Users Manual

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ThinkCore W311/321/341
Hardware User’s Manual

   First Edition, December 2006

                 Moxa Systems Co., Ltd.
                   Tel: +886-2-8919-1711
                   Fax: +886-2-8919-1722

                   MOXA Technical Support
                   The Americas

                            ThinkCore W311/321/341
                            Hardware User’s Manual
     The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in
                                 accordance with the terms of that agreement.

                                               Copyright Notice

                                   Copyright © 2006 Moxa Systems Co., Ltd.
                                               All rights reserved.
                                  Reproduction without permission is prohibited.

                            MOXA is a registered trademark of The MOXA Group.
        All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the
part of MOXA.

MOXA provides this document “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but
not limited to, its particular purpose. MOXA reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes to this
manual, or to the products and/or the programs described in this manual, at any time.

Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, MOXA assumes no
responsibility for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties that may result from its use.

This product might include unintentional technical or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the
information herein to correct such errors, and these changes are incorporated into new editions of the

                                            Table of Contents
Chapter 1         Introduction ..................................................................................................1-1
                  Overview.................................................................................................................................. 1-2
                  Package Checklist .................................................................................................................... 1-2
                  Product Features ...................................................................................................................... 1-3
                  Product Hardware Specifications............................................................................................. 1-3
                  Hardware Block Diagram ........................................................................................................ 1-6
                        ThinkCore W311 .......................................................................................................... 1-6
                        ThinkCore W321 .......................................................................................................... 1-6
                        ThinkCore W341 .......................................................................................................... 1-7

Chapter 2         Hardware Introduction.................................................................................2-1
                  Appearance .............................................................................................................................. 2-2
                         ThinkCore W311 .......................................................................................................... 2-2
                         ThinkCore W321 .......................................................................................................... 2-2
                         ThinkCore W341 .......................................................................................................... 2-3
                  Dimensions .............................................................................................................................. 2-4
                         ThinkCore W311 .......................................................................................................... 2-4
                         ThinkCore W321 .......................................................................................................... 2-5
                         ThinkCore W341 .......................................................................................................... 2-6
                  LED Indicators......................................................................................................................... 2-7
                  Reset Button............................................................................................................................. 2-7
                  Real Time Clock ...................................................................................................................... 2-8

Chapter 3         Hardware Connection Description .............................................................3-1
                  Wiring Requirements ............................................................................................................... 3-2
                        Connecting the Power................................................................................................... 3-2
                        Grounding the Unit....................................................................................................... 3-2
                  Connecting Data Transmission Cables .................................................................................... 3-3
                        Connecting to the Network........................................................................................... 3-3
                        Connecting to the WLAN............................................................................................. 3-3
                        Connecting to a Serial Device ...................................................................................... 3-4
                        Serial Console Port ....................................................................................................... 3-4
                  SD Slot (W321 and W341 only) .............................................................................................. 3-4
                  USB (W341 only) .................................................................................................................... 3-5
                  Relay Output (W341 only)....................................................................................................... 3-5
Appendix A FCC Warning Statement ............................................................................. A-1
Appendix B Service Information..................................................................................... B-1
                  MOXA Internet Services..........................................................................................................B-2
                  Problem Report Form ..............................................................................................................B-3
                  Product Return Procedure ........................................................................................................B-4

                                               Chapter 1         Introduction

The ThinkCore W300 Series is a line of wireless RISC-based embedded computers that feature
802.11a/b/g WLAN, RS-232/422/485 serial ports, and an Ethernet port in a small, rugged chassis.
In addition, the W321 and W341 models feature an SD slot, and the W341 features two USB 2.0
hosts and one relay output channel.
As part of the W300 Series, your embedded computer is ideal for diverse, machine-to-machine
embedded applications. It enables wireless operation of traditionally wired network and serial
devices and not only provides transparent data transfer, but also numeric computing, protocol
conversion, data processing and even data encryption. You will find it easier to build embedded
systems for distributed peer-to-peer communication, turn wired devices into wireless devices, and
introduce higher mobility and more intelligence to your system. In this chapter, learn about the
capabilities of the embedded computer.
This chapter covers the following topics:
‰   Overview
‰   Package Checklist
‰   Product Features
‰   Product Hardware Specifications
‰   Hardware Block Diagram
    ¾ ThinkCore W311
    ¾ ThinkCore W321
    ¾ ThinkCore W341

ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                              Introduction

         The ThinkCore W300 Series wireless embedded computer is designed around the MOXA ART
         ARM9 32-bit RISC processor. Unlike the X86 CPU, which uses a CISC design, the MOXA ART
         ARM9 uses RISC architecture and modern semiconductor technology to provide a powerful
         computing engine without generating significant heat. The processor also integrates UART and
         LAN functions to provide exceptional communication performance, but without the bus bandwidth
         limitations associated with general ARM-based communication products.
         On-board NOR Flash ROM and SDRAM provides ample storage capacity, and for select models,
         the SD slot gives applications extra room to expand. The built-in WLAN function supports the
         802.11a/b/g standard, providing transmission security with WEP, WPA and WPA2. The backup
         LAN port not only provides an alternative solution for networking but also supports Ethernet
         clients, allowing any network device to plug in and connect to the WLAN. The built-in
         RS-232/422/485 serial ports support a wide range of serial devices, making this platform suitable
         for data acquisition and protocol conversion applications.
         The Linux-based operating system comes pre-installed and ready to run, providing an open
         platform for software development. Software written for desktop PCs can easily be ported to
         W300 Series embedded computers by using a common complier, so little time is spent modifying
         existing software code. In addition, the operating system, device drivers, and user-developed
         software can all be stored in the built-in flash memory.

Package Checklist
         The ThinkCore W300 Series includes the following models:
         ThinkCore W311-LX
         A small, RISC-based, ready-to-run, wireless embedded computer with WLAN, one serial ports,
         Ethernet, and μClinux OS
         ThinkCore W321-LX
         A small, RISC-based, ready-to-run, wireless embedded computer with WLAN, two serial ports,
         Ethernet, SD slot, and μClinux OS
         ThinkCore W341-LX
         A RISC-based, ready-to-run, wireless embedded computer with WLAN, four serial ports, Ethernet,
         SD slot, USB port, relay output, and Linux OS
         Each model is shipped with the following items:
         y   ThinkCore W300 Series wireless embedded computer
         y   Quick Installation Guide
         y   Documentation & Software CD
         y   100 cm RJ45-to-RJ45 Ethernet cross-over cable
         y   100 cm console port cable (CBL-4PINDB9F-100)
         y   Universal Power Adaptor
         y   Product Warranty Statement

         Optional Accessories
         y 35 mm DIN-rail mounting kit (DK-35A)
         NOTE: Notify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                               Introduction

Product Features
         ThinkCore W300 Series computers have the following features:
         y   MOXAART 32-bit ARM9 industrial communication processor
         y   16 MB on-board RAM (64 MB for W341)
         y   8 MB built-in flash memory (16 MB for W341)
         y   802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN
         y   WEP, WPA and WPA2 encryption
         y   Infrastructure mode and Ad-Hoc mode
         y   RS-232/422/485 serial ports with software selectable interface
         y   Baudrates between 50 and 921.6 Kbps, including all nonstandard baudrates
         y   10/100M Ethernet for backup networking
         y   SD card slot for storage expansion (W321 and W341 only)
         y   Withstands 5G continuous vibration and 50G shock
         y   LED indicators for status, serial transmission, and wireless signal strength
         y   Ready-to-run Linux platform
         y   Installation on DIN-rail or wall
         y   Fanless design for increased ruggedness

Product Hardware Specifications
         CPU                      MOXA ART ARM9 32-bit RISC CPU, 192 MHz
         DRAM                     W311: 16 MB              W321: 16 MB           W341: 64 MB
         Flash                    W311: 8 MB               W321: 16 MB           W341: 64 MB
         Storage Expansion        W311: None               W321: SD slot ¯ 1     W341: SD slot ¯ 1
         USB                      W341: USB 2.0 host ¯ 2
         Relay Output             Form C, SPDT ¯ 1
                                  Normal switching            2 A @30 VDC
                                  capacity:                   60 W max.
                                  Switching power:            220 VDC max.
                                  Switching voltage:          2 A max.
                                  Switch current:             4 ms @20°C
                                  Operation time:             100 Mohm max.
                                  Initial contact resistance:
         Console port             RS-232 ¯ 1 (TxD, RxD, GND), 4-pin header output, “115200, n, 8, 1”
         Button                   Reset button ¯ 1, supports “Reset to Factory Default”
         Others                   RTC, buzzer, Watchdog Timer
         OS                       W311: μClinux, based on Linux Kernel 2.6
                                  W321: μClinux, based on Linux Kernel 2.6
                                  W341: Built-in Embedded Linux with MMU support


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                               Introduction

         WLAN Communication
         Standard Compliance   802.11a/b/g
         Radio Frequency Type DSSS, CCK, OFDM
         Radio Frequency Band 802.11a: 5.15 to 5.25 GHz (Indoor used only)
                               802.11b/g: U.S., Europe and Japan product covering 2.4 to 2.484 GHz
         Media Access Protocol Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA)
         Modulation            802.11a/g: OFDM (64-QAM, 16-QAM, QPSK, BPSK)
                               802.11b: DSSS (DBPSK, DQPSK, CCK)
         Transmission Power    5.15 to 5.25 GHz: 15 dBm @6 Mbps; 12 dBm @54 Mbps
         (Typical)             2.412 to 2.462 GHz (IEEE802.11g): 17 dBm @6 Mbps; 15 dBm @54Mbps
                               2.412 to 2.462 GHz (IEEE802.11b): 18 dBm@ 1 to 11 Mbps

         Receiver Sensitivity    5.15 to 5.25 GHz: 6 Mbps @ -90 dBm; 54 Mbps @ -72 dBm

                                 2.412 to 2.462 G (IEEE802.11g): 6 Mbps @ -90 dBm;
                                                                    54 Mbps @ -73 dBm
                                 2.412 to 2.462 G (IEEE802.11b): 11 Mbps @ -87 dBm;
                                                                    1 Mbps @ -94 dBm
         Transmission Rate       54 Mbps with auto fallback (54, 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 11, 9, 6, 5.5, 2, 1
                                 802.11b supported rates: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps
                                 802.11a/g supported rates: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps
         Transmission distance   100 meters at 11 Mbps (with no obstructions)
         Security                WEP 64-bit/128-bit, WPA, WPA2 data encryption
         Antenna Connector       Reverse SMA
         Antenna                 External 2 dBi dipole antenna
         WLAN Mode               Infrastructure, Ad-Hoc

         Network Communication
         LAN                 10/100 Mbps RJ45 ¯ 1, auto-sensing
         Protection          1.5 KV built-in magnetic isolation protection

         Serial Communication
         Serial Port          W311: RS-232/422/485 DB9 male ¯ 1
                              W321: RS-232/422/485 DB9 male ¯ 2
                              W341: RS-232/422/485 DB9 male ¯ 4
         Protection           15 KV built-in ESD protection for all signals
         Data bits            5, 6, 7, 8
         Stop bits            1, 1.5, 2
         Parity               None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark
         Flow Control         RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF, RS-485 ADDC™
         Speed                50 bps to 921.6 Kbps, including all nonstandard baudrates


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                       Introduction

         System                  Ready, SD activity (for W321 and W341 only)
         WLAN                    Enable, signal strength
         LAN                     10 M/Link, 100 M/Link
         Serial                  TxD, RxD

         Power Requirements
         Power Input             12 to 48 V
         Power Consumption       W311: 250 mA @12 VDC, 3 W
                                 W321: 300 mA @12 VDC, 3.6 W
                                 W341: 540 mA @12 VDC, 6.5 W

         Dimension               (without wall mount ear or antenna)
         (W ¯ D ¯ H)             W311: 67 ¯ 100.4 ¯ 22 mm
                                 W321: 77 ¯ 111 ¯ 26 mm
                                 W341: 150 ¯ 100 ¯ 38 mm
         Antenna                 110 mm
         Construction Material   W311: aluminum, 1 mm
                                 W321: aluminum, 1 mm
                                 W341: aluminum, 1 mm / SECC, 1 mm for rear panel
         Mounting                DIN-rail, wall

         Operating Temperature -10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F), 5 to 95% RH
         Storage Temperature   -20 to 80°C (-4 to 176°F), 5 to 95% RH

         Regulatory Approvals
         EMC                     FCC, CE
         Safety                  TÜV, UL, cUL
         Others                  RoHS, CRoHS, WEEE
         Warranty                5 years


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                           Introduction

Hardware Block Diagram
ThinkCore W311
                         Ethernet              802.11a/b/g

                            LAN                 WLAN


           Power            MAC
           Circuit                                            64MB
                           MOXA ART CPU
            RTC             32-bit ARM9
                              192 MHz                          16MB
                           UART                 UART

                           Serial               Console
                           Port                  Port

                      RS-232/422/485            RS-232

ThinkCore W321
                          Ethernet             802.11a/b/g

                                LAN             WLAN


           Power            MAC                               16MB
           Circuit                                            RAM
                                MOXA ART CPU
            RTC                  32-bit ARM9                  8MB
                                   192 MHz

          Watchdog                                             SD
                       UART           UART        UART       Function

                       Serial         Serial      Console
                       Port 1         Port 2       Port

                       RS-232/422/485             RS-232


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                     Introduction

ThinkCore W341
                             802.11a/b/g Ethernet

                     USB 2.0       WLAN              LAN      Relay
                     Host x 2                                 Output


           Power                                     MAC                16MB
           Circuit                                                      RAM
                                   MOXA ART CPU
            RTC                                                         8MB
                                    32-bit ARM9                         Flash
                                      192 MHz
          Watchdog                                                       SD
                          UART     UART     UART     UART    UART

                          Serial   Serial   Serial   Serial Console
                          Port 1   Port 2   Port 3   Port 4 Port

                                RS-232/422/485              RS-232


                  Chapter 2         Hardware Introduction

ThinkCore W300 Series hardware is compact, well-designed, and built rugged for industrial
applications. LED indicators help you monitor the performance and identify trouble spots.
Multiple ports allow the connection of different devices for wireless operation. With the reliable
and stable hardware platform that is provided, you may devote your attention to the development
of your application. In this chapter, learn the basics about the embedded computer hardware and
its different parts.
This chapter covers the following topics:

‰ Appearance
  ¾ ThinkCore W311
  ¾ ThinkCore W321
  ¾ ThinkCore W341
‰ Dimensions
  ¾ ThinkCore W311
  ¾ ThinkCore W321
  ¾ ThinkCore W341
‰ LED Indicators
‰ Reset Button
‰ Real Time Clock

ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                    Hardware Introduction

ThinkCore W311
                                       Wireless LAN
         12 to 48 VDC

                                       console port

                      Serial Port

ThinkCore W321
                                             Wireless LAN
          12 to 48 VDC

                                             console port

                                                Internal SD Slot for
                                                Storage Expansion
                                                (remove cover to access)

                  Serial Port 1            Serial Port 2
                  (RS-232/422/485)         (RS-232/422/485)


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                    Hardware Introduction

ThinkCore W341
    Top View
         Reset Button       Relay Output         USB 2.0 Host    Internal SD Slot for
                                                                 Storage Expansion
                                                                 (remove cover to access)
                                           LAN       USB



                                                  Ethernet                 Wireless LAN
                 12 to 48 VDC                     10/100BaseTX             antenna

    Front View

                                                                           Wireless LAN

    Bottom View

                                                                        Serial Port x 4


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                                                         Hardware Introduction

ThinkCore W311

                                                                                                 137.5 mm (5.41 in)
                      100.4 mm (3.95 in)

                                                                               43 mm (1.69 in)
                                                                   (0.98 in)
                                                                    25 mm

           22 mm
          (0.87 in)

                                           67 mm (2.64 in)
                                           78 mm (3.07 in)
                                           90 mm (3.54 in)


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                                                    Hardware Introduction

ThinkCore W321

                                                                                            148.1 mm (5.83 in)
                      111 mm (4.37 in)

                                                                          43 mm (1.69 in)
                                                              (0.98 in)
                                                               25 mm

           26 mm
          (1.02 in)

                                         77 mm (3.03 in)
                                         88 mm (3.46 in)
                                         100 mm (3.94 in)


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                               Hardware Introduction

ThinkCore W341
                                                                             LAN     USB


                                                                                                                                      137.1 mm (5.40 in)
                                                                                                                    35 mm (1.38 in)
                             100 mm (3.93 in)

                                                                                                        (0.98 in)
                                                                                                         25 mm
              38 mm
             (1.50 in)

         40.5 mm (1.59 in)

                                                                         150 mm (5.91 in)
                                                                         161 mm (6.34 in)
                                                                         173 mm (6.81 in)


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                      Hardware Introduction

LED Indicators
         Please note that the W311 does not include an SD slot, so it will not have an SD LED.
            LED Name            LED Color                               LED Function
                                  Green          Power is on and functioning normally
                                   Off           Power is off or there is another power error
                                  Green          SD card is detected
                                   Off           No SD card is detected
                                                 ON:         WLAN is ready
                                    Green        Blinking: Conflict with WLAN IP or no response from
                                                             DHCP server
                                     Off         WLAN is not ready or function error
                                                 Number of glowing LEDs indicates signal strength
                                                 5: Excellent
                                                 4: Very good
           Signal Strength                       3: Good
                                                 2: Fair
                                                 1: Bad
                                    Off          No signal or WLAN connection failed
                                   Orange        10 Mbps Ethernet link
                LAN                Green         100 Mbps Ethernet link
                                    Off          Disconnected or short circuit
                 TxD               Green         Serial ports P1-P4 transmitting data
                P1-P4               Off          Serial ports P1-P4 not transmitting data
                RxD                Yellow        Serial ports P1-P4 receiving data
                P1-P4               Off          Serial ports P1-P4 not receiving data

Reset Button
         Hold the reset button down for 5 seconds to load the factory default configuration. After loading
         the factory defaults, the system will reboot automatically. We recommend that you use this
         function only if the software is not working properly. To reset the Linux system software, always
         use the software reboot command (“reboot”) to protect the integrity of data.
         The reset button is NOT designed as a hard reboot for the embedded computer.

         Restoring default settings preserves your data
         Resetting the embedded computer to factory defaults will NOT format the user directory and will
         NOT erase the user’s data. The reset button only loads a configuration file. All files in the /etc
         directory will revert to their factory defaults, but all other user data will remain intact in the Flash
         Please note that if there is a problem with the /etc directory, the embedded computer may be
         unable to restore the factory default settings.


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                 Hardware Introduction

Real Time Clock
         The embedded computer’s real-time clock is powered by a lithium battery. We strongly
         recommend that you NOT replace the lithium battery on your own. If the battery needs to be
         changed, please contact the MOXA RMA service team.

         There is a risk of explosion if the wrong type of battery is used. To avoid this potential danger,
         always be sure to use the correct type of battery. Contact the MOXA RMA service team for battery


Chapter 3    Hardware Connection Description

        ThinkCore W300 Series wireless embedded computers are equipped for multiple types of
        connections. WLAN, Ethernet, and multiple serial interfaces are built into every model, including
        a serial console port for monitoring of bootup messages. Select models also include an SD slot for
        storage expansion, USB ports for additional device and storage options, and relay output
        connections. With the open-source Linux kernel, you are free to develop custom applications for
        remote, wireless operation of your device. In this chapter, learn how to connect the embedded
        computer to the network and to various devices.
        This chapter covers the following topics:

        ‰ Wiring Requirements
          ¾ Connecting the Power
          ¾ Grounding the Unit
        ‰ Connecting Data Transmission Cables
          ¾ Connecting to the Network
          ¾ Connecting to the WLAN
          ¾ Connecting to a Serial Device
          ¾ Serial Console Port
        ‰ SD Slot (W321 and W341 only)
        ‰ USB (W341 only)
        ‰ Relay Output (W341 only)

ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                    Hardware Connection Description

Wiring Requirements
         This section describes how to connect serial devices to the embedded computer.
         You should heed the following common safety precautions before proceeding with the installation
         of any electronic device:
         y    Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices. If power wiring and device wiring
              paths must cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the intersection point.

              NOTE: Do not run signal or communication wiring and power wiring in the same wire
              conduit. To avoid interference, wires with different signal characteristics should be routed

         y    Use the type of signal transmitted through a wire to determine which wires should be kept
              separate. The rule of thumb is that wiring that shares similar electrical characteristics can be
              bundled together.
         y    Keep input wiring and output wiring separate.
         y    It is advisable to label the wiring to all devices in the system.

         Safety First!
         Be sure to disconnect the power cord before installation and/or wiring.
         Watch Electrical Current!
         Calculate the maximum possible current in each power wire and common wire. Observe all
         electrical codes dictating the maximum current allowable for each wire size.
         If the current goes above the maximum ratings, the wiring could overheat, causing serious
         damage to your equipment.
         Watch Temperature!
         Be careful when handling the unit. When the unit is plugged in, the internal components generate
         heat, and consequently the outer casing may feel hot to the touch.

Connecting the Power
         Connect the “live-wire” end of the 12-48 VDC power adapter to the embedded computer’s
         terminal block. When power is properly supplied, the “Ready” LED will glow a solid green after a
         25 to 30 second delay.

Grounding the Unit
         Grounding and wire routing help limit the effects of noise due to electromagnetic interference
         (EMI). Before connecting any devices, run a ground wire from the ground screw to the grounding


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                    Hardware Connection Description

         This product should be mounted to a well-grounded mounting surface such as a metal panel.
                                              SG: The Shielded Ground (sometimes called
                                                  Protected Ground) contact is the left most contact
                                                  of the 3-pin power terminal block connector, as
                                                  viewed from the angle shown here. Connect the
                                                  SG wire to an appropriate grounded metal surface.
                        V-   V+

Connecting Data Transmission Cables
         This section describes how to connect cables for the network, serial devices, and serial COM

Connecting to the Network
         Plug your network cable into the embedded computer’s Ethernet port. The other end of the cable
         should be plugged into your Ethernet network. When the cable is properly connected, the LEDs on
         the embedded computer’s Ethernet port will glow to indicate a valid connection.
         The 10/100 Mbps Ethernet LAN port uses 8-pin RJ45 connectors. The following diagram shows
         the pinouts for these ports.
           8        1        The LED indicator in the lower right corner glows
                             a solid green color when the cable is properly          Pin         Signal
                             connected to a 100 Mbps Ethernet network. The            1          ETx+
                             LED will flash on and off when Ethernet packets          2           ETx-
                             are being transmitted or received.                       3          ERx+
                                                                                      4            ---
           8        1        The LED indicator in the lower left corner glows a       5            ---
                             solid orange color when the cable is properly            6          ERx-
                             connected to a 10 Mbps Ethernet network. The             7            ---
                             LED will flash on and off when Ethernet packets          8            ---
                             are being transmitted or received.

Connecting to the WLAN
         The wireless embedded computer is WLAN ready and includes an 802.11 a/b/g WLAN module. It
         supports WEP, WPA and WPA2 data encryption. To verify WLAN operation, first configure your
         WLAN settings on the embedded computer using the serial console or a wired network connection.
         Please refer to the operating system user’s manual for further detail.


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                      Hardware Connection Description

Connecting to a Serial Device
         Your serial device can plug into the embedded computer’s serial port using a serial cable. Serial
         ports P1 to P4 have male DB9 connectors and can be configured for RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485
         communication through software. The pin assignments are shown in the following table:
                  DB9 Male Port                                   RS-232/422/485 Pinouts

                    1 2 3 4 5                                                         RS-485         RS-485
                                                  Pin      RS-232       RS-422
                                                                                      (4-wire)       (2-wire)
                                                   1        DCD         TxDA(-)       TxDA(-)           ---
                                                   2        RxD         TxDB(+)       TxDB(+)           ---
                                                   3        TxD         RxDB(+)       RxDB(+)        DataB(+)
                                                   4        DTR         RxDA(-)       RxDA(-)        DataA(-)
                      6 7 8 9                      5        GND          GND            GND            GND
                                                   6        DSR           ---            ---            ---
                                                   7        RTS           ---            ---            ---
                                                   8        CTS           ---            ---            ---

Serial Console Port
         The serial console port is a 4-pin pin-header RS-232 port. It is designed for serial console
         terminals, which are useful for viewing boot-up messages.
          Serial Console Port & Pinouts                              Serial Console Cable

                              Pin     Signal
                               1       TxD
                               2       RxD
                               3        NC
                               4       GND

SD Slot (W321 and W341 only)
         Both the ThinkCore W321 and W341 include an SD slot for storage expansion. The SD slot allows
         users to add up to 1 GB of additional memory by inserting a Secure Digital (SD) memory card
         compliant with the SD 1.0 standard.
         To install an SD card, remove the cover in order to access the slot. Insert the SD card into the slot
         and push it in until it clicks. To remove the card, push the card in until it clicks to release, then pull
         the card out.


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                   Hardware Connection Description

                         SD Slot

                                                                                                         SD Slot

USB (W341 only)
         The ThinkCore W341 includes two USB 2.0 hosts. These hosts can be used for an external flash
         disk or hard drive in order to store large amounts of data.

Relay Output (W341 only)
         The ThinkCore W341 includes a relay output channel. There is a 3-pin


         terminal block for the relay output connection, with pinouts as shown in the



                  Appendix A    FCC Warning Statement

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
1.   this device may not cause harmful interference, and
2.   this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
     undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
y Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
y Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
y Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
y Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Prohibition of co-location
This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter.

Safety Information
To maintain compliance with FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, when installing and/or operating this
equipment, you should maintain a minimum distance of 20 cm between the transmitter and your
body. Use only the supplied antenna. Unauthorized antennae, modifications, or attachments could
damage the transmitter and may violate FCC regulations.

                             Appendix B     Service Information

This appendix shows you how to contact MOXA for information about this and other products,
and how to report problems.
The following topics are covered in this appendix:
‰ MOXA Internet Services
‰ Problem Report Form
‰ Product Return Procedure

ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                                 Service Information

MOXA Internet Services
         Customer satisfaction is our number one concern, and to ensure that customers receive the full
         benefit of our products, MOXA Internet Services has been set up to provide technical support,
         driver updates, product information, and user’s manual updates.

                                 The following services are provided
          E-mail for technical

         World Wide Web (WWW) Site for product information:



ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                         Service Information

Problem Report Form

                      MOXA ThinkCore W311/321/341 Series
Customer name:
Tel:                                                Fax:
Email:                                              Date:

1.   MOXA Product: † ThinkCore W311           † ThinkCore W321         † ThinkCore W341
2.   Serial Number:    _________________

Problem Description: Please describe the problem clearly. Include as many details as you can. This will help us
reproduce the problem, and expedite the repair of your product.


ThinkCore W311/321/341 Hardware User’s Manual                                      Service Information

Product Return Procedure

        For product repair, exchange, or refund, the customer must:
            Provide evidence of original purchase.
            Obtain a Product Return Agreement (PRA) from the sales representative or dealer.
            Fill out the Problem Report Form (PRF). Include as much detail as possible for a shorter
             product repair time.
            Carefully pack the product in an anti-static package, and send it, pre-paid, to the dealer. The
             PRA should be visible on the outside of the package, and include a description of the problem,
             along with the return address and telephone number of a technical contact.


Document Created: 2007-05-14 21:31:40
Document Modified: 2007-05-14 21:31:40

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