Test Report Conducted Data


Test Report

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Specification                 Requirement              Testing
CFR 15.247 (a)   6 dB BW greater than 500 KHz          Pg. 1
CFR 15.247 (b)   Max Peak Output Power less than 1W    Pg. 3
CFR 15.247 (b)   Max Permissible Exposure              Pg. 5
CFR 15.247 (c)   -20dBc Spurious Emissions             Pg. 6
CFR 15.247 (d)   Peak PSD less than +8dBm in 3kHz BW   Pg. 8
                 802.11 a (5725-5850 MHz) Data         Pg. 10

                    Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data

                        TESTING SETUP OVERVIEW

                              INSTRUMENTS USED
Description           Manufacturer    Model No.                    Last Calibration
Spectrum Analyzer     Rhode & Schwarz ESIB 26                      Nov, 2004

The AP-1 was placed in continuous transmit mode using the Atheros Radio Test (ART)
software utility. Data was captured from the spectrum analyzer using a PC, a National
Instruments GPIB/ENET hub, and a National Instruments Labview
 customized program.

                            TEST DATE: January 14, 2004

6 dB Bandwidth
15.247(a) Requirement: For direct sequence systems, the minimum 6dB bandwidth shall
be at least 500 kHz.

Test Setup: The antenna output is connected into the spectrum analyzer. RBW and
VBW are each set to 100 kHz. The frequency is centered at the carrier center frequency
with a 25 MHz span.


                                   802.11b MODE
Channel       Frequency (MHz)      6 dB BW (kHz)      Req. (kHz)       Margin (kHz)
Low           2412                 12 MHz             500              +11.5 MHz
Middle        2437                 12 MHz             500              +11.5 MHz
High          2462                 12 MHz             500              +11.5 MHz

                                   802.11g MODE
Channel       Frequency (MHz)      6 dB BW (kHz)      Req. (kHz)       Margin (kHz)
Low           2412                 16 MHz             500              +15.5 MHz
Middle        2437                 16 MHz             500              +15.5 MHz
High          2462                 16 MHz             500              +15.5 MHz

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    Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data

  802.11b                                  802.11g
low channel                              low channel

 802.11b                                 802.11g
mid channel                             mid channel

  802.11b                                 802.11g
high channel                            high channel

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                    Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data

Peak Power Output
15.247 (b) Requirement 1: For systems using digital modulation in the 2400-2483.5 MHz
band, the maximum peak output power shall not exceed 1 watt.

15.247 (b) Requirement 2: If transmitting antenna of directional gain greater than 6dBi
are used, the peak output power from the intentional radiator shall be reduced according
to the following:

For point to multi-point systems: The total radiated power (transmit output + antenna
gain) shall not exceed 36dBm total.

For point-to-point systems: The maximum peak output power limit shall be reduced by
1dB for every 3dB increase in antenna gain beyond 6dBi. (see table below)

Maximum Allowable Powers (Examples)

Point to Multi-Point Radio                          Point-to-Point Radio
TX Power Ant. Gain EIRP                             TX Power Ant. Gain        EIRP
30 dBm       6 dBi        36 dBm                    30 dBm       6 dBi        36 dBm
27 dBm       9 dBi        36 dBm                    29 dBm       9 dBi        38 dBm
24 dBm       12 dBi       36 dBm                    28 dBm       12 dBi       40 dBm

Test Setup: The antenna output is connected into the spectrum analyzer. RBW is set to 1
MHz; Video BW is set to 3 MHz. The channel power function is used on the spectrum
analyzer with a 20 MHz channel bandwidth (equal to the 802.11 carrier transmission


                            802.11b MODE (11Mbps CCK)
Channel     Freq (MHz)      Peak Power (dBm)  Limit (dBm)              Margin (dBm)
Low         2412                   23.21          30 dBm                    6.79
Middle      2437                   29.34          30 dBm                    0.66
High        2462                   25.93          30 dBm                    4.07

                       802.11g MODE (54 Mbps OFDM)
Channel     Freq (MHz) Peak Power (dBm)    Limit (dBm)                 Margin (dBm)
Low         2412               23.74          30 dBm                        6.26
Middle      2437               29.24          30 dBm                        0.76
High        2462               26.10          30 dBm                        3.90

**Note: The low and high channels were backed off to meet FCR 15.209 (a) band edge

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    Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data

  802.11b                                  802.11g
low channel                              low channel

 802.11b                                 802.11g
mid channel                             mid channel

  802.11b                                  802.11g
high channel                             high channel

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                        Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data

Maximum Permissible Exposure
15.247 (b) Requirement: Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be
operated in a manner that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy
levels in excess of the Commission’s guidelines.

In this case, the limit is S =1.0 mW / cm squared


                   (30 • P • G)                    E2
Given:          E=                    And      S=
                        d                         3770

         E = Field Strength in Volts / meter
         P = Power in Watts
         G = Numeric antenna gain
         d = Distance in meters
         S = Power density in milliwatts / square centimeter

Combining equations and expressing distance as function of other variables:

       (30 • P • G)
        (3770 * S)

Using the following:

P(mw) = P(W ) /1000        and    d(cm) = 100 * d(m)


              30 • (P /100) • G
d = 100 •
                  3770 • S
                P •G
d = 0.282 •

         D = Distance in cm.
         P = Power in mW
         G = Antenna gain (linear)
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                    Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data
        S = Power Density in mW / cm squared

Substitute the following for a logarithmic relationship:
             P(dBm )                                 G(dBi)
P(mw) = 10     10
                              and   G(linear) = 10    10


                (P +G )/ 20

d = 0.282 •10          S

        D = MPE distance in cm.
        P = Power in dBm
        G = Antenna Gain in dBi
        S = Power Density Limit in mW / cm squared

      Worst Cases Reported (802.11b at mid-channel, 802.11g at mid-channel)
   Mode         Power Density    Output Power     Antenna Gain     MPE distance
               Limit (mW/cm2)        (dBm)            (dBi)            (cm)
802.11b/g     1.0                         29.34              5.5            15.57
802.11a       1.0                         29.12                3            11.38

Conducted Spurious Emissions
15.247 (c) Requirement: In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which
the spread spectrum intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is
produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz
bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on
either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement. Attenuation below the general limits
specified in 15.209(a) is not required.

Test Setup: Frequency range set to 30 Mhz-25Ghz, RBW=100kHz, VBW=100kHz.
802.11b/g and low/mid/high cases considered.

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   Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data

  802.11b                                 802.11g
low channel                             low channel

 802.11b                                 802.11g
mid channel                             mid channel

  802.11b                                  802.11g
high channel                             high channel

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                    Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data

Peak Power Spectral Density
15.247 (d) requirement: For direct sequence systems, the peak power spectral density
conducted from the intentional radiator shall not be greater than 8dBm in any 3 kHz band
during any time interval continuous transmission.

Test Setup: Spectrum analyzer RBW = 3kHz, VBW = 10kHz. Frequency span of 6 MHz
used and centered at carrier center.


Mode         Channel     Freq (MHz)     PPSD (dBm)       Limit (dBm)     Margin (dB)
802.11b      Low         2412           2.30             8               5.70
802.11b      Mid         2437           3.89             8               4.11
802.11b      High        2462           2.66             8               5.34
802.11g      Low         2412           -3.69            8               11.69
802.11g      Mid         2437           -3.21            8               11.21
802.11g      High        2462           -3.51            8               11.51

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   Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data

  802.11b                                 802.11g
low channel                             low channel

 802.11b                                 802.11g
mid channel                             mid channel

  802.11b                                  802.11g
high channel                             high channel

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                Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data

          5725-5850 MHz DATA (802.11a)

                        802.11a MODE (54 Mbps OFDM)
Channel   Freq (MHz)     Peak Power (dBm)   Limit (dBm)       Margin (dB)
Low       5745 MHz              27.33           30 dBm           2.67 dB
Mid       5785 MHz              27.34           30 dBm           2.66 dB
High      5825 MHz              29.12           30 dBm           0.88 dB

                low                                       802.11a


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              Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data

6 dB Bandwidth
                            802.11a MODE
Channel   Frequency (MHz)   6 dB BW (kHz)    Req. (kHz)    Margin (kHz)
Low       5745              16 MHz           500           +15.5 MHz
Mid       5785              16 MHz           500           +15.5 MHz
High      5825              16 MHz           500           +15.5 MHz

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               Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data

               low                                     802.11a



Mode      Channel      Freq (MHz)   PPSD (dBm)   Limit (dBm)     Margin (dB)
802.11a   Low          5745         -5.49        8               13.49
802.11a   Mid          5785         -5.24        8               13.24
802.11a   High         5825         -5.02        8               13.02

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              Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data

              low                                     802.11a


No spurious emissions found greater than -20dBc

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  Ubiquiti Networks AP-1 FCC Compliance Data

802.11a                                   802.11a
  low                                       mid


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Document Created: 2005-02-11 10:29:32
Document Modified: 2005-02-11 10:29:32

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