Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                                   FCC ID : SS4BIP600O0MAXID
                                                                                   Report No.: DRTFCC1212—0862
                                                                                   Total 30 Pages

                              RF TEST REPORT
                        Test item             :     RFID Reader
                        Model No.             :     BIP—6000MAXID
                        Order No.             :     DEMC1207—01217
                        Date of receipt       _:    2012—07—19
                        Test duration         :_2012—11—19 ~2012—11—27
                        Date of issue         :     2012—12—06
                        Use of report         :     FCC Original Grant

      Applicant         _:      Bluebird Soft Inc.
                                1242, Gaepo—dong ,Gangnam—Gu, Seoul, Korea

Test laboratory         _:      Digital EMC Co., Ltd.
                                683—3, Yubang—Dong, Cheoin—Gu, Yongin—Si, Kyunggi—Do, 449—080, Korea

                        Test specification               :    FCC Part 15 Subpart C 247

                        Test environment                 :    See appended test report

                        Test result                      :_   K Pass             ] Fail

             The test results presented in this test report are limited only to the sample supplied by applicant and
     the use of this test report is inhibited other than its purpose.   This test report shall not be reproduced except in full,
                                      without the written approval of DIGITAL EMC CO., LTD.

    Tested by:                                     Witnessed by:                             Reviewed by:
                                                                                                     ssm * B
        7           >                                                                          t        ooo * s
    Engineer                                       N/A                                      Technical Director
    Sun—Kyu, Ryu                                                                             Harvey Sung

DF—403—01(01)100601                                                                                         Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                     FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                                                       Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

                                                            Table of Contents
           1. General Information ............................................................................................................... 4
              1.1     Testing Laboratory ........................................................................................................ 4
              1.2     Details of Applicant ....................................................................................................... 4
              1.3     Support Equipment ....................................................................................................... 4
              1.4     Description of EUT ........................................................................................................ 4
              1.4. Declaration by the manufacturer ................................................................................... 4
              1.6. Test Equipment List ........................................................................................................ 5
              1.7. Summary of Test Results................................................................................................ 6
              1.8 Conclusion of worst-case and operation mode ............................................................ 7
              1.9 Test report revision .......................................................................................................... 7
           2. Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions and Conducted Spurious Emission ............ 8
              2.1. Test Setup......................................................................................................................... 8
              2.2. Limit .................................................................................................................................. 8
              2.3. Test Procedures .............................................................................................................. 9
               2.3.1. Test Procedures for Radiated Spurious Emissions ................................................ 9
               2.3.2. Test Procedures for Conducted Spurious Emissions ............................................ 9
              2.4. Test Results.................................................................................................................... 10
               2.4.1. Radiated Emission.................................................................................................... 10
               2.4.2. Conducted Spurious Emissions ............................................................................. 11
           3. Carrier Frequency Separation............................................................................................. 16
               3.1. Test Setup .................................................................................................................... 16
              3.2. Limit ................................................................................................................................ 16
           4. Number of Hopping Frequencies ..................................................................................... 18
               4.1. Test Setup .................................................................................................................... 18
              4.2. Limit ................................................................................................................................ 18
           5. 20dBc BW.............................................................................................................................. 20
              5.1. Test Setup....................................................................................................................... 20
              5.2. Limit ................................................................................................................................ 20
              5.3. Test Procedure .............................................................................................................. 20
              5.4. Test Results.................................................................................................................... 20
           6. Time of Occupancy (Dwell Time) ........................................................................................ 23
              6.1. Test Setup....................................................................................................................... 23
              6.2. Limit ................................................................................................................................ 23
              6.3. Test Procedure .............................................................................................................. 23
              6.4. Test Results.................................................................................................................... 23
           7. Maximum Peak Output Power Measurement .................................................................... 25
              7.1. Test Setup....................................................................................................................... 25
              7.2. Limit ................................................................................................................................ 25
              7.3. Test Procedure ............................................................................................................... 25
              7.4. Test Results.................................................................................................................... 26

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                                                   Copyright ○
                                                             C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                     FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                                                       Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

           8. Transmitter AC Power Line Conducted Emission ............................................................ 29
              8.1. Test Setup....................................................................................................................... 29
              8.2. Limit ................................................................................................................................ 29
              8.3. Test Procedures ............................................................................................................. 29
           9. Antenna Requirement .......................................................................................................... 30

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                                                   Copyright ○
                                                             C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                   FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                     Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

1. General Information
 1.1 Testing Laboratory
    Digital EMC Co., Ltd.
     683-3, Yubang-Dong, Cheoin-Gu, Yongin-Si, Kyunggi-Do, 449-080, Korea
     Telephone       :   + 82-31-321-2664
     FAX             :   + 82-31-321-1664

 1.2 Details of Applicant
    Applicant            :   Bluebird Soft Inc.
    Address              :   1242, Gaepo-dong ,Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, Korea
    Contact person       :   Joo-hyung Lee
    Phone No.            :   +82-2-541-0870

 1.3 Support Equipment
           Equipment           Manufacturer                    Model           FCC ID            Cal Due.
       Portable Device       Bluebird Soft Inc.           BIP-6000            SS4P1770              -
               -                     -                           -                 -                -

 1.4 Description of EUT

     Product                             RFID Reader

     Model Name                          BIP-6000MAXID

     Serial Number                       Identical prototype

     Power Supply                        DC 3.7 V

     Frequency Range                     902.75 ~ 927.25 MHz

     Modulation Technique                A1D

     Number of Channels                  50

     Antenna Type                        Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna

     Antenna Gain                        PK : 2.5 dBic

 1.4. Declaration by the manufacturer
   - N/A

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                                         Copyright ○
                                                   C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                        FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                          Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

 1.6. Test Equipment List
                                                                       Cal.Date    Next.Cal.Date
            Type              Manufacturer               Model       (yy/mm/dd)     (yy/mm/dd)

  Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent            E4440A               12/10/22          13/10/22   US45303022

  MXA Signal Analyzer         Agilent            N9020A               12/01/09          13/01/09   MY49100833

  Spectrum Analyzer           Rohde Schwarz      FSQ26                12/01/09          13/01/09   200445

  Digital Multimeter          H.P                34401A               12/03/05          13/03/05   3146A13475, US36122178

  Signal Generator            Rohde Schwarz      SMR20                12/03/05          13/03/05   101251

  Vector Signal Generator     Rohde Schwarz      SMJ100A              12/01/09          13/01/09   100148

  Thermo hygrometer           BODYCOM            BJ5478               12/01/13          13/01/13   090205-2

  DC Power Supply             SM techno          SDP30-5D             12/06/08          13/06/08   305DKA013

  High-Pass Filter            Wainwright         WHKX1.0              12/09/17          13/09/17   9

  Attenuator (20dB)           WEINSCHEL          86-20-11             12/09/17          13/09/17   432

  BILOG ANTENNA               SCHAFFNER          CBL6112D             10/12/21          12/12/21   22609

  HORN ANT                    ETS                3115                 12/02/20          14/02/20   6419

  HORN ANT                    A.H.Systems        SAS-574              11/03/25          13/03/25   154

  Loop Antenna                Schwarzbeck        FMZB1513             12/09/24          13/09/24   1513-128

  Amplifier (22dB)            H.P                8447E                12/01/09          13/01/09   2945A02865

  Amplifier (30dB)            Agilent            8449B                12/03/05          13/03/05   3008A00370

  EMI TEST RECEIVER           R&S                ESU                  12/01/09          13/01/09   100014

  EMI TEST RECEIVER           R&S                ESCI                 12/03/06          13/03/06   100364

  CVCF                        NF Electronic      4420                 12/03/05          13/03/05   304935/337980
                              R&S                ESH2-Z5              12/09/18          13/09/18   828739/006
  RFI/Field intensity Meter   KYORITSU           KNM-2402             12/07/02          13/07/02   4N-170-3

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                                              Copyright ○
                                                        C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                 FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                   Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

 1.7. Summary of Test Results

     FCC Part                                                                               Test      Status
                                   Parameter                            Limit
     Section(s)                                                                           Condition   Note 1

  I. Transmit mode (TX)

                      Carrier Frequency Separation         >25 kHz                                      C

                      Number of Hopping Frequencies        >= 50 hops                                   C
                      20 dB Bandwidth                      None                                         C

                      Dwell Time                           =< 0.4 seconds                 Conducted     C

     15.247(b)        Transmitter Output Power             < 1Watt                                      C

                                                           The radiated emission to
                      Band-edge /Conducted                 any 100 kHz of out-band                      C
     15.247(d)                                             shall be at least 20dB below
                      Conducted Spurious Emissions         the highest in-band spectral                 C

   15.205, 15.209     Radiated Spurious Emissions          FCC 15.209 Limits              Radiated      C

                                                                                           AC Line     NA
       15.207         AC Conducted Emissions               EN 55022
                                                                                          Conducted    Note.3

       15.203         Antenna Requirements                 FCC 15.203                         -         C

  Note 1: C=Comply     NC=Not Comply       NT=Not Tested     NA=Not Applicable
  Note 2: This test item was performed in each axis. And the worst case data were reported.
  Note 3: Because the power of this device is supplied from batteries and
          this device can’t operate when the host charging

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                                       Copyright ○
                                                 C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                 FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                   Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

 1.8 Conclusion of worst-case and operation mode
 The field strength of spurious emission was measured in three orthogonal EUT positions(X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis).

 Tested frequency information,
   - Hopping Function: Enable
                                                TX Frequency (MHz)                   RX Frequency (MHz)

               Hopping Band                        902.75 ~ 927.25                      902.75 ~ 927.25

    - Hopping Function: Disable
                                                TX Frequency (MHz)                   RX Frequency (MHz)

              Lowest Channel                           902.75                               902.75

              Middle Channel                           915.25                               915.25

             Highest Channel                           927.25                               927.25

 1.9 Test report revision

         Test Report No.                Date                                Description

        DRTFCC1212-0862             Dec. 06, 2012      Final version for Approval

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                                      Copyright ○
                                                C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                          FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                            Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

2. Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions and Conducted Spurious Emission
 2.1. Test Setup
 Refer to the APPENDIX I.
 2.2. Limit
  According to §15.247(d), in any 100 ㎑ bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or
  digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional
  radiator shall be at least 20 ㏈ below that in the 100 ㎑ bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of
  the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement , provided the transmitter
  demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power limits. If the transmitter complies with the conducted power
  limits based on the use of RMS averaging over a time interval , as permitted under paragraph(b)(3) of this section , the
  attenuation required under this paragraph shall be 30 ㏈ instead of 20 ㏈. Attenuation below the general limits
  specified in section §15.209(a) is not required. In addition, radiated emission which in the restricted band, as define in
  section §15.205(a), must also comply the radiated emission limits specified in section §15.209(a) (see section

  According to § 15.209(a), except as provided elsewhere in this Subpart, the emissions from an intentional radiator
  shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table
                          Frequency (MHz)                               Limit (uV/m) @ 3m
                               30 ~ 88                                         100 **
                              88 ~ 216                                         150 **
                             216 ~ 960                                         200 **
                             Above 960                                          500
    ** Except as provided in 15.209(g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating under this Section
       shall not be located in the frequency bands 54-72 MHz, 76-88MHz, 174-216MHz or 470-806MHz. However,
       operation within these frequency bands is permitted under other sections of this Part, e.g. 15.231 and 15.241.

  According to § 15.205(a) and (b), only spurious emissions are permitted in any of the frequency bands listed below:
            MHz                    MHz                    MHz                MHz                GHz            GHz
        0.009 ~ 0.110        8.41425 ~ 8.41475        108 ~ 121.94       1300 ~ 1427        3600 ~ 4400    14.47 ~ 14.5
        0.495 ~ 0.505         12.29 ~ 12.293            123 ~ 138       1435 ~ 1626.5        4.5 ~ 5.15    15.35 ~ 16.2
       2.1735 ~ 2.1905      12.51975 ~ 12.52025       149.9 ~ 150.05    1645.5 ~ 1646.5      5.35 ~ 5.46    17.7 ~ 21.4
        4.125 ~ 4.128       12.57675 ~ 12.57725        156.52475 ~       1660 ~ 1710         7.25 ~ 7.75   22.01 ~ 23.12
      4.17725 ~ 4.17775        13.36 ~ 13.41            156.52525       1718.8 ~ 1722.2      8.025 ~ 8.5    23.6 ~ 24.0
      4.20725 ~ 4.20775       16.42 ~ 16.423          156.7 ~ 156.9      2200 ~ 2300          9.0 ~ 9.2     31.2 ~ 31.8
        6.215 ~ 6.218       16.69475 ~ 16.69525     162.0125 ~ 167.17    2310 ~ 2390          9.3 ~ 9.5    36.43 ~ 36.5
      6.26775 ~ 6.26825     16.80425 ~ 16.80475       167.72 ~ 173.2    2483.5 ~ 2500        10.6 ~ 12.7    Above 38.6
      6.31175 ~ 6.31225        25.5 ~ 25.67             240 ~ 285        2655 ~ 2900        13.25 ~ 13.4
        8.291 ~ 8.294          37.5 ~ 38.25            322 ~ 335.4       3260 ~ 3267
        8.362 ~ 8.366            73 ~ 74.6            399.90 ~ 410       3332 ~ 3339
      8.37625 ~ 8.38675         74.8 ~ 75.2             608 ~ 614       3345.8 ~ 3358
                                                       960 ~ 1240

  The field strength of emissions appearing within these frequency bands shall not exceed the limits shown in §15.209.
  At frequencies equal to or less than 1000 MHz, compliance with the limits in §15.209 shall be demonstrated using
  measurement instrumentation employing a CISPR quasi-peak detector. Above 1000 MHz, compliance with the
  emission limits in §15.209 shall be demonstrated based on the average value of the measured emissions. The
  provisions in §15.35 apply to these measurements.

TRF-RF-212(00)101214                                                                                               Page 8 / 30
                                              Copyright ○
                                                        C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                    Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

 2.3. Test Procedures
 Radiated emissions from the EUT were measured according to the DA 00-705 and ANSI C63.4:2003

  2.3.1. Test Procedures for Radiated Spurious Emissions

  1. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3 meter anechoic chamber test
     site. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
  2. During performing radiated emission below 1 ㎓, the EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference receiving
     antenna, which was mounted on the top of a variable-height antenna tower. During performing radiated emission
     above 1 ㎓, the EUT was set 3 meter away from the interference-receiving antenna.
  3. The antenna is a broadband antenna, and its height is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to
     determine the maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set
     to make the measurement.
  4. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna was tuned to heights
     from 1 meter to 4 meters and the table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum reading.
  5. The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum Hold Mode.
  6. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 10 ㏈ lower than the limit specified, then testing could be
     stopped and the peak values of the EUT would be reported. Otherwise the emissions that did not have 10 ㏈
     margin would be re-tested one by one using peak, quasi-peak or average method as specified and then reported in
     a data sheet.

  NOTE ;
  1. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 120 ㎑ for Quasi-peak
     detection (QP) at frequency below 1 ㎓.
  2. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1㎒ for Peak detection and
     frequency above 1 ㎓.
  3. The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 ㎒ and the video bandwidth is 10 Hz for Average
     detection (AV) at frequency above 1 ㎓.

  2.3.2. Test Procedures for Conducted Spurious Emissions

  1. The transmitter output was connected to the spectrum analyzer.
  2. The reference level of the fundamental frequency was measured with the spectrum analyzer using RBW=100 ㎑,
     VBW=300 ㎑.
  3. The conducted spurious emission was performed using the spectrum analyzer’s spurious measurement function
      from 30 MHz to 25 GHz with the 11 sub measurement ranges.(Detail ranges are listed on the measurement plots)
      The following spectrum settings was used for each measurement rages.

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                                      Copyright ○
                                                C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                     FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                       Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

 2.4. Test Results
  Ambient temperature      :       24 oC
  Relative humidity        :       49 %

  2.4.1. Radiated Emission

  30MHz ~ 10GHz Data
  ▪ Lowest Channel
                      The worst case
  Frequency    ANT                         Detector   Reading     T.F       D.C.F.       Result     Limit      Margin
                       EUT Position
    (MHz)      Pol                          Mode      (dBuV)    (dB/m)       (dB)      (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)      (dB)

   170.000      V              Z             QP       40.90     -11.60      N/A         29.30      43.50       14.20
  1805.360      H              Y             PK       59.79     -5.70       N/A         54.09      74.00       19.91
  1805.460      H              Y             AV       56.21     -5.70       N/A         50.51      54.00       3.49
  2708.200      V              Y             PK       58.22     -2.16       N/A         56.06      74.00       17.94
  2708.200      V              Y             AV       53.19     -2.16       N/A         51.03      54.00       2.97

  ▪ Middle Channel
                      The worst case
  Frequency    ANT                         Detector   Reading     T.F       D.C.F.       Result     Limit      Margin
                       EUT Position
    (MHz)      Pol                          Mode      (dBuV)    (dB/m)       (dB)      (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)      (dB)

   190.001      V              Z             QP       41.70     -11.90      N/A         29.80      43.50       13.70
  1829.450      H              Y             PK       54.36     -5.42       N/A         48.94      74.00       25.06
  1829.450      H              Y             AV       49.19     -5.42       N/A         43.77      54.00       10.23
  2744.030      V              Y             PK       54.96     -1.25       N/A         53.71      74.00       20.29
  2744.030      V              Y             AV       48.55     -1.25       N/A         47.30      54.00       6.70

  ▪ Highest Channel
                      The worst case
  Frequency    ANT                         Detector   Reading     T.F       D.C.F.       Result     Limit      Margin
                       EUT Position
    (MHz)      Pol                          Mode      (dBuV)    (dB/m)       (dB)      (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)      (dB)

   190.000      V              Z             QP       44.10     -11.90      N/A         32.20      43.50       11.30
  1854.440      H              Y             PK       57.08     -5.38       N/A         51.70      74.00       22.30
  1854.440      H              Y             AV       53.83     -5.38       N/A         48.45      54.00       5.55
  2781.710      V              Y             PK       56.33     -1.59       N/A         54.74      74.00       19.26
  2781.710      V              Y             AV       51.47     -1.59       N/A         49.88      54.00       4.12

   1. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were reported greater than listed emissions above table.
   2. Above listed point data is the worst case data.
   3. Sample Calculation.
      Margin = Limit – Result      /     Result = Reading + T.F+ DCF / T.F = AF + CL – AG
      Where, T.F = Total Factor, AF = Antenna Factor, CL = Cable Loss, AG = Amplifier Gain,
      DCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor

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                                           Copyright ○
                                                     C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                        FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                          Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

  2.4.2. Conducted Spurious Emissions

  Low Band-edge                          Lowest Channel

  Low Band-edge                          Hopping mode

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                                        C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                     FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                       Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

  Conducted Spurious Emissions                      Lowest Channel

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                                     C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                     FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                       Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

  Reference for limit                                Middle Channel

  Conducted Spurious Emissions                       Middle Channel

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                                     C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                 FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                   Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

  High Band-edge                  Highest Channel

  High Band-edge                  Hopping mode

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                                 C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                     FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                       Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

  Conducted Spurious Emissions                      Highest Channel

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                                     C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                  Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

3. Carrier Frequency Separation
 3.1. Test Setup
  Refer to the APPENDIX I.

  3.2. Limit
  Limit: >= 20dB BW or >= Two-Thirds of the 20dB BW

- Procedure:
   The carrier frequency separation was measured with a spectrum analyzer connected to the antenna terminal, while
   EUT had its hopping function enabled.
   After the trace being stable, the reading value between the peaks of the adjacent channels using the marker-delta
   function was recorded as the measurement results.

  The spectrum analyzer is set to:
    Span = wide enough to capture the peaks of two adjacent channels
    RBW = 1% of the span                        Sweep = auto
    VBW = ≥ RBW                                 Detector function = peak
    Trace = max hold

- Measurement Data: Comply

                Hopping        Peak of center channel     Peak of adjacent Channel      Test Result
                 Mode                  (MHz)                       (MHz)                   (kHz)

                 Enable                 914.75                      915.25                  500

  Note 1: See next pages for actual measured spectrum plots.

- Minimum Standard:
   The EUT shall have hopping channel carrier frequencies separated by a minimum of 25kHz or the 20dB bandwidth
   of the hopping channel, whichever is greater.

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                                      Copyright ○
                                                C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                       FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                         Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

  Carrier Frequency Separation                  Hopping mode: Enable

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                                       C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                  Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

4. Number of Hopping Frequencies
 4.1. Test Setup
  Refer to the APPENDIX I.

  4.2. Limit
  Limit: >= 15 hops

- Procedure:
   The number of hopping frequencies was measured with a spectrum analyzer connected to the antenna terminal, while
   EUT had its hopping function enabled.
   To get higher resolution, four frequency ranges within the 902 ~ 930 MHz FH band were examined.

  The spectrum analyzer is set to:
    Span = 30 MHz       Plot 1: Start Frequency = 900 MHz, Stop Frequency = 930 MHz
    RBW = 1% of the span or more                       Sweep = auto
    VBW = ≥ RBW                                        Detector function = peak
    Trace = max hold

- Measurement Data: Comply

                                                                Test Result
                       Hopping mode
                                                               (Total Hops)

                             Enable                                 50

  Note 1: See next pages for actual measured spectrum plots.

- Minimum Standard:
  At least 50 hopes

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                                      Copyright ○
                                                C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                     FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                       Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

  Number of Hopping Frequencies               Hopping mode: Enable

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                                     C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                     FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                       Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

5. 20dBc BW
  5.1. Test Setup
  Refer to the APPENDIX I.

  5.2. Limit
  Limit: Not Applicable

  5.3. Test Procedure
  The bandwidth at 20 dB below the highest inband spectral density was measured with a spectrum analyzer connected
  to the antenna terminal, while EUT had its hopping function disabled at the highest, middle and the lowest available

  After the trace being stable, Use the marker-to-peak function to set the marker to the peak of the emission. Use the
  marker-delta function to measure 20dB down one side of the emission. Reset the marker-delta function, and move
  the marker to the other side of the emission, until it is ( as close as possible to ) even with the reference marker level.
  The marker-delta reading at this point is the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission..

  The spectrum analyzer is set to:
    Center frequency = the highest, middle and the lowest channels
    Span = 1 MHz
    RBW = 1% of the span or more                       Sweep = auto
    VBW = ≥ RBW                                        Detector function = peak
    Trace = max hold

  5.4. Test Results
   Ambient temperature          :    23 oC
   Relative humidity            :    51 %

                                                                                         20dBc BW
      Frequency (MHz)                   Tested Channel

            902.75                           Lowest                                       124.877
            915.25                           Middle                                       125.657
            927.25                           Highest                                      130.195
Note 1: See next pages for actual measured spectrum plots.

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                                        Copyright ○
                                                  C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                 FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                   Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

  20dBc Bandwidth                    Lowest Channel

  20dBc Bandwidth                    Middle Channel

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                                 C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                 FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                   Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

  20dBc Bandwidth                    Highest Channel

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                                 C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                    Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

6. Time of Occupancy (Dwell Time)
 6.1. Test Setup
 Refer to the APPENDIX I.

 6.2. Limit
 Limit: Not Applicable

 6.3. Test Procedure
 The dwell time was measured with a spectrum analyzer connected to the antenna terminal, while EUT had its hopping
 function enabled.

  The spectrum analyzer is set to:
    Center frequency = 914.75 MHz                      Span = zero
    RBW = 100 kHz                                      VBW = ≥ RBW
    Trace = Single SWEEP                               Detector function = peak

 6.4. Test Results
  Ambient temperature         :   22 oC
  Relative humidity           :   53 %

                      Channel Frequency           Length                            Dwell Time
                           (MHz)                   (ms)                               (ms)

                            914.75                83.25               2                166.5

   Note 1: See next pages for actual measured spectrum plots.

- Minimum Standard:

  0.4 seconds within a 20 second period per any frequency

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                                                C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                 FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                   Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

                                          Hopping mode: Enable
  Time of Occupancy

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                                 C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                               FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                 Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

7. Maximum Peak Output Power Measurement
 7.1. Test Setup
 Refer to the APPENDIX I.

 7.2. Limit
 The maximum peak output power of the intentional radiator shall not exceed the following :
 1. §15.247(b)(2), For frequency hopping systems operating in the 902-928 MHz band: 1 watt for systems employing at
    least 50 hopping channels; and, 0.25 watts for systems employing less than 50 hopping channels, but at least 25
    hopping channels,

 7.3. Test Procedure
 1. The RF power output was measured with a Spectrum analyzer connected to the RF Antenna connector (conducted
   measurement) while EUT was operating in transmit mode at the appropriate center frequency, A spectrum analyzer
   was used to record the shape of the transmit signal.

 2. The bandwidth of the fundamental frequency was measured with the spectrum analyzer using ;
    Span = approximately 10 times the 20 ㏈ bandwidth, centered on a hopping channel
    RBW ≥ 20㏈ BW
    VBW ≥ RBW
    Sweep = auto
    Detector function = peak
    Trace = max hold

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                                     Copyright ○
                                               C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                               FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                 Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

 7.4. Test Results
  Ambient temperature        :    22 oC
  Relative humidity          :    53 %

                                                               Peak Output Power
                    Tested Channel
                                                      dBm                           mW
                        Lowest                        23.61                        229.615

                        Middle                        23.52                        224.905

                        Highest                       23.47                        222.331

  Note 1: See next pages for actual measured spectrum plots.

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                                     Copyright ○
                                               C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                 FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                   Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

  Peak Output Power                  Lowest Channel

  Peak Output Power                  Middle Channel

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                                 C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                 FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                   Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

  Peak Output Power                  Highest Channel

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                                 C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                    FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                      Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

8. Transmitter AC Power Line Conducted Emission
 8.1. Test Setup
 Refer to test setup photo.

 8.2. Limit
 According to §15.207(a) for an intentional radiator that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line,
 the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies, within the
 band 150 ㎑ to 30 ㎒, shall not exceed the limits in the following table, as measured using a 50 uH/50 ohm line
 impedance stabilization network(LISN).
 Compliance with the provision of this paragraph shall on the measurement of the radio frequency voltage between each
 power line and ground at the power terminal. The lower applies at the boundary between the frequency ranges.

          Frequency Range                                          Conducted Limit (dBuV)
               (MHz)                                 Quasi-Peak                                 Average

              0.15 ~ 0.5                              66 to 56 *                                56 to 46 *

               0.5 ~ 5                                   56                                        46

                5 ~ 30                                   60                                        50
 * Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency

 8.3. Test Procedures
 Conducted emissions from the EUT were measured according to the dictates of ANSI C63.4:2003

 1. The test procedure is performed in a 6.5 m × 3.5 m × 3.5 m (L × W × H) shielded room. The EUT along with its
    peripherals were placed on a 1.0 m (W) × 1.5 m (L) and 0.8 m in height wooden table and the EUT was adjusted to
    maintain a 0.4 meter space from a vertical reference plane.
 2. The EUT was connected to power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN) which provides 50
    ohm coupling impedance for measuring instrument and the chassis ground was bounded to the horizontal ground
    plane of shielded room.
 3. All peripherals were connected to the second LISN and the chassis ground also bounded to the horizontal ground
    plane of shielded room.
 4. The excess power cable between the EUT and the LISN was bundled. The power cables of peripherals were
    unbundled. All connecting cables of EUT and peripherals were moved to find the maximum emission.

 8.4. Test Results : N/A

     Note 1: This test is not applicable.
             Because the power of this device is supplied from batteries and
             this device can’t operate when the host charging

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                                       Copyright ○
                                                 C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

                                                                                   FCC ID :    SS4BIP6000MAXID
DEMC1207-01217                                                                     Report No.: DRTFCC1212-0862

9. Antenna Requirement

▣ Procedure:
Describe how the EUT complies with the requirement that either its antenna is permanently attached, or that it employs a
unique antenna connector, for every antenna proposed for use with the EUT.

▣ Conclusion: Comply

 The internal antenna is attached on the main PCB using the special spring tension. (Refer to Internal Photo file.)

▣ Minimum Standard:
  An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible
  party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a
  unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the provisions.

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                                       Copyright ○
                                                 C 2012, Digital EMC Co., Ltd.

Document Created: 2013-01-11 14:42:07
Document Modified: 2013-01-11 14:42:07

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