V,SOT23-5             SY8088AAC           Silergy   Outsourcing   SS-00259
 7    315000301192     DC/DC        1                     U3                  5.5V, 2A continuous,SOT23-5          SY8089AAAC          Silergy   Outsourcing   SS-00259
      311000100049                                                                                             GRM033R60J104KE19D      Murata    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 8                    Capacitor    26    39,C40,C42,C43,C47,C48,C49,C52,C57,C    0.1uF,±10%,6.3V,0201
      311000101083                       58,C59,C60,C145,C149,C150,C151,C152                                     0201X104K6R3CT        Walsin    Outsourcing   SS-00259
      311000100017                                                                                             GRM033R61A104KE15D     Murara     Outsourcing   SS-00259
 9                    Capacitor    2                   C85,C86                  100nF,20%,10V,0201,X5R
      311000101071                                                                                               0201X104K100CT        Walsin    Outsourcing   SS-00259
      311000300230                                                                                             GRM188R60J226MEA0D      Murata    Outsourcing   SS-00259
10                    Capacitor    8        C2,C3,C7,C14,C18,C24,C46,C144          22u,20%,6.3V,0603
      311000300811                                                                                              JMK107BBJ226MA-T       Taiyo     Outsourcing   SS-00259
      311000300805                                                                                             GRM188R61A226ME15D      Murata    Outsourcing   SS-00259
11                    Capacitor    3                  C1,C12,C56                    22u,20%,10V,0603
      311000300899                                                                                               0603X226M100CT        Walsin    Outsourcing   SS-00259
      311000200532                                                                                             GRM155R60J106ME44D      Murata    Outsourcing   SS-00259
12                    Capacitor     2                  C41,C45                  10uF,+/-20%,6.3V,0402,X5R
      311000200533                                                                                              JMK105CBJ106MV-F       Taiyo     Outsourcing   SS-00259
      311000201356                                                                                              LDK105CBJ106MVLF       Taiyo     Outsourcing   SS-00259
13                    Capacitor    1                     C87                       10uF,±20%,10V,0402
      311000201586                                                                                             GRM155R61A106ME11D      Murata    Outsourcing   SS-00259
      311000100173                       C19,C23,C25,C27,C28,C29,C30,C31,C35,                                  GRM033R60J105MEA2D      Murata    Outsourcing   SS-00259
14                    Capacitor    12                                              1uF,±20%,6.3v,0201
      311000100207                                   C54,C70,C88                                                JMK063ABJ105MP-F       Taiyo     Outsourcing   SS-00259
      311000100192                                                                                             GRM0335C1E270JA01D      Murata    Outsourcing   SS-00259
15                    Capacitor     2                   C6,C38                   27pF,±5%,25V,0201,C0G
      311000101099                                                                                               0201N270J250CT        Walsin    Outsourcing   SS-00259
      311000201235                                                                                              JMK105BBJ475MV-F       Taiyo     Outsourcing   SS-00259
16                    Capacitor     2                   C4,C62                    4.7uF,±20%,6.3V,0402
      311000200483                                                                                             GRM155R60J475ME87D      Murata    Outsourcing   SS-00259
      311000100047                                                                                             GRM033R61A103KA01D      Murata    Outsourcing   SS-00259
17                    Capacitor     1                     C5                      10n,±10%,10,0201,X5R
      311000101093                                                                                               0201X103K100CT        Walsin    Outsourcing   SS-00259
      311000100090                                                                                             GRM033R71E102KA01D      Murata    Outsourcing   SS-00259
18                    Capacitor     3                C33,C44,C84                  1n,±10%,25,0201,X7R
      311000101040                                                                                               0201B102K250CT        Walsin    Outsourcing   SS-00259
      313000100022                                                                                                 RM02FTN0             TA-I     Outsourcing   SS-00259
19                     Resistor    1                     R40                       0R,±1%,0201,1/20W
      313000101392                                                                                                WR02X000 PAL         walsin    Outsourcing   SS-00259
      313000100172                                                                                                RM02FTN1003           TA-I     Outsourcing   SS-00259
20                     Resistor    3                 R26,R42,R43                   100k,±1%,0201,1/20
      313000101354                                                                                                WR02X1003FAL         walsin    Outsourcing   SS-00259
      313000100009                                                                                                 RM02JTN103           TA-I     Outsourcing   SS-00259
21                     Resistor    3                 R28,R31,R37                  10K,±5%,0201,1/20W
      313000101389                                                                                                WR02X103 JAL         walsin    Outsourcing   SS-00259
      313000101187                                                                                                RM02FTN1203           TA-I     Outsourcing   SS-00259
22                     Resistor    2                    R3,R44                    120K,+/-1%,0201,1/20w
      313000101489                                                                                                WR02X1203FAL         walsin    Outsourcing   SS-00259
      313000100015                                                                                                RM02FTN1503           TA-I     Outsourcing   SS-00259
23                     Resistor    1                      R2                      150K,±1%,0201,1/20W
      313000101488                                                                                                WR02X1503FAL         walsin    Outsourcing   SS-00259
      313000100258                                                                                                RM02FTN1823           TA-I     Outsourcing   SS-00259
24                     Resistor     1                     R6                      182K,1%,0201,1/20W
      313000101490                                                                                                WR02X1823FAL         walsin    Outsourcing   SS-00259

         313000100168                                                                                        RM02FTN1004              TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 25                        Resistor     1              R41                    1M,±1%,0201,1/20W
         313000101451                                                                                        WR02X1004FAL            walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
         313000101028                                                                                        RM02FTN2202              TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 26                        Resistor     1               R5                    22K,1%,0201,1/20w
         313000101422                                                                                        WR02X2202FAL            walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
         313000101247                                                                                        RM02FTN4123              TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 27                        Resistor     1              R16                    412K,1%,0201,1/20W
         313000101491                                                                                        WR02X4123FAL            walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
         313000100997                                                                                        RM02FTN8063              TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 28                        Resistor     2             R4,R13                 806K,±1%,0201,1/20w
         313000101492                                                                                        WR02X8063FAL            walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
         313000100155                                                                                        RM02FTN1000              TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 29                        Resistor     1              R27                   100R,±1%,0201,1/20W
         313000101405                                                                                        WR02X1000FAL            walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
         313000100024                                                                                        RM02FTN1001              TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 30                        Resistor     7   R24,R25,R29,R30,R33,R34,R73       1K,±1%,0201,1/20W
         313000100123                                                                                        WR02X1001FAL            walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
         313000101249                                                                                        RM02FTN1800              TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 31                        Resistor     1              R75                    180,1%,0201,1/20w
         313000101487                                                                                        WR02X1800FAL            walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
         313000101205                                                                                        RM02FTN2400              TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 32                        Resistor     2            R32,R38                240ohm,1%,0201,1/20W
         313000101441                                                                                        WR02X2400FAL            walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
 33      317000201773   BTB Connector   1               J1                           30pin              DF40HC(3.0)-30DS-0.4V(51)     HRS     Outsourcing   SS-00259
         310000500079                                                                                        KRC402-RTK/P             KEC     Outsourcing   SS-00260
 34                       Transistor    1               Q4                  double 10K resistor NPN
         310000500647                                                                                         DTC114EUA              JCST     Outsourcing   SS-00259
         313000100179                                                                                         RM02JTN221              TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 35                        Resistor     1              R118                  220R,±5%,0201,1/20W
         313000101356                                                                                        WR02X221 JAL            walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
 37      310000600121     Blue LED      1              D40                   Blue,1.65×1.15×0.6mm          LTST-S270TBKT-5A         LITEON    Outsourcing   SS-00259
         313000300036                                                                                          RM06JTN0               TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 38                        Resister     5         R1,R7,R8,R9,R10             0R,±5%,0603,1/10W
         313000300925                                                                                        WR06X000 PTL            Walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259

                          USB Plug      1               J3                        USB A Plug
                                                                                                             CUSS14K42910             仕昌      Outsourcing   SS-00259
         317000100121                                                                                        USB-MA14H01             Sanwin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
 40   309000117997R6        PCB         1                                 15.7*41*1mm,FR-4,6Layer,HDI                                         Outsourcing   SS-00259
         311000101088                                                                                       0201N180J250CT           Walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
 1                        Capacitor     2            C32,C34                  18pF,±5%,25V,0201
         311000100211                                                                                    GRM0335C1E180JA01D          Murata   Outsourcing   SS-00259
         311000100173                                                                                    GRM033R60J105MEA2D          Murata   Outsourcing   SS-00259
 2                        Capacitor     1              C61                    1uF,±20%,6.3v,0201
         311000100207                                                                                      JMK063ABJ105MP-F          Taiyo    Outsourcing   SS-00259
         313000101248                                                                                        RM02FTN1500              TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 3                         Resistor     1              R35                   150R,±1%,0201,1/20w
         313000101486                                                                                        WR02X1500FAL            Walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
         313000101205                                                                                        RM02FTN2400              TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 4                         Resistor     1              R36                  240ohm,1%,0201,1/20W
         313000101441                                                                                        WR02X2400FAL            Walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
         313000100009                                                                                         RM02JTN103              TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 5                         Resistor     2            R39,R47                  10K,±5%,0201,1/20W
         313000101389                                                                                        WR02X103 JAL            Walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
         313000100074                                                                                        RM02FTN4703              TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
 6                         Resistor     1              R132                  470k,±1%,0201,1/20W
         313000101485                                                                                        WR02X4703FAL            Walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259
 8       315000700514       SOC         1               U1                  LFBGA 12*12mm 306ball                 S805              Amlogic   Outsourcing   SS-00259
         315000200226                                                                                    MT41K128M16JT-125:K         Micron   Outsourcing   SS-00259
 9                         DDR3L        1               U8                  2Gb,1.35V,96-Ball FBGA
         315000200829                                                                                      NT5CC128M16IP-DI          Nanya    Outsourcing   SS-00259
         318000200798                                                                                       E3SB24E00003HE          HOSONIC   Outsourcing   SS-00259
 10                         X'TAL       1               X1                 24MHZ,20PF,10PPM 3225
         318000200790                                                                                       X3203012424000A         Dynamic   Outsourcing   SS-00259

     313000200073                                                 RM04JTN0       TA-I    Outsourcing   SS-00259
11                  Resister   2   R12,R14   0R,±5%,0402,1/16W
     313000202469                                                WR04X000 PTL   Walsin   Outsourcing   SS-00259

RF Board--204000201447                  55                         RD:刘飞翔
N.O Part Number         Component Qty             Location                  Parameter                    Vender PN          Manufacture   Attribute     Environmental
 1       316000300048     Antenna        2       ANT3,ANT4                     ,
                                                                       2.45GHz 2012 SMT,             RANT1F2012ACMA00A4       台庆科技        Outsourcing      SS-00259
         311000201235                                                                                 JMK105BBJ475MV-F         Taiyo      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 2                        Capacitor      1           C63               4.7uF,±20%,6.3V,0402
         311000200483                                                                                GRM155R60J475ME87D        Murata     Outsourcing      SS-00259
         311000100049                                                                                GRM033R60J104KE19D        Murata     Outsourcing      SS-00259
 3                        Capacitor      5   C64,C65,C66,C67,C68       0.1uF,±10%,6.3V,0201
         311000101083                                                                                  0201X104K6R3CT          Walsin     Outsourcing      SS-00259
         311000100209                                                                                GRM0335C1E8R2DA01D       MURATA      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 4                        Capacitor      3     C135,C138,C141         8P2,±0.5p,25V,0201,NPO
         311000101131                                                                                  0201N8R2D250CT          Walsin     Outsourcing      SS-00259
 5       311000100074     Capacitor      2        C137,C140           10pF,±5%,25V,0201,COG            0201N100J250CT          Walsin     Outsourcing      SS-00259
 6       312000100269    Inductance      1            L7             0402,1.2nH,±0.1nH,390mA           LQP15MN1N2B02D          Murata     Outsourcing      SS-00259
         313000100011                                                                                    RM02JTN473             TA-I      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 7                         Resistor      1           R45                47K,±5%,0201,1/20W
         313000101399                                                                                   WR02X473 JAL          WALSIN      Outsourcing      SS-00259
         315000200842                                                                                 TC58NVG1S3HTA00         TOSHIBA     Outsourcing      SS-00259
 8                       NAND Flash      1           U10                 2Gb,3.3V,TSOP-48
         315000200819                                                                                   W29N02GVSIAA          Winbond     Outsourcing      SS-00259
         318000700132                                                                                      HWS408            HexaWave     Outsourcing      SS-00259
 9                        RF Switch      1           U26                      SOT363
         316000400002                                                                                     RTC6603SP           RichWave    Outsourcing      SS-00259
         313000200073                                                                                     RM04JTN0              TA-I      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 10                        Resister      1           R9                 0R,±5%,0402,1/16W
         313000202469                                                                                   WR04X000 PTL           Walsin     Outsourcing      SS-00259
 11   309000117998R6        PCB          1                         17.4*29*1mm,FR-4,4Layer,   全通孔                                         Outsourcing      SS-00259
 1       315000900049     RF Codec       1           U24                        ,
                                                                      2.4G RF IC USB,QFN48                  AV6351            AVNERA      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 2       316000100004   BALUN FILTER     1           U5                      2.4G Balun               LFB212G45BA1A220         Murata     Outsourcing      SS-00259
         315000200246                                                                                  FT24C128A-UMG-T          FMD       Outsourcing      SS-00259
 3                        EEPROM         1           U23                  128K-bits MSOP8
         315000200237                                                                                 FM24C128A-MS-T-G         复旦微        Outsourcing      SS-00259
         310000400583                                                                                   DF2B6.8M1ACT          TOSHIBA     Outsourcing      SS-00259
                            ESD          1           D3                         ,
                                                                6*0.38mm,0.4pf contact±12kv air± ,      ESD9N5BU-2/TR         Willsemi    Outsourcing      SS-00259
         311000100049                                                                                GRM033R60J104KE19D        Murata     Outsourcing      SS-00259
 5                        Capacitor C118,C119,C120,C121,C122,C123,C127,C129
                                          8                           0.1uF,±10%,6.3V,0201
         311000101083                                                                                  0201X104K6R3CT          Walsin     Outsourcing      SS-00259
         311000100017                                                                                GRM033R61A104KE15D        Murara     Outsourcing      SS-00259
 6                        Capacitor      3     C130,C132,C133         100nF,20%,10V,0201,X5R
         311000101071                                                                                  0201X104K100CT          Walsin     Outsourcing      SS-00259
         311000100171                                                                                GRM033R60J224ME15D        Murata     Outsourcing      SS-00259
 7                        Capacitor      1          C126             220nF,±20%,6V3,0201,X5R
         311000101097                                                                                  0201X224M6R3CT          Walsin     Outsourcing      SS-00259
         311000100767                                                                                 CM03X5R225M06AH        KYOCERA      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 8       311000100856     Capacitor      1          C131              2.2uF,20%,6.3v,0201,X5R        GRM033R60J225ME47D        Murata     Outsourcing      SS-00259
         311000101132                                                                                  0201X225M6R3CT          Walsin     Outsourcing      SS-00259
         311000100029                                                                                GRM033R71E471KA01D        Murata     Outsourcing      SS-00259
 9                        Capacitor      1          C136              470p,±10%,25,0201,COG
         311000101133                                                                                  0201B471K250CT          Walsin     Outsourcing      SS-00259
         311000100975                                                                                GRM0335C1E9R0CA01D        Murata     Outsourcing      SS-00259
 10                       Capacitor      2        C124,C125            9p,±0.5p,25,0201,COG
         311000101134                                                                                  0201N9R0C250CT          Walsin     Outsourcing      SS-00259
         311000201356                                                                                 LDK105CBJ106MVLF         Taiyo      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 11                       Capacitor      1          C128                10uF,±20%,10V,0402
         311000201269                                                                                 CL05A106MP5NUNC        SAMSUNG      Outsourcing      SS-00259
         310000700025                                                                                    LP2307LT1G             LRC       Outsourcing      SS-00259
 12                        PMOS          1           Q5                    SOT-23 PMOS
         310000700056                                                                                       CJ3401             JCST       Outsourcing      SS-00259
         310000500079                                                                                   KRC402-RTK/P            KEC       Outsourcing      SS-00259
 13                       Transistor     1           Q6                double 10K resistor NPN
         310000500647                                                                                     DTC114EUA            JCST       Outsourcing      SS-00259
         313000100022                                                                                     RM02FTN0              TA-I      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 14                        Resistor      1          R124                0R,±1%,0201,1/20W
         313000101392                                                                                   WR02X000PAL           WALSIN      Outsourcing      SS-00259
         313000200103                                                                                    RM04JTN220             TA-I      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 16                        Resistor      2        R116,R117             22R,±5%,0402,1/20W
         313000202570                                                                                   WR04X220 JAL          WALSIN      Outsourcing      SS-00259
         313000101251                                                                                    RM02FTN2492            TA-I      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 17                        Resistor      1          R123                24.9K,1%,0201,1/20W
         313000101484                                                                                   WR02X2492FAL          WALSIN      Outsourcing      SS-00259
         313000100007                                                                                    RM02JTN472             TA-I      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 18                        Resistor      2        R119,R120             4K7,±5%,0201,1/20W
         313000101388                                                                                    WR02X472JAL          WALSIN      Outsourcing      SS-00259
         313000101250                                                                                    RM02FTN6342            TA-I      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 19                        Resistor      1          R121                63.4K,1%,0201,1/20W
         313000101383                                                                                  RMC1/20-6342FPA        kamaya      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 20      318000700117      switch        1          SW3                       ,
                                                                    Tact Switch 4.6×3.4×1.85mm         TSMD-251211-160        SANWIN      Outsourcing      SS-00259
         318000200095                                                                                     7V16000001            TXC       Outsourcing      SS-00259
                            X'TAL        1           X2                           ,
                                                                             16M 3225
                                                                                                       E3FB16E000001E         Hosonic     Outsourcing      SS-00259
 22      317000100840   BTB Connector    1            J1                     30pin Plug               DF40C-30DP-0.4V(51)       HRS       Outsourcing      SS-00259
         313000200073                                                                                     RM04JTN0              TA-I      Outsourcing      SS-00259
 23                        Resister      3        R1,R2,R3              0R,±5%,0402,1/16W
         313000202469                                                                                   WR04X000 PTL           Walsin     Outsourcing      SS-00259

Document Created: 2016-08-18 13:25:46
Document Modified: 2016-08-18 13:25:46

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