SAR Report Part 6


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              Antenna Parameters with Body TSL at 5600 MHz

                     Impedance, transformed to feed point                                          so.s 9 +4.0 jn
                     Return Loss                                                                      —28.0 aB

              Antenna Parameters with Body TSL at 5800 MHz

                     Impedance, transformed to feed point                                          s25 0 + 4.4 jn
                     Return Loss                                                                     —26.2 aB

              General Antenna Parameters and Design

                    | Electrical Delay (one direction)                                                 1191 ns

              After long term use with 100W radiated power, only a slight warming of the dipole near the feedpoint can be measured.

              The dipole is made of standard semirigid coaxial cable. The center conductor of the feeding line is directly connected to the
              second arm of the dipole. The antenna is therefore short—circuited for DC—signals. On someof the dipoles, small end caps
              are added to the dipole arms in order to improve matching when loaded according to the position as explained in the
              ‘Measurement Conditions® paragraph. The SAR data are not affected by this change. The overall dipole length is still
              according to the Standard.
              No excessive force must be applied to the dipole arms, because they might bend or the soldered connections nearthe
              feedpoint may be damaged
              Additional EUT Data

                     Manufactured by                                                                   SPEAG
                     Manufactured on                                                             November 14, 2014

              Cortificate No: D6GHzV2—12 12_Fob18                     Page 10 of 16

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  D Di&C

            DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL

                                                                                                               Date: 14.02.2018
            Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

            DUT: Dipole DSGHzV2; Type: DSGHzV2; Serial: DSGHzV2 — SN1212
            Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 5200 MHz, Frequency: 5300 MHz,
            Frequency: 5500 MHz, Frequency: 5600 MHz, Frequency: 5800 MHz
            Medium parameters used: £= 5200 MHz; 0 = 4.53 S/m; e, = 36.4; p = 1000 kg/m‘,
            Medium parameters used: £= 5300 MHz; o = 4.64 S/m; e, = 36.3;
            Medium parameters us           5500 MHz; a = 4.84 S/m; s, = 36;
            Medium parameters use          5600 MHz; a = 4.95 $/m; = 35.8        1000 l(g/m5 s
            Medium parameters used: £= 5800 MHz; 0 = 5.16 $/m; £, = 35.5; p = 1000 kg/m‘
            Phantom section: Flat Section
            Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEEE/TEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

            DASY52 Configuration:
                *     Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3503; ConvF(5.75, 5.75, 5.75); Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConyF(5.5, 5.5, 5.5);
                      Calibrated: 30,12,2017, ConvF(5.2, 5.2, 5.2); Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConvF(5.05, 5.05, 5.05);
                      Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConvF(4.96, 4.96, 4.96); Calibrated: 30.12.2017;
                *     Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

                *     Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 26.10.2017

               *      Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (front); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1001

               *      DASY32 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

            Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5200 MHz/Zoom Scan,
            dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
            Reference Value = 71.98 V/m; Power Drift = —0.08 dB
            Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 28.5 Wikg
            SAR(I g) =7.95 W/kg; SAR(10 g) =2.26 W/kg
            Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 18.0 W/kg

            Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, {=5300 MHz/Zoom Scan,
            dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
            Reference Value=72.21 V/m; Power Drift = —0.08 dB
           Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 29.9 W/kg
           SAR(L g) = 8.1 W/kg; SAR(IO g) =2.31 Wikg
           Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 18.8 W/kg

           Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5500 MHz/Zoom Scan,
           dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
           Reference Value = 73.15 V/m; Power Drift = —0.08 dB
           Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 33.3 W/kg
           SAR(I g) = 8.53 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.4 W/kg
           Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 20.1 Wikg

           Certiicate No: DSGHzV2—1212_Feb18                    Page 11 of 16

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D Dt&C

  Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, {=5600 MHz/Zoom Scan,
  dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, de=1.Amm
  Reference Value=72.01 V/m; Power Drift = —0.05 dB
  Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 32.2 W/ke
  SAR(L g) = 8.36 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.38 Wikg
  Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 20.0 W/kg

  Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5800 MHz/Zoom Scan,
  dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
  Reference Value = 70.08 V/m; Power Drift =—0.03 dB
  Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 31.9 W/kg
  SAR(I g) =7.95 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.24 Wkg
  Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 19.4 W/kg






                     0 dB = 19.4 Wikg= 12.88 dBWikg

  Certificate No: DSGHzV2—1212_Feb18             Page 12 of 16

D Dt&C

      Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

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     Cortifate No: DSGHzV2—1212_Feb18           Page 18 of 16

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  D Di&C

            DASY5 Validation Report for Body TSL

                                                                                                               Date: 15.02.2018
            Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

            DUT: Dipole DSGHzV2; Type: D5GHzV2; Serial: DSGHzV2 — SN:1212

            Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 5200 MHz, Frequency: 5300 MHz,
            Frequency: 5500 MHz, Frequency: 5600 MHz, Frequency: 5800 MHz
            Medium parameters used: £= 5200 MHz; 0 = 5.41 S/m; £, = 47.5; p = 1000 kg/m‘ ,
            Medium parameters used: £= 5300 MHz; = 5.54 S/m; s, = 47.3; p 1000 kg/m‘ ,
            Medium parameters used:                                     47; p   1000 kg/m‘ ,
            Medium parameters use                     3           =46.8; p 1000 kg/m‘ ,
            Medium parameters used: {= 5800 MHz; 0 = 6.23 S/m; e, = 46.4; p = 1000 kg/m‘
            Phantom section: Flat Section
            Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEEEAEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)
            DASY52 Configuration:

               *      Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3503; ConvBF(5.35, 5.35, 5.35); Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConvF(5.15, 5.15, 5.15);
                      Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConyF(4.7, 4.7, 4.7); Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConvBF(4.65, 4.65, 4.65);
                      Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConyF(4.53, 4.53, 4.53); Calibrated: 30.12.2017;
               *      Sensor—Surface; 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
               *      Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 26.10.2017
               *      Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (back); Type: QD 000 PSO AA; Serial: 1002

               *      DASY52 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

           Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=1Omm, £=5200 MHz/Zoom Scan,
           dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, de=1.4mm.
           Reference Value = 64.59 V/m; Power Drift = —0.02 dB
           Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 27.2 W/kg
           SAR(I g) =7.31 W/kg; SAR(10 g) =2.03 W/kg
           Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 16.9 W/kz

           Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5300 MHz/Zoom Scan,
           dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, de=1.4mm
           Reference Value = 64.99 V/m; Power Drift = —0.01 dB
           Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 29.6 Wikg
           SAR(I g) =7.57 W/kg; SAR(IO g) =2.11 W/kg
           Maximum valueof SAR (measured) = 17.7 W/g

           Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5500 MHz/Zoom Scan,
           dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Mcasurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
           Reference Value = 65.88 V/m; Power Drift = —0.07 dB
           Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 33.3 W/kg
           SAR(L g) = 8.04 W/kg; SAR(1O g) =2.22 W/kg
           Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 19.3 W/ke

           Cortiicate No: DSGHzV2—1212_Feb18                    Page 14 of 16

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D Dt&C

       Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, {=5600 MHz/Zoom Scan,
       dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
       Reference Value = 64.59 V/m; Power Drift = —0.02 dB
       Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 33.4 W/kg
      SAR(L g) = 7.94 W/kg; SAR(1O g) =2.2 Wikeg
      Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 19.0 Wikg

      Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, {=5800 MHz/Zoom Scan,
      dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
      Reference Value = 63.42 V/m; Power Drift = —0.02 dB
      Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 33.2 Wike
      SAR(L g) = 7.62 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.1 Whg
      Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 18.7 W/kg





                         0 dB = 16.9 Wikg= 12.28 dBWikg

      Certiicate No: DSGHzV2—1212_Feb18                Page 15 of 16

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      Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

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     Certificate No: DSGHzV2—1212_Feb18             Page 16 of 16

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                                      Report No.: DRRFCC1902-0012(1)                              FCC ID: SS4EF501X

APPENDIX C. – SAR Tissue Specifications

TRF-RF-601(03)161101   Prohibits the copying and re-issue of this report without DT&C approval.               Pages: 180 /192

                                                  Report No.: DRRFCC1902-0012(1)                                 FCC ID: SS4EF501X

The brain and muscle mixtures consist of a viscous gel using hydrox-ethylcellulose
(HEC) gelling agent and saline solution (see Table C.1). Preservation with a bactericide
is added and visual inspection is made to make sure air bubbles are not trapped during
the mixing process. The mixture is calibrated to obtain proper dielectric constant
(permittivity) and conductivity of the desired tissue. The mixture characterizations used
for the brain and muscle tissue simulating liquids are according to the data by C. Gabriel
and G. Harts grove.

                                                                                                           Figure C.1 Simulated Tissue

                               Table C.1 Composition of the Tissue Equivalent Matter
       Ingredients                                                           Frequency (MHz)
       (% by weight)                              835                      1900                    2450               5200 ~ 5800
       Tissue Type                         Head         Body       Head        Body        Head        Body          Head    Body
       Water                              40.19         50.75      55.24       70.23       71.88       73.40         65.52   80.00
       Salt (NaCl)                        1.480         0.940      0.310       0.290       0.160       0.060           -       -
       Sugar                              57.90         48.21         -            -          -              -         -       -
       HEC                                0.250           -           -            -          -              -         -       -
       Bactericide                        0.180         0.100         -            -          -              -         -       -
       Triton X-100                           -           -           -            -       19.97             -       17.24     -
       DGBE                                   -           -        44.45       29.48       7.990       26.54           -       -
       Diethylene glycol hexyl ether          -           -           -            -          -              -       17.24     -
       Polysorbate (Tween) 80                 -           -           -            -          -              -               20.00
       Target for Dielectric Constant      41.5         55.2        40.0          53.3      39.2          52.7         -       -
       Target for Conductivity (S/m)       0.90         0.97        1.40          1.52      1.80          1.95         -       -

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                                                  Report No.: DRRFCC1902-0012(1)                              FCC ID: SS4EF501X

                                Table C.2 HSL/MSL750 (Head and Body liquids for 700 – 800 MHz)
                                          Head Tissue Simulation Liquids HSL750
                                          Muscle (body) Tissue Simulation Liquids MSL750
       Type No                            SL AAH 075, SL AAM 075
       Manufacturer                       SPEAG
       The item is composed of the following ingredients:
       H2O                                Water, 35 – 58%
       Sucrose                            Sucrose, 40 – 60%
       NaCl                               Sodium Chloride, 0 – 6%
       Hydroxyethyl-cellulose             Medium Viscosity (CAS# 9004-62-0), < 0.3%
                                          Preservative: aqueous preparation, (CAS# 55965-84-9), containing 5-
       Preventol-D7                       chloro-2-methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone and 2-methyyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone,
                                          0.1 – 0.6%

                                Table C.3 HSL/MSL1750 (Head and Body liquids for 1700 – 1800 MHz)
                                          Head Tissue Simulation Liquids HSL1750
                                          Muscle (body) Tissue Simulation Liquids MSL1750
       Type No                            SL AAH 175, SL AAM 175
       Manufacturer                       SPEAG
       The item is composed of the following ingredients:
       H2O                                Water, 52 – 75%
       C8H18O3                            Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether (DGBE), 25 – 48%
       NaCl                               Sodium Chloride, < 1.0%

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                                      Report No.: DRRFCC1902-0012(1)                              FCC ID: SS4EF501X


TRF-RF-601(03)161101   Prohibits the copying and re-issue of this report without DT&C approval.               Pages: 183 /192

                                                            Report No.: DRRFCC1902-0012(1)                                FCC ID: SS4EF501X

      SAR System Validation

      Per FCC KDB 865664 D02v01r02, SAR system validation status should be documented to confirm measurement accuracy.
      The SAR systems (including SAR probes, system components and software versions) used for this device were validated
      against its performance specifications prior to the SAR measurements. Reference dipoles were used with the required
      tissue- equivalent media for system validation, according to the procedures outlined in FCC KDB 865664 D01v01r04 and
      IEEE 1528-2013.Since SAR probe calibrations are frequency dependent, each probe calibration point was validated at a
      frequency within the valid frequency range of the probe calibration point, using the system that normally operates with the
      probe for routine SAR measurements and according to the required tissue-equivalent media.

      A tabulated summary of the system validation status including the validation date(s), measurement frequencies, SAR
      probes and tissue dielectric parameters has been included.

                                                  Table D.1 SAR System Validation Summary
                                                                         PERM.      COND.               CW Validation                       MOD. Validation
 SAR       Freq.                 Probe   Probe
                      Date                          Probe CAL. Point
System     [MHz]                  SN     Type                                                  Sensi-      Probe         Probe                     Duty
                                                                           (εr)       (σ)                                          MOD. Type                  PAR
                                                                                               tivity     Linearity     Isortopy                  Factor

  D         750     2018.10.15   3933    EX3DV4      750        Head      42.212      0.887     PASS       PASS          PASS         N/A           N/A          N/A

  D         835     2018.12.10   7337    EX3DV4      835        Head      40.881      0.894     PASS       PASS          PASS         N/A           N/A          N/A

  D         1800    2018.12.11   7337    EX3DV4      1800       Head      39.441      1.405     PASS       PASS          PASS         N/A           N/A          N/A

  D         1900    2018.10.18   7337    EX3DV4      1900       Head      39.641      1.415     PASS       PASS          PASS         N/A           N/A          N/A

  D         2450    2018.05.10   3933    EX3DV4      2450       Head      38.885      1.851     PASS       PASS          PASS      OFDM/TDD        PASS       PASS

  D         5200    2018.05.14   3933    EX3DV4      5200       Head      35.225      4.717     PASS       PASS          PASS       OFDM            N/A       PASS

  D         5300    2018.05.15   3933    EX3DV4      5300       Head      34.997      4.822     PASS       PASS          PASS       OFDM            N/A       PASS

  D         5500    2018.05.16   3933    EX3DV4      5500       Head      34.678      5.018     PASS       PASS          PASS       OFDM            N/A       PASS

  D         5600    2018.05.17   3933    EX3DV4      5600       Head      34.442      5.116     PASS       PASS          PASS       OFDM            N/A       PASS

  D         5800    2018.05.18   3933    EX3DV4      5800       Head      34.412      5.316     PASS       PASS          PASS       OFDM            N/A       PASS

  D         750     2018.10.15   3933    EX3DV4      750        Body      54.650      0.965     PASS       PASS          PASS         N/A           N/A          N/A

  D         835     2018.10.16   3933    EX3DV4      835        Body      54.597      0.975     PASS       PASS          PASS         N/A           N/A          N/A

  D         835     2018.12.10   7337    EX3DV4      835        Body      53.846      0.966     PASS       PASS          PASS         N/A           N/A          N/A

  D         1800    2018.10.17   3933    EX3DV4      1800       Body      52.381      1.553     PASS       PASS          PASS         N/A           N/A          N/A

  D         1900    2018.10.18   3933    EX3DV4      1900       Body      52.289      1.571     PASS       PASS          PASS         N/A           N/A          N/A

  D         1900    2018.10.18   7337    EX3DV4      1900       Body      52.616      1.471     PASS       PASS          PASS         N/A           N/A          N/A

  D         2450    2018.05.10   3933    EX3DV4      2450       Body      51.770      2.015     PASS       PASS          PASS      OFDM/TDD        PASS       PASS

  D         5200    2018.05.14   3933    EX3DV4      5200       Body      48.399      5.467     PASS       PASS          PASS       OFDM            N/A       PASS

  D         5300    2018.05.15   3933    EX3DV4      5300       Body      48.089      5.446     PASS       PASS          PASS       OFDM            N/A       PASS

  D         5500    2018.05.16   3933    EX3DV4      5500       Body      47.642      5.716     PASS       PASS          PASS       OFDM            N/A       PASS

  D         5600    2018.05.17   3933    EX3DV4      5600       Body      47.304      5.789     PASS       PASS          PASS       OFDM            N/A       PASS

  D         5800    2018.05.18   3933    EX3DV4      5800       Body      46.946      6.089     PASS       PASS          PASS       OFDM            N/A       PASS

      NOTE: While the probes have been calibrated for both a CW and modulated signals, all measurements were performed
      using communication systems calibrated for CW signals only. Modulations in the table above represent test configurations
      for which the measurement system has been validated per FCC KDB Publication 865664 D01v01r04 for scenarios when
      CW probe calibrations are used with other signal types. SAR systems were validated for modulated signals with a periodic
      duty cycle, such as GMSK, or with a high peak to average ratio (>5 dB), such as OFDM according to KDB 865664.

      TRF-RF-601(03)161101                 Prohibits the copying and re-issue of this report without DT&C approval.                            Pages: 184 /192

                                      Report No.: DRRFCC1902-0012(1)                              FCC ID: SS4EF501X

APPENDIX E. – Description of Test Equipment

TRF-RF-601(03)161101   Prohibits the copying and re-issue of this report without DT&C approval.               Pages: 185 /192

                                                  Report No.: DRRFCC1902-0012(1)                              FCC ID: SS4EF501X

     E.1 SAR Measurement Setup

  Measurements are performed using the DASY5 automated dosimetric assessment system. The DASY5 is made by
  Schmid & Partner Engineering AG (SPEAG) in Zurich, Switzerland and consists of high precision robotics system
  (Staubli), robot controller, desktop computer, near-field probe, probe alignment sensor, and the generic twin phantom
  containing the brain equivalent material. The robot is a six-axis industrial robot performing precise movements to position
  the probe to the location (points) of maximum electromagnetic field (EMF) (see Fig. E.1.1).

  A cell controller system contains the power supply, robot controller each pendant (Joystick), and a remote control used
  to drive the robot motors. The PC consists of the Intel Core i7-3770 3.40 GHz desktop computer with Windows 7 system
  and SAR Measurement Software DASY5,A/D interface card, monitor, mouse, and keyboard. The Staubli Robotis
  connected to the cell controller to allow software manipulation of the robot. A data acquisition electronic (DAE) circuit that
  performs the signal amplification, signal multiplexing, AD-conversion, offset measurements, mechanical surface detection,
  collision detection, etc. is connected to the Electro-optical coupler (EOC). The EOC performs the conversion from the
  optical into digital electric signal of the DAE and transfers data to the PC plug-in card.

                                      Figure E.1.1 SAR Measurement System Setup

  The DAE4 consists of a highly sensitive electrometer-grade preamplifier with auto-zeroing, a channel and gain-switching
  multiplexer, a fast 16 bit AD-converter and a command decoder and control logic unit. Transmission to the PC-card is
  accomplished through an optical downlink for data and status information and an optical uplink for commands and clock
  lines. The mechanical probe mounting device includes two different sensor systems for frontal and sidewise probe
  contacts. They are also used for mechanical surface detection and probe collision detection. The robot uses its own
  controller with a built in VME-bus computer. The system is described in detail.

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                                               Report No.: DRRFCC1902-0012(1)                              FCC ID: SS4EF501X

     E.2 Probe Specification

             Calibration      In air from 10 MHz to 6 GHz
                              In brain and muscle simulating tissue at Frequencies of
                              750 MHz, 835 MHz, 900 MHz, 1750 MHz, 1900 MHz, 2300 MHz, 2450 MHz, 2600 MHz,
                              3500 MHz, 3700 MHz, 5200 MHz, 5300 MHz, 5500 MHz, 5600 MHz, 5800 MHz /
                              2450 MHz, 2600 MHz, 5200 MHz, 5300 MHz, 5500 MHz, 5600 MHz, 5800 MHz

             Frequency        10 MHz to 6 GHz

             Linearity        ± 0.2 dB(30 MHz to 6 GHz)

             Dynamic          10 µW/g to > 100 mW/g

             Range            Linearity :            ±0.2dB

             Dimensions       Overall length :       337 mm
                                                                                         Figure E.2.1 Triangular Probe Configurations
             Tip length       9 mm

             Body diameter    10 mm

             Tip diameter     2.5 mm

             Distance from probe tip to sensor center            1.0 mm

             Application      SAR Dosimetry Testing
                              Compliance tests of mobile phones
                                                                                           Figure E.2.2 Probe Thick-Film Technique

                                        The SAR measurements were conducted with the dosimetric probe EX3DV4
                                        designed in the classical triangular configuration(see E.2.1) and optimized for
                                        dosimetric evaluation. The probe is constructed using the thick film technique; with
                                        printed resistive lines on ceramic substrates. The probe is equipped with an optical
                                        multitier line ending at the front of the probe tip. It is connected to the EOC box on
                                        the robot arm and provides an automatic detection of the phantom surface. Half
                                        of the fibers are connected to a pulsed infrared transmitter, the other half to a
                                        synchronized receiver. As the probe approaches the surface, the reflection from
                                        the surface produces a coupling from the transmitting to the receiving fibers. This
                                        reflection increases first during the approach, reaches maximum and then
                                        decreases. If the probe is flatly touching the surface, the coupling is zero. The
                                        distance of the coupling maximum to the surface is independent of the surface
                                        reflectivity and largely independent of the surface to probe angle. The DASY5
                                        software reads the reflection during a software approach and looks for the
                                        maximum using a 2nd order fitting. The approach is stopped at reaching the
              DAE System
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                                                  Report No.: DRRFCC1902-0012(1)                              FCC ID: SS4EF501X

     E.3 E-Probe Calibration Process

        Dosimetric Assessment Procedure
          Each probe is calibrated according to a dosimetric assessment procedure with accuracy better than +/- 10%. The
          spherical isotropy was evaluated with the procedure and found to be better than +/-0.25dB. The sensitivity
          parameters (Norm X, Norm Y, Norm Z), the diode compression parameter (DCP) and the conversion factor (Conv
          F) of the probe is tested.

        Free Space Assessment
          The free space E-field from amplified probe outputs is determined in a test chamber. This is performed in a TEM
          cell for frequencies below 1 GHz, and in a waveguide above 1GHz for free space. For the free space calibration,
          the probe is placed in the volumetric center of the cavity at the proper orientation with the field. The probe is then
          rotated 360 degrees.

        Temperature Assessment *
          E-field temperature correlation calibration is performed in a flat phantom filled with the appropriate simulated
          brain tissue. The measured free space E-field in the medium, correlates to temperature rise in a dielectric
          medium. For temperature correlation calibration a RF transparent the remits or based temperature probe is used
          in conjunction with the E-field probe.

            where:                                         where:

         SAR is proportional to ΔT / Δt , the initial rate of tissue
         heating, before thermal diffusion takes place. Now it’s
         possible to quantify the electric field in the simulated tissue by
         equating the thermally derived SAR to the E- field;

         Figure E.3.1 E-Field and Temperature                                           Figure E.3.2 E-Field and Temperature
             Measurements at 900MHz                                                       Measurements at 1800MHz

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     E.4 Data Extrapolation

The DASY5 software automatically executes the following procedures to calculate the field units from the microvolt readings
at the probe connector. The first step of the evaluation is a linearization of the filtered input signal to account for the
compression characteristics of the detector diode. The compensation depends on the input signal, the diode type and the
DC-transmission factor from the diode to the evaluation electronics. If the exciting field is pulsed, the crest factor of the
signal must be known to correctly compensate for peak power. The formula for each channel can be given like below;

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                                                  Report No.: DRRFCC1902-0012(1)                             FCC ID: SS4EF501X

     E.5 SAM Twin Phantom

The SAM Twin Phantom V5.0 is constructed of a fiberglass shell integrated in a
wooden table. The shape of the shell is based on data from an anatomical study
designed to determine the maximum exposure in at least 90% of all users. It
enables the dosimetric evaluation of left and right hand phone usage as well as
body mounted usage at the flat phantom region. A cover prevents the evaporation
of the liquid.

Reference markings on the Phantom allow the complete setup of all predefined
phantom positions and measurement grids by manually teaching three points in
the robot. (see Fig. E.5.1)
                                                                                                       Figure E.5.1 SAM Twin
SAM Twin Phantom Specification:                                                                              Phantom
    Construction              The shell corresponds to the specifications of the Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin
                              (SAM) phantom defined in IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209-1. It enables the dosimetric evaluation
                              of left and right hand phone usage as well as body mounted usage at the flat phantom region.
                              A cover prevents evaporation of the liquid. Reference markings on the phantom allow the
                              complete setup of all predefined phantom positions and measurement grids by teaching
                              three points with the robot.
                              Twin SAM V5.0 has the same shell geometry and is manufactured from the same material
                              as Twin SAM V4.0, but has reinforced top structure.
    Shell Thickness           2 ± 0.2 mm
    Filling Volume            Approx. 25 liters
    Dimensions                Length: 1000 mm
                              Width: 500 mm
                              Height: adjustable feet

Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin (SAM) Specifications:
The phantom for handset SAR assessment testing is a low-loss dielectric shell, with shape and dimensions derived from
the anthropometric data of the 90th percentile adult male head dimensions as tabulated by the US Army. The SAM Twin
Phantom shell is bisected along the mid-sagittal plane into right and left halves (see Fig. E.5.2). The perimeter sidewalls of
each phantom halves are extended to allow filling with liquid to a depth that is sufficient to minimized reflections from the
upper surface. The liquid depth is maintained at a minimum depth of 15cm to minimize reflections from the upper surface.

                                           Figure E.5.2 Sam Twin Phantom shell

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     E.6 Device Holder for Transmitters

In combination with the Twin SAM Phantom V4.0/V4.0c, V5.0 or ELI4, the Mounting Device
enables the rotation of the mounted transmitter device in spherical coordinates. Rotation
point is the ear opening point. Transmitter devices can be easily and accurately positioned
according to IEC, IEEE, FCC or other specifications. The device holder can be locked for
positioning at different phantom sections (left head, right head, flat).
Note: A simulating human hand is not used due to the complex anatomical and geometrical
structure of the hand that may produce infinite number of configurations. To produce the
worst-case condition (the hand absorbs antenna output power), the hand is omitted           Figure E.6.1 Mounting Device
during the tests.

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                                                Report No.: DRRFCC1902-0012(1)                              FCC ID: SS4EF501X

     E.7 Automated Test System Specifications

                 Robot                  Stäubli Unimation Corp. Robot Model: TX90XL
                 Repeatability          0.02 mm
                 No. of axis            6

          Data Acquisition Electronic (DAE) System
             Cell Controller
                Processor               Intel Core i7-3770
                Clock Speed             3.40 GHz
                Operating System        Windows 7 Professional
                Data Card               DASY5 PC-Board

             Data Converter
                Features                Signal, multiplexer, A/D converter. & control logic
                Software                DASY5
                Connecting Lines        Optical downlink for data and status info
                                        Optical uplink for commands and clock

             PC Interface Card
                Function                24 bit (64 MHz) DSP for real time processing
                                        Link to DAE 4
                                        16 bit A/D converter for surface detection system
                                        serial link to robot
                                        direct emergency stop output for robot

             E-Field Probes
                Model                   EX3DV4 S/N: 7337 / EX3DV4 S/N: 3933
                Construction            Triangular core fiber optic detection system
                Frequency               10 MHz to 6 GHz
                Linearity               ± 0.2 dB (30 MHz to 6 GHz)

                Phantom                 SAM Twin Phantom (V5.0)
                Shell Material          Composite
                Thickness               2.0 ± 0.2 mm

                                                                                        Figure E.7.1 DASY5 Test System

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Document Created: 2019-02-21 21:02:17
Document Modified: 2019-02-21 21:02:17

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