SAR Report EF501 Part 4


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   D Dt&C

            Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

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         Certficate No: D1800V2—20202_Apri8                 Page 6 of 8

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D Dt&C

   DASY5 Validation Report for Body TSL

                                                                                    Date: 26.04.2018
   Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

   DUT: Dipole 1800 MHz; Type: D1800V2; Serial: D1800V2
                                                        — SN:2d202
  Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 1800 MHz
  Medium parameters used: £= 1800 MHz; 0 = 1.49 S/m; & = 52.3; p = 1000
  Phantom section: Flat Section
  Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEEEAIEC/ANSI C63.19—201 1)

  DASY52 Configuration:

      *   Probe: EX3DV4— SN7349; ConvF(8.25, 8.25, 8.25); Calibrated: 30.12.2017;
      *   Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

      *   Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 26.10.2017
      *   Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (back); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1002

      *   DASY52 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

  Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mm/Zoom
                                                             Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
  Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=Smm, dz=Smm
  Reference Value = 104.7 V/m; Power Drift = —0.09 dB
  Peak SAR (extrapolated)= 17.2 Wihg
  SAR(L g) = 9.62 W/ke; SAR(1O g) = 5.08 Wike
  Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 14.7 W/kg



                                      0 dB = 14.7 W/kg=11.67 dBW/e

 Certficate No: D1800V2—24202_Apri8                Page 7 of 8

   D Dt&C

           Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

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         Certficate No: D1800V2—20202_Apri8                Page 8 of 8

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D Dit&C

  Calibration Laboratory of                                          «909
                                                                                                         §      Schweizerischer Kalibrierdionst
  Schmid & Partner                                                s                                             Service suisse d‘étalonnage
    Engineering AG                                               %                                       C      Se io svizzero       ratura
  Zeughausstracse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                                           S      Swizs Callbration Service

  Accredted by the Swies Accreditation Service (GAS)                                                      Acereditation No.: SCS 0108
  The Sss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
  Multlateral Agreement for the recognition of callbration certificates

  Ciient      DT&C (Dymstec)                                                                  Certificate No: D1900V2—5d176_Aug18

   Object                              D1900V2 — SN:5d176

   Galtyation procedure(s)             QA CAL—O5.v10
                                       Calibration procedure for dipole validation kits above 700 MHz

   Caltzation date:                    August 27, 2018

   This calbration cortfieate documents the traceabiltyto natlonal standards, which realizethe physical uns of measurements (61)
   The measuremonts and the uncertainties wih confidence probabilty are gven on the following pages and are part of the certfieate.

   All caltrations have been conducted in the clased laboratery faciy: environment temporature (22 + 3)°C and hurmidity < 70%.

   Caltyation Equipment used (MATE critcal focaltration)

   Primary Standards                    iD#                      GalDate (Gortficate No.)                           Scheduled Calloration
   Power metor NRP                                               O4—Apr—18 (No. 217—tzsrattesra)                    Aprig
   Power sensor NRP—291                                          04—Apr—18 (No. 217—00872)                          Aprr0
   Power sensor NRP—281                                          04—Apr—18 (No. 217—00073)                          Aorto
   Reference 20 d8 Attenuator                                    0é—Apr—18 (No. 217—00502)                          Aprto
   TypeN mismatch combination                                    04—Apr—18 (No. 217—00509)                          Aprro
   Reference Probe EX3DV4                                        30—Deo—i7 (No. EX3—7949_Dect7)                     Dec—18
   oa€s                                                          26—0ct—17 (No. DAEA—601_Oot17)                     Osrs
   Secondary Standards                  n#                       hack Date in house)                                Scheduled Chack
   Power moter EPM—442A                 sh: aesree0704           07—0ct—16 (n house check Oct—16)                   In house check: Oct—18
   Power sontor HP B1A                  Sh: Ussrpopres           07—0ct—15 (n house chack Oct—16)                   in house chack: Oct—18
   Power sensor HP 8481A                SN: MYstooesi7           07—0ct—15 (n house check Oct—16)                   in house chock: Oct—18
   RF gonerator R&S SMT—0s        sn: 100072                     15—Jun—15(n house check Oct—16)                    in house choek: Oct—18
   Netork Analyzor Agilent E8358A SN: US4t080477                 31—Mar—1d (in house check Oct—17)                  in house check: Oct—18
                                        Name                                  Function                               Signature
   Caltated by:                         Manu Soitz                            Laboratory Technician

   Approved by:                         Katia Pokovie                        Technical Manager
                                                                                                                    Issued: August 27, 2018
   This sllbration cortficato shall not be reproduced excaptin full wihout witton approval of the laboratory.

  Certiicate No: D1900V2—54176_Aug18                                 Page 1 of 8

D Dt&C

        j     Laboratory of                                      \/             Schweizorischer Kallbriardionst
  Schmid & Partner                                          %                   Service sulsso ‘étalonnage
    Engineering AG                                          erss?               Servizlo svizzero dtoratura
  Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                x/fi\o@            Swiss Callbration Service

  Accredied by the Swiss Accrodtation Sonvice (SAS)                          Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
  The Swies Accroditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
  Multilteral Agreement for the recognition of callbration cortifcates
  TSL                         tissue simulating liquid
  ConvF                       sensitivity in TSL / NORM x,y,2
  N/A                         not applicable or not measured

  Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
     a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
        Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
        Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", June 2013
     b) IEC 62209—1, "Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate
        (SAR) from hand—held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of
           300 MHz to 6 GHz)®, July 2016
      c) IEC 62209—2, "Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless
         communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30
         MHz to 6 GHz), March 2010
      d) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"

  Additional Documentation:
     e) DASY4/5 System Handbook

  Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
    * Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
       of the certificate. All figures stated in the certificate arevalid at the frequency indicated.
    * Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
       point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
       parallel to the body axis.
    * Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
       positioned under the liquid filled phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
       measurement at the SMA connector to the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
       reflected power. No uncertainty required.
    * Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed point.
       No uncertainty required.
    * SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input power.
    * SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
    * SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
       nominal SAR result.
   The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
   multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normaldistribution corresponds to a coverage
   probability of approximately 95%.

  Certificate No: D1900V2—5d176_Aug18                          Page 2 of 8

D Dit&C

  Measurement Conditions
      DASY system configuration, as far as not given on page1.
       DASY Version                                              DASYS                             V52.10.1
       Extrapolation                                   Advanced Extrapolation
       Phantom                                          Modular Flat Phantom
       Distance Dipole Center — TSL                              10 mm                            with Spacer
       Zoom Scan Resolution                               dx, dy, dz =5 mm
       Frequency                                         1900 MHz # 1 MHz

  Head TSL parameters
    The following parameters and calculations were applied
                                                                 Temperature      Permittivity         Conductivity
       Nominal Head TSL parameters                                  22.0 °C          40.0               1.40 mho/m
       Measured Head TSL parameters                              (22.0 £0.2) °C   40.6 26 %          1.34 mhoim 6 %
       Head TSL temperature change during test                      <0.5°C

  SAR result with Head TSL

       SAR averaged over 1 em® (1 g) of Head TSL                  Congition
       SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    9.89 Wig
       SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        40.7 Wikg + 17.0 % (k=2)

       SAR averaged over 10 em* (10 g) of Head TSL                condition
       SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    5.82 Wikg
       SAR for nominal Head TSL paramoters                     normalized to 1W        21.7 Wikg 2 16.5 % (k=2)

  Body TSL parameters
     The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                                 Temperature      Permittivity         Conductivity
       Nominal Body TSL parameters                                  22.0 °C          53.3               1.52 mho/m
       Measured Body TSL parameters                              (22.0 £0.2) °C   53.2 2 6 %         1.49 mho/m 2 6 %
       Body TSL temperature change during test                      <0.5°C

  SAR result with Body TSL

       SAR averaged over 1 cm* (1 g) of Body TSL                Condition
       SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    9.81 Wig
       SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W       39.7 Wikg 2 17.0 % (k=2)

       SAR averaged over 10 em? (10 g) of Body TSL                condition
       SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    5.20 Wikg
       SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W       20.9 Wikg 2 16.5 % (k=2)

  Certficate No: D1900V2—5d176_Aug18                    Page 3 of 8

  D Di&C

           Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)

           Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

                 Impedance, transformed to feed point                                           52.6 0 + 5.9 jQ
                 Return Loss                                                                       —24.1 dB

           Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

                 Impediance, transformed to feed point                                          486 0+7.5 j0
                 Return Loss                                                                      —22.3 08

           General Antenna Parameters and Design

                 Electrical Delay (one direction)                       [                           1.197 ns
           After long term use with 100W radiated power, only a slight warming of the dipole near the feedpoint can be measured.
           The dipole is made of standard semirigid coaxial cable. The center conductor of the feeding line is directly connected to the
           second arm of the dipole. The antenna is therefore short—cirouited for DC—signals. On some of the ipoles, small end caps
           are added to the dipole arms in order to improve matching when loaded according to the position as explained in the
           ‘Measurement Conditions" paragraph. The SAR data are not affected by this change. The overall dipole length is stil
           according to the Standard.
           No excessive force must be applied to the dipole arms, because they might bend or the soldered connections near the
           feedpoint may be damaged.

           Additional EUT Data

                 Manufactured by                                                                    SPEAG
                 Manufactured on                                                                June 08, 2012

           Certficate No: D1900V2—5d176_Aug18                       Page 4 of 8

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D Dt&C

  DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL

                                                                                       Date: 27.08.2018
  Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

  DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz; Type: D1900V2; Serial: D1900V2 — SN:5d176

  Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz
  Medium parameters used: £= 1900 MHz; 0 = 1.34 S/m; e = 40.6; p = 1000 kg/m}
  Phantom section: Flat Section
  Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEEEATEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

  DASY52 Configuration:

      *    Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConyF(8.18, 8.18, 8.18) @ 1900 MHz; Calibrated: 30.12.2017

      *    Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

      *    Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 26.10.2017

      *    Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (front); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1001

      «_   DASY52 52.10.1(1476); SEMCAD X 14.6.11(7439)

  Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
  Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
  Reference Value = 110.2 V/m; Power Drift=0.01 dB
  Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 17.5 W/kg
  SAR(I g) =9.89 W/kg; SAR(IO g) = 5.32 Wig
  Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 14.9 W/kg






                    0 dB = 14.9 Wike = 11.73 dBW/kg

  Certficate No: D1900V2—5d176_Aug18              Page 5 of 8

D Dt&C

  Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

            Eie    VWew   Channel Sweep Calbration Trace    Scale Marker System Whndow k

                                                                                      1.900000 GHz      52633 O
                                                                                          492.50 pH     58795 0
                                                                                      1.900000 GHz    62.687 mU
                                                                                                         62.594 °

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  Cortficate No: D1900V2—5d176_Aug18                       Page 6 018

  D Di&C

           DASY5 Validation Report for Body TSL

                                                                                                    Date: 27.08.2018
           Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

           DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz; Type: D1900V2; Serial: D1900V2 — SN:5d176
           Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz
           Medium parameters used: £= 1900 MHz; 0 = 1.49 S/m;e = 53.2; p = 1000 kg/m?
           Phantom section: Flat Section
           Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEEEAIEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

           DASY52 Configuration:

               *   Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvF(8.15, 8.15, 8.15) @ 1900 MHz; Calibrated: 30.12.2017

               *   Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

               *   Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 26.10.2017

               *   Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (back); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1002

               *   DASY52 52.10.1(1476); SEMCAD X 14.6.11(7439)

           Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
           Measurement grid: dx=3mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
           Reference Value = 104.7 V/m; Power Drift = —0.02 dB
           Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 17.5 Wikg
           SAR(I g) =9.81 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 5.2 Whg
           Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 14.9 W/kg



                             0 dB = 14.9 W/kg =11.73 dBW/g

           Certficate No: D1900V2—5d176_Aug18                Page 7 of 8

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 C Di&C

        Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

                  l| View Channel Sweep Calbration Trace: Scale Marker System Wndow Heb
                                                                                               1.900000 GHz      40.626 t
                                                                                                   828.73 pH     75058 O
                                                                                               1.900000 GHz    77.145 mU
                                                                                                                  96.021 °

                             thiAug» 20
                      Chi: Sn 1:70000 GiHe   —                                                                 S 2.10000 Gite

                                                                                                 00000   GHz   —20.254 d8

                      Cht: sixe170000 Gne     —                                                                Sup 2 10000 Giie
                   Statwe    CH 1:    E77                C1 Por                 Ayge20 Delay                        LC

        Certficate No: D1900V2—5d176_Aug18                      Page 8 of 8

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_O Dt&C                                _______ ———                                     _                      ———
                                                                                                                              .    ———

       Calibration Laboratory of                                       Q&Bh’                                  g._ Shwoizerischer Kalibrierdienst
       Schmid & Partner                                               %                                          Service suisse d‘étalonnage
         Engineering AG                                               T esd                                        Servizio svizzero i taratura
       Zeughausstrasso 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                    *                                      S swiss CalbrationService

       Accredited by the Swiss Accrediation Sorvice (GAS)                                                      Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
       The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
       Multlatoral Agreement for the recognition of calibration certifcates
       client       DT&C (Dymstec)                                                                 certitate No: D2450V2—020_Aug18
        Object                              D2450V2 — SN:920

        Calibraion procecure(s)             QA CAL—05.v10
                                            Calibration procedure for dipole validation kits above 700 MHz

        Galloration date:                   August 24, 2018

        This ealtation cortficate documents the traceabiity to national standards, which realizethe physical unts of measurements (51)
        "Tre measurements and the uncertainties wih confidence probabity are given on the falowing pages and are par of the cortticate.

        Allcalibrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory faciy: environmant temperature (22 + 3)°C and humidty < 709.
        Calloration Equipment used (MATE crticalfor calbration)

        Primary Standards                    CB                       Cal Date (Certficate No.)                       Scheduled Galtbration
        Power moter NRP                      sn 1ourre                d4—Ape18 (No. 217—0207202079)                   Apr19
        Power sonsor NRP—201                 sn rooace                oi—Apers (no. 217—02072)                        Apers
        Power sensor NRP—291                 sn tosess                oi—Apr18 (No. 217—0207)                         Bd
        Reference 20 dB Attenuator           sn: sose 209             O+—Apet8 (No. 217—02002)                        Aprao
        Type—N mismatch combination          SN:5047.2/ 06027         0é—Apr—18 (No.217—02889)                        Aprad
        Relerence Probe EXSDV4               sn: ree                  50—Dec—17 (No. EX3—7340_Dect7)                  Dec—18
        DaE4                                 Sn: oo                   26—O0ct—17 (No. DAE4—601_Oct17)                 Oct18

        Secondary Standards                  «                        Gheck Date (i house)                            Schoduled Check
        Power meter EPM—44zA                 sn ceorasor04            07—0ct—15 in house check Oct—16)                In house check: Oct—18
        Power soncor HP 8481A                an: ussreserea           07—0ct—15 (in house check Oct—16)               In house checic Oct—18
        Power sensor HP 8481A                SNt: MYetogeat?          07—Oct—15 (inhouse check Oct—19)                In house check: Oct—18
        AF generator RLS SMT—06              sn: roour2               15—Jun—15 n house check Oct—16)                 in house check: Oct—18
        Network Analyzor Aglent E8358A       SN: US41080477           31—Mar—14 (in house chaok Oct—17)               in houso chack: Oct—18

                                             Name                                  Function                            Signature
        Calbrated by:                        Manu Sotte                            Laboratory Technican                       &

        Approved by:                         Kati Pokovie                          Technical Manager                        MF

                                                                                                                      Issued: August 24, 2018
        "This callrtion certficate shall not be reproduced excapt in full wihout writen approval ofthe laboratory.

       Certficate No: D2450V2—920_Aug18                                   Page 1 of 8

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D Dt&C

        t     Laboratory of                                                      .   Schweizerischer Kallbrierdionst
  Schmid & Partner                                                               .   Service sulsse d‘étalonnage
    Engineering AG                                                                   Servizio svizzero i taratura
  Zeughausstrasse 49, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                /F\}\\:‘           S   swiss Caltbration Service
   Accredited by the Swize Accredtation Service (GAG)                             Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
  The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
  Multilteral Agreement for the recognition of callbration certficates
  TSL                        tissue simulating liquid
  ConvF                      sensitivity in TSL / NORM x.y,z
  N/A                          not applicable or not measured
  Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
     a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
        Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
        Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques"®, June 2013
     b) IEC 62209—1, "Measurement procedure for the assessmentof Specific Absorption Rate
        (SAR) from hand—held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of
        300 MHz to 6 GHz)*, July 2016
     c) IEC 62209—2, "Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless
        communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30
        MHz to 6 GHz)*, March 2010
     d) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"

  Additional Documentation:
      e) DASY4/5 System Handbook

  Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
     * Measurement Conditions: Furtherdetails are available from the Validation Report at the end
           of the certificate. All figures stated in the certificate are valid at the frequency indicated.
      *    Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacerto position its feed
           point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
           parallelto the body axis.
      *    Feed PointImpedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
           positioned underthe liquid filled phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
           measurement at the SMA connectorto the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
           reflected power. No uncertainty required.
      *    Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed point.
           No uncertainty required.
      *    SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input power.
      *    SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
      *    SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
           nominal SAR result.
   The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
   multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normaldistribution correspondsto a coverage
   probability of approximately 95%.

  Certiicate No: D2450V2—920_Aug18                          Page 2 of 8

  D Di&C

           Measurement Conditions
               DASY system configuration, as far as not given on page 1.
                 DASY Version                                              DASYS                              Vs2.10.1
                 Extrapolation                                   Advanced Extrapolation
                 Phantom                                          Modular Flat Phantom
                 Distance Dipole Center — TSL                               10 mm                           with Spacer
                 Zoom Scan Resolution                               dx, dy, d =5 mm
                 Frequency                                         2450 MHz x 1 MHz

           Head TSL parameters
               The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                                           Temperature      Pormittivity          Conductivity
                 Nominal Head TSL parameters                                  22.0°C           30.2                1.80 mho/m
                 Measured Head TSL parameters                              (22.020.2) °C    37.7 26 %           1.86 mho/m 6 %
                 Head TSL temperature change during test                      <05°C                                      s

           SAR result with Head TSL

                 SAR averaged over 1 cm? (1 g) of Head TSL                Condition
                 SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    13.3 Wicg
                 SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W       51.9 Wikg 2 17.0 % (k=2)

                 SAR averaged over 10 em* (10 g) of Head TSL                 condition
                 SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                6.18 Whg
                 SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W       24.4 Wikg #16.5 % (k=2)

           Body TSL parameters
               The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                                           Temperature      Permitivity          Conductivity
                 Nominal Body TSL parameters                                  22.0 °C          52.7               1.95 mho/m
                 Measured Body TSL parameters                              (22.020.2) °C    §1.8 26 %          2.02 mho/m + 6 %
                 Body TSL temperature change during test                      <05°C             ~~                       ~——

           SAR result with Body TSL

                 SAR averaged over 1 em* (1 g) of Body TSL                  Condition
                 SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    18.3 Wig
                 SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W       52.1 Wikg 2 17.0 (k=2)

                 SAR averaged over 10 cm* (10 g) of Body TSL                 condition
                 SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    6.22 Wikg
                 SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W       24.6 Wikg + 16.5 % (k=2)

           Certiicate No: D2450V2—920_Aug18                       Page 3 of8

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Document Created: 2019-02-21 21:00:24
Document Modified: 2019-02-21 21:00:24

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