15_SYW-SECCAM UserMan-US r1


Users Manual

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                                                                                                                                                                        MODEL SEC3000/GAM
     ISTALLATION CONTINUED                                                       TROUBLESHOOTING

                                                                                                                                                                        ITM. / ART. 1355300
 9. POSITION MOTION SENSOR AND CAMERA                                            Camert willnot connect to my W—F! natwork.
                                    For optimal performance, base of             + Make sure the LED is blnkdng blue.Ifthe LED s lking red.you will need to press

                                                                                                                                                                                              Flood Light Security Camera
                                    motion sensor should be placed parallel        and hald Reset Button located beind the cover on the sde ofthe camera
                                    and 9 feet above the ground.                   (see the Resetting Unit & Accessing SD Card section.
                                    Camera can be angled in different            + Make sure the Wnetworci a 24Gite network, device wilnot connectto a
                                    direction than lights.                         Softenatwork.
                                                                                 + TestyourWe networkwith other devices such as your phone orcomputerto make

                                                  Q       mninTocromd
                                                                                   sure ts operating properts
                                                                                 + TheWeFIconnection may beout of range during pating. Use your phoneto check
                                                                                   range, ts recommended to have at least 2 signal bars showing forproper connection.
                                                                                 + YourWEnetwork passward is case sentive, make sureyou are entering Itcormecth.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Installation Guide
                                                                                 Thecamem isoftiine
       £                                                                         * There could be a temporary ssue with your intemet connection (eg, sevice
                                                                                   «lsruption}. Please tyagaln n a few minutes.
                                                                                 + Make sure yourWl router is tumed On.
                            The motion detectoris                                + Thecarmera may not have powerto it make surethe wall smtch and breakeris
                        optimized to detect human size                             Inthe On postion.
                             objects for up to 30ft                              + Cycle the powerOffand OnYou wil hear an audible tone and the statusLED shoukd
                                                                                   bilnkred then to slld bluein about 1 minte.iftdoes not urn blueafte a mimute,
                                                                                   please gothrough the setup process agalnto reconnect toyourWE signa.
                                                                                 + Make sure the camera is getting a good signal fom yourWR router. Useyour phone
                                                                                   to chedkerange, ts recommended to have atleast2 signal bar showing for
  10. APP SETUP                                                                    proper connection.
                                                                                 + Thecamera may have been dsconnected from yourWnetwork, press and hold
    Download and install the Folt Electric app                                     Reset Button (se the Resefting Un&Accessing SD Card section) untlyou see a
                                                                                   bilnking blue LEDand hearan audible tore.
    Search forthe FeltBectric app in
    the App Store or Google Play Store.                                          ‘Whatdo the bllnking LEDs meant
    Download and Installthe Fet                                                    +Blnking BLUEPaiing Mode               Sold RED=Rebooting
    Hleciicapp on your smart device.                                               «Blnking RED=NoWeF!Connection          +SolldBLUE=Connectedto ntemet
                                            FeltEleciric App
                                                                                 Livevideo stroamis slowto lood
    Set up the flood light camera using tha Felt Electric app                    Camera streaming ssues may be caused by anyofthe following:
                                                                                 + Your phone‘sellar connection, which s relant on mobile coverage and
    «: Chedkto besuretheflood ightcamera is in                                     stgnalreception s slow,
       paltig mode.The BLUE Indleator Ight must be                               + Lmited Intermet bandvth at home,forexample, other video straaming services
       bliidng rapldlyto connect inotalreacy                                       running atthesametime on your network can cause congestion slowing down the
       blikgng, press and hold the Reset Button untl                               Internat upload and download speeds.
       you hearan audible tone. Usethe Fet lettic                                + WeR reception may not be stable orwork reliably ifthe camera‘sWeFisignal
       app tocompletethesetup.                                                     strength ts less than 2 signal bar.You may need to Instala W—F repesteror extender
    = Top Add Device or the +sign,thenselect                                       to boost theWRsignal.
       Hood Light Camera and confim.You will
       be prompted to enteryourW—FI network                                      Howtoresetthe carmera to reenterpaking mode?
       and password.                                                             + Press and hokd reset button located behind the cover on the side ofthecamera
                                                                                   (see the Resetting Unit & Accessing SD Card section untl you see a liing blue LED
    Be sure to connect to 2 24 GHz WFI network                                     and hear an audlble tone.
                                                                                 Thecomera Isnotrecording?
                                                                                 + Make sure Record Suftchis turmed On in app under SD Card Setings.This is located
    Optional    Connect to Google Assistant or Alexa using the                     in the Settings menu on the upper ight corner in the control panel
    In app guide                                                                 + Make sure thatthe mieroD card s nstaled comrecty.To confim the camena is
                                                                                   recognizing the mkero5D cardgo to the SDCard Seftings in the Settings menu and
                                                                                   make sure mictosD Card Capecty menu showsTotal Capacty, Used and Free Space.
                                                                                   ifthis oes not appear you mayconsider reformattng the mieroSD cart
                                                                                   WARNING: Reformating microSD card wil delet al videos stored on card.
                                                                                   Please go tough theroubleshooting section beforedong so orcontactour                                                         IMPORTANT, RETAIN FOR
                                                                                   Customer SupportTeam.
                                                                                 How do I setthecamern to EventorContinuous Recording?
                                                                                                                                                                                                           FUTURE REFERENCE: READ CAREFULLY
                                                                                 + in the Settings meny under SD Card Setings make sure Record Switch iturned On        "Thi devce conples wil prt 15 o he FOC Fuls. Oporain is eubjct t h folowing two candiion:       LIMITED WARRANTY
                                                                                   and then select Brent Recording orContinuous Recording.                              (%) Ts ds may not ceme hermil interlronce, and (2) ts devion nust accupt any Ineddronce         Th product s warretied o e freefrom defect n workmnenstip and materlls for upto one year
                                                                                                                                                                        reedbed,indudng Irnorironce that maycauso unden oponation.                                      from dateof purchase.If he productfils witin the wairanty perd, lease contctFolt Beovleat
                                                                                 How can I checkkthe avallablespace on the SD Card?                                     No: This oqupmont has boonfeted and aind to comply wit th Iinis o a Clas B l civen,
                                                                                  in the Settings menu under SD Card Settngs,you wil ee Used Space and Free Space.      purzientto Par 15 o the FIG Puls. Thams lints re dedipnd t provde masoratle probctin agunst
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Info@fet.com, vsk fetcomcontaceus or call 1—896—426—RULB (2862) for Instuctions on
                                                                                  Note:Comera wilnotsupportmkreSDcardsgreaterthan 120G8.                                harmii intfonca in residendal nslaladon, This ecunnent poneraes,uaes and can radiade radin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        replacoment orrefund. REMLACEMENT OR RERWD is vour Soue Reveny. BNePT To ThE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        EXTENT ProHBBmeD Br ApPucastE LAW, Any IMruED warnaimes ant Livme1N
           Tp Pankn                                      Chooietima              What happonswhen the mleroSDcard reactosfullcapuctty?                                  ‘equency evergy ar, t not Instaled and uned n eccerdince wit the natuctons, may caume haruful   pumanon To THe oUmanon of THWarnaiTY. Liksiury For nGenaL on
                                                       orGoogle fuizant           You will get notfationifstorage is almostful. Oncethe microSDcard reaches full        Inaroancsto addocommuricatins.                                                                  ConSEOUmTAL DAMAGES I5 Heneay EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED, Some staies and provinces
                                                                                                                                                                        Howevr har no guarants ht inance wilnot occu in a priedarintalaton. ts oquipment
    Optional — See App User Guide to setup Sirl Shorteuts                         eapactt newvideos wilstart rewrting (deeting} overtheoldestvideos.                    doas caise enfi Inerfarnceto rade o tnlevilon recepton,utich can to dearnined by himing the      d not alow the exclusion of Incldonta or consecuentlal damages, sothe above IimBaton or
                                                                                                                                                                        equirment lf and onho use s eneauraged to ty t comeet he Inwrbnce by one or moreof the          excluston may not apply t you. This waranty es you specifc legal rghts, and you may
                                                                                 Can L use a newmcroSDcard f1 do notwant to record overexisting videos?                 folwing mennires: Reecirt o recate he ecehing enteme. Invease ‘he separiton between the         also have.other rights which vary from state to stzte or province to province.
Need Help?                                                                        Yes,you can use anew mieroSD card Ifyou do not wanto record over edsting
                                                                                  videos by remeving the side cover on the camera and replacing the exting mkro8D       equiment and reestrw. Connecthe oqupment o ancutet on a cimadt difirant tom that to wiich the
                                                                                                                                                                        moave is comecind Consut ho daolr o an aspecdanced io nchnician fr hlp.                         80%%, mic60"®, and SOHC® are frademarka oragistred frademark of 80—30, LLC in
FAQs and the latest versions of user guides can be found at flt.com/halp          card with a new one aslongasidoesnoteveeed T28GB, Oncethis s completed                ‘Warniag: Charges or modifcrdons to this urt not epromly appromd by ho part rsponalie for       the Unted States, other countios, or bot.
and felt.comfamart.                                                               you uineed to famat the microSD card by going to the SD Care Setings in the           complince coud vld he use‘ atorty w operas t ogument

To reach customer support please vist falt.com/contact—us                         Seftings menu and pressing Format SD Card then Confim. WARNING: Reformatting
                                                                                  miero8D card willdeeteall content stored on cardt                                     FOG Redieton Eqostre Strtement

                           FETT ELECTRIC COMPANY 1 PICO RIVERA, CA, USA 1 (800) 543—3348 I FAX (582) 900—0360 1 wrw.feit.com
                                                                                                                                                                        "The davcs has bean endiatd t mentganen RFaposun requrement
                                                                                                                                                                        "The devcscan be sed in maile rin?7.7 in) expowir conion wihoutrsticin.                          Only supports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          24GHz Wi—Fi                                   r
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Networks                         Folt Electric app                      wvreus

Document Created: 2019-10-31 11:21:55
Document Modified: 2019-10-31 11:21:55

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