Test Report


Test Report

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                                  427 West 12800 South
                                    Draper, UT 84020

                                   Test Report

FCC ID                          SWX-LTUL
Equipment Under Test            LTU Lite
Test Report Serial Number       LTU-Lite_15.247_V 1.1
Dates of Test(s)                7/21/19 - 7/27/19
Report Issue Date               07/29/2019

Test Specification                             Applicant
47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart C                  Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
                                               685 Third Avenue, 27th Floor
                                               New York, NY 10019

                            NVLAP LAB CODE 600241-0

                                                              427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020

Certification of Engineering Report

        This report has been prepared by Unified Compliance Laboratory (UCL) to document compliance
of the device described below with the requirement of Federal Communication Commissions (FCC) Part
15, Subpart C. This report may be reproduced in full. Partial reproduction of this report may only be made
with the written consent of the laboratory. The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.

 Applicant            Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
 Manufacturer         Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
 Brand Name           LTU
 Model Number LTUL-Lite
 FCC ID               SWX-LTUL

         On this 28th day of July 2019, I individually and for Unified Compliance Laboratory certify that
the statements made in this engineering report are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge
and are made in good faith.

       Although NVLAP has accredited the Unified Compliance Laboratory testing facilities, this report
must not be used to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any
agency of the federal government.

Unified Compliance Laboratory

Written By: Alex Macon

Reviewed By: Mark Feil

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                                               427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020

                                Revision History
        Revision                   Description                     Date
          01                 Original Report Release            07/29/2019
          02               Removed Photos and updated           07/30/2019

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Table of Contents
1      Client Information ................................................................................................................................. 5
    1.1     Applicant ....................................................................................................................................... 5
    1.2     Manufacturer ................................................................................................................................. 5
2      Equipment Under Test (EUT) ............................................................................................................... 6
    2.1     Identification of EUT .................................................................................................................... 6
    2.2     Description of EUT ....................................................................................................................... 6
    2.3     EUT and Support Equipment ........................................................................................................ 6
    2.4     Interface Ports on EUT ................................................................................................................. 7
    2.5     Operating Environment ................................................................................................................. 7
    2.6     Operating Modes ........................................................................................................................... 7
    2.7     EUT Exercise Software................................................................................................................. 7
    2.8     Block Diagram of Test Configuration .......................................................................................... 7
    2.9     Modification Incorporated/Special Accessories on EUT .............................................................. 7
    2.10 Deviation, Opinions Additional Information or Interpretations from Test Standard .................... 7
3      Test Specification, Method and Procedures .......................................................................................... 8
    3.1     Test Specification.......................................................................................................................... 8
    3.2     Methods & Procedures .................................................................................................................. 8
    3.3     FCC Part 15, Subpart C ................................................................................................................ 8
    3.4     Results ........................................................................................................................................... 8
    3.5     Test Location ................................................................................................................................ 9
4      Test Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 10
    4.1     Conducted Emissions at Mains Ports .......................................................................................... 10
    4.2     Radiated Emissions ..................................................................................................................... 11
    4.3     Equipment Calibration ................................................................................................................ 12
    4.4     Measurement Uncertainty ........................................................................................................... 12
5      Test Results ......................................................................................................................................... 13
    5.1     §15.203 Antenna Requirements .................................................................................................. 13
    5.2     Conducted Emissions at Mains Ports Data ................................................................................. 13
    5.3     §15.247(a)(2) Bandwidth ............................................................................................................ 15
    5.4     §15.247(b)(3) Maximum Average Output Power ....................................................................... 19
    5.5     §15.247(d) Spurious Emissions .................................................................................................. 22
    5.6     §15.247(e) Maximum Average Power Spectral Density ............................................................ 29

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1 Client Information
1.1     Applicant
                                Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
                                685 Third Avenue, 27th Floor
                                New York, NY 10017
      Contact Name              Mark Feil

      Title                     Compliance Manager

1.2     Manufacturer
                                Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
                                685 Third Avenue, 27th Floor
                                New York, NY 10017
      Contact Name              Mark Feil

      Title                     Compliance Manager

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2 Equipment Under Test (EUT)
2.1     Identification of EUT

 Brand Name                                        LTU
 Model Number                                      LTU Lite
 Serial Number                                     N/A

 Dimensions (cm)                                   15.4      15.4 15.4        15.4 15.4

2.2     Description of EUT
The LTU-L is a fixed point-to-point transceiver, meant for outdoor use, operating in the UNII-1 and
UNII-3 frequency bands. A Bluetooth LE transceiver is included for device management. An Ethernet
port is used for data transfer and to provide power using a POE-24V-5X-HD POE supply.

This report covers the circuitry of the device subject to FCC Part 15, Subpart C. The circuitry of the
device subject to FCC Part 15 Subpart B was found to be compliant.
2.3     EUT and Support Equipment
The EUT and support equipment used during the test are listed below.
 Brand Name
                                                                      Name of Interface Ports /
 Model Number                              Description
                                                                           Interface Cables
 Serial Number
  BN: LTU                        Point to Point Transceiver          See section 2.4
  MN: LTU-Lite (Note 1)
  SN: None
  BN: Ubiquiti
  MN: POE-24V-5X-HD                                                               See Section 2.4
                                                POE Supply
  (Note 1)
  SN: None
  BN: Dell
  MN: XPS 13                                  Computer                    Ethernet/Shielded Cat 5e
                                                                               cable (Note 2)
  SN: None
Notes: (1) EUT
       (2) Interface port connected to EUT (See Section 2.4)
The support equipment listed above was not modified in order to achieve compliance with this standard.

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2.4     Interface Ports on EUT
                             No. of Ports Fitted to
      Name of Ports                                                Cable Description/Length
        POE/Data                       1                          Shielded Cat 5e cable/8 meters
          AC                           1                          3 conductor power cord/80 cm
          Data                         1                          Shielded Cat 5e cable/1 meters
        POE/Data                       1                          Shielded Cat 5e cable/8 meters
2.5     Operating Environment

 Power Supply                                          120 VAC
 AC Mains Frequency                                    60 Hz
 Temperature                                           26.8 C
 Humidity                                              43.1 %
 Barometric Pressure                                   1018 mbar

2.6     Operating Modes
The 2.4 GHz radio operates in BLE mode. Continuous tranmission
2.7     EUT Exercise Software
Ubiquiti test software and firmware were used to control the transceivers of the EUT. (ART)
2.8     Block Diagram of Test Configuration

2.9     Modification Incorporated/Special Accessories on EUT

There were no modifications made to the EUT during testing to comply with the specification.
2.10 Deviation, Opinions Additional Information or Interpretations
     from Test Standard
There were no deviations, opinions, additional information or interpretations from the test specification.

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3 Test Specification, Method and Procedures
3.1      Test Specification
                             47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart C
                             15.203, 15.207 and 15.247
                             Limits and methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics of
                             radio frequency devices.
 Purpose of Test             The tests were performed to demonstrate initial compliance

3.2      Methods & Procedures
3.2.1 47 CFR FCC Part 15 Section 15.203
See test standard for details.
3.2.2 47 CFR FCC Part 15 Section 15.207
See test standard for details.
3.2.3 47 CFR FCC Part 15 Section 15.247
See test standard for details.
3.3      FCC Part 15, Subpart C
3.3.1 Summary of Tests
 FCC Section                      Environmental Phenomena                                       Result
                                                                             Range (MHZ)
 15.203                           Antenna requirements                                        Compliant
 15.207                           Conducted Disturbance at Mains Port          0.15 to 30     Compliant

 15.247(a)                        Bandwidth Requirement                     2400 to 2483.5    Compliant

 15.247(b)                        Peak Output Power                         2400 to 2483.5    Compliant

 15.247(d)                        Antenna Conducted Spurious Emissions      0.009 to 25000    Compliant

 15.247(d)                        Radiated Spurious Emissions               0.009 to 25000    Compliant

 15.247(e)                        Peak Power Spectral Density               2400 to 2483.5    Compliant
 The testing was performed according to the procedures in ANSI C63.10-2013, KDB 558074 and 47
 CFR Part 15.
3.4      Results
In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the requirements of the specification.

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3.5     Test Location
The test results were tested at a 3rd party facility. This testing was performed at VPI Laboratories OATS
located at 313 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020. VPI Laboratories is accredited by National
Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP); NVLAP Code 100272-0

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4 Test Equipment
4.1    Conducted Emissions at Mains Ports
     Type of                           Model        Asset     Date of Last   Due Date of
   Equipment                          Number       Number     Calibration    Calibration
  EMI Receiver          AFJ          FFT3010      UCL-2500    12/14/2018      4/17/2020
 Transient Limiter   Com-Power       LIT-930A     UCL-2496     2/11/2019      2/11/2020
      LISN              AFJ          LS16C/10     UCL-2512    12/14/2018      4/17/2020
                                      ISN T8-
      Cat6 ISN          Teseq                     UCL-2971      2/11/2019     5/21/2020
       ISN              Teseq        ISN T800     UCL-2974      2/19/2019     5/21/2020
      LISN           Com-Power       LIN-120C     UCL-2612      2/11/2019     2/11/2020
   AC Power            Laplace
                                     AC1000A      UCL-2857        N/A            N/A
     Source          Instruments
 Monitoring Probe       Teseq        MD 4070A     UCL-2980      3/16/2019     5/21/2020
  Test Software          UCL         Revision 1   UCL-3107         N/A           N/A
       Table 1:List of equipment used for Conducted Emissions Testing at Mains Port

                           Figure 1: Conducted Emissions Test

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4.2     Radiated Emissions
                                                                      Date of        Due Date
        Type of                             Model          Asset
                       Manufacturer                                     Last            of
       Equipment                           Number         Number     Calibration    Calibration
      Spectrum           Rohde &
                                            ESU40         V033119     07/16/2018     07/16/2019
  Analyzer/Receiver       Schwarz
  Spectrum Analyzer    Hewlett Packard      8566B         V048078     05/26/2019     05/26/2020
                       Hewlett Packard      85650A        V039474     05/02/2018     05/02/2020
    Loop Antenna           EMCO              6502         V034216     02/11/2019     02/11/2021
 Biconilog Antenna         EMCO            3142E-PA       V035736     07/05/2018     07/05/2020
   Double Ridged
                           EMCO              3115         V033469     04/13/2018     04/13/2020
   Guide Antenna
 Standard Gain Horn    ETS-Lindgren         3160-09       V034223        ICO            ICO
 Standard Gain Horn    ETS-Lindgren         3160-10       V034224        ICO            ICO
      High Frequency
                           Miteq         001018000-35-    V033997     01/08/2019     01/08/2020
      High Frequency
                       L3-Narda-Miteq     18004000-37-    V042464     01/08/2019     01/08/2020
 5.8 GHz High Pass
                       Micro-Tronics      HPM50105        V034198     01/08/2019     01/08/2020
    2.4 GHz Notch
         Filter        Micro-Tronics     BRM50702-03      V034213     01/08/2019     01/08/2020
  6’ High Frequency                      UFB197C-0-
                         Microcoax                        V033638     01/08/2019     01/08/2020
         Cable                           0720-000000
 20’ High Frequency                      UFB197C-1-
         Cable           Microcoax       3120-000000      V033979     01/08/2019     01/08/2020
   3 Meter Radiated
   Emissions Cable       Microcoax                        V033639     01/08/2019     01/08/2020
 Wanship Upper Site
     Test Software
                          VPI Labs        Revision 01     V035673        N/A            N/A

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                                Figure 2: Radiated Emissions Test
4.3    Equipment Calibration
All applicable equipment is calibrated using either an independent calibration laboratory or Unified
Compliance Laboratory personnel at intervals defined in ANSI C63.4:2014 following outlined calibration
procedures. All measurement instrumentation is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST). Supporting documentation relative to traceability is on file and is available for
examination upon request.
4.4    Measurement Uncertainty
                     Test                           Uncertainty (+ dB)           Confidence (%)
 Conducted Emissions                                      1.44                         95
 Radiated Emissions (9 kHz to 30 MHz)                     2.50                         95
 Radiated Emissions (30 MHz to 1 GHz)                     3.95                         95
 Radiated Emissions (1 GHz to 18 GHz)                     5.56                         95
 Radiated Emissions (18 GHz to 40 GHz)                    5.16                         95

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5 Test Results
5.1    §15.203 Antenna Requirements
The EUT uses a integral PCB antenna The Maximum gain of the antenna is 2 dBi. The antenna is not user
The EUT complied with the specification
5.2    Conducted Emissions at Mains Ports Data

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The EUT complied with the specification limit.

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5.3    §15.247(a)(2) Bandwidth
                    Frequency                                  Emissions 6 dB Bandwidth
                      (MHz)                                             (MHz)
                       2402                                                0.97

                       2442                                                0.97

                       2480                                                0.98
In the configuration tested, the 6 dB bandwidth was greater than 500 kHz; therefore, the EUT complied
with the requirements of the specification (see spectrum analyzer plots below).

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                                                            427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020

       SoftPlot Measurement Presentation
 dBuV Peak

       107                                        1
                                          2-1         3-2








             Start: 2.3995 GHz                                      Stop: 2.4045 GHz
             7/17/2019 10:49:19 AM       Atten: 0 dB                           FSV-40
 Mkr Trace                X-Axis                Value               Notes
  1      Peak             2.4020 GHz            100.66 dBuV
 2-1     Peak             -340.0000 kHz         -6.06 dB
 3-2     Peak             630.0000 kHz          -0.06 dB

                       Graph 1: 2402 MHz 6dB Emissions Bandwidth

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       SoftPlot Measurement Presentation
 dBuV Peak

       107                                        1
                                          2-1         3-2








             Start: 2.4395 GHz                                      Stop: 2.4445 GHz
             7/17/2019 11:14:34 AM       Atten: 0 dB                           FSV-40
 Mkr Trace                X-Axis                Value               Notes
  1      Peak             2.4420 GHz            97.72 dBuV
 2-1     Peak             -350.0000 kHz         -6.07 dB
 3-2     Peak             630.0000 kHz          0.10 dB

                       Graph 2:2442 MHz 6dB Emissions Bandwidth

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       SoftPlot Measurement Presentation
 dBuV Peak

       107                                        1
                                          2-1         3-2








             Start: 2.4775 GHz                                      Stop: 2.4825 GHz
             7/17/2019 11:03:10 AM       Atten: 0 dB                           FSV-40
 Mkr Trace                X-Axis                Value               Notes
  1      Peak             2.4800 GHz            97.39 dBuV
 2-1     Peak             -350.0000 kHz         -6.09 dB
 3-2     Peak             635.0000 kHz          0.13 dB

                       Graph 3: 2480 MHz 6dB Emissions Bandwidth

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5.4     §15.247(b)(3) Maximum Average Output Power
The maximum average RF conducted output power measured for this device was 3.75 dBm or 2.37 mW.
The limit is 30 dBm or 1 Watt when using antennas with 6 dBi or less gain. The antenna has a gain of 2.0

E[dBµV/m] = EIRP[dBm] - 20 log (d[m]) + 104.77
E[dBµV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2,
E[dBµV/m] – 95.2 = EIRP[dBm]

                               Measured Field                                        Conducted
        Frequency                                     EIRP Output Power
                                 Strength                                           Output Power
          (MHz)                                             (dBm)
                                  (dBuV)                                               (dBm)
           2402                     100.95                    5.75                       3.75

           2442                     98.04                     2.84                       0.84

           2480                      97.7                      2.5                        0.5
In the configuration tested, the maximum average RF output power was less than 1 watt; therefore, the
EUT complied with the requirements of the specification (see spectrum analyzer plots below).

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       SoftPlot Measurement Presentation
 dBuV Peak

      107                                   1









            Start: 2.3975 GHz                               Stop: 2.4065 GHz
            7/17/2019 10:52:55 AM     Atten: 0 dB                      FSV-40
 Mkr Trace               X-Axis          Value              Notes
  1     Peak             2.4021 GHz      100.95 dBuV

                         Graph 4: 2402 Maximum Field Strength

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       SoftPlot Measurement Presentation
 dBuV Peak

      107                                1









            Start: 2.4375 GHz                               Stop: 2.4465 GHz
            7/17/2019 11:16:13 AM     Atten: 0 dB                      FSV-40
 Mkr Trace               X-Axis          Value              Notes
  1     Peak             2.4417 GHz      98.04 dBuV

                         Graph 5: 2442 Maximum Field Strength

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         SoftPlot Measurement Presentation
   dBuV Peak

       107                                      1









             Start: 2.4755 GHz                                       Stop: 2.4845 GHz
             7/17/2019 11:06:19 AM           Atten: 0 dB                        FSV-40
   Mkr Trace                 X-Axis              Value               Notes
   1     Peak                2.4796 GHz          97.70 dBuV

                             Graph 6: 2480 Maximum Field Strength

5.5     §15.247(d) Spurious Emissions
5.5.1 Conducted Spurious Emissions
The frequency range from the lowest frequency generated or used in the device to the tenth harmonic of
the highest fundamental frequency was investigated to measure any antenna-conducted emissions. The
table show the measurement data from spurious emissions noted across the frequency range when
transmitting at the lowest frequency, middle frequency and upper frequency. Shown below are plots with

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the EUT tuned to the upper and lower channels. These demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this
section at the band edges.
The emissions must be attenuated 30 dB below the highest power spectral density level measured within
the authorized band as measured with a 100 kHz RBW.
Conducted spurious emissions were attenuated 20 dB or more below the fundamental; therefore, the EUT
complies with the specification.

                                 Graph 7: Lower Band Edge Plot

                                 Graph 8: Upper Band Edge Plot

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5.5.2 Radiated Spurious Emissions in the Restricted Bands of §15.205
The frequency range from the lowest frequency generated or used in the device to the tenth harmonic of
the highest fundamental emissions was investigated to measure any radiated emissions in the restricted
bands. The following tables show measurements of any emissions that fell into the restricted bands of
§15.205. The tables show the worst-case emissions measured from the EUT. For frequencies above 18.0
GHz, a measurement distance of 1 meter was used. The noise floor was a minimum of 6 dB below the
limits. The emissions in the restricted bans must meet the limits specified in §15.209. Tabular data for
each of the spurious emissions is shown below for each of the units. Plots of the band edges are also
All emissions in the restricted bands of §15.205 met the limits specified in §15.209; therefore, the EUT
complies with the specification.

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                                   Receiver   Amplifier   Correction      Field
Frequency   Antenna                                                                  Limit    Margin
                        Detector   Reading     Gain        Factor       Strength
  (MHZ)     Polarity                                                               (dBµV/m)    (dB)
                                    (dBµV)     (dB)         (dB)       (dBµV/m)
  4804.0       V           P        38.0        30.5        38.7         46.2        74.0     -27.8
  4804.0       V           A        29.7        30.5        38.7         37.9        54.0     -16.1
  4804.0       H           P        39.4        30.5        38.7         47.6        74.0     -26.4
  4804.0       H           A        33.2        30.5        38.7         41.4        54.0     -12.6
  7206.0       V           P        38.2        29.1        42.8         51.9        74.0     -22.1
  7206.0       V           A        30.7        29.1        42.8         44.4        54.0      -9.6
  7206.0       H           P        42.2        29.1        42.8         55.9        74.0     -18.1
  7206.0       H           A        31.4        29.1        42.8         45.1        54.0      -8.9
 14412.0       V           P        33.8        30.9        51.9         54.8        74.0     -19.2
 14412.0       V           A        21.8        30.9        51.9         42.8        54.0     -11.2
 14412.0       H           P        33.9        30.9        51.9         54.9        74.0     -19.1
 14412.0       H           A        21.7        30.9        51.9         42.7        54.0     -11.3
                       Table 2: Transmitting at the Lowest Frequency
                                   Receiver   Amplifier   Correction     Field
Frequency   Antenna                                                                  Limit    Margin
                       Detector    Reading     Gain        Factor      Strength
  (MHZ)     Polarity                                                               (dBµV/m)    (dB)
                                    (dBµV)     (dB)         (dB)       (dBµV/m)
  4882.0       V          P          38.8       30.5         38.9        47.2        74.0     -26.8
  4882.0       V          A          30.0       30.5         38.9        38.4        54.0     -15.6
  4882.0       H          P          38.4       30.5         38.9        46.8        74.0     -27.2
  4882.0       H          A          29.2       30.5         38.9        37.6        54.0     -16.4
  7326.0       V          P          41.2       28.9         43.2        55.5        74.0     -18.5
  7326.0       V          A          33.5       28.9         43.2        47.8        54.0      -6.2
  7326.0       H          P          41.1       28.9         43.2        55.4        74.0     -18.6
  7326.0       H          A          34.0       28.9         43.2        48.3        54.0      -5.7
 14412.0       V          P          32.7       30.9         51.9        53.7        74.0     -20.3
 14412.0       V          A          20.9       30.9         51.9        41.9        54.0     -12.1
 14412.0       H          P          34.0       30.9         51.9        55.0        74.0     -19.0
 14412.0       H          A          20.6       30.9         51.9        41.6        54.0     -12.4
                       Table 3:Transmitting at the Middle Frequency

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                                   Receiver   Amplifier   Correction     Field
Frequency   Antenna                                                                 Limit    Margin
                        Detector   Reading     Gain        Factor      Strength
  (MHZ)     Polarity                                                              (dBµV/m)    (dB)
                                    (dBµV)     (dB)         (dB)       (dBµV/m)
  4960.0       V           P        38.1        30.6        39.1         46.6       74.0     -27.4
  4960.0       V           A        28.5        30.6        39.1         37.0       54.0     -17.0
  4960.0       H           P        38.2        30.6        39.1         46.7       74.0     -27.3
  4960.0       H           A        29.5        30.6        39.1         38.0       54.0     -16.0
  7440.0       V           P        38.4        28.7        43.6         53.3       74.0     -20.7
  7440.0       V           A        29.2        28.7        43.6         44.1       54.0      -9.9
  7440.0       H           P        38.6        28.7        43.6         53.5       74.0     -20.5
  7440.0       H           A        28.8        28.7        43.6         43.7       54.0     -10.3
 17360.0       V           P        31.1        27.1        53.6         57.6       74.0     -16.4
 17360.0       V           A        19.7        27.1        53.6         46.2       54.0      -7.8
 17360.0       H           P        33.0        27.1        53.6         59.5       74.0     -14.5
 17360.0       H           A        19.7        27.1        53.6         46.2       54.0      -7.8
                       Table 4: Transmitting at the Highest Frequency

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                                                    427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020

       SoftPlot Measurement Presentation
 dBuV Peak Average





       67                                   1





            Start: 2.3650 GHz                               Stop: 2.4150 GHz
            7/17/2019 10:46:30 AM     Atten: 0 dB                      FSV-40
 Mkr Trace               X-Axis           Value             Notes
  1     Peak             2.3900 GHz       60.92 dBuV
  2     Average          2.3900 GHz       46.75 dBuV

                         Graph 9: Radiated Lower Band Edge Plot

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                                                    427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020

       SoftPlot Measurement Presentation
 dBuV Peak Average





       67                                  1

       57                                  2




            Start: 2.4585 GHz                               Stop: 2.5085 GHz
            7/17/2019 11:10:49 AM     Atten: 0 dB                      FSV-40
 Mkr Trace               X-Axis          Value              Notes
  1     Peak             2.4835 GHz      59.34 dBuV
  2     Average          2.4835 GHz      48.07 dBuV

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                                                             427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020

                            Graph 10: Radiated Upper Band Edge Plot
5.6     §15.247(e) Maximum Average Power Spectral Density
The maximum average power spectral density conducted from the intentional radiator of the antenna shall
not be greater than 8 dBm in any 3 kHz band during any time interval of continuous transmission. Results
of this testing are summarized. The antenna gain is 2 dBi

E[dBµV/m] = EIRP[dBm] - 20 log (d[m]) + 104.77
E[dBµV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2,
E[dBµV/m] – 95.2 – Ant Gain = Corrected Data
      Frequency              Measurement                Corrected Data                 Criteria
        (MHz)                   (dBuV)                      (dBm)                      (dBm)
           2402                    94.19                     -3.01                       8.0

           2442                    91.09                     -6.11                       8.0

           2480                    90.92                     -6.28                       8.0
The maximum average power spectral density was less than the limit of 8 dBm; therefore, the EUT
complies with the specification.

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                                                    427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020

       SoftPlot Measurement Presentation
 dBuV Peak









            Start: 2.4015 GHz                               Stop: 2.4025 GHz
            7/17/2019 10:54:04 AM     Atten: 0 dB                      FSV-40
 Mkr Trace               X-Axis          Value              Notes
  1     Peak             2.4022 GHz      94.19 dBuV

                   Graph 11: 2402 MHz Lowest Channel 3 kHz PSD Plot

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                                                    427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020

       SoftPlot Measurement Presentation
 dBuV Peak









            Start: 2.4415 GHz                               Stop: 2.4425 GHz
            7/17/2019 11:17:12 AM     Atten: 0 dB                      FSV-40
 Mkr Trace               X-Axis          Value              Notes
  1     Peak             2.4422 GHz      91.09 dBuV

                   Graph 12: 2442 MHz Middle Channel 3 kHz PSD Plot

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                                                    427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020

       SoftPlot Measurement Presentation
 dBuV Peak


       97                                                     1








            Start: 2.4795 GHz                               Stop: 2.4805 GHz
            7/17/2019 11:07:31 AM     Atten: 0 dB                      FSV-40
 Mkr Trace               X-Axis           Value             Notes
  1     Peak             2.4802 GHz       90.92 dBuV

                Graph 13: 2480 MHz Highest Channel Output 3 kHz PSD Plot

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                                                     427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020

                                -- End of Test Report --

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Document Created: 2019-07-30 13:47:28
Document Modified: 2019-07-30 13:47:28

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