Test Report_BLE Revised


Test Report

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                            Report No.: TEFQ1807303

                FCC RADIO TEST REPORT

          Applicant          : Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
                                 685 Third Avenue, 27th Floor New York,
          Address            :
                                 New York 10017 USA
          Equipment          : AMPLIFI INSTANT

          Model No.          : AFi-INS-R, AFi-INS-R-G

          Trade Name         : AMPLIFI

          FCC ID.            : SWX-AFIR


         The sample was received on Aug. 12, 2017 and the testing was carried out on
         Jul. 30, 2018 at Cerpass Technology Corp. The test result refers exclusively to
         the test presented test model / sample. Without written approval of Cerpass
         Technology Corp., the test report shall not be reproduced except in full.

         Approved by:                                Tested by:

         Mark Liao / Assistant Manager               Spree Yei / Engineer

          Laboratory Accreditation:

          Cerpass Technology Corporation Test Laboratory

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                               Issued Date :   Aug. 06, 2018
                                                                       Page No.    :   1 of 39
                                                                       FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                                                      Report No.: TEFQ1807303


  1.   Summary of Test Procedure and Test Results.................................................................................5
       1.1      Applicable Standards .................................................................................................................5
  2.   Test Configuration of Equipment under Test ...................................................................................6
       2.1      Feature of Equipment under Test...............................................................................................6
       2.2      Difference of Model No. .............................................................................................................6
       2.3      Carrier Frequency of Channels ..................................................................................................6
       2.4      Test Mode and Test Software.....................................................................................................7
       2.5      Description of Test System.........................................................................................................7
       2.6      General Information of Test........................................................................................................8
       2.7      Measurement Uncertainty ..........................................................................................................8
  3.   Test Equipment and Ancillaries Used for Tests ...............................................................................9
  4.   Antenna Requirements..................................................................................................................... 11
       4.1      Standard Applicable ................................................................................................................. 11
       4.2      Antenna Construction and Directional Gain............................................................................. 11
  5.   Test of AC Power Line Conducted Emission .................................................................................12
       5.1      Test Limit ..................................................................................................................................12
       5.2      Test Procedures .......................................................................................................................12
       5.3      Typical Test Setup ....................................................................................................................13
       5.4      Test Result and Data ................................................................................................................14
       5.5      Test Photographs .....................................................................................................................16
  6.   Test of Spurious Emission (Radiated) ............................................................................................17
       6.1      Test Limit ..................................................................................................................................17
       6.2      Test Procedures .......................................................................................................................17
       6.3      Typical Test Setup ....................................................................................................................18
       6.4      Test Result and Data (9kHz ~ 30MHz).....................................................................................19
       6.5      Test Result and Data (30MHz ~ 1GHz)....................................................................................19
       6.6      Test Result and Data (1GHz ~ 25GHz)....................................................................................21
       6.7      Restricted Bands of Operation .................................................................................................27
       6.8      Test Photographs (30MHz ~ 1GHz) .........................................................................................28
       6.9      Test Photographs (1GHz ~ 25GHz) .........................................................................................29
  7.   Test of Spurious Emission (Conducted).........................................................................................30
       7.1      Test Limit ..................................................................................................................................30
       7.2      Test Procedure .........................................................................................................................30
       7.3      Test Setup Layout ....................................................................................................................30
       7.4      Test Result and Data ................................................................................................................30
  8.   6dB Bandwidth Measurement Data .................................................................................................33
       8.1      Test Limit ..................................................................................................................................33
       8.2      Test Procedures .......................................................................................................................33
       8.3      Test Setup Layout ....................................................................................................................33
       8.4      Test Result and Data ................................................................................................................33
  9.   Maximum Peak and Average Output Power...................................................................................35
       9.1      Test Limit ..................................................................................................................................35
       9.2      Test Procedures .......................................................................................................................35

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                                                          Issued Date :           Aug. 06, 2018
                                                                                                                  Page No.    :           2 of 39
                                                                                                                  FCC ID.     :           SWX-AFIR

           CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                                                      Report No.: TEFQ1807303

        9.3      Test Setup Layout ....................................................................................................................35
        9.4      Test Result and Data ................................................................................................................35
  10.   Power Spectral Density ....................................................................................................................36
        10.1     Test Limit ..................................................................................................................................36
        10.2     Test Procedures .......................................................................................................................36
        10.3     Test Setup Layout ....................................................................................................................36
        10.4     Test Result and Data ................................................................................................................36
  11.   Radio Frequency Exposure .............................................................................................................38
        11.1     Applicable Standards ...............................................................................................................38
        11.2     EUT Specification .....................................................................................................................38
        11.3     Test Results..............................................................................................................................39
        11.4     Calculation................................................................................................................................39
        11.5     Maximum Permissible Exposure..............................................................................................39

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                                                           Issued Date :           Aug. 06, 2018
                                                                                                                   Page No.    :           3 of 39
                                                                                                                   FCC ID.     :           SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                Report No.: TEFQ1807303

                               History of this test report

          Attachment No.   Issue Date      Description

          TEFQ1807303      Aug. 06, 2018   Original

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                     Issued Date :   Aug. 06, 2018
                                                             Page No.    :   4 of 39
                                                             FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

    Lo   CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                          Report No.. TEFO107303

    1. Summary of Test Procedure and Test Results
     1.1. Applicable Standards
         ansi cosazora
         ansi css.10:2018
         FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart C §15.247
           FGC Rule      |. Description of Test                            Resutt
             16200       |. Antenna Requirement                            Pass
             16.207      |.A0 Power Line Conducted Emission                Pass
             }g:ggg      . Raciated Spurious Emission                      Pass
            15.247(d)    |. Conducted Spurious Emission                    Pass
          16.247(e(®) |. 6dB Bandwidth                                     Pass
            15.247(b)    Meximum Pesk Output Power                         Pass
            15.247(e)    |. Power Spectral Density                         Pass
         This EUT has been also tested and compled with the requirement of FCC Part 15, Subpart B,
         recorded in a separate test report.

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                sued Date     Aug.06, 2018
                                                                        Page No       sorso
                                                                        reo in        swarie

Lo      CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                              Report No.. TEFO1807303

 2. Test Configuration of Equipment under Test
    2.1 Feature of Equipment under Test
        Modulation Type           bess, orpi, FHiss, Grsk, . M—Darsk, SDFSC
                                  502.11bghn: 24 12—2462MHe
                                  802.11 wan/ac: 5150—5250MHz, 5726—5850MHz
        Frequency Range           Buetooth: 202—280MHz
                                  BLE: 2102—250Mz
                                  802. 1 1h: 1, 2, 5.5, 1 1Mops
                                  802.11g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, S4Mbps
                                  802.1 In: MGSO— MCS15, HT20i40
                                  802.11a: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, S4Mbps
        Data Rate                 802. 1 1ac: MGSO ~MGS9, VHT 20080
                                  GFSic Mois
                                  1cH—DGPSIC 2Mois
                                  sDPSiC 3Mbivs
                                  GFsic Mois
        Antemna Type              Intemal Antena
                                  24G; ANT AB: 3.00B
        Antenna Gan               5G: ANT A/B: 4.00Bi
                                  Buetooth: ANT A 1.0dBi
                                  BLE; ANT A 1.0dB
    22 The        erence of Model No.
         The differences between all made! numbers as below
          Model No.         Femark
          am—NeR            "The diference between ie iwo model numbers is cobr. The gamn,
                             attem, croult design and layout between of both model numbers
          arenSRC           Puinosame.         _        *
    2.3 Carrier Frequency of Channels

          Ghannel F'mflcy Channel             F’m‘fiz';cy    Ghannel    F'm‘figcy
            ‘co        2e0a         1           2450          20         25e
            o          2a05         is          2a5e          20         2i50
            o2         2505         s           2ase          so         2ice
            0s         2508         i7          2a5           31         zi5
            or         2410         is          2ige          se         zi0
            0s         2e           "s          Zaao          El         zie
            0s         2ae          zo          2ane          36         2a70
            or         2e           2           zin           k3         2a7e
            0s         z5e          z2          2e            30         zara
            oo         2520         2s          2e            57         2a70
             10        2aee         2           2a50          30         zare
             m         zie          2           2ise          ‘so        zeeo
             12        es           2           2ase           —           —
             iE        2e           ar          25e
         Note: Channels remarked * are selected to perform test.

Gerpass Technology corp.                                                  hesued Date   Aug.05, 2018
                                                                          Page No       sotso
                                                                          reo in        swarie

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                             Report No.: TEFQ1807303

    2.4 Test Mode and Test Software
       a. During testing, the interface cables and equipment positions were varied according to
          ANSI C63.4.
       b. The complete test system included remote workstation and EUT for RF test. The remote
          workstation included Notebook.
       c. An executive program, ”RTL819x 3.0-2014.0930” under WIN 7 was executed to transmit
          and receive data via Bluetooth.
       d. The following test mode was performed for the test:
           Conducted Emissions from the AC mains power ports
           Test Mode Operating Description
                 1        GFSK (1Mbit/s)
           Radiation Emissions (30MHz ~ 1GHz)
           Test Mode Operating Description
                 1        GFSK (1Mbit/s)
                Radiation Emissions (1GHz ~ 25GHz)
           Test Mode Operating Description
                 1        GFSK (1Mbit/s)

    2.5 Description of Test System

         <For conduction & radiation test (below 1GHz) Test>
          Device       Manufacturer     Model No.              Description
          Remote workstation
          Notebook     DELL            LatitudeE5450/5450      Power Cable, Unshielding, 1.8m

         Use Cable:
          Cable            Quantity     Description
          Network            1          Unshielding, 15m

         <For radiation test (above 1GHz) & Others Test>
          Device       Manufacturer     Model No.              Description
          Remote workstation
          Notebook     DELL            INSPIRON 510m           Power Cable, Unshielding, 1.8m

         Use Cable:
          Cable            Quantity     Description
          Network            1          Unshielding, 15m

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                Issued Date :   Aug. 06, 2018
                                                                        Page No.    :   7 of 39
                                                                        FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

    Lo   CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                         Report No.. TEFO107303

     2.6| General Information of Test

                            Cerpass Technology Gorporation Test Laboratory
                            Address: No.10, Ln. 2, Liantu St. Luzhu Dist., Taoyuan City 39848,
                            Tamen (R.0.C.;
                            Address: No.68—1, Shihbachongsi, Shihding Township
                            New Taipe! Gity 223, Taiwan, R.O.C.
          Test Ste          Tel: +886—2—2603502
                            roo       twiore, twios1, Twisso
                            ic        4004E—1, 9092
                                      T—2205 for Telecommunication Test
                            yaay 04663 for Conducted emission test
                                      R—4300, R—4218 for Radiated emission test
                                      G—10812, G—10813 for rediated disturbance above 1GHz
          Frequency Range   Conducted: from 150Hz to 30 MHz
          Investgated       Radiation: from 30 MHz to 25,000MHz
          Test Distance     The test distance of rediated emission from antenna to EUT is 3 M.

     2.7 Measurement Uncertainty

          Measurement htem                              Uncertainty
          Redated Spurious Emsson(GKHz—30MHz)           £5.0070B
          Redated Spunious Emsson(GOMHz~1GHz)           £5.15706
          Redated Spurious Emission(IGHz~16GHz)         £6.3830B
          Redated Spurious Emsson(1SGHz~40GH2)          6.64806
          Gonducted Spunous Emssion                     125%6
          6dB Bandid                                    maoy
          Power Spedtral Density                        zna300
          26 d Occupied Bandwidin                       510%
          Frequency Stabiity                            s3rskte
          Ghannel Frequencies Separabon                 15.10%
          2008 Banowdtn                                 t512%
          Dwell Tme                                     2130%
          Peak Outpit Power{Conducted Power Meter)      £0.06dB
          Temperatve                                    1200
          Homaiy                                        #27%
          Ghannel Move Tme                              21.53%
          Ghannel G osing Transmission Tme              sare
          Threshod                                      soasids
          Non accupsncy period                          €1.17%

Getpass Technology Corp.                                               Esued Date    Aug.05, 2018
                                                                       Page No       sorso
                                                                       reo in        swarie

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                         Report No.: TEFQ1807303

  3. Test Equipment and Ancillaries Used for Tests
     <For radiation test (above 1GHz) & Others Test>
          Instrument        Manufacturer       Model No.    Serial No.                    Valid Date
        EMI Receiver           R&S              ESCI3        100443       2017/03/07     2018/03/06
             LISN           Schwarzbeck       NSLK 8127     8127-740      2016/08/30     2017/08/29
             LISN           Schwarzbeck       NSLK 8127     8127-516      2016/09/06     2017/09/05
        Pulse Limiter          R&S             ESH3-Z2       101934       2017/02/14     2018/02/13
        Bilog Antenna       Schwarzbeck       VULB9168        369         2017/03/15     2018/03/14
         Active Loop
                               EMCO              6507        40855        2017/05/15     2018/05/14
        Horn Antenna           EMCO              3115        31601        2016/09/05     2017/09/04
        Horn Antenna           EMCO              3116        31970        2017/03/29     2018/03/28
         EXA Signal
                             KEYSIGHT           N9010A     MY54200207 2017/03/17         2018/03/16
         Preamplifier            EM             EM330        60660        2017/02/25     2018/02/24
         Preamplifier                       EMC051845SE      980333       2016/09/13     2017/09/12
         Preamplifier          Agilent          8449B      3008A01954     2017/02/09     2018/02/08
         Preamplifier                         EMC184045      980065       2016/11/04     2017/11/03
       MXG MW Analog
                             KEYSIGHT           N5183A     MY50142931 2017/03/17         2018/03/16
       Signal Generator
      Spectrum Analyzer         R&S             FSP40        100219       2016/09/01     2017/08/31
                                R&S              CBT         101133       2017/03/10     2018/03/09
          Attenuator         KEYSIGHT           8491B      MY39250703 2017/03/07         2018/03/06

       Rotary Attenuator       Agilent           8495B     MY42146680 2017/03/13         2018/03/12
        Temp & Humi
                             T-MACHINE         TMJ-9712    T-12-040111    2016/09/05     2017/09/04
      Series Power Meter       Anritsu         ML2495A      1224005       2017/03/01     2018/02/28

        Power Sensor           Anritsu         MA2411B      1207295       2017/03/01     2018/02/28
            Cable          HUBER SUHNER                   28422/2         2017/02/25     2018/02/24
            Cable          HUBER SUHNER                   28418/2         2017/02/25     2018/02/24
           Software            Farad      Ez-EMC         ver.ct3a1            N/A            N/A
           Software            AUDIX         E3         V8.2014-8-6           N/A            N/A
                                        N7607B Signal
           Software           Keysight                    v2.0.0.1            N/A            N/A
           Software           Keysight                      N/A               N/A            N/A

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                              Issued Date :   Aug. 06, 2018
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                                                                      FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                              Report No.: TEFQ1807303

      <For conduction & radiation test (below 1GHz) Test>
         Instrument        Manufacturer      Model No.        Serial No.                        Valid Date
        EMI Receiver          R&S              ESCI3           100821          2017/09/08      2018/09/07
            LISN           Schwarzbeck      NSLK 8127         8127-568         2018/02/26      2019/02/25
        Pulse Limiter         R&S             ESH3-Z2          101934          2018/02/22      2019/02/21
        Bilog Antenna      Schwarzbeck       VULB9168            275           2017/08/31      2018/08/30
         Active Loop
                             EMCO               6507           40855           2018/05/22      2019/05/21
        Horn Antenna         EMCO               3115           31601           2017/09/11      2018/09/10
        Horn Antenna         EMCO               3116           31970           2018/03/23      2019/03/22
         Preamplifier          EM              EM330           60658           2017/09/08      2018/09/07
         Preamplifier                      EMC051845SE         980333          2017/09/20      2018/09/19
         Preamplifier                       EMC184045          980065          2017/11/10      2018/11/09
      MXG MW Analog
                           KEYSIGHT           N5183A         MY50142931        2018/04/10      2019/04/09
      Signal Generator
                              R&S              FSP40           100219          2018/07/03      2019/07/02
                              R&S               CBT            101133          2018/04/02      2019/04/01
         Attenuator        KEYSIGHT            8491B         MY39250705        2017/09/04      2018/09/03
      Rotary Attenuator      Agilent           8495B         MY42146680        2018/03/29      2019/03/28
       Temp & Humi
                           T-MACHINE         TMJ-9712        T-12-040111       2017/09/04      2018/09/03
       Series Power
                             Anritsu         ML2495A          1224005          2018/03/23      2019/03/22
       Power Sensor          Anritsu         MA2411B          1207295          2018/03/23      2019/03/22
          Software            Farad           Ez-EMC          ver.ct3a1            N/A             N/A
          Software           AUDIX               E3          V8.2014-8-6           N/A             N/A
                                           N7607B Signal
          Software           Keysight                         V3.0.0.0             N/A             N/A
          Software           Keysight                            N/A               N/A             N/A

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                   Issued Date :   Aug. 06, 2018
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                                                                           FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                              Report No.: TEFQ1807303

  4. Antenna Requirements

    4.1 Standard Applicable
         For intentional device, according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.203, an intentional radiator shall
         be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall
         be used with the device.

         And according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.247 (b), if transmitting antennas of directional gain
         greater than 6dBi are used, the power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the
         directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6dBi.

    4.2 Antenna Construction and Directional Gain
          Antenna Type               Internal Antenna
          Antenna Gain               1.0 dBi

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                   Issued Date :   Aug. 06, 2018
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                                                                           FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                Report No.: TEFQ1807303

  5. Test of AC Power Line Conducted Emission

    5.1 Test Limit

              Conducted Emissions were measured from 150 kHz to 30 MHz with a bandwidth of 9
              KHz, according to the methods defined in ANSI C63.4-2014. The EUT was placed on a
              nonmetallic stand in a shielded room 0.8 meters above the ground plane. The interface
              cables and equipment positioning were varied within limits of reasonable applications to
              determine the position produced maximum conducted emissions.

                   Frequency              Quasi Peak                Average
                      (MHz)                (dB µ V)                 (dB µ V)
                    0.15 – 0.5              66-56*                   56-46*
                    0.5 – 5.0                 56                       46
                    5.0 – 30.0                60                       50
              *Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

    5.2 Test Procedures

         a. The EUT was placed 0.4 meter from the conducting wall of the shielding room was kept
               at least 80 centimeters from any other grounded conducting surface.
         b. Connect EUT to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN).
         c. All the support units are connecting to the other LISN.
         d. The LISN provides 50 ohm coupling impedance for the measuring instrument.
         e. The FCC states that a 50 ohm, 50 micro-Henry LISN should be used.
         f.    Both sides of AC line were checked for maximum conducted interference.
         g. The frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz was searched.
         h. Set the test-receiver system to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with
               Maximum Hold Mode.

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                    Issued Date :   Aug. 06, 2018
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                                                                            FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                  Report No.: TEFQ1807303

     5.3 Typical Test Setup






               LISN                                                      LISN


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                                                               FCC ID.     :    SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                              Report No.: TEFQ1807303

    5.4 Test Result and Data
          Power         :   AC 120V                       Pol/Phase       :    LINE
          Test Mode     :   Mode 1                        Temperature     :    20 °C
          Test date     :   Jul. 30, 2018                 Humidity        :    40 %

         Note: Level = Reading + Factor
              Margin = Level – Limit
              Factor = (LISN, ISN, PLC or current probe) Factor + Cable Loss+ Attenuator

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                Issued Date :   Aug. 06, 2018
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                                                                        FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                           Report No.: TEFQ1807303

          Power         :   AC 120V                             Pol/Phase      :   NEUTRAL
          Test Mode     :   Mode 1                              Temperature    :   20 °C
          Test date     :   Jul. 30, 2018                       Humidity       :   40 %

         Note: Level = Reading + Factor
              Margin = Level – Limit
              Factor = (LISN, ISN, PLC or current probe) Factor + Cable Loss+ Attenuator

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                                                                        FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                               Report No.: TEFQ1807303

  6. Test of Spurious Emission (Radiated)
    6.1 Test Limit
         In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or
         digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is
         produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20dB below that in the 100kHz
         bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on
         either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement. If the transmitter measurement is
         based on the maximum conducted output power, the attenuation required under this
         paragraph shall be 30dB instead of 20dB. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in
         section 15.205(a) the restricted bands must also comply with the radiated emission limit
         specified in section 15.209(a).

               Frequency             Field Strength         Measurement Distance
                  (MHz)             (microvolt/meter)             (meters)
              0.009 ~ 0.490           2400/F(kHz)                   300
              0.490 ~ 1.705           24000/F(kHz)                     30
              1.705 ~ 30.0                  30                         30
                 30 ~ 88                   100                         3
                88 ~ 216                   150                         3
                216 ~ 960                  200                         3
               Above 960                   500                         3

    6.2 Test Procedures
          a. The EUT was placed on a rotatable table top 0.8 meter above ground.
          b. The EUT was set 3 meters from the interference receiving antenna which was mounted
             on the top of a variable height antenna tower.
          c. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
          d. The antenna is a broadband antenna and its height is varied between one meter and
             four meters above ground to find the maximum value of the field strength both
             horizontal polarization and vertical polarization of the antenna are set to make the
          e. For each suspected emission the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then tune
             the antenna tower (from 1 M to 4 M) and turn table (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to
             find the antenna tower (from 1 M to 4 M) and turn table (from 0 degree to 360 degrees)
             to find the maximum reading.
          f. Set the test-receiver system to Peak or CISPR quasi-peak Detect Function and
             specified bandwidth with Maximum Hold Mode.
          g. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 3 dB lower than the limit specified,
             then testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT will be reported, otherwise, the
             emissions which do not have 3 dB margin will be repeated one by one using the
             quasi-peak method and reported.
          h. For testing above 1GHz, the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 20dB lower
             than average limit (that means the emission level in peak mode also complies with the
             limit in average mode), then testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT will be
             reported, otherwise, the emissions will be measured in average mode again and
          i. “Cone of radiation” has been considered to be 3dB bandwidth of the measurement

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                    Issued Date :   Aug. 06, 2018
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                                                                            FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                       Report No.: TEFQ1807303

    6.3 Typical Test Setup
         Below 30MHz test setup

                                                                  Equipment under Test

                           1m             *   3m


                                                   Ground Plane

        30MHz- 1GHz Test Setup

                                                                  Equipment under Test

                                          *   3m


                                                   Ground Plane

        Above 1GHz Test Setup

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                          Issued Date :     Aug. 06, 2018
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                                                                  FCC ID.     :     SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                               Report No.: TEFQ1807303

    6.4 Test Result and Data (9kHz ~ 30MHz)

         The 9kHz - 30MHz spurious emission is under limit 20dB more.

    6.5 Test Result and Data (30MHz ~ 1GHz)

          Power         :   AC 120V                        Pol/Phase       :    VERTICAL
          Test Mode     :   Mode 1                         Temperature     :    23 °C
          Test Date     :   Jul. 27, 2018                  Humidity        :    62 %

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                                                                         FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                               Report No.: TEFQ1807303

          Power        :   AC 120V         Pol/Phase       :    HORIZONTAL
          Test Mode    :   Mode 1          Temperature     :    23 °C
          Test Date    :   Jul. 27, 2018   Humidity        :    62 %

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                  Report No.: TEFQ1807303

    6.6 Test Result and Data (1GHz ~ 25GHz)

          Power        :   AC 120V            Pol/Phase       :    VERTICAL
          Test Mode    :   Mode 1, CH00       Temperature     :    24 °C
          Test Date    :   Aug. 12, 2017      Humidity        :    68 %

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                               Report No.: TEFQ1807303

          Power        :   AC 120V         Pol/Phase       :    HORIZONTAL
          Test Mode    :   Mode 1, CH00    Temperature     :    24 °C
          Test Date    :   Aug. 12, 2017   Humidity        :    68 %

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                               Report No.: TEFQ1807303

          Power        :   AC 120V         Pol/Phase       :    VERTICAL
          Test Mode    :   Mode 1, CH19    Temperature     :    24 °C
          Test Date    :   Aug. 12, 2017   Humidity        :    68 %

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                               Report No.: TEFQ1807303

          Power        :   AC 120V         Pol/Phase       :    HORIZONTAL
          Test Mode    :   Mode 1, CH19    Temperature     :    24 °C
          Test Date    :   Aug. 12, 2017   Humidity        :    68 %

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                               Report No.: TEFQ1807303

          Power        :   AC 120V         Pol/Phase       :    VERTICAL
          Test Mode    :   Mode 1, CH39    Temperature     :    24 °C
          Test Date    :   Aug. 12, 2017   Humidity        :    68 %

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                               Report No.: TEFQ1807303

          Power        :   AC 120V         Pol/Phase       :    HORIZONTAL
          Test Mode    :   Mode 1, CH39    Temperature     :    24 °C
          Test Date    :   Aug. 12, 2017   Humidity        :    68 %

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                              Report No.: TEFQ1807303

    6.7 Restricted Bands of Operation
          Only spurious emissions are permitted in any of the frequency bands listed below:

                  MHz                      MHz                      MHz                 GHz
            0.09000 – 0.11000       16.42000 – 16.42300         399.9 – 410.0       4.500 – 5.250
            0.49500 – 0.505**       16.69475 – 16.69525         608.0 – 614.0       5.350 – 5.460
            2.17350 – 2.19050       16.80425 – 16.80475         960.0 – 1240.0      7.250 – 7.750
            4.12500 – 4.12800       25.50000 – 25.67000        1300.0 – 1427.0      8.025 – 8.500
            4.17725 – 4.17775       37.50000 – 38.25000        1435.0 – 1626.5      9.000 – 9.200
            4.20725 – 4.20775       73.00000 – 74.60000        1645.5 – 1646.5      9.300 – 9.500
            6.21500 – 6.21800       74.80000 – 75.20000        1660.0 – 1710.0     10.600 – 12.700
            6.26775 – 6.26825      108.00000 – 121.94000       1718.8 – 1722.2     13.250 – 13.400
            6.31175 – 6.31225      123.00000 – 138.00000       2200.0 – 2300.0     14.470 – 14.500
            8.29100 – 8.29400      149.90000 – 150.05000       2310.0 – 2390.0     15.350 – 16.200
            8.36200 – 8.36600      156.52475 – 156.52525       2483.5 – 2500.0     17.700 – 21.400
            8.37625 – 8.38675      156.70000 – 156.90000       2655.0 – 2900.0     22.010 – 23.120
            8.41425 – 8.41475      162.01250 – 167.17000       3260.0 – 3267.0     23.600 – 24.000
           12.29000 – 12.29300     167.72000 – 173.20000       3332.0 – 3339.0     31.200 – 31.800
           12.51975 – 12.52025     240.00000 – 285.00000       3345.8 – 3358.0     36.430 – 36.500
           12.57675 – 12.57725     322.00000 – 335.40000       3600.0 – 4400.0       Above 38.6
           13.36000 – 13.41000

            **: Until February 1, 1999, this restricted band shall be 0.490-0.510 MHz

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                                                                           FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                             Report No.: TEFQ1807303

  7. Test of Spurious Emission (Conducted)

    7.1 Test Limit

         Below –20dB of the highest emission level of operating band (In 100 kHz Resolution Bandwidth)

    7.2 Test Procedure

         a. The transmitter output was connected to the spectrum analyzer via a low lose cable.
         b. Set RBW of spectrum analyzer to 100 KHz and VBW of spectrum analyzer to 300 KHz
            with convenient frequency span including 100 KHz bandwidth from band edge.
         c. Peak conducted output power measured within any 100 kHz outside the authorized
            frequency band shall be attenuated by at least 20dB relative to the maximum measured
            in-band peak PSD level.
         d. The band edges was measured and recorded.

    7.3 Test Setup Layout

    7.4 Test Result and Data

           Test Result   :   PASS                           Temperature      : 21°C
           Test Date     :   Aug. 17, 2017                  Humidity         : 64%

          Note: Test plots refer to the following pages.

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                           Report No.: TEFQ1807303

   Modulation Type: GFSK           Modulation Type: GFSK
   CH00                            CH19

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.      Report No.: TEFQ1807303

   Modulation Type: GFSK

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                              Report No.: TEFQ1807303

  8. 6dB Bandwidth Measurement Data

    8.1 Test Limit
         The minimum of 6dB Bandwidth Measurement is 0.5 MHz.

    8.2 Test Procedures
         a. The transmitter output was connected to the spectrum analyzer.
         b. Set RBW of spectrum analyzer to 1~5% of the emission bandwidth and VBW ≥ 3x RBW.
         c. The 6 dB bandwidth is defined as the total spectrum the power of which is higher than
            peak power minus 6 dB.
         d. The 6dB Bandwidth was measured and recorded.

    8.3 Test Setup Layout

    8.4 Test Result and Data

          Test Result    :   PASS                         Temperature    :    21°C
          Test Date      :   Aug. 17, 2017                Humidity       :    64%

           Modulation                Frequency      6dB Bandwidth          Limit
             Type                      (MHz)            (KHz)             (KHz)
                             00         2402           654.00                500
             GFSK            19         2440            642.00               500
                             39         2480            642.00               500

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.      Report No.: TEFQ1807303

   Modulation Type: GFSK



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                                     FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                            Report No.: TEFQ1807303

  9. Maximum Peak and Average Output Power
    9.1 Test Limit

         The Maximum Peak Output Power Measurement is 30dBm.

    9.2 Test Procedures

         The antenna port (RF output) of the EUT was connected to the input (RF input) of a power
         meter. Power was read directly from the meter and cable loss connection was added to the
         reading to obtain power at the EUT antenna terminal. The EUT Output Power was set to
         maximum to produce the worse case test result.

    9.3 Test Setup Layout

    9.4 Test Result and Data

          Test Result   :    PASS                         Temperature   : 21°C
          Test Date     :    Aug. 17, 2017                Humidity      : 64%

                                                  Power Output          Peak Power Output
          Modulation                Frequency        (dBm)                    (mW)
           Standard                   (MHz)
                                                Peak        Average      Peak       Average
                              00       2402     2.49          2.14       1.774       1.637
             GFSK             19       2440     -2.35        -2.79       0.582       0.526
                              39       2480     -5.08        -5.93       0.310       0.255

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                                                                         FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                            Report No.: TEFQ1807303

  10. Power Spectral Density
    10.1 Test Limit
         The Maximum of Power Spectral Density Measurement is 8dBm.

    10.2 Test Procedures
         a. The transmitter output was connected to spectrum analyzer.
         b. The spectrum analyzer’s resolution bandwidth were set at 3KHz RBW and 30KHz
              VBW as that of the fundamental frequency. Set the sweep time=auto couple.
         c.   The power spectral density was measured and recorded.

    10.3 Test Setup Layout

    10.4 Test Result and Data

          Test Result    : PASS                            Temperature    : 21°C
          Test Date      : Aug. 17, 2017                   Humidity       : 64%

                                               Frequency         Maximum Power
         Modulation Standard      Channel        (MHz)           Density of 3 kHz         Limit
                                                                 Bandwidth (dBm)
                                    00            2402               -14.04               8.00
                  GFSK              19            2440               -19.67               8.00
                                    39            2480               -23.09               8.00

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                                                                         FCC ID.     :    SWX-AFIR

          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.      Report No.: TEFQ1807303

   Modulation Type: GFSK



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                                     FCC ID.     :   SWX-AFIR

Document Created: 2018-10-05 18:31:15
Document Modified: 2018-10-05 18:31:15

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