user manual Part 3


Users Manual

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airFiber® X User Guide                                                                                  Chapter 4: Main Tab

Chapter 4: Main Tab                                       Device Name Displays the customizable name or
                                                          identifier of the device. The Device Name (also known
The Main tab displays a summary of the link status        as host name) is displayed in registration screens and
information, current values of the basic configuration    discovery tools.
settings, network settings and information, and traffic   Operating Mode Displays the mode of the AirFiber X
statistics.                                               radio: Slave, Master, or Reset.
                                                          RF Link Status Displays the status of the AirFiber X radio:
Status                                                    RF Off, Syncing, Beaconing, Registering, Enabling, Listening,
                                                          Operational, DFS CAC, or RADAR Detected.
                                                                Note: Most of the RF Link Statuses map to specific
                                                                flash rates of the Link Status LED (See “LEDs” on
                                                                page 2 for more details.)
                                                                 Status                Flash Rate of LED
                                                                 RF Off                Off
                                                                 DFS countries only:
                                                                                       Short Flash (1:3 on/off cycle)
                                                                 • DFS CAC
                                                                 • RADAR Detected
                                                                 Beaconing             Normal Flash (1:1 on/off cycle)
                                                                 Registering           Long Flash (3:1 on/off cycle)
                                                                 Operational           On

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Chapter 4: Main Tab                                                                                   airFiber® X User Guide

The following applies to the AF-5X only:                      RX Frequency (Available if split frequencies are enabled.)
  When the AF‑5X operates in a DFS country and within a       Displays the frequency that the airFiber X radio uses to
  valid DFS band for that country, it performs a Channel      receive data.
  Availability Check (CAC) before operating. The rules vary   Channel Width Size of the channel in MHz.
  by country and frequency, but in general:                   Frame Length Displays the currently configured frame
  -- FCC domains If the AF‑5X operates in a DFS band          length of the radio: 2.0ms, 2.5ms, 4.0ms, or 5ms. Longer
     (5.2 GHz or 5.4 GHz band), the AF‑5X performs a          frame lengths result in higher throughput for a given
     60-second check on the Master only.                      configuration, but also result in slightly higher latency.
  -- ETSI domains For most frequencies, the AF‑5X             Duty Cycle Displays the duty cycle.
     performs a 60-second check on the Master and Slave;      Regulatory Domain Displays the regulatory domain
     however, if it operates in the 5600-5650 MHz range,      (FCC/IC, ETSI, or Other), as determined by country
     then the AF‑5X performs a 10-minute check.               selection.
  While the AF‑5X is performing this check, the RF Link       Chain 0/1 (Actual/Ideal) Displays the actual and ideal
  Status displays DFS CAC, and the RF Link Timeout is         power levels (in dBm) of the received signal for each chain.
                                                              The actual number indicates the current RX signal
If radar is detected, the RF Link Status displays RADAR       strength. The ideal number is the RX signal strength of a
Detected, and the RF Link Timeout is displayed.               perfectly aligned link. These two numbers indicate exactly
RF Link Timeout (Available only if the RF Link Status         how many dB out of alignment the system is.
is DFS CAC or RADAR Detected.) During the DFS CAC or          When the link is aimed correctly, the bar graphs are full-
RADAR Detected state, the RF Link Timeout counts down         scale. If the bar graphs are not full-scale, they indicate that
the time remaining before the AirFiber X radio can move       your link is not optimally aimed.
to the next RF link state.
                                                              Rem Chain 0/1 (Actual/Ideal) Displays the actual and
Link Name Displays the name of your link.                     ideal power levels (in dBm) of the received signal for each
Security AES-128 is enabled at all times.                     chain of the remote airFiber X radio. The bar graphs will
Version Displays the airFiber Configuration Interface         display as full-scale once the link is aimed correctly.
software version.                                             Local Modulation Rate Displays the modulation rate:
Uptime This is the total time the device has been running     • 8x (256QAM MIMO)
since the latest reboot (when the device was powered up)      • 6x (64QAM MIMO)
or software upgrade. The time is displayed in days, hours,
minutes, and seconds.                                         • 4x (16QAM MIMO)

Link Uptime This is the total time the airFiber link has      • 2x (QPSK MIMO)
been continuously operational. The time is displayed in       • 1x (½ Rate QPSK xRT™*)
days, hours, minutes, and seconds.                            • ¼x (¼ Rate QPSK xRT)
Remote MAC Displays the Management Ethernet MAC               *xtreme Range Technology
address of the remote AirFiber X radio.
                                                              If Automatic Rate Adaptation is enabled on the Wireless
Remote IP Displays the Management Ethernet IP address         tab, then Local Modulation Rate displays the current speed
of the remote airFiber X radio.                               in use and depends on the Maximum Modulation Rate
Date Displays the current system date and time. The           specified on the Wireless tab and current link conditions.
date and time are displayed in YEAR-MONTH-DAY                 Remote Modulation Rate Displays the modulation rate
HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS format. The system date and             of the remote airFiber X radio:
time is retrieved from the Internet using NTP (Network
                                                              • 8x (256QAM MIMO)
Time Protocol). The NTP Client is enabled by default on the
Services tab. The AirFiber X radio doesn’t have an internal   • 6x (64QAM MIMO)
clock, and the date and time may be inaccurate if the         • 4x (16QAM MIMO)
NTP Client is disabled or the device isn’t connected to the   • 2x (QPSK MIMO)
                                                              • 1x (½ Rate QPSK xRT)
Frequency (Available if split frequencies are not enabled.)
Displays the current frequency. The AirFiber X radio uses     • ¼x (¼ Rate QPSK xRT)
the radio frequency specified to transmit and receive data.   TX Capacity Displays the potential TX throughput, how
TX Frequency (Available if split frequencies are enabled.)    much the airFiber X radio can send, after accounting for
Displays the frequency that the airFiber X radio uses to      the modulation and error rates.
transmit data.

14                                                                                                   Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.

airFiber® X User Guide                                                                                  Chapter 4: Main Tab

RX Capacity Displays the potential RX throughput, how          DATA Pair 0 (Pins 1,2) If the cable is functioning properly,
much the airFiber X radio can receive, after accounting for    displays the SNR of the twisted pair; if the cable has a
the modulation and error rates.                                fault, displays the fault (“open” or “short”) and the distance
TX Power (EIRP) Displays the current average transmit          at which the fault has occurred. If the remote port is
output power (in dBm) of the airFiber X radio.                 administratively shut down, this field displays “normal”.
      Note: If “(Limited)” is displayed, the transmit output   DATA Pair 1 (Pins 3,6) If the cable is functioning properly,
      power has been limited to a value less than the          displays the SNR of the twisted pair; if the cable has a
      selected value, to comply with regulatory region         fault, displays the fault (“open” or “short”) and the distance
      requirements. For a list of maximum output power         at which the fault has occurred. If the remote port is
      values by country and region, refer to “Frequency        administratively shut down, this field displays “normal”.
      Ranges and Power Levels per Country/Region” on           DATA Pair 2 (Pins 4,5) If the cable is functioning properly,
      page 50.                                                 displays the SNR of the twisted pair; if the cable has a
                                                               fault, displays the fault (“open” or “short”) and the distance
Conducted TX Power Displays the conducted transmit
                                                               at which the fault has occurred. If the remote port is
power out of the radio before any antenna gain.
                                                               administratively shut down, this field displays “normal”.
Net Gain Displays the airFiber X radio’s net antenna gain,
                                                               DATA Pair 3 (Pins 7,8) If the cable is functioning properly,
which is the antenna gain minus cable loss. Antenna
                                                               displays the SNR of the twisted pair; if the cable has a
gain (the gain of the antenna being used) and cable loss
                                                               fault, displays the fault (“open” or “short”) and the distance
(the loss in the cable from the radio to the antenna) are
                                                               at which the fault has occurred. If the remote port is
set using the Antenna Gain and Cable Loss fields on the
                                                               administratively shut down, this field displays “normal”.
Wireless tab.
Remote TX Power (EIRP) Displays the current average            Monitor
transmit output power (in dBm) of the remote airFiber X        There are two monitoring tools accessible via the links
radio.                                                         on the Main tab. The default is Performance, which is
Distance Displays the distance between the airFiber X          displayed when you first open the Main tab.
GPS Signal Quality Displays Global Positioning System
                                                               Throughput and Capacity charts display the current and
(GPS) signal quality as a percentage value on a scale of
                                                               potential data traffic.
Latitude/Longitude Based on GPS tracking, reports the
device’s current latitude and longitude. Clicking the link
opens the reported latitude and longitude in a browser
using Google Maps™ (
Altitude Based on GPS tracking, reports the device’s
current altitude relative to sea level.
Synchronization airFiber uses GPS to synchronize the
timing of its transmissions. By default, this option is
disabled.                                                      Throughput
                                                               Throughput displays the current data traffic on the Data
Ethernet                                                       port in both graphical and numerical form. The chart scale
                                                               and throughput dimension (Bps, Kbps, Mbps) change
                                                               dynamically depending on the mean throughput value.
                                                               The statistics are updated automatically.
MGMT MAC Displays the MAC address of the                       Capacity displays the potential data traffic on the Data
Management port.                                               port in both graphical and numerical form. The chart scale
MGMT Displays the speed and duplex of the                      and throughput dimension (Bps, Kbps, Mbps) change
Management port.                                               dynamically depending on the mean throughput value.
                                                               The statistics are updated automatically.
DATA Displays the speed and duplex of the Data port.
                                                               Refresh If there is a delay in the automatic update, click
DATA Cable Length Displays the Ethernet cable length           Refresh to manually update the statistics.
from radio to remote port. This is displayed only for cables
longer than 20 m.

Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.                                                                                                     15

Chapter 4: Main Tab                                           airFiber® X User Guide

When logging is enabled (see “System Log” on page
27 to enable logging), this option lists all registered
system events. By default, logging is not enabled.

Clear To delete all entries in the system log, click Clear.
Refresh To update the log content, click Refresh.

16                                                            Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.

airFiber® X User Guide                                                                             Chapter 5: Wireless Tab

Chapter 5: Wireless Tab                                       Basic Wireless Settings
                                                              In this section, configure the basic wireless settings, such
The Wireless tab contains options to set up the wireless      as wireless mode, link name, country code, frequencies,
part of the link. This includes wireless mode, link name,     output power, speed, and gain.
frequencies, output power, speed, and wireless security.
Change To save or test your changes, click Change.
A new message appears. You have three options:
• Apply To immediately save your changes, click Apply.
• Test To try the changes without saving them, click Test.
  To keep the changes, click Apply. If you do not click
  Apply within 180 seconds (the countdown is displayed),
  the airFiber X radio times out and resumes its earlier
• Discard To cancel your changes, click Discard.
Write down the settings you configure on the Wireless tab.
You will need to enter the same settings on the airFiber X    Wireless Mode By default, the Wireless Mode is Slave. You
radio at the other end of your PtP link. The exceptions are   must configure one airFiber X radio as Master because
as follows:                                                   each PtP link must have one Master.

• Wireless Mode Configure one airFiber X radio as the         Link Name Enter a name for your PtP link. This name
  Master and the other as the Slave.                          must be the same on both Master and Slave radios in
                                                              order for them to connect.

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Chapter 5: Wireless Tab                                                                                  airFiber® X User Guide

Country Code Each country has its own power level                   Output Power (EIRP) Defines the maximum average
and frequency regulations. To ensure the airFiber X radio           transmit output power (in dBm) of the airFiber X radio.
operates under the necessary regulatory compliance rules,           To specify the output power, use the slider or manually
you must select the country where your device will be used.         enter the output power value. The transmit power level
The frequency settings and output power limits will                 maximum is limited according to country regulations.
be tuned according to the regulations of the selected                     Note: The Antenna Gain and Cable Loss should be
country. For details, refer to this table, “Frequency Ranges              configured before the Output Power. This is because
and Power Levels per Country/Region” on page 50.                          the range of the Output Power field is affected by
This radio is restricted to use with a license and to use only in         the Antenna Gain and Cable Loss values – changing
certain EU countries or geographical areas of EU countries.               the antenna gain or cable loss adjusts the maximum
• Change To select a new country, click Change.                           and minimum values you can select using the
                                                                          Output Power slider. Since the Output Power
         Note: U.S. product versions are locked to the U.S.               already includes the antenna gain and cable loss, it
         Country Code to ensure compliance with FCC                       represents EIRP; therefore, the value of Output Power
         regulations.                                                     is actually the total power the radio is transmitting
                                                                          over the air. The current transmit power is displayed
                                                                          by the TX Power EIRP setting on the Main tab.

                                                                          Note: The airFiber X radio may limit the output
                                                                          power to a value less than the value specified
                                                                          by this field, to comply with regulatory region
                                                                          requirements. For a list of maximum output power
                                                                          values by country and region, refer to “Frequency
                                                                          Ranges and Power Levels per Country/Region” on
                                                                          page 50.
                                                                    Antenna Gain Enter the gain in dBi of the antenna that is
                                                                    used in your installation. An improper value could cause
                                                                    DFS false detections when operating on DFS frequencies.
                                                                    Cable Loss Enter the cable loss in dB of the cable that is
                                                                    used in your installation. An improper value could cause
                                                                    DFS false detections when operating on DFS frequencies.
                                                                    Maximum Modulation Rate or Modulation Rate Higher
  -- Country Select the new country.                                modulations support greater throughput but generally
  -- I agree to these terms of use Check this box; you              require stronger RF signals and a higher Signal-to-Noise
     must agree to the Terms of Use to use the product.             Ratio (SNR). By default, Automatic Rate Adaptation is
  -- Accept Saves your change.                                      enabled, and Maximum Modulation Rate is displayed. This
  -- Cancel Discards your change.                                   allows the airFiber X radio to automatically adjust the
                                                                    modulation rate to changing RF signal conditions. Under
Channel Bandwidth Select the appropriate channel size:              certain conditions, you may prefer to lock the Maximum
  • AF-2X and AF-3X: 3.5, 5, 7, 10, 14, 20, 28, 30, 40, 50,         Modulation Rate to a lower setting to improve link
    or 56 MHz                                                       performance.
  • AF-5X only: 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 MHz                        When Automatic Rate Adaptation is disabled, Modulation
       Note:. The available channel bandwidths depend               Rate is displayed. Lock the Modulation Rate to the setting
       on the regulatory requirements of the currently              of your choice.
       selected country or region.                                  Select one of the available modulation rates:
Frame Length (Available on AF-2X and AF-3X only.) Use               • 8x (256QAM MIMO)
this to specify the frame length of the radio: default,
                                                                    • 6x (64QAM MIMO)
2.0ms, 2.5ms, 4.0ms, or 5ms. The frame length must be
the same on both Master and Slave radios. The default               • 4x (16QAM MIMO)
value corresponds to 5ms for the 3.5 MHz and 5 MHz                  • 2x (QPSK MIMO)
bandwidths, or 2.0ms for all other bandwidths.
                                                                    • 1x (½ Rate QPSK xRT)
       Note:. The AF-5X uses a frame length of 2.0ms (this
                                                                    • ¼x (¼ Rate QPSK xRT)
       value cannot be changed).
Master TX Duty Cycle Use this to change the duty cycle
of the RF link (the Master’s TX percentage). Choose one of
the following values: 25%, 33%, 50%, 67%, or 75%.

18                                                                                                      Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.

airFiber® X User Guide                                                                                Chapter 5: Wireless Tab

Frequency Settings                                              Wireless Security
The Valid Frequencies for your Country Code selection are       airFiber uses 128-bit, AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
displayed. Ensure that you use frequencies that comply          encryption at all times.
with the local country regulations.
TDD Split Frequency Mode This option lets you
configure separate frequencies for TX and RX. To configure
split frequencies, enable this option and select a different
RX frequency on each side of the link. This feature is useful
if both sides of the link do not have a common, clean
frequency. It is important for the RX frequency to be           Key Type Specifies the character format.
clean; if different frequencies are clean on each end of the    • HEX By default, this option uses hexadecimal
link, select the clean RX frequency on each end.                  characters. 0-9, A-F, or a-f are valid characters.
                                                                • ASCII ASCII uses the standard English alphabet and
                                                                  numeric characters (0-9, A-Z, or a-z).
                                                                Key Select the format of the MAC address.
                                                                • HEX Enter 16 bytes (eight, 16-bit HEX values). You can
                                                                  omit zeroes and use colons, similar to the IPv6 format.
                                                                  The default is:
                   AF-2X Split Frequency Settings                 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000
                                                                         Note: The airFiber Configuration Interface
                                                                         supports IPv6 formats excluding dotted quad and
                                                                         “::” (double-colon) notation.
                                                                • ASCII Enter a combination of alphanumeric characters.
                                                                  Using 128-bit SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1), the
                                                                  airFiber X radio hashes the ASCII key to create a 128-bit
                                                                  key for AES.
                   AF-3X Split Frequency Settings

                   AF-5X Split Frequency Settings

      Note for AF-5X only: Split frequency mode is not
      available in DFS bands because the RX frequency
      must match the TX frequency to allow the receiver
      to scan for DFS on the TX frequency. In regions
      where both DFS and non-DFS frequencies are
      available, enabling split frequencies will disable any
      DFS band frequencies. In regions where only DFS
      frequencies are available, there will be no option to
      turn on split frequencies.
Frequency Enter a valid frequency. The current state is
      Note: The Master and Slave should have the same
      Frequency setting.

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Chapter 6: Network Tab                                                                              airFiber® X User Guide

Chapter 6: Network Tab                                       • DHCP Keep the default, DHCP, to use DHCP reservation
                                                               on your router to assign a unique IP Address. The local
The Network tab allows you to configure settings for the       DHCP server assigns a reserved IP address, gateway IP
management network. There are two ways to access the           address, and DNS address to the airFiber X radio.
airFiber Configuration Interface:                                    Note: If you select the DHCP option, ensure that
• Management Port Enabled by default. Use a direct                   you use DHCP reservation because if you do not
  connection to the Management port for out-of-band                  know the IP address, then the only way to manage
  management.                                                        the airFiber X radio is to reset the airFiber X radio
                                                                     to its factory default settings. (Press and hold
• In-Band Management Enabled by default. In-band
                                                                     the Reset button for more than five seconds.)
  management is available through the local Data port or
                                                                     Its default Management IP Address is reset to
  the Data port at the other end of the link.
The Management port and in-band management share
the default IP address of
Change To save or test your changes, click Change.
A new message appears. You have three options:
• Apply To immediately save your changes, click Apply.
• Test To try the changes without saving them, click Test.
  To keep the changes, click Apply. If you do not click
  Apply within 180 seconds (the countdown is displayed),
  the airFiber X radio times out and resumes its earlier       -- DHCP Fallback IP Specify the IP address the
  configuration.                                                  airFiber X radio should use if a DHCP server is not
• Discard To cancel your changes, click Discard.                  found.
                                                               -- DHCP Fallback Netmask Specify the netmask the
Management Network Settings                                       airFiber X radio should use if a DHCP server is not
In-Band Management Enabled by default. In‑band                    found.
management is available through the local Data port or
                                                             • Static Assign static IP settings to the airFiber X radio.
the Data port at the other end of the link.
                                                                     Note: IP settings should be consistent with the
      Note: If In-Band Management is enabled, ensure
                                                                     address space of the airFiber X radio’s network
      that each airFiber X radio in a link has a unique
      IP Address. If the airFiber X radios use the same IP
      Address, you may lose access via the Data ports.
Management IP Address The airFiber X radio can use
a static IP address or obtain an IP address from its DHCP

20                                                                                                 Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.

airFiber® X User Guide                                                                             Chapter 6: Network Tab

                                                                airView Port The port number associated with the
                                                                airView spectrum analyzer tool. The default value is 18888.
                                                                For detailed information on the airView tool, refer to
                                                                “airView” on page 33.

  -- IP Address Specify the IP address of the airFiber X
     radio. This IP will be used for device management
  -- Netmask When the netmask is expanded into its
     binary form, it provides a mapping to define which
     portions of the IP address range are used for the
     network devices and which portions are used for host
     devices. The netmask defines the address space of the
     airFiber X radio’s network segment. The
     (or “/24”) netmask is commonly used on many Class C
     IP networks.
  -- Gateway IP Typically, this is the IP address of the host
     router, which provides the point of connection to the
     Internet. This can be a DSL modem, cable modem, or
     WISP gateway router. The airFiber X radio directs data
     packets to the gateway if the destination host is not
     within the local network.
  -- Primary DNS IP Specify the IP address of the primary
     DNS (Domain Name System) server.
  -- Secondary DNS IP Specify the IP address of the
     secondary DNS server. This entry is optional and used
     only if the primary DNS server is not responding.
Management VLAN If enabled, automatically creates a
management Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN).
• VLAN ID Enter a unique VLAN ID from 2 to 4094.
Auto IP Aliasing If enabled, automatically generates an
IP address for the corresponding WLAN/LAN interface.
The generated IP address is a unique Class B IP address
from the 169.254.X.Y range (netmask, which
is intended for use within the same network segment
only. The Auto IP always starts with 169.254.X.Y, with X
and Y as the last two octets from the MAC address of
the airFiber X radio. For example, if the MAC address is
00:15:6D:A3:04:FB, then the generated unique Auto IP will
be (The hexadecimal value, FB, converts to
the decimal value, 251.)
The Auto IP Aliasing setting can be useful because you
can still access and manage devices even if you lose,
misconfigure, or forget their IP addresses. Because an
Auto IP address is based on the last two octets of the MAC
address, you can determine the IP address of a device if
you know its MAC address.

Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.                                                                                                  21

Chapter 7: Advanced Tab                                                                             airFiber® X User Guide

Chapter 7: Advanced Tab                                      GPS Clock Sync The airFiber uses GPS to synchronize
                                                             the timing of its transmissions. By default, this option is
The Advanced tab handles advanced wireless and Ethernet      disabled.
settings. These settings should not be changed unless        Automatic Power Backoff This feature allows the radio
you understand how the changes will affect the airFiber X    to automatically adjust the maximum TX power per
radio.                                                       modulation so that the radio never transmits at a higher
Change To save or test your changes, click Change.           power than each modulation rate can decode. The default
                                                             values in the Max 8x/6x/4x Conducted Power fields are
A new message appears. You have three options:               values determined to work at all temperatures and all
• Apply To immediately save your changes, click Apply.       frequencies supported by the radio.
• Test To try the changes without saving them, click Test.   It may, however, be possible to increase the maximum
  To keep the changes, click Apply. If you do not click      TX power for one or more modulations based on your
  Apply within 180 seconds (the countdown is displayed),     radio’s operating environment. For example, if a radio
  the airFiber X radio times out and resumes its earlier     is running at 6x and trying to switch into 8x operation,
  configuration.                                             you can increase the Max 8x Conducted Power value 1 dB
• Discard To cancel your changes, click Discard.             at at time to see if the radio can maintain 8x operation
                                                             (Automatic Power Backoff must be enabled to allow the
Wireless Settings                                            Max Conducted Power fields to be edited). The same can
                                                             be done with 6x and 4x up to the maximum conducted
                                                             power of the radio.
                                                             Max 8x/6x/4x Conducted Power The maximum
                                                             conducted power for the 8x/6x/4x modulation rates. Each
                                                             field is editable only if Automatic Power Backoff is enabled.

22                                                                                                 Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.

Document Created: 2015-08-13 13:28:31
Document Modified: 2015-08-13 13:28:31

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