Test Report


Test Report

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                                                        E-RAE Testing Laboratory

                                          Electromagnetic Emission
                                      CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE
                                  FCC Part 15 Certification Measurement

      PRODUCT                                :    Network Terminal (USB Type)
      MODEL/TYPE NO                          :    U200
      FCC ID                                 :    SMJU200
      APPLICANT / ADDRESS                    :    Ncomputing Co., Ltd.
                                                  2nd Fl, Daeyoung Bldg, 1423-6, Kwanyang-dong, Dongan-Gu,
                                                  Anyang-City, Korea
                                                  Attn.: Thomas, Lee / Senior Engineer
      FCC CLASSIFICATION                     :    Class B personal computers and peripherals
      FCC RULE PART(S)                       :    FCC Part 15 Subpart B
      FCC PROCEDURE                          :    Certification
      TRADE NAME                             :    N/A
      TEST REPORT No.                        :    E04.1011.FCC.542N
      DATES OF TEST                          :    October 06 ~11, 2004
      DATES OF ISSUE                         :    October 11, 2004
      TEST LABORATORY                        :    ETL Inc (FCC Registration Number: 95422)
                                                  #584 Sangwhal-ri, Kanam-myon, Yoju-kun, Kyounggi-do,
                                                  469-885, Korea
                                                  Tel: (031) 885-0072                      Fax: (031) 885-0074

This is Network Terminal(USB Type), Model : U200 has been tested in accordance with the measurement
procedures specified in ANSI C63.4-2001 at the ETL/EMC Test Laboratory and has been shown to be complied
with the electromagnetic radiated emission limits specified in FCC Rule Part15 Subpart B:
I attest to the accuracy of data. All measurement here in was performed by me or was made under my supervision
and is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I assume full responsibility for the completeness of these
measurements and vouch for the qualifications of all persons taking them.
The results of testing in this report apply to the product/system, which was tested only. Other similar equipment will
not necessarily produce the same results due to production tolerance and measurement uncertainties.

      Yo Han, Park / Chief Engineer

                                                                ETL Inc.
                                         #584 Sangwhal-ri, Kanam-myon, Yoju-kun,
                                               Kyounggi-do, 469-885, Korea

The test result only responds to the tested sample. It is not allowed to copy this report even partly without the allowance of the test laboratory.
                                                                                                                     Form NO: ETL(E)004A4001201-0.

                                    FCC TEST REPORT

                                                Table of Contents

     FCC Measurement Report

                1. Introduction
                2. Product Information
                3. Description of Tests
                4. Test Condition
                5. Test Results
                    5.1 Summary of Test Results
                    5.2 Conducted Emissions Measurement
                    5.3 Radiated Emissions Measurement
                6. Sample Calculations
                7. List of test Equipment used for Measurement

     Appendix A.          FCC ID Label and Location
     Appendix B.           Test Setup Photographs
     Appendix C.           External Photographs
     Appendix D.          Internal Photographs
     Appendix E.          Block Diagram
     Appendix F.           User’s Manual

                                            E04.1011.FCC.542N / Page 1 of 15

Head Office : # 371-51 Kasan-Dong, Keumcheon-ku, Seoul, 153-023, Korea /Tel : 82-2-858-0786, Fax : 82-2-858-0788
EMC Lab : #584 Sangwhal-ri, Kanam-myon, Yoju-kun, Kyounggi-do, 469-885, Korea /Tel : 82-31-885-0072, Fax : 82-31-885-0074
                                                                                                       Form No.: ETL(E)008A4031001-0

GETL                           FCC TEST REPORT                                               S
SCODE — Measurementand detemnination of elctromagnetic emission(EME) t radio requency devices ncluding
intenonalradiators anfor unintntional ealators for complance with the technical es and regutatons of the U.S
Federal Communicatins Comnisstn(FCC)

General Information

            Applicant Name : NComputring Co.,Ltd.
            Address : 2" Fi, Daeyoung Bldg, 1423—6, Kwanyang—dong, Dongan—Gu,
                        Anyang—City, Koren
            Atention .: Thomas, Lee / Senior Engineer

                                  Notwork Torminal (USB Type)
        ® FCRule Parts):          FOGG Part 15 Subpart B
        #   Test Procedure:       ansicea«—2001
        ®   FCC Clsication:       Ciass B personal computers and poriphorals
        #   Dates of Tests:       October 06 ~ 11, 2004
        #   Plice of Tests:       ETL inc.
                                  ENC Testing Lab. (FCC Registrtion Number: 96422)
                                  584, Sanghal—Ri, Kanam—Myun, Yoju—Kun,
                                  Kyounggi—Do, Korea
                                  Ter (o31) Bes.oo72      Faxc(0B1) aas.oo74
        ® Test Report No:         Eor.1o11.roo.sean

                                     £04.1011.°00.S2N Page 2ot 15
          o 5t Kasan DonaKeunctoon in Seol 93 00KorenTa—te se orte, Fav: e nese oree
EM Lo sisda SargunalitKanan mYob kin, Ryoungadodds oren To dral es oor, ra enar sascore
                                                                              umc erviomsuansore

GETL                           FecTtEstT REPORT                                                <s,

The measurementtest for radiated and condlucted eniasiotest were conducted atthe open area test ste of ERAE
Testng Laboratary Inc. facliy lacated at 588, Sanguralsi, Kanammyun, Youls kun, Kyoungal—do, Korea. The stt s
eonstueted in conformance wih the requrements ofthe ANSI C634—2001 and CISPR Publcaton 16. The ETL has
site descriptons on fle with the FCC for 3 and 10meter ste contlqurations. Detaled description o tes facty was
found to be in complince vith the requirements of Section 248 FCC Rules according to the ANSI C88—4—2001 and
regtered to the Federal Communieatons Commission (Registatlon Number: 054221
The meassrement procedure described in American Natonal Standard for Method of Measurement o Redio—Noise:
Emission rom Low—Voltage Electical and Electronic Equipmentin the Renge of 9 kz o 40 GHz (ANSI C 68 4—2001)
was used in determining radiated and condicled aissons fom the NComputing Co.,L., Model: uz0o

                                      E04.1011.°00.92N Page 3 ot 15
 Head Ofons 2371 SKasan Cong Kaunctvon tSecl 152005Kerenitl ce ose aree, rav sonass orce
 EM Lo sisda SargunalitKanan mYob kin, Ryoungadodds oren To dral es oor, ra enar sascore
                                                                                  umc erviomsuansore

GETL                        FccTEsTREPORT

2.1 General Remarks

   U200 is basic model and it was tested. U2000 is same model.ditrence is model name only.

2.2 Equipment Description

  The Equipment Under Test (EUT)isthe NComputing Go., Ltd. Network Terminal, U200
2.3 General Specification

    ® Chassis Type                  Plastc
    ® vo PorT                      1) vo rort
                                     — Video Out :D—SUB 15 Ph RGB
                                     — Keyboard Port
                                     — Mouse Port
                                     — Scund OutMIC In
                                     — One USB 2.0 Port: Oneis "B" Type
                                   2) System Requirements
                                     — Support USB 20
                                     — Windows 2000 Professional Ediion
                                     — Windows XP Home & Professional Edition
                                   3) Package Contents
                                     — PC Expanion system
                                     — Drver GD /Manual
                                   4) System Requrement
                                     Host PC
                                     — Pentumé 2.0G/ HDD 60GB / 512ME Memory or higher

                                  £04.1011.°00.92Nl Page 4 ot 15
Head Ofons 2371 SKasan Cong Kaunctvon tSecl 152005Kerenitl ce ose aree, rav sonass orce
EM Lo sisda SargunalitKanan mYob kin, Ryoungadodds oren To dral es oor, ra enar sascore
                                                                                 umc erviomsuansore

       ETL                     FCC TEST REPORT

3.1 Conducted Emission Measurement
Conducted enissions measurements were made in accordance wih § 12.2in ANSI C604—2001 "Measurement of
Information Technology Equiement ". The measirement were pertormed over the fequency range of 0.15 NHz to
SOMHe using. a 509/80uH LISN as the Input transducer to a Spectrum Analyzer or a. Fied Intensiy Meter, The
measurements were made withthe detector et for Poaie armpltude wihin a bandvidth of 10 Kiz or for "questpeak®
within a bardwith o Ok8z
    Procedureo Test
Te ie—conducted feliy is located Insde a shielded room 1 m X 1.5 m wooden table 20.em high is peced 40 em
avay trom the vertal wall and 1.5 m away from the side wall othe shieded reom. Tuo ENCO 88252 LISN are
bonded to the shielded room. The EVT is powered rom the ERCO LIBN and the support equipment is powered fom
another ENCO LISN, Power to the LISNs are fitered by a noiseeut power Ine fiters Al electical cables are
shielded by braded tnned stealtubing wit imer 41.2cm, If the EUT is a DCpowered device, power will be derived
frem the source power supply t normaly wil be powered from and these supply es willbeconnected to te EMCO
LISN, Noninductve bunding to a tm length shortened allnterconnecting eables more than 1m. Suffeienttime for
the EUT, support equipment, and test aquipment was alowed in oer or them to warm up to telr nrmal operating
condtion. The RF output ofthe LISN was connected to the ESHH830 ENTest Recalverto deternine the fequency
producing the max, emission rom the EUT The requency producing max, level was reexarined using o set Quasi:
Pask mode by manual, lter scanned by atomatl Peak mode from 0 15 t 30 MHz. The bandwidth of the Spectiumm
Analyzer was set9 ktz. The EUT, support equloment,and Intrconnectng cables were arranged and manipulated
to masimize each enission

                                      E04.1011.°00.S2Nl Page 5 ot 15
 Head Ofons 2371 SKasan Cong Kaunctvon tSecl 152005Kerenitl ce ose aree, rav sonass orce
 EM Lo sisda SargunalitKanan mYob kin, Ryoungadodds oren To dral es oor, ra enar sascore
                                                                                  umc erviomsuansore

       ETL                     FCC TEST REPORT

3.2 Radiated Emission Measurement
Radiated emission measurements were in sccordance with § 122 in ANSI C3 —2001 "Measurement of Information
Technology Equlpment * The measurements were performed over the frequency range of 30 Mz to 1 GHz using
antenna as the inputransducer to a Spectium analyzer or a Fied Intenaty Meter. The measurements were made
with the detector etfor"Ouastpeakwiehin a bandwith o 120 Kiz
    Procedureo Test
Prelininayy measurements were made at 3 meter using broadband anternas, and spectrum analyzerto determined
the frequency producing the max, emission in shieded room. Approptate precaution was taken to ensure that al
emission fom the EUT were masinized and hvestigated. The system confiuration, mode of operaton, tumtable
zimuth and helght vith respect t the anterna were noted for each frequency found. The spectrum was scanned
from 30 to 1000 NHz using SchwarzBeck LogBlcon anterna. Above 1 GHz, Iineary polarized doubleridge horn
antennas were used. Final measurements were made open site at 10:meters, The test equipment was placed on a
wooden trntable Suffienttime for the EUT, support aquiment, and test equlament was alowed in order for them
to warm up to their normal operating conditon. Each frequency found diring pre—scan measurements was re—
examined by manual The detector function was sat to CISPR Quasipeak mode and the bandwidth f the recuiver
was set to 120 kiz or 1MHe depending on the frequency of type of signal. The EUT, support equipment and
Interconnectng eables werere—conlqured to the setup producing the max. emiasion for the frequency and were
slaced on top of a 0 8meterhigh nonmetalic 1 x 15 mate table The EUT, support equlpment, and Interconnecting
eables were re—arranged and manipulated to maximize each eniasion, The turntable containing the system was
rolated; the antenna helght was varled 1 to & meters and stopped at the azimuth or helght producing the max
emission Each enission was maximized by: varying the mod of operaiont the EUT andlor support equipment and
ehanging the polarty of the antenna, whihover determined the worstcase enisnion, Photographs of the worstcase
ermissin can be sean in Photographs of the worstcase eniasion test sstup can be seanin Appendic B

                                      E04.1011.°00.S2Nl Page 6 ot 15
 Head Ofons 2371 SKasan Cong Kaunctvon tSecl 152005Kerenitl ce ose aree, rav sonass orce
 EM Lo sisda SargunalitKanan mYob kin, Ryoungadodds oren To dral es oor, ra enar sascore
                                                                                  umc erviomsuansore

        ETL                     FCC TEST REPORT
4.1 Test Confiquration
 The device was confiqured for testing in a typioal feshion (as a customer would normally use it. During
 the tests,the folowing conditons and contiqurations were used.
4.2 EUT operation
   The EUT was connected as user‘s quide
   And th test exscuted that data was continuousy between hard dive and EVT through tst pogram
                Gperating Hode                                          The worst operating condition
    Sendby mode                                                                   x
    Communication nework montorng mode                                           o
  0: Worst case investgated durin the Test
4.3 Support Equipment Used
 Folowing perfhoral devies and Inerlace cables were connected duringthe measurement:
  EUT — Notwork Tormina(USB Type)
    Foo in               stulzco
    Modal Neme           uzco
    Sertal No.           NA
    Manutacturer         Ncomputing Co., Li.
    Power Supply Type    Power supply from DC SV of AGTDC Adapter
    Power Gord           NA
     Data Catle               : 4m Shieded USB, 1.0m Unshieded Eaiphone and MIC

  Support Unit +Persnal computer (DELL}
    Feo in                    oc
    Model Name                rm
    Serial No.              «rvtesis
    Power Supply Type
    Power Gord
    Data Cable
  Support Unit 2Keyboard (COMPAG)
    Fee in
    Model Name               Bsse
    Serial No.              esssoasukorsr
    Manutecturer             ompac
    Power Supply Type
    Power Gord
    Data Cable

                                       E04.1011.°00.S2Nl Page 7 ot 15
           o 5t Kasan DonaKeunctoon in Seol 93 00KorenTa—te se orte, Fav: e nese oree
 EM Lo sisda SargunalitKanan mYob kin, Ryoungadodds oren To dral es oor, ra enar sascore
                                                                               umc erviomsuansore

                                    FCC TEST REPORT

  Support Unit 3-Mouse (LOGITECH)
    FCC ID                 : DZL211029
    Model Name             : M-S34
    Serial No.             : LZC01002314
    Manufacturer           : LOGITECH
    Power Supply Type      : N/A
    Power Cord             : N/A
    Data Cable             : Shielded, 1.2m

  Support Unit 4- Serial Mouse (PETRA)
    FCC ID                   : JKGMUS5S01
    Model Name               : MUS5S
    Serial No.               : E183027
    Manufacturer             : PETRA
    Power Supply Type        : N/A
    Power Cord               : N/A
    Data Cable               : Shielded, 1.2m

  Support Unit 5- Monitor (E-RAE)
    FCC ID                   : OIOELM-150A
    Model Name               : ELM-150A
    Serial No.               : N/A
    Manufacturer             : E-RAE Electronics Industrial Co., Ltd.
    Power Supply Type        : Power Supply from DC12V of AC/DC Adapter
    Power Cord               : Shielded, Detachable: 1.2m
    Data Cable               : Shielded, 1.2m

  Support Unit 7- Ear Phone      (JE-TECH)
    FCC ID                        : N/A
    Model Name                    : N/A
    Serial No.                    : N/A
    Manufacturer                  : JE-TECH
    Power Supply Type             : N/A
    Power Cord                    : N/A
    Data Cable                    : Shielded, 1.2m

                                            E04.1011.FCC.542N / Page 8 of 15

Head Office : # 371-51 Kasan-Dong, Keumcheon-ku, Seoul, 153-023, Korea /Tel : 82-2-858-0786, Fax : 82-2-858-0788
EMC Lab : #584 Sangwhal-ri, Kanam-myon, Yoju-kun, Kyounggi-do, 469-885, Korea /Tel : 82-31-885-0072, Fax : 82-31-885-0074
                                                                                                       Form No.: ETL(E)008A4031001-0

        ETL                     FCC TEST REPORT

5.1 Summary of Test Results

     Test Rule Parts      Measurement Required                                             Rsult
     15107                Conducted Emissions Measurement                         Passed by 84208
     15.100               Rediated Emissions Measurement                          Passed by 367 0B

Te measurement resulls were obtained with the EuT tested in the condifons described n hB repor. Detated
measurement data and plts showing the maximum emission of the EUT are reported

The data colected shon tha heNeampating Co.. i. Nefi TerminalSR Type}, 209 comps withtechnical
reauirementsofabove rules pat15.107 and 15 108 Class 8 Limis (CSPPublcaton 22)

Te aquipment s not modifed anything, machanieaor crcuts toimrove EM statvs durin a meassrement
No El suppression devicat) was added andfor modifed during tesing

                                       E04.1011.°00.S2Nl Page 9 of 15
 Head Ofons 2371 SKasan Cong Kaunctvon tSecl 152005Kerenitl ce ose aree, rav sonass orce
 EM Lo sisda SargunalitKanan mYob kin, Ryoungadodds oren To dral es oor, ra enar sascore
                                                                                  umc erviomsuansore

GETL                                  FCC TEST REPORT                                                                   @m>)
 5.2.1 Conducted Emissions Measurement

        EUT                                 Network Terminal(USB Type) / U200 (SN: N/A)
        Limit apply to                      FCC Part 15. 107 / CISPR Pub.22 Class B
        Test Date                          October 06, 2004
        Operating Condition                Communication network monitoring mode
        Environment Condition               Humidity Level : 40 %RH, Temperature : 25 °C
        Result                              Passed by 3.42 dB

                                            Conducted Emission Test Data

  The following table shows the highest levels of conducted emissions on both polarizations of hot and
  neutral line.

 Detector mode: CISPR Quasi—Peak mode (6dB Bandwidth: 9 kHz)

                                Reading                                        Limit                          Margin
        Frequency                 [dB4                  Phase                  [dBV                            [dB]
          [MHz]                                         (*H/**N)
                       Quasi—peak        Average                   Quasi—peak          Average      Q.Peak            Average

           0.202          51.97              —             H           63.53             —            11.56              —

           0.267          47.88              —             H           61.21             —            13.33              —

           0.330          46.55              —             H           59.45             —            12.90              —

           1.390          50.75           42.58            H           56.00           46.00           5.25            3. 42

           1.656          52.45           40.82            H           56.00           46.00           3.55            5.18

          10.540          48.07              —             H           60.00             —            11.93              —

          15.440          47 42              —             H           60.00             —            12.58              —

               1.   *H:;: HOT Line, **N: Neutral Line
               2.   Margin value = Limit—Reading
               3.   Measurement were performed at the frequency band of 150 kHz ~ 30 MHz according to the FCC Part 15
                    CLASS B / CISPR 22 Class B
               4.   If the reading Quasi—Peak value is bellowed the average limit, don‘ t test average mode.

                                                                                                     Test Engineer: H. S. Lee

                                                 E04.1011.FCC.5M42N / Page 10 of 15

Head Office : # 371—51 Kasan—Dong, Keumcheon—ku, Seoul, 153—023, Korea /Tel : 82—2—858—0786, Fax : 82—2—858—0788
EMC Lab :#584 Sangwhal—ri, Kanam—myon, Yoju—kun, Kyounggi—do, 469—885, Korea /Tel : 82—31—885—0072, Fax : 82—31—885—0074
                                                                                                          Form No.: ETL(E)O08A4031001— 0

GETL                        FCC TEST REPORT

           ETL EMC Laboratory
           Conducted Emission Test Resutt
           wn           um
           w«           neempareco. s
           Tartne       resmeniscusso
           Commer       wer

           sunsane      omm
                    — Fmmen                    iz            resmetarm      +
            sn          ie             s        rov   ons     uie in     fwm ofe
            mss         waime          wmoe     (e     now    mm me      on me
            mawe        ane            me       es    ow      e e        o    me
            ane         wee            we       ree   row     es me      om   wn
           teasue ts         s            ie          jure
                      1          we           se       mm
           prvciinsonee       ons           xecrea
                              voarme        mm
                              h             &
                             wetige         io

                                  E04.1011.°00.S2Nl Page 11 of 15
          o 5t Kasan DonaKeunctoon in Seol 93 00KorenTa—te se orte, Fav: e nese oree
EM Lo sisda SargunalitKanan mYob kin, Ryoungadodds oren To dral es oor, ra enar sascore
                                                                              umc erviomsuansore

GETL                        FccTEsTREPORT

  Line: Neutral
           ETL ENC Laboralay
           Conducted Eimission Test Result
           an            tz
           w             HCerpangco. us
           Yarge:        respumsousso
           commer        neurnss

           duntane       orean                                                mss
           rasm          beman oo                            Rewens
            s            ie            e      wow daca        uive /an     ons on
            wose         watase        e      e how           tme an       on wa
            wowe         ane           m       e   new        mac an       or n
            ane          se            we     e vew           mew me        om me
           tw         1e        o         se      es
                       1           we        se    raw
           Amonttenssmce        on         xngew
                                tontme     mmmumn
                                n          &
                                hatoge     n


                                   E04.1011.°00.S2N Page 12 0t 15
Head Ofons 2371 SKasan Cong Kaunctvon tSecl 152005Kerenitl ce ose aree, rav sonass orce
EM Lo sisda SargunalitKanan mYob kin, Ryoungadodds oren To dral es oor, ra enar sascore
                                                                                 umc erviomsuansore

GETL                                FCC TEST REPORT


  5.3.1 Radiated Emissions Measurement

        EUT                              Network Terminal(USB Type) / U200 (SN: N/A)
        Limit apply to                   FCC Part 15. 109 (g) / CISPR Pub.22 Class B
        Test Date                        October 06, 2004
        Operating Condition              Communication network monitoring mode
        Environment Condition            Humidity Level : 45 %RH, Temperature          : 24°C
        Result                           Passed by 3.67 dB

                                              Radiated Emission Test Data

   The following table shows the highest levels of radiated emissions on both polarization of horizontal and vertical.
    Detector mode: CISPR Quasi—Peak mode (6dB Bandwidth: 120 kHz)

       Frequency         Reading   |Polarization| Ant. Factor Cable Loss ET:Z'?"                 Limit            Margin
           MH             [dB@¥]       (°H/*V)
                                       *H/**V           [dB]
                                                           B           481
                                                                         B        gew/qj [dBW/m1                    ([0B]

           32.03          9.56           V             11.98           1.56         23.10                            6.90

           56.33          11.59          V             12.05           2.06         25.70                            4.30

          112.35          11.10           H            11.18           2.92         25.20                            4.80

          143.40          7.22            H            13.25           3.23         23.70         30.0               6.30

          152.18          5.03           V             13.35           3.32         21.70            |               8.30
          165.00          7.50            H            12.85           3.45         23.80                            6.20

          178.50          11.48           H            11.26           3.59         26.33                            3.67

          184.58          9.99            H            10.66           3.65         24.30                            5.70

              1.   * H: Horizontal polarization, ** V :; Vertical polarization
              2.   Emission Level = Reading + Antenna factor + Cable loss
              3.   Margin value = Limit — Emission Level
              4.   The measurement was performed for the frequency range 30 MHz ~ 1000 MHz according to the
                   CISPR 22 Class B.

                                                                                                         Test Engineer: H. S. Lee

                                              E04.1011.FCC.5M2N / Page 13 of 15

Head Office : # 371—51 Kasan—Dong, Keumcheon—ku, Seoul, 153—023, Korea /Tel : 82—2—858—0786, Fax : 82—2—858—0788
EMC Lab :#584 Sangwhal—ri, Kanam—myon, Yoju—kun, Kyounggi—do, 469—885, Korea /Tel : 82—31—885—0072, Fax : 82—31—885—0074
                                                                                                         Form No.: ETL(E)O08A¥4031001— 0

GETL                           FccTEsTREPORT

 Sample Field Strength Calculation
   "Te fld strength is ealulated by adding te Antenna Faclor and Cable Fector
   Te basic equation with a sample calculaton s as folows:
     ree na s Ana of
      where FG = Field Strength
            RA = Recatver Angltude
            AF Anterna Facior
            CF = Cable Atenvation Factor
       «Bm o loow (/m ): Equation 1
       doay dBms 107.   : Exuaton 2

 Example 1: @ 1.390 NHz
             CharBline           = 10080( = 40.000BW
             Reaging             — «2ssana
             Convente w          = 19480
             Margin                «800 —e2ne = suzarer
                                    3420@ babw Limk

 Example 2: @ 179.50 NHz
              Charptine       = susear=. cnovene
              Reaging         — nasaw
              Antsuna Fector+ Cabl Toss   = 1488220
                        mea               — sssoamer
              Margin                snoo > 2seo = o craner
                                    3618@ balew Limk

                                     E04.1011.°00.S2N Page 14 of 15
Head Ofons 2371 SKasan Cong Kaunctvon tSecl 152005Kerenitl ce ose aree, rav sonass orce
EM Lo sisda SargunalitKanan mYob kin, Ryoungadodds oren To dral es oor, ra enar sascore
                                                                                 umc erviomsuansore

      ETL                       FCC TEST REPORT
                  List of Test Equipments Used for Measurements

            Test Equpment                    ode!           wig.        setaino.    ShB®
m            Spectum anabyze                 eriom           us        ussoront     on
m            Spectum Anatze                  nessia       Advaniest     2trzooss    ortont
&                 Receiver                  reve in         nas        ssstesoot    osoiar

a             EntTest Rrcever                eshsso       Rgk4         ctorootes    osesce
o               Preampiter                  nessirn          L         resinosea    oraire

&                   uisw                     ces            Euco       soos—1seo    esoins

&                   uisw                     ces            Euco       szos—ts05    esorzs

m            Log Bicon Antema              vuteotes     scrwarz Beck      soce      esorar
o            Log Bicon Antemna             vureotes     scrwarzBeck       2ors      esares
o              Dpoe Antemna                  viiap      SemerzBeck        ase       esoso
o              Dpoe Antemna                  viiap      SemerzBeck        ses       esares
o              Dpoe Antemna                  UiiAP      scriearzeck       se        esares
o              Dpoe Antemna                  UiiAP      scriearzeck       aso       esoso
o        Broad band Horn Antonna           Btnt20       SctirarzBeck      an        esasor
&                Tentose                    nemss         Beel Enc         —         wa

&              Anterna Hoate:               pewies        Beel Enc         —         wa

&                  Poter                     7saon           no        arasnrsrze    wa

&                 Chamber                    precnt       nactons          —         wa

o          Impectance Matching Pad          soorota        sumen          sase      ctr0as
m            Treimo Hysrogramh               some           stzu        astzeer     osoias
a                bwotieer                      —           neguue          —        esorne
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Document Created: 2004-10-20 11:06:45
Document Modified: 2004-10-20 11:06:45

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