RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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                   FCC RF Exposure Report
            FCC ID                 : SQGBT852
            Equipment              : Bluetooth Dual Mode USB Dongle
            Model No.              : BT852
            Brand Name             : Laird Connectivity
            Applicant              : Laird Connectivity
            Address                : W66N220 Commerce Court, Cedarburg,
                                     Wisconsin 53012, USA
            Standard               : 47 CFR FCC Part 2.1093
            Received Date          : Jul. 11, 2019
            Tested Date            : Jul. 11 ~ Jul. 17, 2019

      We, International Certification Corp., would like to declare that the tested sample has been
      evaluated and in compliance with the requirement of the above standards. The test results
      contained in this report refer exclusively to the product. It may be duplicated completely for
      legal use with the approval of the applicant. It shall not be reproduced except in full without
      the written approval of our laboratory.

      Reviewed by:                        Approved by:

      Along Chen / Assistant Manager      Gary Chang / Manager

Report No.: FA971104                                                                  Page : 1 of 7
Report Version: Rev. 01

                                                    Table of Contents
1        EXPOSURE EVALUATION OF PORTABLE DEVICES ....................................................................... 4

1.1      SAR TEST EXCLUSION THRESHOLD FOR 100MHz to 6GHz and  50mm ................................... 4
1.2      DEVIATION FROM TEST STANDARD AND MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ................................... 5
1.4      EVALUATION RESULTS ....................................................................................................................... 6

2        TEST LABORATORY INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 7

Report No.: FA971104                                                                                                    Page : 2 of 7
Report Version: Rev. 01

                                    Release Record
     Report No.           Version                   Description      Issued Date
      FA971104            Rev. 01   Initial issue                    Jul. 26, 2019

Report No.: FA971104                                              Page : 3 of 7
Report Version: Rev. 01

Human exposure to RF emissions from portable devices (47 CFR §2.1093), as defined by the FCC, must be
evaluated with respect to the FCC-adopted limits for SAR. Evaluation of mobile devices, as defined by the
FCC, may also be performed with respect to SAR limits, but in such cases it is usually simpler and more
cost-effective to evaluate compliance with respect to field strength or power density limits. For certain
devices that are designed to be used in both mobile and portable configurations similar to those described in
47 CFR §2.1091(d)(4), such as certain desktop phones and wireless modem modules, compliance for
mobile configurations is also satisfied when the same device is evaluated for SAR compliance in portable

1.1         SAR TEST EXCLUSION THRESHOLD FOR 100MHz to 6GHz and  50mm

 Frequency                                                                               Separation distance
                          5       10             15             20             25
   (MHz)                                                                                        (mm)
      150                 39      77             116           155            194
      300                 27      55             82            110            137
      450                 22      45             67             89            112
      835                 16      33             49             66             82
      900                 16      32             47             63             79
      1500                12      24             37             49             61         SAR Test Exclusion
      1900                11      22             33             44             54          Threshold (mW)

      2450                10      19             29             38             48
      3600                8       16             24             32             40
      5200                7       13             20             26             33
      5400                6       13             19             26             32
      5800                6       12             19             25             31
The 1-g and 10-g SAR test exclusion thresholds for 100 MHz to 6 GHz at test separation distances ≤ 50 mm
are determined by
[(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)] · [√f(GHz)] ≤
3.0 for 1-g SAR and ≤ 7.5 for 10-g extremity SAR, where
•f(GHz) is the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz
• Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before calculation
• The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison
The test exclusions are applicable only when the minimum test separation distance is ≤ 50 mm and for
transmission frequencies between 100 MHz and 6 GHz. When the minimum test separation distance is < 5
mm, a distance of 5 mm is applied to determine SAR test exclusion.

Report No.: FA971104                                                                       Page : 4 of 7
Report Version: Rev. 01


ISO/IEC 17025 requires that an estimate of the measurement uncertainties associated with the emissions test
results be included in the report. The measurement uncertainties given below are based on a 95% confidence
level (based on a coverage factor (k=2)

                          Parameters                                      Uncertainty
Conducted power                                                            ±0.808 dB

Declaration of Conformity:
The test results with all measurement uncertainty excluded are presented in accordance with the regulation
limits or requirements declared by manufacturers.
Comments and Explanations:
The declared of product specification for EUT presented in the report are provided by the manufacturer, and
the manufacturer takes all the responsibilities for the accuracy of product specification.

Report No.: FA971104                                                                    Page : 5 of 7
Report Version: Rev. 01

                               Maximum Conducted Output Power Result
               Condition                                   RF Output Power (dBm)
                            Freq.    Average Power      Rated Power       Rated Power        Antenna Gain
    Modulation Mode
                            (MHz)        (dBm)             (dBm)             (mW)                (dBi)
         LE-1Mbps           2402           8.24               8.5              7.08                 0.5
         LE-1Mbps           2440           9.05               9.5              8.91                 0.5
         LE-1Mbps           2480           8.81                9               7.94                 0.5

[(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)] * [√f(GHz)]
=8.91 / 5 * √2.440 = 2.784 < 3.0

SAR Test Exclusion Thresholds is < 10mW and 3.0 for separation distance 5mm. Therefore, SAR test is not

                               Maximum Conducted Output Power Result
               Condition                                   RF Output Power (dBm)
                            Freq.    Average Power      Rated Power       Rated Power        Antenna Gain
    Modulation Mode
                            (MHz)        (dBm)             (dBm)             (mW)                (dBi)
      BT-BR(1Mbps)          2402           7.79                8               6.31                 0.5
      BT-BR(1Mbps)          2441           8.39               8.5              7.08                 0.5
      BT-BR(1Mbps)          2480           7.39               7.5              5.62                 0.5
      BT-EDR(2Mbps)         2402           5.27               6.5              4.47                 0.5
      BT-EDR(2Mbps)         2441           5.39               5.5              3.55                 0.5
      BT-EDR(2Mbps)         2480           4.23               4.5              2.82                 0.5
      BT-EDR(3Mbps)         2402           5.28               5.5              3.55                 0.5
      BT-EDR(3Mbps)         2441           5.41               5.5              3.55                 0.5
      BT-EDR(3Mbps)         2480           4.24                5               3.16                 0.5

[(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)] * [√f(GHz)]
=7.08 / 5 * √2.441 = 2.212 < 3.0

SAR Test Exclusion Thresholds is < 10mW and 3.0 for separation distance 5mm. Therefore, SAR test is not

Report No.: FA971104                                                                    Page : 6 of 7
Report Version: Rev. 01

C          International

2          Test laboratory information
Established in 2012, ICC provides foremost EMC & RF Testing and advisory consultation services by our
skilled engineers and technicians. Our services employ a wide variety of advanced edge test equipment and
one of the widest certification extents in the business.

International Certification Corp (EMC and Wireless Communication Laboratory), it is our definitive objective is
to institute long term, trust—based associations with our clients. The expectation we set up with our clients is
based on outstanding service, practical expertise and devotion to a certified value structure. Our passion is to
grant our clients with best EMC / RF services by oriented knowledgeable and accommodating staff.

Our Test sites are located at Linkou District and Kwei Shan District. Location map can be found on our
website http //vww.icertifi.com.tw.

Linkou                                 Kwei Shan                            Kwei Shan Site II
Tel: 886—2—2601—1640                   Tel: 886—3—271—8666                  Tel: 886—3—271—8640
No. 30—2, Ding Fwu Tsuen, Lin          No. 3—1, Lane 6, Wen San 3rd St.,    No. 14—1, Lane 19, Wen San 3rd
Kou District, New Taipei City,         Kwei Shan District, Tao Yuan City    St., Kwei Shan District, Tao Yuan
Taiwan, R.O.C.                         333, Taiwan, R.O.C.                  City 333, Taiwan, R.O.C.

If you have any suggestion, please feel free to contact us as below information.

Tel: 886—3—271—8666
Fax: 886—3—318—0155
Email: ICC_Service@icertifi.com.tw


Report No.: FA971104                                                                       Page : 7 of 7
Report Version: Rev. 01

Document Created: 2019-07-26 16:17:58
Document Modified: 2019-07-26 16:17:58

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