(Short-Term Confidential) User Manual-1_read_first

FCC ID: SRD50060

Users Manual

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                                    Please Read First                                                                                                                          TR-72wf

   Package Contents                                                                                    Part Names and Functions
                                                                                                                          [LEFT SIDE]                       [FRONT]                  [RIGHT SIDE]


         TR-71wf      Temperature Sensor   AA Alkaline Battery   Manual Set (Warranty   Registration
                         TR-0106 x 2           (LR6) x 2            Included) x 1       Code Label



         TR-72wf    Temperature / Humidity AA Alkaline Battery   Manual Set (Warranty   Registration
                           Sensor              (LR6) x 2            Included) x 1       Code Label
                       THA-3001 x 1

                                                                                                         Sensor Jack          For connecting a sensor          INTERVAL Button    Press to change recording/upload
                                                                                                         Channel 1                                                                interval settings or view current
                                                                                                         Sensor Jack          For connecting a sensor          REC/STOP Button    Press to start or stop recording.
                                                                                                         Channel 2            (TR-71wf only)
                                                                                                         POWER Button         Use this to turn the device      USB Port           For connecting to PC with USB
         TR-72wf        High Precision    AA Alkaline Battery    Manual Set (Warranty   Registration                          ON and OFF.                                         cable
                     Temperature/Humidity     (LR6) x 2             Included) x 1       Code Label
                                                                                                         DISPLAY Button       Press to change LCD              Battery Cover
                                                                                                                              display mode.
                        HHA-3151 x 1

Safety Precautions and Instructions                                                                            If the unit is not to be used for a long period of time, remove batteries. If left in the
                                                                                                               unit, the batteries may leak and lead to malfunctioning. Install new batteries when
The following items should be strictly obeyed for the safe usage of this product, and for                      starting or re-starting to use a unit.
protecting yourself and other people from bodily harm and/or damage to property.

Explanation of Symbols                                                                                        CAUTION             Do not place or store in the following areas:
                                                                                                        • Areas exposed to direct sunlight                     •   Areas exposed to dampness
 <Warning Symbols>
                                                                                                        • Areas exposed to excessive heat or high              •   Areas subject to condensation or wet areas
                      These entries are actions that absolutely under no circumstance                     temperatures such as near fire or heating            •   Areas exposed to excessive vibration
      DANGER          should be taken. The taking of such an action may cause serious                     equipment                                            •   Areas exposed to excessive smoke, dust or dirt.
                      personal physical damage or death.                                                • Areas exposed to static electricity
                      These entries are actions that if taken may lead to physical injury or            • Areas exposed to strong magnetic fields
      CAUTION         damage to persons or things.

 <Picture Symbols>                                                                                            CAUTION             Other Precautions
         Denotes an impor-                                                      Denotes an action      • Use the unit in the specified operating environment. Do not use it for any purpose other than for
                                            Denotes a forbidden                                          which it was designed.
         tant warning or                                                        that should be
                                            action.                                                    • Condensation may occur inside the case when a unit is moved from one environment to another
         caution.                                                               carried out.
                                                                                                         where there is a great difference in temperature.
                                                                                                       • Do not use the unit in wet areas or places exposed to water such as bathroom.
      DANGER          To Prevent Serious Accidents                                                     • When connecting the unit to your PC, make sure to follow all warnings and directions from your com-
       Do not disassemble, repair or modify the unit and accessories.                                    puter manufacturer.
                                                                                                       • We shall not guarantee the unit's operation if it has been connected to a PC using a USB hub or a
                                                                                                         USB extension cable.
       Do not use the unit in any environment that is exposed to chemicals and harmful                 • Do not insert any foreign objects into any of the units' jacks.
       gases. Doing so may cause corrosion and/or other danger to the unit. Also, coming               • If the unit gets dirty, wipe it with a clean cloth.
       in contact with hazardous substances may cause bodily harm to the user or people
                                                                                                       • Make sure to remove dust and dirt from plugs of any cables.
                                                                                                       • Battery terminals may provide insufficient contact due to age or vibration. This may lead to data loss.
       This unit is not water resistant. If water or a foreign object enters the case, immedi-
       ately remove batteries and stop using it.                                                       • If the unit is not to be used for a long period of time, for safety reasons please remove the battery. If
                                                                                                         left in the unit, the battery may leak and lead to malfunctioning.
       Do not handle the unit, remove batteries or cables with wet hands.
                                                                                                       • Please note that this document has been written based on the presupposition that details about con-
                                                                                                         tracts with an Internet provider, specific network environments and the set-up of any other necessary
       This product has been designed for private and/or industrial use only. It should not              equipment to enable network connection has already been taken care of by the User and that con-
       be used in situations where strict safety precautions are necessary such as with                  nection has been confirmed as workable. T&D Corporation shall not be responsible for any damages
       medical equipment, or in systems directly or indirectly connected with human life or              which a contractor, a user or a third party may suffer, whether direct or indirect, due to the inability to
       well-being.                                                                                       communicate or use communication devices.
       Do not drop or expose the unit to a strong impact.
                                                                                                              CAUTION             Notices about Sensors
       Do not connect any communication cables connected to the unit to telephone line                 • Do not connect any sensor to the unit other than those specified by T&D Corporation.
       outlets. Continued use may cause fire or electrocution.                                         • Make sure to use sensors within the measurement range indicated in the specifications for that
       Do not cut or process the cords for the communication cables. Also, do not twist,                 sensor.
       pull on or swing any of the cords.                                                              • If extremely severe temperature changes occur, it may result in large errors in humidity measure-
       To prevent damage to the unit from static electricity, remove static electricity from             ment. Once the sensor's temperature becomes stable, the measurements will return to normal.
       your body by touching metal around you (such as a door knob and window frame)                   • Do not connect the sensor to any data logger other than those specified by T&D Corporation.
       before touching the unit.                                                                       • Do not expose the sensor to a strong impact. This may adversely affect measurement accuracy
       Place and store the unit and accessories out of the reach of children.                            and cause damage or malfunction.
                                                                                                       • When the sensor is not to be used for a long period of time, please store it at normal tempera-
       We are not responsible for any damage, malfunction or trouble, whether direct or                  ture and humidity.
       indirect, caused by the use of our product.
                                                                                                       • Do not use the sensor on the human body.
       Do not use any battery, sensor, or cable other than those specified by T&D Corpora-
                                                                                                       • Continued use may cause a decrease in the sensor’s accuracy and sensitivity even under
                                                                                                         normal operational conditions. If the sensor is being used in a smoky or dusty environment,
       Do not put anything on top of the cable. This may cause overheating.
                                                                                                         the surface of the sensor will accumulate impurities causing a further decrease in the sensor's
       Do not disconnect the USB cable during USB communication. Doing so may cause
                                                                                                       • The included sensor is not water resistant. Do not allow the sensor to become wet. If the sensor
       adverse effects to the unit and/or PC.
                                                                                                         gets wet, immediately remove the sensor from the unit and wipe it with a clean cloth as soon as
       Make sure that sensor and cable plugs are all inserted fully, so as not to cause an
                                                                                                         possible. Then allow the sensor to dry in normal room temperature before using it again.
       improper connection. Also, when unplugging the cable from the unit, do not pull the
       cord, but hold the connector to disconnect.                                                     • When using the THA-3001 or THA-3151(option) in an environment where the humidity is under
                                                                                                         30 %RH, the measurements may sometimes fluctuate. This is not abnormal.
       If the unit produces heat, emits smoke or a strange smell, or makes unusual noise,
       immediately remove the batteries and stop using it. Also, unplug the unit from the              • Do not expose to condensation, dampness, corrosive gases, or organic solvents (or insecticides
       PC.                                                                                               for High Precision Temperature/Humidity Sensors)

             Specifications                                                                                                                                        Options                                                                                                                        Unit: mm

                                                 TR-71wf                             TR-72wf                                     TR-72wf-H                         Temperature Sensors (For TR-71wf)������������������������������������������
              Sensor (External)         TR-0106                            THA-3001                             HHA-3151 (High-Precision Type)
              (*1)                                                                                                                                                    Materials                               Thermistor TPE Resin TPE Resin-Shielded Wire M3 Crimp Terminal
                                        Thermistor                         Thermistor
                                                                           Polymer                              Platinum          Electrostatic Capacitance
                                                                           Resistance                           Resistance                                                                                    Compaction Tube Stainless Pipe (SUS304) Stainless Pipe (SUS316)
              Measurement       Temperature 2ch                Temperature Humidity 1ch                         Temperature 1ch Humidity 1ch                          Temperature                           -40 to 110°C
              Channels                                         1ch                                                                                                    Measurement Range
              Measurement Range -40 to 110°C (Supplied Sensor) 0 to 55°C   10 to 95 %RH                         -30 to 80°C             0 to 99 %RH                   Sensor Temperature Durability -50 to 115°C
                                -60 to 155°C                                                                                                                          Temperature                   Avg. ±0.3°C [-20 to 80°C], Avg. ±0.5°C [-40 to -20/ 80 to 110°C]
                                (Optional Sensor: Fluo-                                                                                                               Measuring Accuracy
                                ropolymer Coated Type)
                                                                                                                                                                      Waterproof Capacity           None (Only the stainless pipe is waterproof)
              Accuracy          Avg. ± 0.3°C                   ± 0.5°C     ± 5%RH                               ±0.3°C                  ± 2.5%RH
                                [-20 to 80°C]                              [at 25°C,                            [0 to 50°C]             [at 25°C, 10 to 85%RH]       TR-0106 TPE Resin-Shielded Sensor
                                Avg. ± 0.5°C                               50%RH]                               ± 0.5°C                 ± 4.0%RH
                                                                                                                                                                     Cable Length: 0.6 m
                                [-40 to -20°C / 80 to 110°C]                                                    [all other tempera-     [at 25°C, 0 to 10% or 85
                                                                                                                tures]                  to 99%RH]                    Response Time (90%): Approx. 190 sec. (in air)
                                                                                                                                        At temperatures other
                                                                                                                                        than 25°C and ≥ 0°C,         TR-0206 Screw-down Sensor
                                                                                                                                        add ±0.1%RH per degree       Cable Length: 0.6 m
                                                                                                                                        of difference from 25.       Response Time (90%): Approx. 210 sec. (in air)
                                                                                                                                        Humidity Hysteresis
                                                                                                                                        ±1.5%RH or lower (*2)        TR-0306 Stainless Protection Sensor
              Measurement               0.1°C                              0.1°C           1%RH                 0.1°C                   0.1%RH                       Cable Length: 0.6 m
              Resolution                                                                                                                                             Response Time (90%): Approx. 11 sec. (in agitated water)
              Responsiveness            Thermal Constant Time:        Response Time (90%):               Response Time        Response Time (90%):
                                        Approx. 75 sec.               Approx. 7 min.                     (90%):               Approx. 20 sec.                        TR-0406 Stainless Protection Sensor
                                        Response Time (90%):                                             Approx. 7 min.                                              Cable Length: 0.6 m
                                        Approx. 190 sec.                                                                                                             Response Time (90%): Approx. 15 sec. (in agitated water)
              Logging Capacity          8,000 data sets (One data set consists of readings for all channels in that type of unit.)
              Recording Interval        Select from 15 choices: 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 sec. or 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 min.                                     TR-0506 Stainless Protection Sensor
              Recording Mode            Endless (Overwrite oldest data when capacity is full)
                                                                                                                                                                     Cable Length: 0.6 m
                                        One Time (Recording automatically stops when capacity is full)                                                               Response Time (90%): Approx. 10 sec. (in agitated water)

              Auto-upload Interval Select from 15 choices: OFF (No auto-upload), 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 min. or 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 24 hrs.                          TR-0706 Stainless Protection Sensor
              Communication         Wireless LAN Communication                                                                                                       Cable Length: 0.6 m
              Interfaces              Standard: IEEE 802.11b                                                                                                         Response Time (90%): Approx. 11 sec. (in agitated water)
                                      Security (*3): WEP (64bit/128bit), WPA-PSK(TKIP), WPA2-PSK(AES)
                                      WPS 2.0: Push Button Configuration
                                      Protocol: HTTP, DHCP, DNS                                                                                                    Temperature Sensors: Fluoropolymer Coated Type (For TR-71wf)��������
                                    USB Communication (*4)
                                      USB 2.0 (Mini-B connector)                                                                                                      Materials                                Thermistor Stainless pipe (SUS316)              Fluoropolymer Compaction Tube
              Power                 AA Alkaline Battery x 2 (AA Ni-MH batteries may also be used), USB Bus Power (5V 200mA)                                                                                    Fluoropolymer-Coated Electrical Wire
              Battery Life (*5)     With wireless LAN communication: Approx. 10 days to 2 years (Example: Approx. 1 year when Auto-upload                             Temperature Measurement                -60 to 155°C
                                    Interval is 1 hour)                                                                                                               Range
                                    Without wireless LAN communication: Approx. 2 years                                                                               Sensor Temperature Durability          -70 to 180°C
              Dimensions            H 58 mm x W 78 mm x D 26 mm                                                                                                       Temperature Measuring                  Avg. ± 0.5°C [40 to 80°C], Avg. ± 1.0°C [-60 to -40°C / 80 to 100°C], Avg. ± 2.0°C
              Weight                Approx. 100 g (including batteries)                                                                                               Accuracy                               [100 to 155°C]
              Operating Environment Temperature: -10 to 60°C Humidity: 90 %RH or less (no condensation)                                                               Waterproof Capacity                    IPX7 immersion proof (sensor/cable)
                                                                                                                                                                     TR-1106 Fluoropolymer Coated Sensor
              Compatible OS (*6)        Microsoft Windows 8 32 / 64bit (*7)                                                                                          Cable Length: 0.6 m
                                        Microsoft Windows 7 32 / 64bit
                                                                                                                                                                     Response Time (90%): Approx. 80 sec. (in air) / Approx. 7 sec.
                                        Microsoft Windows Vista 32 bit (SP1 or later)
                                        Microsoft Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 or later)                                                                                   (in agitated water)
                                                                                                                                                                     Stainless Protection Sensor TR-1220
                                        Android 2.2 or later                                                                                                         Cable Length: 2 m
                                                                                                                                                                     Response Time (90%): Approx. 150 sec. (in air) / Approx. 7 sec.
                                        iOS 5.0 or later
                                                                                                                                                                     (in agitated water)
              Display Languages         English
              (*8)                                                                                                                                                   Stainless Protection Sensor TR-1320
             *1: With the TR-71wf, it is also possible to measure temperature with the internal sensor. However, the measurement range is restricted to the          Cable Length: 2 m
                 operating environment for the whole device.                                                                                                         Response Time (90%): Approx. 90 sec. (in air) / Approx. 3 sec.
             *2: When used in environments where temperature and humidity are over the values of 50°C 75%, 60°C 50%, 70°C 35%, and 80°C 25%,                         (in agitated water)
                 sensor hysteresis may fluctuate by values greater than ±1.5%RH. Under certain circumstances, it may take some time to return to normal
                 measurement capability.
             *3: The WPS feature is not available when WEP(64bit/128bit) or WPA-PSK(TKIP) is selected in Access Point Settings. If you wish to use the             Temperature/Humidity Sensors (For TR-72wf) o������������������������������
                 WPS feature, please select WPA2-PSK(AES) or disable wireless security.
                                                                                                                                                                     * Do not expose to condensation, dampness, corrosive gases, or organic solvents (or insecticides for High Precision Temperature/Humid-
             *4: Optional USB Mini-B Cable US-15C is required for USB communication.
                                                                                                                                                                       ity Sensors)
             *5: Battery life varies depending upon the frequency of communication, wireless LAN environment, ambient temperature, recording interval,
                 and battery performance. All estimates are based on operations carried out with a new battery and are in no way a guarantee of actual               * Continued use may cause a decrease in the sensor’s accuracy and sensitivity even under normal operational conditions. If the sensor is
                 battery life.                                                                                                                                         being used in a smoky or dusty environment, the surface of the sensor will accumulate impurities causing a further decrease in the sen-
             *6: For installation, it is necessary to have Administrator (Computer Administrator) rights.                                                              sor's performance.
             *7: If you are using Windows 8, please note that our software is designed to be used in "Desktop" mode only.
             The specifications listed above are subject to change without notice.                                                                                                                    THA-3001        THA-3151                                       HHA-3151
                                                                                                                                                                     Materials                       Temp/Humidity Sensor Polypropylene Resin                  Polycarbonate Vinyl Chloride
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Coated Electrical Wire
                                                                                                                                                                     Temperature                   0 to 55°C                   -30 to 80°C
                                                            Important Notices and Disclaimers                                                                        Measurement Range
               In order to properly use this product, please carefully read all documents that accompany the product before using.                                   Humidity                      10 to 95 %RH                           0 to 99 %RH
               T&D Corporation accepts no responsibility for any malfunction of and/or trouble with this product or with your comput-                                Measurement Range
               er that is caused by the improper handling of this product and will deem such trouble or malfunction as falling outside                               Temperature Measuring         ± 5°C                                  ±0.3°C [0 to 50°C], ±0.5°C [at all other temperatures]
               the conditions for free repair outlined in the attached warranty.                                                                                     Accuracy                      [at 25°C, 50%RH]
               • All rights of the attached documents belong to T&D Corporation. It is prohibited to use, duplicate and/or arrange a                                 Humidity                      ± 5%RH                                 ±2.5% (at 25°C, 10 to 85%RH), ±4.0 %RH [at 25 °C, 0 to
                 part or whole of the attached documents without the permission of T&D Corporation.                                                                  Measuring Accuracy            [at 25°C, 50%RH]                       10 %RH or 85 to 99 %RH]
               • Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other                                                                                                               At temperatures other than 25°C and ≥ 0°C, add
                 countries.                                                                                                                                                                                                               ±0.1%RH per degree of difference from 25.
               • Windows Vista is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or                                                                                                         Humidity Hysteresis: ±1.5 %RH or lower
                 other countries.                                                                                                                                    Waterproof Capacity                                                           None
               • All registered trademarks, company names, product names and logos mentioned herein or for products being used
                 are the property of T&D Corporation or of their respective owners.                                                                                  THA-3001 Temperature/Humidity Sensor
               • Specifications, design and other contents outlined in the attached documents are subject to change without notice.
               • Please follow the safety precautions outlined in the attached documents carefully. We cannot guarantee nor are we
                 responsible for safety if this product is used in any manner other than was intended.
               • On-screen messages in the attached documents may vary slightly from the actual messages.
               • Please notify the shop where you purchased this product or T&D Corporation of any mistakes, errors or unclear
                 explanations in the attached documents.                                                                                                             THA-3151 Temperature/Humidity Sensor (Cable Type)
               • T&D Corporation accepts no responsibility for any damage or loss of income caused by the use of our product.                                        Cable Length: 1.5 m
               • Accompanying documents cannot be reissued, so please keep them in a safe place.
               • Please read the warranty and provisions for free repair carefully.

                                                                                                                                                                     HHA-3151 High Precision Temperature/Humidity
                                                                                                                                                                     Cable Length: 1.5 m
                                                    TR-7wf Series Warranty
     Product under Warranty
                                                               TR-71wf                        TR-72wf                      TR-72wf-H                               Sensor Extension Cable---------------------------------------------------------
     (Excluding Accessories)
     Warranty Period                                                       1 year from date of purchase                                                              TR-1C30 Extension Cable
     Date of Purchase                                                                                                                                                Cable Length: 3 m
                                                                                                                                                                     Materials: Vinyl Coated Electrical Wire
     Customer's name
                                                                                                                                                                     * Only one extension cable per sensor.
     Address                                                                                                                                                         * Possible to use up to three extension cables per temperature/humidity sensor

     Phone No.
                                                                                                                                                                     US-15C USB Communication Cable                                       TR-07K2 Wall Attachment
     Distributor's name                                                                                                                                              Cable Length: 1.5 m                                                  Materials: Polycarbonate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Included: Screw x 2 and Double-sided Tape x 1
                                                                                                                                                                     SO-15C1 ソフトウェアセット
     Phone No.                                                                                                                                                       パッケージ内容 :
                                                                                                                                                                     ソフトウェア CD-ROM x1
     Object of Repair                                      Main Unit (excluding sensors and any other options.)                                                      USB 通信ケーブル (US-15C) x1
     Method of Repair                                                              Send in for Repair
                                                           Provisions for Free Repair
1.    If the unit does not work properly despite the fact that the customer used it properly and in line with the manual, the Unit shall be repaired free
                                                                                                                                                                                                For product information or questions contact us at:
      of charge through the distributor which sold the unit.
2.    If the customer requests free repair because of trouble within the warranty period, bring or send the unit along with the warranty to the
3.    If you have moved after purchasing, or there are difficulties contacting the distributor from which you purchased the unit, please contact T&D
      directly for service.
4.    Free repair is not available in the following cases even though it is within the warranty period:                                                                           For product inquiries, please contact your local distributor. Visit T&D Website for the distributors list.
       1. Trouble or damage was caused by careless operation, natural disaster, fire, public pollution, or use of a power source other than specified.
       2. If repair, adjustment, disassembly or modification of the unit has been carried out by a person other than a T&D authorized engineer.                    If you can not find a distributor in your area, please contact our main office in Japan or one of our
       3. Trouble or damage was caused by transportation, movement or dropping of the unit after purchase.
       4. Failure to submit the warranty or failure to fill in all items required in the warranty.                                                                                                  branch offices in Europe or America.
5.    The warranty cannot be reissued.

      This warranty only promises customers free repair within the period and conditions clarified in this warranty. Therefore, the customer's legal
      rights will not be limited by this warranty. For further information on repair and other service questions after the termination of the warranty
      period, contact your distributor.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2013. 08 16504930001 (1st Edition)

Document Created: 2013-09-24 10:57:56
Document Modified: 2013-09-24 10:57:56

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