Test report Bluetooth - HR1622-2 report


Test Report

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                                        PARTIAL T E S T R E P O R T
                                          No.: 18-1-0210201T02a

                                                                According to:

                                                         FCC Regulations
                                                Part 15.205, Part 15.209, Part 15.247

                                                RSS-Gen, Issue 5, RSS-247, Issue 2


                                                     Miele & Cie. KG
                                         Wireless Food Probe System
                                               (Host: HR1622-2)

                                               Contains FCC ID: SSVNAEPI02
                                               Contains ISED: 5669B-NAEPI02

                                              Laboratory Accreditation and Listings

                                                     Accredited EMC-Test Laboratory

                                        accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

                                                         CETECOM GmbH
                                 Laboratory Radio Communications & Electromagnetic Compatibility
                                            Im Teelbruch 116 • 45219 Essen • Germany
                                    Registered in Essen, Germany, Reg. No.: HRB Essen 8984
                          Tel.: + 49 (0) 20 54 / 95 19-954 • Fax: + 49 (0) 20 54 / 95 19-964
                              E-mail: info@cetecom.com • Internet: www.cetecom.com

                                                                                                                              Page 1 of 30
The test results relate only to the individual items which have been tested. This report shall not be reproduced in parts without the written
approval of the testing laboratory                                                  © Copyright: All rights reserved by CETECOM

Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 2 of 30

Table of contents
1. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS...................................................................................................................... 3
  1.1. Tests overview of US (FCC) and Canada ISED(RSS) Standards .................................................................... 3
2. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA ............................................................................................................................... 5
  2.1. Identification of the testing laboratory ............................................................................................................. 5
  2.2. Test location .................................................................................................................................................... 5
  2.3. Organizational items ........................................................................................................................................ 5
  2.4. Applicant’s details ........................................................................................................................................... 5
  2.5. Manufacturer’s details ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3. EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ................................................................................................................. 6
  3.1. Certification data of main EUT declared by applicant ..................................................................................... 6
  3.2. Technical data of EUT declared by applicant .................................................................................................. 6
  3.3. EUT: Type, S/N etc. and short descriptions used in this test report ................................................................ 7
  3.4. Auxiliary Equipment (AE): Type, S/N etc. and short descriptions .................................................................. 7
  3.5. EUT set-ups ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
  3.6. EUT operating modes ...................................................................................................................................... 8
  3.7. EUT Software Settings .................................................................................................................................... 8
4. DESCRIPTION OF TEST SYSTEM SET-UP’S .............................................................................................. 9
  4.1. Test system set-up for conducted measurements on antenna port ................................................................... 9
  4.2. Test system set-up for AC power-line conducted emission measurements ..................................................... 10
  4.3. Test system set-up for radiated magnetic field measurements below 30 MHz ................................................ 11
  4.4. Test system set-up for radiated electric field measurement 30 MHz to 1 GHz ............................................... 12
  4.5. Test system set-up for radiated electric field measurement above 1 GHz ....................................................... 13
5. MEASUREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 14
  5.1. General Limit - Conducted emissions on AC-Power lines .............................................................................. 14
  5.2. RF-Parameter – RF Power conducted.............................................................................................................. 15
  5.3. RF-Parameter – Duty Cycle ............................................................................................................................. 17
  5.4. General Limit - Radiated field strength emissions below 30 MHz .................................................................. 19
  5.5. General Limit - Radiated field strength emissions. 30 MHz - 1 GHz .............................................................. 21
  5.6. General Limit - Radiated emissions. above 1 GHz .......................................................................................... 23
  5.7. RF-Parameter - Radiated Band Edge compliance measurements .................................................................... 25
  5.8. Measurement uncertainties .............................................................................................................................. 27
6. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT ................................................................................................. 28
8. INSTRUMENTS AND ANCILLARY ................................................................................................................ 29
  8.1. Test software and firmware of equipment ....................................................................................................... 29
  8.2. Single instruments and test systems ................................................................................................................. 29
  8.3. Legend ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
9. VERSIONS OF TEST REPORTS (CHANGE HISTORY) ............................................................................. 30

                                                                   Table of Annex
  Annex No.                      Contents                           Reference Description                                                           Total Pages
   Annex 1                      Test results              CETECOM_TR18-1-0210201T02a-A1                                                                 21
   Annex 2             External photographs of EUT        CETECOM_TR18-1-0210201T02a-A2                                                                  8
   Annex 3               Test set-up photographs          CETECOM_TR18-1-0210201T02a-A3                                                                  6
                                   The listed attachments are an integral part of this report.


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1. Summary of test results
The test results apply exclusively to the test samples as presented in this Report. The CETECOM GmbH does not
assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations taken in conjunction with other specimens or
samples of the type of the item presented to tests.

The test results apply exclusively to the test samples as presented in this report. The CETECOM GmbH
does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations taken in conjunction with other
specimens or samples of the type of the item presented to tests. Also we refer on special conditions which
the applicant should fulfill according FCC: §2.927 to §2.948 & ISED: RSP-100, Issue 11, special focus
regarding modification of the equipment and availability of sample equipment for market surveillance tests.

The presented Equipment Under Test (in this report, hereinafter referred as EUT) integrates a Proprietary 2.4 GHz
RF Transceiver (Hopping Mode). The module is certified and obtained FCC ID: SSVNAEPI02 and ISED: 5669B-

Following test cases have been performed to show compliance with valid Part 15.205/15.209/15.247 of the FCC
CFR Title 47 Rules, Edition 4th November 2016 & ISED RSS-247 Issue 2/ RSS-Gen Issue 5 standards.

1.1. Tests overview of US (FCC) and Canada ISED(RSS) Standards
                                                  References and Limits                        EUT    EUT
  Test cases          Port         FCC                                                         set-    op.     Result
                                                  RSS Section             Test limit
                                 Standard                                                       up    mode
     20 dB                                       RSS-247, Issue 2:
                                                                                                2     1+2
   bandwidth         Antenna                     Chapter 5.1 a (1)
                                   §15.247                           At least 25 kHz or 2/3
                     terminal                                                                                Remark 1)
 Channel carrier                    (a)(1)                            of 20 dB bandwith
                   (conducted)                   RSS-247, Issue 2:
   frequency                                                                                    2      2
                                                  Chapter 5.1 b
 99% occupied                                    RSS-Gen, Issue 5:        99% Power
                     terminal     2.1049(h)                                                     2      1     Remark 1)
  bandwidth                                        Chapter 6.7            bandwidth
   Number of         Antenna
                                   §15.247       RSS-247, Issue 2:    At least 15 Hopping
    Hopping          terminal                                                                   2      2     Remark 1)
                                  (a)(1) (iii)    Chapter 5.1 d             Channels
    Channels       (conducted)
    average          Antenna
                                   §15.247       RSS-247, Issue 2:
 Occupancy time      terminal                                             0.4 seconds           2      2     Remark 1)
                                  (a)(1) (iii)    Chapter 5.1 d
 and number of     (conducted)
  Transmitter        Antenna
                                   §15.247       RSS-247, Issue 2:
  Peak output        terminal                                          < 125 mW or 1W           2      1        Pass
                                    (b)(1)        Chapter 5.1 b
     power         (conducted)
  Transmitter        Antenna                                             Operation within
                                                 RSS-Gen Issue 5,
   frequency         terminal         --                             designated operational     2      1     Remark 1)
                                                   Chapter 6.11
    stability      (conducted)                                                  band
                                                                     < 125 mW (EIRP) for
                    Enclosure      §15.247       RSS-247, Issue 2:         antenna with                          Pass
  Peak output                                                                                   --     --
                    (radiated)      (b)(4)           5.1 (2)           directional gain less                 (calculated)
 power radiated
                                                                               6 dBi
                     Antenna                                            20 dBc Conducted
 Out-Of-Band                       §15.247       RSS-247, Issue 2,
                     terminal                                              Emissions in         2      1        Pass
 RF- emissions                       (d)           Chapter 5.5
                   (conducted)                                           restricted bands
                                                                           Emissions in
                                                 RSS-247, Issue 2,
                                                                      restricted bands must
   Band-Edge        Enclosure      §15.247          Chapter 5.5
                                                                     meet the general field     1     1+2       Pass
   emissions        (radiated)       (d)         RSS-Gen: Issue 5:
                                                                         strength radiated
                                                 §8.9 Table 5+6+7


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 4 of 30

   General field                                                   RSS-247, Issue 2,        Emissions in
                              Enclosure +
     strength                               §15.247 (d)              Chapter 5.5       restricted bands must
   emissions +                               §15.205                                   meet the general field-        1            1          Remark 1)
    restricted                               §15.209               RSS-Gen: Issue 5:     strength radiated
      bands                                                        §8.9 Table 5+6+7             limits
                                                                                           FCC §15.107
                                                                                           class B limits
      Lines                                                        RSS-Gen, Issue 5:
                               AC-Power                  §15.207                           §15.207 limits
                                                                     Chapter 8.8                                      1            1              Pass
     Conducted                                                         Table 4
                                                                                          ISED: Table 3,
                                                                                            Chapter 8.8
                                                                          RX Mode
                             Enclosure+                                                     FCC 15.109
                                Inter-                   §15.109      RSS-Gen,             class B limits                                     No tested
                             connecting                   §15.33       Issue 5:                                       --          --         within this
                                cables                    §15.35      Chapter 7.3          ISED-limits:                                      test report*
                              (radiated)                                               Table 2, Chapter 7.1.2
Remark 1) : Please see information on tested module in TR18-1-0081401T01a-C1


I declare that all measurements were performed by me or under my supervision and that all measurements have
been performed and are correct to my best knowledge and belief to Industry Canada standards. All requirements
as shown in above table are met in accordance with enumerated standards.

                                                                                                                               von B.Sc.
                                                                                                                               Mohamed Ahmed
                                                                                                                               DN: cn=B.Sc.
                                                                                                                               Mohamed Ahmed,
                                                                                                                               o=Cetecom GmbH,
                                                                                                                               m, c=DE
                                                                                                                               Datum: 2019.02.20
                                                                                                                               09:24:04 +01'00'
......................................................                                                 ....................................................
Dipl.-Ing. Niels Jeß                                                                                                B.Sc. Mohamed Ahmed
Responsible for test section                                                                                     Responsible for test report


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2. Administrative Data
2.1. Identification of the testing laboratory
Company name:                                                         CETECOM GmbH
Address:                                                              Im Teelbruch 116
                                                                      45219 Essen - Kettwig
Responsible for testing laboratory:                                   Dipl.-Ing. Niels Jeß
Deputy:                                                               Dipl.-Ing. Volker Briddigkeit

2.2. Test location
2.2.1. Test laboratory “CTC”
Company name:                                                         see chapter 2.1. Identification of the testing laboratory

2.3. Organizational items

Responsible for test report and
Project leader:                                                       B.Sc. Mohamed Ahmed
Receipt of EUT:                                                       2018-06-20
Date(s) of test:                                                      2018-12-03 o 2019-01-03
Date of report:                                                       2019-02-20

Version of template:             13.02
2.4. Applicant’s details

Applicant’s name:                                                     Miele & Cie. KG
Address:                                                              Carl-Miele-Platz 1
                                                                      59302 Oelde

Contact:                                                              Mr. Andreas Fabrizius

2.5. Manufacturer’s details

Manufacturer’s name:                                                  see applicant's details

Address:                                                              see applicant's details


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3. Equipment under test (EUT)
3.1. Certification data of main EUT declared by applicant
Module                         EPI7684 built inside Host EUT A
Module Type                    Transceiver
Antenna 1                      Loop Antenna ( for further details refer Chapter 3.2)
                                         FCC Certification
FCC ID                         SSVNAEPI02

                                             ISED Certification
ISED                           5669B

PMN                            EPI7684

UPN                            NAEPI02

HVIN                           10478824

FVIN                           4726

3.2. Technical data of EUT declared by applicant

Module                         EPI7684
Module Type                    Transceiver
Main Function                  Proprietary 2.4 GHz RF Transceiver (FHSS Sytsem)
Frequency Band                 2.4 GHz ISM Band (2400-2483.5 MHz)
Frequency Channels (Range)     2401.623-2481.284 MHz
Number of Channels             600 Frequency Hopping Channels
Channel Bandwidth              11,43kHz
                                     According to Applicant’s declaration (Max. Typical Power Values)
                                             Channel                            Channel Power
Channels Power Settings        Lowest Channel : 2401.623 MHz | Power 20dBm
                               Middle Channel : 2441.380 MHz | Power 20dBm
                               Highest Channel : 2481.280 MHz | Power 0dBm
Type of Modulation             none
Emission Designatior           N0X
                               Pseudo Random Sequence based on applicant’s information-
Hopping Sequence
Antenna Connections             External, separate 1 RF Transceiver Port
                                              Antenna Details
Antenna Type                   Loop Antenna
Antenna Ports Number |Type     1                                       2.4 GHz only
Antenna Gain (Peak)            -11 dBi (According to Applicant’s declaration)
Total Number of Antennas       1
Test Mode. Settings            PM_SAW Measurement Software
Other Installed Options        None
Power Supply                    AC power only: 120. V AC using Laboratory Power Supply(set. 1)
Power Supply                    DC power only: 13. V DC + 3 V DC using Laboratory Power Supply (set. 2)
EUT Sample Type                 Production        Pre-Production  Engineering
Firmware                        for normal use                      Special version for test execution
FCC / IC labels attached        Yes               No              (see chapter 3.7)


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3.3. EUT: Type, S/N etc. and short descriptions used in this test report

                                                                      S/N                HW                SW
 descrip-        EUT                      Type
                                                                 serial number      hardware status   software status

  EUT A                                                                             Pre-Production    Pre-Production
                 Miele              Oven HR1622-2                 153703158
    S03                                                                              (B0-Series)       (B0-Series)

  EUT B                                                                        Pre-Production          (B0-Series)
               EPI7684                 Transceiver               0000143-18-08
    S01                                                                         (B0-Series)           ID 4726-3801

  EUT C                                                                        Pre-Production          (B0-Series)
               EPI7684                 Transceiver               0000164-18-08
    S01                                                                         (B0-Series)           ID 4726-3801

*) EUT short description is used to simplify the identification of the EUT in this test report.

3.4. Auxiliary Equipment (AE): Type, S/N etc. and short descriptions

                                                         S/N             HW                         SW
   short Auxiliary Equipment            Type
                                                        serial      hardware status            software status
  tion *)

  AE 1        DC Power Cable              --              --               --                         --

  AE 2         Loop Antenna             TBD           10697963         Production                     --

            Wireless Food Probe
  AE 3                                    --          10478813         Production                     --

  AE 4           USB Cable                --              --               --                         --

                  Voltcraft           DC power
  AE 5                                                 E00085              --                         --
               VLP 1303 Pro            Supply

               Dell Notebook           Latitude                                           Windows 7 Professional
  AE 6                                               GB3WXY1          Intel Core I5
                (ctc522013)             E6430                                                   (64bit)
*) AE short description is used to simplify the identification of the auxiliary equipment in this test report.


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3.5. EUT set-ups

 EUT set-up
                             Combination of EUT and AE                                   Description

                                                                                   Radiated Measurements
                  EUT A + EUT B + AE 2 + AE 3 (+ AE 4 + AE 6)
    set. 1                                                                                   and
                  AE 4 and AE 6 was only used for setting the Test Mode
                                                                                    Conducted Emissions

                      EUT C + AE 1 + (+ AE4+ AE 5 + AE 6)
    set. 2               AE 4, AE 5 and AE 6 was only used for                    Conducted Measurements
                                  setting the Test Mode

*) EUT set-up no. is used to simplify the identification of the EUT set-up in this test report.

3.6. EUT operating modes

                   Description of                                  Additional information
                  operating modes
 mode no.*)

                                        The EUT was put to Fixed Channel Continuous transmissions mode
                                        ( Frequency | Power Settings)
                 TX-Fixed Channel
    op. 1                               Lowest Channel : 2401.623 MHz | Power Setting: 20dBm
                (Modulated)- Mode
                                        Middle Channel : 2441.380 MHz | Power Setting: 20dBm
                                        Highest Channel : 2481.280 MHz | Power Setting: 0dBm

                                  The EUT was put to all Channels Hopping (Modulated) Continuous
              TX-Hopping Channels
    op. 2                         transmissions mode with help of special Test Software.
               (Modulated)- Mode

*) EUT operating mode no. is used to simplify the test report.

3.7. EUT Software Settings
Software Name: PM_SAW-Reader
Software Version: v0.2.0.134
Software Date: 2015

Freq. settings on the software

Lowest Channel : 2401.750 MHz |
Middle Channel : 2441.517 MHz |
Highest Channel : 2481.417 MHz |

Freq. measured on the Spectrum Analyser.

Lowest Channel : 2401.623 MHz |
Middle Channel : 2441.380 MHz |


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4. Description of test system set-up’s

4.1. Test system set-up for conducted measurements on antenna port
                                             Conducted RF-Setup 2 (W2 Set-up)

 General description:              The EUT‘s RF-signal is coupled out by a suitable antenna coupling connector (1). The
                                   signal is first attenuated (2) then connected to spectrum-analyzer (4) for RF-conducted
                                   measurements. The specific attenuation loss is determined prior to the measurement
                                   within a set-up attenuation measurement. These are then taken into account by correcting
                                   the measurement readings of the spectrum-analyzer.

 Testing method:                   ANSI C63.10:2013

 Used Equipment                     Passive Elements         Test Equipment        Remark:

                                    20 dB Attenuator      Power Meter OSP-       See List of equipment under each test
                                                          B157                     case and chapter 8 for calibration info
                                    Low loss RF-          DC-Power Supply
                                                           Spectrum-Analyser

 Measurement uncertainty           See chapter 5.14


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4.2. Test system set-up for AC power-line conducted emission measurements

 Specification:              ANSI C63.4-2009 chapter 7, ANSI C63.10-2013 chapter 6.2

 General Description:        The radio frequency voltage conducted back into the AC power line in the frequency
                             range 150 kHz to 30 MHz has to be investigated. Compliance should be tested by
                             measuring the radio frequency voltage between each power line and ground at the
                             power terminals in the stated frequency range.
                             A 50 Ohm / 50 µH line impedance stabilization network (LISN) is used coupling the
                             interface to the measurement equipment. The EUT power input leads are connected
                             through the LISN to the AC-power source. The LISN enclosure is electrically
                             connected to the ground plane. The measuring instrument is connected to the coaxial
                             output of the LISN.
                             Tabletop devices were set-up on a 80 cm height above reference ground plane, floor
                             standing equipment 10 cm raised above ground plane. Measurements have been
                             performed on each phase line and neutral line of the devices AC-power lines. The
                             EUT was power supplied with 120 V/60 Hz. The EUT was tested in the defined
                             operating mode and installed (connected) to accessory equipment according the
                             general description of use given by the applicant.


                             Only schematic view, we refer to figure 6, 7 and 8 of ANSI C63.4-2009 for more details.

 Testing method:             Exploratory, preliminary measure-                  Final testing for power phases and
                             ments as a first step, determines the              critical frequencies (Margin to AV- or QP
                             worst-case phase line (neutral or phase)           limit lower than 3 dB) as a second step
                             as well as the most critical operating             includes measurements with receivers
                             mode of the equipment. A complete                  detector set to Quasi-Peak and Average.
                             frequency-sweep with PK-Detector is
                             performed on each current-carrying
 Formula:                    VC= VR + CL (1)                          VC = measured Voltage –corrected value
                             M= LT-VC (2)                             VR = Receiver reading
                                                                      CL = Cable loss
                                                                      M = Margin
                                                                      LT = Limit
                             Values are in dB, positive margin means value is below limit.


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4.3. Test system set-up for radiated magnetic field measurements below 30 MHz

 Specification:              ANSI C63.10-2013 chapter 6.4 (§

 General Description:        Evaluating the radiated field emissions are done first by an exploratory emission
                             measurement and a final measurement for most critical frequencies determined.
                             The loop antenna was placed at 1 m height above ground plane and 3 m
                             measurement distance from set-up for investigations. Because of reduced
                             measurement distance, correction data were applied, as stated in chapter “General
                             Limit - Radiated field strength emissions below 30 MHz“. The tests are performed
                             in the semi anechoic room recognized by the regulatory commission.


 Testing method:             Exploratory, preliminary measurement                 Final measurement on critical frequencies
                             The EUT and it’s associated accessories are          Based on the exploratory measurements, the most
                             placed on a non-conductive position manipulator      critical frequencies are re-measured by main-
                             (tipping device) of 0.8 m height which is placed     taining the EUT’s worst-case operation mode,
                             on the turntable. By rotating the turntable (step    cable position, etc.
                             90°, range 0°to 360°) and the EUT itself either on
                             3-orthogonal axis (portable equipment) or 2-         First a frequency zoom around the critical
                             orthogonal axis (defined operational position of     frequency is done to locate the frequency more
                             EUT), the emission spectrum was recorded. The        precisely. After this step, for all identified critical
                             loop antenna was moved at least to                   frequencies, the maximum peak was determined.
                             2-perpendicular axes (antenna vector in direction
                             of EUT and parallel to EUT) in order to maximize     Following parameters were varied: the turntable
                             the emissions. The results are documented in a       angle continuously in the range 0 to 360 degree,
                             diagram. Critical frequencies (low margin to         the EUT itself either over 3-orthogonal axis (not
                             limit) are saved within a data reduction table for   defined usage position) or 2-orthogonal axis
                             further investigations. If various operating modes   (defined usage position).
                             are supported, further investigations are made to
                             find the worst-case. Also the interconnection        On the determined worst-case position, a final
                             cables and equipment position were varied in         measurement with necessary bandwidth and
                             order to maximize the emissions.                     detector according standard has been carried out.

 Formula:                    EC = ER + AF + CL + DF - GA               AF =Antenna factor
                                                                       CL = Cable loss
                             M = LT-EC                                 DF= Distance correction factor
                                                                       EC = Electrical field – corrected value
                                                                       ER = Receiver reading
                                                                       GA= Gain of pre-amplifier (if used)
                                                                       LT = Limit
                                                                       M = Margin
                             All units are dB-units, positive margin means value is below limit.

 Distance correction:
                             Reference for applied correction (extrapolating) factors due to reduced
                             measurement distance:
                             ANSI C63.10:2013, § - Equations (2) + (3) + (4)


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4.4. Test system set-up for radiated electric field measurement 30 MHz to 1 GHz

 Specification:              ANSI C63.4-2014 chapter 8.2.3, ANSI C63.10-2013 chapter 6.5

 General Description:        Evaluating the field emissions have to be done first by an exploratory emissions
                             measurement and a final measurement for most critical frequencies. The tests are
                             performed in a NSA-compliant semi anechoic room (SAR) recognized by the
                             regulatory commissions.


 Testing method:             Exploratory, preliminary measurements                Final measurement on critical frequencies
                             The EUT and its associated accessories are placed    Based on the exploratory measurements, the most
                             on a non-conductive position manipulator (tipping    critical frequencies are re-measured by main-
                             device) of 0.8 m height which is placed on the       taining the EUT’s worst-case operation mode, cable
                             turntable. By rotating the turntable (range 0° to    position, etc. either on 10m OATS or 3m semi-
                             360°, step 90°) and the EUT itself either on 3-      anechoic room.
                             orthogonal axis (portable equipment) or 2-
                             orthogonal axis (defined operational position of     First a frequency zoom around the critical frequency
                             EUT) the emission spectrum and it’s                  is done to locate the frequency more precisely. After
                             characteristics was recorded with an EMI-            this step, for all identified critical frequencies, the
                             receiver, broadband antenna and software.            maximum peak was determined.

                             Measurement antenna: horizontal and vertical,        Following parameters were varied: the turntable
                             heights: 1,0 m and 1,82 m as worst-case              angle continuously in the range 0 to 360 degree, the
                             determined by an exploratory emission                EUT itself either over 3-orthogonal axis (not
                             measurements. The results are documented in a        defined usage position) or 2-orthogonal axis
                             diagram. Critical frequencies (low margin to         (defined usage position). The measurement antenna
                             limit) are saved within a table for further          height between 1 m and 4 m.
                             investigations. If various operating modes are
                             supported, further investigations are made to find   On the determined worst-case position, a final
                             the worst-case of them. Also the interconnection     measurement with necessary bandwidth and
                             cables and equipment position were varied in         detector according standard has been carried out.
                             order to maximize the emissions.

 Formula:                    EC = ER + AF + CL + DF - GA (1)           AF = Antenna factor
                                                                       CL = Cable loss
                             M = LT - EC         (2)                   DF = Distance correction factor (if used)
                                                                       EC = Electrical field – corrected value
                                                                       ER = Receiver reading
                                                                       GA = Gain of pre-amplifier (if used)
                                                                       LT = Limit
                                                                       M = Margin
                             All units are dB-units, positive margin means value is below limit.


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4.5. Test system set-up for radiated electric field measurement above 1 GHz
 Specification:              ANSI C63.4-2014 chapter 8.3

 General Description:        Evaluating the emissions have to be done first by an exploratory emissions
                             measurement and a final measurement for most critical frequencies. The tests are
                             performed in a CISPR 16-1-4:2010 compliant semi anechoic room (SAR) with the
                             ground covered with absorber recognized by the regulatory commission. The
                             measurement distance was set to 3 meter for frequencies up to 18 GHz and 2 meter
                             above 18 GHz. A logarithmic periodic antenna is used for the frequency range 30
                             MHz to 1 GHz. Horn antennas are used for frequency range 1 GHz to 40 GHz. The
                             EUT is aligned within 3 dB beam width of the measurement antenna with three
                             orthogonal axis measurements on the EUT.


 Testing method:             Exploratory, preliminary measurements                Final measurement on critical frequencies
                             The EUT and its associated accessories are placed    Based on the exploratory measurements, the most
                             on the turntable. By rotating the turntable (range   critical frequencies are re-measured by
                             0° to 360°, step 15 the emission spectrum and it’s   maintaining the EUT’s worst-case operation
                             characteristics was recorded with an EMI-            mode, cable position, etc.
                             receiver, broadband antenna and software.
                             The measurements are performed in horizontal         First a frequency zoom around the critical
                             and vertical polarization of the measurement         frequency is done to locate the frequency more
                             antennas. The results are documented in a            precisely. After this step, for all identified critical
                             diagram. Critical frequencies (low margin to         frequencies, the maximum peak was determined.
                             limit) are saved within a table for further          Following parameters were varied: the turntable
                             investigations. If various operating modes are       angle continuously in the range 0 to 360 degree,
                             supported, further investigations are made to find   The measurement antenna height is being varied
                             the worst-case of them. Also the interconnection     between 1 m and 4 m and being tilted
                             cables and equipment position were varied in
                             order to maximize the emissions.                     On the determined worst-case position, a final
                                                                                  measurement with necessary bandwidth and
                                                                                  detector according standard has been carried out.
                                                                                  On the determined worst-case position, a final
                                                                                  measurement with necessary bandwidth and
                                                                                  detector according standard has been carried out.

 Formula:                    EC = ER + AF + CL + DF - GA (1)           EC = Electrical field – corrected value
                                                                       ER = Receiver reading
                             M = LT - EC         (2)                   M = Margin
                                                                       LT = Limit
                                                                       AF = Antenna factor
                                                                       CL = Cable loss
                                                                       DF = Distance correction factor (if used)
                                                                       GA = Gain of pre-amplifier (if used)
                             All units are dB-units, positive margin means value is below limit.


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 14 of 30

5. Measurements

5.1. General Limit - Conducted emissions on AC-Power lines
5.1.1. Test location and equipment

test location  CETECOM Duesseldorf (Chapter 2.2.1)                                   Please see Chapter 2.2.2
test site             EMI field < 1GHz;             EMI field > 1GHz;                            Shielded room
               25911                      25912                                     25341
                      SAC5                          SAC5                                         laboratory 1
Receiver       25311 ESU 40               25370 ESR 7                               25235 ESCS 30
Antenna        25038 HFH2-Z2              25357 HL562E                              25364 HF907
LISN           25021 ESH2-Z5              25156 ESH3-Z6                             25263 ESH3-Z6
signalling     25xxx CMU 200              25xxx CMU 200                             594       CMW500            not used
DC voltage  25036    HP 6267 B                                                     
AC voltage  230 V 50 Hz via Power Supply XANTREX XFR150-18                                     120 V 60 Hz via EM Test DPA 503N

5.1.2. Requirements
            FCC                Part 15, Subpart B, §15.107
           ANSI                C63.4-2014, § 5.2, 6, 7
                 Frequency                   Conducted limit Class B                            Conducted limit Class A
                   [MHz]        QUASI-Peak [dBµV]          AVERAGE [dBµV]               QUASI-Peak [dBµV]      AVERAGE [dBµV]
    Limit       0.15 – 0.5             66 to 56*                 56 to 46*                     79                       66
                   0.5 – 5                56                        46                         73                       60
                   5 – 30                 60                        50                         73                       60
  Remark: * decreases with the logarithm of the frequency

5.1.3. Test condition and test set-up
Signal link to test system (if used):           air link  cable connection  none
EUT-grounding                                   none  with power supply  additional connection
Equipment set up                                table top                        floor standing
                                               (40 cm distance to reference       EUT stands isolated on reference ground plane (floor)
                                               ground plane (wall)
Climatic conditions                            Temperature: (23±3°C)             Rel. humidity: (55±20)%
                                                9 – 150 kHz,            RBW = 200 Hz, Step = 61 Hz
                   Scan data                    150 kHz – 30 MHz        RBW = 9 kHz,       Step = 4 kHz
 EMI-Receiver or                                other:
 Analyzer settings Scan-Mode                   10 dB EMI-Receiver Mode
                   Pre-measurement             Peak and average detector, Repetitive-Scan, max-hold, sweep-time 10 ms per frequency point
                   Final measurement           Average & Quasi-peak detector at critical frequencies
General measurement procedures                 Please see chapter “Test system set-up for AC power line conducted emissions measurements”

5.1.4. AC-Power Lines Conducted Emissions Results

                               Set-up no.: 1                                                   EUT OP-mode no.: 2
  Diagram-                                     Power
                      Used Detector                                                  Mode Details                                  Result
    No.                                         line
                 Peak (pre-scan)
    1.01         CAV (final)                                                   Normal Hopping Mode                                 Pass
                 QP   (final)

 Remark 1: For further details please refer  Annex 1: Test results CETECOM_TR18-1-0210101T01a-A1


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 15 of 30

5.2. RF-Parameter – RF Power conducted
5.2.1. Test location and equipment (for reference numbers please see chapter 'List of test equipment')

 test location  CETECOM Essen (Chapter. 2.2.1)        443 System CTC-FAR-EMI-            Please see Chapter. 2.2.3
 test site      441 EMI SAR  487 SAR NSA             337 OATS        347 Radio.lab.                    
 receiver       377 ESCS30        001 ESS            489 ESU 40      620 ESU 26                        
otherwise       600 NRVD          357 NRV-Z1         693 TS8997
                683 FSU
 spectr. analys.                   120 FSEM           264 FSEK        714 FSW 67                    
 power supply   456 EA 3013A  457 EA 3013A           459 EA 2032-50  268 EA- 3050      494 AG6632A  354 NGPE 40
                     20 dB               6 dB               Power                               10dB
otherwise       613               248                529             - cable OTA20     530          K5 Cable
                     Attenuator          Attenuator         divider                             Atten
Supply voltage  230 V 50 Hz via public mains          13 V DC + 3 V DC see (AE5)

5.2.2. Requirements:

 FCC                        §15.247 (b) (1)

 ISED                       RSS-247, Issue 2. Chapter 5.1, b

 ANSI                       C63.10-2013 Chapter 6.101

5.2.3. Reference: EUT antenna characteristics:
 Directional Gain < 6 dBi (measured: difference between measured conducted and radiated eirp. power)
 Directional Gain > 6 dBi (measured / applicant’s declaration) -> conducted power reduction necessary

5.2.4. EUT settings:
For FHSS-systems hopping mode was switched-off so three fixed modulated channels could be measured. The
EUT was instructed to send with 20dBm at Low and Mid frequency and <0dBm at High frequency according
applicants instructions. Different modulation characteristics have been checked, e.g. data rates which EUT can

5.2.5. Measurement method:
The measurement was performed in non-hopping transmission mode with the carrier set to lowest, middle and
highest channel. The power was also checked for different data rates, modulation scheme or packet types if

5.2.6. Settings on Spectrum-Analyzer:
 Center Frequency                      Nominal channel frequency
 Span                                  176 kHz
 Resolution Bandwidth (RBW)            30 kHz > 20dB-Bandwidth of the signal
 Video Bandwidth (VBW)                 3 times the resolution bandwidth = 300kHz
 Sweep time                            coupled
 Detector                              Peak, Max hold mode
 Sweep Mode                            Repetitive mode


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 16 of 30

5.2.7. Conducted Power Results:

                       Conducted Output Power Measurements
      Temperature :+21 °C             Voltage Supply 13 V DC - 3 V DC      Setup: 2    Op. Mode: 1

                                                Frequency Hopping OFF

                                                            Max. Peak Output Power
                                       Frequency                                          Plot No.
              Channel                                             (Conducted)
                                              [MHz]         [dBm]             [mW]
                Low                       2401.62             20.8          120.226
                                                                                         Remark 1
                Mid                       2441.38              20             100
                high                      2481.28              2.2           1.66
   Conducted Output Power Limits- FCC 15.247
                                                            20.97 dBm          125 mW or 1W
Conducted Output Power Limits - RSS-247, Issue 2
 Remark 1: For further details please refer  Annex 1: Test results - CETECOM_TR18-1-0210101T01a-A1

5.2.8. Conducted Peak Output Power Verdict: Pass


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 17 of 30

5.3. RF-Parameter – Duty Cycle
5.3.1.Test location and equipment (for reference numbers please see chapter 'List of test equipment')

 test location  CETECOM Essen (Chapter. 2.2.1)        443 System CTC-FAR-EMI-            Please see Chapter. 2.2.3
 test site      441 EMI SAR  487 SAR NSA             337 OATS        347 Radio.lab.                    
 receiver       377 ESCS30        001 ESS            489 ESU 40      620 ESU 26                        
otherwise       600 NRVD          357 NRV-Z1         693 TS8997
                683 FSU
 spectr. analys.                   120 FSEM           264 FSEK        714 FSW 67                    
 power supply   456 EA 3013A  457 EA 3013A           459 EA 2032-50  268 EA- 3050      494 AG6632A  354 NGPE 40
                     20 dB               6 dB               Power                               10dB
otherwise       613               248                529             - cable OTA20     530          K5 Cable
                     Attenuator          Attenuator         divider                             Atten
Supply voltage  230 V 50 Hz via public mains          13 V DC + 3 V DC (AE5)

5.3.2. Requirements:
   FCC                      §15.247 (a) (1) (iii)
  ISED                      RSS-247, Issue 2, Chapter 5.1,d

                           The average time of occupancy on any channel shall not be greater than 0.4 seconds
                           within a period of 0.4 seconds multiplied by the number of hopping channels employed.

5.3.3. EUT settings
For FHSS-systems hopping mode was switched-on so that occupancy time of Frequency Hopping channels
could be measured. The EUT was instructed to send with maximum power (if adjustable) according applicants

5.3.4. Measurement method:
The measurement was performed with a spectrum analyzer set to ZERO span. The device was set to work within
the defined specification with frequency Hopping Mode ON. The spectrum-analyzer was set the MAX-Hold
positive peak detector mode. The sweep time set as long as necessary to capture the full signal burst per hopping
channel. The burst on-period is captured by setting appropriate markers in the rising and falling edges.

Method of measurement:                 conducted
                                       radiated
Calculated with following formulas:
                                              Txon                                                            1
         Duty cycle:                                                    Duty cycle factor [dB]:        10 log  
                                           Txon  Txoff                                                       x

 The results were corrected in order to evaluate for worst-case result each time when average values are
  necessary for example average radiated emissions or similar
 No correction necessary: Duty-Cycle > 98%


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 18 of 30

5.3.5. Duty Cycle Results:

                                 Duty Cycle Measurements

   Temperature :+21 °C               Voltage Supply 13 V DC + 3 V DC      Setup: 2   Op. Mode: 2

                                               Frequency Hopping ON

                                  Repetition             Duty             Duty
  Channel      Transmission                                                            Plot No.
                                    Time                 Cycle            Cycle
 [Number]      [milliseconds]    [milliseconds]                           [dB]
    low          0,344609           259,134            0,00132985         28,76
                                                                                       Remark 1
    Mid          0,344609           258,173             0,0013348         28,75
    high         0,201923           258,173            0,00078212         31,07
        Remark 1: For further details please refer  Annex 1: CETECOM_TR18-1-0210201T02a-A1


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 19 of 30

5.4. General Limit - Radiated field strength emissions below 30 MHz
5.4.1. Test location and equipment
test location     CETECOM Duesseldorf (Chapter 2.2.1)                                      Please see Chapter 2.2.2
 test site                  EMI field < 1GHz;                   EMI field > 1GHz;
                  25911                         25912                                     25901      EMI conducted
                            SAC5                                SAC5
Receiver          25311    ESU 40               25348         ESR 7                      
Antenna           25038    HFH2-Z2              25357         HL562E                        25364 HF907
LISN              25261    ESH2-Z5              25156         ESH3-Z6                       25263 ESH3-Z6
signalling        20547    CMU 200              25xxx         CMU 200                       20594 CMW500            not used
DC voltage        25036    HP 6267 B            100 V                                       25289 24V via TDK-Lambda Americas Inc.
AC voltage        230 V 50 Hz via public mains                                               25289 120 V 60 Hz via EM Test DPA 503N

5.4.2. Requirements
         FCC            Part 15. Subpart C. §15.205 & §15.209                        Part 15.247 (d)
         ISED           RSS-Gen: Issue 5: §8.9 Table 5 RSS-247, Issue 2, Chapter 5.5
         ANSI           C63.10-2013
      Frequency                    Field strength limit             Distance
        [MHz]               [μV/m]               [dBμV/m]              [m]
    0.009 – 0.490         2400/f (kHz)       67.6 – 20Log(f) (kHz)          300          Correction factor used due to measurement distance of 3 m
    0.490 – 1.705        24000/f (kHz)       87.6 – 20Log(f) (kHz)          30           Correction factor used due to measurement distance of 3 m
      1.705 – 30               30                    29.5                   30           Correction factor used due to measurement distance of 3 m

5.4.3. Test condition and test set-up
 Signal link to test system (if used):          air link      cable connection        none
 EUT-grounding                                  none          with power supply  additional connection
 Equipment set up                               table top                              floor standing
 Climatic conditions                           Temperature: (22±3°C)                   Rel. humidity: (40±20)%
                                                9 – 150 kHz             RBW/VBW = 200 Hz           Scan step = 80 Hz
                      Scan data                 150 kHz – 30 MHz RBW/VBW = 9 kHz                   Scan step = 4 kHz
                                                other:
 EMI-Receiver or Scan-Mode                      6 dB EMI-Receiver Mode  3dB Spectrum analyser Mode
 Analyzer Settings Detector                    Peak (pre-measurement) and Quasi-PK/Average (final if applicable)
                   Mode:                       Repetitive-Scan. max-hold
                   Sweep-Time                  Coupled – calibrated display if continuous signal otherwise adapted to EUT’s individual
                                               transmission duty-cycle
General measurement procedures                 Please see chapter “Test system set-up radiated magnetic field measurements below 30 MHz”

5.4.4. Radiated Field Strength Emissions – 9 kHz to 30 MHz Results

                 Radiated Field Strength Emissions – 9 kHz to 30 MHz
    Temperature :+21 °C                                                      Frequency Hopping OFF
  Diagram           Carrier                                          Set-         OP-
                                                                                                Other             Used detector
    No.             Channel              Channel | Power              up          mode                                                   Verdict
  (Remark 1)                                                                                   Remarks
                      Range                                          no.           no.                            PK       AV QP
     2.01             Low                2401.623 | 20dBm             1            1               --                                   Pass
                Remark 1: For further details please refer  Annex 1:CETECOM_TR18-1-0210201T02a-A1


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 20 of 30

5.4.5. Correction factors due to reduced meas. distance (f< 30 MHz)

The used correction factors when the measurement distance is reduced compared to regulatory measurement
distance. are calculated according Extrapolation formulas valid for EUT’s with maximum dimension of
0.625xLambda. Formula 2+3+4 as presented in ANSI C63.10. Chapter 6.4.4 are used for the calculations of
proper extrapolation factors.


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 21 of 30

5.5. General Limit - Radiated field strength emissions. 30 MHz - 1 GHz
5.5.1. Test location and equipment
test location    CETECOM Duesseldorf (Chapter 2.2.1)                               Please see Chapter 2.2.2
 test site                 EMI field < 1GHz;                 EMI field > 1GHz;
                 25911                         25912                              25901     EMI conducted
                           SAC5                              SAC5
Receiver         25311    ESU 40               25348       ESR 7                 
Antenna          25038    HFH2-Z2              25357       HL562E                   25364 HF907
LISN             25261    ESH2-Z5              25156       ESH3-Z6                  25263 ESH3-Z6
signalling       20547    CMU 200              25xxx       CMU 200                  20594 CMW500            not used
DC voltage       25036    HP 6267 B            100 V                                25289 24V via TDK-Lambda Americas Inc.
AC voltage       230 V 50 Hz via public mains                                        25289 120 V 60 Hz via EM Test DPA 503N

5.5.2. Requirements/Limits
                                              Part 15 Subpart B. §15.109. class B
                    FCC                       Part 15 Subpart C. §15.209 @ frequencies defined in §15.205
                                              Part 15.247 (d)
                                              RSS-Gen.. Issue 5. Chapter 8.9. Table 4+6 (licence-exempt radio apparatus)
                                              RSS-Gen.. Issue 5. Chapter 7.1.2. Table 2 (receiver)
                                              ICES-003. Issue 6. Table 5 (Class B)
                                              RSS-247. Issue 2. Chapter 5
                                              C63.4-2014
                                              C63.10-2013
                                                                      Radiated emissions limits. 3 meters
                      Frequency [MHz]
                                                        QUASI Peak [µV/m]                          QUASI-Peak [dBµV/m]
                           30 - 88                            100                                         40.0
                          88 - 216                            150                                         43.5
                         216 - 960                            200                                         46.0
                         above 960                            500                                         54.0

5.5.3. Restricted bands of operation (FCC §15.205/ RSS-Gen. Issue 4 Chapter 8.9. Table 4)
                MHz                               MHz                                  MHz                               GHz
  0.090-0.110                      16.42-16.423                         399.9-410                          4.5-5.15
  0.495-0.505                      16.69475-16.69525                    608-614                            5.35-5.46
  2.1735-2.1905                    16.80425-16.80475                    960-1240                           7.25-7.75
  4.125-4.128                      25.5-25.67                           1300-1427                          8.025-8.5
  4.20725-4.20775                  37.5-38.25                           1645.5-1646.5                      9.3-9.5
  6.215-6.218                      73-74.6                              1660-1710                          10.6-12.7
  6.26775-6.26825                  74.8-75.2                            1718.8-1722.2                      13.25-13.4
  6.31175-6.31225                  108-121.94                           2200-2300                          14.47-14.5
  8.291-8.294                      123-138                              2310-2390                          15.35-16.2
  8.362-8.366                      149.9-150.05                         2483.5-2500                        17.7-21.4
  8.37625-8.38675                  156.52475-156.52525                  2690-2900                          22.01-23.12
  8.41425-8.41475                  156.7-156.9                          3260-3267                          23.6-24.0
  12.29-12.293                     162.0125-167.17                      3332-3339                          31.2-31.8
  12.51975-12.52025                167.72-173.2                         3345.8-3358                        36.43-36.5
  12.57675-12.57725                240-285                              3600-4400                          --
  13.36-13.41                      322-335.4                            --                                 --
  Remark: only spurious emissions are allowed within these frequency bands not exceeding the limits per §15.209


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 22 of 30

5.5.4. Test condition and measurement test set-up
Signal link to test system (if used):          air link      cable connection         none
 EUT-grounding                                 none          with power supply  additional connection
 Equipment set up                              table top 0.8m height                  floor standing
 Climatic conditions                          Temperature: (22±3°C)                   Rel. humidity: (40±20)%
 EMI-Receiver         Scan frequency range:    30 – 1000 MHz  other:
(Analyzer) Settings Scan-Mode                  6 dB EMI-Receiver Mode  3 dB spectrum analyser mode
                      Detector                Peak / Quasi-peak
                      RBW/VBW                 100 kHz/300 kHz
                      Mode:                   Repetitive-Scan. max-hold
                      Scan step               80 kHz
                      Sweep-Time              Coupled – calibrated display if continuous tx-signal otherwise adapted to EUT’s individual
 General measurement procedures               Please see chapter “Test system set-up for electric field measurement in the range 30 MHz
                                               to 1 GHz”

5.5.5. Radiated Field Strength Emissions – 30 MHz to 1 GHz Results

               Radiated Field Strength Emissions – 30 MHz to 1 GHz
   Temperature :+21 °C                                                    Frequency Hopping OFF
  Diagram         Carrier                                         Set-       OP-                               Used detector
    No.           Channel           Channel | Power                up        mode       Other Remarks                                Verdict
  (Remark 1)                                                      no.         no.
                    Range                                                                                      PK      AV QP
    3.01            Low             2401.623 | 20dBm                1           1               --                                  Pass
               Remark 1: For further details please refer  Annex 1:CETECOM_TR18-1-0210201T02a-A1


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 23 of 30

5.6. General Limit - Radiated emissions. above 1 GHz

5.6.1. Test location and equipment
test location    CETECOM Duesseldorf (Chapter 2.2.1)                                     Please see Chapter 2.2.2
 test site                 EMI field < 1GHz;                      EMI field > 1GHz;
                 25911                         25912                                    25901      EMI conducted
                           SAC5                                   SAC5
spectr. analys.  25311    ESU 40               25348            ESR 7                     25387 FSU 26            714 FSW 67
 Antenna         302      BBHA9170             25357            HL562E                    25364 HF907
 LISN            25261    ESH2-Z5              25156            ESH3-Z6                   25263 ESH3-Z6
 signalling      20547    CMU 200              25xxx            CMU 200                   20594 CMW500            not used
 DC voltage      25036    HP 6267 B                                                        25289 24V via TDK-Lambda Americas Inc.
 AC voltage      230 V 50 Hz via public mains                                              25289 120 V 60 Hz via EM Test DPA 503N

5.6.2. Requirements/Limits (CLASS B equipment)
                           Part 15 Subpart B. §15.109 class B
          FCC              Part 15 Subpart C. §15.209 for frequencies defined in §15.205
                           Part 15.247 (d)

                           RSS-Gen.. Issue 5. Chapter 8.9. Table 4+6 (transmitter licence excempt)
                           RSS-Gen.. Issue 5. Chapter 8.9. Table 2 (receiver)
                           ICES-003. Issue 6. Chapter 6.2.2. Table 7 (class B)
                           RSS-247. Issue 2. Chapter 5

                           C63.4-2014
                           C63.10-2013
       Frequency                      AV                            AV                           Peak                      Peak
         [MHz]                      [µV/m]                       [dBµV/m]                       [µV/m]                  [dBµV/m] or
      above 1 GHz
   for frequencies as
       defined in
         §15.205                         500                        54.0                         5000                   74.0 dBµV/m
    RSS-Gen.. Issue
   4. §8.10 - Table 6

5.6.3. Test condition and measurement test set-up
 Signal link to test system (if used):          air link      cable connection       none
 EUT-grounding                                  none          with power supply  additional connection
 Equipment set up                               table top 1.5m height                 floor standing
 Climatic conditions                           Temperature: (22±3°C)                  Rel. humidity: (40±20)%
Spectrum- Scan frequency range:                 1 – 18 GHz  18 – 25 GHz  18 – 40 GHz  other:
Analyzer      Scan-Mode                         6 dB EMI-Receiver Mode  3 dB Spectrum analyser Mode
settings      Detector                         Peak and Average
              RBW/VBW                          1 MHz / 3 MHz
              Mode:                            Repetitive-Scan. max-hold
              Scan step                        400 kHz
              Sweep-Time                       Coupled – calibrated display if CW signal otherwise adapted to EUT’s individual duty-cycle
General measurement procedures                 Please see chapter “Test system set-up for radiated electric field measurements above 1 GHz”


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 24 of 30

5.6.4. Radiated Field Strength Emissions – 1 GHz to 18 GHz Results

               Radiated Field Strength Emissions – 1 GHz to 18 GHz
   Temperature :+21 °C        Frequency Hopping OFF
  Diagram                                        Set-   OP-                     Used detector
                Carrier          Channel
    No.                                           up    mode    Other Remarks                   Verdict
  (Remark 1)    Channel      Data Rate | Power                                  PK    AV QP
                                                 no.     no.
   4.01a         Low         2401.623 | 20dBm     1       1      1GHz – 3GHz                  Pass
   4.01b         Low         2441.385 | 20dBm     1       1     3GHz – 18GHz                  Pass
   Remark 1: For further details please refer  Annex 1: Test results - CETECOM_TR18-1-0210201T02a-A1

5.6.5. Radiated Field Strength Emissions – 18 GHz to 25 GHz Results

           Radiated Field Strength Emissions – 18 GHz to 26.5 GHz
   Temperature :+21 °C        Frequency Hopping OFF
  Diagram                                        Set-   OP-                     Used detector
                Carrier          Channel
    No.                                           up    mode    Other Remarks                   Verdict
  (Remark 1)    Channel      Data Rate | Power                                  PK    AV QP
                                                 no.     no.
                                                                     18 GHz –
   4.01c         Low         2401.623 | 20dBm     1       1                                   Pass
   Remark 1: For further details please refer  Annex 1: Test results - CETECOM_TR18-1-0210201T02a-A1


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 25 of 30

5.7. RF-Parameter - Radiated Band Edge compliance measurements
5.7.1. Test location and equipment
test location    CETECOM Duesseldorf (Chapter 2.2.1)                                 Please see Chapter 2.2.2
 test site                 EMI field < 1GHz;                   EMI field > 1GHz;
                 25911                         25912                                25901      EMI conducted
                           SAC5                                SAC5
spectr. analys.  25311    ESU 40               25348         ESR 7                    25387 FSU 26            714 FSW 67
 Antenna         302      BBHA9170             25357         HL562E                   25364 HF907
 LISN            25261    ESH2-Z5              25156         ESH3-Z6                  25263 ESH3-Z6
 signalling      20547    CMU 200              25xxx         CMU 200                  20594 CMW500            not used
 DC voltage      25036    HP 6267 B                                                    25289 24V via TDK-Lambda Americas Inc.
 AC voltage      230 V 50 Hz via public mains                                          25289 120 V 60 Hz via EM Test DPA 503N

5.7.2. Requirements/Limits
                      Part 15 Subpart B. §15.109 class B
        FCC           Part 15 subpart C. §15.209 @ frequencies defined in §15.205
                      Part 15.247 (d)

                      RSS-247. Issue 2. Chapter 5
                      RSS-Gen: Issue 5: §8.9 Table 4+5+6

       ANSI           C63.4-2009  C63.4-2014  C63.10-2009  C63.10-2013. Chapter 6.10.6

5.7.3. Test condition and measurement test set-up
 Signal ink to test system (if used):        air link      cable connection       none
 EUT-grounding                               none          with power supply  additional connection
 Equipment set up                            table top 1.5m height                 floor standing
 Climatic conditions                        Temperature: (22±3°C)                  Rel. humidity: (40±20)%
Spectrum- Scan frequency range:              1 – 18 GHz  18 – 25 GHz  18 – 40 GHz  other: see diagrams
Analyzer      Scan-Mode                      6 dB EMI-Receiver Mode  3 dB Spectrum analyser Mode
settings      Detector                      Peak and Average
              RBW/VBW                       Left band-edge: 100kHz/300kHz
                                            Right band-edge: 1 MHz / 3 MHz
           Mode:                            Repetitive-Scan. max-hold
           Scan step                        40kHz or 400 kHz
           Sweep-Time                       Coupled – calibrated display if CW signal otherwise adapted to EUT’s individual duty-cycle
General measurement procedures              Please see chapter “Test system set-up for radiated electric field measurements above 1 GHz”
                                            for general measurements procedures in anechoic chamber.

5.7.4. Measurement Method
For uncritical results where a measurement resolution bandwidth of 1MHz can clearly show the compliance
without influencing the results. a field strength measurement was performed to show compliance.

For critical results a Marker-Delta marker method was used for showing compliance to restricted bands. The
method is according ANSI C63.10:2013. Chapter 6.10.6 “Marker-Delta method”.. The method consists of three
independent steps:
1. Step: Prior to the measurement the fundamental radiated In-Band field strength was performed. The determined
         value is used as reference value.
2. Step: Second step consist of finding the relative attenuation between the fundamental emission and the
         maximum local out-of-band emission (within 2 MHz range around the band edge either on the band-edge
         directly or some modulation product if the level is greater than that on the band-edge) when measured
         with lower resolution bandwidth.
3. Step: The delta value recorded in step 2 will be subtracted from value recorded in step 1. thus giving the required
         field strength at the band-edge. This value must fulfil the requirements for radiated spurious emissions in
         restricted bands in FCC §15.205 or RSS-Gen. Issue 4. Chapter 8.10. Table 6 with the general limits of
         FCC §15.209 or RSS-Gen. Issue 4 Chapter 8.9. Table 4.

5.7.5. EUT settings
The EUT was set in Hopping OFF as well as in Hopping ON modes with 20dBm at Low and Mid frequency and
at <0dBm at High frequency according to applicants instructions. The duty cycle for band edge measurements was
set to 100%.


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 26 of 30

5.7.6. Results: for non-restricted bands near-by Non-restricted bands near-by - limits according FCC §15.247 and RSS-247. Issue 1. Chapter 5.5

 Set-up No.:                                                                                                  2
 Op. Mode:                                                                                                1+2

                                        Fundamental Value
                                            [dBuV/m]             Peak-Value
 Diagramm   Channel    Restricted                                            Difference              Limit              Margin
                                                                at Band-Edge                                                                  Verdict              Remark:
    no.       no.       band ?                                                   [dB]               [dBc]                [dB]
                                     Peak-Value Average-Value      [dBuV/m]

  9.01a       Low           no         102,26        95,6           54,3           47,96             20                  27,96                PASS PWR-VALUE=20dBm used
  9.02a       hop           no          103,1        92,5           61,6           41,5              20                  21,5                 PASS PWR-VALUE=20dBm used

 Remark 1: For further details please refer  Annex 1: Test results - CETECOM_TR18-1-0210201T02a-A1
 Remark 2: No Duty-cycle correction factors are necessary Restricted bands near-by
(§15.205 with limits accord. FCC §15.209) and (RSS-Gen. Issue4. Chapter 8.10)

 Set-up No.:                                                                                                  2

 Op. Mode:                                                                                                1+2

                                     Fundamental Value      Value at Band-Edge                   Limits                                   Margin
Diagramm    Channel   Restricted         [dBuV/m]                [dBuV/m]                      [dBuV/m]                                    [dB]
                                                                                                                  for AV-detector                       Verdict         Remark:
   no.        no.      band ?
                                                Average-     Peak          Average          Peak       Average
                                   Peak-Value                                                                          [dB]         Peak     Average
                                                 Value      -Value          -Value         -Value       -Value
  9.01b      high        yes         82,2         82,2        57            44,2            74               54         0           17         9,8      PASS      PWR-VALUE=0dBm used
  9.02b      hop         yes         96,48         80        65,6           49,4            74               54         0           8,4        4,6      PASS      PWR-VALUE=0dBm used

 Remark 1: For further details please refer  Annex 1: Test results - CETECOM_TR18-1-0210201T02a-A1
 Remark 2: No Duty-cycle correction factors are necessary


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 27 of 30

5.8. Measurement uncertainties

The reported uncertainties are calculated based on the standard uncertainty multiplied with the appropriate
coverage factor k. such that a confidence level of approximately 95% is achieved.
For uncertainty determination. each component used in the concrete measurement set-up was taken in account and
it’s contribution to the overall uncertainty according it’s statistical distribution calculated.

Following table shows expectable uncertainties for each measurement type performed.

                                                                       Calculated uncertainty based on a
     RF-Measurement           Reference         Frequency range                                                  Remarks
                                                                           confidence level of 95%
 Conducted emissions                      9 kHz - 150 kHz          4.0 dB
                             CISPR 16-2-1                                                                            -
 (U CISPR)                                150 kHz - 30 MHz         3.6 dB
 Radiated emissions                       30 MHz - 1 GHz           4.2 dB
                             CISPR 16-2-3                                                                         E-Field
 Enclosure                                1 GHz - 18 GHz           5.1 dB
 Disturbance power           CISPR 16-2-2 30 MHz - 300 MHz         -                                                 -
 Power Output radiated            -           30 MHz - 4 GHz       3.17 dB
                                                                   Cel- Cel-
                                              Set-up No.                        BT1 W1          W2         --
                                                                    C1     C2
 Power Output conducted           -           9 kHz - 12.75 GHz    N/A 0.60 0.7 0.25           N/A         --        -
                                              12.75 - 26.5GHz      N/A 0.82      --   N/A      N/A         --
 Conducted emissions              -           9 kHz - 2.8 GHz      0.70 N/A 0.70 N/A           0.69        --    N/A - not
 on RF-port                                   2.8 GHz - 12.75GHz   1.48 N/A 1.51 N/A           1.43        --    applicable
                                              12.75 GHz - 18GHz    1.81 N/A 1.83 N/A           1.77        --
                                              18 GHz - 26.5GHz     1.83 N/A 1.85 N/A           1.79        --
                                                                   0.1272 ppm (Delta Marker)                    Frequency
 Occupied bandwidth               -           9 kHz - 4 GHz                                                     error
                                                                   1.0 dB                                       Power
                                  -                                0.1272 ppm (Delta Marker)                    Frequency
 Emission bandwidth                           9 kHz - 4 GHz                                                     error
                                  -                                See above: 0.70 dB                           Power
 Frequency stability              -           9 kHz - 20 GHz       0.0636 ppm                                         -
                                              150 kHz - 30 MHz     5.0 dB                                       Magnetic
 Radiated emissions                           30 MHz - 1 GHz       4.2 dB                                       field
 Enclosure                                    1 GHz - 20 GHz       3.17 dB                                      E-field
Table: measurement uncertainties. valid for conducted/radiated measurements


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 28 of 30

6. Abbreviations used in this report
 The abbreviations
 ANSI                    American National Standards Institute
 AV . AVG. CAV           Average detector
 EIRP                    Equivalent isotropically radiated power. determined within a separate measurement
 EGPRS                   Enhanced General Packet Radio Service
 EUT                     Equipment Under Test
 FCC                     Federal Communications Commission. USA
 IC                      Industry Canada
 n.a.                    not applicable
 Op-Mode                 Operating mode of the equipment
 PK                      Peak
 RBW                     resolution bandwidth
 RF                      Radio frequency
 RSS                     Radio Standards Specification. Dokuments from Industry Canada
 Rx                      Receiver
 TCH                     Traffic channel
 Tx                      Transmitter
 QP                      Quasi peak detector
 VBW                     Video bandwidth
 ERP                     Effective radiated power

7. Accreditation details of CETECOM’s laboratories and test sites

 Ref.-   Accreditation                  Valid for laboratory area or test site
 No.      Certificate                                                                               Accreditation Body
 -          D-PL-                                                                             DAkkS. Deutsche
                         All laboratories and test sites of CETECOM GmbH. Essen
         12047-01-01                                                                          Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH
 337                 Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz. 3 m / 10 m (OATS)
                                                                                              FCC. Federal Communications
 487                 Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz. 3 m (SAR)
      (MRA US-EU                                                                              Commission
 558                 Radiated Measurements above 1 GHz. 3 m (FAR)
          0003)                                                                               Laboratory Division. USA
 348                 Mains Ports Conducted Interference Measurements
 348                 Telecommunication Ports Conducted Interference Measurem.
 337    3462D-1      Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz. 3 m / 10 m (OATS)
 487    3462D-2      Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz. 3 m (SAR)                         IC. Industry Canada Certification
 550    3462D-2      Radiated Measurements 1 GHz to 6 GHz. 3 m (SAR)                          and Engineering Bureau
 558    3462D-3      Radiated Measurements above 1 GHz. 3 m (FAR)
 487     R-2666      Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz. 3 m (SAR)
                                                                                              VCCI. Voluntary Control Council
 550     G-301       Radiated Measurements 1 GHz to 6 GHz. 3 m (SAR)
                                                                                              for Interference by Information
 348     C-2914      Mains Ports Conducted Interference Measurements
                                                                                              Technology Equipment. Japan
 348     T-1967      Telecommunication Ports Conducted Interference Measurem.
 OATS = Open Area Test Site. SAR = Semi Anechoic Room. FAR = Fully Anechoic Room


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 29 of 30

8. Instruments and Ancillary
The “Ref.-No” in the left column of the following tables allows the clear identification of the laboratory

8.1. Test software and firmware of equipment

                          Equipment                             Type              Serial-No.       Version of Firmware or Software during the test

 25358       Semi Anechoic Chamber                  Albatross             No. 5                      -      -
 25348       EMI Test Receiver                      ESR 7                 825132/017           Firm.= 1.21 , OTP=2.0, GRA=2.0
 25370       EMI Test Receiver                      ESR 7                 101715               -
 25235       EMI Test Receiver                      ESCS 30               100160               Firm.= 2.30, OTP= 02.01, GRA= 02.36
 25311       EMI Test Receiver                      ESU40                 1000-30              Firmware=4.43 SP3, Bios=V5.1-16-3, Spec. =01.00
 25403       Ultra-Broadband Antenna                HL562E                100824                     -      -
 25364       Double Rigid Horn Antenna              HF907                 102488                     -      -
 25352       Continuous switch Unit                 OSP                   100123               Firmware=06.06
 000         EMI Test Software                      EMC 32                -                    EMC 32 Version 10
             Line Impedance Stabilization Network
 25261                                              ESH2-Z5               871777/041           CISPR 16 compliant
 25316       Multifunction AC/DC power Source       Netwave 20            V1227113059          Firmware= 5.03.03
 25360       Antenna Tower                          BAM 4.5-P             091/17791115               -      -
 25361       Controller TT & Tower                  NCD                   202/17791115         Firmware= 0.4.03
 25363       Turn Table                             TT 4.0-4t             553/17791115               -      -
 25362       Measurement table                      PTT 1.5 x1x0.8        127                        -      -

8.2. Single instruments and test systems

                                                                                                                         Interval of

                          Equipment                             Type            Serial-No.         Manufacturer                                        Cal

 25358       Semi Anechoic Chamber                  SAC                   No. 5                Albatross                10 Y           -            05 / 2026
 25348       EMI Test Receiver                      ESR 7                 825132/017           Rohde & Schwarz          24 M           -            04 / 2019
 25370       EMI Test Receiver                      ESR 7                 101715               Rohde & Schwarz          24 M           -            06 / 2020
 25311       EMI Test Receiver                      ESU40                 1000-30              Rohde & Schwarz          24 M           -            07 / 2018
 25387       Spectrum Analyzer                      FSU26                 200413               Rohde & Schwarz          12 M           -            04 / 2020
 25403       Ultra-Broadband Antenna                HL562E                101021               Rohde & Schwarz          36 M           -            06 / 2021
 25364       Double Rigid Horn Antenna              HL562E                102488               Rohde & Schwarz          36 M           -            06 / 2019
 25352       Continuous switch Unit                 OSP                   100123               Rohde & Schwarz          --             -            --
 000         EMI Test Software                      EMC 32                -                    Rohde & Schwarz          --             -            --
             Line Impedance Stabilization Network   ESH2-Z5               871777/041
 25261                                                                                         Rohde & Schwarz          24 M           3            06 / 2020
 25316       Multifunction AC/DC power Source       Netwave 20            V1227113059          EM-Test                  36 M           1g           06 / 2021
 25360       Antenna Tower                          BAM 4.5-P             872460/004           Maturo                   - .-           -            --
 25361       Controller TT & Tower                  NCD                   871777/041           Maturo                   - .-           -            --
 25363       Turn Table                             TT 4.0-4t             V1227113059          Maturo                   - .-           -            --
 25362       Measurement table                      PTT 1.5 x1x0.8        127                  Maturo                   - .-           -            --
 714         Signal Analyzer 67GHz                  FSW67                 104023               Rohde & Schwarz          24 M           -            28.02.2020
 683         Spectrum Analyzer                      FSU 26                200571               Rohde & Schwarz          12 M           -            30.05.2019
 613         Attenuator                             R416120000 20dB 10W   Lot. 9828            Radiall                  pre-m          2
 347         laboratory site                        radio lab.            -                    -                        -              5
 302         horn antenna 40 GHz (Meas 1)           BBHA9170              155                  Schwarzbeck              36 M           -            14.03.2020


Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 30 of 30

8.3. Legend

Note / remarks                       Calibrated during system calibration:
                           1a        System CTC-SAR-EMS (Ref.-No. 442)
                           1b        System-CTC-EMS-Conducted (Ref.-No. 335)
                           1c        System CTC-FAR-EMI-RSE (Ref.-No . 443)
                           1d        System CTC-SAR-EMI (Ref.-No . 441)
                           1e        System CTC-OATS (EMI radiated) (Ref.-No. 337)
                           1f        System CTC-CTIA-OTA (Ref.-No . 420)
                           1g        System CTC-FAR-EMS (Ref.-No . 444)
                           2         Calibration or equipment check immediately before measurement
                           3         Regulatory maintained equipment for functional check or support purpose
                           4         calibration of this equipment
                                     Ancillary equipment   without has no effect
                                                                   calibration   onmechanical
                                                                               e.g. measuring result
                                                                                              equipment or monitoring equipment
                           5         Test System

Interval of calibration    12 M      12 month
                           24 M      24 month
                           36 M      36 month
                           24/12 M   Calibration every 24 months, between this every 12 months internal validation
                           36/12 M   Calibration every 36 months, between this every 12 months internal validation
                           Pre-m     Check before starting the measurement
                           -         Without calibration

9. Versions of test reports (change history)

      Version             Applied changes                                                                                     Date of release
        --                Inital release                                                                                       2019-02-20
        --                --                                                                                                        --
        --                --                                                                                                        --

                          END OF TEST REPORT


Document Created: 2019-02-20 09:40:04
Document Modified: 2019-02-20 09:40:04

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