Test Report DFS


Test Report

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                                       TEST REPORT
                                                                         DT&C Co., Ltd.
       m Dt &‘                                 42, Yurim—ro, 154Beon—gil, Cheoin—gu, Yongin—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 17042
                                                                  Tel : 031—321—2664, Fax : 031—321—1664

   1. Report No :      DRTFCC1807—0181

   2. Customer

      * Name : BLUEBIRD INC.

      * Address : (Dogok—dong, SEl Tower 13,14) 39, Eonjuro30—gil, Gangnam—gu, Seoul, South Korea

   3. Use of Report : FCC Original Grant

   4. Product Name / Model Name : Enterprise Full Touch Handheld Computer / EF401

      FCC ID : SS4EF401

  5. Test Method Used : KDB905462 DO2v02 , KDB905462 DO3v1r02
     Test Specification : FCC Part 15.407

  6. Date of Test : 2018.07.17 ~ 2018.07.18

  7. Testing Environment : See appended test report.

  8. Test Result : Refer to the attached test result.

                Tested by                                             Reviewed by
  Affirmation                                                                                            M’
                Name : Jaejin Lee                      t              Name : GeunKi Son
       The test results presented in this test report are limited only to the sample supplied by applicant and
   the use of this test report is inhibited other than its purpose. This test report shall not be reproduced except
                               in full, without the written approval of DT&C Co., Ltd.

                                                    2018 . 07 . 24 .

                                              DT&C Co., Ltd.

             If this report is required to confirmation of authenticity, please contact to report@dtnc.net

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                                    Report No.: DRTFCC1807-0181                                   FCC ID: SS4EF401

                            Test Report Version

   Test Report No.               Date                                            Description

  DRTFCC1807-0181           Jul. 24, 2018           Initial issue

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                                          Report No.: DRTFCC1807-0181                                   FCC ID: SS4EF401

                                        Table of Contents

        1. GENERAL INFORMATIONEUT DESCRIPTION ........................ 4
          1.1. EUT Description .................................................................... 4
          1.2. Auxiliary equipment ............................................................... 4
          1.3. Testing environment .............................................................. 4
          2.1. Applicability of DFS requirements prior to use of a channel ... 5
          2.2. Applicability of DFS requirements during normal operation ... 5
          2.3. Requirements of client devices .............................................. 6
          2.4. DFS response requirement values ........................................ 7
          2.5. DFS detection thresholds ...................................................... 7
          2.6. Radar test waveforms ........................................................... 8
        3. Test procedure .......................................................................... 9
          3.1. Setup for Client with injection at the Master........................... 9
          3.2. Spectrum analyzer setting parameter .................................... 9
          3.3. Conducted test procedure ..................................................... 9
        4. SUMMARY OF TESTS ............................................................. 10
        5. LIST OF EQUIPMENTS ............................................................11
        6. TEST RESULTS ....................................................................... 12
          6.1. Move time and aggregate time ............................................ 12
            6.1.1. U-NII-2A : 802.11n(HT40), 5310 MHz .............................................. 12
            6.1.2. U-NII-2C : 802.11n(HT40), 5510 MHz .............................................. 12
          6.2. Non-occupancy period ........................................................ 13
            6.2.1. U-NII-2A : 802.11n(HT40), 5310 MHz .............................................. 13
            6.2.2. U-NII-2C : 802.11n(HT40), 5510 MHz .............................................. 13
        APPENDIX I ................................................................................. 14

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                                             Report No.: DRTFCC1807-0181                                            FCC ID: SS4EF401

 1.1. EUT Description

  FCC equipment class          Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (UNII)

  Product                      Enterprise Full Touch Handheld Computer

  Model name                   EF401

  Add model name               NA

  EUT capabilities             DFS

  Power supply                 DC 3.8 V

  Test condition                    Conducted                                          Radiated

  Channel bandwidth            802.11a/n/ac: 20 MHz                802.11n/ac: 40 MHz                      802.11ac: 80 MHz

                               U-NII 2A(5250 ~ 5350 MHz)                          U-NII 2C(5470 ~ 5725 MHz)

                                ▪ 802.11a/n(HT20)/ac(VHT20):                       ▪ 802.11a/n(HT20)/ac(VHT20):
  Frequency Range                5260 ~ 5320 MHz                                   5500 ~ 5580, 5660 ~ 5700 MHz
                                ▪ 802.11n(HT40)/ac(VHT40):                         ▪ 802.11n(HT40)/ac(VHT40):
                                  5270 ~ 5310 MHz                                  5510 ~ 5550, 5670 MHz
                                ▪ 802.11ac(VHT80)                                  ▪ 802.11ac(VHT80):
                                  5290 MHz                                         5530 MHz

  Modulation type              OFDM

                                    Master mode
  Operational mode                  Client mode without radar detection
                                    Client mode with radar detection

                               Antenna type: PIFA Antenna

  Antenna specification                                     U-NII-2A              0.40 dBi
                               Antenna gain
                                                            U-NII-2C              1.46 dBi
 Note1: The above EUT information was declared by the manufacturer.
 Note2: Refer to UNII report

 1.2. Auxiliary equipment

       Equipment               Model No.                  Serial No.               Manufacturer                      Note

   Access Point (Master)        DIR-868L               R3X81E6000093                    D-Link               FCCID: RRK2012060056-1

1.3. Testing environment

     Ambient Condition

       ▪ Temperature              23 oC ~ 24 oC

       ▪ Relative Humidity        44 % ~ 46 %

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                                             Report No.: DRTFCC1807-0181                                             FCC ID: SS4EF401

2.1. Applicability of DFS requirements prior to use of a channel
                                                                             Operational mode
               Requirement                                                   Client without                Client with radar
                                                                           radar detection                    detection
    Non-Occupancy Period                                  Yes                 Not required                        Yes
    DFS Detection Threshold                               Yes                 Not required                        Yes
    Channel Availability Check time                       Yes                 Not required                    Not required

    U-NII Detection Bandwidth                             Yes                 Not required                        Yes

2.2. Applicability of DFS requirements during normal operation
                                                                                 Operational mode
                   Requirement                            Master or client with                   Client without radar
                                                              radar detection                               detection
    DFS Detection Threshold                                            Yes                                 Not required

    Channel Closing Transmission Time                                  Yes                                     Yes
    Channel Move time                                                  Yes                                     Yes
    U-NII Detection Bandwidth                                          Yes                                 Not required

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                                               Report No.: DRTFCC1807-0181                                            FCC ID: SS4EF401

                                                                                   Operational mode
     Additional requirements for devices
                                                            Master or client with                   Client without radar
        with multiple bandwidth modes
                                                                radar detection                              detection
    U-NII Detection Bandwidth and Statistical                All BW modes must be
                                                                                                             Not required
    Performance Check                                                   tested

    Channel Move Time and Channel Closing
                                                          Test using widest BW mode               Test using the widest BW
    Transmission Time                                              available                      mode available for the link

    All other tests                                           Any single BW mode                             Not required

    Note: Frequencies selected for statistical performance check (Section 7.8.4) should include several frequencies within
         the radar detection bandwidth and frequencies near the edge of the radar detection bandwidth. For 802.11
         devices it is suggested to select frequencies in each of the bonded 20 MHz channels and the channel center

   The EUT was tested according to the following specification:
   905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedure New Rules v02
   905462 D03 UNII Client Without Radar Detection New Rules v01r02

2.3. Requirements of client devices
  a) A Client Device will not transmit before having received appropriate control signals from a Master Device.
  b) A Client Device will stop all its transmissions whenever instructed by a Master Device to which it is associated and
    will meet the Channel Move Time and Channel Closing Transmission Time requirements. The Client Device will
    not resume any transmissions until it has again received control signals from a Master Device.
  c) If a Client Device is performing In-Service Monitoring and detects a Radar Waveform above the DFS Detection
    Threshold, it will inform the Master Device. This is equivalent to the Master Device detecting the Radar Waveform
    and d) through f) of section 5.1.1 apply.
  d) Irrespective of Client Device or Master Device detection the Channel Move Time and Channel Closing
    Transmission Time requirements remain the same.
  e) The client test frequency must be monitored to ensure no transmission of any type has occurred for 30 minutes.
    Note: If the client moves with the master, the device is considered compliant if nothing appears in the client non-
    occupancy period test. For devices that shut down (rather than moving channels), no beacons should appear.

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                                                  Report No.: DRTFCC1807-0181                                              FCC ID: SS4EF401

 2.4. DFS response requirement values
     Parameter                                                 Value
     Non-occupancy period                                      Minimum 30 minutes

     Channel availability check time                           60 seconds

                                                               10 seconds
     Channel move time
                                                               See Note 1.

                                                               200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60 milliseconds over
     Channel closing transmission time
                                                               remaining 10 second period. See Notes 1 and 2.
     Note 1: Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed with Radar Type 0. The
             measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.
     Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning of the
             Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate a Channel move (an
             aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period. The aggregate duration of control
             signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions..

2.5. DFS detection thresholds
   Below provides the DFS Detection Thresholds for Master Devices as well as Client Devices incorporating
   In-Service Monitoring.

     Maximum Transmit Power
                                                                                                 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)

     EIRP ≥ 200 milliwatt                                                                        -64 dBm

     EIRP < 200 milliwatt and
                                                                                                 -62 dBm
     power spectral density < 10 dBm/MHz

     EIRP < 200 milliwatt that do not meet the power spectral density
                                                                                                 -64 dBm
     Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.
     Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of the test transmission
              waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will ensure that the test signal is at or
              above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.
     Note3: EIRP is based on the highest antenna gain. For MIMO devices refer to KDB Publication 662911 D01.

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                                                 Report No.: DRTFCC1807-0181                                           FCC ID: SS4EF401

2.6. Radar test waveforms

                                                                                                          Minimum         Minimum
 Radar                                 PRI                                                              percentage of      number
              width                                               Number of pulses
  type                               (μsec)                                                              successful            of
                                                                                                          detection          trials
    0            1                    1428                                    18                          See Note 1      See Note 1

                            Test A: 15 unique PRI
                          values randomly selected                           1      19 ∙ 106
                                                             Roundup ��         �∙�                ��
                            from the list of 23 PRI                         360     𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝜇𝜇𝜇𝜇𝜇𝜇𝜇𝜇
                            values in section 2.6.2.

                            Test B: 15 unique PRI
    1            1        values randomly selected                                                             60%             30
                           within the range of 518-
                               3066 μsec, with a
                           minimum increment of 1
                             μsec, excluding PRI
                           values selected in Test A

    2           1-5                 150-230                                 23-29                              60%             30

    3          6-10                 200-500                                 16-18                              60%             30

    4          11-20                200-500                                 12-16                              60%             30

 Aggregate (Radar Types 1-4)                                                                                   80%            120
 Note 1: As the EUT is a Client Device with no Radar Detection only one type radar pulse is required for the testing.
         Radar Pulse type 0 was used in the evaluation of the Client device for the purpose of measuring the Channel Move
         Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time.
 Note 2: This report was applied Short Pulse Radar Type 0.

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m Dt & C                                                Report No.: DRTFCC1807—0181                                             FCC ID: SS4EF401

3. Test procedure

 3.1. Setup for Client with injection at the Master
  The setup method is shown below diagram. The method according to the 905462 DO2 UNIl DFS Compliance
  Procedure New Rules vO2 — section 7.2

                    Redar Test                                                                                    0
                    Signal Generator                                                                                   Master

                                                             2Way                          2Way

                                 ——E=— e
                                                            Spiter                        Spitted
                                                                                         Combiner [—

                                 o                                                                                O       Spectum
                        UUT                                                                                              Analyzer
                      (Client)                                                                                    fwin 10 dBintomal

 3.2. Spectrum analyzer setting parameter
  The seffing parameter is shown below and it according to the 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedure New
  Rules vC2 — section 7.5
        1)     RBW VBW 2 3MHz
        2)     Detector = Peak
        3)     Span = zero span
        4)     Sweep time 2 12s

 3.3. Conducted test procedure
   1 One frequency will be chosen from the Operating Channels of the UUT within the 5250—5350 MHz or 5470—5725
             MHz bands.
   2) The Client Device (EUT) is set up the above diagram and communications between the Master device and the
         Client is established.
         Stream the channel loading test file from the Master Deviceto the Client Device on the test Channel for the entire
             period of the test. (The MPEG file specified by the FCC ("6 i4 Magic Hours‘))
         An adcitional 1 dB is added to the radar test signal to ensureit is at or above the DFS Detection Threshold,
         accounting for equipment variations/errors.
         Observe the transmissions of the UUT at the end of the Burst on the Operating Channelfor duration greater than
             12 seconds for Radar Type 0 to ensure detection occurs.
         After theinitial radar burst the channelis monitored for 30 minutes to ensure no fransmissions or beacons occur.
         A second monitoring setup is used to verity that the Master and Client have both moved to different channels.

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                                               Report No.: DRTFCC1807-0181                                    FCC ID: SS4EF401


      Parameter                                               Limit                                         Status
                                                                                                             Note 1

      Channel move time                                       10 seconds                                     Note 2

                                                              200ms + aggregate of 60ms over                   C
      Channel closing transmission time                                                                     Note 2, 3
                                                              remaining 10 second period

      Non-occupancy period                                    30 minutes                                       C

       Note 1: C=Comply      NC=Not Comply       NT=Not Tested        NA=Not Applicable

       Note 2: Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed with Radar Type
               0. The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.

       Note 3: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning of the
                Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate a Channel move
                (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period. The aggregate duration
                of control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.

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                                                   Report No.: DRTFCC1807-0181                                          FCC ID: SS4EF401


                                                                              Cal.Date         Next.Cal.Date
          Type                Manufacturer                 Model            (yy/mm/dd)          (yy/mm/dd)

 Spectrum Analyzer         Agilent Technologies      N9020A                   17/12/26             18/12/26     MY50200816

 Multimeter                FLUKE                     17B                      17/12/26             18/12/26     26030065WS

 DFS Bridge System         DTNC                      DFS-01                   18/07/06             19/07/06     T001

 Vector Signal Generator   Rohde Schwarz             SMBV100A                 17/12/27             18/12/27     255571

 Thermohygrometer          BODYCOM                   BJ5478                   18/01/03             19/01/03     1209

 PXIS-2670(G)              ADLINK                    3025C                    18/07/04             19/07/04     302581/834

 PXIS-2670(G)              ADLINK                    3035C                    18/07/04             19/07/04     303581/927

 Cable                     Infinet                   CABLE                    18/01/10             19/01/10     RF-40

 Cable                     Infinet                   CABLE                    18/01/10             19/01/10     RF-44

 Cable                     Infinet                   CABLE                    18/01/10             19/01/10     RF-45

 Cable                     Infinet                   CABLE                    18/01/10             19/01/10     RF-51

 Cable                     Infinet                   CABLE                    18/01/10             19/01/10     RF-52

 Note1: The cable is not a regular calibration item, so it has been calibrated by DT & C itself.

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                                         Report No.: DRTFCC1807-0181                                  FCC ID: SS4EF401

6.1. Move time and aggregate time
 6.1.1. U-NII-2A : 802.11n(HT40), 5310 MHz

 6.1.2. U-NII-2C : 802.11n(HT40), 5510 MHz

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                                        Report No.: DRTFCC1807-0181                                  FCC ID: SS4EF401

6.2. Non-occupancy period
 6.2.1. U-NII-2A : 802.11n(HT40), 5310 MHz

 6.2.2. U-NII-2C : 802.11n(HT40), 5510 MHz

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                                             Report No.: DRTFCC1807-0181                                  FCC ID: SS4EF401


Channel loading

U-NII-2A : 802.11n(HT40), 5310 MHz
               Timing plots: A minimum channel loading of approximately 17% or greater

   - Spectrum Analyzer setting
     1) Span: Zero
     2) Sweep points: 40001

     Channel loading = (Channel loading sweep points / Total sweep points) x 100
                     = (23918 / 40001) x 100 = 59.79 %
     Note: The Channel loading sweep points were extracted from the spectrum and calculated.

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                                             Report No.: DRTFCC1807-0181                                  FCC ID: SS4EF401

Channel loading

U-NII-2C : 802.11n(HT40), 5510 MHz
                Timing plots: A minimum channel loading of approximately 17% or greater

   - Spectrum Analyzer setting
     1) Span: Zero
     2) Sweep points: 40001

     Channel loading = (Channel loading sweep points / Total sweep points) x 100
                     = (27068 / 40001) x 100 = 67.67 %
     Note: The Channel loading sweep points were extracted from the spectrum and calculated.

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Document Created: 2019-09-12 11:20:35
Document Modified: 2019-09-12 11:20:35

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