Appendix C Calibration reports Part 2


RF Exposure Info

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                 SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALISRATION REPORT                                                   Ref ACR 332.10.17.SATUA

                   1900                  39.7                                         20.
                   1950                  40.5                                         20.0
                   2000                  ana                                          211
                   2100                  «16                                          219
                   2300                  48.7                                         233
                   2450                  s24                                           24
                   2500                   s5.3                    zas        24.49 (2.45)
                   3000                   63.3                                        257
                   3500                   e71                                          as
                   3700                   a7.a                                        24.2

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                "Tfl':‘:'“              Relative permittivity (s—)                   Conductivity (0) 5/m
                                       required           measured            required           measured

                    150                s1.9 is %                             0.80 i5 %
                    300                58.2 15 %                             c.92 ts %
                    a5o                56.7 15 %                             0.94 15 %
                    750                s5.5 is %                             o5 is %
                    35                 55.2 15 %                             c97 is %
                    200                55.0 15 %                              1.05 45 %
                    ais                55.0 is %                              1.06 45 %
                    1450               54.0 15 %                              1.30 i5 %
                    1610               53.8 i5 %                              1.40 i5 %
                    1800               53.3 45 %                              1.52 45 %
                    1900               53.3 45 %                              152 45 %
                   2000                53.3 45 %                              152 45 %
                   2100                53.2 15 %                              1.62 45 %
                   2300                s2.9 is %                              181 is %

                                                      Page: 9/11

       This document shall not be reproduced, except infull or in part, without the writen approval ofMVG.
       The information contained herein is to be used only for the purposefor which it is submitted and is not to
       be released in whole orpart without written approval of MVG.

                           SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALISRATION REPORT                                                    Ref ACR 337 10.17.SATUA

                             2450               52.7 15 %                              1.95 45 %

                             2600               52.5 15 %               PASS           216 45 %                PaS$

                             3000               52.0 15 %                              2.73 45 %

                             3500               51.3 45 %                              5.31 15 %

                             3700               s1.045%                                5.55 45 %

                             $200               49.0 £10 %                            5.30 £10 %

                             $300               48.9 £10 %                            5.42 £10 %

                             £400               48.7 £10 %                            5.53 £10 %

                             $500               48.6 £10 %                            5.65 £10 %

                             $600               48.3 £10 %                            5.77 £10%

                             $800               48.2 £10 %                            6.00 £10 %

Software                                                                OPENSAR V4
Phantom                                                                 SN 20/09 SAM71
Probe                                                                   SN 1$/11 EPGI122
Liquid                                                                  Body Liquid Valies: eps‘ : 52.0 sigma : 2.16
Distance between dipole center and liquid                               10.0 mm
Area scan resolution.                                                   dx=Bmm/dy=Smm
Zoon Sean Resolution                                                    dx=Smm/dy=5mm/dz=5mm
Frequency                                                               2600 MHz
Input power                                                             20 dBm
Liqurd Temperature                                                      M °C
Lab Temperature                                                         M °C
Lab Humidity                                                            45 %

                          _TA*                       15 sar (w/kg/w)                      105 sar (w/ke/w)
                                                          measured                                  measured

                             2500                        s3.45 (5.34)                            24.00 (2.40)


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                                                               Page: 10/11

                 This document shall not be reproduced, except infull or in part, without the written approval ofMVG.
                 The i
                     information contained herein is to be used onlyfor the purposefor which it is submitted and is nat to
                 be released in whole arpart without written approval of MPG.

                            SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                  Ref ACR 332.10.17.SATUA

       8       LIST OF EQUIPMENT

                                                 Equipment Summary Sheet

    Equipment                Manufacturer / Identification No.     Current                                               Next Calibration
    Description                  Model                         Calibration Date                                                Date

   SAM Phantom                        mve                   sn—20100.sam7z4 |falidated.
                                                                                        No cal                         |/alidated.
                                                                                                                                     No call

|COMOSAR Test Sench                Version 3                          Na               |alidated. No cal
                                                                                                                                     No cal
  Network Analyzer           RhO4®Z&\‘,i‘"‘"m                    sN100132                        oa2016                        oa2019
      Calipers                       Carrera                   CALIPER—01                        012017                        01/2020

  Reference Probe                     MVG                  EPG122 SN 18711                       102017                        10/2018

     Mulimeter                  Keithley 2000                     1188656                        0172017                       01/2020

  Signal Generator             Agilent E4438C                  MY49070581                        0112017                       0112020
           .                                                                            Characterized prior to |Characterized prior to
      Amplifier                   Aethercomm                       sn 046               test. No cal required. |test. No cal required.
    Power Meter                   HP E4418A                    US36261498                        012017                        0172020

   Power Sensor                 HP ECP—E26A                    US37181460                        012017                        01/2020

   nluk                                                                                 Characterized prior to |Characterized prior to
 Directional Coupler            Narda 4216—20                       01386               test. No cal required. [test. No cal required.

  Temperature and
  Humidity Sensor             Control Company                   150798832                        11/2017                       11/2020

                                                                Page: 11/l1

                  This document shall not be reproduced, except full ar in part, without the written approval afMVG.
                  The i        fon contained herein is to be used onlyfor the purposefor which it is submitted and is not to
                  be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMPG.

                                  Report No. SET2019-04386

SID5G Dipole Calibration Report

Report No. SET2019-04386

Report No. SET2019-04386

Report No. SET2019-04386

Report No. SET2019-04386

Report No. SET2019-04386

Report No. SET2019-04386

Report No. SET2019-04386

Report No. SET2019-04386

Report No. SET2019-04386


Report No. SET2019-04386

Report No. SET2019-04386

Report No. SET2019-04386

                                                                             Report No. SET2019-04386

<Justification of the extended calibration>

If dipoles are verified in return loss(<-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration),and in impedance
(within 5 ohm of prior calibration), the annual calibration is not necessary and the calibration
interval can be extended.

                                          Head 750MHz

          Date of
                         Return Loss (dB)        Delta (%)        Impedance        Delta(ohm)

         2017.11.27            -40.35                 -               49.1              -

         2018.11.26            -38.60               -4.38            49.15            0.10

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                    <Dipole Verification Data>

                                          Head 750MHz

                                                                            Report No. SET2019-04386

                                          Head 835MHz

         Date of
                         Return Loss (dB)        Delta (%)       Impedance        Delta(ohm)

        2017.11.27             -21.05                -               59.7              -

        2018.11.26             -20.85              -0.95            59.21            -0.82

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                   <Dipole Verification Data>

                                          Head 835MHz

                                                                            Report No. SET2019-04386

                                         Head 1800MHz

         Date of
                         Return Loss (dB)        Delta (%)       Impedance        Delta(ohm)

        2017.11.27             -21.94                 -              44.7              -

        2018.11.26             -21.11              -3.78            44.97            0.60

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                   <Dipole Verification Data>

                                         Head 1800MHz

                                                                            Report No. SET2019-04386

                                         Head 1900MHz

         Date of
                         Return Loss (dB)        Delta (%)       Impedance        Delta(ohm)

        2017.11.27             -24.08                 -              51.2              -

        2018.11.26             -20.87              -13.33            51.8            1.17

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                   <Dipole Verification Data>

                                         Head 1900MHz

                                                                            Report No. SET2019-04386

                                         Head 2450MHz

         Date of
                         Return Loss (dB)        Delta (%)       Impedance        Delta(ohm)

        2017.11.27             -27.94                 -              49.5              -

        2018.11.26             -26.06             -6.73%            49.06            -0.89

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                   <Dipole Verification Data>

                                         Head 2450MHz

                                                                            Report No. SET2019-04386

                                         Head 2600MHz

         Date of
                         Return Loss (dB)        Delta (%)       Impedance        Delta(ohm)

        2017.11.27             -30.33                 -              53.1              -

        2018.11.26             -29.21              -3.69            53.07            -0.06

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                   <Dipole Verification Data>

                                         Head 2600MHz

                                                                          Report No. SET2019-04386

                                          Head 5-6GHz

  Date of           Frequency
                      (MHz)        Return Loss (dB)       Delta (%)     Impedance      Delta(ohm)

  2017.11.27           5200               -9.69                -           25.64             -

  2017.11.27           5400              -10.98                -           84.04             -

  2017.11.27           5600              -13.52                -           36.63             -

  2017.11.27           5800              -13.34                -           47.82             -

  2018.11.26           5200               -9.01              -7.02         26.92           4.99

  2018.11.26           5400              -10.85              -1.18         86.77           3.25

  2018.11.26           5600              -14.20              5.03          36.06          -1.56

  2018.11.26           5800              -14.01              5.02          54.11          13.15

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                   <Dipole Verification Data>

                                          Head 5-6GHz

                                                                            Report No. SET2019-04386

                                          Body 750MHz

         Date of
                         Return Loss (dB)        Delta (%)       Impedance        Delta(ohm)

        2017.11.27             -27.32                -               46.8              -

        2018.11.26             -27.98               2.42            45.90            -1.92

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                   <Dipole Verification Data>

                                          Body 750MHz

                                                                            Report No. SET2019-04386

                                          Body 835MHz

         Date of
                         Return Loss (dB)        Delta (%)       Impedance        Delta(ohm)

        2017.11.27             -25.17                -               55.1              -

        2018.11.26             -25.16              -0.04            55.73            1.14

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                   <Dipole Verification Data>

                                          Body 835MHz

                                                                            Report No. SET2019-04386

                                         Body 1800MHz

         Date of
                         Return Loss (dB)        Delta (%)       Impedance        Delta(ohm)

        2017.11.27             -24.11                 -              44.3              -

        2018.11.26             -24.58               1.95            42.23            -4.67

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                   <Dipole Verification Data>

                                         Body 1800MHz

                                                                            Report No. SET2019-04386

                                         Body 1900MHz

         Date of
                         Return Loss (dB)        Delta (%)       Impedance        Delta(ohm)

        2017.11.27             -22.17                 -              46.8              -

        2018.11.26             -21.52              -2.93            46.22            -1.24

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                   <Dipole Verification Data>

                                         Body 1900MHz

                                                                            Report No. SET2019-04386

                                         Body 2450MHz

         Date of
                         Return Loss (dB)        Delta (%)       Impedance        Delta(ohm)

        2017.11.27             -26.02                 -              53.2              -

        2018.11.26             -27.08               4.07            53.92            1.35

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                   <Dipole Verification Data>

                                         Body 2450MHz

                                                                            Report No. SET2019-04386

                                         Body 2600MHz

         Date of
                         Return Loss (dB)        Delta (%)       Impedance        Delta(ohm)

        2017.11.27             -33.55                 -              49.4              -

        2018.11.26             -31.75              -5.37             49.3            -0.2

The return loss is <-20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                   <Dipole Verification Data>

                                         Body 2600MHz

                                                                                                  Report No. SET2019—04386

                                                  Body 5—6GHz

   Date of                   Frequency
Measurement                    (MHz)       Return Loss (dB)               Delta (%)             Impedance     Delta(ohm)

  2017.11.27                        5200         —8.86                               —             23.97           —

  2017.11.27                        5400         —9.91                               —             92.64           —

  2017.11.27                        5600        —11.72                               —             32.59           —

  2017.11.27                        5800        —11.90                               —             48.49           —

  2018.11.26                        5200         —8.83                          —0.39              22.04         —8.05

  2018.11.26                        5400        —10.66                          7.59               89.84         —3.02

  2018.11.26                        5600         —14.0                          19.45              33.71         3.44

  2018.11.26                        5800        —13.81                          16.05              50.40         3.94

The return loss is <—20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                           <Dipole Verification Data>

                                                  Body 5—6GHz

 Trt B dBMeg 24B/ Ref—1248    Cal
                                                       ® 1
                                                              Trct BB Smith      Ref1 U   Cal

 Chi   Stat 5.1 GHz           Pur 0 d&m        Stop 59 GHz
 1/2003, s an
                                                              Chi    Start 5.1 GHz              Pur 0 dém         Stop 59 GHz
                                                             1nia00s, si24 an

                                              —End of the Report—

Document Created: 2019-05-06 16:53:08
Document Modified: 2019-05-06 16:53:08

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