User Manual Part 2

FCC ID: SS3-PV3311402

Users Manual

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5Preparing the Remote Controller
The PHANTOM 2 VISION+ remote controlleris a wireless communication device that uses the 5.8GHz frequency

band. The link between the remote controller and aircraft isalready established before delivery.

The remote controller default is set to Mode 2 and CE compliance before delivery. Both the operating mode and

compliance version can be configuredin PHANTOM RC Assistant Software. Please referto <PHANTOM

RCAssistant> and <ComplianceConfiguration> for details.

           Compliance Version: The PHANTOM 2 VISION+ remote controlleris compliant with CE and FCC (see the

           FCC ID) regulations.

           Operating Mode: The remote controller is divided to Mode 1 and Mode 2 according to different channel


           Mode 1: The left stick is mapped to throttle channel.

           Mode 2: The right stick is mapped to throttle channel.

           The range extender and mobile device holder is already mounted on the remote controller. Twist mobile

           device holder to face outwards and fix in position to prepare for mobile device installation.

           It is recommended not to use oversized mobile devices (e.g. iPad), which cannot be placed into the

           Mobile Device Holder.

5.1The Remote Controller
                                                          [1]    Antenna

            [1]                                           [2]    Carrying Handle

                                                          [3]    SwitchS1
                                                          [4]    Switch S2 (Reserved)
            [4]                         [3]
      J3                                        J2
                                                          [5]    Joystick(J1: Roll [left&right], J2: Pitch [front&back])
J4          [6]                         [5]          J1
                                                          [6]    Joystick(J3: Throttle [up&down], J4: Yaw [rotation])
                                                          [7]    Neck Strap Attachment
            [9]                               [11]
                                                          [8]    Power Switch
                                                          [9]    Power Indicator

                                                          [10]   RC Assistant Port(Micro-USB Port)

                                                          [11]   Battery Compartment (On the back)

5.2 Power on the Remote Controller
 1.        Install the four AA Batteries into the battery compartment on the back of the remote controller

           according to the negative andpositive poles.

 2.        Set the S1 and S2 switches to the upper most position and all sticks at mid-point.

©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.30   |

 3.      Toggle the power switch to right end to switch on the power.

 4.      There is a power on indicator beep. If the remote controller is set to be CE compliant, then there will be

         one beep while the FCCcompliant version will emit 2 beeps. The power indicator blinks greenquickly

         indicating the remote controller and receiver are binding. Once binding is completed, the power

         indicator will change to a solid green.

           (1) If the low voltage warning alert sounds(refer to the <Remote Controller Power Indicator Status

                   Information>), please replace batteries as soon as possible.

           (2) For long term storage, be sure to remove the batteries from the remote controller.

           (3) Dispose the depleted batteries safely.

5.3 Remote Controller Power Indicator Status Information
 Power indicator        Sound                                       Remote Controller State

                        None               Functioning normally.

                        None               Establishing a link between the remote controller and the receiver.

                        B-B-B……            Low voltage (at 3.9V-4.5V), should replace the batteries immediately.

                                           Low voltage (lower than 3.9V). The remote controller will automatically
                                           power off. Replace the batteries immediately.

                                           The remote controllerwill give a visual indication of an alarm after 15

                        B-B-B……            minutesof non-operation. The alarm status will go awayonce you start

                                           operating of the remote controller.

           The remote controllerwill blink the LED and sound an alert when the voltage drops below3.9V and

           automatically power off after 3 seconds. This process will repeat even if you power cycle the remote

           controller. If this low voltage warning occurs during flight, the remote controllerwill automatically

           power off causing the aircraft to enter Failsafe mode which cannot be interrupted (refer to <Failsafe

           Function> section for details). It is strongly recommended to replace batteries immediatelyif the low

           voltage warning(3.9V-4.5V) occurs.

©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.31   |

5.4 AntennaOrientation
 Try to keep the antenna pointingskyward, perpendicular to the ground, in order to achieve the maximum

 communication range during flight.

             The rem ote controller’  s
             antenna should be pointing
             skyw ard w ith no obstacles in
             the w ay.O therw ise, the
             Failsafe function m ay initialize
             prem aturely during flight.
             The M obile D evice and R ange
             Extender should not block
             the antenna.

5.5 Remote Controller Operation
The remote controller default is set to Mode 2 before delivery, follow descriptions takes Mode 2 for example.

         Stick Neutral/ mid point:Control sticks of theremote controller are placedatthe central position.
         Move the Stick:The stick of remote controller is pushed away from the central position.

  Remote Controller                     Aircraft
                                                                                 Operation details
       (Mode 2)                (      nose direction)
                                                              The throttle stickcontrolsthe aircraft elevation.
                                                              Push the stickup and the aircraft will ascend.
                                                              Pullthe stickdown and the aircraft will descend.
                                                              The aircraft will automatically hover and hold its
                                                              height when bothsticksare centered.
                                                              Push the throttle stickupward beyondthe centered
                                                              (neutral) position to take off the aircraft. We suggest
                                                              that you push the throttle stickgently to prevent the
                                                              aircraft from sudden and unexpectedelevation.

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                                                                  The yaw stickcontrols the aircraft rudder.
                                                                  Push the stickleft and the aircraft will rotate counter
                                                                  Push the stickright and the aircraft willrotate
                                                                  clock-wise.If the stick is centered, the aircraft will
                                                                  always fly in the same direction.
                                                                  The command stick controls the rotating angular
                                                                  velocity of the aircraft. Increasing movement of the
                                                                  command stick results in fasteraircraft rotation
                                                                  The pitchstickcontrols the aircraft’sfront & back
                                                                  Push the stick up and the aircraft willpitchand fly
                                                                  Pullthe stickdown and the aircraft willpitchand
                                                                  flybackward.The aircraft will keep level and straight
                                                                  if the stick is centered.
                                                                  Increasing movement of the command stick will
                                                                  result in a largerpitch angle (maximum is 35˚) and
                                                                  faster flight velocity.
                                                                  The rollstick controls the aircraft left &rightpitch.
                                                                  Push the stickleft and the aircraft will pitchand fly
                                                                  left.Pushthe stick right and the aircraft willpitch and
                                                                  flyright.The aircraft will keep level and straight if the
                                                                  stick is centered.
                                                                  Increasing movement of the command stick will
                                                                  result in a largerpitch angle (maximum is 35˚) and
                                                                  faster flight velocity.

                                                                  S1 is for compass calibration. Toggle the S1 from
                                                                  position-1 to position-3 and back to position-1
                                                                  about 6 to 10 times which will force the aircraft to
                                                                  enter into compass calibration mode.
                               Position-1 Position-2 Position-3
                                                                  In Naza-M mode, the S1 switch is used to switch
                                                                  control mode and compass calibration.

                                                                  S2 is used to record Home point manually. After a
                                                                  Home point is automatically recorded, quickly
                                                                  flipping the S2 switch of the remote controller from
                                                                  upper most to lower most positions 5 times or more
                                                                  will reset the current aircraft position as a new
                               Position-1 Position-2 Position-3   home point of PHANTOM 2 VISION+.
                                                                  InNaza-M mode, S2 is involved in IOC function.

           (1)     For ‘Ready to Fly’ the aircraft will hover (hold a stable horizontal position) when all sticks are


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           (2)     For ‘Ready to Fly (non-GPS)’ the aircraft will keep the aircraft level without horizontal

                   positioning when all sticks are released.

5.6 Link between the Remote Controller and Receiver
A5.8G receiver is built-in PHANTOM 2 VISION+, its link button and indicator locatedon the bottom of the aircraft as

illustrated in the following diagram.

The link between the remote controller andreceiver isalready established before delivery. Only re-establish the link

when you try to replace the old remote controller or receiver with a new one.

                                                                           Link B utton &
                                                                           Link Indicator

Link Procedures

 1.    Power off the remote controller, power on the aircraft.You will see the link indicator blinking red.

 2.    Press the linkbutton with a thin object and hold until the link indicator blinks yellow.Release the


 3.    Power on the remote controller and the link indicator shouldswitch off. This indicates that the link has

       been successfully established.

Link Indicator

      Link Indicator            Description                               Next Operation

                             No signal received.     Switch on the remote controller or perform a link procedure.

                                In link status.                    Switch on the remote controller.

5.7 Compliance Version Configuration
The compliance version can be reconfigured by twisting the potentiometer knob (See the following diagram) on

the back of the remote controller using a flathead screwdriver. For CE compliance, set the remote controller to CE

compliance by carefullyturning the potentiometer knob to the full counter clock-wise position.For FCC compliance,

set the remote controllerto FCC compliance by carefully turning the potentiometer knob to the full clock-wise

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position. Users should follow their local regulations accordingly.

                                                                  CE     FCC
           (1) When adjusting the potentiometer knob to its limit position, be very careful to prevent

                   damaging the potentiometer knob. Do not apply too much force during this adjustment. Also be

                   sure to use the correct sized screwdriver.

           (2) CE compliant devices have an effective communication range of 300 meters in open spaces due

                   to power limitations. Be sure to watch your fight distance as the PHANTOM 2 VISION+will

                   enter Failsafe mode (auto-landing or go home and land) if it fliesbeyond this range.

           (3) FCC compliant devices have an effective range of 500 meters in open spaces. Be sure to watch

                   your fight distance as the PHANTOM 2 VISION+will enter Failsafe mode (auto-landing or go

                   home and land) if it fliesbeyond this range.

           (4) Pay attention to and follow local laws and regulations.

           (1) The remote controller comes set for CE compliance up delivery as the default setting.

           (2) It is recommended to use a flathead screwdriver of Φ2.4mm for adjustment.

           (3) There is another potentiometer reserved.

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6Preparing the Range Extender
The PHANTOM 2 VISION+ range extender is a wireless communication device that operates within the 2.4 GHz

frequency band and is used for extending the effective range of communication between a mobile device

(Smartphone) and the PHANTOM 2 VISION+. In an open unobstructed area, the transmission distance can reach

up to 500 meters, but is usually affected by the surrounding environment, such as trees, buildings and other

sources of the same frequency. Before every flight, it is suggested that you ensure the range extender functions

properly. Otherwise you may experience a communication issue with the mobile device and the PHANTOM 2


Each range extender has a unique MAC address and network name (SSID), details of which are printed on the label

as ‘Phantom_XXXXXX’. The ‘XXXXXX’ represents the last 6 letters or numbers of the MAC address for the range

extender, users can rename the “XXXXXX” part in DJI VISION App.

6.1 The Range Extender
                                                    [4]                    [1]   SYSTEM Indicator
 [1]                                                [5]
                                                                           [2]   POWER Indicator
                                                    [6]                    [3]   Lock-screw
                                                                           [4]   Reset Button
                                                                           [5]   Power Switch

                          Front View Right View                            [6]   Charging Port(Micro-USB port)

                                                                           [7]   Mounting Bracket

SYSTEM Indicator

Tells you the Wi-Fistatus of range extender.

 SYSTEM Indicator           Description

                            The Wi-Finetwork is functioning normally.

 Off                        The Wi-Fi network is functioning abnormally.

Power Indicator (POWER)

Tells you the power status of range extender.

 POWER Indicator             Description

                             The range extender is working normally or completely charged.

                             Low voltage alert, a re-charge is required.

                             The range extender is charging

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           If the power indicator is a solid red light, the ranger extender may stop working at any

           moment.Recharge it as soon as possible.

Reset Button

Every time press the reset button once will reset the range extender, and the range extender will restart. Users

have to bind the range extender with a PHANTOM 2 VISON+ again to rebuild a Wi-Fi network; otherwise the DJI

VISION App will be failed to connect.

6.2 Usage
Charging the Range Extender

 Charging the range extender by connecting the charging port of it to a power supply device (such as PC and

 Micro-USB charger) via a Micro-USB cable. Make sure to charge the range extender completely before using it

 for the first time. It takes 3~4 hours (depending on USB power output) to be fully charged.

           Make sure the range extender has enough power battery before each use.

Powering on the Range Extender

 1.      Toggle the power switch of range extender to ON position.

 2.      Wait for approximately 30 seconds. The Wi-Fi signal indicator should blink green indicatingthe range

         extender is communicating properly.

 3.      Keep the range extender facing the aircraft during flight for the best communication link.

           It is advised that you power off the range extender after every flight to avoid discharging the battery.

Battery capacity level display

In the main page of DJI VISION App, a progress bar will display the battery capacity level and SSID of current

connecting range extender. The percentage of the progress indicates the percentage of current capacity level. The

progress bar is green when the percentage is no less than 30%, and it’s red when the percentage is less than

30%.When the progress bar turns red, please charge the range extender as soon as possible.

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Low battery capacity warning

During flight, when the range extender is low battery capacity, a warning will appear in the camera page of DJI


6.3Rename SSID of Range Extender
For easier acknowledge the SSID of your range extender, users can rename SSID of range extender.

 1. Tap “Rename SSID of Range Extender” in the Settings page. Enter a new name SSID name (e.g. Phantom_2

     VISION+) in the textbox.

 2. Tap       ,and users will be asked to enter the last six numbers of MAC address on range extender to confirm

     the modification.

 3. Tap“OK” to confirm and the range extendershould automatically restart. Approximately 30 seconds later,

     the network named of Phantom_2 VISION PLUS can be searched in theWi-Fi list of your mobile device.

     Select and connect the renamed network, DJI VISION App can be used.

6.4 Binding theCamera &Range Extender
If the connection of PHANTOM 2 VISION+ and range extender is lost, or one of them needs to be repaired or

replaced, a camera and range extender binding will need to be performed via the DJI VISIONApp.
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                                                    R eset
                                                    B utton

 1. Power on the camera and range extender.

 2. Approximately 30 seconds later, press the resetbutton on the range extender with a thin object until the

     SYSTEM Indicator turn off.The range extenderwill then restart automatically.

 3. Approximately 30 seconds later, the SYSTEM Indicator should start to blink green, which indicates the

     range extender is now ready to be bound.

 4. (Fig.1)Run the DJI VISION App->Settings->General->Binding. (Fig.2) Select’Scan the QR Code’ to scan the

     camera QR code on the product packaging. (Fig.3) Get the camera SSID (E.g. FC200_0xxxxx) and the MAC

     address. Users can also skip the scan and enter the camera MAC address directly (Fig.4, Fig.5), the MAC

     address can be found on the label on camera.

 5. Select the tick       on the top right corner. The range extendershould automatically restart. The binding
     procedure is now completed.


           DO NOT push the reset button of the range extender unless you are ready to rebind the range

           extender and the camera! This will unbind your camera and you must follow the steps above to


           If both the PHANTOM 2 VISION+ aircraft and range extender are powered on and working normally,

           you will be able to find the SSID on the Wi-Fi list of the mobile device.

           (1) The QR code is located on the packaging of the PHANTOM 2 VISION+. If you cannot find the QR

©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.39   |

                   code, please contact DJI customer service to receive the QR code related to your camera’sserial

                   number which is printed on the label of camera.

           (2) It’s suggested to capture the QR code and reserved the picture in your mobile device or PC, in

                   case of lost the QR code on the package.

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7Downloading and Installingthe DJI VISION App
7.1 Download and Install
Download and install approaches
                                Scan the QR code to get the download link. Download and install the DJI VISION App

Approach1                       on your mobile device. You can find the QR code on the‘Quick Start Guide’ as well

                                ason the packaging of the PHANTOM 2 VISION+.

                  iOS user      Search “DJI VISION” from App Store, download and install on your mobile device.
Approach 2
                Android user Search “DJI VISION” from Google Play, download and install on your mobile device.

Supported mobile devices
                                     Recommended: iPhone4s, iPhone5, iPhone5s, iPhone5c, iPod Touch4, iPod
iOS (iOS6.1 or above)
                                     Touch5; Available but not recommended:iPad3, iPad4, iPad mini, iPad Air.

Android (System 4.0 or above)        SamsungGalaxy S3, S4, Note2, Note3 or mobile devices of similar configuration.

           DJI continues to support many mobile devices and any information from users are welcome. Please

           send any questions or queries to the following mailbox:

           Be aware that the DJI website regularly updates so make sure you visit often as well as theApp Store

           or Google Play in order to download the latest version of the DJI VISION App.

7.2 Register & Login
           Access the Internet to register and login.



[1] Register

   Select ‘Register’ to enter the registration page. Fill in your Email and Password information and then tap

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   to create a new account.

             A DJI account is available for all DJI assistant software and app.

[2] Login

   Select ‘Login’ to enter the login page. Fill in your registered Email and Passwordand then tap          to login.

             You should login to your account the first time you use the DJI VISIONApp.

             If you do have an account, but forgot the password, selectthe “Forgot password”to retrieve it.

[3] Usage tips

   Useful tips will display when you enter the welcome page.Tap the screen to display the next useful tip.


             Enable “Tutorial” switch in Settings page, the usage tips will display as the first time you login the App,

             which can help you quickly acquire the usage of DJI VISION App.

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8Connecting the Camera
It’s important to using the mobile device connect the Wi-Fi network built by range extender and Wi-Fi module, the

users can use DJI VISION App connect the camera and establish a live camera preview.

8.1 Connecting Procedures
Please carry out the following procedures to connect a mobile device to thecamera of PHANTOM 2 VISION+.

 1.      Power on the remote controller and the range extender.

 2.      Turn on the power of PHANTOM 2 VISION+.

 3.      (Fig.1)Enable the Wi-Fi on your mobile device; wait for about 30 seconds, and then select

         “Phantom_XXXXXX”from theWi-Fi network list.

 4.      (Fig.2)Run the DJI VISION App on your mobile device, current Wi-Fi connection status will be indicated

         on the main menu. The Wi-Fi connection indicatorturnssolid greenthatmeans the connection is good.

 5.      Tap the “CAMERA” icon and the DJI VISION Appwill establish a live camera preview (Fig.3). This means

         everything is now functioning.

        Enable the Wi-Fi                                      Wi-Fi Connection


Select Phantom_XXXXXX


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Wi-Fi Connection Indicator Description
  Icon                       Description
           Solid green       Wi-Fi is now connected to the PHANTOM 2 VISION+.

           Solid blue        Wi-Fi is connected to another Wi-Fi network and NOT to the PHANTOM 2 VISION+.

           Off               No Wi-Fi connection.

           (1) The SSID is unique for each PHANTOM 2 VISION+which should appear in your Wi-Fi list as


           (2) Android users can tap the SSID button on the main page to enter Wi-Fi settings of the mobile

                   device directly.

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After the installation is completed,it’s recommended to take flight trainings refer to PHANTOM PILOT TRAINING

GUIDE to enhance your flight skills or take adequate flight trainingsessions (such as running simulation or

coaching by the experienced user) before you use the aircraft for the first time. Ensure that you have selected a

proper location and environment for your flight.

Flight Environment Requirement

 (1) Do not use the aircraft in the severe weather conditions, which include gale force winds (wind speed

         exceeds category 4), snowy, rainy and smog day.

 (2) Chose an open filed as the flight field, where no high building may block the flight route. Also the building

         with significant amount of steel structures may affect the accuracy of the compass on the aircraft.

 (3) Keep your aircraft away from any obstacles, crowds, high voltage power lines, trees or the surface of the

         water at all time when your aircraft is in the air.

 (4) To eliminate the electromagneticinterferences to the remote controller, ensure that your aircraft is not

         operating in the complex electromagnetic environment (such as staying close the base station or radio

         transmitting tower).

 (5) The aircraft cannot operate within the polar cycles.

 (6) Do not flight the aircraft in the no-fly zone specified by the local laws or regulations.

1 Calibrating the Compass
IMPORTANT: Make sure to perform the Compass Calibration procedures prior to the first flight.The compass is very

sensitive to electromagnetic interferencewhich causes abnormal compass dataand leads topoorflight performance

or even flight failure. Regular calibration of the compass enables the compass to perform at its optimal level.

         (1)    DO NOT calibrate your compass where there is a possibility for the existence of strong magnetic

                interference such as magnetite, parking structures, and steel reinforcement underground.

         (2)    DO NOT carry ferromagnetic materials with you during calibration such as keys or cellular


1.1 Calibration Procedures
Choose an open space to carry out the following procedures. Please watch the quick start video of the PHANTOM 2

VISION+for more details on the compass calibration.

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                                                      360 o R otate the aircraft             360 oR otate the aircraft
            Q uickly flip the sw itch S1
                                                             horizontally                  vertically (N ose dow nw ard)


          Position-1->Position-3 ->Position-1
               Flip 5 tim es or above
                                                                                                     LED Flight

              LED Flight Indicator                       LED Flight Indicator
                                                                                           N orm alLED

           Start horizontalcalibration                Start verticalcalibration             Succeed               Fail

                                                                                            R e-calibrate
                                                    Position-1->Position-3 ->Position-1
                                                                Flip once

1.2 Recalibration Scenarios
 (1) When CompassData is abnormal,the LED flight indicator will blink alternating between red and yellow.

 (2) Last compass calibration was performed at a completely different flying field/location.

 (3) The mechanical structure of the aircraft has changed, i.e. changed mounting position of the compass.

 (4) Severe drifting occurs in flight, i.e. the aircraft does not fly in straight lines.

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2 Starting the Motors
A Combination Stick Command (CSC) is used to start the motors instead of simply pushing the throttle stick up.

Push both sticks to their bottom corners as indicated in the diagram below to start the motors. Once the motors

have spun up, release both sticks simultaneously.

There are two methods to stop motors.

Method 1: Conduct CSC again and motors will stop immediately.

Method 2: When the aircraft has descended to the ground, push the throttle stick to its lowest position and hold,

motors will stop 3 seconds later.

         You SHOULD NOTexecute the CSC during normal flight! This will stop the motors and cause the aircraft

         to descend rapidly and drop without any type of control.

3Takeoff/Landing Procedures
 1. Place the PHANTOM 2 VISION+ on an open flat ground with battery indicators are facingtowards you.

 2. Power on the remote controller and the range extender, then the intelligent battery.

 3. Launch the DJI VISION APP and start the bindingprocess between the mobile device and the PHANTOM 2

     VISION+. After the binding is completed, enter the camera preview page.

 4. Wait until the LED flight indicator starts to slowly blink green/yellow. This means the aircraft is initializing

     and entering the “Ready to Fly”/“Ready to Fly (non-GPS).” state. Then proceed to execute the CSC

     command to start motors.

 5. Push the throttle stick up slowly to lift the aircraft off the ground. Refer to <Remote Controller Operation

     Mode>for more details.

 6. Enjoy your flight while capturing and recording with the DJI VISION App. Refer to the<DJI VISION App

     Usage> for more details.

 7. Be sure you are hovering over a level surface. Pull down on the throttle stick gently to descend and land.

 8. After landing the aircraft on the ground, keep the throttle stick at its lowest position for about 3 to 5 seconds

     which will automatically stop the motors.

 9. After landing the aircraft on the ground, keep the throttle stick at its lowest position for about 3seconds

     which will automatically stop the motors.

©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.48   |

           (1)     When the LED flight indicator blinks yellow rapidly during flight, the aircraft has entered into

                   Failsafe mode, refer to <Failsafe Function>for details.

           (2)     A low battery capacity warning is indicated by the LED flight indicator blinking red slowly or

                   rapidly during flight. Refer to the<Low Battery Capacity Warning Function> for details.

           (3)     Watch the quick start video about flight for more flight


4 Failsafe Function
The aircraft will enter Failsafe modewhen the connection from the remote controller is lost. The flight control

system will automatically control the aircraft toreturn to home and land to reduce injuries or damage.

           Home Point:When the aircraft enters into the “Ready to Fly” statusfrom the“Ready to Fly status

           (non-GPS)”, the aircraft will record the current GPS coordinates as the home point.

           1)      When remote controller signal is lost, PHANTOM 2 VISION will use the recorded the home

                   point coordinates as the home point for landing.

           2)      Home point coordinates will be used to calculate the horizontally distance of the aircraft

                   (shown as “D” on the GUI of the DJI VISION app).

           3)      After successfully record the home point, you can see a fast blink of LED flight indicators on

                   the aircraft.

4.1 Possible Failsafe Scenario
 (1) The remote controller is powered off.

 (2) The aircraft has flown out of the effective communication range of the remote controller.

 (3) There is an obstacle obstructing the signal between the remote controller and the aircraft, essentially

         reducing thedistance the signal can travel.

 (4) There is interferencecausing a signal problem with the remote controller.

4.2Failsafe Procedure
Initiating the Failsafe mode from different flying statuses will results in the different landing process. There are two

types flying status that may affect the Failsafe landing process, one is “Ready to Fly” status and the other is “Ready

to Fly (non-GPS)” status. The differences between these two statuses are shown as below:

Ready to Fly(non-GPS) ----Automatic landing

 The flight control system will try to keep the aircraft level during descent and landing. Note that the aircraft

 may be drifting during descent and landing process.

Ready to Fly ----Automatic go home and land

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 The flight control system will automatically control the aircraft to fly back to the home point and land.

The figure below demonstrates the complete Failsafe landing process when the aircraft entered the Failsafe from

the “Ready to Fly” status.

 1 R ecord H om e Point.                                             2 Flying.                                                                              3 R em ote controller signallost.
                                                                                                            OFF CAM ON WIFI ON

                                                                                                                                                                                                 OFF CAM ON WIFI ON

                                                                                                                MICRO SD

                                                                                                                                                                                                     MICRO SD

                 OFF CAM ON WIFI ON

                     MICRO SD

LED Flight Indicator                          à                      LED Flight Indicator                                                                   LED Flight Indicator

4   Signallost lasts 3s,begin to go hom e.                           5 Fly back to hom e point.                                                             6    Landing after hovering 15s.
                                                                                                                                 OFF CAM ON WIFI ON

                                                                                                                                     MICRO SD

                                                OFF CAM ON WIFI ON

                                                    MICRO SD
                                                                                            H eight over hom e point>20 m                                                   OFF CAM ON WIFI ON

                                                                                                                                                                                MICRO SD

                                                                                                  Elevate to 20 m
                                                                                      20 m                                          OFF CAM ON WIFI ON

                                                                                                                                        MICRO SD

                                                                                        H eight over hom e point<=20 m
LED Flight Indicator                                                 LED Flight Indicator                                                                   LED Flight Indicator

                 1)                      To ensure the aircraft can successfully return to the home point in the Failsafe mode after it

                                         lost the connection from the remote controller, only takeoff the aircraft when it is in the “Read

                                         to Fly” status.

                 2)                      The aircraft will automatically descent during the Failsafe process, if there are less than 6 GPS

                                         satellites are detected for more than 20 seconds.

                 3)                      The aircraft cannot avoid obstacle during Failsafe.

                 Quickly flipping the S2 switch of the remote controller from upper most to lower most positions 5

                 times or more will reset the current aircraft position as a new home point of PHANTOM 2 VISION+.

Failsafe on the DJI VISION App

The DJI VISION App will provide information during Failsafe.

                                      Control Signal Lost Indicator                                                                                      Going Home Indicator

4.3 Regaining Control During Failsafe Procedure
 Position of Switch S1

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                                                    Position-1                       Position-2        Position-3

                              When the S1 switch is switched to Position-1,

                              toggle the S1 switch to any other position once to   Regain control as soon as signal
 How to regain control
                              regain control. If remote controller’s signal is     is recovered.

                              recovered, control is returned back to the pilot.

©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.51   |

5Low Battery Capacity Warning Function
The low battery capacity warning alerts users when the battery is close to depletion during flight. When it appears,

users should promptly fly back and land to avoid accidental damage. The PHANTOM 2 VISION+ has two levels of

low battery capacity warning. The default warning low battery threshold are 30% (first level warning) and 15%

(second level warning) respectively.

First Level Battery Low Warning

 When battery level drops below 30%, the LED indicators will blink red slowly and the DJI VISION app will

produce the alarm to notify the user. Refer to<DJI VISION app Low Battery Capacity Warning>for more


Second Level Battery Low Warning

When the battery level drops below 15%, the LED indicators will blink red rapidly. At the meantime, the aircraft

will gently descent to the ground. The PHANTOM 2 VISION+ will also begin to descend and land automatically.

After it has landed, keep the throttle stick at its lowest point or execute CSC; refer to<Starting the Motors> for more

information about how to execute the CSC. The other option is to push the throttle upward to hover the aircraft

and navigate it to a more appropriate location for landing.

           When battery low warning is triggered, you must bring the aircraft back to the home point to avoid

           losing the power for the aircraft.

DJI VISION App Low Battery Capacity Warning

DJI VISION App will show low battery capacity warnings.

(1) A red rectangle will blink on the camera screen.

(2) Audible alarm. Make sure the sound is turned on and volume is turned up on your mobile device.

(3) The aircraft battery icon will turn red.

                                                Low Battery Capacity Warning

©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.52   |

The DJI VISION App controls the PHANTOM 2 VISION+ camera including capture and recording, settings, pitch

angle adjustments,and displays essential status including flight parameters andbattery level.

1 DJI VISION App Main Menu
After login you can see the GUI as shown below. The GUI shows the current Wi-Fi connection status and four main

features of the App.

 Icons                  Description

            Camera      Tap to enter camera preview

            Album       Tap to enter Album

             News       Tap to enter DJI news

            Settings    Tap to enter App settings

           1)      When using the camera and the SD card album, you need to connect your mobile device to the

                   PHANTOM 2 VISION+Wi-Fi network.

           2)      Access to internet is necessary (mobile or Wi-Fi) to share photos,videosandread DJI news.

           3)      If you receive a phone call during flight, the live camera preview screen may be interrupted. It's

                   recommended to ignore the call and pay full attention to your flight.

©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.53   |

2Camera Page                                                                                                [5]

   [1]                                                                                                      [7]

   [2]                                                                                                      [8]
   [3]                                                                                                      [13]

[1] Return
           - Return to the preview page

[2]Camera Pitch Control
         - Pitch Control switch is white        whenin normal mode, tap once the switch will be highlight    and enter
            into the Accelerometer Sensor Mode.Tap once again to return to normal mode.

     Normal Mode

     Tap up arrow       to pitch camera upwards and down arrow             to pitch downwards. Green slider indicates
     current camera pitch.

                  Gimbal pitch control (Normal Mode)                                Gimbal pitch movement

     Accelerometer Sensor Mode

     Tap the camera pitchswitch once to enter into Accelerometer Sensor Mode. The gimbal pitch movement and

     aircraft yaw movement will be controlledby moving your mobile device.

             (1) Hold your mobile device carefully in Accelerometer Sensor Mode as any movement of it will
                    change the gimbal pitch angle and aircraft azimuthangle real timely.

©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.54   |

           (2) Compared with the control of mobile device movement in Accelerometer Sensor Mode, the
                   control of remote controller is prior.

   1)       Camera Pitch Angle Control

           Pitch the mobile device forward to pitch down the camera. Pitch the mobile device inward to pitch up the


         Gimbal pitch control (Accelerometer Sensor Mode)                       Gimbal pitch movement

   2)       Aircraft Yaw AxialControl

           If you wish to use the mobile device to control the Yaw movement of the aircraft, you need to enable this

           function in the setting page of the DJI VISION App. After this function is enabled, Lean the mobile device

           left to rotate left   and right to rotate right   .

         Aircraft yaw Control (Accelerometer Sensor Mode)                       Aircraft yaw Movement

           Yaw axial control can be enabled and disabled from the setting page of the DJI VISION App.

©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.55   |

[3]Flight Attitude and Radar Function
   Flight attitude is indicated by the flight attitude icon.

   (1) The red arrow shows which direction the PHANTOM 2 VISION+ is facing.

   (2) Blue and brown areas indicate its pitch.

   (3) Pitching of the brown and blue area shows roll angle.

     Tap the flight attitude icon to turn on the radar function. Home is located in the center of the radar and the red

     icon indicates thePHANTOM 2 VISION+’s current heading, direction, and approximate distance from home.

     Tap the flight attitude icon again to disable the radar.


                                        Home Point                                          Mobile Device Location


           (1)     By default, the center of the radar indicates the home point that has been recorded by the

                   PHANTOM 2 VISION+. Tapthe center of the radar to switch the center to your mobile device's

                   current location.

           (2)     If your mobile device contains a compass, the top portion of the Radar is the direction you are

                   pointing. If not, the radar will be oriented due north.

[4]Flight Parameters
   Distance: Horizontal distance from home point.

©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.56   |

   Altitude: Vertical distance from home point.

   Speed: Horizontal flying speed.

            Distance value will show as N/A if the PHANTOM 2 VISION+is not in“Ready to Fly” status.

[5]Wi-Fi Signal Intensity
   Indicates camera is connected to your mobile device and Wi-Fi is working normally.

   The connection between the camera and mobile device may fail if Wi-Fi signal strength is low. Refer to the

   <PHANTOM 2 VISION+CONNECTION BROKEN> for more information.

[6]Aircraft Battery Level
   (1) When available power is more than 30%, the battery icon is blue (e.g.                ). This battery level is
       appropriate for flight.

   (2) When below 30%, the battery icon will turn red (e.g.          ) and the LED flight indicator will slowly blink

       red. This battery level is low for flight.It is recommended that fly the aircraft back and land it as soon as


   (3) After available power drops below 15%(e.g.          ), there is no longer enough power for flight. The LED

       flight indicator will begin to flash red rapidly and the PHANTOM 2 VISION+ will begin an automatic

       descent and land.

                The threshold for the first and second level batter low warning can be set in the PHANTOM 2

                    VISION+Assistant Software.

[7]Aircraft GPS Status
   GPS status icon display the number of satellites searched by the aircraft. The icon is highlighted when more

   than 6 satellites are found that allow the aircraft to enter the “Ready to Fly” mode.

[8] Micro-SDCard Status
   DisplaysMicro-SD Card Status. The icon is highlighted when a valid Micro-SD card is inserted. If there is no

   Micro-SD card present, it is grayed out.

   Displays estimated shots remaining, based on the current Photo Sizesetting of camera and the storage capacity

   of the Micro-SD card. This shows ‘0’ if:

   (1) Micro-SD card is not inserted.

   (2) Micro-SD card is full.

©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.57   |

   (3) Micro-SD card is damaged.

   (4) Connection between the DJI VISION App and camera is broken.

[10]Shutter Button
     Tap to take photos.

     Single capture: press once for a single capture.

     Continuous capture: press once for 3 or 5 captures.

     Timed capture: press once to begin a timed capture, press again to stop.

           (1)     Shutter button is disabled during video recording.

           (2)     Capture modes can be reconfigured in camera settings; refer to the<Camera Settings>.

[11]Video RecordingButton
   Start and stop video recording. Tap once to start recording. Ared dot will blink to indicate recording is in

   progress and a time code will appear in the top right corner of the preview screen. Press again to


[12] Camera Settings
     Tap to open the camera settings menu, refer to <Camera Settings>.

[13]Hide or Show Flight Parameters.
     Tap to hidethe flight parameters. Tap again to show.

©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.58   |

 3 Camera Settings

 [1]Capture Mode
                                                     Single capture.

                                                     3 captures.

                                                     5 captures.

                                                     Timed capture. Also selectable:
                                                       a)     Intervals between two shots (3~60 s)

                                                       b)     Number of shots (2~254, or number of

                                                              picture is subject to the capacity of the memory card.)

                   Capture Button will change according to the selected capture mode             ,     ,      ,         .

 [2]Photo Size
                                                     Large:   4384 x 3288, 4:3, 14.4MP

                                                     Medium:       4384 x 2922, 3:2,    12.8MP

                                                     Small:   4384 x 2466, 16:9,       10.8MP

 [3]Video Resolution
                                                 1920x1080 60i,             16:9

                                                 1920x1080 30p,             16:9

                                                 1920x1080 25p,             16:9

                                                 1280x960 30p,              4:3

                                                 1280x960 25p,              4:3

                                                 1280x720 60p,              16:9

                                                 1280x720 30p,              16:9

                                                 640x480 30p,               4:3(VGA)

 ©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.59   |

Document Created: 2014-03-03 17:54:40
Document Modified: 2014-03-03 17:54:40

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