Test Report NFC


Test Report

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                FCC Test Report                                                          Report No. : FR921414AR

                                     FCC Test Report
                   FCC ID                     : SWX-UALITE
                   Equipment                  : UniFi Access
                   Brand Name                 : UBIQUITI
                   Model Name                 : UA-Lite
                   Applicant                  : Ubiquiti Networks, Inc
                                                685 Third Avenue, 27th Floor New York,
                                                New York 10017 USA
                   Manufacturer               : Ubiquiti Networks, Inc
                                                685 Third Avenue, 27th Floor New York,
                                                New York 10017 USA
                   Standard                   : 47 CFR FCC Part 15.225

 The product was received on Feb. 14, 2019, and testing was started from Feb. 15, 2019 and
 completed on Feb. 19, 2019. We, SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC. EMC & Wireless Communications
 Laboratory, would like to declare that the tested sample has been evaluated in accordance with the
 procedures given in ANSI C63.10-2013 and shown compliance with the applicable technical

 The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by
 TAF or any agency of United States government.

 The test results in this report apply exclusively to the tested model / sample. Without written
 approval of SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC. EMC & Wireless Communications Laboratory, the test
 report shall not be reproduced except in full.

    __________________________________________                 __________________________________________
                       Approved by: Allen Lin                                   SDoC by: XXXXX

                  SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC. EMC & Wireless Communications Laboratory
                            No. 52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973                                                               Issued Date      : Apr. 10, 2019
Report Template No.: HE1-C6 Ver2.3                                                 Report Version   : 01

                    FCC Test Report                                                                                               Report No. : FR921414AR

                                                             Table of Contents
HISTORY OF THIS TEST REPORT .................................................................................................................. 3

SUMMARY OF TEST RESULT ......................................................................................................................... 4

1         GENERAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 5

1.1       Information.............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2       Testing Applied Standards ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.3       Testing Location Information .................................................................................................................. 7
1.4       Measurement Uncertainty ...................................................................................................................... 7

2         TEST CONFIGURATION OF EUT......................................................................................................... 8

2.1       Test Condition ........................................................................................................................................ 8
2.2       The Worst Case Modulation Configuration ............................................................................................ 8
2.3       Test Channel Frequencies Configuration ............................................................................................... 8
2.4       The Worst Case Measurement Configuration ........................................................................................ 9
2.5       Support Equipment ...............................................................................................................................10
2.6       Test Setup Diagram .............................................................................................................................11

3         TRANSMITTER TEST RESULT ..........................................................................................................12

3.1       AC Power-line Conducted Emissions ..................................................................................................12
3.2       Emission Bandwidth .............................................................................................................................16
3.3       Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions and Spectrum Mask ..........................................................18
3.4       Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions .........................................................................................20
3.5       Frequency Stability ...............................................................................................................................30

4         TEST EQUIPMENT AND CALIBRATION DATA ................................................................................32

Appendix A. Test Photos

Photographs of EUT V01

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Report Template No.: HE1-C6 Ver2.3                                                                                       Report Version             : 01

                FCC Test Report                                                   Report No. : FR921414AR

                                          History of this test report

       Report No.               Version               Description                         Issued Date

      FR921414AR                     01           Initial issue of report                 Apr. 10, 2019

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                FCC Test Report                                                          Report No. : FR921414AR

                                          Summary of Test Result

  Report          Ref. Std.                                                       Result
                                                     Test Items                                        Remark
  Clause           Clause                                                      (PASS/FAIL)
    1.1.2          15.203            Antenna Requirement                                           FCC 15.203

     3.1           15.207            AC Power-line Conducted Emissions            PASS             FCC 15.207
     3.2          15.215(c)          Emission Bandwidth                                            Fall in band
                                                                                  PASS             FL ≥ 13.553 MHz
                                                                                                   FH ≤ 13.567 MHz
     3.3       15.225(a)~(d)         Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions                       124 dBuV/m at 3m
                                     and Spectrum Mask
     3.4          15.225(d)          Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions      PASS             FCC 15.209

     3.5          15.225(e)          Frequency Stability                          PASS             ± 0.01% (100ppm)

 Declaration of Conformity:
 The test results with all measurement uncertainty excluded are presented in accordance with the regulation
 limits or requirements declared by manufacturers.
 Comments and explanations:

Reviewed by: Ben Tseng

Report Producer: Ann Hou

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                FCC Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR921414AR

1         General Description
1.1       Information
1.1.1     RF General Information
                                                 RF General Information
                                                            Ch. Frequency                         Field Strength
      Frequency Range                Modulation Mode                        Channel Number
                                                                (MHz)                               (dBuV/m)
     13.553 – 13.567 MHz             ISO 14443-3A (ASK)         13.56             1                   58.11
    Note 1: Field strength performed peak level at 3m.

1.1.2     Antenna Information
                                                    Antenna Category
        Equipment placed on the market without antennas
        Integral antenna (antenna permanently attached)
              Temporary RF connector provided
              No temporary RF connector provided
              Transmit chains bypass antenna and soldered temporary RF connector provided for connected
              measurement. In case of conducted measurements the transmitter shall be connected to the
              measuring equipment via a suitable attenuator and correct for all losses in the RF path.
        External antenna (dedicated antennas)

                                              Antenna General Information
              No.                               Ant. Cat.                             Ant. Type
               1                                 Integral                                Loop

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                 FCC Test Report                                                         Report No. : FR921414AR

1.1.3     EUT Information
                                                     Identify EUT
   NFC Chip                          Brand Name : NXP / Model Name : PN7150
                                                Operational Condition
   EUT Power Type                    From PoE
                                                     Type of EUT
        Combined (EUT where the radio part is fully integrated within another device)
        Combined Equipment - Brand Name / Model No.:
        Plug-in radio (EUT intended for a variety of host systems)
        Host System - Brand Name / Model No.:

1.1.4     Test Signal Duty Cycle

                                           Duty Cycle Operation Restriction
   The transmitter is used for                          The transmitter is operated
        Inductive applications                                 Automatically triggered
        Duty cycle fixed mode                                  Duty cycle random mode
        Duty cycle mode - NFC-A (ISO 14443-3A)
   Declare transmitter duty cycle / 1 hour =            100%
        Duty cycle mode - NFC-B (ISO 14443-3B)
   Declare transmitter duty cycle / 1 hour =            100%
        Duty cycle mode - NFC-F ( ISO 18092)
   Declare transmitter duty cycle / 1 hour =            100%
        Duty cycle mode - NFC-V (ISO 15693)
   Declare transmitter duty cycle / 1 hour =            100%

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                FCC Test Report                                                                    Report No. : FR921414AR

1.2         Testing Applied Standards
According to the specifications of the manufacturer, the EUT must comply with the requirements of the following
    47 CFR FCC Part 15
    ANSI C63.10-2013
    KDB 174176 D01 v01r01

1.3       Testing Location Information
                                                      Testing Location
         HWA YA         ADD    :     No. 52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
                        TEL    :     886-3-327-3456            FAX      :   886-3-327-0973
                                         Test site Designation No. TW1190 with FCC.

      Test Condition               Test Site No.        Test Engineer           Test Environment               Test Date
                                                                                  22.9~23.8°C /
      AC Conduction                  CO04-HY                   Daniel                                         15/Feb/2019
                                                                                  23.1~23.9°C /
      RF Conducted                   TH01-HY                   Gary                                           19/Feb/2019
                                                                                  22.5~23.2°C /
    Radiated Emission              03CH02-HY                   Andy                                           15/Feb/2019

1.4       Measurement Uncertainty
ISO/IEC 17025 requires that an estimate of the measurement uncertainties associated with the emissions test
results be included in the report. The measurement uncertainties given below are based on a 95% confidence
level (based on a coverage factor (k=2)

                       Test Items                              Uncertainty                            Remark
   Conducted Emission (150kHz ~ 30MHz)                3.54 dB                        Confidence levels of 95%
   Radiated Emission (9kHz ~ 30MHz)                   1.6 dB                         Confidence levels of 95%
   Radiated Emission (30MHz ~ 1,000MHz)               4.3 dB                         Confidence levels of 95%
   Conducted Emission                                 1.3 dB                         Confidence levels of 95%
   Temperature                                        0.7 °C                         Confidence levels of 95%
   Humidity                                           4%                             Confidence levels of 95%

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                FCC Test Report                                                      Report No. : FR921414AR

2         Test Configuration of EUT
2.1       Test Condition
              Condition Item                  Abbreviation/Remark                       Remark
            Frequency Stability                       Tnom                                20°C
                       -                              Tmin                                -20°C
                       -                              Tmax                                50°C
                       -                             Vnom                                  48V
                       -                              Vmin                                43.2V
                       -                              Vmax                                52.8V

2.2       The Worst Case Modulation Configuration
                                     Modulation Used for Conformance Testing
                       Modulation Mode                           Field Strength (dBuV/m at 3 m)
                               NFC                                             58.11

2.3       Test Channel Frequencies Configuration
                       Modulation Mode                          Test Channel Frequencies (MHz)
                               NFC                                             13.56

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                FCC Test Report                                                           Report No. : FR921414AR

2.4       The Worst Case Measurement Configuration
                              The Worst Case Mode for Following Conformance Tests
           Tests Item                AC power-line conducted emissions
                                     AC power-line conducted measurement for line and neutral
                                     Test Voltage: 120Vac / 60Hz
        Operating Mode                   1. PoE mode

                              The Worst Case Mode for Following Conformance Tests
           Tests Item                Emission Bandwidth, Frequency Stability
         Test Condition              Conducted measurement

                              The Worst Case Mode for Following Conformance Tests
                                     Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions
           Tests Item
                                     Spectrum Mask, Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions
         Test Condition              Radiated measurement
                                         1. NFC-A (ISO 14443-3A)
                                         2. NFC-B (ISO 14443-3B)
         Pretest Mode
                                         3. NFC-F ( ISO 18092)
                                         4. NFC-V (ISO 15693)
   Mode 1 configuration was pretested and found to be the worst case and measured during the test.
        Operating Mode                   1. PoE mode
                                                                         Y Plane
      Orthogonal Planes of

      Worst Planes of EUT                                                  V

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                FCC Test Report                                                  Report No. : FR921414AR

2.5       Support Equipment
                                       Support Equipment - AC Conduction
  No.                  Equipment                    Brand Name                      Model Name
   1                     PoE 1                         UBNT                            UA-Hub
   2                     PoE 2                         UBNT                          US-48-PRO
Note: Support equipment No.1, No.2 was provided by customer.

                                       Support Equipment - RF Conducted

  No.                  Equipment                    Brand Name                      Model Name
   1                   Notebook                        DELL                              E5410
   2            Adapter for Notebook                   DELL                         HA65NM130
   3                   NFC Card                          -                                  -

                                         Support Equipment - Radiated
  No.                  Equipment                    Brand Name                      Model Name
   1                     PoE 1                         UBNT                            UA-Hub
   2                     PoE 2                         UBNT                          US-48-PRO
Note: Support equipment No.1, No.2 was provided by customer.

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                FCC Test Report                                                         Report No. : FR921414AR

2.6       Test Setup Diagram
                              Test Setup Diagram – AC Line Conducted Emission Test

                                     Item     Connection     Shielded    Length
                                      1        RJ45 cable      No         1.0m
                                      2        RJ45 cable      No         2.0m
                                      3      AC Power line     No         1.8m

                                            Test Setup Diagram - Radiated Test

                                     Item     Connection     Shielded    Length
                                      1      AC Power line     No         1.0 m
                                      2        RJ45 Cable      No        10.0 m
                                      3        RJ45 Cable      No         1.0 m

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                FCC Test Report                                                         Report No. : FR921414AR

3         Transmitter Test Result
3.1       AC Power-line Conducted Emissions
3.1.1     AC Power-line Conducted Emissions Limit
                                     AC Power-line Conducted Emissions Limit
       Frequency Emission (MHz)                      Quasi-Peak                            Average
                  0.15-0.5                             66 - 56 *                           56 - 46 *
                       0.5-5                              56                                    46
                       5-30                               60                                    50
    Note 1: * Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

3.1.2     Measuring Instruments
Refer a test equipment and calibration data table in this test report.

3.1.3     Test Procedures
                                                    Test Method
        Refer as ANSI C63.10-2013, clause 6.2 for AC power-line conducted emissions.
        If AC conducted emissions fall in operating band, then following below test method confirm final result.
              Accept measurements done with a suitable dummy load replacing the antenna under the following
              (1) Perform the AC line conducted tests with the antenna connected to determine compliance with
              FCC 15.207 limits outside the transmitter's fundamental emission band;
              (2) Retest with a dummy load to determine compliance with FCC 15.207 limits within the
              transmitter's fundamental emission band.
              For a device with a permanent antenna operating at or below 30 MHz, accept measurements done
              with a suitable dummy load, in lieu of the permanent antenna under the following conditions:
              (1) Perform the AC line conducted tests with the permanent antenna to determine compliance with
              the FCC 15.207 limits outside the transmitter's fundamental emission band;
              (2) Retest with a dummy load in lieu of the permanent antenna to determine compliance with the
              FCC 15.207 limits within the transmitter's fundamental emission band.

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                FCC Test Report                                                Report No. : FR921414AR

3.1.4     Test Setup
                                     AC Power-line Conducted Emissions

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                FCC Test Report                                                           Report No. : FR921414AR

3.1.5     Test Result of AC Power-line Conducted Emissions
                                         AC Power-line Conducted Emissions Result
   Operating Mode                    1                       Power Phase                Neutral
   Operating Function                PoE mode

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                FCC Test Report                                                           Report No. : FR921414AR

                                         AC Power-line Conducted Emissions Result
   Operating Mode                    1                       Power Phase                Line
   Operating Function                PoE mode

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                FCC Test Report                                                      Report No. : FR921414AR

3.2       Emission Bandwidth
3.2.1     Emission Bandwidth Limit
                                               20dB Bandwidth Limit
        Intentional radiators must be designed to ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emissions in the
        specific band (13.553 – 13.567 MHz).

3.2.2     Measuring Instruments
Refer a test equipment and calibration data table in this test report.

3.2.3     Test Procedures
                                                    Test Method
        For the emission bandwidth refer ANSI C63.10, clause 6.9.1 for occupied bandwidth testing.
        For radiated measurement. Loop antenna was rotated about the horizontal and vertical axis and the
        equipment to be measured and the test antenna shall be oriented to obtain the maximum emitted field
        strength level.

3.2.4     Test Setup
                                               Emission Bandwidth

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                FCC Test Report                                                           Report No. : FR921414AR

3.2.5     Test Result of Emission Bandwidth
                                            Occupied Channel Bandwidth Result
      Modulation               Frequency          20dB
                                                             99% Bandwidth FL at 20dB BW             FH at 20dB BW
        Mode                     (MHz)          Bandwidth
                                                                 (kHz)          (MHz)                     (MHz)
          NFC                    13.56           2.44600         2.09841        13.55938               13.56184
                       Limit                       N/A             N/A              13.553              13.567
                   Result                                                Complied

                                         Emission Bandwidth Plot - 20dB Bandwidth

                                         Emission Bandwidth Plot - 99% Bandwidth

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                FCC Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR921414AR

3.3       Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions and Spectrum Mask
3.3.1     Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions and Spectrum Mask Limit
                                 Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions For FCC
       Emissions         (uV/m)@30m      (dBuV/m)@30m (dBuV/m)@10m (dBuV/m)@3m                  (dBuV/m)@1m
      fundamental             15848            84.0               103.1        124.0               143.1
   Quasi peak measurement of the fundamental.

                                             Spectrum Mask For FCC
      Freq. of
                         (uV/m)@30m      (dBuV/m)@30m (dBuV/m)@10m (dBuV/m)@3m                  (dBuV/m)@1m
   Emission (MHz)
      1.705~13.110              30             29.5                 48.6        69.5                88.6
    13.110~13.410              106             40.5                 59.6        80.5                99.6
    13.410~13.553              334             50.5                 69.6        90.5               109.6
    13.553~13.567             15848            84.0               103.1        124.0               143.1
    13.567~13.710              334             50.5                 69.6        90.5               109.6
    13.710~14.010              106             40.5                 59.6        80.5                99.6
    14.010~30.000               30             29.5                 48.6        69.5                88.6

3.3.2     Measuring Instruments
Refer a test equipment and calibration data table in this test report.

3.3.3     Test Procedures
                                                      Test Method
        Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.4 for radiated emissions from below 30 MHz and test distance is 3m.
        At frequencies below 30 MHz, measurements may be performed at a distance closer than that specified
        in the requirements; however, an attempt should be made to avoid making measurements in the near
        field. Pending the development of an appropriate measurement procedure for measurements performed
        below 30 MHz, when performing measurements at a closer distance than specified, the results shall be
        following below methods.
             The results shall be extrapolated to the specified distance by making measurements at a minimum
             of two distances on at least one radial to determine the proper extrapolation factor.
             The results shall be by using the square of an inverse linear distance extrapolation factor (40
        For radiated measurement. Loop antenna was rotated about the horizontal and vertical axis and the
        equipment to be measured and the test antenna shall be oriented to obtain the maximum emitted field
        strength level.

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                FCC Test Report                                                         Report No. : FR921414AR

3.3.4     Test Setup
                          Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions and Spectrum Mask

3.3.5     Test Result of Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions and Spectrum Mask
                                     Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions Result
      Modulation           Frequency          Fundamental                                              Limit
                                                              Polarization    Margin (dB)
        Mode                 (MHz)           (dBuV/m)@3m                                           (dBuV/m)@3m
          NFC                 13.56              58.11             H              65.89               124.00
                   Result                                              Complied
   Note 1: Measurement worst emissions of receive antenna polarization: H(Horizontal).

                                                  Spectrum Mask Plot

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                FCC Test Report                                                          Report No. : FR921414AR

3.4       Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions
3.4.1     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions Limit
                                     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions Limit
   Frequency Range (MHz)             Field Strength (uV/m)   Field Strength (dBuV/m)    Measure Distance (m)
          0.009~0.490                     2400/F(kHz)               48.5 - 13.8                    300
          0.490~1.705                    24000/F(kHz)                33.8 - 23                     30
           1.705~30.0                         30                         29                        30
              30~88                           100                        40                        3
             88~216                           150                        43.5                      3
             216~960                          200                        46                        3
           Above 960                          500                        54                        3
   Note 1: Test distance for frequencies at or above 30 MHz, measurements may be performed at a distance
           other than the limit distance provided they are not performed in the near field and the emissions to
           be measured can be detected by the measurement equipment. When performing measurements at
           a distance other than that specified, the results shall be extrapolated to the specified distance using
           an extrapolation factor of 20 dB/decade (inverse of linear distance for field-strength measurements,
           inverse of linear distance-squared for power-density measurements).
   Note 2: Test distance for frequencies at below 30 MHz, measurements may be performed at a distance
           closer than the EUT limit distance; however, an attempt should be made to avoid making
           measurements in the near field. When performing measurements below 30 MHz at a closer distance
           than the limit distance, the results shall be extrapolated to the specified distance by either making
           measurements at a minimum of two or more distances on at least one radial to determine the proper
           extrapolation factor or by using the square of an inverse linear distance extrapolation factor (40
           dB/decade). The test report shall specify the extrapolation method used to determine compliance of
           the EUT.

3.4.2     Measuring Instruments
Refer a test equipment and calibration data table in this test report.

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                FCC Test Report                                                       Report No. : FR921414AR

3.4.3     Test Procedures
                                                  Test Method
        Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.5 for radiated emissions from 30 MHz to 1 GHz and test distance is 3m.
        Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.4 for radiated emissions from below 30 MHz and test distance is 3m.
        At frequencies below 30 MHz, measurements may be performed at a distance closer than that specified
        in the requirements; however, an attempt should be made to avoid making measurements in the near
        field. Pending the development of an appropriate measurement procedure for measurements performed
        below 30 MHz, when performing measurements at a closer distance than specified, the results shall be
        following below methods.
             The results shall be extrapolated to the specified distance by making measurements at a minimum
             of two distances on at least one radial to determine the proper extrapolation factor.
             The results shall be by using the square of an inverse linear distance extrapolation factor (40
        For radiated measurement. Loop antenna was rotated about the horizontal and vertical axis and the
        equipment to be measured and the test antenna shall be oriented to obtain the maximum emitted field
        strength level.
        The any unwanted emissions level shall not exceed the fundamental emission level.
        All amplitude of spurious emissions that are attenuated by more than 20 dB below the permissible value
        has no need to be reported.

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                FCC Test Report                                                      Report No. : FR921414AR

3.4.4     Test Setup
                                     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions

   Magnetic field tests shall be performed in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 30 MHz using a calibrated loop
   antenna. The center of the loop shall be 1 m above the ground.

                                     Transmitter Radiated Bandedge Emissions

   Electric field tests shall be performed in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 1000 MHz using a calibrated
   bi-log antenna. the antenna height shall be varied from 1 m to 4 m.

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                FCC Test Report                                                                             Report No. : FR921414AR

3.4.5     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions (Below 30MHz)
              Mode               Result   Type    Freq      Level      Limit     Margin   Factor     Dist     Azimuth   Height   Comments

                                                  (Hz)     (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)    (dB)     (dB)       (m)       (°)      (m)

         13.553-13.567MHz            -     -        -         -          -         -        -          -         -        -           -

               NFC               Pass     PK     1.643M     46.88      63.32     -16.44   17.36       3         360      1.00         -

              Mode               Result   Type    Freq      Level      Limit     Margin   Factor     Dist     Azimuth   Height   Comments

                                                  (Hz)     (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)    (dB)     (dB)       (m)       (°)      (m)

               NFC                   -     -        -         -          -         -        -          -         -        -           -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     13.562M    58.11      124.00    -65.89   21.14       3         360      1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     9.846k     60.94      127.72    -66.78   12.30       3          0       1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     30.15k     55.26      118.01    -62.75   13.86       3          0       1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     50.172k    44.24      113.59    -69.35   13.59       3          0       1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     388.8k     54.86      95.80     -40.94   15.36       3         360      1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     1.165M     46.81      66.31     -19.50   17.01       3         360      1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     1.643M     46.88      63.32     -16.44   17.36       3         360      1.00         -

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                FCC Test Report                                                                             Report No. : FR921414AR

3.4.6     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions (Above 30MHz)
              Mode               Result   Type    Freq      Level      Limit     Margin   Factor     Dist     Azimuth   Height   Comments

                                                  (Hz)     (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)    (dB)     (dB)       (m)       (°)      (m)

         13.553-13.567MHz            -     -        -         -          -         -        -          -         -        -           -

               NFC               Pass     PK     142.52M    39.24      43.50     -4.26    -9.80       3         360      1.00         -

              Mode               Result   Type    Freq      Level      Limit     Margin   Factor     Dist     Azimuth   Height   Comments

                                                  (Hz)     (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)    (dB)     (dB)       (m)       (°)      (m)

               NFC                   -     -        -         -          -         -        -          -         -        -           -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     55.22M     33.11      40.00     -6.89    -15.09      3          0       1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     90.14M     30.10      43.50     -13.40   -12.55      3          0       1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     142.52M    30.68      43.50     -12.82   -9.80       3          0       1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     375.32M    27.23      46.00     -18.77   -4.48       3          0       1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     561.56M    30.72      46.00     -15.28   -0.94       3          0       1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     786.6M     40.65      46.00     -5.35     1.20       3          0       1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK      39.7M     34.18      40.00     -5.82    -9.61       3         360      1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     142.52M    39.24      43.50     -4.26    -9.80       3         360      1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     264.74M    32.85      46.00     -13.15   -5.91       3         360      1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     375.32M    35.26      46.00     -10.74   -4.48       3         360      1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     PK     829.28M    39.60      46.00     -6.40     1.57       3         360      1.00         -

           13.56MHz_PoE          Pass     QP     784.66M    40.51      46.00     -5.49     1.19       3         123      1.02         -

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                FCC Test Report                                                       Report No. : FR921414AR

3.5       Frequency Stability
3.5.1     Frequency Stability Limit
                                             Frequency Stability Limit
        Carrier frequency stability shall be maintained to ±0.01% (±100 ppm).

3.5.2     Measuring Instruments
Refer a test equipment and calibration data table in this test report.

3.5.3     Test Procedures
                                                    Test Method
        Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.8 for frequency stability tests
              Frequency stability with respect to ambient temperature
              Frequency stability when varying supply voltage
        For conducted measurement.
        For radiated measurement. The equipment to be measured and the test antenna shall be oriented to
        obtain the maximum emitted power level.

3.5.4     Test Setup
                                                Frequency Stability

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                FCC Test Report                                                               Report No. : FR921414AR

3.5.5     Test Result of Frequency Stability
                                               Frequency Stability Result
   Condition Ch. Freq.                                         Frequency Stability (ppm)
                                          Test Frequency (MHz)                      Frequency Stability (ppm)
                                 0 min       2 min         5 min      10 min    0 min      2 min         5 min         10 min

   T20°CVmax           13.56   13.56058    13.56058       13.56058   13.56058   42.85      42.77         42.77         42.77

    T20°CVmin          13.56   13.56058    13.56058       13.56058   13.56058   42.85      42.85         42.77         42.77

   T50°CVnom           13.56   13.56057    13.56057       13.56057   13.56057   41.81      41.89         41.81         41.89

   T40°CVnom           13.56   13.56058    13.56059       13.56058   13.56058   43.07      43.14         43.07         43.07

   T30°CVnom           13.56   13.56061    13.56061       13.56060   13.56060   44.62      44.62         44.54         44.54

   T20°CVnom           13.56   13.56062    13.56062       13.56062   13.56062   45.87      45.87         45.80         45.87

   T10°CVnom           13.56   13.56058    13.56058       13.56058   13.56058   42.85      42.85         42.85         42.77

    T0°CVnom           13.56   13.56065    13.56065       13.56065   13.56065   48.01      48.01         48.01         47.94

   T-10°CVnom          13.56   13.56065    13.56065       13.56066   13.56065   48.23      48.23         48.30         48.23

   T-20°CVnom          13.56   13.56065    13.56065       13.56065   13.56065   48.23      48.23         48.23         48.23
         Limit (ppm)                                  -                                            100
            Result                                                      Complied
   Note 1: Measure at 85 % [Vmin] and 115 % [Vmax] of the nominal voltage [Vnom]. The nominal voltage refer
           test report clause 2.1 for EUT operational condition.
   Note 2: Measure maximum deviation frequency at operating frequency at startup and two, five, and ten min.

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                    FCC Test Report                                                         Report No. : FR921414AR

4           Test Equipment and Calibration Data
Instrument for AC Conduction
                                                                                               Calibration     Calibration
       Instrument         Manufacturer       Model No.        Serial No.   Characteristics
                                                                                                  Date          Due Date

     EMC Receiver             R&S               ESR            102051      9KHz ~ 3.6GHz      03/May/2018 02/May/2019

          LISN                R&S             ENV216           101295       9kHz ~ 30MHz      08/Nov/2018 07/Nov/2019

     RF Cable-CON             MTJ              RG142          CB002-CO     9kHz ~ 200MHz      17/Sep/2018 16/Sep/2019

                                                                            47Hz ~ 63Hz
      AC POWER                APC           AFC-11005G       F310050055                             NCR           NCR
                                                                              5 ~ 300V
    Impuls Begrenzer
                        SCHWARZBECK         VTSD 9561-F       9561-F041    9 kHz ~ 30 MHz     12/Oct/2018     11/Oct/2019
      Pulse Limiter

Instrument for Conducted Test
                                                                                               Calibration     Calibration
       Instrument         Manufacturer       Model No.        Serial No.   Characteristics
                                                                                                  Date          Due Date

  Spectrum Analyzer           R&S              FSV 40          101500       10Hz~40GHz         18/Jul/2018     17/Jul/2019

 Temp. and Humidity
                           Giant Force    GTH-225-20-SP-SD   MAA1112-007     -20 ~ 100℃       22/May/2018 21/May/2019

      Loop Antenna          TESEQ             HLA 6120          31244       9kHz ~ 30MHz      28/Mar/2018     27/Mar/2019

Instrument for Radiated Test
                                                                                               Calibration     Calibration
       Instrument         Manufacturer       Model No.        Serial No.   Characteristics
                                                                                                  Date          Due Date

  3m Semi Anechoic                                                         30MHz ~ 1GHz
                        SIDT FRANKONIA        SAC-3M         03CH02-HY                        19/Oct/2018     18/Oct/2019
      Chamber                                                                  3m

        Amplifier            Agilent           8447D         2944A11149    100kHz ~ 1.3GHz     27Jul/2018      02/Jul/2019

  Spectrum Analyzer           R&S              FSV40           101500       10Hz ~ 40GHz       18/Jul/2018     17/Jul/2019

    RF Cable-R03m           Jye Bao            RG142           CB017        9kHz ~ 1GHz       18/Jan/2019     17/Jan/2020

 Bilog Antenna & 5dB                        CBL 6112B /
                        SCHAFFNER / MTJ                        2723 / 2    30MHz ~ 1GHz       08/Sep/2018 07/Sep/2019
      Attenuator                            MTJ6102-05

    EMI Test Receiver         R&S              ESR3            102052       9kHz ~ 3.6GHz     10/Apr/2018     09/Apr/2019

      Loop Antenna          TESEQ             HLA 6120          31244         9k-30MHz        29/Mar/2018     28/Mar/2019

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Document Created: 2019-04-11 16:06:01
Document Modified: 2019-04-11 16:06:01

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