Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                                                                                          EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                                                                                                              PO Box 68-307, Newton
                                                                                                                                                       Auckland 1145
                                                                                                                                                        New Zealand
                                                                                                                                                   Phone 09 360 0862
                                                                                                                                                      Fax 09 360 0861
                                                                                                                                  E-Mail Address: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
                                                                                                                                      Web Site: www.emctech.com.au

                                                              TEST REPORT

                          Simoco SDP660 UW UHF Portable Transceiver

                                                                              tested to the

                                      Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 47

                                      Part 90 –Private Land Mobile Services


                                                     Simoco Australasia Pty Ltd

                                                                                                    This Test Report is issued with the authority of:

                                                                                                            Andrew Cutler- General Manager


    Page 1 of 27                                                          Test Report No 150317.1                                                     22nd May 2015.
                                                                       This report may not be reproduced except in full.

                                                               Table of Contents

1.       COMPLIANCE STATEMENT                                                                                                                                                   3

2.       RESULT SUMMARY                                                                                                                                                        3

3.       ATTESTATION                                                                                                                                                            4

4.       CLIENT INFORMATION                                                                                                                                                    5

5.       TEST SAMPLE DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                                                5

6.       TEST RESULTS                                                                                                                                                           7

7.       TEST EQUIPMENT USED                                                                                                                                                   24

8.       ACCREDITATIONS                                                                                                                                                        24

9.       PHOTOGRAPHS                                                                                                                                                           25


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The Simoco SDP660 UW UHF Portable Transceiver complies with the limits defined in 47
CFR Part 90 and 47 CFR Part 2 when tested in-accordance with the test methods described in
47 CFR Part 2 and ANSI/ TIA-603-C.

2.            RESULT SUMMARY
The results of testing, carried out between 21st and 30th April 2015, are summarised below.

  Clause                          Description                                                                            Result
  90.203                          Certification required                                                                 Noted

  2.1046                          RF power output                                                                         Noted
  90.205                          Power and antenna height limits                                                         Complies

  2.1047                          Modulation Characteristics                                                              Noted
  2.1047(a)                       Low pass filter response                                                                Noted
  2.1047(b)                       Modulation limiting characteristics                                                     Noted

  2.1049                          Occupied bandwidth                                                                      Noted
  2.202                           Bandwidths                                                                              Noted

  90.207                          Types of emissions                                                                      Complies
  90.209                          Bandwidth limitations                                                                   Complies
  90.210                          Emission masks                                                                          Complies

  2.1051                          Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                                                 Complies

  2.1053                          Field strength of spurious radiation                                                    Complies

  2.1055                          Frequency stability                                                                     Noted

  90.213                          Frequency stability                                                                     Complies

  90.214                          Transient frequency behaviour                                                           Complies

  1.1310                          Radio frequency exposure limits                                                        Not applicable. SAR testing
                                                                                                                         carried out separately.


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3.         ATTESTATION
This report describes the tests and measurements performed for the purpose of determining
compliance with the specification with the following conditions:

The client selected the test sample.

The report relates only to the sample tested.

This report does not contain corrections or erasures.

Measurement uncertainties with statistical confidence intervals of 95% are shown below test
results. Both Class A and Class B uncertainties have been accounted for, as well as influence
uncertainties where appropriate.

In addition this equipment has been tested in accordance with the requirements contained in
the appropriate Commission regulations.

All compliance statements have been made with respect of the specification limit with no
reference to the measurement uncertainty.
To the best of my knowledge, these tests were performed using measurement procedures that
are consistent with industry or Commission standards and demonstrate that the equipment
complies with the appropriate standards.

I further certify that the necessary measurements were made by EMC Technologies NZ Ltd,
47 MacKelvie Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand.

Andrew Cutler
General Manager
EMC Technologies NZ Ltd


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Company Name                               Simoco Australasia Pty Ltd

Address                                    1270 Ferntree Gully Road

State                                      Victoria, 3179

Country                                    Australia

Contact                                    Mr Robert Stowell

Brand Name                                 Simoco

Model Number                               SDP660 UW

Product                                    UHF Portable Transceiver

Manufacturer                               Simoco

Manufactured in                            Taiwan

Designed in                                Australia

Serial Number                              36NUW15140134

FCC ID                                     STZSDP600UW


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The sample tested has the following specifications:

Rated Transmitter Output Power

5.0 Watts (37.0 dBm)

Transmitter FCC Frequency Bands

Part 90:                                   421 - 512 MHz

Test frequencies
       Frequency                                                  Power                                       Spacing
         (MHz)                                                   (Watts)                                       (kHz)
        440.175                                                    5.0                                          12.5
        476.175                                                    5.0                                          12.5
        511.975                                                    5.0                                          12.5

Emission Designators / Modes of operation

11k2F3E – Analogue speech
7k60FXE – DMR 4FSK 9600 bps TDMA digital speech and data
7k60FXD – DMR 4FSK 9600 bps TDMA digital data

Power Supply

DC voltage supply typically 7.4 Vdc

Standard Temperature and Humidity

Temperature:                                             +15C to + 30C maintained.
Relative Humidity:                                       20% to 75% observed.

Standard Test Power Source

Standard Test Voltage:                                   7.4 Vdc

Extreme Temperature

High Temperature:                                        + 50C maintained.
Low Temperature:                                         - 30 C maintained.

Extreme Test Voltages

Low Voltage:                                             6.3 Vdc

This portable radio is powered by at a Lithium Ion battery pack which never exceeds 7.4 Vdc
when it is re-charged.

Therefore testing was not carried out at 115% as this voltage will never be present.

Testing was carried out at 85% and 100% as indicated above.


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6.            TEST RESULTS
Certification required

Certification of this device is sought for digital and analogue speech transmissions in
accordance with section 90.203(j)(4)(ii) and 90.203(j)(5)

- certification has been sought after January 1, 2015.

- the equipment operates under FCC Part 90

- the equipment is designed to operate in various FCC Part 90 bands between 421 - 512 MHz

- the equipment can operate in single bandwidth mode using analogue or digital modulation

- the equipment can operate in multi-bandwidth mode using analogue and digital modulation

- the equipment meets the spectrum efficiency standard of one voice channel per 6.25 kHz of
channel bandwidth by using two voice channels per 12.5 kHz bandwidth.

- the equipment can operate with a data rate greater than 4.8 kbps per 6.25 kHz of channel

The equipment operates using two-slot TDMA technology utilising 4FSK digital modulation
operating at 9600 bps on 12.5 kHz channel spacing with a time slot durations of 30 ms.

Result: Complies.


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RF power output

Measurements were carried out at the RF output terminals of the transmitter using a 30 dB
power attenuator and a 50 Ω dummy load.

Measurements were carried out when the transmitter was modulated using analogue and
digital and speech modulation and with an unmodulated carrier.

The highest levels observed were those with an unmodulated carrier which is recorded below.

Testing was carried out at maximum power output.

          Frequency                                         Voltage                                        Rated                                      Measured
            (MHz)                                            (Vdc)                                         (dBm)                                       (dBm)
           440.175                                            7.4                                           37.0                                        37.1

             476.175                                            7.4                                           37.0                                          36.9
             476.175                                            6.8                                           37.0                                          36.7

             511.975                                            7.4                                           37.0                                          36.9


Part 90 does not specify the transmitter output power.

Result: Complies.
Measurement Uncertainty:  0.5 dB


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Modulation Characteristics

This transmitter is capable of producing analogue speech and digital speech modulations.

Frequency response of the audio frequency low pass filter between 100 Hz and 15 kHz.

This measurement was carried out using an audio signal generator and an audio modulation

At 1 kHz an audio signal was applied which was used as a 0 dB response reference.

The frequency of the input signal was then varied and the output response noted.

This measurement was carried out from 100 Hz to 5000 Hz as required by Part 2 with further
measurements carried out in order to show the full range of this filter.

The peak deviation response was found to be at 1400 Hz.

The -3dB roll off from peak deviation occurs at 2600 Hz, and is denoted as a red data series
point on the following graph.


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(a)         A family of curves showing the percentage of modulation versus the modulation input

Measurements were made between 100 Hz to 5 kHz.

At each frequency the input voltage was slowly increased with the resulting frequency
deviation of the transmitter being recorded.

This deviation was then converted to a modulation percentage where 2.5 kHz deviation is
100% for 12.5 kHz channels.

(d) A curve or equivalent data that shows that the equipment will meet the modulation
    requirements of the rules under which the equipment is to be licensed.

The following other modulation types are used with this transmitter.

-      4FSK 9600 bps TDMA digital speech and data.

Result: Complies.
Measurement Uncertainty:  1%.


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Part 90.209 – Bandwidth limitations:

The authorised bandwidth is taken to be the necessary bandwidth.

Using the formulas contained in Part 2.202 the necessary bandwidth calculation for the 12.5
kHz channel step emission is:

Bn = 2 x D + 2 x M
Where D = maximum deviation: 2.5 kHz
Where M = maximum modulation frequency: 3 kHz
Bn = 11 kHz

Measurements show the following
Bn = 2 x 2350 Hz + 2 x 2600 Hz
Bn = 9.9 kHz

This is confirmed in the emission designation 11k2F3E

For Digital Modulation 4FSK an emission designator of 7k60FXE has been declared by the

Measurements have also been made to verify this declared bandwidth.

The occupied bandwidth has been measured and compared against the occupied bandwidth
declared by the client.

Measurements have been made of each modulation type using a spectrum analyser operating
in peak hold mode and a 30 dB attenuator.

Initially power measurements are made using a resolution bandwidth of 120 kHz.

This level is used as a reference level on the spectrum analyser.

The resolution bandwidth is then changed to 100 Hz and the reference level minus 23 dB
(99%) absolute bandwidth points determined

Result: Complies.


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    Emission                      Channel                       Measured                          Designated
   FXE / FXD                      12.5 kHz                      7.425 kHz                         7.600 kHz


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Spectrum Masks

The spectrum masks are defined in:

Section 90.210(d) – Mask D has been applied as the transmitter can operate in the band 421 -
512 MHz using an authorised bandwidth of 12.5 kHz as per Section 90.209(b)(5).

The reference level for the following emission mask measurements has been determined using
a resolution bandwidth of 120 kHz with the transmitter modulated.

All measurements have been made with a 30 dB attenuator is placed between the transmitter
and the spectrum analyser.

The reference level on all of the plots below will therefore be +30 dB higher than indicated.

Measurements were made in peak hold with the transmitter operating on 476.175 MHz.

When operating in F3E mode a 2500 Hz tone, which was found to be the frequency of
maximum response, that was applied at a level 16 dB higher than that required to achieve 50%

For the FXE / FXD mode the transmitter was modulated using the modulation source internal
to the transmitter which operates at a fixed data rate of 9600 bps.

Result: Complies.

F3E 12.5 kHz. Frequency: 440.175 MHz


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Frequency: 476.175 MHz

Frequency: 511.975 MHz


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FXE / FXD 12.5 kHz at 9600 bps

Frequency: 440.175 MHz

Frequency: 476.175 MHz


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                     Apr 23, 2015

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   EBCD                                      VBH10

Transmitter spurious emissions at the antenna terminals

Frequency: 476.175 MHz
    Spurious emission                                                        Emission level                                                        Limit
         (MHz)                                                                  (dBm)                                                              (dBm)
         952.350                                                                 -39.0                                                              -20.0
        1428.525                                                                <-65.0                                                              -20.0
        1904.700                                                                <-65.0                                                              -20.0
        2380.875                                                                <-65.0                                                              -20.0
        2857.050                                                                <-65.0                                                              -20.0
        3333.225                                                                <-65.0                                                              -20.0
        3809.400                                                                <-65.0                                                              -20.0
        4285.575                                                                <-65.0                                                              -20.0
        4761.750                                                                <-65.0                                                              -20.0

Measurements were carried out when the transmitter modulated using analogue and digital and
speech modulation and with an unmodulated carrier.

The highest levels observed were those with an unmodulated carrier which is recorded below.

No other emissions were observed

Part 90.210(d) Mask D, (3) on any frequency removed from the centre of the authorised
bandwidth by a displacement frequency of more than 12.5 kHz shall be attenuated by at least
50 + 10 log (P) or 70 dB whichever is the lesser attenuation.

The spurious emission limit defined by Mask D has been applied as this transmitter can
operate using channel spacing of 12.5 kHz.

Part 2.1051 states that emissions greater than 20 dB below the limit need not be specified.

Part 2.1057 states that the spectrum should be investigated up to the 10th harmonic if the
transmitter operates below 10 GHz.

A rated power of 5.0 watts gives a limit of –20.0 dBm.

No measurements were made above the 10th harmonic.

Result: Complies.
Measurement Uncertainty:  3.3 dB


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Field strength of the transmitter spurious emissions

Frequency: 440.175 MHz
 Frequency       Level                                         Level                 Limit                    Polarity                  Margin                     Result
   (MHz)       (dBµV/m)                                       (dBm)                  (dBm)                                               (dB)
  880.350         42.6                                         -54.8                  -20.0                  Vertical                    34.8                        Pass
                  40.9                                         -56.5                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   36.5                        Pass
  1320.525        48.0                                         -49.4                  -20.0                  Vertical                    29.4                        Pass
                  49.4                                         -48.0                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   28.0                        Pass
  1760.700        52.1                                         -45.3                  -20.0                  Vertical                    25.3                        Pass
                  52.5                                         -44.9                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   24.9                        Pass
  2200.875        54.0                                         -43.4                  -20.0                  Vertical                    23.4                        Pass
                  55.0                                         -42.4                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   22.4                        Pass
  2641.050        58.0                                         -39.4                  -20.0                  Vertical                    19.4                        Pass
                  58.0                                         -39.4                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   19.4                        Pass
  3081.225        54.8                                         -42.6                  -20.0                  Vertical                    22.6                        Pass
                  53.5                                         -43.9                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   23.9                        Pass
  3521.400        56.8                                         -40.6                  -20.0                  Vertical                    20.6                        Pass
                  56.8                                         -40.6                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   20.6                        Pass
  3961.575        58.0                                         -39.4                  -20.0                  Vertical                    19.4                        Pass
                  58.0                                         -39.4                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   19.4                        Pass
  4401.750        62.0                                         -35.4                  -20.0                  Vertical                    15.4                        Pass
                  60.0                                         -37.4                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   17.4                        Pass

Frequency: 476.175 MHz
 Frequency       Level                                         Level                 Limit                    Polarity                  Margin                     Result
   (MHz)       (dBμV/m)                                       (dBm)                  (dBm)                                               (dB)
  952.350         45.5                                         -51.9                  -20.0                  Vertical                    31.9                        Pass
                  48.0                                         -49.4                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   29.4                        Pass
  1428.525        48.3                                         -49.1                  -20.0                  Vertical                    29.1                        Pass
                  48.0                                         -49.4                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   29.4                        Pass
  1904.700        53.8                                         -43.6                  -20.0                  Vertical                    23.6                        Pass
                  53.7                                         -43.7                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   23.7                        Pass
  2380.875        56.8                                         -40.6                  -20.0                  Vertical                    20.6                        Pass
                  56.8                                         -40.6                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   20.6                        Pass
 2857.0500        54.1                                         -43.3                  -20.0                  Vertical                    23.3                        Pass
                  54.1                                         -43.3                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   23.3                        Pass
  3333.225        54.3                                         -43.1                  -20.0                  Vertical                    23.1                        Pass
                  54.0                                         -43.4                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   23.4                        Pass
  3809.400        57.1                                         -40.3                  -20.0                  Vertical                    20.3                        Pass
                  57.2                                         -40.2                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   20.2                        Pass
  4285.575        58.8                                         -38.6                  -20.0                  Vertical                    18.6                        Pass
                  58.7                                         -38.7                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   18.7                        Pass
  4761.750        60.5                                         -36.9                  -20.0                  Vertical                    16.9                        Pass
                  60.5                                         -36.9                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   16.9                        Pass


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Frequency: 511.975 MHz
 Frequency       Level                                         Level                 Limit                    Polarity                  Margin                     Result
   (MHz)       (dBμV/m)                                       (dBm)                  (dBm)                                               (dB)
  1023.950        45.6                                         -51.8                  -20.0                  Vertical                    31.8                        Pass
                  47.8                                         -49.6                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   29.6                        Pass
  1535.925        49.5                                         -47.9                  -20.0                  Vertical                    27.9                        Pass
                  49.1                                         -48.3                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   28.3                        Pass
  2047.900        55.0                                         -42.4                  -20.0                  Vertical                    22.4                        Pass
                  55.2                                         -42.2                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   22.2                        Pass
  2559.875        58.7                                         -38.7                  -20.0                  Vertical                    18.7                        Pass
                  58.1                                         -39.3                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   19.3                        Pass
 3071.8500        55.0                                         -42.4                  -20.0                  Vertical                    22.4                        Pass
                  54.0                                         -43.4                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   23.4                        Pass
  3583.825        60.1                                         -37.3                  -20.0                  Vertical                    17.3                        Pass
                  57.5                                         -39.9                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   19.9                        Pass
  4095.800        58.5                                         -38.9                  -20.0                  Vertical                    18.9                        Pass
                  58.5                                         -38.9                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   18.9                        Pass
  4607.775        60.1                                         -37.3                  -20.0                  Vertical                    17.3                        Pass
                  60.1                                         -37.3                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   17.3                        Pass
  5119.750        61.0                                         -36.4                  -20.0                  Vertical                    16.4                        Pass
                  61.0                                         -36.4                  -20.0                 Horizontal                   16.4                        Pass

The transmitter was tested while transmitting continuously while attached to a dummy load.

Measurements were carried out when the transmitter modulated using analogue and digital and
speech modulation and with an unmodulated carrier.

The highest levels observed were those with an unmodulated carrier which is recorded below.

When operating in transmit mode no significant emissions were detected between the
harmonic emissions that were detected.

Device was tested on an open area test site at a distance of 3 metres.

Testing was carried out at EMC Technologies NZ Ltd Open Area Test Site, which is located at
Driving Creek, Orere Point, Auckland.

The level recorded is the signal generator output level in dBm less any gains / losses due to
the coax cable and the dipole antenna.


All spurious emissions are to be attenuated by at least 50 + 10 log (P). The rated power of 5
watts gives a limit of –20 dBm.

No measurements were made above the 10th harmonic.

Result: Complies.
Measurement Uncertainty:  4.1 dB


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Frequency Stability

Frequency stability measurements were between - 30 C and + 50C in 10C increments.

At each temperature the transmitter was given a period of 30 minutes to stabilise.

The transmitter was then turned on and the frequency error measured after a period of 1

This portable radio is powered by at a Lithium Ion battery pack which never exceeds 7.4 Vdc
when it is re-charged.

Therefore testing was not carried out at 115% as this voltage will never be present.

Testing was also carried out at 85% and 100% as indicated below.

Frequency: 476.175 MHz
    Temperature                                            Voltage                                       Voltage
        (C)                                               6.3 Vdc                                       7.4 Vdc
        +50                                                 +24.0                                         +17.0
        +40                                                 +55.0                                         +59.0
        +30                                                 +29.0                                         +67.0
        +20                                                 +83.0                                         +92.0
        +10                                                 +26.0                                          +7.0
           0                                                -18.0                                         -21.0
         -10                                                -82.0                                         -87.0
         -20                                                +41.0                                         +36.0
         -30                                                +32.0                                         +41.0

A worst case frequency stability of +92.0 Hz or 0.18 ppm was observed.


Part 90.213 states that mobile station transmitters operating between 421 – 512 MHz with 12.5
kHz channelling are required to have a frequency tolerance of 2.5 ppm.

Result: Complies.
Measurement Uncertainty:  30 Hz


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Transient frequency behaviour

Transient frequency behaviour measurements are applicable to wide band and narrow band
transmitters operating in the frequency band 421 - 512 MHz.

Measurements were carried out using the method described in TIA-603 and EN 300-086.

In summary this method calls for the use of an external signal generator tuned to transmitter
transmit frequency of 476.175 MHz with an output level 0.1 % (-30 dB) of the level from the
transmitter with a 1 kHz tone with a frequency deviation of 12.5 kHz being applied to the
input of a modulation analyser along with the output from the transmitter.

The modulation analyser produces an amplitude difference signal and a frequency difference
signal, which are applied to the input of a storage oscilloscope.

The unmodulated transmitter is then keyed which produces a trigger pulse that is AC coupled
to the oscilloscope that produces a display on the screen.

The result of the change in the ratio of power between the test signal from the signal generator
and the transmitter output will produce 2 separate sides on the oscilloscope picture. One will
show the 1000 Hz test modulation and the other will be the frequency difference of the
transmitter versus time.

Channel Spacing                                      Period t1                                        Period t2                                       Period t3
    (kHz)                                             (kHz)                                            (kHz)                                           (kHz)
     12.5                                              Nil                                              Nil                                             Nil


             Time                                    Period                               12.5 kHz                                              25 kHz
            Interval                                  (mS)                             Deviation (kHz)                                      Deviation (kHz)
               t1                                      10                                    12.5                                                25.0
               t2                                      25                                    6.25                                                12.5
               t3                                      10                                    12.5                                                25.0

Result: Complies.
Measurement Uncertainty: Frequency difference 1.6 kHz, Time period 1 ms.


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12.5 kHz transmitter turn on

Green Trace = 1 kHz tone with FM deviation of 12.5 kHz and any transient.

Green trace has been maximised to give full screen indication of a ±12.5 kHz.
Therefore each Y axis division = 3.125 kHz per division.
The X axis has been set to a sweep rate of 10 ms/division.

Triggering has been set to occur 2 divisions from the left hand edge (20 ms). This is position

t1 occurs between 2.0 and 3.0 divisions from the left-hand edge.
t2 occurs between 3.0 and 5.5 divisions from the left-hand edge.

No transient can be observed just after ton.


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12.5 kHz transmitter turn off

Green Trace = 1 kHz tone with FM deviation of 12.5 kHz and any transient.

Green trace has been maximised to give full screen indication of a ± 12.5 kHz.
Therefore each Y axis division = 3.125 kHz per division.
The X axis has been set to a sweep rate of 10 ms/division.

The display of the 1 kHz signal rising has been positioned 5 divisions from the left hand edge
(50 ms).

This is position toff.

t3 occurs between 4.0 and 5.0 divisions from the left hand edge.

No transient response can be observed just before toff.


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 7.            TEST EQUIPMENT USED
     Instrument                        Manufacturer                            Model                          Serial #                    Asset              Cal Due            Interval
  Aerial Controller                       EMCO                                  1090                        9112-1062                      3710                 N/a               N/a
     Aerial Mast                          EMCO                                1070-1                        9203-1661                      3708                 N/a               N/a
 Biconical Antenna                      Schwarzbeck                          BBA 9106                            -                        3612              03/02/2018          3 years
    Horn Antenna                          EMCO                                  3115                        9511-4629                     E1526             04/06/2017          3 years
   Level generator                        Anritsu                            MG443B                           M61689                      E1143             21/05/2016          2 years
Log Periodic Antenna                    Schwarzbeck                        VUSLP 91111                       9111-228                     3785              17/12/2017          3 years
Modulation Analyzer                   Rohde & Schwarz                           FMA                         837807/020                    E1552             15/06/2015          2 years
Modulation Analyzer                    Hewlett Packard                         8901B                       2608A00782                     E1090             15/10/2016          2 years
    Oscilloscope                         Tektronics                             745A                         B010643                      E1569             15/06/2015          2 years
  Power Attenuator                         JFW                             50FH-030-100                          -                           -                  N/a               N/a
    Power Supply                       Hewlett Packard                         6032A                       2743A-02859                    E1069                 N/a               N/a
       Receiver                       Rohde & Schwarz                         ESIB-40                         100171                       4003             16/04/2016           1 year
Selective Level Meter                     Anritsu                             ML422C                          M35386                      E1140             03/07/2015          2 years
  Signal Generator                    Rohde & Schwarz                         SMHU                          838923/028                    E1493             22/06/2015          2 years
 Spectrum Analyzer                     Hewlett Packard                        E7405A                       US39150142                      3776             26/06/2015           1 year
  Thermal chamber                        Contherm                             M180F                            86025                      E1129             01/06/2015            N/a
    Thermometer                            DSIR                                RT200                            035                       E1049             01/06/2015            N/a
      Turntable                           EMCO                              1080-1-2.1                      9109-1578                      3709                 N/a               N/a
     VHF Balun                          Schwarzbeck                          VHA9103                             -                        3603              03/02/2018          3 years

 At the time of testing all test equipment was within calibration.

 8.            ACCREDITATIONS
 Testing was carried out in accordance with EMC Technologies Ltd registration with the
 Federal Communications Commission as a listed facility, registration number: 90838, which
 was updated in June 2014.

 All testing was carried out in accordance with the terms of EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
 International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ) Accreditation to NZS/ISO/IEC 17025.

 All measurement equipment has been calibrated in accordance with the terms of the EMC
 Technologies (NZ) Ltd International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ) Accreditation to
 NZS/ISO/IEC 17025.

 International Accreditation New Zealand has Mutual Recognition Arrangements for testing
 and calibration with various accreditation bodies in a number of economies. This includes
 NATA (Australia), UKAS (UK), SANAS (South Africa), NVLAP (USA), A2LA (USA),
 SWEDAC (Sweden). Further details can be supplied on request.


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9.            PHOTOGRAPHS
                                                                           External Photos


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                                                                        Radiated test setup


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                                                                       This report may not be reproduced except in full.


    Page 27 of 27                                                         Test Report No 150317.1                                                     22nd May 2015.
                                                                       This report may not be reproduced except in full.

Document Created: 2015-06-05 14:26:36
Document Modified: 2015-06-05 14:26:36

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