

Test Report

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 Intertek                                                            FCC ID: SU3RM2400

               EMC TEST REPORT for Intentional Radiator
                               No. 1412015058HA—001

                   Applicant    _:   RAE Systems Inc.
                                     3775 N. 1st St., San Jose, California USA 95134

                Manufacturer    :    RAE Systems Inc.
                                     3775 N. 1st St., San Jose, California USA 95134

                Product Name    _:   RAE Mesh Module
                 Type/Model     :    RM2400

The equipment complies with the requirements according to the following standard(s):

47CFR Part 15 (2014): Radio Frequency Devices (Subpart C)

ANSI €63.4 (2009): American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio—
Noise Emissions from Low—Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9
kHz to 40 GHz

Date of issue: March 2, 2015

Prepared by:                                             Reviewed by:

Nemo Li (Project Engineer)                               Daniel Zhao (Reviewer)

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                                                                FCC ID: SU3RM2400

Description of Test Facility
Name:        Intertek Testing Services Limited Shanghai
Address:     Building 86, No. 1198 Qinzhou Rd., North, Shanghai 200233, P.R. China

FCC Registration Number: 236597
IC Assigned Code: 2042B-1

Name of contact: Jonny Jing
Tel: +86 21 61278271
Fax: +86 21 54262353

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                                                                                                                         FCC ID: SU3RM2400


SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
DESCRIPTION OF TEST FACILITY ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.  GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 4
     1.1 Applicant Information ..................................................................................................... 4
     1.2 Identification of the EUT ................................................................................................ 4
     1.3 Technical specification ................................................................................................... 5
2.      TEST SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................................................. 6
     2.1 Instrument list ................................................................................................................. 6
     2.2 Test Standard .................................................................................................................. 7
     2.3 Mode of operation during the test / Test peripherals used .............................................. 8
     2.4 Test Summary ................................................................................................................. 9
3.      MINIMUM 6DB BANDWIDTH ..................................................................................................................... 10
     3.1 Limit .............................................................................................................................. 10
     3.2 Test Configuration ........................................................................................................ 10
     3.3 Test Procedure and test setup ........................................................................................ 10
4.      MAXIMUM PEAK OUTPUT POWER ............................................................................................................. 13
     4.1 Test limit ....................................................................................................................... 13
     4.2 Test Configuration ........................................................................................................ 13
     4.3 Test procedure and test setup ........................................................................................ 13
     4.4 Test protocol ................................................................................................................. 14
5.      POWER SPECTRUM DENSITY ..................................................................................................................... 15
     5.1 Test limit ....................................................................................................................... 15
     5.2 Test Configuration ........................................................................................................ 15
     5.3 Test procedure and test setup ........................................................................................ 15
     5.4 Test Protocol ................................................................................................................. 16
6.      RADIATED EMISSION IN THE RESTRICTED BANDS .................................................................................... 18
     6.1 Test limit ....................................................................................................................... 18
     6.2 Test Configuration ........................................................................................................ 18
     6.3 Test procedure and test setup ........................................................................................ 19
     6.4 Test protocol ................................................................................................................. 20
7.      EMISSION OUTSIDE THE FREQUENCY BAND ............................................................................................. 23
     7.1 Limit .............................................................................................................................. 23
     7.2 Test Configuration ........................................................................................................ 23
     7.3 Test procedure and test setup ........................................................................................ 23
     7.4 Test protocol ................................................................................................................. 25
8.      POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION ........................................................................................................ 30
     8.1 Limit .............................................................................................................................. 30
     8.2 Test configuration ......................................................................................................... 30
     8.3 Test procedure and test set up ....................................................................................... 31
     8.4 Test protocol ................................................................................................................. 32

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                                                                     FCC ID: SU3RM2400

1. General Information

1.1 Applicant Information

              Applicant : RAE Systems Inc.
                                3775 N. 1st St., San Jose, California USA 95134
        Name of contact : James Liu
                    Tel : 408-5853672
                    Fax : 408-752-0724
                  Email :
          Manufacturer : RAE Systems Inc.
                                3775 N. 1st St., San Jose, California USA 95134

1.2 Identification of the EUT

          Product Name : RAE Mesh Module
            Type/model : RM2400
                FCC ID : SU3RM2400

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                                                                        FCC ID: SU3RM2400

1.3 Technical specification

 Operation Frequency : 2405~2475 MHz
  Type of Modulation : O-QPSK

    Channel Number : 15 Channels
                              Channel      Frequency      Channel      Frequency
                              Identifier     (MHz)        Identifier    (MHz)
                                  1           2405            9          2445
                                  2           2410           10          2450
                                  3           2415           11          2455
                                  4           2420           12          2460
                                  5           2425           13          2465
                                  6           2430           14          2470
                                  7           2435           15          2475
                                  8           2440

 Description of EUT : The EUT is a RF Module and has only one model.
             Antenna : 1. Pole antenna
                          Model: 550-7032-000
                          Gain: 1.5dBi
                       2. PCB antenna
                          Model: M01-1104-000
                          Gain: 0dBi
  Cable loss between : 0.5dB
   antenna and PCB
              Rating : 3.3V DC
    Category of EUT : Class B
          EUT type :      Table top   Floor standing
Sample received date : December 22, 2014
Sample Identification : /
         Date of test : December 22, 2014 – February 13, 2014

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                                                                    FCC ID: SU3RM2400

2. Test Specification

2.1 Instrument list

  Equipment              Type        Manu.        Internal no.     Cal. Date    Due date
Test Receiver          ESCS 30       R&S           EC 2107        2014-10-21   2015-10-20
Test Receiver          ESIB 26       R&S           EC 3045        2014-10-20   2015-10-19
Test Receiver           ESCI 7       R&S            EC4501        2014-12-29   2015-12-28
                        N9010       Agilent            EC4890     2014-10-21   2015-10-20
                        E4446       Agilent               /       2014-10-21   2015-10-20
 Power meter          ML 2495A      Anritsu            EC 4895    2014-10-21   2015-10-20
    A.M.N.             ESH2-Z5       R&S               EC 3119      2015-1-9     2016-1-8
Bilog Antenna         CBL 6112D     TESEQ              EC 4206     2014-5-15    2015-5-14
Horn antenna            HF 906       R&S               EC 3049     2014-5-12    2015-5-11
 Pre-amplifier        Pre-amp 18     R&S               EC 3222     2014-4-11    2015-4-10
 Pre-amplifier        Tpa0118-40     R&S              EC 4792-2    2014-4-11    2015-4-10
                       AT 1080        AR              EC 3044-7   2014-5-21    2015-5-20
                       3109PX         ETS              EC3564     2014-8-25    2015-8-24
Semi-anechoic                       Albatross
                          -                           EC 3048     2014-5-20    2015-5-19
   chamber                           project
Shielded room             -         Zhongyu           EC 2838     2015-1-12    2016-1-11
Shielded room             -         Zhongyu           EC 2839     2015-1-12    2016-1-11
High Pass Filter                   Wainwright         EC4297-1     2014-2-1    2015-1-31
High Pass Filter                   Wainwright         EC4297-2     2014-2-1    2015-1-31
High Pass Filter                   Wainwright         EC4297-3     2014-2-1    2015-1-31
  Band Reject       2400/2483-
                                   Wainwright         EC4297-4     2014-2-1    2015-1-31
     Filter         2390/2493-
 MXG Analog           N5181A       KEYSIGHT           EC5338-2    2014-11-7    2015-11-6
 MXG Vector            N51812B     KEYSIGHT            EC5175     2014-12-30   2015-12-29
 Power sensor         U2021XA      KEYSIGHT           EC5338-1     2014-10-2    2015-10-1
  PXA Signal           N9030A      KEYSIGHT            EC5338     2014-11-18   2015-11-17

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                                      FCC ID: SU3RM2400

2.2 Test Standard

47CFR Part 15 (2014)
ANSI C63.4 (2009)
KDB 558074 (V03R02)

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 Intertek                                                              PCC TD: SU3RM24W

2.3 Mode of operation during the test / Test peripherals used
While testing transmtting mode of EUT, the engineering mode was applied and
continuously transtmission was applied
"The lowest, midde and highest channel were tsted as representatives
       Freq. Band           Lowes(MHz)            MiddeMHe)               Highest(MHz)
    24052075MHe                  2405                  2410                   2ars

Test software:
EUT was tested with software $SCOMB2 provided by the customer. EUT was connected and
controlled by the EVB board which was connected to the computer by USB cable

Duly eyele:
          Mode                     Duty eycle(i)              Duty eyele factor (dB)
            —                          1.00                             000

Test peripherals used:
Ttem No         Name        Band and Mode]                 Description               sn
    1.     Laptop computer HP ProBook 6470b           100—240V AC, SO/s0He            —
   2          USB Cable                 —                         —                    —
    a        EVB Board        DO1—1008.000 Rev2                   —                    —


                                                                  FCC ID: SU3RM2400

2.4 Test Summary

This report applies to tested sample only. This report shall not be reproduced in part
without written approval of Intertek Testing Service Shanghai Limited.

            TEST ITEM                         FCC REFERANCE              RESULT
     Minimum 6dB Bandwidth                        15.247(a)(2)             Pass

    Maximum peak output power
                                                      15.247(b)            Pass

       Power spectrum density
                                                      15.247(e)            Pass

         Radiated emission                     15.205 & 15.209             Pass

 Emission outside the frequency band                  15.247(d)            Pass

   Power line conducted emission                       15.207              Pass

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                                                                     FCC ID: SU3RM2400

3. Minimum 6dB Bandwidth

   Test result:       PASS

3.1 Limit

For systems using digital modulation techniques that may operate in the 902 - 928 MHz,
2400 - 2483.5 MHz and 5725 - 5850 MHz bands, the minimum 6 dB bandwidth shall be at
least 500 kHz.

3.2 Test Configuration

                           Spectrum Analyzer

                                                   RF input


                                                          Antenna connector

3.3 Test Procedure and test setup

The minimum 6dB bandwidth per FCC §15.247(a)(2) is measured using the Spectrum
Analyzer according to DTS test procedure of “KDB558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance
v03r02” for compliance to FCC 47CFR 15.247 requirements(clause 8.2).

a) Set RBW = 100 kHz.
b) Set the video bandwidth (VBW) ≥ 3 × RBW.
c) Detector = Peak.
d) Trace mode = max hold.
e) Sweep = auto couple.
f) Allow the trace to stabilize.
g) Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies
associated with the two outermost amplitude points (upper and lower frequencies) that are
attenuated by 6 dB relative to the maximum level measured in the fundamental emission.

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 Intertek                                                                                               FCC ID: SU3RM2400

3.4 Test Protocol
   Temperature                                   :            25°C
   Relative Humidity                             :            55%

                                                                               6dB Bandwidth                           Limit
         Mode                                        Channel
                                                                                      (MHz)                           (MHz)

                                                         L                             1462

              —                                          M                             1414                             >0.5

                                                         H                             1426

                                                      Channel L — 6dB Bandwidth

      [E Kesiant Spectrum Anabyee— svent Sn                                                                        oLos
                        r                                                           e                           Peak Search
      Marker 1 2404520000000 GHz            .                                 Sus use eoi
                              PIO: mae C) Trig: FreeRun                      AvalHold:>»171                     T
                                              IEGainow       Auten: 20 45

                      Ref Offset 1 dB
                      Ref 20.00 dBm

      Center 2405000 GHz                                                                     Span 5.000 MHz
      Eoi td un                                      #VBW 300 kHz                   Sweep 2.533 ms (1001 pts)
      use                                                                              stams

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                            FCC ID: SU3RM2400

Channel M – 6dB Bandwidth

Channel H – 6dB Bandwidth

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                                                                       FCC ID: SU3RM2400

4. Maximum peak output power
  Test result: Pass

4.1 Test limit

    For frequency hopping systems operating in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band employing at
least 75 non-overlapping hopping channels, and all frequency hopping systems in the 5725-
5850 MHz band: 1 watt
   For all other frequency hopping systems in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band: 0.125 watts
   For systems using digital modulation in the 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz, and
5725-5850 MHz bands: 1 Watt

If the transmitting antenna of directional gain greater than 6dBi is used, the power shall be
reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6dBi.

4.2 Test Configuration

                                Power meter

                                                     RF input


                                                             Antenna connector

4.3 Test procedure and test setup

The EUT was tested according to DTS test procedure of “KDB558074 D01 DTS Meas
Guidance v03r02” for compliance to FCC 47CFR 15.247 requirements (clause 9.1.2).

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                                                              FCC ID: SU3RM2400

4.4 Test protocol
    Temperature               :   25C
    Relative Humidity         :   55%

                                                    Peak power
     Mode               Channel     Cable loss                      Limit (dBm)

                          L              1.0           9.12            30.00

       -                  M              1.0           8.58            30.00

                          H              1.0           8.04            30.00

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                                                                     FCC ID: SU3RM2400

5. Power spectrum density

   Test result:       Pass

5.1 Test limit

For digitally modulated systems, the power spectral density conducted from the intentional
radiator to the antenna shall not be greater than 8dBm in any 3 kHz band during any time
interval of continuous transmission.

5.2 Test Configuration

                             Spectrum Analyzer

                                                   RF input


                                                          Antenna connector

5.3 Test procedure and test setup

The power output per FCC §15.247(e) was tested according to DTS test procedure of
“KDB558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v03r02” (clause 10.2) for compliance to FCC
47CFR 15.247 requirements.

a) Set analyzer center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
b) Set the span to 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
c) Set the RBW to: 3 kHz ≤ RBW ≤ 100 kHz.
d) Set the VBW ≥ 3 × RBW.
e) Detector = peak.
f) Sweep time = auto couple.
g) Trace mode = max hold.
h) Allow trace to fully stabilize.
i) Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level within the RBW.
j) If measured value exceeds limit, reduce RBW (no less than 3 kHz) and repeat.

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 |ntertek                                                                                              FCC ID: SU3RM2400

5.4 Test Protocol
   Temperature                                  25°C
   Relative Humidity                            55%

                                                                                        PSD                             Limit
     Mode                  Channel                    Factor                    (dBm/100kHz)                        (dBm/kHz)

                                L                           1.0                        0.874

       —                        M                           1.0                        5.035                           ©8.00

                                H                           1.0                        5454

                                                    Channel L

      Epporremmeymmmenme                                                                                            oLos
                                                                           suon aro    co—eacne anreb 17, 2005
      Marker 1 2.404512500000 GHz              .                   Aug Type: Log.Pwr                             Peak Search
                               PNO: Wae CJ) Trig: FreeRun         AvglHold:>171                                  W
                              IGain:Low     Atten: 30 dB

                Ref 20.00 dBm

      esd                                                                          Span 2.500 MHz
      #Res BW 100 kHz                  VBW 300 kHz                        Sweep 1.267 ms (1001 pts)
      use                                                                    stams

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                FCC ID: SU3RM2400

Channel M

Channel H

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                                                                       FCC ID: SU3RM2400

6. Radiated emission in the restricted bands

   Test result:       PASS

6.1 Test limit

The radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also
comply with the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a) showed as below:

Frequency          Field Strength     Measurement Distance
(MHz)               (dBuV/m)                (m)
30 - 88               40.0                   3
88 - 216              43.5                   3
216 - 960             46.0                   3
Above 960              54.0                  3

6.2 Test Configuration


           Antenna mast
                                                                        Turn Table

                            Test receiver

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                                                                     FCC ID: SU3RM2400

6.3 Test procedure and test setup

The measurement was applied in a semi-anechoic chamber. While testing for spurious
emission higher than 1GHz, if applied, the pre-amplifier would be equipped just at the output
terminal of the antenna.
The EUT and simulators were placed on a 0.8m high wooden turntable above the horizontal
metal ground plane. The turn table rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the
maximum emission level. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the receiving antenna which
was mounted on an antenna mast. The antenna moved up and down between from 1meter to
4 meters to find out the maximum emission level.
The EUT was tested according to DTS test procedure of KDB558074 D01 DTS “Meas
Guidance v03r02” (clause 12) for compliance to FCC 47CFR 15.247 requirements.

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                                                                  FCC ID: SU3RM2400

6.4 Test protocol
    Temperature              :     25C
    Relative Humidity        :     55%
Test data:

Pole antenna
 CH Antenna Frequency Corrected              Correct      Limit       Margin Detector
              (MHz)    Reading               Factor     (dBuV/m)       (dB)
                      (dBuV/m)               (dB/m)
           V 2405.60    103.90                34.40    Fundamental      /       PK
           H        276.25       39.40         14.60      46.00        6.60     QP
           H        299.70       37.40         15.40      46.00        8.60     QP
           H        345.20       35.90         16.60      46.00       10.10     QP
           V        276.25       36.00         14.60      43.50        7.50     QP
           V        345.20       39.00         16.60      46.00        7.00     QP
           V       2389.52       53.40         34.20      74.00       20.60     PK
           V       4810.05       49.30         -3.60      74.00       24.70     PK
           V       2440.25       103.20        34.50   Fundamental      /       PK
           H        276.25       39.40         14.60      46.00        6.60     QP
           H        299.70       37.40         15.40      46.00        8.60     QP
 M         H        345.20       35.90         16.60      46.00       10.10     QP
           V        276.25       36.00         14.60      43.50        7.50     QP
           V        345.20       39.00         16.60      46.00        7.00     QP
           V       4880.27       49.50         -3.50      74.00       24.50     PK
           V       2475.60       102.80        34.60   Fundamental      /       PK
           H        276.25       39.40         14.60      46.00        6.60     QP
           H        299.70       37.40         15.40      46.00        8.60     QP
           H        345.20       35.90         16.60      46.00       10.10     QP
 H         V        276.25       36.00         14.60      43.50        7.50     QP
           V        345.20       39.00         16.60      46.00        7.00     QP
           V       2483.70       61.50         34.80      74.00       12.50     PK
           V       2483.70       51.50         34.80      54.00        2.50    AV
           V       4950.24       49.60         -3.30      74.00       24.40     PK

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                                                                      FCC ID: SU3RM2400

PCB antenna

The antenna was placed with three axis(X, Y, Z) and the worst data was listed in the report.
 CH Antenna Frequency Corrected               Correct          Limit       Margin Detector
                    (MHz)        Reading       Factor       (dBuV/m)        (dB)
                                (dBuV/m)       (dB/m)
           V        2405.60       100.20         34.40     Fundamental       /        PK
           H         276.25        39.40         14.60        46.00        6.60       QP
           H         299.70        37.40         15.40        46.00        8.60       QP
           H         345.20        35.90         16.60        46.00        10.10      QP
           V         276.25        36.00         14.60        43.50        7.50       QP
           V         345.20        39.00         16.60        46.00        7.00       QP
           V        2389.45        52.20         34.20        74.00        21.80      PK
           V        4810.10        48.30         -3.60        74.00        25.70      PK
           V        2440.55       100.10         34.50     Fundamental       /        PK
           H         276.25        39.40         14.60        46.00        6.60       QP
           H         299.70        37.40         15.40        46.00        8.60       QP
 M         H         345.20        35.90         16.60        46.00        10.10      QP
           V         276.25        36.00         14.60        43.50        7.50       QP
           V         345.20        39.00         16.60        46.00        7.00       QP
           V        4880.45        48.50         -3.50        74.00        23.50      PK
           V        2475.90        99.80         34.60     Fundamental       /        PK
           H         276.25        39.40         14.60        46.00        6.60       QP
           H         299.70        37.40         15.40        46.00        8.60       QP
           H         345.20        35.90         16.60        46.00        10.10      QP
 H         V         276.25        36.00         14.60        43.50        7.50       QP
           V         345.20        39.00         16.60        46.00        7.00       QP
           V        2483.60        59.50         34.80        74.00        14.50      PK
           V        2483.60        49.50         34.80        54.00        4.50       AV
           V        4950.45        47.60         -3.30        74.00        26.40      PK

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                                                                     FCC ID: SU3RM2400

1. Factor= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss (-Amplifier, is employed)
2. Measure level= Reading level + Factor
3. Over Limit = Limit – Measure level
4. If the PK measured level is lower than AV limit, the AV test can be elided.

Assuming Antenna Factor = 30.20dB/m, Cable Loss = 2.00dB,
Gain of Preamplifier = 32.00dB, Original Receiver Reading level = 10dBuV.
Then Factor = 30.20 + 2.00 – 32.00 = 0.20dB/m;
Measure level = 10dBuV + 0.20dB/m = 10.20dBuV/m
Assuming limit = 54dBuV/m, Measure level = 10.20dBuV/m,
then Over Limit = 10.20 - 54= -43.80dBuV/m

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                                                                     FCC ID: SU3RM2400

7. Emission outside the frequency Band

   Test result:      PASS

7.1 Limit

   In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum
   intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the
   intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within
   the band that contains the highest level of the desired power.

7.2 Test Configuration

                       Spectrum Analyzer

                                              RF input


                                                        Antenna connector

7.3 Test procedure and test setup

   The EUT was tested according to DTS test procedure of “KDB558074 D01 DTS Meas
   Guidance v03r02” (clause 11.0) for compliance to FCC 47CFR 15.247 requirements.

   Reference level measurement
   Establish a reference level by using the following procedure:
   a) Set instrument center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
   b) Set the span to ≥ 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
   c) Set the RBW = 100 kHz.
   d) Set the VBW ≥ 3 x RBW.
   e) Detector = peak.
   f) Sweep time = auto couple.
   g) Trace mode = max hold.
   h) Allow trace to fully stabilize.
   i) Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum PSD level.

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                                                                   FCC ID: SU3RM2400

Note that the channel found to contain the maximum PSD level can be used to establish
the reference level.

Emission level measurement
a) Set the center frequency and span to encompass frequency range to be measured.
b) Set the RBW = 100 kHz.
c) Set the VBW ≥ 3 x RBW.
d) Detector = peak.
e) Sweep time = auto couple.
f) Trace mode = max hold.
g) Allow trace to fully stabilize.
h) Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level.
Ensure that the amplitude of all unwanted emissions outside of the authorized frequency
band (excluding restricted frequency bands) are attenuated by at least the minimum
requirements specified in 11.1 a) or 11.1 b). Report the three highest emissions relative to
the limit.

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                                                                FCC ID: SU3RM2400

7.4 Test protocol

Temperature         :       25 C
Relative Humidity   :       55 %

    Mode            Channel          Max PSD          The most restrict    Limit
                                    among band       Attenuation outside   (dB)
                                      (dBm)                band

                        L             0.874                40.519

       -                M             5.035                56.636          ≥20

                        H             5.454                49.020

                            Channel L - 30MHz ~ 2.31GHz

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Channel L – 2.31GHz ~ 2.5GHz

Channel L – 2.5GHz ~ 25GHz

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                               FCC ID: SU3RM2400

Channel M - 30MHz ~ 2.31GHz

Channel M – 2.31GHz ~ 2.5GHz

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Channel M – 2.5GHz ~ 25GHz

Channel H - 30MHz ~ 2.31GHz

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Channel H – 2.31GHz ~ 2.5GHz

Channel H – 2.5GHz ~ 25GHz

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                                                                   FCC ID: SU3RM2400

8. Power line conducted emission

   Test result:           Pass

8.1 Limit

                                                Conducted Limit (dBuV)
   Frequency of Emission (MHz)
                                                QP                     AV

             0.15-0.5                      66 to 56*               56 to 46 *
                  0.5-5                         56                     46
                  5-30                          60                     50
  * Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

8.2 Test configuration


                          LISN           LISN                 EMI receiver

   For table top equipment, wooden support is 0.8m height table

   For floor standing equipment, wooden support is 0.1m height rack.

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                                                                   FCC ID: SU3RM2400

8.3 Test procedure and test set up

The EUT are connected to the main power through a line impedance stabilization network
(LISN). This provides a 50Ω/50uH coupling impedance for the measuring equipment. The
peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a LISN that provides a
50Ω/50uH coupling impedance with 50Ω termination.
Both sides (Line and Neutral) of AC line are checked for maximum conducted interference.
In order to find the maximum emission, the relative positions of equipment and all of the
interface cables must be changed according to ANSI C63.4 on conducted measurement.
The bandwidth of the test receiver is set at 9 kHz.

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                                                                   FCC ID: SU3RM2400

8.4 Test protocol

   Temperature            :       25C
   Relative Humidity      :       55%

                                         L Line

Test Data:

                                Quasi-peak                          Average
       (MHz)            level     Limit       Margin       level      limit   Margin
                       dB(V)    dB(V)        (dB)       dB(V)     dB(V)    (dB)
        0.150          52.22      66.00           13.78   30.04       56.00   25.96
        0.198          57.68      63.71            6.03   41.47       53.71   12.24
        0.256          49.93      61.56           11.63   30.92       51.56   20.64
        0.483          39.50      56.29           16.79   24.66       46.29   21.63
        3.309          36.25      56.00           19.75   21.53       46.00   24.47
       12.655          40.79      60.00           19.21   30.11       50.00   19.89

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                                                         FCC ID: SU3RM2400

                                N Line

Test Data:

                          Quasi-peak                      Average
       (MHz)      level     Limit      Margin    level      limit   Margin
                 dB(V)    dB(V)       (dB)    dB(V)     dB(V)    (dB)
       0.198     54.89      63.68        8.79   36.78       53.68   16.90
       0.262     46.94      61.36       14.42   28.06       51.36   23.30
       0.523     38.54      56.00       17.46   24.88       46.00   21.12
       2.936     32.58      56.00       23.42   19.14       46.00   26.86
       3.205     33.97      56.00       22.03   20.28       46.00   25.72
      12.961     39.27      60.00       20.73   30.06       50.00   19.94

                              Page 33 of 33

Document Created: 2015-03-04 15:40:35
Document Modified: 2015-03-04 15:40:35

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