DFS Test Plan


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                                                DFS Test Plan Revision 4

FCC ID                  SWX‐M5NBD            SWX‐M5NSD            SWX‐M5LD                    SWX‐PBM5D
Model #                 NanoBridgeM5         NanoStationM5        LocoStationM5               PowerBridgeM5
Master and/or Client    Master/Client        Master/Client        Master/Client               Master/Client
Antenna Gain            25dBi Dish           16dBi Internal       13dBi Internal              25dBi Internal
Technology (e.g. ;      802.11a/n‐based system supporting 2x2 MIMO in the 5GHz bands using an internal
802.11x, frame          antenna, except NanoBridgeM5 uses external antenna. .
based, MIMO, etc)       Bandwidths:
                           SISO mode: 802.11a 20 MHz (Covered by MIMO HT20, 802.11a mode is through both
                           ports, single port operation is not supported)
                           MIMO mode: 6 different bandwidths – 5MHz, 8MHz, 10MHz, 20MHz, 30MHz and 40
                           MHz (HT5, HT8, HT10, HT20, HT30, HT40)

                        We use 5 MHz spacing for all channels. In the compressed modes, all we do is change the
                        phase locked loop (the clock) that determines the carrier spacing ‐ to spread them out, or
                        bring them in.
                        In HT30 mode, it brings the channels closer together than they are in HT40, but also
                        reduces carrier spacing so it looks like HT40 on the spectrum analyzer. There's no special
                        software ‐ all hardware and software is exactly the same, except that there is a linear
                        scaling of timeout values They will behave exactly the same as HT20 and HT40

                        They work in master and slave mode ‐ just like they do in HT20 and HT40. It's the same
                        software same driver same configuration only the one PLL setting is changed, and some
                        timing values used to calculate frame transmission times are scaled down.

                        The software and hardware are configured exactly the same in every way as normal
                        bandwidths except that we tweak that clock. Just divide or multiply to scale the carrier
Differences in          Hardware: the 2x2 devices use the AR9287 chipset:
hardware                http://www.atheros.com/technology/technology.php?nav1=47&product=80
                        There is slight variation of parts and layout from design to design (to accommodate
                        different enclosures), however the critical parameters from a DFS detection standpoint
                        are receiver sensitivity and the DFS implementation (hardware and software).
                        Differences in these two features are addressed in this table.

                        Note that a modular design is not suitable for these systems because of the different form
                        factors for the enclosures.
Differences in DFS      All units use the same Master DFS algorithms for detection, CAC and non‐occupancy.
functions               Client algorithms are also identical (where implemented).
                        The entire AR928x series of chips have radar pulse detection built‐in, with all chips in the
                        series using the same DSP core in the IC. There is a software component to the matching
                        of radar pulses, which is used to prevent false‐positives.
                        It is important to note, however, that at the hardware interface on all these chips is
                        indistinguishable from one another as far as the software is concerned. The firmware on
                        all AR928x units is an identical binary image which has no chip‐specific logic involved in

          Ubiquiti DFS Test Plan for Expedite Process (KDB 194449)                              December 20, 2011

                                                 DFS Testt Plan Revisiion 4

                       the driver or DFS filte
Differeences in        The mod dels all use th
                                             he same softwware with thee DFS algorithhms implemented identicaally in
softwaare              each device
Receiver               All syste
                               ems use the same rf transcceivers and haave a commo   on topology. TThe only majo or
                       differences are in thee low noise ammplifier (LNA
                                                                       A) and the length of the traace between tthe
                       antennaa port and the e input to the
                                                          e LNA. The efffects of the vaariations in LNA
                       (there_aare_two_diffe  erent_models_used) and tthe trace lenggth (see_grap    phic_on_belo
                       are less than +/1dB tot the overall receiver senssitivity.

Receiver sensitivity   Any differences in receiver sensitiivity are only significant if the sensitivitty requires a ssignal
                       level gre
                               eater than ‐64 4dBm at the antenna.
                                                            a          Acrooss the seriess of devices covered in thiss plan
                       the senssitivity varies by no more than
                                                           t      +/                                    1dB based oon the
                       differences in LNA an  nd trace lengtth at the receeiver input.
                       This willl be proven thhrough an evaaluation of thhe DFS detecttion probabiliity for each
                       version of the device e while operatting in the wi dest and narrowest bandw     widths (40MH Hz
                       and 5MHz) in additio  on to the commplete evaluattion across alll operating bandwidths on    n the
                       version with the lowe  est antenna gain.
Transmmit power        > 200mW  W eirp in the 5470‐5725 MHz
                                                          M Band
Test Laab(s) – RF      In proceess

          Ubiquiti DFS
                   D Test Plan for Expedite Process (KDB
                                                       B 194449)                                     D
                                                                                                     December 20,, 2011

                                       DFS Test Plan Revision 4

Proposed Test Plan for the 2x2 series of Ubiquiti Radios:
The test plan is based on the premise that the ability of the systems to detect radar and respond to the
radar detection is dependent on receiver sensitivity and hardware/software implementation of the DFS
detection mechanism.

The ability of the hardware/software implementation of the DFS detection mechanism to comply with
the FCC;’s DFS requirements can be demonstrated by fully testing one system (the system with the
lowest gain antenna and, therefore, the system with lowest required sensitivity) against the complete
suite of requirements.

As the hardware/software implementation of the DFS functions is the same for all the systems the only
remaining concern for the remaining systems is to verify that the receiver sensitivity and DFS
implementation is capable of detecting radars at the required threshold level. To do this we are
suggesting that we evaluate the detection bandwidth, which is evaluated at the required DFS threshold
level, for the narrowest and widest channel bandwidths (5MHz and 40MHz).

In addition we will also evaluated the detection probability for the short‐pulse radar type and bandwidth
with the lowest detection probability from the fully tested system and the detection probability for the
long pulse radar type (type 5) using the bandwidth with the lowest detection rate for that radar type
from the fully tested system. This second series of tests will demonstrate that detection threshold is not
an issue and also confirm the DFS mechanisms are operating correctly.

To further confirm that the DFS mechanisms are implemented correctly the channel closing time shall be
measured for the narrowest and widest channel bandwidths (5MHz and 40MHz) and non‐occupancy will
be verified on one of those bandwidths.

To summarize:

Fully test the device with the lowest antenna gain (LocoStationM5) against all requirements for a master
    1. Detection bandwidth – evaluate all 6 different bandwidths.
    2. Detection probability for radar types 1 through 6 – evaluated all 6 different bandwidths with
         some bandwidths evaluated in the lower (5250‐5350 MHz band) and some in the upper (5470‐
         5725 MHz) band.
    3. Radar threshold level to evaluate is ‐64dBm for all bandwidths (some of the narrower
         bandwidths may not exceed 200mW eirp)
    4. Channel closing time – evaluate all 6 bandwidths
    5. Non‐occupancy test – evaluate any one bandwidth

For the remaining variants:
    1. Confirm detection bandwidth on 5MHz and 40MHz channels (representing narrowest and
        widest channels)
           a. This is done at threshold using radar type 1and will be a certain indicator of any
                significant differences in receiver threshold from the original device tested.

Ubiquiti DFS Test Plan for Expedite Process (KDB 194449)                              December 20, 2011

                                       DFS Test Plan Revision 4

    2. Confirm detection probability for radar types 1 – 4 and 6 using the worst case bandwidth/radar
       waveform combination from the LocoStationM5 tests
    3. Confirm detection probability for radar type 5 using the worst case bandwidth/radar waveform
       combination from the LocoStationM5 tests
    4. Channel closing time – on 5MHz and 40MHz channels
    5. Non‐occupancy test – evaluate any one bandwidth

All devices capable of operating in a slave configuration – confirm slave mode channel closing time for
all 6 bandwidths and 30 minute non‐occupancy on one bandwidth.

Ubiquiti DFS Test Plan for Expedite Process (KDB 194449)                              December 20, 2011

Document Created: 2011-12-21 12:36:55
Document Modified: 2011-12-21 12:36:55

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