User Manual


Users Manual

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  SD1 Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler User Manual
                                                                                      8. The device is not protected against defibrillation.
  About this Manual                                                                   9 SHOCK HAZARD — Do not attempt to replace batteries with wet
  it 0154457085                                                                          hands.
  MPN: 0154457985010                                                                  10 Do not connect any equipment or accessories that are not approved by
                                                                                                                                                                                 1 Fetal heart icon                                               3 FHA numeric/Sound
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    yolume numenc
  Release Date: Apr. 2018                                                                the manufacturer or that are not TEC 60601—1 approved to the device.                    2 Fetal heart signal                                             4 Battery indicator
                                                                                              The operation or use of non—approved equipment or accessories with                   intensity indiéator
  © Copyright EDAN INSTRUMENTS, INC. 2018. All rights reserved.
                                                                                              the device is not tested or supported, and device operation and safety
                                                                                              are not guaranteed.
  This manualwill help you understand the operation and maintenance of the            11 Using accessories other than those specified by the manufacturer may                    6 soundyolume
                                                                                                                                                                                   fouch ke      decrease                                         5 ME
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sound volume tey
  product better. It is reminded. that the product shall be used strictly                result in increased electromagnetic emissions or decreased                              7 On/Off touch key
  complying with this manmal. User‘s operation failing to comply with this                    electromagnetic immunity of the device.
  manual may result in malfunction or accident for which Edan Instruments,            12 The device should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other
  Inc. (hercinafter called EDAN)cannot be held liable.                                        equipment and that if adjacent or stacked use is necessary, the device         Item                                    Description
  EDAN owns the copyrights of this manual. Without prior written consent                      should be observed to verify normal operation in the configuration in                       Fetal          .I
                                                                                              which it will be used                                                          1            heart                Indicates fetal heart beat and flickers to the
  of EDAN, any materials contained inthis manual shall not be photocopied,
                                                                                      13 The medical electrical equipment needs to be installed and put into                              icon                         fetal heart beat,
  reproduced or translated intoother languages.                                               service according to the EMC Information provided in this user manual.                                                          This indicator displays on the
  Materialsprotected by the copyright law, including but not limited to               14 Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect medical                               1:5"*1                              lgfi side of the screen a"dr:'ale
  confidential information: such as. technical. information: and. patent                 electrical equipment; refer to section. Recommended. Separation                                   leart                              three stams: empty, ha
  informationare contained in this manual, the user shall not disclose such              Distances                                                                           2            signal                              empty and full, which
                                                                                                   — or maintain the device or any accessory which is in use
                                                                                      15 Do not service                                                                                   intensit
                                                                                                                                                                                          indcator                            respectivelyand represents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              mncllom                     low,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              hi‘;h fasl heart
  information to any irrelevant third party.
  The user shall understand that nothing in this manual grants him, expressly                 with a pationt                                                                                                                  signal intensity.
  or implicitly, any right or license to use any of the intellectualproperties of                                                                                                                                             Displays fetal heart rare
  EDAN.                                                                                                                                                                                   rur                                 within the range from 50 bpm
  EDAN holds the rights to modify, update, and ultimately explain this                                                 cavtion                                                            numeric                             to 240 bpm. When fetal heart
  manual                                                                              1: Refer servicing to qualified personnel.                                                                                              :‘s;;:yf:u'flfthe range,it
  Responsibility of the Manufacturer                                                  2 Keep the device in a clean environment and avoid vibration during                                                                     Samd voun mme
  EDAN only considers itself responsible for any effect on safety, reliability           storage.                                                                            3                                                displayed in the center of the
                                                                                              Do not sterilize the Doppler:                                                                                                   screen, the same area as the
  and performance of the equipment if
                                                                                    a c

                                                                                              Electromagnetic Interference — Ensure that the environment in which                         Sound                               FHR numeric. When you
  Assembly operations, extensions, re—adjustments, modifications or repairs                                                                                                                                                   adjust sound volume, the
  are carried out by persons authorized by EDAN, and                                          the device is operated is not subject to any source: of. strong                             volume
                                                                                                                                                                                          hmmeric                             sound volume. numeric.wl    will
  The electrical installation of the relevant room complies with national                     electromagnetic emissions, such as radio transmitters, mobile                                                                   display for 0.5 second before
  standards, and                                                                              telephones, ec.                                                                                                                 switching back to display
                                                                                              Prio to examination using the Doppler, check for visible damages of                                                             FHR numeric. Sound volume
  The instrument is used in accordance with the instructions for use.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ranges from level 0 to 7.
  EDAN will make available on request circuit diagrams, component part                        the main unit and the probe that may endanger the patient/operator or                                                                Battery indicatordisplays
  lists, descriptions, calibration instructions, or other information that will               machine performance. Ifthe damage is found, replace them with good                                                                   on the right side of the
  assist service personnel to repair those parts of the equipment that are                    ones at once.                                                                                                                        screen. There are 5
                                                                                              The following safety checks should be performed once every two years                                                                 battery levels, represented
  designated by EDAN as repairable by service personnel.

                                                                                                                                                                                          Battery                                  by 0 to 4 panes in the
  Product Information                                                                         or as spevified in the institution‘s test and inspeotion protocol by a         4            indicator                                icon. When battery is
  Product Name:Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler                                                      qualified person who has adequate training, knowledge, and practical                                                                 empty, battery empty icon
  Model:SD1                                                                                   experience to perform these tests.                                                                                                   Bwibe cisplayed ana
  Terms Used in this Manual                                                                   @ Inspect the equipment for mechanical and functional damage.                                                                        flickering, and the battery
                                                                                              @ Tnspect the safety relevant labels for legibility.                                                                                 needs replacing
  This guide is designed to give key concepts on safety precautions.                                                                                                                      Sound
  WARNING                                                                                     @ Inspect the equipment for mechanical and functional damage.                               volume
  AWARNING label advises against certain actions or situations that could                     @ Tnspect the safety relevant labels for legibility.                           s            increase       E... .. keyfor a litle while to increase
  result in personal injury or death.                                                         The leakage current should never exceed the limit. The data should be                       touch          sound volume.
                                                                                              recorded in an equipment log. Ifthe device is not functioning properly                      ke
  CAUTION                                                                                                                                                                                 Sound
  A CAUTIONlabel advises against actions or situations that could damage                      or fails any of the above tests, the device has to be repaired.                             volume         Reif
  equipment, produce inaccurate data, or invalidate a procedure.                              The device and accessories are to be disposed of according to local            s            decrease            [Touch the key for a little while to decrease

  NotE                                                                                        regulations after their useful lives, Alternatively, they can be returned to                touch          sound volume.
                                                                                              the dealer or. the. manufacturer for. recycling or proper disposal.                         ke
  ANOTE provides useful information regarding a function or a procedure.                                                                                                                  owor                     ‘Whenthe Doppler is of%, touch this key
  ® Precautions                                                                               Batteries are hazardous waste. Do NOT dispose them together with               ;            fouen                    for a litle while to switch it on;
                                                                                              house—hold garbage..                                                                        fe                       When the Doppler is on, touch this key
                                 caUrion                                                                                                                                                     *                     for a litle while to switch it off.
  Federal (U.S.) Law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a                                                                                                   Battery
  physician.                                                                         Intended Use/Indications for Use                                                        SD1 is powered by two AA alkaline batteries. Battery specification: LR6,
                                                                                     The SD1 is a pocket Doppler device used for detecting the fetal heartbeat               AA, 15 V;
  NotE:                                                                              from the 10th week of gestation. Tt is intended to be used by medical                   Note:
  This user manual is written to cover. the maximum: configuration.                  professionals only.                                                                     You can use AA alkaline batteries of the same specification purchased
  Therefore, your model may or may not have some of the parameters and               Features                                                                                locally
  functions described, depending on what you have ordered.                           ® FHR monitoring and display                  # FH signal intensity
           This unit is internally powered equipment, and it is an TEC/EN                                                             indicator                              ®— Operation
           60501—1 Type BF applied part. Type BF pretection means that the           # FH sound                                    # FH icon                                 nore:
           connection between the equipment and personnel complies with              ® Switching off when no signal received       @ Battery indicator                       To ensure that the Doppler works properly, please read this chapter and
                                                                                                                                                                             Chapterafety Precautions before operation; follow the steps. when
           permitted leakage currents and dielectric strength of TEC/EN                 for 2 Min
                                                                                                                                                                             connecting all the components.
        soso1—1.                                                                     ® Sound volume adjustment                     ® Low battery waming
                                                                                     ® Bluctooth connection (Optional)             ® Sound volume levels                     Opening the Package and Checking
  WARNING and CAUTION messages must be observed. To avoid the                                                                                                                Open the package; take out the Doppler and accessories carefully. Keep the
  possil    y of injury,     observe the following precautions during the            Appearance ( Above pictures are just for reference)                                     package for possible future transportation or storage. Check. the
  operation of the device.                                                                                                                                                   components according to the packing list.
                                                                                                                                                    Loudspeaker              # Check for any mechanical damage.
                                                                                                                                                                             ® Check all the cables and accessories.
      Tt is to b used by health care professionals on the order of a physician.       (                                                                                      TF there is any problem, contact us or your local distributor immediately.
1 +

      The Doppler is a tool to aid the healthcare professional in hospitals,
      clinics or at home and should not be used in place of normal fetal
                                                                                     ;                                s            LCD Sergen                   \            Installing the Battery
                                                                                                                                                                             a) Unscrew the screw with a cross screudriver and remove the battery
      monitoring, It is not intended for treatment or use during labor and                                      \         F                          Scre               5
      delivery.                                                                                                                                                                   compartment cover.
  3. Placement of the ultrasound transducer on the sbdomen is crifical to                                        |                   Touch Keys                              ©) Insert the battery into the compartment carefully. Ensure its anode and
                                                                                                                                                                                cathode terminals are aligned with the anode and cathode marks on the
      obtaining the fetal heart beat as opposed to matemnal heart beat or other           “                                              Battery Col        riment Cover
      abdominal noise. The user should be trained in proper placement                                                                                               |             compartment.
                                                                                                                                                                             ¢} Install the compartment cover and secure it with the screw.
      techniques either through acceptable Ob/Gyn training and individeal
      state accreditation, or as being prescribed by such a trained clinician                 Ultrasonic Transducer Head                                                     Removing/ Replacing the Battery
      and trained in device placement.                                                                                                                                       a) Unscrew the screw with a cross screwdriver and remove the battery
  4 This device is not explosion—proof and cannot be used in the presence                                                                                                         compartment cover.
      of flammable anesthetics.                                                                                                                                              b) Take out the used battery. You can also replace it with a new one.
  5 Magnetic and electrical fields are capable of interfering with the proper                                                                                                     Ensure the new battery‘s terminals are placed in the right direction as
      performance of the device. For this reason, make sure that all external                                                                                                   indicated by the anode and cathode marks.
      devices operated in the vicinity of this device comply with the relevant                                                                                               ¢} Install the compartment cover and secure it with the screw.
      EMC requirements. X—ray equipment and magnetic resonance imaging
     (MRI) devices can emit high levels of electromagnetic radiation.
  6. We recommend that exposure to ultrasound should be kept as low as
      reasonably achievable. This is considered to be good practice and
      should be observed at all time.
  7. Do not use the device with HP surgical equipmentand do not use it in
      an MRT environment.

                                                                                                                                                                    These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
                                   WARNING                                                                          CAUTION                                         interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses
 1      Turn off the Doppler before removing or replacing the battery.               1     The Doppler‘s degree of protection against harmful ingress of water      and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
 2      Replace alkaline batteries with those of identical specifications                  is IP22. Do not immerse it in water.                                     accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
        provided        by       the     manufacturer       or      purchased        2     The Doppler is delicate and sensitive. Please handle it with care and    communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
        locally.SeeChapterProduct Specificationsfor details about battery                  try to avoid dropping on to the ground or any hard surfaces. Any         occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
        specifications.                                                                    damage caused by dropping is not covered by the warranty.                interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
 3      If the batteries have been inserted incorrectly, the Doppler will not        3     Keep the coupling gel away from children. If swallowed, consult a        turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
        function or it will be damaged.                                                    physician at once.                                                       correctthe interference by one or more of the following measures:
 4      Do not disassemble or short-circuit batteries.                                                                                                              -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
 5      Do not recharge batteries.                                                   Note:
                                                                                                                                                                    -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
 6      Do not dispose of batteries in fire or water.                                1 The best quality of fetal heart signal is obtained only when the Doppler
                                                                                                                                                                    -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
 7      Do not allow metal objects to contact the battery terminals.                    is placed on the best monitoring position.
                                                                                                                                                                    which the receiver is connected.
 8      Do not mix with used or other battery type (such as alkaline with            2 Do not place the Doppler near positions where placental sound or
                                                                                                                                                                    -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
        carbon zinc).                                                                   umbilical blood flow sound is loud.
                                                                                                                                                                    2.Any changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the
 9      Do not solder the batteries directly. If soldering or welding                3 If the fetus is in the cephalic position and the mother is supine, the
                                                                                                                                                                    party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate
        connection to the battery is required, consult our engineer for proper          clearest heart sound will normally be found on the midline below the
                                                                                                                                                                    the equipment.
        methods.                                                                        navel. During monitoring, the pregnant woman‘s prolonged lying in
 10     Do not over-discharge batteries.                                                the supine position should be avoided to reduce the possibility of               Maintenance and Cleaning
 11     To install or remove batteries, follow the equipment manufacturer‘s             supine hypotension. Putting a pillow or cushion under the patient‘s
                                                                                        head or feet can be of help.                                                Maintenance
                                                                                     4 It is not possible to obtain accurate FHR unless a clear fetal heart         Before each use, check if the equipment has visible evidence of damage
 12     Keep battery away from small children. If swallowed, consult a
        physician at once.                                                              signal is detected. If the calculated FHR is not in accordance with the     that may affect the patient and the operator‘s safety or the Doppler‘s
 13     Store the battery in cool, dry place before use.Do not keep batteries           beat of the fetal heart sound, the fetal heart sound auscultation result    functioning. If the damage is evident, contact the manufacturer for service
        at temperature of 45°C or above, or at humidity of 75% or above.                shall prevail.                                                              or replace it.
 14     Dispose the battery according to the local regulations. Refer to             5 When applied to the patient, the Doppler may warm slightly (less than        The overall check of the Doppler, including safety check and function
        IEC61429 for standard disposal when necessary.                                  2°C (35.6°F) above ambient temperature). When NOT applied, the
                                                                                                                                                                    check, should be performed by qualified personnel every 12 months, and
                                                                                        Doppler may slightly (less than 5°C (41°F) above ambient
                                                                                        temperature).                                                               each time after service. And safety check must include current leakage test
 Switching On
                                                                                     After Monitoring                                                               and insulation test. Besides the above requirements, comply with local
 Touch the On/Off touch key for about 1second when the Doppler is off,
                                                                                     1) Switch off the Doppler.                                                     regulations on maintenance and measurement.
 and the Doppler will display the switching on interface                before
                                                                                     2) Wipe the remaining gel off the patient and the probe with a clean soft      The accuracy of FHR is determined by the Doppler and cannot be adjusted
 switching to display the test interface      .
                                                                                        cloth or tissue.                                                            by user. If you have doubt concerning the accuracy of FHR, verify it with
 Switching Off
                                                                                                                                                                    other methods such as using a stethoscope, or contact local distributor or
 Touch the On/Off touch key for about 1second when the Doppler is on,                    Mobile Application Software (APP)                                         the manufacturer for help.
 and the Doppler will be switched off.
                                                                                     SD1 can connect to mobile phones with its Bluetooth function (optional).       The Doppler is frangible and must be handled with care.Wipe the
 If the Doppler is not in operation or no signal is received for 2 minutes, the
                                                                                     The SD1 APP has both Android and iOS versions.                                 remaining gel off the Dopplerafter each use. These measures can help
 Doppler will switch off automatically.                                              iOS APP operating environment:         Android APP operating                   prolong the Doppler‘s life.
      FHR Monitoring                                                                                                       environment:
                                                                                                                                                                    Replace the accessories such as the battery according to use. If any of the
                                                                                     A) hardware environment                A) hardware environment
 Before applying the Doppler to inspect FHR, you should always check                                                                                                accessories are damaged, refer to chapter Ordering Information for
                                                                                     Processor: dual-core Apple A6          CPU: frequency≥1.0GHz
 whether the Doppler is in good condition and whether there is evident               RAM: ≥1GB                              RAM: ≥1GB                               details and order new ones.
 damage that might affect patient‘s safety and the device‘s function.If              B) software environment: iOS           B)software environment: Android         Please check the label for the date of manufacture, the service life is 5
 evident damage is found, stop using it at once and replace it with a good           8.0 and above operating system         4.3 and above operating system          years (The service life is limited to the Doppler, not including the
                                                                                     C)network environment: support         C)network environment: support
 one.                                                                                                                                                               replaceable accessories. The only replaceable accessory of SD1 is battery.
                                                                                     Bluetooth                              Bluetooth
 Procedures to Monitor FHR:                                                          How to use SD1 Medical APP                                                     The frequency of usage is 8 hours/day).
 a)   Have the patient lie on her back.                                              1.Download and install software                                                Cleaning
 b)   Apply        appropriate                                                       Scan either of the following QR codes to download the SD1Medical APP,          Before cleaning, switch off the Doppler.
      amount of coupling gel                                                         and install and run it as prompted.                                            Keep the exterior surface of the device clean and free of dust and dirt.
      to     the     ultrasonic                                                                                         Note:                                       Clean the exterior surface of the Doppler with a dry, soft cloth. If necessary,
      transducer head of the                                                                                             1 Your mobile phone may prohibit the       clean it using a soft cloth dampened with mild near neutral detergent,
      Doppler and switch on                                                                                                installation of ―applications from       ethanol (75%) or isopropanol (70%), and then wipe it dry with a dry cloth
      the Doppler.                                                                                                         unknown sources‖. Enter Settings to      immediately.
 c)   Palpate the patient‘s                                                                                                allow the installation first.
                                                                                                                         2 For normal functioning of the APP,                                     CAUTION
      abdomen gently to
                                                                                         TBC               TBC                                                      1 Do not use strong solvent, such as acetone.
      confirm the fetus‘s          The coupling gel
                                                                                                                           please give the APP function-related
                                                                                                                                                                    2 Never use an abrasive such as steel wool or metal polish.
      position.                                                                                                            permissions.                             3 The Doppler‘s degree of protection against harmful ingress of water is
                                   should not exceed
 d)   Place the Doppler on                                                                                               3 For how to use the APP, read the           IP22. Do not immerse it in water.
                                   this limit.
      the patient‘s abdomen,                                                                                               instructions     in      the  About      4 Do not remain any solution on the surface after cleaning.
      and move it around the                                                                                               sub-interface under the Settings
                                    This area can                                                                                                                   Disinfection
      fetus‘s position or tilt it                                                                                          interface of the APP.                    In normal use theDoppler does not need disinfection. In case of being
      until a clear and             be immerged in                                   2.Activate the device                                                          soiled, clean the main unit case and then disinfect it by wiping it with a
      rhythmic heart sound is       coupling gel                                     Open the APP and go to Settings>Activation and input SD1 activation            soft cloth dampened with ethanol (75%) or isopropanol (70%). Then wipe
       heard and FHR numeric is stably displayed.                                    code (14 numbers after 01).                                                    it dry with a dry cloth.
Note:                                                                                3.Pair device
                                                                                     Open Bluetooth function of the mobile to automatically pair the SD1.                                         CAUTION
 1 Do not mistake the maternal heart rate for fetal heart rate.Do not
                                                                                     4.Start detection                                                              Do not immerse the Doppler into the disinfector.
    mistake the maternal heart rate for fetal heart rate. The fetal pulse
    should be different from the maternal pulse, which can be measured at            Put the coupling gel on SD1 and position the probe to the optimal place of
    the wrist or neck.                                                               maternity's abdomen. And click the "start" key. After pressing start,
                                                                                                                                                                    Do not sterilize the Doppler.
 2 Do not wear gloves to touch the keys. If there's water and coupling gel           confirm that the data on the APP and the SD1 probe match. As with
                                                                                     any Bluetooth communication, it is important to make sure the                  NOTE:
    on the fingers, please clean them first or the touching effect will be
    influenced.                                                                      connection is not compromised.                                                 After cleaning or disinfection, check if the Doppler functions well. If any
 How to Find the Best FH Signal:                                                     5.Adjust the fetal heart beat sound volume                                     problem is detected, please contact the manufacturer for service before
 1)    The easiest way: take the position the doctor last monitored for FHR          When using mobile phone to play the fetal heart beat sound, you can adjust     reusing it.
                                                                                     the volume with the volume keys of the mobile phone. When using SD1 to
       as a reference and move the Doppler around the position slowly                                                                                                   Checking Item       Method
                                                                                     play the heart beat sound, touch ‗volume+‘ or ‗volume -‘ to adjust the
       until the best FH signal is found.                                            volume.                                                                            Visual Check        Inspect the Doppler for any damage.
 2)    The fetal heart position may change as the fetus moves inside the             6.Finish the monitoring                                                                                Check if the Doppler can be switched on and off
       uterus. You can confirm the fetal position first according to the             When the monitoring is finished, click ‗Stop‘ touch key and the detection                              normally (see Switching On and Switching
       position of the uterus fundus in different gestational weeks.                 data will be saved automatically.                                                                      Off)When the Doppler is switched on, check if the
       The clearest and loudest fetal heart sound is generally obtained              Note:Please make sure your mobile phone has enough battery power,and                                   display panel works as described in LCD
                                                                                                                                                                                            Display&Touch Keys; touch the ultrasonic
       when the Doppler is placed on the fetus‘s back. Fetal movement is             avoid killing the process directly or switching to other applications during                           transducer head gently with your hand and check if
       usually the movement of fetal limbs. So, if frequent fetal movement           the fetal heart monitoring.                                                                            the Doppler gives out sound normally.
       occurs at the right side of the abdomen, the fetus‘s back is                  7.Real time detection mode and DEMO mode
       probablyat the left sideand vice versa.You can find the fetus‘s back          We provide DEMO mode for users' reference. You can turn on DEMO key                 Product Specifications
       according to fetal movement‘s position.                                       in Setup and enter fetal heart monitoring interface to watch the DEMO.         Product Information
       If the fetus is in cephalic delivery position, the fetal heart is either on   The word ‗DEMO‘ is displayed in the interface to distinguish from real         Product Name             Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler
       the right side or on the left side below the navel; if the fetus is in        time detection.
       breech delivery position, the fetal heart is either on the right side or                                                                                     Model                    SD1
       on the left side above the navel.                                                                            WARNING                                         Complied Standards
 Steps to Find Fetal Heart:                                                          SD1 complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the        IEC     60601-1:2005/A1:2012,    EN     60601-1:2006/A1:2013,             IEC
                                                                                     following two conditions:                                                      60601-1-2:2014, IEC 60601-2-37:2015,IEC 61266:1994
 Have the patient lie on back and relax >> confirm fetal position by hand >>
                                                                                     1)this device may not cause harmful interference, and                          Classification
 apply coupling gel to the Doppler>> place the Doppler on patient‘s
                                                                                     2)this device must accept any interference received, including interference
 abdomen and start looking for the fetal heart >> the fetal heart is found                                                                                          Anti-electric Shock Type:                 Internally powered equipment
                                                                                     that may cause undesired operation.
 when the Doppler gives out a continuing thumping sound                                                                                                             Anti-electric Shock Degree:               Type BF equipment
 ―boom-boom-boom‖.                                                                   NOTE:                                                                          Degree of Protection against
                                                                                                                                                                                                              IP22. Do not immerse it in water.
                                                                                     1.This equipment (SD1) has been tested and found to comply with the            Harmful Ingress of Water:
                                                                                     limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.     Degree of Safety in Presenceof            Equipment not suitable for use in

Flammable Gases:                           presence of flammable gases       The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) states that             output indices on
Working System:                            Continuous running equipment      given its track record of over 25 years of use and no confirmed biological      diagnostic ultrasound equipment, Revision 2" issued by AIUM/NEMA in
                                                                             effects on patients or instrument operators, the benefits of the prudent use    2004
EMC:                                       CISPR 11 Group 1 Class B          of diagnostic ultrasound clearly outweigh any risks.                            5. "Information for Manufacturers Seeking Marketing Clearance of
                                                                             Ultrasound Safety and the ALARA Principle                                       Diagnostic
Physical Specifications
                                                                             Ultrasound waves dissipate energy in the form of heat and can therefore         Ultrasound Systems and Transducers" issued in 2008.
                 Length*Width* Height: (48±2) mm× (39±2) mm× (147±3)
Size:                                                                        cause tissue warming. Although this effect is extremely low with Doppler,       6. ―Medical electrical equipment—Part 2-37: Particular requirements for
                                                                             it is important to know how to control and limit patient exposure. Major        the basic safety and essential performance of ultrasonic medical diagnostic
Weight:          < 180g
                                                                             governing bodies in ultrasound have issued statements to the effect that        and monitoring equipment" issued by IEC in 2007.
                 Size:        (24±2) mm× (13±2) mm                           there are no known adverse effects from the use of diagnostic                           Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track 1 Acoustic output
                              ◆FHR                     ◆Sound      volume    ultrasound,however, exposure levels should always be limited to As Low          reporting table for IEC60601-2-37(IEC60601-2-37, Edition 2.1, 2015-0,
                 Display:     ◆Battery level           level                 As Reasonably Achievable (the ALARA principle).                                                                table 201.103)
                              ◆Signal intensity        ◆FH icon              Explanation of MI/TI                                                            Transducer Model: SD1, Operating Mode: PW mode
                 pH: 5.5~8.0                                                 MI (Mechanical Index)                                                                                      MI            TIS               TIB
                 Acoustic Impedance: 1.5x106 Pa.s/m ~1.7x106Pa.s/m           Cavitations will be generated when ultrasound wave passes through and                                               At
Gel:                                                                                                                                                         Index label                                  ow                ow
                 (35°C/95ºF)                                                 contacts tissues, resulting in instantaneous local overheating. This                                                Surf              surf              C
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Surf              Surf
Environment                                                                                                                                                                                      ace               ace
                                                                             phenomenon is determined by acoustic pressure, spectrum, focus,                                                              ace               ace
                            Temperature:+5°C ~ +40°C ( +41ºF ~ +104ºF)       transmission mode, and factors such as states and properties of the tissue      Maximum          index     0.0                                          N/
                                                                                                                                                                                                 0.05              0.01
                                                                                                                                                             value                      1                                            A
Working:                    Humidity:15% RH ~ 95% RH(non-condensing)         and boundary. This mechanical bioeffect is a threshold phenomenon that          Index      component
                                                                             occurs when a certain level of ultrasound output is exceeded. The threshold                                         N/A      0.05     NA       0.01
                            Atmospheric Pressure:70kPa ~ 106 kPa                                                                                             value
                                                                             is related to the type of tissue. Although no confirmed adverse mechanical                  pr.αat
                            Temperature:-25°C ~ +70°C (-13ºF ~ +158ºF)                                                                                                                  0.0
Transport         and                                                                                                                                                    zMI
                            Humidity:15% RH ~ 95% RH (non-condensing)        effects on patients or mammals caused by exposure at intensities typical of                                2
Storage:                                                                     present diagnostic ultrasound instruments have ever been reported, the
                            Atmospheric Pressure:70 kPa ~106 kPa                                                                                                                                                                     N/
                                                                                                                                                                         P (mW)                  7.35              7.35
                                                                             threshold for cavitation is still undetermined. Generally speaking, the                                                                                 A
Performance Specifications
                                                                             higher the acoustic pressure, the greater the potential for mechanical                      P1x1
                       FHR Measuring Range: 50 bpm ~ 240 bpm                                                                                                 Acoust                              N/A               N/A
                       Accuracy: ±2 bpm                                      bioeffects; the lower the acoustic frequency, the greater the potential for     ic
FHR      (Essential                                                                                                                                                      zs(cm)                           3.50
                       Note: FHR measurement result may not be               mechanical bioeffects.                                                          Param
Performance):                                                                                                                                                            zb(cm)                                             3.70
                       accurate if the equipment is measuring beyond its                                                                                     eters
                       measuring range.                                      The AIUM and NEMA formulate mechanical index (MI) in order to                                              3.7
FHR Resolution:        1bpm                                                  indicate the potential for mechanical effects. The MI is defined as the ratio                              0
                       Output Power: 2w                                                                                                                                  zPII.α         3.7
Audio Output:                                                                of the peak-rarefactional acoustic pressure (should be calculated by tissue
                       Background noise: <45dBA                                                                                                                          (cm).α         0
                                                                             acoustic attenuation coefficient 0.3 dB/cm/MHz) to the acoustic frequency.                  fawf           3.0                                          N/
                       Power off when the Doppler receives no signal or                                                                                                                          3.00              3.00
Auto Power-off:                                                                                                 MI = Pr, α                                               (MHz)          0                                            A
                       operation for 2 minutes.
                       TransmissionRange (Without Obstacles) :>5m                                               fawf ×CMI                                                prr            50
Bluetooth:             (Indoor range depends on the building‘s structure                                                                                                 (Hz)           00
                                                                                                          CMI = 1 (MPa / MHz )
                       and material.)                                                                                                                                                   N/
                                                                             TI (Thermal Index)                                                                          srr(Hz)
                       Nominal Frequency: 3MHz                                                                                                                                          A
                       Working Frequency: 3MHz                               Heating of tissues is caused by absorption of ultrasound when the                           npps           1
                       p_<1 MPa                                              ultrasound energy is applied. The temperature rise is determined by the                     Ipa.α at
                       Iob<10 mW/cm2                                                                                                                                     zPII.α
                                                                             acoustic intensity, exposed area and thermo physical properties of the                                     2
                       Ispta<100 mW/cm2                                                                                                                                  (W/cm2)
Ultrasound:                                                                  tissue.                                                                                     Ispta.α at
                       Isata<10 mW/cm2                                                                                                                       Other
                       Isppa.3<190 W/cm2                                     In order to indicate the potential for temperature rise caused by thermal       inform      zPII.α or      5.6
                                                                                                                                                             ation       zSII.α(m       9
                       Ispta.3<94 mW/cm2                                     effects, the AIUM and NEMA formulate thermal index (TI). It is defined
                       Effective Radiating Area: 490mm2 ±15%                 as the ratio of the total acoustic power to the acoustic power required to                  Ispta at
                       Working Mode: pulse wave                                                                                                                          zPII or
                                                                             raise the tissue temperature by 1ºC (1.8°F).                                                               12.
Battery Specifications                                                                                                                                                   zSII
                                                                             According to different thermo physical properties of the tissue, TI is                                     26
Specification:              Two AA 1.5V alkaline batteries (AA, LR6, 1.5V)   divided into three kinds: TIS, TIB and TIC.                                                 )
Working Duration:           ◆≥6h                                             TIS (Soft Tissue Thermal Index): It provides an estimate of potential                       pr.     at
                                                                             temperature rise in soft or similar tissues.                                                zPII
Bluetooth Specifications                                                                                                                                                                4
                                                                             TIB (Bone Thermal Index): It provides an estimate of potential
FCC ID                                    SMQSD1MEDAN
                                                                             temperature rise when the ultrasound beam passes through soft tissue and a      Operating     control
Modulation:                               GFSK π /4-DQPSK 8DPSK
                                                                             focal region is in the immediate vicinity of bone.                              conditions                Fixed
Frequency:                                2400-2483.5MHz
                                                                             TIC (Cranial Bone Thermal Index): It provides an estimate of potential
Tolerance Frequency:                      ≤ 20ppm                            temperature rise in the cranial bones or superficial bones.
RF output power:                          ≤ 20dBm (EIRP)                     Measurement Uncertainties                                                              Acoustic Output Reporting Table for Track1(Non-autoscanning
Occupied Channel Bandwidth:               ≤ 2MHz                             The uncertainties in the measurements were predominantly systematic in                                             Mode)
Transmitter Unwanted Emissions:           ≤﹣30dBm                            origin; the random uncertainties were negligible in comparison. The             Transducer Model: SD1 ,Operating Model: PW
Low OutputSummary Table                                                      overall systematic uncertainties were determined as follows:                                                                    ISPTA.3     ISPPA.3
                                                                                                                                                             Acoustic Output                        MI       (mW/cm^     (W/cm^2
(For systems whose global maximum valuedoes not exceed 1.0)                        1. Hydrophone Sensitivity: ± 12percent for intensity, ± 6 percent for                                                     2)          )
System: SD1 Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler                                        pressure. Based on the hydrophone calibration report by ONDA. The               Global Maximum Value                   0.01     5.69        0.02
 Model         Ispta.3        TI        TI                   Isppa.3         uncertainty was determined within ±1 dB in frequency range 1-15 MHz.                           Pr.3
 (MHz)       (mW/cm2)       Type      Value                 (W/cm2)                2. Digitizer: ±0.3 percent for intensity. ± 0.15 percent for pressure.
                                                                                                                                                                            (MPa)                   0.02
  SD1                        TIS       0.05                                                                                                                                 W0
               5.69                               0.01        0.02                 Based on the stated accuracy of the 8-bit resolution of the Agilent                      (mW)                             7.35        8.97
 CD3.0                       TIB       0.01
                                                                             DSO6012 Digital Oscilloscope and the signal-to-noise ratio of the                              fc
       Ordering Information                                                 measurement.                                                                                   (MHz)                   3.00     3.00        3.00
                                                                                                                                                                            Zsp (cm)                3.70     3.70        3.70
                                                                                   3. Temperature:±2.4 percent for intensity uncertainty, ±1.2 percent for
                                   CAUTION                                                                                                                                                  X-6
                                                                             pressure uncertainty.                                                                                          (cm
Only the parts supplied by the manufacturershould be used with the                                                                                                          Beam            )                2.50        2.50
                                                                                   Based on the temperature variation of the water bath of ±1ºC (1.8°F).     Associate
Doppler.                                                                           4. Spatial Averaging: ± 3.5 percent for intensity, ± 1.75percent for      d                              Y-6
                                                                                                                                                             Acoustic                       (cm
                                                                             pressure.                                                                       Paramete                       )                2.50        2.50
                                                                                   5. Non-linear Distortion: N/A.                                            r              PD                      72.2
         Parts                                    Part Number
                                                                                   No effects of nonlinear propagation were observed.                                       (usec)                  5                    72.25
Main Unit
          SD1                                                                      Since all the above error sources are independent, they may be added                     (Hz)                    5000                 5000
 Doppler(Non-Bluetooth                            02.06.262535               on an RMS basis, giving a total uncertainty of ± 12.73 percent for all                                         Az.
        version)                                                             intensity values reported, ± 6.37 percent for all the pressure values,,± 12.6                                  (cm
 SD1 Doppler(Bluetooth                                                                                                                                                                      )                2.50
                                                  02.06.262639               percent for the Mechanical Index, uncertainty of ±12.73% percent for                           EBD
        version)                                                                                                                                                                            Ele.
                                                                             power,±0.15 percent for center frequency, ±6.87%for the MI.                                                    (cm
Accessories                                                                  Prudent Use Statement                                                                                          )                2.50
  AA Alkaline Battery                             01.21.064086                                                                                               Operating
                                                                             Although no confirmed bioeffects on patients caused by exposure from
  Normal Carry Case                               01.56.465616                                                                                               Control
                                                                             present diagnostic ultrasound equipment have ever been reported, the                           Fixed
     Coupling Gel                                 01.57.078170                                                                                               Condition
                                                                             potential exists that such bioeffects may be identified in the future.          s
       Ultrasound Intensity and Safety                                      Therefore, the ultrasound should be used prudently. High levels of acoustic                     Standard Parameter Equal Contrast List
                                                                             output and long exposure time should be avoided while acquiring                                    IEC60601-2-37 Standard Parameters
Ultrasound in Medicine
                                                                             necessary clinical information.                                                 Paramete                Note                Paramete        Note
The use of diagnostic ultrasound has proved to be a valuable tool in                                                                                                                                     r
                                                                             Reference for Acoustic Output and Safety                                        r
medical practice. Given its known benefits for non-invasive investigations
                                                                             1. ―Bioeffects and Safety of Diagnostic Ultrasound‖ issued by AIUM in                                                                   Center
and medical diagnosis, including investigation of the human fetus, the                                                                                                        Attenuated
                                                                             1993                                                                                             Peak-rare-factiona
question of clinical safety with regards to ultrasound intensity arises.                                                                                         pr.α                                       fawf     Acoustic
                                                                                                                                                                              l         Acoustic
There is no easy answer to the question of safety surrounding the use of     2. ―Medical Ultrasound Safety‖ issued by AIUM in 1994                                                                                   Working
                                                                             3. "Acoustic Output Measurement Standard for Diagnostic Ultrasound                                                                      Frequency
diagnostic ultrasound equipment. Application of the ALARA (As Low As                                                                                                          Peak-rare-factiona                     -12dB Output
Reasonably Achievable) principle serves as a rule-of-thumb that will help    Equipment,                                                                                       l         Acoustic             X       Beam
you to get reasonable results with the lowest possible ultrasonic output.    Revision 3" issued by AIUM/NEMA in 2004                                                          Pressure                               Dimensions
                                                                             4. "Standard for real-time display of thermal and mechanical acoustic

      P          Output Power                          Y                                                    IEC                             Electromagnetic           Table-Test specifications for ENCLOSURE PORT IMMUNITY to RF
                                                                                       Immunity                         Complianc                                                      wireless communications equipment
                 Depth for Soft                                                                            60601                         environment-guidanc
                                                                   Pulse                 test                             e level                                                                                             IMM
      zs         Tissue   Thermal                      td                                                test level                                   e               Test
                                                                   Duration                                                                                                                                                   UNIT
                 Index                                                                                                                   Portable and mobile          Freq     Bran                              Maxi
                                                                                                                                                                                   a)                  Modu              Dist   Y
                                                                   Pulse                                                                 RF      communications       uenc       d         Service               mum
                                                                                                                                                                                              a)       lation            ance TEST
                                                                   Repetition                                                                                           y       (MH                       b)     Powe
                                                                                                                                         equipment should be                                                             (m)  LEVE
                 Attenuated Output                                 Frequency                                                                                          (MH         z)                             r(W)
    Pα(Zs)                                            prr                                                                                used no closer to any                                                                  L
                 Power                                             (Pulse             Conducted         3 Vrms          3 Vrms                                          z)
                                                                                                                                         part of the SD1                                                                      (V/m)
                                                                   Rate)              RF                150 kHz         150 kHz to                                                                     Pulse
                                                                                                                                         Ultrasonic         Pocket
                                                                                      IEC61000-4-       ~ 80 MHz        80 MHz                                                  380-       TETRA       modul
                 Attenuated                                        Equivalent                                                            Doppler,        including     385                                        1.8     0.3   27
                                                                                                                                                                                 390         400       ationb)
  Ita.α(Zs)      Temporal-average                     deq          Beam               6                 6Vrmsc)i        6Vrmsc)in        cables,      than     the                                       18Hz
                 Intensity                                         Diameter
                                                                                                        n     ISM       ISM bands        recommended                                                    FM C)
                                                                                                        bands           between          separation       distance                                         ±5
                                                                                                                                         calculated from the                                GMRS          kHz
                                                  Ipi.α at max     e Intensity at                       between         0,15 MHz                                                    430-
      zbp        Break-point Depth                                                                                                       equation applicable to        450                   460,       deviati           2     0.3          28
                                                        MI         the point of                         0,15 MHz        and 80 MHz                                                  470
                                                                                                                                                                                           FRS 460         on
                                                                   Maximum                                                               the frequency of the
                                                                                                        and80                                                                                            1kHz
                                                                   MI                                                                    transmitter.
                                                                                                        MHz                                                                                               sine
                 Depth for Bone                                    -12dB Output                                                          Recommended
      zb                                             Aaprt                                                                                                             710                               Pulse
                 Thermal Index                                     Beam Area                                                             separation distance:          745                   LTE        modul
                 Attenuated                                                                                                                                                         704-
                                                                                                                                                                                            Brand       ationb)           0.2   0.3          9
     Ipi.α       Pulse-intensity                      MI
                                                                   Mechanical         Radiated RF                                         d  1.2 P 150 kHz                         787
                                                                                                                                                                                            13, 17        217
                                                                   Index                                10V/m                                                          780
                 Integral                                                             IEC61000-4-                                        to 80 MHz                                                         Hz
                                                                   Soft Tissue                          80 MHz ~
                                                     TIS           Thermal
                                                                                      3                                                   d  1.2 P           80       810                   GSM
      Ipi        Integral                                                                               2.7 GHz                                                        870                 800/900,
                                                                   Index                                                                 MHz to 800 MHz
                                                                   Bone                                                                   d  2.3 P           800
                                                     TIB           Thermal                                                               MHz to 2.7 GHz                             800-                 modul
                 Equivalent Beam                                                                                                                                                            N 820,                        2     0.3          28
                                                                   Index                                                10 V/m                                                      960                  ationb)
    deq(Zb)      Diameter at the                                                                                                         d=6            /E at RF       930                  CDMA
                                                                   Cranial-bone                                                                                                                          18 Hz
                 point of Zsp                                                                                           80 MHz to                                                            850,
                                                     TIC           Thermal                                                               wireless
                                                                   Index                                                2.7 GHz          communications                                     Band 5
                                                                                                                                         equipment           bands    1720                   GSM
      EMC Information                                                                                                                                                1845                  1800;
                                                                                                                                         (Portable             RF
Electromagnetic Emissions                                                                                                                                                                   CDMA
                                                                                                                                         communications                                     1900;
       Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic                                                                                                                             GSM
                                       emission                                                                                          equipment (including                       1700                 modul
         The SD1 Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler is intended for use in the                                                                    peripherals such as                        -199                 ationb)          2     0.3          28
   electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the                                                                      antenna cables and           1970            0                   217
   user of the device should assure that it is used in such an environment.                                                                                                                                Hz
                                                                                                                                         external        antennas)                         Band 1,
                                                        Electromagnetic                                                                                                                       3,
      Emission test           Compliance                                                                                                 should be used no
                                                    environment - guidance                                                                                                                  4,25;U
                                                 The SD1Ultrasonic Pocket                                                                closer than 30 cm (12                               MTS
                                                 Doppler uses RF energy only                                                             inches) to any part of                            Bluetoot
                                                 for its internal function.                                                                                                                   h,
   RF emissions                                  Therefore, its RF emissions                                                             the SD1 Ultrasonic
                                  Group 1                                                                                                                                                  WLAN,         Pulse
   CISPR 11                                      are very low and are not                                                                Pocket           Doppler,                  2400    802.11       modul
                                                 likely     to    cause      any                                                         including          cables    2450          -257    b/g/n,       ationb)          2     0.3          28
                                                 interference      in    nearby                                                                                                       0     RFID          217
                                                 electronic equipment.                                                                   specified      by     the
                                                                                                                                                                                            2450,          Hz
   RF emission                                                                                                                           manufacturer).                                      LTE
                                  Class B        The SD1 Ultrasonic Pocket
   CISPR 11                                                                                                                              Where P is the                                    Brand 7
                                                 Doppler is suitable for use in
   Harmonic                                      all establishments, including                                                           maximum            output    5240                                Pulse
   emissions                                     domestic establishments and                                                             power rating of the          5500          5100    WLAN          modul
                                 applicable                                                                                                                                         -580    802.11        ationb)      0.2        0.3       9
   IEC/EN61000-3-2                               those directly connected to                                                             transmitter in watts
                                                 the public low-voltage power                                                                                          5785           0      a/n           217
   Voltage                                                                                                                               (W) according to the
                                                 supply network that supplies                                                                                                                               Hz
   fluctuations                     Not                                                                                                  transmitter                  Note: If necessary to achieve the IMMUNITY TEST LEVEL, the distance
   /flicker emissions            applicable      buildings used for domestic                                                             manufacturer and d is
                                                 purposes.                                                                                                            between the transmitting antenna and the ME EQUIPMENT or ME
   IEC/EN61000-3-3                                                                                                                       the        recommended       SYSTEM maybe reduce to 1m. The 1 m test distance is permitted by IEC
Electromagnetic Immunity                                                                                                                 separation distance in       61000-4-3.
  Guidance and manufacture’s declaration–electromagnetic immunity                                                                        metres (m).                  a) For some services, only the uplink frequencies are included.
The SD1 Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler is intended for use in the                                                                             Field strengths from         b) The carrier shall be modulated using a 50% duty cycle square wave
electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of                                                                 fixed RF transmitters,       signal.
the device should assure that it is used in such an environment.                                                                                                      c) As an alternative FM modulation, 50% pulse modulation at 18 Hz may
                                                                                                                                         as determined by an          be used because while it does not represent actual modulation, it would be
                                                                Electromagnetic                                                          electromagnetic       site
                      IEC 60601 test           Complia                                                                                                                worst case
Immunity test                                                   environment-gui                                                          survey, a should be less
                               level           nce level                                                                                                              Recommended Separation Distances
                                                                                                                                         than the compliance
                                                               Floors should be                                                                                                     Recommended separation distances between portable
                                                               wood, concrete or                                                         level in each frequency
                                                                                                                                         range.b                              and mobile RF communications equipment and the SD1
                                                               ceramic tile. If
Electrostatic                                    8kV                                                                                                                                        Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler
                                                               floor are covered                                                         Interference may occur
discharge               8kV contact            contact
                                                               with      synthetic                                                                                           The SD1 Ultrasonic Pocket Doppleris intended for use in an
(ESD)                      15kV air            15kV                                                                                    in the vicinity of
                                                               material,        the                                                                                     electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are
IEC 61000-4-2                                      air                                                                                   equipment         marked
                                                               relative humidity                                                                                        controlled. The customer or the user of theSD1 Ultrasonic Pocket
                                                               should be at least                                                        with the following
                                                               30%.                                                                                                     Doppler can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining
                                                                                                                                         symbol:                        a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF
Electrical Fast                                                                       NOTE1:At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.                  communications equipment (transmitters) and the SD1 Ultrasonic
Transient/Burs                                Not
                               lines                                                  NOTE2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic          Pocket Doppleras recommended below, according to the maximum
t                                             applicabl        Not applicable
                              ±1kV                                                                                                                                      output power of the communications equipment.
IEC/EN61000-                                  e                                       propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures,
4-4                                                                                   objects and people.                                                                  Rated           Separation distance according to frequency of
                       ±1 kV line(s)                                                  a
                                                                                         Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio        maximum                          transmitter (m)
Surge                                         Not
                            toline(s)                                                    (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio,             output
IEC/EN61000-                                  applicabl        Not applicable                                                                                                             150 kHz to        80 MHz to          800 MHz to
                       ±2 kV line(s)                                                     AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted
4-5                                           e                                                                                                                           power of
                             to earth                                                                                                                                                      80 MHz            800 MHz             2.7GHz
                                                                                         theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment         transmitter
Voltage dips,
                           dip inUT)                                                     due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be             (W)          d  1.2 P         d  1.2 P          d  2.3 P
short                                                                                    considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the
                         for 0.5cycle
interruptions,                                                                           SD1 Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler is used exceeds the applicable RF                     0.01            0.12                  0.12               0.23
and                                                                                                                                                                          0.1             0.38                  0.38               0.73
                            p in UT)                                                     compliance level above, the SD1Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler should be
voltage                                       Not
                          for5 cycles                                                    observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is                      1               1.2                  1.2                2.3
variations                                    applicabl        Not applicable
                      70%UT(30%di                                                        observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or
on power                                      e                                                                                                                              10               3.8                  3.8                7.3
                            p in UT)
supply                                                                                   relocating the SD1 Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler.
                        for25 cycles                                                                                                                                        100                12                  12                23
input lines                                                                           b
                                                                                          Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be
                       <5%UT(>95%                                                                                                                                       For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above,
IEC/EN61000-                                                                             less than 3 V/m.
                           dip inUT)
4-11                                                                                  c                                                                                 the recommended separation distance d in meters (m) can be
                              for 5s                                                    The ISM (industrial, scientific and medical) bands between 0,15 MHz
                                                               Power frequency                                                                                          estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the
                                                                                         and 80 MHz are 6,765 MHz to6,795 MHz; 13,553 MHz to 13,567 MHz;
                                                               magnetic      fields                                                                                     transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the
                                                                                         26,957 MHz to 27,283 MHz; and 40,66 MHz to 40,70 MHz. The
Power                                                          should be at levels                                                                                      transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
                                                                                         amateur radio bands between 0,15 MHz and 80 MHz are 1,8 MHz to 2,0
frequency                                                      characteristic of a                                                                                      NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the
(50Hz/60Hz)                  30 A/m             30 A/m         typical location in       MHz, 3,5 MHz to 4,0 MHz, 5,3 MHz to 5,4 MHz, 7 MHz to 7,3 MHz,
                                                                                                                                                                        higher frequency range applies.
magnetic field                                                 a            typical      10,1 MHz to 10,15 MHz, 14 MHz to 14,2 MHz, 18,07 MHz to 18,17
                                                                                                                                                                        NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations.
IEC61000-4-8                                                   commercial        or      MHz,21,0 MHz to 21,4 MHz, 24,89 MHz to 24,99 MHz, 28,0 MHz to
                                                               hospital                                                                                                 Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection
                                                                                         29,7 MHz and 50,0 MHz to 54,0 MHz.
                                                               environment.                                                                                             from structures, objects and people.
Electromagnetic Immunity
 Guidance and manufacture’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
The SD1 Ultrasonic Pocket Doppler is intended for use in the
electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of
the device should assure that it is used in such an environment.


                                                                                                          Contact Information
                                                      B                                                   If you have any question about maintenance, technical specifications or
     D          d     A                                                     Y      Y      C          S    malfunctions of devices, contact your local distributor.
                                    3Ba                   B           B     s      m
                                                                                                          Alternatively, you can send an email to EDAN service department at:
                5     4         T         5                           7     I      7      5.         12
                o     0         [         [ToGo|®|                    z4s                 4|         +    EDAN INSTRUMENTS, INC.
                7     4         T         5               o           6     8      4      6.         L1   Address: #15. Tinhui Road, Jinsha Community, Kengzi Sub—District,
     L.s8       5     4.        B         6                           8.    0      0      0          8.   PingshanDistric, 518122 Shenzhen, PR. China
3MHz            I     4         T         5                           6     I      9      6.         12
                o     6         [so[ao|f®|a                                 s      o      o          2    Tel: +86—755—2689 8326
                                                                                                          Fax: +86—755—2689 8330
                2     5         T         5                           6     8      4      5.         12
                o     z2        [Bofoo|f®|&                                 s      ral    e          7    ® Definition       of Symbol
                5     3         T         5                           7     1      6      5.         12
                o     2         B         JT5]            8           x     s      s      s          +    N      Symbo       Definitio     N
                7     4         T         5                           7      1     5      6.         12   o.        1        n             o.
    ass         5|    2         B         |TGo|           8           zl    _      s      4|         s                                                             Authorized
                                                                                                                             CE                                          —
3MHz            I     4         T         5                           6     1      6      6.         L1
                                                                                                           I     c eom       marking       10                      e     in   the
                0o    s         [so[Toc]f                 8|          s     J3     s      o          *                                                             European
                2     5         T         5                           7     7      4      5.         13                                                            General
                o     n         B         [f5o|®|                     z[ss                _          +                       Disposal                 Rex          symbol     for
                                                                                                          2                  method        11         \C ;‘9       recovery/recy
Doppler Frequency (Hz)                    505                               Velocity of              10
            D: Diameter                              .                                      wes                                                                    Refer to User
             fTarset                      A: Attenuation                    S: Overall Sensitivity
            ofTarget                                                                                                         Operatin                              Manual
                 &                        A(dB))                            (S—A+B+C)0B                   3       |j1|                     12                      (Background:
                                                                                                                             instructio                            Blue;
N                .                        Vs:        —
                                                   Signal                     5
                                                                            C:Signal   to          :
                                                                                                Noise                        ns                                    Symbol:
            d: Distance (d)(mm}           R;\/IS (mv)gn                     Ratio (dB)
            B:Two—wayAttenuat             v                    Noi          C= 2010&0[M
                                                  c              vise                                                                                              Unsafe—Keep
            jon(dB)                                               "                            V,(rms.                                                             away    from
                                          RMS (mV)
                                                                                                          4       &          Caution       13        ®             magnetic
® Troubleshooting                                                                                                                                                  imaging
     Problem                   Possible Cause                                      Solution                                                                        (MRLD)
                          Battery level is very low.                       Replace the battery.                              Type BF                               Non—ionizing
                                                                                                          5                  applied       14        (((i’))       electromagnet
Fail to power          ]])3:2;;:_)1/ 1.s not installed                     Re—install the battery.                           part                                  ic radiation
on, or shut                                                                Touch the OnOf                                                                          Dustproof
down shortly              Fail to switch on the                            touch key for a while                                                                   and
afig .                     Doppler as instructed.                           to power on the
switching on                                                               Doppler.                       6       P/N        Part          1s        IP22          waterproof
                       The Doppler has                                     Contact service                                   Number                                degree             is
                       malfunctions.                                       personnel.                                                                              TP22(rainproo
                       Sound volume has been                               Adjust sound volume
                       turned down to the lowest                              sn     u \i u]                                                                       D
                       level.                                              to appropriate level.                             Serial                                Federal
Loudspeaker            If the Doppler is                                   Set to play fetal heart                           Number
does not               configured with Bluetooth,                          sound by mobile phone                             (Start                                (U.S)            law
work.                  fetal heart sound can be                            or the Doppler on the
                                                                                                                             with      H          RX Onlu          restricts        this
                       played by mobile phone.                             APP.                           7         SN       on            16                      device to sale
                       The Doppler has                                     Contact service                                   battery                               by or on the
                       malfunctions.                                       personnel.                                        compart
                                                                                                                             ment                                  order       of     a
                       There is strong                                     Use the Doppler awa                               cover)                                physician.
                       interference source such as                         from stron: PP        Y
                       high frequency machines                             inters     8                                                                            Federal
                       and mobile phones nearby.                           imterfsrence sources.                                                                   Communicati
                                                                                                                             Date of                FCC ID:        ons
FHR cannot             The fetal heart position                            Ee:]?;?:sllh;e310]?;11:        8       &I         Manufact      17     SMQSDIME         Commission:
be displayed           has changed because of                              rate monitorin:                                   ure                     DAN           ECC        ID:
stably.                fetal movement.                                         m           &                                                                       SMQSDIME
                       ]g];;;f:rg;ldw;sgelr]:fis                            Find the best fetal heart
                       abdomen causes false                                rate monitoring                9                  urer
                       displayi                                            position.
                       There is strong
                       interference source such as                         gse the Doppler away
                         .                     .                             om strong
                       high frequency machines                             interference sources
                       and mobile phones nearby.                                                 ‘
Sensitivity is         Tl_]e Doppl_er is not applied                       Apply coupling gel to
Tow and noise          with coupling gel.                                  the Doppler.
.                                     .                                    Relocatethe Doppler
is too much.           The Doppler is not placed
                                         wl                                to the best fetal heart
                       at the best monitoring                                        flls
                         osition.                                          rate monitoring
                          P                                                position.
                          The Doppler has                                  Contact service
                          malfunctions.                                    personnel.
                          The Bluetooth of mobile is                       Open the Bluetooth of
                          not open.                                        mobile.
                          The Doppler used is not                                                .
Doppler                   configured with Bluetooth                        glse the 2?’1)18].' with
cannot be                 function.                                           uetooth function.
conn_ecled to                                                              Use the FHR and
mobile phone.             The Bluetooth function of                        sgund detected and
                          Doppler h       Ifuncti                          displayed on the SD1
                            opp er has mafunctions,                        itself, and contact
                                                                           service personnel.

® and
EDAN warrants that EDAN‘s products meet the labeled specifications of
the products and will be free from defects in materials and workmanship
that occur within warranty period.
The warranty is void in cases of:
A.damage caused by mishandling during shipping.
B.subsequent damage caused by improper use or maintenance.
C.damage caused by alteration or repair by anyone not authorized by
D.damage caused by accidents.
E. replacement or removal of serial numberlabel and manufacture label.
If a product covered by this warranty is determinedto be defective because
of defective materials, components, or workmanship, and the warranty
claim is made within the warranty period, EDAN will, at its discretion,
repair or teplace the defective parl(s) free of charge. EDAN will not
provide a substitute product for use when the defective product is being

Document Created: 2018-06-08 08:16:11
Document Modified: 2018-06-08 08:16:11

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