Test report Bluetooth - HR1622-2 plots


Test Report

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                                  Annex 1: Measurement diagrams to
                                   PARTIAL T E S T R E P O R T
                                       No.: 18-1-0210201T02a
                                                             According to:

                                                          FCC Regulations
                                                 Part 15.205, Part 15.209, Part 15.247

                                                 RSS-Gen, Issue 5, RSS-247, Issue 2


                                                    Miele & Cie. KG

                                         Wireless Food Probe System
                                               (Host: HR1622-2)

                                         Contains FCC ID: SSVNAEPI02
                                         Contains ISED: 5669B-NAEPI02
                                             Laboratory Accreditation and Listings

                                                    Accredited EMC-Test Laboratory

                                       accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

                                                        CETECOM GmbH
                                Laboratory Radio Communications & Electromagnetic Compatibility
                                            Im Teelbruch 116 • 45219 Essen • Germany
                                   Registered in Essen, Germany, Reg. No.: HRB Essen 8984
                                 Tel.: + 49 (0) 20 54 / 95 19-954 • Fax: + 49 (0) 20 54 / 95 19-964
                                     E-mail: info@cetecom.com • Internet: www.cetecom.com

                                                                                                                       Page 1 of 21
The test results relate only to the individual items that have been tested. This report shall not be reproduced in parts without the
written approval of the testing laboratory                                         © Copyright: All rights reserved by CETECOM

Annex 1 to Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 2 of 21

1. CONDUCTED EMISSIONS ON AC-POWER LINES ............................................................................................................................ 3
2. CONDUCTED MEASUREMENTS ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
   2.1. Conducted Power .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
   2.2. Time of Channel Occupancy................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3. RADIATED FIELD STRENGTH MEASUREMENTS.......................................................................................................................... 13
   3.1. Radiated Field Strength Emissions - 9kHz to 30MHz........................................................................................................................... 13
   3.2. Radiated Field Strength Emissions - 30MHz to 1GHz .......................................................................................................................... 14
   3.3. Radiated Field Strength Emissions - 1GHz to 18GHz .......................................................................................................................... 15
   3.4. Radiated Field Strength Emissions - 18GHz to 26.5GHz ..................................................................................................................... 17
   3.5. Radiated Band-Edge Measurements ..................................................................................................................................................... 18


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1. Conducted emissions on AC-Power lines
Common Information
  Test Description:                             Conducted Voltage Measurement Class B
  Test Site & Location:                         Conducted Emission, CETECOM GmbH Düsseldorf
  Test Software:                                R&S EMC32 v9.15
  Test Specification:                           FCC 15.207, RSS 247
  Operating Mode:                               Oven heating up
  Measured on line:                             120V AC N/L1/L2
  Diagram details:                              Shows the peak values as a sum of measured ports in maxhold mode
  Environmental Conditions:                     Temperature: 20.5°C; Pressure: 997hPa; Huminity: 45%
  Operator:                                     MAh

EUT Information
  Manufacturer:                                 Miele &Cie KG
  EUT Model:                                    HR1622-2
  HW:                                           Pre Production B0 Series
  SW;                                           Pre Production B0 Series
  Serial Nr.:                                   153703158
        Level in dBµV

    Frequency           QuasiPeak    Average       Limit    Margin    Meas.    Bandwidth     Line     PE     Corr.
      (MHz)              (dBµV)       (dBµV)      (dBµV)     (dB)      Time      (kHz)                       (dB)
        2.241000               ---     37.15        46.00      8.85   1000.0        9.000   N        GND       0.2
        2.241000            45.09         ---       56.00     10.91   1000.0        9.000   L1       GND       0.2
        9.708000               ---     25.82        50.00     24.18   1000.0        9.000   N        GND       0.5
       10.614000            39.83         ---       60.00     20.17   1000.0        9.000   N        GND       0.6
       11.202000               ---     27.97        50.00     22.03   1000.0        9.000   N        GND       0.6
       11.202000            41.75         ---       60.00     18.25   1000.0        9.000   N        GND       0.6


Annex 1 to Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 4 of 21

2. Conducted Measurements
2.1. Conducted Power
2.1.1. MSK-Data Rate WFP

Peak output power (Sweep) (2401,62 MHz; 20,000 dBm; 133 kHz; Test Mode)

Test according to FCC title 47 part 15 §15.247(b), KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v04 and ANSI C63.10

Measurement uncertainty calculated in accordance with ETSI TR 100 028-1.
Expanded Combined Uncertainty of absolute Level Measurement (K=2) < 1 dB

     DUT Frequency         Peak Power    Limit Max      Result
         (MHz)               (dBm)         (dBm)
          2401.620000             20.8         21.0   PASS
         Level in dBm


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Peak output power (Sweep) (2441,38 MHz; 20,000 dBm; 133 kHz; Test Mode)

Test according to FCC title 47 part 15 §15.247(b), KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v04 and ANSI C63.10

Measurement uncertainty calculated in accordance with ETSI TR 100 028-1.
Expanded Combined Uncertainty of absolute Level Measurement (K=2) < 1 dB

    DUT Frequency        Peak Power     Limit Max       Result
        (MHz)              (dBm)          (dBm)
         2441.380000            20.0          21.0   PASS
        Level in dBm

Peak Power 1


Annex 1 to Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 6 of 21

Peak output power (Sweep) (2481,28 MHz; 20,000 dBm; 133 kHz; Test Mode)

Test according to FCC title 47 part 15 §15.247(b)and ANSI C63.10

Measurement uncertainty calculated in accordance with ETSI TR 100 028-1.
Expanded Combined Uncertainty of absolute Level Measurement (K=2) < 1 dB

    DUT Frequency        Peak Power     Limit Max       Result
        (MHz)              (dBm)          (dBm)
         2481.280000             2.2          21.0   PASS
        Level in dBm


Annex 1 to Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 7 of 21

2.2. Time of Channel Occupancy
2.2.1. Low Channel

                                             DWelltime_low Channel

                                       DWelltime_low Channel_300ms Sweep


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2.2.2. Mid Channel

                                             DWelltime_mid Channel



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2.2.3. High Channel

                                            DWelltime_high Channel

                                      DWelltime_high Channel_300ms_Sweep


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Annex 1 to Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 13 of 21

3. Radiated Field Strength Measurements
3.1. Radiated Field Strength Emissions - 9kHz to 30MHz

Common Information
 Test description:                     Magnetic Field Strength Measurement related to 30/300 m distance
 Test site and distance:               Ref.-Nr. 441 Semi Anechoic Room (SAR) with 3 m measurement distance
 Test Location                         Cetecom GmbH Düsseldorf
 Version of Testsoftware:              EMC32 V9.25.0
 Rec. antenna (pre-scan):              height 1.00 m, parallel and 90° to EUT polarisation
 Test specification:                   FCC 15.205 § 15.209; RSS-Gen: Issue 5
 Operator:                             MAh
 Operating conditions:                 Oven heating up, TX-on, Ch low
 Power during tests:                   120V AC

EUT Information
  Manufacturer:                          Miele & Cie KG
  EUT Model:                             HR1622-2
  HW:                                    Pre Production B0 Series
  SW;                                    Pre Production B0 Series
  Serial Nr.:                            153703158
          Level in dBµV/m


Annex 1 to Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 14 of 21

3.2. Radiated Field Strength Emissions - 30MHz to 1GHz

Common Information
  Test description:                      Electric Field Strength Measurement
  Test site and distance:                Ref.-Nr. xxx Semi Anechoic Chamber 2 (SAC5) with 3m measurement distance
  Test location:                         CETECOM GmbH Düsseldorf
  Version of Testsoftware:               EMC32 V9.25.0
  Test specification:                    FCC15.109, class B; RSS-Gen.: Issue 5
  Measured sides of EUT:                 front, right, rear, left
  Environmental Conditions:              Temperature: 20.5°C; Pressure: 997hPa; Huminity: 45%
  Operator:                              MAh
  Operating conditions:                  Oven heating up, TX-on, Ch low,
  Power during tests:                    120V AC

EUT Information
  Manufacturer:                          Miele & Cie KG
  EUT Model:                             HR1622-2
  HW:                                    Pre Production B0 Series
  SW;                                    Pre Production B0 Series
  Serial Nr.:                            153703158
        Level in dBµV/m


Annex 1 to Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 15 of 21

3.3. Radiated Field Strength Emissions - 1GHz to 18GHz
Common Information
  Test description:                                   Electric Field Strength Measurement
  Test site and distance:                             Ref.-Nr. xxx Semi Anechoic Chamber 2 (SAC5) with 3m measurement distance
  Test location:                                      CETECOM GmbH Düsseldorf
  Version of Testsoftware:                            EMC32 V9.25.0
  Test specification:                                 FCC15.209 / RSS-Gen Issue 5
  Measured sides of EUT:                              front, right, rear, left Height 100-250
  Used filter:                                        none up to 3GHz / High Pass from 3GHz
  Environmental Conditions:                           Temperature: 20.5°C; Pressure: 997hPa; Huminity: 45%
  Operator:                                           MAh
  Operating conditions:                               Oven heating up, TX-on, Ch low,
  Power during tests:                                 120V AC

EUT Information
  Manufacturer:                                       Miele & Cie KG
  EUT Model:                                          HR1622-2
  HW:                                                 Pre Production B0 Series
  SW;                                                 Pre Production B0 Series
  Serial Nr.:                                         153703158
        Level in dBµV/m

Final Result Peak
   Frequency                 MaxPeak              Limit       Margin    Meas. Time        Bandwidth    Height   Corr.
     (MHz)                   (dBµV/m)           (dBµV/m)       (dB)       (ms)              (kHz)       (cm)    (dB)
   1711.800000                       49.72          74.00       24.28            100.0      1000.000    400.0    31.2

Final Result Average
  Frequency               MaxPeak        DC         Avg           Limit      Margin
    (MHz)                 (dBµV/m)      (dB)      (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)      (dB)
    1711,800                 49,72      28,76         20,96             54        33,04


Annex 1 to Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 16 of 21

Common Information
  Test description:                                   Electric Field Strength Measurement
  Test site and distance:                             Ref.-Nr. xxx Semi Anechoic Chamber 2 (SAC5) with 3m measurement distance
  Test location:                                      CETECOM GmbH Düsseldorf
  Version of Testsoftware:                            EMC32 V9.25.0
  Test specification:                                 FCC15.209 / RSS-Gen Issue 5
  Measured sides of EUT:                              front, right, rear, left
  Used filter:                                        none up to 3GHz / High Pass from 3GHz
  Environmental Conditions:                           Temperature: 20.5°C; Pressure: 997hPa; Huminity: 45%
  Operator:                                           MAh
  Operating conditions:                               Oven heating up, TX-on, Ch low,
  Power during tests:                                 120V AC

EUT Information
  Manufacturer:                                       Miele & Cie KG
  EUT Model:                                          HR1622-2
  HW:                                                 Pre Production B0 Series
  SW;                                                 Pre Production B0 Series
  Serial Nr.:                                         153703158
        Level in dBµV/m

Final_Result Peak
    Frequency                 MaxPeak            Limit       Margin     Meas.    Bandwidth     Height   Corr.
      (MHz)                   (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)       (dB)      Time       (kHz)        (cm)    (dB)
    4803.235000                      52.21        74.00        21.79     100.0      1000.000    138.0    -15.5
    7204.848333                      54.33        74.00        19.67     100.0      1000.000    112.0    -10.9
    9606.475000                      47.40        74.00        26.60     100.0      1000.000    142.0     -6.0
   14409.703333                      56.45        74.00        17.55     100.0      1000.000    100.0      3.9

Final Result Average
  Frequency               MaxPeak        DC         Avg           Limit        Margin
    (MHz)                 (dBµV/m)      (dB)      (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)        (dB)

    4803.235                 52.21      28.76         23,45            54.00     30,55
    7204.848                 54.33      28.76         25,57            54.00     28,43
    9606.475                 47.40      28.76         18,64            54.00     35,36
   14409.703                 56.45      28.76         27,69            54.00     26,31


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3.4. Radiated Field Strength Emissions - 18GHz to 26.5GHz



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3.5. Radiated Band-Edge Measurements
3.5.1. Low Channel 2402.5 MHz (2.4 GHz ISM: left band edge)

Common Information
  Test description:             Band-Edge Electric Field Strength Measurement related to 3m distance
  Test site and distance:       Ref.-Nr. xxxx Semi Anechoic Chamber (SAC5) with 3m measurement distance
  Test Location:                CETECOM GmbH Düsseldorf
  Version of Testsoftware:      EMC32 V10.0.0
  Test specification:           FCC15.209 / RSS-Gen Issue 5
  Distance correction:          none
  Operating Mode:               Channel low, Non Hopping Mode on
  Used filter:                  none
  Power during test:            120V AC 60 Hz
  Measured side(s):             front, right, rear, left
  Operator:                     MAh
         Level in dBµV/m


Annex 1 to Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 19 of 21

Common Information
  Test description:             Band-Edge Electric Field Strength Measurement related to 3m distance
  Test site and distance:       Ref.-Nr. xxxx Semi Anechoic Chamber (SAC5) with 3m measurement distance
  Test Location:                CETECOM GmbH Düsseldorf
  Version of Testsoftware:      EMC32 V10.0.0
  Test specification:           FCC15.209 / RSS-Gen Issue 5
  Distance correction:          none
  Operating Mode:               Channel low, Hopping Mode on
  Used filter:                  none
  Power during test:            120V AC 60 Hz
  Measured side(s):             front, right, rear, left
  Operator:                     MAh
         Level in dBµV/m


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3.5.2. High Channel 2471.5 MHz ( 2.4 GHz ISM: right band edge)

Common Information
  Test description:             Band-Edge Electric Field Strength Measurement related to 3m distance
  Test site and distance:       Ref.-Nr. xxxx Semi Anechoic Chamber (SAC5) with 3m measurement distance
  Test Location:                CETECOM GmbH Düsseldorf
  Version of Testsoftware:      EMC32 V10.0.0
  Test specification:           FCC15.209 / RSS-Gen Issue 5
  Distance correction:          none
  Operating Mode:               Channel high, non Hopping Mode on,
  Used filter:                  none
  Power during test:            120V AC 60 Hz
  Measured side(s):             front, right, rear, left
  Operator:                     MAh
         Level in dBµV/m


Annex 1 to Test Report 18-1-0210201T02a, Page 21 of 21

Common Information
  Test description:             Band-Edge Electric Field Strength Measurement related to 3m distance
  Test site and distance:       Ref.-Nr. xxxx Semi Anechoic Chamber (SAC5) with 3m measurement distance
  Test Location:                CETECOM GmbH Düsseldorf
  Version of Testsoftware:      EMC32 V10.0.0
  Test specification:           FCC15.209 / RSS-Gen Issue 5
  Distance correction:          none
  Operating Mode:               Channel high, Hopping Mode on,
  Used filter:                  none
  Power during test:            120V AC 60 Hz
  Measured side(s):             front, right, rear, left
  Operator:                     MAh
         Level in dBµV/m


Document Created: 2019-02-08 15:50:51
Document Modified: 2019-02-08 15:50:51

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