

Cover Letter(s)

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Jennifer Sanchez

From:          Jennifer Sanchez
Sent:          Monday, February 15, 2010 1:49 PM
To:            Dusmantha Tennakoon
Cc:            Jenn Warnell; Shawn McMillen; Jennifer Sanchez
Subject:       RE: Technical Review Request: 82071 Ubiquiti Networks - FCC/IC TCB (Model M2B)
Importance: High
Hi Dusmantha,

Please see response below:

  1. There appears to be a conducted emission at 3.2 GHz that falls in the restricted band. Did this
        show up when making radiated measurements and if so was the field strength measured to verify
        that it met the restricted band requirements? The 3.2 GHz peak didn’t show up in radiated
  2.    The order of the plots for the power spectral density needs to change. The peak determination plot
        needs to come before the measurement plot. The plots have been corrected, please refer to file
  3.    The internal pictures are blurred. Please retake these pictures so that individual components are
        clearly seen. The photos have been corrected, please refer to file Internal Photos_Rev1.pdf
  4.    The block diagram of test configuration (i.e. Figure 4) and Table 4 only show the dish antenna. The
        Omni antenna should also be listed. The report has been corrected, please refer to file EMCS-
  5.    The RF safe distance listed in the user’s manual is incorrect. The manual has been corrected, please
        refer to file User_guideM2B_Rev1.pdf
  6.    Editorial errors on page 55 of 146 and page 69 of 146 under test procedures. The report has been
        corrected, please refer to file EMCS-82071A-FCC247_Rev1.pdf
  7.    Power listed on form 731 for the 40 MHz signal is incorrect. Please refer to the check sheet. The
        form has been corrected, please refer to file 82071 Ubiquiti - Form 731_M2B_Rev1.doc

  1. The IC label is incorrect. It should read “IC: xxx” and not “IC ID: xxx”. The label has been
        corrected, please refer to file label_m2b_REV1.pdf
  2. The 99% bandwidth has not been measured correctly. A RBW of approximately 1% of the span
      must be used without going below. According to the RSS-GEN, “The resolution bandwidth shall
      be set to as close as 1% of the selected span as is possible without being below 1%”. The measured
      resolution bandwidth is not below 1% and it’s one step up from 300kHz.
  3. The receiver spur plots are labeled incorrectly. The plots have been corrected, please refer to file
  4. The RF evaluation in the IC package should list General Public Use. The form has been corrected,
      please refer to file 82071 Ubiquiti Networks - IC Package_M2B_Rev1.doc
  5. The RF power listed in the IC package for the 40 MHz signal is incorrect. Please refer to the check
      sheet. The form has been corrected, please refer to file 82071 Ubiquiti Networks - IC
6. Please refer to the check sheet for the correct worst case transmitter and receiver spurs. The form has
been corrected, please refer to file 82071 Ubiquiti Networks - IC Package_M2B_Rev1.doc


Document Created: 2010-02-18 13:59:24
Document Modified: 2010-02-18 13:59:24

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