Test Report DXT


Test Report

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 Intertek                                                                 FCC ID: SU3RM900

              EMC TEST REPORT for Intentional Radiator
                              No. 140401054SHA—001

                 Applicant            : RAE Systems Inc.
                                       3775 N. 1st St., San Jose, California USA 95134

                 Manufacturer         : RAE Systems Inc.
                                        3775 N. 1st St., San Jose, California USA 95134
                 Product Name         : RAEMesh Radio

                 Type/Model           : RM900

The equipment complies with the requirements according to the following standard(s):

47CFR Part 15 (2013): Radio Frequency Devices

ANSIC63.4 (2003): American National Standard for Methods of Measurement
of Radio—Noise Emissions from Low—Voltage Electrical and Electronic
Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz

RSS—210 Issue 8 (December 2010); Low—power Licence—exempt Radiocommunication
Devices (All Frequency Bands): Category I Equipment

RSS—Gen Issue 3 (December 2010): General Requirements and Information for the
Certification of Radiocommunication Equipment

Date of issue: May 23, 2014

Prepared by                                                 eviewed by:

Wakeyou Wang     (Project Engineer)                        Daniel Zhao (Reviewer)

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                                                                 FCC ID: SU3RM900

Description of Test Facility
Name:        Intertek Testing Services Limited Shanghai
Address:     Building 86, No. 1198 Qinzhou Rd., North, Shanghai 200233, P.R. China

FCC Registration Number: 236597
IC Assigned Code: 2042B-1

Name of contact: Jonny Jing
Tel: +86 21 61278271
Fax: +86 21 54262353

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                                                                                                                            FCC ID: SU3RM900


SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
DESCRIPTION OF TEST FACILITY ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.  GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 4
     1.1 Applicant Information ..................................................................................................... 4
     1.2 Identification of the EUT ................................................................................................ 4
     1.3 Technical specification ................................................................................................... 4
     1.4 Mode of operation during the test / Test peripherals used .............................................. 5
2.      TEST SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................................................. 6
     2.1 Instrument list ................................................................................................................. 6
     2.2 Test Standard .................................................................................................................. 6
3.      RADIATED EMISSION ................................................................................................................................... 8
     3.1 Test limit ......................................................................................................................... 8
     3.2 Test Configuration .......................................................................................................... 8
     3.3 Test procedure and test setup .......................................................................................... 9
     3.4 Test protocol ................................................................................................................. 10
4.      ASSIGNED BANDWIDTH (20DB BANDWIDTH) ............................................................................................ 11
     4.1 Limit .............................................................................................................................. 13
     4.2 Test Configuration ........................................................................................................ 13
     4.3 Test procedure and test setup ........................................................................................ 13
     4.4 Test protocol ................................................................................................................. 14
5.      POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION ........................................................................................................ 15
     5.1 Limit .............................................................................................................................. 15
     5.2 Test configuration ......................................................................................................... 15
     5.3 Test procedure and test set up ....................................................................................... 16
     5.4 Test protocol ................................................................................................................. 17
6.      OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH ............................................................................................................................ 18
     6.1 Test limit ....................................................................................................................... 18
     6.2 Test Configuration ........................................................................................................ 18
     6.3 Test procedure and test setup ........................................................................................ 18
     6.4 Test protocol ................................................................................................................. 18
7.      SPURIOUS EMISSION FOR RECEIVER ......................................................................................................... 21
     7.1 Test limit ....................................................................................................................... 21
     7.2 Test Configuration ........................................................................................................ 21
     7.3 Test procedure and test setup ........................................................................................ 21
     7.4 Test protocol ................................................................................................................. 22

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                                                                    FCC ID: SU3RM900

1. General Information

1.1 Applicant Information

Applicant:                        RAE Systems Inc.
                                  3775 N. 1st St., San Jose, California USA 95134
Name of contact:                  James Liu
Tel:                              408-9528200
Fax:                              408-9528480
Email:                            jliu@raesystems.com

Manufacturer:                     RAE Systems Inc.
                                  3775 N. 1st St., San Jose, California USA 95134

Sample received date          :   April 17, 2014
Date of test                  :   April 17, 2014 ~ April 23, 2014

1.2 Identification of the EUT

Equipment:                        RAEMesh Radio
Type/model:                       RM900
FCC ID:                           SU3RM900
IC:                               Not applied

1.3 Technical specification

Operation Frequency Band:         906 - 924 MHz
Modulation:                       O-QPSK
Antenna Designation:              Omnidirectional antenna, PCB antenna
Gain of Antenna:                   0.7dBd (2.0dBi) for Omnidirectional antenna;
                                  -0.8dBd (0.5dBi) for PCB antenna
Rating:                           DC 3.3V powered by the debug board
Description of EUT:               Here is one model only.
                                  The EUT is a wireless RF module for data transmission
                                  (IEEE 802.15.4 compliant Zigbee-ready transceiver).

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 Intertek                                                             FCC To: SU3RM90O

Channel Description:
                               Channel Frequency Channel Frequency
                               Tdentfier (MHz) Tdendifier (MHz)
                                   1      we        s       se
                                   2      sos       7       sis
                                   3      sio       s       wo
                                   a      si2       s       s22
                                   s      s         10      se
Software applied:             sscovs2

1.4 Mode of aperation during the test / Test peripherals used
While testing transmtter mode of the EUT, the internal modulation was applied
While testing receiver mode of EUT, thesignal generator with transmiting antenna
generating O1GMH sine wave is put in close proximity to the EUT
For the EUT can be used in any axes as the user wantst was set up n three axis (X, ¥, 2)
while the antenna always was kept vertically and performed test. The three axes were tested
one by one while the test receiver worked as "ma: hold" continuously and the highest
reading among the whole test procedure was recorded
Maximum allowable power level setting in the controlling software is 9dBm
Thlowest, middle and highest channel were tested as representatives (GOSMEHz91GMHz
and S24MHs)

Test Peripherals:
PC: HP ProBook 6450b


                                                                FCC ID: SU3RM900

2. Test Specification

2.1 Instrument list
  Equipment             Type         Manu.          Internal   Cal. Date     Due date
 Test Receiver        ESCS 30         R&S           EC 2107    2013-10-21   2014-10-20
 Test Receiver         ESIB 26        R&S           EC 3045    2013-10-20   2014-10-19
    A.M.N.            ESH2-Z5         R&S           EC 3119     2014-1-9     2015-1-8
    A.M.N.            ENV 216         R&S           EC 3393     2013-8-9     2014-8-8
    A.M.N.            ENV 216         R&S           EC 3394     2013-8-9     2014-8-8
    A.M.N.            ENV4200         R&S           EC3558       2013-8-9    2014-8-8
Ultra-broadband        HL 562         R&S          EC 3046-1    2013-5-16   2014-5-14
 Bilog Antenna        CBL 6112D     TESEQ          EC 4206     2013-4-28    2015-4-27
 Horn antenna           HF 906       R&S           EC 3049     2013-4-28    2015-4-27
 Pre-amplifier        Pre-amp 18     R&S           EC 3222     2014-4-12    2015-4-11
Semi-anechoic              -       Albatross       EC 3048     2013-5-12    2014-5-11
    chamber                         project
High Pass Filter   WHKX 1.0/15G-   Wainwright      EC4297-1     2014-1-8     2015-1-7
Power sensor /     N1911A/N1921A     Agilent        EC4318     2014-04-12   2015-04-11
 Power meter

2.2 Test Standard

47CFR Part 15 (2013)
ANSI C63.4 (2003)
RSS-210 Issue 8 (December 2010)
RSS-Gen Issue 3 (December 2010)

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                                                                   FCC ID: SU3RM900

2.3 Test Summary

This report applies to tested sample only. This report shall not be reproduced in part
without written approval of Intertek Testing Service Shanghai Limited.

          TEST ITEM              FCC REFERANCE           IC REFERANCE       RESULT
Radiated emission                 15.249 & 15.205         RSS-210 Issue 8     Pass
                                                           Annex A2.9
                                                           & Clause 2.2
Assigned bandwidth                    15.215(c)                 -             Pass
(20dB bandwidth)
Occupied bandwidth                         -             RSS-Gen Issue 3      Pass
                                                          Clause 4.6.1
Power line conducted emission           15.207           RSS-Gen Issue 3      Pass
                                                          Clause 7.2.4
Spurious emission for receiver           15B                RSS-Gen           Pass

2.4 Data rate VS power

 The data rate of EUT is fixed and cannot by adjusted.

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                                                                        FCC ID: SU3RM900

3. Radiated emission

   Test result:       PASS

3.1 Test limit

      Fundamental Frequency     Fundamental limit    Harmonic limit
             (MHz)                (dBuV/m)              (dBuV/m)

             902 - 928                         94                     54
             2400 - 2483.5                    94                      54
             5725 - 5875                       94                     54
             24000 - 24250                    108                     68

The radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also
comply with the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a) showed as below:

         Frequency          Field Strength     Measurement Distance
          (MHz)               (dBuV/m)                (m)
           30 - 88                40.0                  3
           88 - 216               43.5                  3
           216 - 960              46.0                  3
           Above 960              54.0                  3

3.2 Test Configuration


           Antenna mast
                                                                        Turn Table

                             Test receiver

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                                                                      FCC ID: SU3RM900

3.3 Test procedure and test setup

The measurement was applied in a semi-anechoic chamber. While testing for spurious
emission higher than 1GHz, if applied, the pre-amplifier would be equipped just at the output
terminal of the antenna.
The EUT and simulators were placed on a 0.8m high wooden turntable above the horizontal
metal ground plane. The turn table rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the
maximum emission level. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the receiving antenna which
was mounted on an antenna mast. The antenna moved up and down between from 1meter to
4 meters to find out the maximum emission level.

The radiated emission was measured using the Spectrum Analyzer with the resolutions
bandwidth set as:
RBW = 100kHz, VBW = 300kHz (30MHz~1GHz for PK)
RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 3MHz (>1GHz for PK);
RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 10Hz (>1GHz for AV);

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                                                                 FCC ID: SU3RM900

3.4 Test protocol

Omnidirectional Antenna Applied
 CH Antenna Frequency Correct               Corrected     Limit     Margin Detector
                    (MHz)       Factor       Reading    (dBuV/m)     (dB)
                                (dB/m)      (dBuV/m)
           V        906.69     25.10           94.40       /          /       PK
           V        906.69     25.10           93.10     94.00       0.90     QP
           H        1112.35    -18.90          43.20     54.00      10.80     PK
           V        1814.63    -14.30          40.40     54.00      13.60     PK
           V        2603.21    -10.80          42.20     54.00      11.80     PK
           V        3054.11    -8.70           50.90     54.00       3.10     PK
           V        3625.25    -6.50           43.60     54.00      10.40     PK
           V        5719.43    -1.60           44.80     54.00       9.20     PK
           V        916.47     25.10           94.70       /          /       PK
           V        916.47     25.10           93.40     94.00       0.60     QP
           H        1060.12    -19.10          42.90     54.00      11.10     PK
           H        1561.12    -16.70          43.50     54.00      10.50     PK
           H        1821.64    -14.60          43.70     54.00      10.30     PK
           V        2132.26    -12.70          43.50     54.00      10.50     PK
           V        3655.31    -6.40           43.50     54.00      10.50     PK
           V        4787.58    -3.60           41.90     54.00      12.10     PK
           V        924.19     25.20           94.50       /          /       PK
           V        924.19     25.20           93.30     94.00       0.70     QP
           H        1120.24    -18.80          46.50     54.00       7.50     PK
           H        1781.56    -14.90          45.80     54.00       8.20     PK
           H        4106.21    -5.10           46.10     54.00       7.90     PK
           V        1060.12    -19.10          47.30     54.00       6.70     PK
           V        2122.24    -12.70          44.50     54.00       9.50     PK
           V        2772.39    -9.20           38.90     54.00      15.10     PK

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                                                                     FCC ID: SU3RM900

PCB Antenna Applied
 CH Antenna Frequency           Correct        Corrected     Limit      Margin Detector
                   (MHz)        Factor          Reading    (dBuV/m)      (dB)
                                (dB/m)         (dBuV/m)
           V         906.69       25.10           90.50      94.00        3.50      PK
           H        1112.35      -18.90           43.50      54.00       10.50      PK
           H        1320.64      -18.00           41.90      54.00       12.10      PK
  L        V        2012.02      -13.20           44.70      54.00        9.30      PK
           V        3054.11       -8.70           43.60      54.00       10.40      PK
           V        4777.55       -3.60           41.50      54.00       12.50      PK
           V        5719.43       -1.60           43.10      54.00       10.90      PK
           V         916.47       25.10           91.30      94.00        2.70      PK
           H        1060.12      -19.10           41.60      54.00       12.40      PK
           H        1240.48      -18.30           40.90      54.00       13.10      PK
 M         V        1561.12      -16.70           43.50      54.00       10.50      PK
           V        1821.64      -14.60           43.70      54.00       10.30      PK
           V        4787.57       -3.60           41.30      54.00       12.70      PK
           V        5889.78       -1.30           40.40      54.00       13.60      PK
           V         924.19       25.20           90.70      94.00        3.30      PK
           H        1420.84      -17.50           40.20      54.00       13.80      PK
           H        1501.00      -17.20           40.60      54.00       13.40      PK
  H        H        4246.49       -4.80           38.30      54.00       15.70      PK
           V        1060.12      -19.10           46.80      54.00        7.20      PK
           V        1771.54      -15.00           42.10      54.00       11.90      PK
           V        3414.83       -7.20           37.90      54.00       16.10      PK

Remark: 1. For fundamental emission test, no pre-amplifier is employed.
       2. The Pulse-repetition frequency for fundamental emission is higher than 20Hz.
          Therefore, the QP detector can be applied for fundamental emission test.
       3. Correct Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss (-Amplifier, is employed)
       4. Corrected Reading = Original Receiver Reading + Correct Factor
       5. Margin = limit – Corrected Reading
       6. If the PK reading is lower than AV limit, the AV test can be elided.
       7. The shaded data is the fundamental emission.

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                                                               FCC ID: SU3RM900

Example: Assuming Antenna Factor = 30.20dB/m, Cable Loss = 2.00dB,
         Gain of Preamplifier = 32.00dB, Original Receiver Reading = 10dBuV.
         Then Correct Factor = 30.20 + 2.00 – 32.00 = 0.20dB/m; Corrected Reading =
         10dBuV + 0.20dB/m = 10.20dBuV/m
          Assuming limit = 54dBuV/m, Corrected Reading = 10.20dBuV/m, then Margin =
          54 -10.20 = 43.80dBuV/m

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                                                                      FCC ID: SU3RM900

4. Assigned bandwidth (20dB bandwidth)

   Test result:      PASS

4.1 Limit

   Intentional radiators must be designed to ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission
   is contained within the allocated frequency band as clause 3.1 shows.
   If frequency stability is not specified in the regulations, it is recommended that the
   fundamental emission be kept within at least the central 80% of the permitted band in
   order to minimize the possibility of out-of-band operation.

4.2 Test Configuration

  See clause 3.2.

4.3 Test procedure and test setup

   The 20dB Bandwidth per FCC §15.215(c) is measured using the Spectrum Analyzer.

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                                                      FCC ID: SU3RM900

4.4 Test protocol

          20dB bandwidth      80% of permitted band       Result
              (MHz)                  (MHz)
           905.63 ~ 924.46         904.60 ~ 925.40         Pass

                             Channel L

                             Channel H

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                                                                       FCC ID: SU3RM900

5. Power line conducted emission

   Test result:           Pass

5.1 Limit

                                                Conducted Limit (dBuV)
   Frequency of Emission (MHz)
                                                QP                      AV

             0.15-0.5                      66 to 56*                 56 to 46 *
                  0.5-5                         56                       46
                  5-30                          60                       50
  * Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

5.2 Test configuration


                          LISN           LISN                     EMI receiver

   For table top equipment, wooden support is 0.8m height table

   For floor standing equipment, wooden support is 0.1m height rack.

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                                                                    FCC ID: SU3RM900

5.3 Test procedure and test set up

The EUT are connected to the main power through a line impedance stabilization network
(LISN). This provides a 50Ω/50uH coupling impedance for the measuring equipment. The
peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a LISN that provides a
50Ω/50uH coupling impedance with 50Ω termination.
Both sides (Line and Neutral) of AC line are checked for maximum conducted interference.
In order to find the maximum emission, the relative positions of equipment and all of the
interface cables must be changed according to ANSI C63.4 on conducted measurement.
The bandwidth of the test receiver is set at 9 kHz.

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                                                                   FCC ID: SU3RM900

5.4 Test protocol

   Frequency    LISN       Cable   Corrected Reading        Limit            Margin
     (MHz)      Factor     Loss         (dBuV)             (dBuV)              (dB)
                 (dB)      (dB)       QP      AV          QP    AV          QP      AV
    0.20 (N)        2.70   0.30     54.81       45.91   63.82    53.82     9.01     7.91

    0.26 (N)        2.70   0.30     54.01       46.00   61.35    51.35     7.34     5.35

    0.73 (L)        2.70   0.30     53.39       41.13   56.00    46.00     2.61     4.87

    1.41 (L)        2.70   0.30     50.26       44.68   56.00    46.00     5.74     1.32

    2.81 (N)        2.70   0.30     48.05       39.16   56.00    46.00     7.95     6.84

    4.22 (L)        2.70   0.30     47.71       39.79   56.00    46.00     8.29     6.21
  Remark: 1. Corrected Reading = LISN Factor (dB) + Cable Loss (dB) + receiver reading.
          2. Margin (dB) = Limit - Corrected Reading.

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                                                                  FCC ID: SU3RM900

6. Occupied Bandwidth
    Test Status: Tested

6.1 Test limit


6.2 Test Configuration

See clause 3.2.

6.3 Test procedure and test setup

The occupied bandwidth per RSS-Gen Issue 3 Clause 4.6.1 was measured using the
Spectrum Analyzer.

6.4 Test protocol

   Temperature              :       22 °C
   Relative Humidity        :       43 %

           Channel              Occupied Bandwidth            Max. reading
                                       (kHz)                    (kHz)

                  L                    750

                 M                     750                         750

                 H                     750

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                FCC ID: SU3RM900

 Chanel L

Chanel M

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 Chanel H

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                                                                       FCC ID: SU3RM900

7. Spurious emission for receiver

   Test result:        Pass

7.1 Test limit

The spurious emission shall test through 3 times tuneable or local oscillator frequency
whichever is the higher, without exceeding 40 GHz.
1) If a conducted measurement is made, no spurious output signals appearing at the antenna
terminals shall exceed 2nW per any 4 kHz spurious frequency in the band 30-1000 MHz, or
5nW above 1 GHz.
2) If a radiated measurement is made, all spurious emissions shall comply with the limits of
Table below:

        Frequency          Field Strength     Measurement Distance
        (MHz)               (dBuV/m)                (m)
        30 - 88               40.0                   3
        88 - 216              43.5                   3
        216 - 960             46.0                   3
        Above 960              54.0                  3

7.2 Test Configuration

Please refer to clause 3.2

7.3 Test procedure and test setup

Please refer to clause 3.2

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                                                                    FCC ID: SU3RM900

7.4 Test protocol

               Frequency    Correct    Corrected         Limit    Margin    Detector
Polarization     (MHz)      Factor      Reading        (dBuV/m)     (dB)
                            (dB/m)     (dBuV/m)
     H          154.41       14.20        33.80         43.50       9.70       PK
     H          191.34       12.00        40.00         43.50       3.50       PK
     H          274.93       14.40        43.30         46.00       2.70       PK
     H          381.84       18.20        36.60         46.00       9.40       PK
     H          653.99       22.70        40.40         46.00       5.60       PK
     H          4080.16      -5.20        41.20         54.00      12.80       PK
     V              30.00    22.00        37.00         40.00       3.00       PK
     V          191.34       12.00        35.50         43.50       8.00       PK
     V          344.91       16.60        41.70         46.00       4.30       PK
     V          414.89       19.30        38.10         46.00       7.90       PK
     V          685.209      22.50        40.80         46.00       5.20       PK
     V          4763.53      -3.70        42.10         54.00      11.90       PK
Remark: 1. Correct Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss (-Amplifier, is employed)
       2. Corrected Reading = Original Receiver Reading + Correct Factor
       3. Margin = limit – Corrected Reading
Example: Assuming Antenna Factor = 30.20dB/m, Cable Loss = 2.00dB,
         Original Receiver Reading = 10dBuV.
         Then Correct Factor = 30.20 + 2.00 = 32.20dB/m; Corrected Reading = 10dBuV +
         32.20dB/m = 42.20dBuV/m
          Assuming limit = 54dBuV/m, Corrected Reading = 42.20dBuV/m, then Margin =
          54 -42.20 = 11.80dBuV/m

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Document Created: 2014-06-05 11:16:36
Document Modified: 2014-06-05 11:16:36

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