UHF report

FCC ID: SY4-A01023

Test Report

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                         FCC TEST REPORT
                           FCC ID: SY4-A01023
                                    On Behalf of
       Shanghai Huace Navigation Technology LTD.
                 GNSS Receiver (i70+)
               Model No.: 1180271031142

Prepared for       : Shanghai Huace Navigation Technology LTD.
Address            : Building D, 599 Gaojing Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China

Prepared By        : Shenzhen Alpha Product Testing Co., Ltd.
                       Building i, No.2, Lixin Road, Fuyong Street, Bao'an District,
Address            :
                       518103, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

               Report Number            :   T1881286 06
               Date of Receipt          :   August 15, 2018
               Date of Test             :   August 15, 2018-October 24, 2018
               Date of Report           :   October 24, 2018
               Version Number           :   REV0

                                            Page 2 of 34                          Report No.: T1881286 06

                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
Description                                                                                               Page
1.   Summary of Standards And Results ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
     1.1. Description of Standards and Results ------------------------------------------------------------ 5
2.   General Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
     2.1. Description of Device (EUT)---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
     2.2. Accessories of Device (EUT) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
     2.3. Tested Supporting System Details ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7
     2.4. Block Diagram of connection between EUT and simulators --------------------------------- 7
     2.5. Test Mode -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
     2.6. Test Conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
     2.7. Test Facility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9
     2.8. Measurement Uncertainty ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
     2.9. Test Equipment List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
3.   Test Results and Measurement Data ---------------------------------------------------------------- 12
     3.1. Transmitter Power (Conducted)----------------------------------------------------------------- 12
     3.2. Occupied Bandwidth and Emission Mask ----------------------------------------------------- 13
     3.3. Spurious Emissions(conducted) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 19
     3.4. Radiated Spurious Emission --------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
     3.5. Transient Frequency Behavior ------------------------------------------------------------------ 27
     3.6. Behavior Frequency Stability ------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
     3.7. Modulation Characteristic ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
4.   Test setup photo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 33
     4.1. Photos of Radiated emission -------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
5.   Test setup photo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34

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                              TEST REPORT DECLARATION
Applicant               :   Shanghai Huace Navigation Technology LTD.
Address                 :   Building D, 599 Gaojing Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China
Manufacturer            :   Shanghai Huace Navigation Technology LTD.
Address                 :   Building D, 599 Gaojing Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China
EUT Description         :   GNSS Receiver (i70+)
                            (A)   Model No.          :   1180271031142

                            (B)   Trademark          :

Measurement Standard Used:
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 90:2017, FCC CFR Title 47 Part 2:2017
ANSI C63.26: 2015

The device described above is tested by Shenzhen Alpha Product Testing Co., Ltd. to determine the maximum
emission levels emanating from the device. The maximum emission levels are compared to the FCC Part 2, Part
90 limits both conducted and radiated emissions. The test results are contained in this test report and Shenzhen
Alpha Product Testing Co., Ltd. is assumed of full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these

After the test, our opinion is that EUT compliance with the requirement of the above standards.

This report applies to above tested sample only. This report shall not be reproduced in parts without written
approval of Shenzhen Alpha Product Testing Co., Ltd.

Tested by (name + signature)........…..:
                                               Reak Yang                ………………………………….
                                               Project Engineer

                                               Simple Guan
Approved by (name + signature)…....:
                                               Project Manager          ………………………………….

Date of issue…… …………………..:                     October 24, 2018

                                Page 4 of 34                   Report No.: T1881286 06

                              Revision History
Revision      Issue Date                   Revisions                     Revised By
  00       October 24, 2018           Initial released Issue           Simple Guan

                                      Page 5 of 34                      Report No.: T1881286 06

1.1.Description of Standards and Results
The EUT have been tested according to the applicable standards as referenced below:

          Test Item             Test Requirement                                         Result
Transmitter Power(Conducted)     FCC PART 90:2017                   §90.205                 P

    Occupied Bandwidth &
                                 FCC PART 90:2017           §90.209, §90.210                P
       Emission Mask

                                 FCC PART 90:2017                   §90.210                 P

Spurious Emissions(Radiated)     FCC PART 90:2017                   §90.210                 P

Transient Frequency Behavior     FCC PART 90:2017                   §90.213                 P

      Frequency Stability        FCC PART 90:2017                   §90.214                 P

 Modulation Characteristics -    FCC PART 2:2017
                                                           §2.1047(a); §90.207             N/A
 Audio Frequency Response        FCC PART 90:2017
 Modulation Characteristics -    FCC PART 2:2017
                                                          §2.1047(b); §90.207              N/A
   Modulation Limiting           FCC PART 90:2017

             Note:              1. P is an abbreviation for Pass.

                                2. F is an abbreviation for Fail.

                                3. N/A is an abbreviation for Not Applicable.

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2.1.Description of Device (EUT)
Description        : GNSS Receiver (i70+)

Model Number       : 1180271031142
                       1. The model name“1180271031142”information not listed on marking plate at testing &
                       certification stage, but will be listed in white rectangular frame of marking plate at MP
Note               :   stage.
                       2. The model name“1180271031142”corresponding client's internal model is“GNSS
                       Receiver (i70+) i70F-WSA9C”.

Trademark          :

Test Voltage       : DC 7.4V from battery or 12-36VDC, DC 12V From adapter

                   : 410MHz-470MHz
Bandwidth          : 12.5KHz, 25KHz
Modulation type    : GMSK
Antenna Type       : External Antenna, Maximum Gain is 4dBi for UHF.

Software version   : V1.5.99
Hardware version   : V2.1

Antenna height     : Less than 15m.

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2.2.Accessories of Device (EUT)

Accessories1             :     Power supply
Manufacturer             :     GUANGDONG ABT INDUSTRIAL CO LTD
Model                    :     ABT030120
                               Input:100-240V~, 50/60Hz, 1A;
Ratings                  :
                               Output: 12VDC, 3A

2.3.Tested Supporting System Details
                                                                                               Certification or
 No.      Description        Manufacturer            Model            Serial Number
  1         Notebook             ACER                 ZQT                    N/A                    DOC

2.4.Block Diagram of connection between EUT and simulators

                                              EUT                 Notebook

The sample was placed 0.8m & 1.5m for the measurement below & above 1GHz above the ground plane of 3m
chamber. Measurements in both horizontal and vertical polarities were performed. During the test, each emission
was maximized by: having the EUT continuously working, investigated all operating modes, rotated about all 3
axis (X, Y & Z) and considered typical configuration to obtain worst position, manipulating interconnecting
cables, rotating the turntable, varying antenna height from 1m to 4m in both horizontal and vertical polarizations.
The emissions worst-case are shown in Test Results of the following pages.

                                             Page 8 of 34                         Report No.: T1881286 06

2.5. Test Mode

  All modes and data rates and positions were investigated.
  Test modes are chosen to be reported as the worst case configuration below:

                                                  Test Mode

               Item                Description of operation mode                          Note
                                                                                at maximum rated power for
                  1                       GMSK+BW12.5KHz+TX
                                                                                at minimum rated power for
                  2                       GMSK+BW12.5KHz+TX
                                                                                at maximum rated power for
                  3                        GMSK+BW25KHz+TX
                                                                                at minimum rated power for
                  4                        GMSK+BW25KHz+TX
Note: The worst case modes for all test are the item 1 and item 3.

  Description Operation Frequency

       Test Channel                 BW(MHz)                      Channel               Frequency(MHz)
                                      12.5                          1                      410.125
                                       25                           2                      410.250
                                      12.5                          3                      456.125
                                       25                           4                      456.250
                                      12.5                          5                      469.975
                                       25                           6                      469.850

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2.6.Test Conditions
             Items                              Required                   Actual
      Temperature range:                         15-35℃                     27℃
       Humidity range:                           25-75%                     56%
        Pressure range:                        86-106kPa                  980kPa

2.7.Test Facility
Shenzhen Alpha Product Testing Co., Ltd
Building i, No.2, Lixin Road, Fuyong Street, Bao'an District,
518103, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

June 21, 2018 File on Federal Communication Commission
Registration Number: 293631

July 25, 2017 Certificated by IC
Registration Number: 12135A

                                      Page 10 of 34          Report No.: T1881286 06

2.8.Measurement Uncertainty
(95% confidence levels, k=2)

                               Item                             Uncertainty

     Uncertainty for Power point Conducted Emissions Test          2.74dB

     Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test in 3m chamber   2.13 dB(Polarize: V)
                        (below 30MHz)                        2.57dB(Polarize: H)
     Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test in 3m chamber   3.77dB(Polarize: V)
                       (30MHz to 1GHz)                       3.80dB(Polarize: H)
     Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test in 3m chamber   4.16dB(Polarize: H)
                       (1GHz to 25GHz)                       4.13dB(Polarize: V)
                Uncertainty for radio frequency                   5.4×10-8
              Uncertainty for conducted RF Power                   0.37dB
                  Uncertainty for temperature                       0.2℃
                    Uncertainty for humidity                         1%
        Uncertainty for DC and low frequency voltages              0.06%

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2.9.Test Equipment List
        Equipment             Manufacturer           Model No.     Serial No.     Last cal.   Cal Interval

      Test Receiver                                    ESCI         101165       2018.09.21     1Year
    Spectrum analyzer                                  FSU       1166.1660.26    2018.09.21     1 Year
                                                                  BBHA 9120
      Horn Antenna          SCHWARZBECK BBHA 9120 D                              2018.09.21     1Year
           Filter              KANGMAI                            1209002075     2018.09.21      1Year
                                                 00- 1959
        RF Cable               Resenberger            Cable 4        N/A         2018.09.21      1Year
     Signal Analyzer             Agilent             N9020A      MY499100060     2018.09.11      1Year
 vector Signal Generator         Agilent             N5182A      MY49060042      2018.09.11      1Year
 vector Signal Generator         Agilent             E4438C      US44271917      2018.09.11      1Year
        Amplifier                Agilent              8449B      3008A02664      2018.09.21      1Year
                           ROHDE&SCHWA                           1316.3003K03-
      Test Receiver                                    ESR                       2018.09.21      1Year
                                RZ                                 102082-Wa
     Bilog Antenna      SCHWARZBECK VULB 9168                      9168-438      2018.04.13      1Year
 9*6*6 anechoic chamber    CHENYU     9*6*6                          N/A             /             /
        RF Cable          Resenberger Cable 1                        N/A         2018.09.21      1Year
        RF Cable          Resenberger Cable 2                        N/A         2018.09.21      1Year
        RF Cable          Resenberger Cable 3                        N/A         2018.09.21      1Year
      Loop Antenna          SCHWARZBECK FMZB 1519B                  00059        2018.09.26      2Year

       Oscilloscope              Agilent              54833A        165521       2018.09.21      1Year

 Temperature& Humidity
                             GZGONGWEN               GDS-250        080821       2018.10.21      1Year
     test chamber

       Power Meter               Agilent              E9300A     MY41496625      2018.09.21      1Year

     20dB Attenuator          ICPROBING               IATS1         82347        2018.09.21      1Year

        L.I.S.N.#1            Schwarzbeck        NSLK8126          8126466       2018.09.21     1Year

        L.I.S.N.#2                                   ENV216         101043       2018.09.21     1Year

The actual height is 1.5m less than reference HAAT

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3.        Test Results and Measurement Data
3.1. Transmitter Power (Conducted)
 3.1.1.Test Specification
  Test Requirement:               Part 90.205:
  Test Method:                    FCC part 2.1046

  Limits:                         Please refer section FCC Part 90.205

  Test Setup:

                                    a) Connect the equipment as illustrated.
  Test Procedure:                   b) Turn on the power meter
                                    c) Record value
  Test Result:                    PASS

 3.1.2. Test Results

GMSK mode
                  Maximum      Maximum
                  Conducted    Conducted
                                          Maximum         Stated ERP            Limit
 Test channel      Output       Output                                                        Result
                                          ERP(dBm)       Power (dBm)           (dBm)
                 Power(AVG)   Power(Peak)
                   (dBm)        (dBm)
      1               25.21     28.31            30.69         30               33            PASS
      2               25.24     28.32            30.14         30               33            PASS
      3               24.73     27.85            29.64         30               33            PASS
      4               25.54     28.65            30.30         30               33            PASS
      5               25.45     28.56            29.99         30               33            PASS
      6               24.77     27.86            30.20         30               33            PASS

ERP= Maximum Conducted Output Power(Peak) + Antenna Gain – 2.15dB

                                Page 1 or 3«                           Repor No: Tisst2s6 05

32. Occupied Bandwidth and Emission Mask
 32.1 Test Specification
 [Test Requirements        [RCC Part 90.208, RCC Part 80.210

                           Spectrum Antrzer
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 (Test Procedure:          and ut the the specirum
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 [Test Result:             bass

                                          Page 14 of 34                      Report No.: T1881286 06

 3.2.2.Test data
Occupied Bandwidth:

    Channel        Frequency   26dB Bandwidth       99% Occupied Bandwidth           Result
                   (MHz)           (KHz)                    (KHz)
  GMSK 12.5KHz Channel Spacing:

     1              410.125         9.78                     7.55                     PASS
     2              456.125         9.78                     7.65                     PASS
     3              469.975         10.05                    7.56                     PASS

    ChannelFrequency      26dB Bandwidth          99% Occupied Bandwidth           Result
            (MHz)             (KHz)                       (KHz)
  GMSK 25KHz Channel Spacing:

     4             410.250        18.00                    15.43                     PASS
     5             456.250        18.90                    15.83                     PASS
     6             469.850        18.80                    15.80                     PASS

Emission Mask:

    Channel        Frequency   Applicable Mask              RBW                      Result
  GMSK 12.5KHz Channel Spacing:

     1              410.125          D                       300                      PASS
     2              456.125          D                       300                      PASS
     3              469.975          D                       300                      PASS

    Channel  Frequency     Applicable Mask                  RBW                      Result
  GMSK 25KHz Channel Spacing:

     4              410.250          B                       300                      PASS
     5              456.250          B                       300                      PASS
     6              469.850          B                       300                      PASS

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Test plots as follows:
GMSK mode: Occupied Bandwidth
                                      Channel 1

                                      Channel 2

                                      Channel 3

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      Channel 4

      Channel 5

      Channel 6

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GMSK mode: Emission Mask
                                 Channel 1

                                 Channel 2

                                 Channel 3

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      Channel 4

      Channel 5

      Channel 6

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3.3. Spurious Emissions(conducted)
 3.3.1.Test Specification
 Test Requirement:          FCC Part 90.210

 Test Setup:

                            Modulation Type: GMSK
                                  FCC Part 22.359, 74.462, 80.211 and 90.210 and RSS Gen, RSS
                            119 Issue 12:
                            For 12.5 and 25kHz bandwidth:
                                  On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized
                            bandwidth by a displacement frequency (fd in kHz) of more than 12.5
                            kHz at least:
                                  High: 50 + 10 log (Pwatts) = 50 + 10 log (3.0) =54.77 dB
                                  Low: 50 + 10 log (Pwatts) = 50 + 10 log (1.0) =50.00 dB
                                  Note: In general, the worst case attenuation requirement shown
                            above was applied.
                                  Calculation: Limit (dBm) =EL-50-10log10 (TP)
 Test Limit:
                                  Notes: EL is the emission level of the Output Power expressed in
                                  In this application, the EL is 34.77 dBm for High rated power and
                            30.00 for lower rated power.
                                  High: Limit (dBm) = 34.77 – 50 – 10log (3.0) = -20 dBm
                                  Low: Limit (dBm) = 30.00 – 50 – 10log (1.0) = -20 dBm
                            Note: 1. In general, the worst case attenuation requirement shown
                            above was applied.
                                    2. The measurement frequency range from 9 KHz to 5 GHz.
                                    3. *** means that the emission level is too low to be measured
                            or at least 20 dB down than the limit.
                                   4. ERP for below 1GHz and EIRP above 1GHz.
 Test Result:               PASS

 3.3.2.Test data

                         Page 20 of 34     Report No.: T1881286 06

Test plots as follows:
GMSK mode
                               Channel 1

                               Channel 2

                               Channel 3

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      Channel 4

      Channel 5

      Channel 6

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3.4. Radiated Spurious Emission
 3.4.1.Test Specification
 Test Requirement:          FCC Part 90.210
 Test Method:               ANSI C63.26
 Measurement Distance:      3m
 Antenna Polarization:      Horizontal & Vertical
 Operation mode:            Refer to item 4.1

                               Frequency           RBW     VBW
                             9kHz- 150kHz         200Hz    1kHz
                                150kHz-            9kHz   30kHz
 Receiver Setup:
                             30MHz-1GHz         100KHz    300KHz
                              Above 1GHz         1MHz      3MHz

                            For equipment using 12.5 and 25 kHz channel spacing, on any
                            frequency removed from the center of The authorized bandwidth by a
                            displacement frequency (fd in kHz) of more than 12.5 kHz: At least
                            50 + 10 log(P) dB or 70 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

 Test setup:

                            The transmitter was placed on a wooden turntable, and it was transmitting
                            into a non-radiating load, which was also placed on the turntable.
                            The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the
                            EUT. During the tests, the antenna height and polarization as well as
                            EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the maximum level of
                            emissions from the EUT .The test was performed by placing the EUT on
                            3-orthogonal axis.
                            The frequency range up to teeth harmonic of the fundamental frequency
 Test Procedure:            was investigated.
                            Remove the EUT and replace it with substitution antenna. A signal
                            generator was connected to the substitution antenna by a non-radiating
                            cable. The absolute levels of the spurious emissions were measured by
                            the substitution.
                            Spurious emissions in dB =10, 1g (TXpwr in Watts/0.001)-the absolute
                            Spurious attenuation limit in dB =50+10 Log10 (power out in Watts) for

                   Page 23 of 34                        Report No.: T1881286 06

                EUT with a 12.5 kHz and 25KHz channel bandwidth.

Test results:   PASS

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 3.4.2.Test Data

Test Mode: Channel 1, Channel Spacing 12.5KHz
            Reading                                        Emission
Frequency    level     Antenna       Cable loss Ant.Gain     level    Limit       Margin
  (MHz)      (dBm)    Polarization     (dB)       (dBi)     (dBm)     (dBm)        (dB)
 152.648     -93.67        V           0.24       31.35     -62.56     -20        -42.56
  360.904    -93.26        V           0.26       31.34     -62.18     -20        -42.18
  673.313    -94.73        V           0.42       31.24     -63.91     -20        -43.91
  863.444    -93.58        V           0.58       30.71     -63.45     -20        -43.45
 1263.509    -82.56        V           1.23       26.38     -57.41     -20        -37.41
 3864.166    -81.12        V           1.68       25.47     -57.33     -20        -37.33
  285.253    -94.73        H           0.43       31.24     -63.92     -20        -43.92
  399.050    -95.78        H           0.45       30.68     -65.55     -20        -45.55
  479.190    -94.34        H           0.64       30.85     -64.13     -20        -44.13
  675.773    -96.39        H           0.79       31.12     -66.06     -20        -46.06
 1368.694    -82.08        H           1.29       26.12     -57.25     -20        -37.25
 3258.712    -80.69        H           1.62       25.41     -56.90     -20        -36.90

Test Mode: Channel 2, Channel Spacing 12.5KHz
            Reading                                        Emission
Frequency    level     Antenna       Cable loss Ant.Gain     level    Limit       Margin
  (MHz)      (dBm)    Polarization     (dB)       (dBi)     (dBm)     (dBm)        (dB)
  155.210    -92.65        V           0.24       31.35     -61.54     -20        -41.54
  364.462    -92.56        V           0.26       31.34     -61.48     -20        -41.48
  669.814    -93.78        V           0.42       31.24     -62.96     -20        -42.96
  862.247    -93.41        V           0.58       30.71     -63.28     -20        -43.28
 1261.405    -82.54        V           1.23       26.38     -57.39     -20        -37.39
 3858.853    -80.20        V           1.68       25.47     -56.41     -20        -36.41
  290.754    -93.82        H           0.43       31.24     -63.01     -20        -43.01
  397.852    -95.24        H           0.45       30.68     -65.01     -20        -45.01
  479.276    -94.39        H           0.64       30.85     -64.18     -20        -44.18
  683.561    -95.73        H           0.79       31.12     -65.40     -20        -45.40
 1368.272    -81.76        H           1.29       26.12     -56.93     -20        -36.93
 3262.627    -80.02        H           1.62       25.41     -56.23     -20        -36.23

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Test Mode: Channel 3, Channel Spacing 12.5KHz
            Reading                                        Emission
Frequency    level     Antenna       Cable loss Ant.Gain     level    Limit       Margin
  (MHz)      (dBm)    Polarization     (dB)        (dBi)    (dBm)     (dBm)        (dB)
 149.976     -92.96        V            0.24       31.35    -61.85     -20        -41.85
 363.698     -92.35        V            0.26       31.34    -61.27     -20        -41.27
  672.157    -94.67        V            0.42       31.24    -63.85     -20        -43.85
  867.135    -92.91        V            0.58       30.71    -62.78     -20        -42.78
 1259.426    -82.53        V            1.23       26.38    -57.38     -20        -37.38
 3858.867    -80.84        V            1.68       25.47    -57.05     -20        -37.05
  290.920    -94.20        H            0.43       31.24    -63.39     -20        -43.39
  405.147    -95.48        H            0.45       30.68    -65.25     -20        -45.25
  473.758    -94.16        H            0.64       30.85    -63.95     -20        -43.95
  677.316    -95.46        H            0.79       31.12    -65.13     -20        -45.13
 1372.894    -81.44        H            1.29       26.12    -56.61     -20        -36.61
 3264.131    -79.74        H            1.62       25.41    -55.95     -20        -35.95

Test Mode: Channel 4, Channel Spacing 25KHz
            Reading                                        Emission
Frequency    level     Antenna       Cable loss Ant.Gain     level    Limit       Margin
  (MHz)      (dBm)    Polarization     (dB)        (dBi)    (dBm)     (dBm)        (dB)
  149.365    -93.13        V            0.24       31.35    -62.02     -13        -49.02
  360.122    -91.93        V            0.26       31.34    -60.85     -13        -47.85
  672.254    -94.22        V            0.42       31.24    -63.40     -13         -50.4
  867.320    -93.14        V            0.58       30.71    -63.01     -13        -50.01
 1259.385    -82.50        V            1.23       26.38    -57.35     -13        -44.35
 3856.570    -80.34        V            1.68       25.47    -56.55     -13        -43.55
  287.978    -94.66        H            0.43       31.24    -63.85     -13        -50.85
  402.660    -95.20        H            0.45       30.68    -64.97     -13        -51.97
  475.190    -94.69        H            0.64       30.85    -64.48     -13        -51.48
  678.902    -95.82        H            0.79       31.12    -65.49     -13        -52.49
 1370.493    -81.87        H            1.29       26.12    -57.04     -13        -44.04
 3258.430    -80.61        H            1.62       25.41    -56.82     -13        -43.82

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Test Mode: Channel 5, Channel Spacing 25KHz
            Reading                                        Emission
Frequency    level     Antenna       Cable loss Ant.Gain     level    Limit       Margin
  (MHz)      (dBm)    Polarization     (dB)        (dBi)    (dBm)     (dBm)        (dB)
 157.727     -92.69        V            0.24       31.35    -61.58     -13        -48.58
 361.299     -92.07        V            0.26       31.34    -60.99     -13        -47.99
 670.384     -93.71        V            0.42       31.24    -62.89     -13        -49.89
  859.190    -93.02        V            0.58       30.71    -62.89     -13        -49.89
 1262.116    -82.77        V            1.23       26.38    -57.62     -13        -44.62
 3860.246    -80.92        V            1.68       25.47    -57.13     -13        -44.13
  285.515    -93.39        H            0.43       31.24    -62.58     -13        -49.58
  404.347    -94.98        H            0.45       30.68    -64.75     -13        -51.75
  472.970    -94.69        H            0.64       30.85    -64.48     -13        -51.48
  682.270    -95.81        H            0.79       31.12    -65.48     -13        -52.48
 1370.178    -81.63        H            1.29       26.12    -56.80     -13         -43.8
 3261.045    -80.41        H            1.62       25.41    -56.62     -13        -43.62

Test Mode: Channel 6, Channel Spacing 25KHz
            Reading                                        Emission
Frequency    level     Antenna       Cable loss Ant.Gain     level    Limit       Margin
  (MHz)      (dBm)    Polarization     (dB)        (dBi)    (dBm)     (dBm)        (dB)
 154.820     -92.59        V            0.24       31.35    -61.48     -13        -48.48
 363.368     -92.42        V            0.26       31.34    -61.34     -13        -48.34
  670.811    -94.48        V            0.42       31.24    -63.66     -13        -50.66
  865.805    -93.25        V            0.58       30.71    -63.12     -13        -50.12
 1258.551    -81.43        V            1.23       26.38    -56.28     -13        -43.28
 3858.923    -80.68        V            1.68       25.47    -56.89     -13        -43.89
 291.012     -94.71        H            0.43       31.24    -63.90     -13         -50.9
 400.454     -95.44        H            0.45       30.68    -65.21     -13        -52.21
 475.645     -94.98        H            0.64       30.85    -64.77     -13        -51.77
 680.453     -96.30        H            0.79       31.12    -65.97     -13        -52.97
 1373.809    -81.95        H            1.29       26.12    -57.12     -13        -44.12
 3264.509    -79.48        H            1.62       25.41    -55.69     -13        -42.69

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3.5. Transient Frequency Behavior
 3.5.1.Test Specification
 Test Requirement:          FCC Part 90.214

 Test Setup:

 Test Limit

                            The EUT was set in the climate chamber and connected to an external
                            DC power supply and AC power supply. The RF output was directly
                            connected to oscilloscope. The coupling loss of the additional cables
                            was recorded and taken in account for all the measurements. After
 Test Procedure:            temperature stabilization (approx. 20 min for each stage), the
                            frequency for the lower, the middle and the highest frequency range
                            was recorded. For Frequency stability Vs. Voltage the EUT was
                            connected to a DC power supply or AC power supply and the voltage
                            was adjusted in the required ranges. The result was recorded.
 Test Result:               PASS

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 3.5.2.Test data
Test Plots for channel spacing 25KHz, EUT power setting: Maximum.
                                                 Power On

                                               Power Off

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Test Plots for channel spacing 12.5KHz. EUT power setting: Maximum
                                                Power On

                                               Power Off

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3.6. Behavior Frequency Stability
 3.6.1.Test Specification
 Test Requirement:          FCC Part 90.213

 Test Method:               ANSI C63.26

 Test Setup:

                            Method of Measurement (using a Modulation Domain Analyzer).
                            The output of the EUT was connected to a power meter in order to get
                            a reference power measurement. And the reference level is -20dBm.
                            Once the reference power measurement was determined, an external
                            signal source was connected to the Modulation Domain Analyzer in
                            order to set the trigger level.
                            The EUT was connected to the Modulation Domain Analyzer. In order
 Test Procedure:
                            to capture a single-shot turn-on of the transmitter signal, the
                            modulation domain analyzer was set to trigger on the rising edge of the
                            waveform. Plots were taken.
                            The modulation domain analyzer was then adjusted to trigger on the
                            falling edge of the transmitter waveform in order to capture a
                            single-shot turn-off transient of the transmitter signal. Plots were
 Test Result:               PASS

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3.6.2. Test data
     Conclusion: PASS
            Mode           Voltage            Frequency error     frequency error
                            (V)                    (Hz)                (ppm)
                            7.2V                    -25               -0.0020
       Middle Channel
                            7.0V                    -25               -0.0020
                            6.8V                    -25               -0.0020
       Channel Spacing
                            6.6V                    -25               -0.0020
            Limit                                      2.5ppm
                            7.2V                    -25              -0.0010
       Middle Channel
                            7.0V                    -25              -0.0010
       25KHz Channel
                            6.8V                    -25              -0.0010
                            6.6V                    -25              -0.0010
            Limit                                       5ppm
            Mode         Temperature          Frequency error     frequency error
                            (℃)                    (Hz)                (ppm)
                            -30                     -37               -0.0030
                            -20                     -29               -0.0023
                            -10                     -57               -0.0046
       Middle Channel        0                      -25               -0.0020
          12.5KHz            10                     -32               -0.0025
       Channel Spacing       20                     -46               -0.0037
                             30                     -28               -0.0022
                             40                     -21               -0.0017
                             50                     -27               -0.0022
            Limit                                      2.5ppm
                             -30                    -30              -0.0012
                             -20                    -42              -0.0017
                             -10                     -26             -0.0010
       Middle Channel        0                       -29             -0.0012
           25KHz             10                      -31             -0.0012
       Channel Spacing
                             20                      -31             -0.0012
                             30                      -30             -0.0012
                             40                      -27             -0.0011
                             50                      -22             -0.0009
            Limit                                          5ppm

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3.7. Modulation Characteristic
 Test Requirement:          FCC Part 90.207
                            According to FCC § 2.1047(d), Part 22, 74, 90 there is no specific
 Test Result:               requirement for digital modulation, therefore modulation characteristic
                            is not presented.

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4.1.Photos of Radiated emission

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  Please refer to report T1881286 01.

                          ---------THE END OF REPORT-------

Document Created: 2018-12-05 18:03:59
Document Modified: 2018-12-05 18:03:59

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