Cover Letter

FCC ID: SS3-W3281705

Cover Letter(s)

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The description of the software must address the following questions in the operational
description for the device and clearly demonstrate how the device meets the security

Software Security Description
1. Describe how any software/firmware update will be obtained, downloaded and installed
   a. All software/firmware updates are released by manufacturer and saved on manufacturer’S
      official server. The equipment have to connect to manufacturer’s server by the official app
      named DJI GO to download the updated software/firmware. The DJI GO will install the
      software/firmware directly in to the equipment.

2. Describe all the radio frequency parameters that are modified by any software/firmware without
   any hardware changes. Are these parameters in some way limited, such that, it will not exceed
   the authorized parameters?
   No radio parameter can be modified exceed the authorized parameters. The RF
   parameters of device is programmed and locked to comply with FCC rules. The storage
   area of the RF related firmware cannot be write except through the tools in factory.
3. Are there any authentication protocols in place to ensure that the source of the
   software/firmware is legitimate? If so, describe in details; if not, explain how the software is
   secured from modification
   1. Firmware are encrypted with integrity check to ensure the validity of its content
   2. Without passing the firmware integrity check, no upgrade will be performed
4.    Are there any verification protocols in place to ensure that the software/firmware is legitimate?
     If so, describe in details
     Any software/firmware modification will have the verification procedure and verification results
     and release letter and impact analysis report based on QMS/SDLC process.
     Any modification will be highlighted on the release letter, and the impact analysis will also have a
     review. Verification procedure and verification results will be performed based on the release
     letter and impact analysis report.
5.   Describe, if any, encryption methods used
     WPA WPA2
6. For a device that can be configured as a master and client (with active or passive scanning),
   explain how the device ensures compliance for each mode? In particular if the device acts as
   master in some band of operation and client in another; how is compliance ensured in each band
   of operation
   The device can be operated as master only

7. How are unauthorized software/firmware changes prevented?
    1. Firmware are protected by encryption and its checksum for integrity check
    2. Without passing the firmware integrity check, no upgrade will be performed
    3. All software/firmware updates are released by manufacturer and saved on manufacturer’S
        official server. The equipment have to connect to manufacturer’s server by the official app
        named DJI GO to download the updated software/firmware.
8. Is it possible for third parties to load device drivers that could modify the RF parameters, country of
operation or other parameters which impact device compliance? If so, describe procedures to ensure
that only approved drivers are loaded.
Description: No radio parameter can be modified exceed the authorized parameters. The RF
parameters of device is programmed and locked to comply with FCC rules. The storage area of the RF
related firmware cannot be write except through the tools in factory.
 9. Explain if any third parties have the capability to operate a US sold device on any other regulatory
domain, frequencies, or in any manner that is in violation of the certification.
Description: It is not possible. The RF parameters of device is programmed and locked to comply with
FCC rules. The storage area of the RF related firmware cannot be write except through the tools in

10. What prevents third parties from loading non-US versions of the software/firmware on the device?
Description: The RF parameters of device is programmed and locked to comply with FCC rules. The
storage area of the RF related firmware cannot be write except through the tools in factory. No Third
party software/firmware is permitted to install to the device.

11. For modular devices, describe how authentication is achieved when used with different hosts.
It is not modular device.

In addition to the general security consideration, for devices which have “User Interfaces” (UI)
to configure the device in a manner that may impact the operational parameter, the following
questions shall be answered by the applicant and the information included in the operational


1. To whom is the UI accessible? (Professional installer, end user, other.)
a) What parameters are viewable to the professional installer/end-user?
   Authorized Channels is viewable to Professional installer and end user by official app.

b) What parameters are accessible or modifiable to the professional installer?
   The device does not need a installer. No parameters are accessible or modifiable to the professional

  i) Are the parameters in some way limited, so that the installers will not enter parameters that
exceed those authorized?
  The device does not need a installer. All above parameters have pre-defined rang according to the
  certification test result. They are stored in the ROM , which not allow user to adjust.

  ii) What controls exist that the user cannot operate the device outside its authorization in the U.S.?
  All parameters (RF, Frequency and etc.) indicating different countries are permanent setting in the
  ROM. The RF parameters of device is programmed and locked to comply with FCC rules.

c) What configuration options are available to the end-user?
    Authorized Channels

  i) Are the parameters in some way limited, so that the installers will not enter parameters that
exceed those authorized?
     All above parameters have pre-defined range according to the certification test result. They are
     stored in the ROM and shown in UI, which not allow user to adjust beyond there-set value

  ii) What controls exist that the user cannot operate the device outside its authorization in the U.S.?
            All parameters (RF, Frequencies and etc.) indicating different countries are permanent
      setting in the ROM. So if a device is a product for US, it cannot be changed for another region

d) Is the country code factory set? Can it be changed in the UI?
      It is factory set and cannot be changed in the UI

   i) If so, what controls exist to ensure that the device can only operate within its authorization in the
     The RF parameters of device is programmed and locked to comply with FCC rules. All parameters
(RF, Frequencies and etc.) indicating different countries are permanent setting in the ROM. So if a
device is a product for US, it cannot be changed for another region.
e) What are the default parameters when the device is restarted?
   Authorized parameters comply with FCC rules

2. Can the radio be configured in bridge or mesh mode? If yes, an attestation may be required.
Further information is available in KDB Publication 905462 D02.
Description: No.

 3. For a device that can be configured as a master and client (with active or passive scanning),if this is
 user configurable, describe what controls exist, within the UI, to ensure compliance for each mode. If
 the device acts as a master in some bands and client in others, how is this configured to ensure
 The device can be operated as master.

 4. For a device that can be configured as different types of access points, such as point-to-point or
 point-to-multipoint, and use different types of antennas, describe what controls exist to ensure
 compliance with applicable limits and the proper antenna is used for each mode of operation. (See
 Section 15.407(a))
 Description: Only point-to-point mode, no any other modes for configuration.

How the product comply 15.407(c)
Description: The chip supports automatically discontinue transmission in case of either absence of
information to transmit or operational failure, if the chip detect absence of information to transmit or
operational failure, it will be automatically shut off.

Document Created: 2017-07-18 13:57:13
Document Modified: 2017-07-18 13:57:13

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