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Internal Photos

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                                                                                                                                                                     Page: 1 of 4

                                                                                      Open View of EUT-1

                                                                                      Open View of EUT-2

U nles s otherw is e s tated the res u lts s how n in this tes t report referonly to the s am ple(s )tes ted and s u ch s am ple(s )are retained for90 days only.
T his docu m ent is is s u ed by the C om pany s u bject to its G eneralC onditions ofS erv ice printed ov erleaf, av ailable on requ es t or acces s ible at w w w .s gs .com /    term s _ and_ conditions .htm and for elec-
tronic f  orm at docu m ents , s u bject to T erm s and C onditions for E lectronic D ocu m ents at w w w .s gs .com /   term s _ e-docu m ent.htm . A ttention is draw n to the lim itation ofliability, indem nification and
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                           ined therein.A ny holderofthis docu m ent is adv is ed that inform ation contained hereon ref          lects the C om pany’s findings at the tim e ofits interv ention only and w ithin the lim its of
C lient’s ins tru ctions ,ifany.T he C om pany’s s ole res pons ibility is to its C lient and this docu m ent does not exonerate parties to a trans action from exercis ing alltheir rights and obligations u nder the
trans action docu m ents .T his docu m ent cannot be reprodu ced except in fu ll, w ithou t prior w ritten approv alofthe C om pany.A ny u nau thorized alteration, forgery or fals if            ication ofthe content or ap-
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 SGS Compliance Certification Services Inc.                         N o.11,W u gong 6th R d.,W u gu D is t.,N ew T aipeiC ity 24891,T aiw an /新北市五股區五工六路 11號
                     程智科技股份有限公司                                                    t:(886-2)2299-9720 f:(886-2)2298-1882 w w w .s gs .tw w w w .ccs rf
                                                                                                                                                           M em berofthe S G S G rou p (S G S S A )

                                                                                                                                                                     Page: 2 of 4

                                                                                    Internal View of EUT-1

                                                                                    Internal View of EUT-2

U nles s otherw is e s tated the res u lts s how n in this tes t report referonly to the s am ple(s )tes ted and s u ch s am ple(s )are retained for90 days only.
T his docu m ent is is s u ed by the C om pany s u bject to its G eneralC onditions ofS erv ice printed ov erleaf, av ailable on requ es t or acces s ible at w w w .s gs .com /    term s _ and_ conditions .htm and for elec-
tronic f  orm at docu m ents , s u bject to T erm s and C onditions for E lectronic D ocu m ents at w w w .s gs .com /   term s _ e-docu m ent.htm . A ttention is draw n to the lim itation ofliability, indem nification and
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                           ined therein.A ny holderofthis docu m ent is adv is ed that inform ation contained hereon ref          lects the C om pany’s findings at the tim e ofits interv ention only and w ithin the lim its of
C lient’s ins tru ctions ,ifany.T he C om pany’s s ole res pons ibility is to its C lient and this docu m ent does not exonerate parties to a trans action from exercis ing alltheir rights and obligations u nder the
trans action docu m ents .T his docu m ent cannot be reprodu ced except in fu ll, w ithou t prior w ritten approv alofthe C om pany.A ny u nau thorized alteration, forgery or fals if            ication ofthe content or ap-
pearance ofthis docu m ent is u nlaw fu land off      enders m ay be pros ecu ted to the fu lles t extent ofthelaw .

 SGS Compliance Certification Services Inc.                         N o.11,W u gong 6th R d.,W u gu D is t.,N ew T aipeiC ity 24891,T aiw an /新北市五股區五工六路 11號
                     程智科技股份有限公司                                                    t:(886-2)2299-9720 f:(886-2)2298-1882 w w w .s gs .tw w w w .ccs rf
                                                                                                                                                           M em berofthe S G S G rou p (S G S S A )

                                                                                                                                                                     Page: 3 of 4

                                                                                    Internal View of EUT-3

                                                                                    Internal View of EUT-4

U nles s otherw is e s tated the res u lts s how n in this tes t report referonly to the s am ple(s )tes ted and s u ch s am ple(s )are retained for90 days only.
T his docu m ent is is s u ed by the C om pany s u bject to its G eneralC onditions ofS erv ice printed ov erleaf, av ailable on requ es t or acces s ible at w w w .s gs .com /    term s _ and_ conditions .htm and for elec-
tronic f  orm at docu m ents , s u bject to T erm s and C onditions for E lectronic D ocu m ents at w w w .s gs .com /   term s _ e-docu m ent.htm . A ttention is draw n to the lim itation ofliability, indem nification and
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                           ined therein.A ny holderofthis docu m ent is adv is ed that inform ation contained hereon ref          lects the C om pany’s findings at the tim e ofits interv ention only and w ithin the lim its of
C lient’s ins tru ctions ,ifany.T he C om pany’s s ole res pons ibility is to its C lient and this docu m ent does not exonerate parties to a trans action from exercis ing alltheir rights and obligations u nder the
trans action docu m ents .T his docu m ent cannot be reprodu ced except in fu ll, w ithou t prior w ritten approv alofthe C om pany.A ny u nau thorized alteration, forgery or fals if            ication ofthe content or ap-
pearance ofthis docu m ent is u nlaw fu land off      enders m ay be pros ecu ted to the fu lles t extent ofthelaw .

 SGS Compliance Certification Services Inc.                         N o.11,W u gong 6th R d.,W u gu D is t.,N ew T aipeiC ity 24891,T aiw an /新北市五股區五工六路 11號
                     程智科技股份有限公司                                                    t:(886-2)2299-9720 f:(886-2)2298-1882 w w w .s gs .tw w w w .ccs rf
                                                                                                                                                           M em berofthe S G S G rou p (S G S S A )

                                                                                                                                                                     Page: 4 of 4

                                                                                    Internal View of EUT-5


U nles s otherw is e s tated the res u lts s how n in this tes t report referonly to the s am ple(s )tes ted and s u ch s am ple(s )are retained for90 days only.
T his docu m ent is is s u ed by the C om pany s u bject to its G eneralC onditions ofS erv ice printed ov erleaf, av ailable on requ es t or acces s ible at w w w .s gs .com /    term s _ and_ conditions .htm and for elec-
tronic f  orm at docu m ents , s u bject to T erm s and C onditions for E lectronic D ocu m ents at w w w .s gs .com /   term s _ e-docu m ent.htm . A ttention is draw n to the lim itation ofliability, indem nification and
ju ris diction is s u es def
                           ined therein.A ny holderofthis docu m ent is adv is ed that inform ation contained hereon ref          lects the C om pany’s findings at the tim e ofits interv ention only and w ithin the lim its of
C lient’s ins tru ctions ,ifany.T he C om pany’s s ole res pons ibility is to its C lient and this docu m ent does not exonerate parties to a trans action from exercis ing alltheir rights and obligations u nder the
trans action docu m ents .T his docu m ent cannot be reprodu ced except in fu ll, w ithou t prior w ritten approv alofthe C om pany.A ny u nau thorized alteration, forgery or fals if            ication ofthe content or ap-
pearance ofthis docu m ent is u nlaw fu land off      enders m ay be pros ecu ted to the fu lles t extent ofthelaw .

 SGS Compliance Certification Services Inc.                         N o.11,W u gong 6th R d.,W u gu D is t.,N ew T aipeiC ity 24891,T aiw an /新北市五股區五工六路 11號
                     程智科技股份有限公司                                                    t:(886-2)2299-9720 f:(886-2)2298-1882 w w w .s gs .tw w w w .ccs rf
                                                                                                                                                           M em berofthe S G S G rou p (S G S S A )

Document Created: 2019-04-12 14:32:28
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 14:32:28

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