Report_15.247-2.4G WiFi_Rev 1


Test Report

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RAE Systems Inc.
Report Type:
FCC Part 15.247 & ISED RSS-247 RF report



May 15, 2019

TTRF15.247-03_V1 © 2018 Intertek

                                                                                                                 Intertek Testing Services Shanghai
                                                                                                       Building No.86, 1198 Qinzhou Road (North)
                                                                                                                      Caohejing Development Zone
                                                                                                                           Shanghai 200233, China

                                                                                                                      Telephone: 86 21 6127 8200
TEST REPORT                                                                                                         

                                                                                                          Report no.: 190400902SHA-001

Applicant:                               RAE Systems Inc.
                                         1349 Moffett Park Drive, Sunnyvale, CA, 94089, USA

Manufacturer:                            RAE Systems Inc.
                                         1349 Moffett Park Drive, Sunnyvale, CA, 94089, USA

Factory:                                 RAE Systems (Shanghai) Inc
                                         990 East Huiwang Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China

FCC ID:                                  SU3RMWIFIC
IC:                                      20969-RMWIFIC

 The equipment complies with the requirements according to the following standard(s) or Specification:
 47CFR Part 15 (2018): Radio Frequency Devices (Subpart C)

 ANSI C63.10 (2013): American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed
 Wireless Devices

 RSS-247 Issue 2 (February 2017): Digital Transmission Systems (DTSs), Frequency Hopping Systems
 (FHSs) and Licence-Exempt Local Area Network (LE-LAN) Devices

 RSS-Gen Issue 5 (April 2018): General Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus

PREPARED BY:                                                                REVIEWED BY:

Project Engineer                                                            Reviewer
Nemo Li                                                                     Daniel Zhao

This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's
responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the
Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is authorized to
permit copying or distribution of this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or
advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test results in this
report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been
under an Intertek certification program.

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REVISION HISTORY................................................................................................................................................ 5
MEASUREMENT RESULT SUMMARY...................................................................................................................... 6
1       GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 7
    1.1     DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ..................................................................................................... 7
    1.2     TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................................................... 7
    1.3     ANTENNA INFORMATION....................................................................................................................................... 7
    1.4     DESCRIPTION OF TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................................. 8
2       TEST SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................................................... 9
    2.1     STANDARDS OR SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................................................... 9
    2.2     MODE OF OPERATION DURING THE TEST................................................................................................................... 9
    2.3     TEST SOFTWARE LIST .......................................................................................................................................... 10
    2.4     TEST PERIPHERALS LIST ....................................................................................................................................... 10
    2.5     TEST ENVIRONMENT CONDITION:.......................................................................................................................... 10
    2.6     INSTRUMENT LIST .............................................................................................................................................. 11
    2.7     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ............................................................................................................................. 13
3       MINIMUM 6DB BANDWIDTH..................................................................................................................... 14
    3.1     LIMIT .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
    3.2     MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 14
    3.3     TEST CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................ 14
    3.4     TEST RESULTS OF MINIMUM 6DB BANDWIDTH ....................................................................................................... 14
4       MAXIMUM CONDUCTED OUTPUT POWER AND E.I.R.P. ............................................................................. 15
    4.1     LIMIT .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
    4.2     MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 15
    4.3     TEST CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................ 15
    4.4     TEST RESULTS OF MAXIMUM CONDUCTED OUTPUT POWER ....................................................................................... 15
5       POWER SPECTRUM DENSITY ..................................................................................................................... 16
    5.1     LIMIT .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
    5.2     MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 16
    5.3     TEST CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................ 16
    5.4     TEST RESULTS OF POWER SPECTRUM DENSITY ......................................................................................................... 16
6       EMISSION OUTSIDE THE FREQUENCY BAND .............................................................................................. 17
    6.1     LIMIT .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
    6.2     MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 17
    6.3     TEST CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................ 18
    6.4     THE RESULTS OF EMISSION OUTSIDE THE FREQUENCY BAND ....................................................................................... 18
7       RADIATED EMISSIONS IN RESTRICTED FREQUENCY BANDS ........................................................................ 19
    7.1     LIMIT .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
    7.2     MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 19
    7.3     TEST CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................ 21
    7.4     TEST RESULTS OF RADIATED EMISSIONS ................................................................................................................. 23
8       POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION ......................................................................................................... 28
    8.1     LIMIT .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
    8.2     TEST CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................ 28
    8.3     MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 29

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     8.4    TEST RESULTS OF POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION............................................................................................... 30
9       OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH............................................................................................................................. 32
     9.1    LIMIT .............................................................................................................................................................. 32
     9.2    MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 32
     9.3    TEST CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................ 32
     9.4    THE RESULTS OF OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH ................................................................................................................ 32
10      ANTENNA REQUIREMENT .......................................................................................................................... 33
APPENDIX A: TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................................................ 34

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                                             Revision History
       Report No.                  Version                 Description                    Issued Date
  190400902SHA-001                 Rev. 01           Initial issue of report              May 15, 2019

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                                   Measurement result summary

                  TEST ITEM                FCC REFERANCE     IC REFERANCE              RESULT

                                                             RSS-247 Issue 2
         Minimum 6dB Bandwidth              15.247(a)(2)                                Pass
                                                               Clause 5.2

Maximum conducted output power and                           RSS-247 Issue 2
                                            15.247(b)(3)                                Pass
             e.i.r.p.                                          Clause 5.4

                                                             RSS-247 Issue 2
          Power spectrum density             15.247(e)                                  Pass
                                                               Clause 5.2

                                                             RSS-247 Issue 2
  Emission outside the frequency band        15.247(d)                                  Pass
                                                               Clause 5.5

     Radiated Emissions in restricted        15.247(d),      RSS-Gen Issue 5
            frequency bands                15.205&15.209     Clause 8.9&8.10

                                                             RSS-Gen Issue 5
      Power line conducted emission          15.207(a)                                  Pass
                                                               Clause 8.8

                                                             RSS-Gen Issue 5
            Occupied bandwidth                    -                                    Tested
                                                               Clause 6.6

            Antenna requirement               15.203                -                   Pass

Notes: 1: NA =Not Applicable

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1.1 Description of Equipment Under Test (EUT)

 Product name:                         RMWIFIC

 Type/Model:                           RMWIFIC

 Description of EUT:                   EUT is a product with WiFi function.

 Rating:                               DC 1.9V

 EUT type:                                 Table top     Floor standing
 Software Version:                     /
 Hardware Version:                     /
 Sample received date:                 April 20, 2019

 Date of test:                         April 20, 2019 ~ May 15, 2019

1.2 Technical Specification

 Frequency Range:                      2400MHz ~ 2483.5MHz
 Support Standards:                    802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n(HT20)
                                       802.11b: DSSS (CCK, DQPSK, DBPSK)
                                       802.11g: OFDM (64-QAM, 16-QAM, QPSK, BPSK)
 Type of Modulation:                   802.11n(HT20): OFDM (64-QAM, 16-QAM, QPSK, BPSK)
 Channel Number:                       11 Channels
 Channel Separation:                   5 MHz

1.3 Antenna information

        No.                    Model                       Antenna type             Antenna Gain
           1                       -                             PCB                      2dBi
         2                 -                         Pole                           4.9dBi
 Note: EUT has one antenna port, it can use one antenna at a time. EUT can use two types of antenna,
 one is PCB antenna, another is Pole antenna.

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1.4 Description of Test Facility

 Name:                    Intertek Testing Services Shanghai

 Address:                 Building 86, No. 1198 Qinzhou Road(North), Shanghai 200233, P.R. China

 Telephone:               86 21 61278200

 Telefax:                 86 21 54262353

 The test facility is      CNAS Accreditation Lab
 recognized,               Registration No. CNAS L0139
 certified, or
                           FCC Accredited Lab
 accredited by these
                           Designation Number: CN1175
                           IC Registration Lab
                           CAB identifier.: CN0051
                           VCCI Registration Lab
                           Registration No.: R-14243, G-10845, C-14723, T-12252
                           A2LA Accreditation Lab
                           Certificate Number: 3309.02

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2.1 Standards or specification
47CFR Part 15 (2018)
ANSI C63.10 (2013)
KDB 558074 (v05r02)
RSS-247 Issue 2 (February 2017)
RSS-Gen Issue 5 (April 2018)

2.2 Mode of operation during the test
While testing transmitting mode of EUT, the internal modulation and continuously transmission was
      Software name                Manufacturer                   Version              Supplied by
           SSCOM                        -                            -                    Client

The lowest, middle and highest channel were tested as representatives.
   Frequency Band                                 Lowest               Middle               Highest
        (MHz)                                      (MHz)               (MHz)                (MHz)
                             802.11b                2412                2437                 2462
     2400-2483.5             802.11g                2412                2437                 2462
                          802.11n(HT20)             2412                2437                 2462

Data rate and Power setting:
The pre-scan for the conducted power with all data rates in each modulation and band was used, and
the worst case was found and used in all test cases. After this pre-scan, we choose the following table of
the data rata as the worst case.
       Frequency Band
                                               Mode                          Worst case data rate
                                             802.11b                               1Mbps
          2400-2483.5                        802.11g                               6Mbps
                                          802.11n(HT20)                             MCS0

                                            Power Setting parameter
                                             Lowest                Middle                 Highest
             802.11b                           3                     3                       3
             802.11g                           3                     3                       3
          802.11n(HT20)                        3                     3                       3

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2.3 Test software list

      Test Items                      Software                Manufacturer                    Version

Conducted emission                     ESxS-K1                       R&S                      V2.1.0

 Radiated emission                      ES-K1                        R&S                      V1.71

2.4 Test peripherals list

       Item No.                        Name                 Band and Model                  Description

            1                      Laptop computer               DELL 5480                       -

2.5 Test environment condition:

                          Test items                                 Temperature               Humidity

                Minimum 6dB Bandwidth
   Maximum conducted output power and e.i.r.p.
                 Power spectrum density                                 24C                    58%RH

         Emission outside the frequency band

                   Occupied bandwidth
  Radiated Emissions in restricted frequency bands                      24C                    58%RH

             Power line conducted emission                              24C                    58%RH

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2.6 Instrument list

Conducted Emission/Disturbance Power/Tri-loop Test/CDN method
  Used            Equipment       Manufacturer          Type       Internal no.      Due date
    ☒            Test Receiver         R&S            ESCS 30        EC 2107        2019-07-15
    ☒               A.M.N.             R&S           ESH2-Z5         EC 3119        2019-11-30
    ☐               A.M.N.             R&S           ENV    216      EC 3393        2019-07-04
    ☐               A.M.N.             R&S           ENV4200         EC 3558        2019-06-10
Radiated Emission
  Used            Equipment       Manufacturer          Type       Internal no.      Due date
    ☒            Test Receiver         R&S            ESIB 26        EC 3045        2019-09-12
    ☒           Bilog Antenna        TESEQ          CBL 6112D        EC 4206        2019-06-10
    ☒            Pre-amplifier         R&S        00101800-25-S-     EC5262         2019-06-10
    ☒           Horn antenna           R&S            HF 906         EC 3049        2019-11-17
    ☐           Horn antenna           ETS             3117         EC 4792-1       2020-01-09
    ☒           Horn antenna          TOYO          HAP18-26W       EC 4792-3       2020-07-09
                  Active loop
    ☒                             Schwarzbeck       FMZB1519         EC 5345        2020-03-07
RF test
  Used            Equipment       Manufacturer          Type       Internal no.      Due date
    ☒        PXA  Signal Analyzer   Keysight          N9030A         EC 5338        2020-03-05
    ☐           Power sensor         Agilent         U2021XA        EC 5338-1       2020-03-05
                 Vector Signal
    ☐                                Agilent          N5182B         EC 5175        2020-03-05
    ☐        Spectrum analyzer         R&S           CMW500          EC5944         2019-12-22
             MXG Analog Signal
    ☐                                Agilent          N5181A        EC 5338-2       2020-03-05
    ☐        Mobile Test System     Litepoint           Iqxel        EC 5176        2020-01-08
    ☐            Test Receiver         R&S             ESCI 7        EC 4501        2019-09-12
Tet Site
  Used            Equipment       Manufacturer          Type       Internal no.      Due date
    ☒          Shielded room        Zhongyu               -          EC 2838        2020-01-14
    ☐          Shielded room        Zhongyu               -          EC 2839        2020-01-14
               Semi-anechoic        Albatross
    ☒                                                     -          EC 3048        2019-07-31
                   chamber           project
                Fully-anechoic      Albatross
    ☐                                                     -          EC 3047        2019-07-31
                   chamber           project
Additional instrument
  Used            Equipment       Manufacturer          Type       Internal no.      Due date
                   Therom-           ZJ1-2A           S.M.I.F.       EC 3783
    ☒                                                                               2020-02-28
    ☐              Therom-           ZJ1-2A           S.M.I.F.       EC 2122        2020-03-11

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                    Therom-        ZJ1-2A                   S.M.I.F.
   ☒                                                                     EC 5198        2020-01-18
                    Therom-        ZJ1-2A                   S.M.I.F.
   ☒                                                                     EC 3326        2020-03-28
   ☐             Pressure meter    YM3                                   EC 3320        2019-07-01

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2.7 Measurement uncertainty

The measurement uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately
the 95% confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2.

                          Test item                            Measurement uncertainty

             Maximum peak output power                                 0.74dB

 Radiated Emissions in restricted frequency bands
                                                                       4.90dB
                  below 1GHz

 Radiated Emissions in restricted frequency bands
                                                                       5.02dB
                  above 1GHz

         Emission outside the frequency band                           2.89dB

            Power line conducted emission                              3.19dB

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3 Minimum 6dB bandwidth
      Test result:            Pass

3.1 Limit
For systems using digital modulation techniques that may operate in the 902 - 928 MHz, 2400 - 2483.5
MHz and 5725 - 5850 MHz bands, the minimum 6 dB bandwidth shall be at least 500 kHz.

3.2 Measurement Procedure
a)   Set RBW = 100 kHz.
b)   Set the video bandwidth (VBW) ≥ 3 × RBW.
c)   Detector = Peak.
d)   Trace mode = max hold.
e)   Sweep = auto couple.
f)   Allow the trace to stabilize.
g)   Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies associated with
     the two outermost amplitude points (upper and lower frequencies) that are attenuated by 6 dB
     relative to the maximum level measured in the fundamental emission.

3.3 Test Configuration

                                   EUT                        Spectrum Analyzer

3.4 Test Results of Minimum 6dB bandwidth
      Please refer to Appendix A

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4 Maximum peak conducted output power and e.i.r.p.
      Test result:            Pass

4.1 Limit
For systems using digital modulation in the 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz, and 5725-5850 MHz bands:
1 W. (The e.i.r.p. shall not exceed 4 W)

If the transmitting antenna of directional gain greater than 6dBi is used, the power shall be reduced by
the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6dBi. If there have a beam forming
type, the limit should be the minimum of 30dBm and 30+ (6 –antenna gain-beam forming gain).

4.2 Measurement Procedure
The maximum peak conducted output power was measured using a broadband peak RF power meter.
The power meter shall have a video bandwidth that is greater than or equal to the DTS bandwidth .

4.3 Test Configuration

                                   EUT                            Power meter

4.4 Test Results of Maximum peak conducted output power
      Please refer to Appendix A

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5 Power spectrum density
      Test result:            Pass

5.1 Limit
For digitally modulated systems, the power spectral density conducted from the intentional radiator to
the antenna shall not be greater than 8dBm in any 3 kHz band during any time interval of continuous

If the transmitting antenna of directional gain greater than 6dBi is used, the power shall be reduced by
the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6dBi. If there have a beam forming
type, the limit should be the minimum of 8dBm/MHz and 8+ (6 –antenna gain-beam forming gain).

5.2 Measurement Procedure
a) Set analyzer center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
b) Set the span to 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
c) Set the RBW to 3 kHz ≤ RBW≤100 kHz.
d) Set the VBW ≥ [3 × RBW].
e) Detector = peak.
f) Sweep time = auto couple.
g) Trace mode = max hold.
h) Allow trace to fully stabilize.
i) Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level within the RBW.
j) If measured value exceeds requirement, then reduce RBW (but no less than 3 kHz) and repeat.

5.3 Test Configuration

                                   EUT                          Spectrum Analyzer

5.4 Test Results of Power spectrum density
      Please refer to Appendix A

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6 Emission outside the frequency band
      Test result:            Pass

6.1 Limit
In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum intentional radiator
is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20
dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired

6.2 Measurement Procedure
Reference level measurement
Establish a reference level by using the following procedure:
a) Set instrument center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
b) Set the span to ≥ 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
c) Set the RBW = 100 kHz.
d) Set the VBW ≥ 3 x RBW.
e) Detector = peak.
f) Sweep time = auto couple.
g) Trace mode = max hold.
h) Allow trace to fully stabilize.
i) Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum PSD level.

Emission level measurement
a) Set the center frequency and span to encompass frequency range to be measured.
b) Set the RBW = 100 kHz.
c) Set the VBW ≥ 3 x RBW.
d) Detector = peak.
e) Sweep time = auto couple.
f) Trace mode = max hold.
g) Allow trace to fully stabilize.
h) Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level.

Ensure that the amplitude of all unwanted emissions outside of the authorized frequency band
(excluding restricted frequency bands) are attenuated by at least the minimum requirements specified
in 11.1 a) or 11.1 b). Report the three highest emissions relative to the limit.

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6.3 Test Configuration

                                   EUT                   Spectrum Analyzer

6.4 The results of Emission outside the frequency band
       Please refer to Appendix A

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7 Radiated Emissions in restricted frequency bands
      Test result:            Pass

7.1 Limit
The radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, must also comply with the radiated emission
limits specified showed as below:

                   Frequencies                   Field Strength             Measurement Distance
                      (MHz)                    (microvolts/meter)                 (meters)
                  0.009 ~ 0.490                   2400/F(kHz)                       300
                  0.490 ~ 1.705                    24000/F(kHz)                       30
                   1.705 ~ 30.0                           30                          30
                      30 ~ 88                            100                           3
                     88 ~ 216                            150                           3
                     216 ~ 960                           200                           3
                     Above 960                           500                           3

7.2 Measurement Procedure
For Radiated emission below 30MHz:

a) The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3 meters
   chamber room. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest
b) The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted on
   the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
c) Both X and Y axes of the antenna are set to make the measurement.
d) For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and the rotatable table was
   turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum reading.
e) The test-receiver system was set to Quasi-Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with
   Maximum Hold Mode.
 1. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 9kHz at
    frequency below 30MHz.

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For Radiated emission above 30MHz:

a) The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters (for 30MHz ~ 1GHz) / 1.5 meters (for
   above 1GHz) above the ground at 3 meters chamber room for test. The table was rotated 360
   degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
b) The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted on
   the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
c) The height of antenna is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to determine the
   maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are
   set to make the measurement.
d) For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna was
   tuned to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the rotatable table was turned from 0 degrees to 360
   degrees to find the maximum reading.
e) The test-receiver system was set to peak or quasi-peak detect function and specified bandwidth
   with maximum hold mode when the test frequency is below 1 GHz.
f)   The test-receiver system was set to peak and average detector function and specified bandwidth
     with maximum hold mode when the test frequency is above 1 GHz. If the peak reading value also
     meets average limit, measurement with the average detector is unnecessary.

    1.     The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 120kHz for peak or quasi-peak
           detection at frequency below 1GHz.
     2.    The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz at frequency above
           1GHz for peak detection above 1GHz.
     3.    The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz and the video
           bandwidth is ≥ 1/T (Duty cycle < 98%) or 3 x RBW (Duty cycle ≥ 98%) for average detection (AV)
           at frequency above 1GHz.
     4.    All modes of operation were investigated and the worst-case emissions are reported.

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7.3 Test Configuration
 For Radiated emission below 30MHz:

               EUT&                         3m
               Support Units
                                   Turn Table


                                         Test Receiver

  For Radiated emission 30MHz to 1GHz:

                                                                Ant. Tower         1-4m
                EUT&                            3m
                Support Units
                                   Turn Table


                                          Test Receiver

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  For Radiated emission above 1GHz:

                                                            Ant. Tower         1-4m
                EUT&                        3m
                Support Units
                                   Turn Table

                                         Test Receiver

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7.4 Test Results of Radiated Emissions
The low frequency, which started from 9 kHz to 30MHz, was pre-scanned and the result which was 20dB
lower than the limit line per 15.31(o) was not reported.

Test data below 1GHz
                     Frequency                  Correct Factor     Limit       Margin
   Antenna                          Reading                                                Detector
                       (MHz)                       (dB/m)        (dBuV/m)       (dB)
       H                30.00       21.40             18.60        40           18.60         PK

       H                72.77       25.90              7.40        40           14.10         PK

       H                115.53      25.30             13.00       43.5          18.20         PK

       H                162.18      24.90             11.00       43.5          18.60         PK

       H                243.83      35.60             13.30        46           10.40         PK

       H                333.25      38.40             15.70        46            7.60         PK

       H                383.79      28.90             17.10        46           17.10         PK

       H                601.50      28.80             20.80        46           17.20         PK

       H                861.98      30.10             23.20        46           15.90         PK

       V                30.00       38.50             18.60        40            1.50         PK

       V                55.27       31.60              7.60        40            8.40         PK

       V                74.71       38.40              7.50        40            1.60         PK

       V                86.37       34.90              9.10        40            5.10         PK

       V                123.31      35.60             13.10       43.5           7.90         PK

       V                191.34      31.90             10.80       43.5          11.60         PK

       V                337.13      31.50             15.90        46           14.50         PK

       V                409.06      27.00             17.70        46           19.00         PK

       V                576.23      27.50             20.50        46           18.50         PK

       V                906.69      30.40             23.50        46           15.60         PK

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Test result above 1GHz with Pole antenna:
The emission was conducted from 1GHz to 25GHz

   CH   Antenna             Frequency     Corrected Correct Factor        Limit      Margin    Detector
                              (MHz)        Reading     (dB/m)           (dBuV/m)      (dB)
               H/V                 2412    103.00            34.10    Fundamental       /         PK

               H/V                 2390     54.40            34.20       74.00        19.60       PK
               H/V                 2390     40.94            34.20       54.00        13.06       AV

               H/V                 6547     43.50             -3.60      74.00        20.50       PK

               H/V                 2437    102.50            34.20    Fundamental       /         PK
               H/V                 6547     48.50             -3.60      74.00        25.50       PK

               H/V                 2462    101.00            34.40    Fundamental       /         PK

               H/V             2483.5       54.47            34.80       74.00        19.53       PK
               H/V             2483.5       52.50            34.80       54.00        1.50        AV

               H/V                 6547     52.50             -3.60      74.00        21.50       PK

   CH   Antenna             Frequency     Corrected Correct Factor       Limit      Margin    Detector
                              (MHz)        Reading     (dB/m)          (dBuV/m)      (dB)
               H/V             2412        102.50            34.10    Fundamental      /         PK

               H/V             2390        70.32             34.20       74.00        3.68       PK
               H/V             2390        52.32             34.20       54.00        1.68       AV

               H/V             6547        48.50             -3.60       74.00       25.50       PK

               H/V             2437        102.50            34.20    Fundamental      /         PK
               H/V             6547        50.50             -3.60       74.00       23.50       PK

               H/V             2462        102.50            34.40    Fundamental      /         PK

               H/V            2483.5       68.88             34.80       74.00        5.12       PK
               H/V            2483.5       51.02             34.80       54.00        2.98       AV

               H/V             6547        52.50             -3.60       74.00       21.50       PK

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   CH    Antenna            Frequency     Corrected Correct Factor       Limit      Margin    Detector
                              (MHz)        Reading     (dB/m)          (dBuV/m)      (dB)
               H/V             2412        104.00            34.10    Fundamental      /         PK

               H/V             2390        71.71             34.20       74.00        2.29       PK
               H/V             2390        50.23             34.20       54.00        3.77       AV

               H/V             6547         47.00            -3.60       74.00       27.00       PK

               H/V             2437        103.00            34.20    Fundamental      /         PK
               H/V             6547        49.50             -3.60       74.00       24.50       PK

               H/V             2462        102.00            34.40    Fundamental      /         PK

               H/V            2483.5        67.67            34.80       74.00        6.33       PK
               H/V            2483.5       48.01             34.80       54.00        5.99       AV

               H/V             6547        51.50             -3.60       74.00       22.50       PK

Test result above 1GHz with PCB antenna:
The emission was conducted from 1GHz to 25GHz

   CH   Antenna             Frequency     Corrected Correct Factor        Limit      Margin    Detector
                              (MHz)        Reading     (dB/m)           (dBuV/m)      (dB)
               H/V                 2412     99.00            34.10    Fundamental       /         PK

    L          H/V                 2390     52.40            34.20       74.00        21.60       PK

               H/V                 6547     43.20             -3.60      74.00        20.80       PK

               H/V                 2437     99.50            34.20    Fundamental       /         PK
               H/V                 6547     48.50             -3.60      74.00        25.50       PK

               H/V                 2462     98.00            34.40    Fundamental       /         PK

    H          H/V             2483.5       52.50            34.80       74.00        21.50       PK

               H/V                 6547     52.50             -3.60      74.00        21.50       PK

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   CH   Antenna             Frequency   Corrected Correct Factor       Limit        Margin     Detector
                              (MHz)      Reading     (dB/m)          (dBuV/m)        (dB)
               H/V             2412      99.50             34.10   Fundamental         /          PK

               H/V             2390      68.50             34.20       74.00         5.50         PK
               H/V             2390      51.60             34.20       54.00         2.40         AV

               H/V             6547      48.20             -3.60       74.00         25.80        PK

               H/V             2437      99.50             34.20   Fundamental         /          PK
               H/V             6547      50.20             -3.60       74.00         23.80        PK

               H/V             2462      99.50             34.40   Fundamental         /          PK

               H/V            2483.5     67.50             34.80       74.00         6.50         PK
               H/V            2483.5     51.00             34.80       54.00         3.00         AV

               H/V             6547      52.20             -3.60       74.00         21.80        PK

   CH    Antenna            Frequency   Corrected Correct Factor       Limit        Margin     Detector
                              (MHz)      Reading     (dB/m)          (dBuV/m)        (dB)
               H/V             2412      101.00            34.10   Fundamental         /          PK

               H/V             2390      70.50             34.20       74.00         3.50         PK
               H/V             2390      49.50             34.20       54.00         4.50         AV

               H/V             6547      46.50             -3.60       74.00         27.50        PK

               H/V             2437      100.50            34.20   Fundamental         /          PK
               H/V             6547      49.20             -3.60       74.00         24.80        PK

               H/V             2462      99.50             34.40   Fundamental         /          PK

               H/V            2483.5     66.50             34.80       74.00         7.50         PK
               H/V            2483.5      47.50            34.80       54.00         6.50         AV

               H/V             6547      51.20             -3.60       74.00         22.80        PK

Remark: 1. Correct Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss (- Amplifier, for higher than 1GHz), the value
           was added to Original Receiver Reading by the software automatically.
        2. Corrected Reading = Original Receiver Reading + Correct Factor
        3. Margin = Limit - Corrected Reading
        4. If the PK Corrected Reading is lower than AV limit, the AV test can be elided.

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Example: Assuming Antenna Factor = 30.20dB/m, Cable Loss = 2.00dB,
         Gain of Preamplifier = 32.00dB, Original Receiver Reading = 10.00dBuV,
         Limit = 40.00dBuV/m.
         Then Correct Factor = 30.20 + 2.00 – 32.00 = 0.20dB/m;
         Corrected Reading = 10dBuV + 0.20dB/m = 10.20dBuV/m;
         Margin = 40.00dBuV/m - 10.20dBuV/m = 29.80dB.

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8 Power line conducted emission
      Test result:             Pass

8.1 Limit

                                                                   Conducted Limit (dBuV)
       Frequency of Emission (MHz)
                                                              QP                            AV

                     0.15-0.5                          66 to 56*                        56 to 46 *
                       0.5-5                                  56                            46
                       5-30                                   60                            50
* Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

8.2 Test Configuration


                                   LISN            EMI receiver

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8.3 Measurement Procedure
Measured levels of ac power-line conducted emission shall be the emission voltages from the voltage
probe, where permitted, or across the 50 Ω LISN port (to which the EUT is connected), where permitted,
terminated into a 50 Ω measuring instrument. All emission voltage and current measurements shall be
made on each current-carrying conductor at the plug end of the EUT power cord by the use of mating
plugs and receptacles on the LISN, if used. Equipment shall be tested with power cords that are normally
supplied or recommended by the manufacturer and that have electrical and shielding characteristics
that are the same as those cords normally supplied or recommended by the manufacturer. For those
measurements using a LISN, the 50 Ω measuring port is terminated by a measuring instrument having
50 Ω input impedance. All other ports are terminated in 50 Ω loads.

Tabletop devices shall be placed on a platform of nominal size 1 m by 1.5 m, raised 80 cm above the
reference ground plane. The vertical conducting plane or wall of an RF-shielded (screened) room shall
be located 40 cm to the rear of the EUT. Floor-standing devices shall be placed either directly on the
reference ground-plane or on insulating material as described in ANSI C63.4. All other surfaces of
tabletop or floor-standing EUTs shall be at least 80 cm from any other grounded conducting surface,
including the case or cases of one or more LISNs.

The bandwidth of the test receiver is set at 9 kHz.

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8.4 Test Results of Power line conducted emission

                                                   L Line

                                    Quasi-peak                                Average
      (MHz)                 level      Limit         Margin       level         limit       Margin
                           dB(V)     dB(V)          (dB)       dB(V)        dB(V)        (dB)
        0.16                50.80      65.67          14.87       28.60         55.67        27.07
        0.50                32.30     56.02           23.72      24.40          46.02        21.62
        0.88                34.20     56.00           21.80      16.50         46.00         29.50
        1.47                31.25     56.00           24.75      19.45         46.00         26.55
        3.72                35.50     56.00           20.50      19.35         46.00         26.65
        9.88                30.50     60.00           29.50      20.50         50.00         29.50

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                                                   N Line

                                    Quasi-peak                                Average
      (MHz)                 level      Limit         Margin       level         limit        Margin
                           dB(V)     dB(V)          (dB)       dB(V)        dB(V)         (dB)
        0.16                50.79      65.67          14.88       28.78         55.67         26.89
        0.50                32.30     56.02           23.72      24.25          46.02         21.77
        0.88                34.20     56.00           21.80      16.15          46.00         29.85
        1.47                31.65     56.00           24.35      19.40          46.00         26.60
        3.72                35.05     56.00           20.95      19.35          46.00         26.65
        9.88                30.20     60.00           29.80      20.40          50.00         29.60

Remark: 1. Correct Factor = LISN Factor + Cable Loss, the value was added to Original Receiver Reading
           by the software automatically.
        2. Corrected Reading = Original Receiver Reading + Correct Factor
        3. Margin = Limit - Corrected Reading
        4. If the PK Corrected Reading is lower than AV limit, the AV test can be elided.

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9 Occupied Bandwidth
      Test result:            Tested

9.1 Limit

9.2 Measurement Procedure
The occupied bandwidth was measured using the Spectrum Analyzer.

The span of the analyzer shall be set to capture all products of the modulation process, including the
emission skirts.

The resolution bandwidth (RBW) shall be in the range of 1% to 5% of the occupied bandwidth (OBW)
and video bandwidth (VBW) shall be approximately 3x RBW.

9.3 Test Configuration

                                   EUT                          Spectrum Analyzer

9.4 The results of Occupied Bandwidth
        Please refer to Appendix A

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10 Antenna requirement
An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an
antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply
with the provisions of this section.

EUT has two types of antenna. The PCB antenna is permanently attached. The Pole antenna employs a
unique antenna connector RP-SMA to the intentional radiator. So the EUT can comply with the
provisions of this section.

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Appendix A: Test results

Appendix A: Test results of 2.4G Band WiFi

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Document Created: 2019-06-20 09:53:48
Document Modified: 2019-06-20 09:53:48

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