Differential Declaration Cover Letter


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            Difference Description for Acclarix LX9 Series Products
The Acclarix LX9 series products include Acclarix Acclarix LX9, Acclarix LX9 Exp, Acclarix LX9 Super,
Acclarix LX85, Acclarix LX88 models. For all these 5 models, the configuration differences are
listed in table 1 below. Since olny the measurement configuration (software function) of Acclarix
LX9 is different from other models, and it does not affect the wireless test, so, we choose the
Acclarix LX9 as the DUT (device under test) to cover all the models.

                      Table 1 Configuration Difference between each Model

                                     Configuration differentia
                                     Func.1               Func.2                Func.3
            Product type
                                     Seminal Vesicle      Testis
                                                                                One key footswitch
                                     Measurement          Measurement
            Acclarix LX9             X                    √                     √
Acclarix    Acclarix LX9 Exp         √                    X                     √
LX9         Acclarix LX9 Super       √                    √                     √
Series      Acclarix LX85            X                    √                     X
            Acclarix LX88            √                    X                     X
'X' represents "could not be supported";
'√' represents "could be supported".

Huanhuan Xia

Document Created: 2019-06-29 09:39:38
Document Modified: 2019-06-29 09:39:38

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