RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                  SPORTON International Inc.
                 No. 52, Hwa Ya 1st Rd., Hwa Ya Technology Park, Kwei—Shan Hsiang, Tao Yuan Hsien, Taiwan, R.0.C.
                 Ph: 886—3—327—3456 / FAX: 886—3—327—0973 / www.sporton.com.iw
 sponton cai

                                                                                         Project No: CB10607355

                        Maximum Permissible Exposure Report

      Applicant‘s company                Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
      Applicant Address                  685 Third Avenue, 27th Floor New York, New York 10017 USA
      FCC ID                             SWXUAPACSHD
      Manufacturer‘s company             Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
      Manufacturer Address               685 Third Avenue, 27th Floor New York, New York H‘:lDl 7 USA

      Product Name                       UniFi Access Point
      Brand Name                         Usiqum

      Model Name                   _     uarac4shp
      Ref. Standard(s)                   47 CFR FCC Part 2 Subparrt J, section 2.1091                       4
      Received Date                      Jun. 17, 2016                             a >
      Final Test Date                    Jul. 17, 2017

      Submission Type                    Class II Change


 Ciiff Chang                  Lj


Report Format Version: 01

                                                                                                                                                           Report No.: FA661623-07AB

                                                                              Table of Contents
1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................................... 1
   1.1.     EUT General Information .....................................................................................................................................................................1
   1.2.     Table for Class II Change ...................................................................................................................................................................1
   1.3.     Testing Location..................................................................................................................................................................................1

2. MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE.................................................................................................................... 2
   2.1.     Limit of Maximum Permissible Exposure ..............................................................................................................................................2
   2.2.     MPE Calculation Method ....................................................................................................................................................................3
   2.3.     Calculated Result and Limit................................................................................................................................................................3


Report Format Version: 01                                                                                                                                     Page No.              : i of ii
FCC ID : SWX-UAPACSHD                                                                                                                                         Issued Date            : Jul. 21, 2017

                                                                        Report No.: FA661623-07AB

                               History of This Test Report

               REPORT NO.     VERSION            DESCRIPTION                    ISSUED DATE

              FA661623-07AB    Rev. 01        Initial issue of report           Jul. 21, 2017

Report Format Version: 01                                                Page No.      : ii of ii
FCC ID : SWX-UAPACSHD                                                    Issued Date   : Jul. 21, 2017

                                                                                               Report No.: FA661623-07AB

1.1. EUT General Information

                                                      RF General Information
                                  Frequency          Operating
                                    Range            Frequency                          Modulation Type
                                     (MHz)              (MHz)
                                                                       802.11b: DSSS (DBPSK, DQPSK, CCK)
                                                                       802.11g/n: OFDM (BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM)
        2.4GHz WLAN         2400-2483.5            2412-2462
                                                                       802.11ac: OFDM (BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM,
                            5150-5250              5180-5240           802.11a/n: OFDM (BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM)
                            5250-5350              5260-5320           802.11ac: OFDM (BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM,
        5GHz WLAN
                            5470-5725              5500-5720                     256QAM)
                            5725-5850              5745-5825
                                                                       BR / EDR: FHSS (GFSK / π/4-DQPSK / 8DPSK)
        Bluetooth           2400-2483.5            2402-2480
                                                                       LE: DSSS (GFSK)

1.2. Table for Class II Change

      This product is an extension of original one reported under Sporton project number: FA661623-07AA
      Below is the table for the change of the product with respect to the original one.
                                   Modifications                                       Performance Checking
        Adding 5 GHz Band 2 and Band 3 (5250~5350 MHz,
                                                                             Maximum Permissible Exposure
        5470~5725 MHz) for this device.
      Note: Maximum Permissible Exposure of 2.4GHz WLAN, 5GHz WLAN band 1+Band 4 and bluetooth are
               based on original test report.

1.3. Testing Location

                                                         Testing Location
             HWA YA         ADD     :   No. 52, Hwa Ya 1st Rd., Kwei-Shan Hsiang, Tao Yuan Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                            TEL     :   886-3-327-3456           FAX     :   886-3-327-0973
             JHUBEI         ADD     :   No.8, Lane 724, Bo-ai St., Jhubei City, HsinChu County 302, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                            TEL     :   886-3-656-9065           FAX     :   886-3-656-9085

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FCC ID : SWX-UAPACSHD                                                                            Issued Date   : Jul. 21, 2017

                                                                                        Report No.: FA661623-07AB

2.1. Limit of Maximum Permissible Exposure

       (A) Limits for Occupational / Controlled Exposure
                                                                                                      Averaging Time
         Frequency Range          Electric Field      Magnetic Field      Power Density (S)
                                                                                                       |E|²,|H|² or S
               (MHz)           Strength (E) (V/m)    Strength (H) (A/m)      (mW/ cm²)
               0.3-3.0                614                   1.63               (100)*                        6
                3.0-30              1842 / f               4.89 / f           (900 / f)*                     6
               30-300                61.4                  0.163                 1.0                         6
              300-1500                                                         F/300                         6
           1500-100,000                                                           5                          6
       (B) Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
                                                                                                      Averaging Time
         Frequency Range          Electric Field      Magnetic Field      Power Density (S)
                                                                                                       |E|²,|H|² or S
               (MHz)           Strength (E) (V/m)    Strength (H) (A/m)      (mW/ cm²)
               0.3-1.34              614                    1.63               (100)*                       30
               1.34-30               824/f                 2.19/f             (180/f)*                      30
               30-300                27.5                  0.073                 0.2                        30
              300-1500                                                         F/1500                       30
           1500-100,000                                                          1.0                        30
       Note: f = frequency in MHz ; *Plane-wave equivalent power density

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FCC ID : SWX-UAPACSHD                                                                      Issued Date   : Jul. 21, 2017

                                                                                                   Report No.: FA661623-07AB

2.2. MPE Calculation Method
       The MPE was calculated at 24 cm to show compliance with the power density limit.
       The following formula was used to calculate the Power Density:

       E (V/m) =
                      30  P  G                    Power Density:           Pd (W/m²) =
                          d                                                                377
       E = Electric field (V/m)
       P = Peak RF output power (W)
       G = EUT Antenna numeric gain (numeric)
       d = Separation distance between radiator and human body (m)
       The formula can be changed to

          30  P  G
       Pd =
           377  d 2
2.3. Calculated Result and Limit

       Exposure Environment: General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
       For 2.4GHz Band:
       Antenna Type : PIFA Antenna
       Conducted Power for IEEE 802.11ac MCS0/Nss1 VHT40: 23.18 dBm
                                                                      The maximum                         Limit of
                                                  Antenna                                    Power
        Distance Test Freq. Directional                             combined Average                       Power
                                                   Gain                                    Density (S)               Test Result
          (cm)     (MHz)    Gain (dBi)                                 Output Power                      Density (S)
                                                 (numeric)                                 (mW/cm²)
                                                                     (dBm)      (mW)                     (mW/cm²)
            24          2437        12.02         15.9243            23.18     207.8346     0.4574           1          Complies
                                         N SS  N ANT  

                                            g j,k  
                                         j 1 k 1     
             DirectionalGain  10  log  
                                                 N ANT    
                                                         
                                                         
                                                         
       For 5GHz Band 1:
       Antenna Type : PIFA Antenna
       Conducted Power for IEEE 802.11ac MCS0/Nss1 (VHT40): 23.82 dBm
                                                                      The maximum                         Limit of
                                                  Antenna                                    Power
        Distance Test Freq. Directional                             combined Average                       Power
                                                   Gain                                    Density (S)               Test Result
          (cm)     (MHz)    Gain (dBi)                                 Output Power                      Density (S)
                                                 (numeric)                                 (mW/cm²)
                                                                     (dBm)      (mW)                     (mW/cm²)
            24          5230        12.02         15.9243            23.82     240.8842     0.5302           1          Complies
                                          N SS  N ANT 
                                             g j,k         
                                          j 1 k 1            
             Directiona lGain  10  log              
                                                  N ANT         
                                                               
                                                               
                                                               

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FCC ID : SWX-UAPACSHD                                                                                Issued Date   : Jul. 21, 2017

                                                                                          Report No.: FA661623-07AB

       For 5GHz Band 3:
       For 5GHz Band:
       Antenna Type : PIFA Antenna
       Conducted Power for IEEE 802.11ac MCS0/Nss1 (VHT80): 17.89 dBm
                                                                 The maximum                     Limit of
                                                  Antenna                           Power
        Distance Test Freq. Directional                        combined Average                   Power
                                                   Gain                           Density (S)               Test Result
          (cm)     (MHz)    Gain (dBi)                            Output Power                  Density (S)
                                                 (numeric)                        (mW/cm²)
                                                                (dBm)      (mW)                 (mW/cm²)
            24          5530        12.02         15.9243       17.89   61.4900    0.1353           1          Complies
                                          N SS  N ANT  

                                             g j,k  
       Note:                              j 1 k 1
             Directiona lGain  10  log               
                                                  N ANT    
                                                          
                                                          
                                                          
       For Bluetooth:
       Antenna Type : PIFA Antenna
       Conducted Power for Bluetooth GFSK: 9.42 dBm
                                                                 The maximum                     Limit of
                                                  Antenna                           Power
        Distance Test Freq. Directional                        combined Average                   Power
                                                   Gain                           Density (S)               Test Result
          (cm)     (MHz)    Gain (dBi)                            Output Power                  Density (S)
                                                 (numeric)                        (mW/cm²)
                                                                (dBm)      (mW)                 (mW/cm²)
            24          2480         1.00          1.2589      9.4200   8.7498     0.0015           1          Complies

       Both of the WLAN 2.4GHz Band , WLAN 5GHz Band and Bluetoot can transmit simultaneously, the formula of
       calculated the MPE is:
       CPD1 / LPD1 + CPD2 / LPD2 + ……etc. < 1
       CPD = Calculation power density
       LPD = Limit of power density
       Therefore, the worst-case situation is 0.4574 / 1+ 0.5302 / 1+0.0015 / 1 = 0.9891, which is less than “1”.
       This confirmed that the device complies.

Report Format Version: 01                                                                   Page No.      : 4 of 4
FCC ID : SWX-UAPACSHD                                                                       Issued Date   : Jul. 21, 2017

Document Created: 2017-08-15 18:15:11
Document Modified: 2017-08-15 18:15:11

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