Technical Description 2


Operational Description

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                                                                C-MAX                                                                                        EM9201/02

      World’s First Fully Integrated Single-Cell Battery
                     2.4 GHz Transceiver
Description                                                                            Features
The EM9201/02 is a low-voltage 2.4GHz transceiver IC                                    Single cell 1.5V battery operation (Alkaline AA, AAA)
with built-in link-layer logic permitting proprietary wireless                          Operation down to VBAT = 0.8 V (for start-up --> 1.0V)
links in the 2.400 … 2.4835 GHz ISM band. It has a radio                                3 V Lithium battery as alternative
core with a low-IF architecture and GFSK modulation
scheme being compliant with the emerging Bluetooth low                                  Bluetooth Low Energy-compliant GFSK modulation
energy technology standard.                                                             Low drift of PLL frequency by design
Control of the link-layer logic is possible though the SPI                              On air data rate: 1Mb/s for EM9201, configurable 1Mb/s
interface using an external host-controller. An FPGA bridge                              or 2Mb/s for EM9202
is included in the circuit such that with an external FPGA
                                                                                        Programmable RF output level:
any protocol compatible with the RF characteristics can
                                                                                          -20 dBm … + 4dBm in 8 steps
also be emulated through the SPI port of the EM9201/02.
The EM9201/02 can be operated from a single 1.5V battery                                No antenna matching elements needed through
by making use of the on-chip step-up (boost) DC/DC                                       appropriate PCB antenna design :
converter. This converter is designed to support an extra                               200 Ω differential impedance of antenna port
load such as a low-power microcontroller (host) or sensor                               Low-cost 26MHz Xtal
interface circuit with a dedicated application profile.
The EM9201/02 can also operate without the DC/DC                                        BLD function: battery level detection in accordance with
converter, when supplied from a 3 V battery or any other                                 selected battery
source such as an external LDO regulator. No external                                   Current consumption (on VCC, VCC =2.1V, 2Mb/s )
coil is needed then.                                                                     12.5 mA in RX
                                                                                         11.5 mA in TX (0dBm output power)
EM9201: up to 1 Mb/s on air data rate                                                    3.0 µA      in sleep-mode (DC/DC running on RCosc)
EM9202: up to 2 Mb/s on air data rate                                                    0.8 µA      in power-down mode (3V version, DC/DC off)
                                                                                            External load reduced to < 500µA
Chip versions, programmable by metal mask option                                        MLF24 4x4 package
 V1: with DC/DC converter for 1.5V battery
 V2: w/o DC/DC converter for any voltages 1.9 – 3.6V                                   Applications
                                                                                        Remote sensing in general
Typical Application Schematic
                                                                                        Wireless mouse,keyboard etc.
                                                                                        Wireless sensors in watches
                                                                                        Wireless sports equipment
                                                          SW_DCDC VSS_DCDC VBAT
                                                                                        Alarm and security systems
                                                          VCC2                XTAL1
                                                                                       Pin Assignment





              Host Controller / Sensor-Interface

                                                                                              SDO                                                                    CS

                                                          CS                                   SDI                                                                   AVSS_RF

                                                          SCK    EM9201/02                    SCK
                                                                                                            EM 9201/02                                               ANTP

                                                          SDI                  ANTP           VDD                                                                    ANTN

                                                          SDO                  ANTN
                                                                                                                MLF24 4x4
                                                                                              VSS                                                                    AVSS_PA
                                                                                         VSS_DCDC                                                                    AVDD_PA



        Step-up conversion option; for simplicity, not all supply pins indicated !

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                                  C-MAX                                                                                                         EM9201/02
1.        Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
     1.1  Block diagram ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
     1.2  Pin information (all versions) ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.        Electrical specifications ............................................................................................................................................. 7
   2.1    Absolute maximum ratings ........................................................................................................................................ 7
   2.2    Handling Procedures................................................................................................................................................. 7
   2.3    General Operating Conditions................................................................................................................................... 7
   2.4    Electrical Characteristics ........................................................................................................................................... 7
     2.4.1       Supply Currents on Vcc2 (all Versions) ........................................................................................................... 7
     2.4.2       Vbat Supply and DC/DC step-up converter (Version 1)................................................................................... 7
     2.4.3       Vcc2 Supply for disabled DC/DC converter version (Version 2) ...................................................................... 8
   2.5    RF Characteristics..................................................................................................................................................... 8
   2.6    Timing Characteristics............................................................................................................................................. 10
3.        Functional description ............................................................................................................................................. 11
   3.1    EM9201/02 Start-up ................................................................................................................................................ 11
     3.1.1       Start-up with DC-DC up converter (Version 1)............................................................................................... 11
     3.1.2       Start-up without DC-DC (Version 2)............................................................................................................... 11
   3.2    Functional Modes.................................................................................................................................................... 11
     3.2.1       Standby mode ............................................................................................................................................... 12
     3.2.2       Battery Protection Mode (BPM) ..................................................................................................................... 12
     3.2.3       Xtreme/ Power down mode ........................................................................................................................... 12
     3.2.4       TX Mode ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
     3.2.5       RX Mode........................................................................................................................................................ 12
     3.2.6       DC/DC Converter modes (not shown in Figure 2) ......................................................................................... 12
     3.2.7       Standby low power (not shown in Figure 2)................................................................................................... 13
   3.3    Radio core............................................................................................................................................................... 13
     3.3.1       Frequency synthesizer (PLL)......................................................................................................................... 13
     3.3.2       RX-chain........................................................................................................................................................ 13
     3.3.3       TX-chain ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
     3.3.4       Air data rate ................................................................................................................................................... 13
     3.3.5       Channel frequency ........................................................................................................................................ 14
   3.4    Baseband ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
     3.4.1       Autocalibration flow........................................................................................................................................ 14
     3.4.2       Transmission flow .......................................................................................................................................... 14
     3.4.3       Reception flow ............................................................................................................................................... 15
     3.4.4       Packet format ................................................................................................................................................ 15
     3.4.5       Packet Identifier ............................................................................................................................................. 16
   3.5    Power management ................................................................................................................................................ 16
     3.5.1       RF-core supply .............................................................................................................................................. 16
     3.5.2       Digital supply ................................................................................................................................................. 17
     3.5.3       Bias generator ............................................................................................................................................... 17
   3.6    Supply monitoring ................................................................................................................................................... 17
   3.7    SPI interface............................................................................................................................................................ 17
     3.7.1       SPI transaction .............................................................................................................................................. 17
     3.7.2       Interrupt flag .................................................................................................................................................. 19
   3.8    Bridge...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
   3.9    Software reset ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.        Registers................................................................................................................................................................. 20
   4.1    Register Int1Sts (0x00) ........................................................................................................................................... 20
   4.2    Register Int2Sts (0x01) ........................................................................................................................................... 20
   4.3    Register Int1Msk (0x02) .......................................................................................................................................... 20
   4.4    Register Int2Msk (0x03) .......................................................................................................................................... 20
   4.5    Register Config (0x04) ............................................................................................................................................ 20
   4.6    Register PowerMgt (0x05)....................................................................................................................................... 21
   4.7    Register RFSetup (0x06) ........................................................................................................................................ 21
   4.8    Register RFChannel (0x07)..................................................................................................................................... 21
   4.9    Register RFTiming (0x08) ....................................................................................................................................... 21
   4.10       Register RFRSSI (0x09)..................................................................................................................................... 22
   4.11       Register ACKSetup (0x0B)................................................................................................................................. 22
   4.12       Register RetrSetup (0x0C) ................................................................................................................................. 22
   4.13       Register RetrStatus (0x0D) ................................................................................................................................ 23
   4.14       Registers DeviceAddr (0x0E to 0x010) .............................................................................................................. 23
   4.15       Registers PeerAddr (0x11 to 0x13) .................................................................................................................... 23
   4.16       Register TXPayloadLength (0x14) ..................................................................................................................... 23

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                                 C-MAX                                                                                                       EM9201/02
   4.17     Register RXPayloadLength (0x15) ..................................................................................................................... 23
   4.18     Register FIFOCtrl (0x16) .................................................................................................................................... 23
   4.19     Register FIFOStatus (0x17)................................................................................................................................ 24
   4.20     Register SVLDCtrl (0x18) ................................................................................................................................... 24
   4.21     Register DCDCCtrl (0x19) .................................................................................................................................. 24
   4.22     Register SwReset (0x1A) ................................................................................................................................... 24
   4.23     TX FIFO (0x40 to 0x5F)...................................................................................................................................... 24
   4.24     RX FIFO (0x60 to 0x7F) ..................................................................................................................................... 24
   4.25     Reserved registers ............................................................................................................................................. 25
5.        Peripheral information ............................................................................................................................................. 26
   5.1    Antenna port............................................................................................................................................................ 26
     5.1.1      Folded dipole antenna ................................................................................................................................... 26
     5.1.2      50 Ohm matching .......................................................................................................................................... 26
   5.2    XTAL Oscillator ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
   5.3    PCB Guidelines....................................................................................................................................................... 27
     5.3.1      Antenna port (and matching network)............................................................................................................ 27
     5.3.2      Power supply ................................................................................................................................................. 28
     5.3.3      XTAL oscillator .............................................................................................................................................. 28
     5.3.4      DCDC converter ............................................................................................................................................ 28
     5.3.5      Layout example ............................................................................................................................................. 28
6.        Versions and ordering information .......................................................................................................................... 29
   6.1    Ordering information ............................................................................................................................................... 29
   6.2    Package marking .................................................................................................................................................... 29
7.        Package Information ............................................................................................................................................... 30
8.        Typical Operating Characteristics ........................................................................................................................... 31
   8.1    DCDC Converter Efficiency..................................................................................................................................... 31
     8.1.1      CCM / Burst-mode efficiency ......................................................................................................................... 31
     8.1.2      Xtreme-mode efficiency ................................................................................................................................. 31
     8.1.3      Xtreme-mode battery versus load-current ..................................................................................................... 32
9.        Typical Applications ................................................................................................................................................ 33
   9.1    Application schematic (Versions 1 and 2) ............................................................................................................... 33

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                        C-MAX                                                                        EM9201/02
1.       Introduction
The EM9201/02 is a highly integrated multi-channel RF transceiver designed for low-power and low-voltage wireless
applications in the world wide ISM frequency band at 2.400 - 2.4835GHz.

EM9201/02’s TX-chain features a completely on-chip GFSK transmitter based on direct synthesis of the RF-signal directly
applied to the 2.4GHz power amplifier. The output power can be digitally tuned in a wide range (-20 dBm …+4 dBm) in
order to optimize the current consumption for a wide set of applications. For the EM9201 the on-air transmission rate is
1Mb/s, in the EM9202 it can be digitally set either to 1Mb/s (W-mode) or 2Mb/s (E-mode).

Thanks to the very robust low-IF architecture employed in the RX-chain, the EM9201/02 can operate without the need of
expensive external filters for the blocking of undesired RF-signals. It features a fully on-chip low noise, high sensitivity 2.4
GHz front-end, which works reliably despite the presence of a power-full DC/DC converter. The fast configurability of the
integrated frequency synthesizer makes the EM9201/02 also suitable for frequency hopping.

By employing an on-air interface with a differential real impedance of 200 Ohm, the EM9201/02 allows the usage of a
properly designed loop antenna without the need of further external components. Adaptation to any other load impedance,
can be however achieved using a simple matching network.

In addition to the RF transceiver the EM9201/02 has a power management system that is capable, on its DC/DC enabled
version, to work on a single 1.5 V button battery cell. The DC/DC step-up converter not only feeds the whole RF-core, it is
also powerful enough to supply some external components like a microcontroller at 2.1 V, and up to 100 mA load.
Furthermore, the DC/DC converter can be re-configured into an extreme low-power mode, where it provides around 2 V
with only very little intrinsic current consumption (3 uA) and therefore enables power-efficient 1.5V applications with low RF
duty cycle.

These features make the EM9201/02 an attractive choice for a broad range of wireless applications, where power-efficient
single battery operation is a needed. With the low bill-of-material thanks to minimized component count and cheap of-the-
shelf components, this device on top of that will also make the difference in terms of system cost.

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                       C-MAX                                                                       EM9201/02
1.1      Block diagram

                                  Figure 1 Simplified block diagram (DC/DC configuration).

1.2      Pin information (all versions)
Pin Nr    Name             I/O      Description
1         SDO               O         SPI data output
2         SDI               I         SPI data input
3         SCK               I         SPI clock input
4         VDD               O         Positive supply of digital part (baseband and frequency synthesizer)
5         VSS                         Negative supply of digital part (plus ESD protection digital segment)
6         VSS_DCDC                    Negative supply for DC/DC converter
7         SW_DCDC           I/O       Coil switch of DC/DC converter
8         VCC1              O         Output of DC/DC converter. On Version 2 ( no DC/DC) connected to ground
9         AVSS_PLL2                   Negative supply of PLL

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                       C-MAX                                                                      EM9201/02
Pin Nr    Name              I/O     Description
10        VCC2              I       Feedback / for chip supply, to be connected to VCC1 (plus ESD protection)
11        BIAS_R            I/O     Terminal for bias-setting resistor
12        VBAT                      Positive battery supply (for DC/DC). On Version 2, connected to ground.
13        AVDD_PA           O       Regulated output voltage of PA supply; not to be loaded by any external circuitry
14        AVSS_PA                   Negative supply of PA
15        ANTN              I/O     Negative antenna terminal
16        ANTP              I/O     Positive antenna terminal (input in RX-, output in TX mode)
17        AVSS_RF                   Negative supply of RF part (plus ESD protection Analog/RF segment)
18        CSN               I       SPI Chip Select
19        XTAL1             I       Xtal oscillator input
20        XTAL2             O       Xtal oscillator output
21        AVSS_PLL1                 Negative supply of PLL
22        CK_FPGA           O       Clock out for optional FPGA
23        DATA_FPGA         I/O     Data terminal for optional FPGA
24        IRQ               O       Interrupt output for external hostcontroller
Note 1: For a proper operation of the chip, this terminal shall be connected to a common ground plane
Note 2: Version 1 is the EM9201/02 with on-chip DCDC converter; Version 2 has no DC/DC.

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                        C-MAX                                                                       EM9201/02
2.       Electrical specifications
2.1      Absolute maximum ratings

Parameter                     Min.            Max.         Unit
Supply Voltage VSUP -         -0.3            3.8          V
Input Voltage                 VSS – 0.2 VSUP+0.2 V
Electrostatic discharge to                                 V
Mil-Std-883C method           -2000           +2000
3015.7 with ref. to VSS
Maximum soldering
conditions / Packages are     As per Jedec J-STD-020C
Green-Mold and Leadfree

Stresses above these listed maximum ratings may cause permanent damages to the device. Exposure beyond specified
operating conditions may affect device reliability or cause malfunction

2.2      Handling Procedures
This device has built-in protection against high static voltages or electric fields; however, anti-static precautions must be
taken as for any other CMOS component. Unless otherwise specified, proper operation can only occur when all terminal
voltages are kept within the voltage range. Unused inputs must always be tied to a defined logic voltage level.

2.3      General Operating Conditions
Parameter                                                   Min    Typ     Max       Unit
Supply voltage Version 1 (applied on pin VBAT)             0.8     1.5     1.8       V
Supply voltage Version 2 (applied on pin VCC2)             1.9     3.0     3.6       V
Temperature range                                          -40             +85       C

2.4       Electrical Characteristics
In this chapter, the electrical characteristics of the EM9201/02 are summarized for all its Versions. As the main difference in
these Version is only how the general supply Vcc2 is used (i.e. with the DC/DC for Version 1 and w/o on Version 2), the
electrical specs overlap greatly and therefore do not have to split-up. Please inspect the Version summary on in Chapter 6.

2.4.1    Supply Currents on Vcc2 (all Versions)
VCC2 = 2.1V (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter                           Symbol            Conditions                             Min        Typ     Max     Unit
Power-Down                          Icc_pd            Version 2 (no DC/DC), no oscillators               0.8            µA
                                                      running, register values maintained
Xtreme Mode                         Icc_xtr           Version 1 (DC/DC), RC oscillator                    3             µA
(DCDC sleep mode)                                     running, Xtal-oscillator off.
                                                      DC/DC in Xtreme low-power mode
                                                      ILext < 500µA
Standby (26 MHz)                    Icc_stdby_26      26MHz Xtal oscillator active                      150             µA
Standby low power (26 MHz)                            Xtal low power mode activated                      90             uA
Transmit Mode Current               Icc_tx            Pout = 0 dBm                                      11.5            mA
Receive Mode Current         Icc_rx                                                              12.5                   mA
Note 1 Depends on exact type of crystal, typical values are for TSS-3225A with 15pF load capacitors.

2.4.2    Vbat Supply and DC/DC step-up converter (Version 1)
Vbat = 1.5V, ILext = 10mA (unless otherwise specified)

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                         C-MAX                                                                      EM9201/02
Parameter                         Symbol         Conditions                                   Min        Typ    Max      Unit
Battery Voltage Range             Vbat_suc       ILext < 30mA                                     0.8     1.5    1.8     V
Minimum start-up voltage          Vbat_start     ILext < 20mA                                                    1.0     V
Battery-Low Detection             Vbatmin_suc    Battery Protection                                      0.82            V
Threshold Levels                  Vbatminw_suc   Battery Prot. Early Warning                             0.92
                                  Vbatlo_suc     Battery Low Indication                           1.02   1.12    1.22
                                  Vbatlow_suc    Battery Low Early Warning                               1.25
Programmable Output               Vcc_suc        Code = 00                                        1.9     2.1    2.3     V
Voltages                                         Code = 01                                        2.0     2.2    2.4
                                                 Code = 10                                        2.2     2.4    2.6
                                                 Code = 11                                        2.4     2.6    2.8
Xtreme mode output voltage Vcc_xtr               ILext < 1uA                                              2.0            V
Output Voltage Ripple             Vcc_ripple     active (RF mode),ILext < 30mA                                    50     mVpp
                                                 Xtreme LP mode, ILext < 0.8mA                                   100
Converter Efficiency              Eff_DC-DC      active (RF mode), ILext = 30mA, Vbat =1.2V               88             %
                                                 Xtreme LP Mode, ILext = 30uA, Vbat = 1.2V                55
External load on Vcc2             Ivcc2_ext                                                                      100     mA
Current drawn from battery        Ibat_bpm                                                                          75   µA
in battery protection mode
Note 1 default values, some fine adjustments with metal mask option is foreseen
Note 2 for C = 22uF, ESR_C = 100mΩ and L=10uH, ESR_L=120mΩ.
Note 3 Depends on external components (ESR_C, ESR_L, Ri_bat) ! Typical values are for C, L and ESR like in Note 2)

2.4.3    Vcc2 Supply for disabled DC/DC converter version (Version 2)
Parameter                         Symbol         Conditions                                   Min        Typ    Max      Unit
Battery Voltage Range             Vbat_nodc                                                   1.9        3.0    3.6      V
Battery-Low Detection             Vbatlow_nodc Battery Protection                             2.1        2.27   2.45     V
Threshold levels                               Battery Low Early warning                                 2.49

2.5      RF Characteristics
Vcc = 2.1V, (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter                                                          Symbol Notes       Min     Typ        Max    Unit
General RF conditions
Operating frequency                                                fOP                2400               2484   MHz
Differential antenna impedance                                                                200               Ω
Data Rate                                              in W mode   DRW                        1000              kbps
                                                       in E mode   DRE         1              2000              kbps
Channel spacing                                        in W mode   FCHW                       2                 MHz
                                                       in E mode   FCHE        1              2                 MHz
Frequency deviation                                    in W mode   ∆fMW               ±225    ±250       ±275   kHz
                                                       in E mode   ∆fME        1              ±320              kHz
Crystal frequency                                                  fXTAL                      26                MHz

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                        C-MAX                                                                EM9201/02
Parameter                                                        Symbol Notes    Min   Typ    Max    Unit
Crystal frequency accuracy                                       TolXTAL   2                  ±50    ppm
Bit-Bandwidth product                                            BT                    0.5
Deviation from the channel centre frequency         in W mode                                 ±150   kHz
                                                    in E mode              1                  ±125   kHz
Maximum drift rate in W mode                                                                  200    Hz/µs
Frequency drift for any packet length in W mode                                               50     kHz
Transmitter Operation
Output Power                                                     PRF             -20   0      +4     dBm
RF Output power dynamic range                                    PRFC                  24            dB
Number of output power steps                                     PSTP                  8
RF power accuracy                                                PRFAC                 ±3            dB
Transmit power @ 2 MHz offset                                    PRF2                         -20    dBm
Transmit power @ 3 MHz offset                                    PRF3                         -30    dBm
Spurious emission in operating mode for f in the ranges                    3           -54           dBm
        47MHz – 74MHz
        87.5MHz – 118 MHz
        174MHz – 230MHz
        470MHz – 862MHz
Spurious emission in operating mode for other f ≤ 1GHz                     5           -36           dBm
Spurious emission in operating mode for f in the ranges                    4           -47           dBm
        1.8 GHz – 1.9 GHz
        5.15 GHz – 5.3 GHz
Spurious emission in operating mode for other f > 1GHz                     5           -30           dBm
Spurious emission in stand-by mode for f ≤ 1GHz                            5           -57           dBm
Spurious emission in stand-by mode for f > 1GHz                            5           -47           dBm
Receiver Operation
Sensitivity for 0.1% BER                            in W mode    RXSEW                 -83           dBm
                                                    in E mode    RXSEE     1           -82           dBm
Maximum input power for 0.1% BER                                 RXMAX           -10                 dBm
Spurious emission for 25MHz < f < 1GHz                                     5           -57           dBm
Spurious emission f > 1GHz                                                 5           -47           dBm
Out-of band blocking for an input signal level -67 dBm specified in W & E mode
Frequency range 30-1999 MHz                                                            -30           dBm
Frequency range 2000-2399 MHz                                                          -35           dBm
Frequency range 2484-2999 MHz                                                          -35           dBm
Frequency range 3000-12750 MHz                                                         -30           dBm
In band blocking for an input signal level -67 dBm specified in W mode
Co-channel interference C/I                                                            15            dB
1 MHz offset interference                                                              15            dB

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                       C-MAX                                                                        EM9201/02
Parameter                                                           Symbol Notes        Min   Typ    Max   Unit
2 MHz offset interference                                                                     -17          dB
≥ 3 MHz offset interference                                                                   -27          dB
Image frequency interference                                                                  -9           dB
Adjacent interference to in-band image                                                        -15          dB
In band blocking specified in E mode (see Note 1)
Co-channel interference                                                        1              11           dB
2 MHz offset interference                                                      1              4            dB
4 MHz offset interference                                                      1              -20          dB
6 MHz offset interference                                                      1              -27          dB
Note 1 The E-mode (2Mb/s on-air data rate) is only available for EM9202
Note 2 Frequency accuracy includes initial tolerance and stability over temperature range and aging
Note 3 Measuring conditions and signals specifications are described on ETSI EN 300 440-1 V1.3.1 (2001-09) TX §7.3
Note 4 Measuring conditions and signals specifications are described on ETSI EN 300 328 V1.7.1 (2006-05)
       TX §4.3RX §8.4
Note 5 Measuring conditions TBD

2.6      Timing Characteristics
Vbat = 1.5V, Vcc = 2.1V, ILext = 10mA (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter                                 Symbol      Conditions                              Min    Typ    Max    Unit
RX↔TX in same channel                     Trx_tx                                                            128    µs
RX↔TX with channel change                 Trx_tx_ch                                                         128    µs
Stand-by Mode → TX/RX Mode                Tstd_rf                                                           128    µs
Power-down → Stand-by Mode           1) Tpd_std                                                      0.8     1.5   ms
DC/DC converter start-up             2)   Tst_dcdc    Output settled to within ripple spec                  100    ms
Xtreme LP mode to normal DC/DC            Txt_std     Output settled to within ripple spec                   4.5   ms
mode transition time           1)
Stdby mode to active (RF) mode            Tstdb_rf    VCO/PLL settled                                       150    µs
transition time                                       EM9201/02 ready to receive/transmit
Note 1: This time is dominated by the Xtal oscillator start-up. Typical values are for TSS-3225A with 15pF load caps.
Note 2: First start-up upon insertion of battery includes Xtal oscillator start-up and RC cold-start delay.

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                        C-MAX                                                                       EM9201/02
3.       Functional description
3.1       EM9201/02 Start-up
From the power management point of view the EM9201/02 comes along in two different versions. In Version 1 the
EM9201/02 can take advantage of an integrated DC-DC up-converter for applications that operate with a battery ≤ 1.8V,
while Version 2 (without DC/DC converter) lives from batteries delivering a supply ≥ 1.9V. A detailed description of the
different EM9201/02 versions is given on §6 on page 29.
The start-up procedure of those two versions is only slightly different and described below. This description is intended to
be informational only as it is independent of any external actions.

3.1.1      Start-up with DC-DC up converter (Version 1)
When a battery is inserted, an RC oscillator starts up and provides a clock with fixed duty-cycle to the DC/DC converter.
This one then ramps-up the VCC1 voltage with its soft-start circuitry, including coil current limitation and a voltage limiter to
avoid excessive current in the coil, and on-chip switches, as well as a too big output voltage which could lead to a
destruction of the chip. Any excessive on-chip load is avoided in that phase, i.e. the RF-core circuitry stays disabled, only
the power management control part and most important bias circuitry is enabled.
The output of the voltage regulator for the digital part, supplied by VCC2, is monitored by a power-check detector circuit. As
soon as this detector signals ‘sufficient voltage’, the Xtal oscillator is powered-up as the main timing-reference for the
DC/DC and RF-core circuitry. After this amplitude regulated Xtal-oscillator indicates enough amplitude, the full regulation
circuitry of the DC/DC converter is switched on, and the converter starts to work either in CCM (continuous current mode) or
burst mode, according to the load which is present on its output.
At the same time, the IRQ pin is set to logic 1 such that the application (normally an attached host-controller) can have an
indication when the start-up sequence is finished, the DC/DC converter can be loaded as well as the chip is ready to
communicate through SPI. The DC/DC is designed to support loads up to 100mA and more, however its efficiency is
optimized to a lower load current. Please notice, that the external load should be minimized when the EM9201/02 is in an
on-air mode.

3.1.2     Start-up without DC-DC (Version 2)
In case an EM9201/02 Version 2 is used for applications without DC/DC converter, the start-up sequence is only slightly
different than described above. Upon connecting a battery to the VCC2-pin, the regulated digital supply ramps up quickly
and the RC oscillator is turned-on, providing a clock to the power-check circuit. After this one indicates enough supply, the
Xtal oscillator is enabled which in turn releases the IRQ after a certain crystal dependent start-up time. The RC oscillator,
used to allow a reliable Xtal start-up, is then stopped.

3.2      Functional Modes
This part describes in which modes the EM9201/02 can operate in and the way to control the changes in between them -
Figure 2 shows a corresponding state diagram. As described in §3.1 on page 11 the EM9201/02 becomes functional at the
end of the start-up procedure. At this point the change in between the states is mainly due to external commands (through
the SPI interface). Some of the transitions are also automatic, e.g. for a one-shot transmission.

                                      HOST                                       HOST

                                                                               EM9201 or
                 RX                   HOST             stand-by                                             TX

                                 Power down

                                 HOST                  HOST

                                         Figure 2 Simplified system state diagram.

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                        C-MAX                                                                         EM9201/02

3.2.1     Standby mode
This is the default mode into which the EM9201/02 goes after the reset, and the starting point for any RF operation
(transmission / reception) or activation of special power-management modes (power-down / Xtreme-mode – see below).
Here, only the Xtal oscillator is running and of course the DC/DC converter in case a Version 1 chip is used.

3.2.2     Battery Protection Mode (BPM)
For single battery cell applications using the DC/DC step-up converter the EM9201/02 features a so-called battery
protection mode. It protects weak batteries from leaking their chemistry by limiting the amount of long-term constant current
in case the device is not used. The BPM-mode is activated by an SPI command and sends the chip into a state where all
electronics, except a resistive load, is switched off. It is important to know, that the BPM mode can only be left by inserting a
fresh battery.
The BPM feature is of particular significance at the start-up of the system, since it can prevent excessive steady-state
current due to an improperly started DC/DC converter in case a weak battery is applied.
It is recommended that after the start-up sequence is finished (IRQ goes high, see §3.1.1), a supply-check function is
executed and in case this reveals insufficient battery voltage, the chip is sent into BPM.

3.2.3      Xtreme/ Power down mode
In order to minimize the power in idle case, the EM9201/02 can be set into a very low consumption mode. This mode is
enabled by an SPI command. (PowerMgt.Xtreme = 1) and has different effects for the two chip-versions – in Version 1 it
is called ‘Xtreme mode’, in Version 2 it is the ‘Power down mode’. Xtreme low-power mode (Version 1)
When entering the Xtreme-mode, the Xtal oscillator is turned off, and the DC/DC converter continues to operate from a low-
frequency RC oscillator. As well, the major part of the converter’s regulation circuitry is disabled and replaced by a simple
regulation loop working acc. to a bang-bang principle. The VCC1 voltage swings then about linearly up and down, with a
period depending on the actual circuit and external load. An increased ripple of 100mVpp will have to be tolerated on VCC1
then. The circuit is designed such that a certain external load is still supported. However, in order to fully profit from the very
low current consumption of the EM9201/02 in that mode, it is strongly recommended to put also the external host controller
into its mode of lowest consumption. Power down mode (Version 2)
In this mode - only applicable for Version 2 chips without DC/DC converter - all on-chip clocks are disabled and the power
consumption of the regulated digital supply is minimized. While in normal operation the voltage level seen on the VDD-pin is
around 1.8V, it’s now reduced to around 1.2V such that off-state leakage is reduced. All register values in the SPI interface
are kept.

3.2.4     TX Mode
The TX-mode is defined as the mode in which the EM9201/02 will first set the radio core in TX state, and after a complete
packet transmission, it will switch the radio core in RX state in order to receive the acknowledge (if the auto-acknowledge is
selected). For a better description of the radio core states, refer to § 3.3.
The TX-mode can be only accessed from the ‘Standby (see below) and provides correct RF-operation at the antenna port
no later than the time specified in RFTiming. RFStUpTim – mainly determined by the settling time of the PLL in the
frequency synthesizer.

3.2.5     RX Mode
In RX-mode, the EM9201/02 is ready to receive a GFSK-modulated RF-signals at 2.45GHz. In this mode the radio core is
set in RX state, and upon reception of a packet set the radio on TX state for sending the acknowledge (if the auto-
acknowledge is selected).
This mode can only be activated from the ‘Standby’ mode,.
After setting the RX mode a reliable RF-reception is possible after a time defined in RFTiming. RFStUpTim.

3.2.6    DC/DC Converter modes (not shown in Figure 2)
Apart from the already described Xtreme low power mode, the DC/DC converter operates in a set of different modes, some
of which are activated automatically. The DC/DC reacts to the largely varying load present at its output VCC1 by
automatically selecting the most effective operation – for small loads it’s the so-called ‘Burst mode’, for high loads it the
continuous current mode (CCM).
As it may be expected that the external host controller + sensor/interface need more voltage for some measurement and
signal processing prior to sending data to the EM9201/02 for the on-air link to be established, the DC/DC output voltage can
be set by the host temporarily to a higher value. It is recommended, however, to run the host-controller not in a high-speed
mode with big consumption in the same time when the on-air link is running.

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                       C-MAX                                                                        EM9201/02
3.2.7    Standby low power (not shown in Figure 2)
The EM9201/02 also provides a second standby mode, where the current consumption of the only active Xtal-oscillator is
reduced and the main system clock is set to around 400 kHz. This mode is complementary to the above mentioned Xtreme-
/ Power down mode since here the accurate time-base due to the Xtal oscillator is kept. However, the Standby low power
mode is much less effective in terms of current savings.

3.3      Radio core
The radio (RF-core) of the EM9201/02 features a highly integrated multi-channel RF transceiver for wireless applications in
the world-wide ISM frequency band at 2.4000 – 2.4835 GHz. Its robust low-IF architecture and the direct GFSK modulation
scheme are not only designed for proprietary communication protocols, but also to be compatible with the emerging
Bluetooth Low Energy Wireless standard. On air date-rates of 1Mb/s or 2Mb/s (only EM9202) are supported for up to 40
channels. The digital GFSK-modulation and -demodulation is performed using a bit-bandwidth product (BT) of 0.5 and a
data-rate dependent modulation index of 0.5 for 1Mbit/s and 0.32 for 2Mbit/s (only EM9202).
The radio core can be programmed to be in two main states:
    -    TX state: the whole transmit-chain is active and the digital baseband data can be up-converted to a 2.4GHz GFSK
         modulated signal
    -    RX state: the frequency synthesizer and the whole RX-chain are active and ready to receive a packet.

The RF-core is built-up of three major sub-systems:

3.3.1     Frequency synthesizer (PLL)
The frequency synthesizer provides accurate and low jitter 2.45 GHz RF signal used both for the up-conversion process in
TX state and for the down-conversion of an on-air RF signal in RX state. Up to 40 different frequencies can be synthesized.
In order to support direct GFSK- modulation in transmit-operation with low frequency drift, its architecture is based on a
closed loop modulation approach. For proper centring of the VCO control voltage an auto-calibration mechanism is included
in the PLL. Furthermore, the PLL lock-status can be read from outside the chip using a corresponding SPI read command
(see §4.1)

3.3.2      RX-chain
High sensitivity (-83dBm for 1Mb/s) RF-reception at 2.45 GHz is achieved by using a low noise resonant RF-amplifier
(LNA), followed by a down-conversion mixer and an IF-filter. The output of the IF-filter is fed to a limit-amplifier, whose
digital I/Q signals stimulate the subsequent digital GFSK-demodulator. At the demodulator output, received packet data and
status information is available, which finally is fed to the digital baseband (see Chapter §3.4).
The RX-chain also features a receive-signal-strength indicator (RSSI), which can measure the down-converted RF-power
after the IF-filter. Its averaged value can be read through the SPI after the single-shot RSSI measurement has been
completed (see §0).

3.3.3    TX-chain
The TX chain consists on a GFSK modulator which is included in the frequency synthesizer (see §3.3.1) and a Power
Amplifier (PA) output stage.
The PA output power can be adjusted to one of its 8 levels like shown in Table 1 – these levels can be set by the
RFPwr[2:0] bits of the RFSetup register.

                       RF Power (RFPwr[2:0])         Output power          DC Current consumption
                       111                           +4 dBm                                     15.6 mA
                       110                           0dBm                                       11.8 mA
                       101                           -3 dBm                                     10.2 mA
                       100                           -6 dBm                                      8.9 mA
                       011                           -9 dBm                                      7.9 mA
                       010                           -12 dBm                                     7.3 mA
                       001                           -16 dBm                                     6.9 mA
                      000                        -20 dBm                                 6.7 mA
                     Measuring conditions: VCC2 = 3.3V, VSS=0V, T=27°, load impedance = 200 Ohm.
                                 Table 1 RF power setting of the EM9201/02 (at 2Mb/s).

3.3.4   Air data rate
The EM9201/02 can be set to have 1Mb/s (W-mode) or 2Mb/s (E-mode, only EM9202) on-air data rate
transmission/reception. A higher data rate allows having less probability of on-air collision due to the minimisation of the
transmission time. It also lowers the average power consumption beside higher peak consumption.
The air data rate is set by RFSetup.RFDR bit.

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                          C-MAX                                                                    EM9201/02
To be able to establish a communication both devices of a link shall be set on the same data rate.

3.3.5    Channel frequency
The channel frequency determines the centre frequency of transmission channel used by the EM9201/02. The width of the
channel is depending on the data rate. With a data rate of 1Mb/s the channel width is 1 MHz. The width increases to 2MHz
for 2Mb/s (only EM9202).
The channel is set on RFChannel register. RFChannel shall be a value in between 0 and 39. If a value greater than 39 is
set the channel will be considered to be 39.
The center frequency is defined as below:
Fc = 2402 + RFChannel*2
To be able to establish a communication both devices of a link shall be set on the same channel.

3.4         Baseband

The ‘Baseband’ -processor is the central digital control system of the EM9201/02. It handles all states of the chip including
power-management, SPI transactions and of course the whole RF radio-control. Furthermore, it configures digital data for
transmission as well as it processes packets received from the demodulator – generally all what is referred to ‘Linklayer’. In
the following, these link layer operations are described, i.e. the detailed function of the baseband for transmission and
reception, packet format /identifier, etc.

The EM9201/02 is able to send and receive each packet in an independent way. An EM9201/02 configure in TX will send a
packet in a burst, wait for the acknowledge packet from the other side, and go on stand-by mode (on stand-by mode, the
host controller will be able to set the EM9201/02 in a different power mode). The EM9201/02 will also deal automatically
with any re-transmission in case of bad acknowledge or absence of acknowledge.
The EM9201/02 can also send continuously, to transmit the complete FIFO.
In RX mode the EM9201/02 will wait for any packet on the given frequency, and verify the address, flag and CRC, then
send a acknowledgement (ACK or NACK), and go back in reception until the host controller change the EM9201/02 mode
to stand-by.

3.4.1    Autocalibration flow
For a correct transmission and reception, the PLL shall be calibrated before any data transmission attempt.
The calibration is done automatically by the PLL when requested.
To request the auto-calibration the RFSetup.AutoCalib bit shall be set to 1
This bit goes back to 0 at the end of the autocalibration, furthermore if requested an IRQ can be generated. The
autocalibration end information is on Int2Sts.IntStsAutoCalEnd bit and can be masled by Int2Msk.
IntMskAutoCalEnd bit.
The calibration of the PLL can differs slightly from one channel to another channel, and can vary if the external conditions
change (e.g. temperature), thus this calibration request shall be re-done from time to time.
Note: The interrupt for the end of auto-calibration also appears during a normal transmit or receive operation, as it indicates
that the PLL has completed its set-up procedure.

3.4.2  Transmission flow
1.    Set PeerAddr[2:0] to the targeted address, and DeviceAddr[2:0] to the device address
2.        Configure the data rate (only EM9202) and output power (RFSetup register)
3.        Configure the channel used (0..39) (on RFChannel register. All values over 39 sets the channel to 39)
4.        Set the mask for interrupts (on Int1Msk and Int2Msk).
5.        Set packet length (TxPayloadLength) and data (TxFifo[0..length-1])
6.        If the EM9201/02 is on Sleep/Xtreme mode the host shall go out of the Sleep/Xtreme mode by writing
          PowerMgt.Xtreme to 0, and wait for an acknowledge from the EM9201/02, by IRQ or polling (Int1Sts.StsXm_End).
7.        Set the Config.Start and Config.TxRxn bits to 1.
8.        The EM9201/02 will
           Power up the radio system in transmitter state on the given frequency
           Send the packet in one burst at the given data rate

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                           C-MAX                                                                     EM9201/02
           Go on receiver state and wait for the acknowledge packet
9.        After having started the communication the host is allowed to send other data.
10.       If the EM9201/02 will receive the acknowledge packet, it will go on stand-by mode, and sets the Config.Start to 0,
          with an Int1Sts.StsTxDs irq.
11.       If the EM9201/02 doesn't receive any acknowledgement or receive a NACK packet, it increments the auto
          retransmission counter and if lesser than the maximum allowed goes back in transmission state (see 8), otherwise it
          goes on stand-by with a MAX_RT irq

3.4.3  Reception flow
1.    Set PeerAddr[2:0] to the targeted address, and DeviceAddr[2:0] to the device address
2.        Configure the data rate (only EM9202).
3.        Configure the channel used (0..39) (on RFChannel register. All values over 39 sets the channel to 39)
4.        Set the mask for interrupts (on Int1Msk and Int2Msk).
5.        If the EM9201/02 is on Sleep/Xtreme mode the host shall go out of the Sleep/Xtreme mode by writing
          PowerMgt.Xtreme to 0, and wait for an acknowledge from the EM9201/02, by IRQ or polling (Int1Sts.StsXm_End).
6.        Set the Config.Start bit to 1 and Config.TxRxn bit to 0.
7.        The EM9201/02 will
           Power up the radio system in receiver state on the given frequency
           Listen for incoming communication
8.        When a packet with matching address has been received, the EM9201/02 will go on transmitter state to send an
          ACK or NACK according to the correctness of the CRC, and come back on the receiver state.
9.        If the packet was valid (correct CRC) the payload and length is stored on the data storage area, the Int1Sts.StsRxDr
          is set to 1, and the IRQ pin is set (if the corresponding mask is active).
10.       The host micro-controller can stop the reception by setting Config.Start bit to 0.
11.       It can then read the payload at its own data rate.

N.B. The EM9201/02 is able to receive one other packet during the time the host is reading the payload data.
12.    The EM9201/02 is now ready for any other transmission.

3.4.4       Packet format

The packet has to contain the following information
Multi-byte data are always sent on-air with LSByte first. For each byte the LSBit is sent first on air.

Preamble             Preamble to detect 0 and 1 levels.
                     The preamble is “01010101” if the address LSB is 0
                     The preamble is “10101010” if the address LSB is 1
                     The preamble is removed from the data stream
Address              The address field contains the address of the receiver.
                     The address is 3 bytes long
                     No more than 6 consecutive 0 are allowed
                     The address is removed from the data stream
Flags                The flag is 1 byte long.
                     2 bits for packet identification
                     1 bit for packet type
                     5 bits for packet length

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                           C-MAX                                                                   EM9201/02
Payload          1-32 bytes wide
CRC                  2 bytes
                     The polynomial check is x16 + x12+x5+1

The structure of the acknowledge packet is very close to the normal packet except that no data are present.

This packet act as an ACK or NACK according to the CRC. If the CRC received is different of the one sent, this packet
become a NACK otherwise it is an ACK packet.

3.4.5   Packet Identifier
Each packet contains a two bit wide PID field to detect if the received packet is new or resent. The PID will prevent that the
RX device presents the same payload more than once to the HOST. The PID and CRC field is used by the RX device to
determine whether a packet is resent or new.
The scheme of PID generation and detection is depicted in Figure 3

Figure 3 PID generation and detection

3.5       Power management
The power management system of the EM9201/02 provides the necessary supplies, voltage- / current references and
timing circuitry for reliable operation in all modes of operations. Apart from the DC/DC converter, this includes low drop-out
voltage regulators (LDO) for the RF-core and the whole digital part, a low noise band-gap and a bias-generator using an
external resistor. All these circuits are powered through the VCC2 pin – either using the DCDC or by direct supply

3.5.1    RF-core supply
All analog parts in the RF-core are supplied by two fully on-chip LDOs for the RX-chain (LNA, mixer, IF-filter) and the
frequency synthesizer (PLL), plus a dedicated regulator for the power amplifier relying on an external 4.7nF decoupling
capacitor. The voltage reference for these three regulators is derived from a low noise band-gap circuit. In order to optimize
the current consumption in any mode of operation, the regulators as well as the band-gap/bias are enabled individually
when needed – either automatically with respect to reception or transmission flow or by using the ‘Bridge mode’ (see §3.8).

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                            C-MAX                                                                          EM9201/02
3.5.2     Digital supply
The supply for all digital parts (VDD) in the system (base-band, frequency synthesizer and demodulator) is provided by a
low power LDO and a second reference circuit. It assures that the logic is powered throughout the whole time of operation -
not only in RF- but also in the power-down modes described in §3.2.3. This regulator uses an external decoupling capacitor
of 220nF.

3.5.3     Bias generator
In order to create a stable and temperature independent current reference for the RF-core, the EM9201/02 features a bias
generator based on an external 27 kΩ resistor and the on-chip band-gap reference. The spread of the current consumption
in transmit / receive operation depends on this, therefore it is recommended that its tolerance is maximum +/- 2%.

3.6       Supply monitoring
The EM9201/02 offers the possibility for supply monitoring on several nodes in the system (VBAT, VCC2, VDD). The host-
controller can launch a measurement by sending an SPI command, which compares the actual node voltage with a
predefined level (see §4.20). After the measurement is completed the result (1 bit ) can be read back from the
corresponding SPI register. The following table shows how the supply monitoring is used for the different Versions:

           EM9201/02 Version Supply                 Level [V]   Function
           (1) DC/DC                  VBAT          0.82        BPM mode, battery monitoring (see §3.2.2 )
                                      VBAT          0.92        BPM early warning
                                      VBAT          1.12        Battery low detection (1.5V batteries)
                                      VBAT          1.25        Battery low detection, early warning (1.5V batteries)
           (1) and (2)                VDD           1.43        n.a. (used for power-check at start-up)
           (2) no DC/DC               VCC2          2.00        n.a. (used for chip internal monitoring)
                                      VCC2          2.27        Battery low detection (3V batteries)
                                      VCC2          2.49        Battery low early warning (3V batteries)

It is recommended that measurements are repeated several time in order to reduce inaccuracies due to noise.

3.7     SPI interface
The EM9201/02 can be controlled thanks to a 4-wire SPI interface and interrupt information (IRQ). The four wires are
described as below:
    •   CSN: Chip selected (negated)
    •   SCK: Serial clock
    •   SDI: Serial data In (EM9201/02 view), also called MOSI.
    •   SDO: Serial data out (EM9201/02 view) also called MISO

3.7.1    SPI transaction
Each change on SDI is latched on the rising edge of SCK, and each change on SDO is done on the falling edge of SCK
(see Figure 7 and Table 2)
Over this physical interface the protocol is byte-based. Each byte shall be sent MSBit first
An SPI transaction is defined by all the changes on SCK, SDI and SDO in between a falling edge of CSN and its next rising
edge (see Figure 4 below).


SDI                  W
                           a6    a5       a4   a3     a2   a1    a0     w7       w6    w5 w4        w3     w2   w1      w0   w7

                                          Address = a                                        data(a)

SDO        Z         s7    s6    s5       s4   s3     s2   s1    s0     r7       r6     r5    r4    r3     r2   r1      r0 r7   Z

                                status = data(0x00)                                          data(a)

                                                     Figure 4 Raw SPI transaction

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                                C-MAX                                                                                    EM9201/02
  A transaction shall have a multiple of 8 SCK pulses to be complete. In case of incomplete transactions, only the complete
  bytes will perform the desired action.

  The possible actions are:
      •   Read one or more consecutive register(s) and the status byte (register 0x00) (see Figure 5 below).
          This action needs at least 2 bytes (1 for address and read order, and 1 byte for reading the desired address.
      •   Write one or more consecutive register(s) and read the status byte (register 0x00) (see Figure 6 below).
          This action needs at least 2 bytes (1 for address and write order, and 1 byte for writing at the desired address.
      •   Read status byte.
          This action needs 1 byte.

                                                        Figure 5 Multi-read SPI transaction


      SDI       W     a6   a5    a4   a3    a2   a1    a0     w7   w6   w5     w4      w3   w2    w1    w0   w7 w6   w5 w4    w3   w2   w1   w0

                                 Address = a                                 data(a)                                  data(a+1)

      SDO   Z    s7   s6   s5    s4   s3    s2   s1    s0                                                                                         Z

                           status = data(0x00)


                                                       Figure 6 Multi-write SPI transaction
                                       Tsckh          Tsckl                                      Tch




                                                              Figure 7 SPI timing diagram

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                             C-MAX                                                                   EM9201/02

                     Symbol        Parameters                         Min              Max             Units
                     Tds           Data to SCK Setup                  5                                ns
                     Tdh           SCK to Data Hold                   5                                ns
                     Tsd           CSN to Data Valid                                   30              ns
                     Tcd           SCK to Data Valid                                   30              ns
                     Tsckl         SCK Low Time                       40                               ns
                     Tsckh         SCK High Time                      40                               ns
                     Fsck          SCK Frequency                      0                10              MHz
                     Fsck_lp       SCK Frequency on low               0                5               MHz
                                   power/Xtreme mode
                     Tcs           CSN to SCK Setup                   20                               ns
                     Tch           SCK to CSN Hold                    20                               ns
                     Tcswh         CSN Inactive time                  20                               ns
                     Tcz           CSN to Output High Z                                30              ns

                                                  Table 2 SPI timing values.

3.7.2    Interrupt flag
The EM9201/02 has an active high interrupt pin (IRQ).
The pin IRQ is activated when the selected interrupts (according to the mask information of the register 0x02 and 0x03) are
activated on register 0x00 and 0x01.

Whatever is the value of the corresponding mask, the interrupt is stored on the register 0x00 and 0x01. The mask is used
only to select which interrupt will activate the IRQ pin.

      Note: the register 0x00 is also directly visible as the status information at each SPI transaction.

The interrupt register can be cleared by writing 1 to the bit to be cleared, and writing 0 on the one to keep.

3.8      Bridge
The bridge mode is used for allowing a direct access to the physical part thanks to the SPI for all configurations of the
physical layer and two specific pads dedicated to the clock and stream needed to fed and receive correct data from the
physical layer.
The bridge mode is useful when a link layer is done on an external component (MCU, FPGA, or ASIC) to use the GFSK
modem and/or the power management features.
A more detailed description of the bridge mode features can be made available upon special request.

3.9      Software reset
The EM9201/02 can be soft reset by SPI.
To reset the EM9201/02 it is needed to write into the register SwReset two different values (0xB3 followed by 0x5E), in two
consecutive SPI transactions.
The EM9201/02 software reset procedure is as follow:
Procedure EM920xSwReset() {

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                           C-MAX                                                                    EM9201/02
4.        Registers
In this section all relevant registers of the EM9201/02 are described, i.e. their basic functionality and reset values. Any
register not specifically mentioned here is a reserved one, and its content shall be set to 0x00.

4.1     Register Int1Sts (0x00)
As described As described on §3.7.2 on page 19, each of the interrupt can be clear by writing 1 on the bit to clear.

Mnemonic             Bit    type     Reset Value   Description
IntStsRxDr           7      R/W      0             Rx data ready. 1 means that a packet has been received
IntStsTxDS           6      R/W      0             TX data send. 1 means that a packet has been sent
IntStsMaxRT          5      R/W      0             Maximum number of TX retransmission exceeded
IntStsPLLNoLock 4           R/W      0             PLL not in Lock.
                                                   1 means that the PLL was not locked after the RF start-up-time
                                                   or RX2TX switch time.
IntStsPckError       3      R/W      0             Packet error, phase variance to high during packet reception.
                                                   Demodulator desynchronizes itself.
IntStsPwrLow         2      R/W      0             Power check measurement end.
                                                   According to the value of SVLDCtrl. SVLDIntOnFail this bit
                                                   indicates the end of each measurement or only the one that
IntStsXtalHiPwr      1      R/W      0             Low power stand-by mode end
IntStsXmEnd          0      R/W      0             Sleep/Xtreme mode end

4.2      Register Int2Sts (0x01)
This register has the same behaviour as the Int1Sts. IntStsRstFlg is not maskable, and indicates the that the chip had a
reset event.

Mnemonic             Bit    type     Reset Value   Description
Reserved             7:2 -           0x00          Only 0x00 allowed.
IntStsRstFlg         1      R/W      0             Reset flag for power-up
IntStsAutoCalEnd 0          R/W      0             Auto calibration procedure end

4.3   Register Int1Msk (0x02)
Mnemonic        Bit type     Reset Value            Description
IntMskRxDR           7       R/W     0              Interrupt mask - RxDR
IntMskTxDS           6       R/W     0              Interrupt mask - TxDS
IntMskMaxRT          5       R/W     0              Interrupt mask - MaxRT
IntMskPLLNoLock 4            R/W     0              Interrupt mask - PLLNoLock
IntMskPckError       3       R/W     0              Interrupt mask - PckError
IntMskPwrLow         2       R/W     0              Interrupt mask - PwrLow
IntMskXtalHiPwr      1       R/W     0              Interrupt mask - XtalHiPwr
IntMskXmEnd          0       R/W     0              Interrupt mask - XmEnd

4.4   Register Int2Msk (0x03)
Mnemonic         Bit type     Reset Value           Description
Reserved              7:1 -              0x00       Only 0x00 allowed.
IntMskAutoCalEnd 0           R/W         0          Interrupt mask - AutoCalEnd

4.5   Register Config (0x04)
Mnemonic        Bit type     Reset Value            Description
Reserved             7:6 -           0x00           Only 0x00 allowed.
WhitDis              5       R/W     0              Disable the RX-Whitener

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                           C-MAX                                                              EM9201/02
Mnemonic             Bit   type   Reset Value   Description
Reserved             4     -      0             Only 0x00 allowed.
RxRestart            3     R/W    0             Restart packet reception
TxCont               2     R/W    0             Enable continuous transmission in TX mode
Start                1     R/W    0             Transmission start
TxRxn                0     R/W    0             Transmission mode, 0 - RX, 1 - TX

4.6   Register PowerMgt (0x05)
Mnemonic        Bit type    Reset Value         Description
BPM                  7:2 R/W      0             Battery protection mode.
                                                         Write “0x3F” to go on BPM.
                                                         Read returns always “0x00”
Xtreme               1     R/W    0             Xtreme mode on/off
LowPwrStdBy          0     R/W    0             Low power stand-by mode on/off

4.7   Register RFSetup (0x06)
Mnemonic        Bit type    Reset Value         Description
Reserved             7:6 -        0x00          Only 0x00 allowed.
RFAutoCalib          5     R/W    0             Start PLL auto-calibration procedure
RFAFCDis             4     R/W    0             Disable AFC in RF core
RFDR                 3     R/W    0             Data rate, can only be configured in EM9202
                                                         0 : 1 Mb/s
                                                         1 : 2 Mb/s
RFPwr                2:0 R/W      0             Set RF output power in TX mode
                                                        000 –    -20 dBm
                                                        001 –    -16 dBm
                                                        010 –    -12 dBm
                                                        011 –    -9 dBm
                                                        100 –    -6 dBm
                                                        101 –    -3 dBm
                                                        110 –    0 dBm
                                                        111 –    +4 dBm

4.8   Register RFChannel (0x07)
Mnemonic        Bit type    Reset Value         Description
Reserved             7:6 -        0x00          Only 0x00 allowed.
RFChannel            5:0 R/W      0x00          Channel number device operates on (maximum 39 channels)

4.9   Register RFTiming (0x08)
Mnemonic        Bit type    Reset Value         Description
RFStUpTim            7:4 R/W      0xA           RF start-up time
                                                         0000 –    50 µs
                                                         0001 –    60 µs
                                                         0010 –    70 µs
                                                         0011 –    80 µs
                                                         0100 –    90 µs
                                                         0101 –    100 µs
                                                         0110 –    110 µs
                                                         0111 –    120 µs
                                                         1000 –    130 µs
                                                         1001 –    140 µs
                                                         1010 –    150 µs (default)
                                                         1011 –    160 µs
                                                         1100 –    170 µs

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                           C-MAX                                                          EM9201/02
Mnemonic             Bit   type   Reset Value   Description
                                                        1101 – 180 µs
                                                        1110 – 200 µs
                                                        1111 – 250 µs
RFSwTim              3:0 R/W      0xD           RF RX <-> TX switching time
                                                       0000 – 25 µs
                                                       0001 – 30 µs
                                                       0010 – 40 µs
                                                       0011 – 50 µs
                                                       0100 – 60 µs
                                                       0101 – 70 µs
                                                       0110 – 80 µs
                                                       0111 – 90 µs
                                                       1000 – 100 µs
                                                       1001 – 110 µs
                                                       1010 – 120 µs
                                                       1011 – 130 µs
                                                       1100 – 140 µs
                                                       1101 – 150 µs(default)
                                                       1110 – 160 µs
                                                       1111 – 170 µs

4.10  Register RFRSSI (0x09)
Mnemonic        Bit type    Reset Value         Description
Reserved             7:5 -        0x00          Only 0x00 allowed.
RFRSSIEn             4     R/W    0             Enable of RSSI
RFRSSIOut            3:0 RO       0x0           Result of RSSI power measure

4.11  Register ACKSetup (0x0B)
Mnemonic        Bit type   Reset Value          Description
Reserved             7:5 -        0x00          Only 0x00 allowed.
ACKDis               4     R/W    0             Auto-acknowledge disable
ACKTimeout           3:0 R/W      0xD           Timeout for waiting for acknowledge
                                                        0000 – 30 µs
                                                        0001 – 40 µs
                                                        0010 – 50 µs
                                                        0011 – 60 µs
                                                        0100 – 70 µs
                                                        0101 – 80 µs
                                                        0110 – 90 µs
                                                        0111 – 100 µs
                                                        1000 – 110 µs
                                                        1001 – 120 µs
                                                        1010 – 130 µs
                                                        1011 – 140 µs
                                                        1100 – 150 µs
                                                        1101 – 160 µs(default)
                                                        1110 – 170 µs
                                                        1111 – 180 µs

4.12  Register RetrSetup (0x0C)
Mnemonic        Bit type    Reset Value         Description
ARDly                7:4 R/W      0x7           Auto Re-transmit Delay
                                                        0x0 – Wait for 250µs
                                                        0x1 – Wait for 500µs
                                                        0x2 – Wait for 750µs
                                                        0x7 – Wait for 2000µs (default)

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                           C-MAX                                                                   EM9201/02
Mnemonic             Bit     type    Reset Value    Description
                                                             0xF – Wait for 4000µs
                                                    (Delay from end of transmission to start of the next
ARCntMax             3:0 R/W         0x3            Auto Retransmit Count
                                                            0x0 – Re-transmit disabled
                                                            0x1 – Up to 1 re-transmit
                                                            0xF – Up to 15 re-transmit

4.13  Register RetrStatus (0x0D)
Mnemonic        Bit type     Reset Value            Description
LstPckCnt            7:4 RO          0x7            Count lost packets. The counter is overflow protected to 15, and
                                                    discontinue at max until reset.
                                                    The counter is reset by writing in RFChannel
RsntPckCnt           3:0 RO          0x3            Count resent packets.
                                                    The counter is reset when transmission of a new packet starts.

4.14    Registers DeviceAddr (0x0E to 0x010)
The DeviceAddr is splitted into 3 registers
Register Mnemonic             Bit type      Reset Value      Description
0x0E        DeviceAddrB0          7:0 R/W    0x00            Address of this device (Byte 0)
0x0F        DeviceAddrB1          7:0 R/W    0x00            Address of this device (Byte 1)
0x10        DeviceAddrB2          7:0 R/W    0x00            Address of this device (Byte 2)

4.15    Registers PeerAddr (0x11 to 0x13)
The PeerAddr is splitted into 3 registers
Register Mnemonic             Bit type    Reset Value        Description
0x11        PeerAddrB0            7:0 R/W    0x00            Address of the peer device (Byte 0)
0x12        PeerAddrB1            7:0 R/W    0x00            Address of the peer device (Byte 1)
0x13        PeerAddrB2            7:0 R/W    0x00            Address of the peer device (Byte 2)

4.16   Register TXPayloadLength (0x14)
Mnemonic         Bit type   Reset Value             Description
Reserved             7:5 -           0x0            Only 0x00 allowed.
RxPldLen             4:0 R/W         0x00           Number of bytes to be sent

4.17  Register RXPayloadLength (0x15)
Mnemonic        Bit type   Reset Value              Description
Reserved             7:5 -           0x0            Only 0x00 allowed.
TxPldLen             4:0 R/W         0x00           Number of received bytes

4.18  Register FIFOCtrl (0x16)
Mnemonic       Bit type     Reset Value             Description
TxPtrInc             7      R/W      0              Increment pointer in TX FIFO
TxFlush              6      R/W      0              Flush TX FIFO
RxPtrInc             5      R/W      0              Increment pointer in RX FIFO
RxFlush              4      R/W      0              Flush RX FIFO
Reserved             3:0 -           0x0            Only 0x00 allowed.

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                           C-MAX                                                                    EM9201/02

4.19   Register FIFOStatus (0x17)
Mnemonic        Bit type     Reset Value          Description
Reserved             7:4 -           0x0          Only 0x00 allowed.
RxFull               3      RO       0            RX FIFO full
RxEmpty              2      RO       1            RX FIFO empty
TxFull               1      RO       0            TX FIFO full
TxEmpty              0      RO       1            TX FIFO empty

4.20  Register SVLDCtrl (0x18)
Mnemonic       Bit type     Reset Value           Description
SVLDResult     7   RO       0                     SVLD result/output
SVLDStart            6      R/W      0            Start SVLD measurement
SVLDIntOnFail        5      R/W      0            SVLD generates interrupt on failed measurement
                                                     0       Int1Sts. IntStsPwrLow: the end of measurement
                                                     1       Int1Sts. IntStsPwrLow: failed measurement.
SVLDSelSrc           4:3 R/W         00           Select the source measured
                                                           00       Digital Regulated Voltage
                                                           01       VCC2 Voltage
                                                           10       VBAT Voltage
                                                           11       Digital Regulated Voltage
SVLDSelLvl           2:0 R/W         000          Select SVLD level
                                                          000       0.82V
                                                          001       0.92V
                                                          010       1.12V
                                                          011       1.25V
                                                          100       1.43V
                                                          101       2.00V
                                                          110       2.27V
                                                          111       2.49V

4.21  Register DCDCCtrl (0x19)
Mnemonic       Bit type    Reset Value            Description
Reserved             7:2 -           0x0          Only 0x00 allowed.
DCDCLvl              1:0 R/W         01           DCDCLvl
                                                        00           2.1V
                                                        01           2.2V (default)
                                                        10           2.4V
                                                        11           2.6V

4.22  Register SwReset (0x1A)
Mnemonic       Bit type    Reset Value            Description
SwReset              7:0 R/W         0            Write value 0xB3 and value 0x5E to generate a reset

4.23      TX FIFO (0x40 to 0x5F)
The address range 0x40 to 0x5F is dedicated to the TX FIFO. Each value can be read or write independently or in a
sequence (multi-read or multi write transaction). Each register is 8-bit wide in read/write access. There is no reset value,
thus their initial values are undetermined.

4.24      RX FIFO (0x60 to 0x7F)
The address range 0x60 to 0x7F is dedicated to the RX FIFO. . Each value can be read independently or in a sequence
(multi-read transaction). Each register is 8-bit wide in read-only access. There is no reset value, thus without any reception
the value is undetermined.

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4.25      Reserved registers
All the registers not listed above are reserved. It is not advised to write onto those registers. In case of writing it is
mandatory to write 0x00.

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                       C-MAX                                                                      EM9201/02
5.       Peripheral information
In this chapter design constraints are given for peripheral circuitry around the RF-core, i.e. the antenna port and the XTAL
oscillator. Furthermore, PCB guidelines are stated in order to achieve an optimum RF-performance.

5.1      Antenna port
The antenna port of the EM9201/02 is provided by the ANTP and ANTN pins, where a balanced RF signal is either received
or emitted. Its differential impedance is 200Ω+j0Ω , which enables the use of printed folded dipole antenna without external
matching components. In case of other antenna impedances a simple matching network can be used.

5.1.1    Folded dipole antenna
A folded dipole antenna can directly be applied to the antenna port. This structure has the advantage to offer the
EM9201/02 a directly 200Ω matched and omni-directional antenna (no additional component required). In case this antenna
is created using PCB layout techniques, careful consideration have to be taken on the PCB material and the antenna
dimensions. Figure 8 shows a layout example.

                                  Figure 8: Layout example of a folded dipole antenna.

Designing PCB-antennas requires the use of dedicated CAD software which take into account board materiel properties
and antenna geometries. The layout proposal shown in Figure 8 is an example designed for a 2 layers FR4 PCB with 0.8
mm thickness. Placing ground close to the antenna structure (either top or bottom layer) will highly decrease the antenna
performance (gain and directivity).

5.1.2      50 Ohm matching
The EM9201/02 can also be used with a 50Ω−termination to match a standard measurement system or a 50Ω−antenna
structure. In that case, a matching circuit needs to be applied such that the required impedance conversion from the 50 Ω to
the differential 200Ω antenna port impedance can be ensured.

                                     Figure 9: Matching circuit for 50 Ohm antenna.

Figure 9 shows a circuit example for such a matching network. Please note that also here the layout around the antenna
port - both for the chip and attached antenna connector – needs to be done with having RF guidelines in mind.

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                          C-MAX                                                                  EM9201/02
5.2       XTAL Oscillator
In order to achieve low power operation and good frequency stability of the XTAL-oscillator, certain considerations with
respect to the Quartz load capacitance C0 need to be taken into account. Figure 10 shows a simplified block diagram of the
amplitude regulated oscillator used in the EM9201/02.

                                        Figure 10: Amplitude regulated XTAL oscillator.

Low power consumption and fast start-up time is achieved by choosing a Quartz crystal with a low load capacitance C0 – a
reasonable choice is e.g. C0=10pF as used in the typical application described in Section 9. To achieve good frequency
stability the following equation then needs to be satisfied:

       C1' ⋅ C 2'
C0 =                 , where C1’= C1+CPCB1+ CPAD, C2’= C2+CPCB2+CPAD.
       C1' + C 2'
Capacitors C1 and C2 are external (SMD) components, CPCB1 and CPCB2 are PCB routing parasites and CPAD is the
equivalent small-signal pad-capacitance. The value of CPAD is around 1pF for each pad.
The routing parasites should be minimized by placing Quartz and C1 / C2 close to the chip, not only for easier matching of
the load capacitance C0 , but also to ensure robustness against noise injection.

To achieve good noise immunity against external interference, the XTAL oscillator is designed with low input impedance
using a chip-internal 260kΩ resistor between XTAL1 and XTAL2. In case the noise robustness needs to be further
increased, an external parallel resistor can be added at the cost of extra current consumption.

5.3       PCB Guidelines
A number of PCB guidelines have to be respected in order to ensure proper RF operation of the EM9201/02, also due to
the presence of a powerful DCDC converter. Generally, it is recommended to use at least a 2 layers PCB, dedicating one
layer to one common ground plane covering all external components and the chip itself (the die pad should also be
connected to this ground plane). Furthermore, prioritized layout focus should be kept for the following subjects:

 1.    Antenna port (and matching network).
 2.    Power supplies.
 3.    XTAL oscillator.
 4.    DCDC converter

5.3.1     Antenna port (and matching network)
Keep the EM9201/02 ANTN/ANTP symmetry in component- and via-placement, as well as line-routing. Place 100Ω
transmission lines between the EM9201/02 RF output pins and the antenna output (or the matching network). In any case,
try to minimize RF trace lengths:
Respect also a 3mm clearance to ground close to RF transmission lines and components (matching network). In particular,
respect clearance to ground for antenna structure (varies with antenna topology).
Do not put a ground plane below antenna structure to avoid gain loss and directivity modification.

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                       C-MAX                                                                     EM9201/02
5.3.2    Power supply
The power supplies have to be properly decoupled. In particular, the decoupling on AVDD_PA (Power supply for PA) and
VDD (power supply for digital part) is critical: the decoupling capacitors have to be put as close as possible to the pin.
In any case, the ground connections have to be as short as possible using vias directly to the ground plane.
Avoid sharing vias between different signals.

5.3.3    XTAL oscillator
Connect each capacitor of the XTAL oscillator to ground by a separate via, also separated from XTAL ground pads. Please
also read the consideration regarding PCB routing parasites described in Section 5.2 above.

5.3.4    DCDC converter
The series routing resistance of the two DCDC-pins SW_DCDC and VSS_DCDC can have a strong impact on the
EM9201/02 DCDC converter efficiency. Therefore, the trace-length between the coil and the EM9201/02 pins should be

5.3.5    Layout example
As an example of a well designed PCB the layout shown in Figure 11 can be inspected. It shows how the EM9201/02-
Version 1 (with DCDC-converter) is placed together with all external components and a 50 Ω RF-port (see also 5.1.2).

                              Figure 11: Layout example for good component placement.

On the left side of the IC the Quartz (Y1) together with load capacitors C21/C22 are placed, while on the right side the
DCDC-coil (L0) can be found. Both components are very close to the IC as routing parasites need to be minimized. To the
North of the EM9201/02 one can find the 50Ω/200Ω -matching network (L1, L2, L3, C24, C25,C26). Decoupling caps for the
supply (AVDD_PA: C4,C5 and VDD: C6, C10) are also in close vicinity of the chip, such that their effect on spike reduction
is maximized.

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                          C-MAX                                                                     EM9201/02
6.        Versions and ordering information
The EM9201/02 is available in two different Versions as summarized in the table below. The two versions differ only in one
metal layer and therefore have the same pin-out.
      Version                Description /Features                              Applications / Comments
1     DC/DC step-up          2.4 GHz transceiver with on-chip DC/DC step-       RF application where only one
                             up converter for 1.5V single batteries.            1.5V battery is available, like e.g.
                                - 26 MHz crystal required.                      wireless mouse.
                                - 1 or 2 Mb/s (only EM9202)on air data-rate.
                                - Xtreme low-power mode for DC/DC.
                                - BPM mode available.
2     no DC/DC – direct      2.4 GHz transceiver for direct 3V battery supply   Wireless applications relying on
      battery supply         (or external LDO).                                 3V button cells (e.g. in watches)
                                - 26 MHz crystal required.                      or where an external LDO is
                                                                                available (USB dongle)
                                - 1 or 2 Mb/s (only EM9202) on air data rate.
                                - Power-down mode.

6.1       Ordering information
Ordering Code                    Description                               Packaging       Container
EM9201-V1                        1 Mb/s Transceiver with DCDC              MLF24           TBD
EM9201-V2                        1 Mb/s Transceiver without DCDC           MLF24           TBD
EM9202-V1                        1 / 2 Mb/s Transceiver with DCDC          MLF24           TBD
EM9202-V2                        1 /2 Mb/s Transceiver without DCDC        MLF24           TBD
EMEVK9201/02                     Evaluation Kit

6.2    Package marking
EM9201 Version 1 (with DCDC)
1     2    3     4    5     6
A     9    2     0    1     0
B     0    1
EM9201 Version 2 (without DCDC)
1     2    3     4    5     6
A     9    2     0    1     0
B     0    2

EM9202 Version 1 (with DCDC)
1     2    3     4    5     6
A     9    2     0    2     0
B     0    1
EM9202 Version 2 (without DCDC)
1     2    3     4    5     6
A     9    2     0    2     0
B     0    2

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                       C-MAX                                EM9201/02
7.       Package Information
MLF24 4mm x 4mm

                                     mm   MIN     NOM MAX
                                     A    0.80    0.85   0.95
                                     A1   0.00    0.02   0.05
                                     A3        0.20 REF
                                     K          0.20 MIN
                                     D          4.0 BSC
                                     E          4.0 BSC
                                     L1      0.15 mm MAX
                                     N              24
                                     ND             6
                                     NE             6
                                     L    0.35 0.40      0.45
                                     b    0.18 0.25      0.30
                                     D2   2.50 2.60      2.70
                                     E2   2.50 2.60      2.70

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                                      C-MAX                                                          EM9201/02
8.        Typical Operating Characteristics
In this chapter, typical operation characteristics of the EM9201/02 are described. The measurements should help to
understand better the main functions of chip and can be seen as a complement to the tabular specifications stated in the
beginning. The following is shown:

     1.   Version 1 and Version 2 start-up scenarios.
     2.   DCDC Efficiency versus load.
     3.   RX-Sensitivity (BER / PER).

8.1       DCDC Converter Efficiency
The DCDC converter efficiency is evaluated by loading its output VCC1 (=VCC2) with an external current ILext for a fixed
input (battery) voltage applied to VBAT. The efficiency η := Pout/Pin = V(VCC1)* ILext / (V(VBAT)*Ibat) is then plotted
against the load-current for the three main DCDC-operation modes: CCM- / burst- and Xtreme-mode – see also Section
3.2.6. Please note that in these measurements the chip-internal current consumption (from VCC2) is included!

Setup: EM9201/02-Version 1 configured like described in Section 9.1, with L1 = 10uH / ESR=110mΩ, C3=22uF (Ceramic
X5R). The measured DCDC output voltage in CCM / burst-mode is 2.13V and 2.0V in Xtreme-mode – this has to be taken
into account when looking at the figures below.

8.1.1    CCM / Burst-mode efficiency
Figure 12 shows the measured DCDC converter efficiency versus the fully available external load current 0…100mA, when
the EM9201/02 is Standby-mode (i.e. chip-internal current cons. is approx 150uA). Three different input supply voltages
(applied on VBAT) at 0.85 / 1.2 / 1.4V are taken as parameter.

                                                  EM9201: DCDC Efficiency in CCM / Burst-mode
                                      90.00            Eff_0.850V
                     Efficiency [%]





                                              1                            10                       100
                                                                    Load current [mA]

                                       Figure 12: Typical measured DCDC-efficiency in CCM / burst-mode.

In this measurement, an efficiency η >85% is achieved for load currents 10 … 30mA and battery supplies greater than
VBAT = 0.85V. At battery supplies around 1.2V and load currents of 50mA close to 90% efficiency can be observed.

8.1.2     Xtreme-mode efficiency
Figure 13 shows the efficiency-performance versus load current for the ultra low-power DCDC mode called “Xtreme-mode”,
where the on-chip VCC2 consumption is only approx. 3uA. Again, three measurement traces are plotted for 0.85 / 1.2 /1.4V
input voltage, covering a load range 0… 500uA.

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                                  C-MAX                                                                                     EM9201/02
                                                                 EM9201: DCDC Efficiency in Xtreme-mode


                     Efficiency [%]         50.00

                                            40.00                                                     Eff_1.200V



                                                    1                               10                       100     1000
                                                                                         Load current [uA]

                                                            Figure 13: DCDC converter efficiency in Xtreme-mode.

The efficiency in this mode achieves a typical value of η = 55% at a load-current of 30uA.

8.1.3     Xtreme-mode battery versus load-current
For most battery powered applications, the equivalent battery current is of interest – especially when EM9201/02’s low
power Xtreme-mode is used. Figure 14 shows the battery current versus the load current for 0.85 / 1.2 / 1.4V supply
(battery) – it is actually the same data as used to derive the efficiency plots shown in Figure 13.

                                                            EM9201: DCDC I_bat vs. I_load in Xtreme-mode

                                                                  I_bat_1200 [uA]
                                                                  I_bat_850 [uA]

                                             1000                 I_bat_1400 [uA]
                     Battery current [uA]



                                                        1                            10                        100     1000
                                                                                          Load current [uA]

                                                        Figure 14: Xtreme-mode - battery current vs. load-current.

For typical supply voltages at 1.2V, the measured battery current is around 10uA when there is no external load, and rises
to around 40uA when an external application would draw 10uA.

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                           C-MAX                                                                EM9201/02
9.       Typical Applications
In this chapter, typical application scenarios for the EM9201/02 are described – both for the DC/DC step-up configuration
(Version 1) and for system using a direct battery (or LDO) supply.

9.1      Application schematic (Versions 1 and 2)

Figure 15: Application schematic for Version 1 (DC/DC ) and Version 2 (no DC/DC). For Version 2 (orange), the pins
VBAT, VCC1 and SW_DCDC are connected to system ground as well as components L1, R1, C2 and C3 need to be

               Component Value           Footprint     Description
                     A1      200Ω        -             Printed loop antenna
                     C1      100n        0402          VBAT decoupling capacitor, +/- 10%
                     C2      220n        0805          VBAT filter capacitor, +/- 10%
                     C3      22uF        0805          DC/DC storage capacitor, X5R +/- 10%
                     C4      10nF        0402          VCC2 decoupling, +/- 10%
                     C5      15pF 1)     0402          XTAL load capacitor , +/- 5%
                     C6      15pF 1)     0402          XTAL load capacitor, +/- 5%
                     C7      4.7nF       0402          LDO-PA decoupling capacitor, +/- 10%
                     C8      100pF       0402          LDO-PA decoupling capacitor, +/- 10%
                     C9      220nF       0805          LDO-Digital decoupling capacitor, +/- 10%
                     C10     100pF       0402          LDO-Digital decoupling capacitor, +/- 10%
                     C11     47uF        1206          Version 2: VCC2 decoupling capacitor
                     L1      10uH        -             DC/DC coil: recommended ESR < 120mΩ, +/- 20%
                     R1      100 Ω       0402          VBAT filter resistor, +/- 10%
                     R2      27k Ω       0402          RF-biasing resistor, +/- 2%
                     X1      26 MHz      -             Crystal, +/- 50ppm, C0 = 10pF. Example: TSS_3225A
               Note 1: C5 and C6 must have values that match the crystal load capacitance.

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                    C-MAX                                                                          EM9201/02

Disclaimer of Warranty
Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However C-MAX assumes no responsibility, neither for
the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties, which
may result from its use. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This
publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. C-MAX products are not authorized for use
as critical components in life support devices without express written approval of C-MAX.

It is not given warranty that the declared circuits, devices, facilities, components, assembly groups or treatments
included herein are free from legal claims of third parties. The declared data are serving only to description of product.
They are not guaranteed properties as defined by law. The examples are given without obligation and cannot give rise
to any liability.

Reprinting this data sheet - or parts of it - is only allowed with a license of the publisher.

C-MAX      reserves the right to make changes on this specification without notice at any time.

C-MAX Asia Ltd                                           C-MAX Technology Ltd (Shenzhen)
Unit 125, 1/F.,                                          Room 31C, Block A,
Liven House,                                             World Finance Centre,
61-63 King Yip Street,                                   No.4003 Shennan East Road,
Kwun Tong, Kowloon, HK SAR                               Luohu, Shenzhen, P.R. China
Tel.: +852-2798-5182                                     Tel:+86-755-25181858
Fax: +852-2798-5379                                      Fax:+86-755-25181859

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Document Created: 2012-06-24 23:05:50
Document Modified: 2012-06-24 23:05:50

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