user manual

FCC ID: SKG-X6-130320

Users Manual

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                                                                               Trankyou or purhasing the Tech & 0o Potatle Bustot Speaker                                                                              Use your deres Buetooth®mend to acvate davice searching The ment
                                                                        it pais easty wih phones, media playors abltsastons and trr devces                                                                             rmgnt s"Seachfornei deices" butre avact wortin may van. Onceyou
                                                                        eauinoed wih wreless Alictoafcapatiies ts 2nch diver genertes an                                                                               have besun searting the derice name "Tach & Go Min Speater shoud
                                                                        Imeressve threswats ofRMG audiogower and ts Stomahum on batey                                                                                  apgear in tne menu. Choose to par vih the"Tech 4 Go Mn Speakerand,
                                                                        an provide un tofour hoursof wreless plarime. Porecty potable, t can                                                                           wen prometed, entrthe passurd" 0000 (owr ze09
                                                                        reoave your devie‘s Sliston® aus sgnal fom up o 22fext (0 mater
                                                                        ave. t suportdeiseswihA2DP (Advanced Aurioistaton Prot) and                                                                                    1e par is success, the status inleatorshould change toa old red it
                                                                        AVRGP (Nudaidoo Remete Cortal Prie) and can aiso be used as a                                                                                  1t the par is netsuecesstl, td tpewer sutch t ot tren backto "on
                                                                        weeless speakarthone orcompatite moble phones                                                                                                  and rety the paprocess
                                                                                                                                                 Powersutch            Aucin auto pot         MeroUs8 chaging pot
                                                                               Betere using your Porable Slutooi® Speaterfrthe is time,ease
                                                                        reatrese instucions caretly Youwil nees tocompltel charg the ultn                                                                              Aus—in audio input
                                                                        batte befere usn the peakar fothe fttime. See*Crargin e peter                                                                                  Youeanalsocomectanor—Bluntotrtauto devie (he anM3 ayer or G0
                                                                        beiow                                                                                                                                          slayentyourspeakerusng theInluded avein audcable Just connectthe
                                                                                                                                                Button functions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ealle(orasirai mm aude eabletoyouraudo devandto hePoratle
                                                                                                                                                Plyiparse Batton C 1T)                                                 Slisteatnt Snesiors avein audlo part When a catle is conreted t the
                                                                        Package contents                                                        In mtc layback mode, pressing the buton vil pause dlyrack Press t      avecn audo por, the Buetootr® featres wl not operte. Discomnedt the
                                                                        Rortatle Blistetth Speakerwin bultn thum on batey                       asan t resurre nlaback n spenkerrone made,a ui ress ofth s buton       se toreactvats the etoat® eatues
                                                                        3 5timalicin idcabl                                                     will anover the cat Ancthor auck press wil dsconnect re call Quiciy
                                                                        Usg type A maletoMero Us® mate caole                                    seessng the plainause btton ie wilrecal the ast umer caled             Music playback
                                                                        Thisusemancal                                                                                                                                  \When you use the Rotabl Bhitoct® Spester as a Bustoo®comnected
                                                                                                                                                Previous rackidecrease votumebatton (
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       audo outpt deic,you an cott plabackttom tne eker o yourdece
                                                                                                                                                Pressths hatton it to Jump mlrack to the tar orthe prevs acla          Press the previousnest tack butors C", + to sip facks, use the
                                                                        Schematios                                                              trackHok hi uton davn to decrase naybackcvlume
       Instruction manual                                                                                                                       MextBuctincroase votume bution +)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       staiinaise huton C ) to pause and resume playback, or change the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       valime by holdng davn e decreasererease volume butons C#, «)
                Portable Bluetooth®          Speaker                                                                                                                                                                   Phiass t ts utonwhave o utctannyooys t on
                                                                                                                                                Pressthisbutoauldtoimp nlack to e sart fte rext aidatrak
                                                                                                                                                Hold is buton dovn o icrease paybackolume
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Receiving & disconnecting calls
                                                                                                                                                Pairing                                                                it your Bluetotiedvice can ecaie phone cats your nrstone may Iterupt
                                                                                                        Previoustracfdeereass volume buton      etere usin, you must fist par the Poratle Alitoat® Speater t your      yout musi plarack and be heart omm tPotaole Blustoatr® Bpesker You
                                                                                                        Plaloause buton                         Sistettrequinoed device To pal e devie, is side thepover swch to       ean use the speaker to aecent cals,a aickpress ofthe playpause buton
                                                                                                                                                ‘on"A hgh ols fotovedby t shor ow notesshoutd ml, and he stats         ) wil connectthe cl t e speakermhone. Anotner ul press wl
                                                                                                        Stavs ndeator                           Indeator should bink rapaly witn batn green and red Ights. (f notirg   diseannectthecal. uit ressng the layinause butn ie wil reca re
                                                       3Bluetooth®                                      Nexttracktncrease volme btton           ransens, see"Charger beon)                                             lastnurmbercated


  Charging the speaker                                                      + To dearhe Rotatle Buetooti® Speskars memon afpared                One—Year Limited Manufacturer‘s Warranty                                FCC Statement
 The Rotabl Ahitootit Speators buitin Iumion bater should movice              denieastm the speaber on and hld botn e preioustrack              Elt warantsto h consimerthattheProdict and aaccossorsproided           This devie complles vith nart 15 oftheFCo ules. Operation s subjecto the
 aboutfor hoirs flayback tm for manycharge yclss When the batay               and nextrack + bttons or es seconde                               in re stes package (Product) areree om matetal dets in materal and     following o canditions: (2)This dvice may no couse harnful nterference
 severislow tts ndator it fah, Usethe ncluded Mic=USB enarge                                                                                    vetkmanstin en uzed. nomaty and in accordarce wih. operain             and (2) thisdevice must acceptany nterferencereceived,including inteference
 ealleto connet the eakerto a USB por on a compitr or poner adater                                                                              instucions,The ented varanty padad for t Product etends tr ONE (D      thatinay cause undesired operation
 Tre sttusindeator vilminat red irng charing and wl tun of when                                                                                 YEA fomthe dato partase                                                Ti eauimenthas beanestedand found tocompy wehthImtsora Class
 the chariingis comelete Please note,before usn the speaterfor h frst   Cautions
 time, youmustcormeltay charge thebaten: Once charing s corplate you                                                                            If ve repatorrelace a Materly Dofectve Prodict undete ts oftis         8 diatal device, pursunt to pat 15 ofthe FGC Rutes: These Imis are
                                                                           +. Kesp e Roratle Shisteat® Speaber avay fom chieren. This           Iried varant, h Imted varany alo agoles to mpated or repicerert        desiged to proid reasonsole proteton agandt harmfl Iterrence in a
 ean se te speater nomahy, ut you stould lave the pekarconnectedto            produci not ator                                                                                                                         residertlinstataton Ts eaument generates uses and canradate rado
 a poner source or about 4 hoursto uy condtion e batoy                                                                                          Prodicts for a pard o atter (@ 90 days trom the date the repared or    frequzney energy and, f nt instaled and used in accordarce wih tre
                                                                            «: Do nat dap rtoss the peaker ous excessve force when              resiacament Productis se toyouor ) the ime remaingon te orgral         Instuctons, may cause harfU nfererence to radlo communicators
                                                                               operaing t                                                       oneyear inted warany, veichoter is orger Dureg tIinted varany          Hoveve, ther is no gvarante thatirtererence wil not occur n apartefar
                                                                                                                                                ptad, E1llte wl eoar or repiace (t Efiates optor) wihout chae, a       Instalatin, i ts envipment does cause harmul intererence to radio or
  Troubleshooting tips                                                      * Ts prodict is rt vatermaotand shouls nt be used around vater      Materaty Defectve Product If we repar ths Product, we may use rew or
                                                                                                                                                returished resinement parts !fwe choose t reslace th Prodic, ue mar    teleisn reeapton, vhich can e dermined y umintheeaomentf and
     + Ifyaute havin truble mating tspesterto your mobile dovce,              or in atsaswih eccessv meisire                                    reslace t vith a new o reitighed Prodict of he same or simir desgn     on the user is anecuraged to y t corectte tererance by on ormare of
       fis ensire thepover sate isre "or postion                                                                                                Eit it en repared o reacement Productstoyouin waking concion           tns foloving measures
                                                                            «: Kep te speater awayrom excessve hestor cld Do not epose
         ‘Then ehecito se ihesitus ndeator is raidy nig bot red                ito drect suntont Avoid operaing orstoing the bate near te, on   \Wwllraindefectvepars, areaiement Repalr orrepiacement o roductis          + Reorint o rtacat therecating antems
         and h isi rot tum the speaterof and then n again                      stovesorinsde seled ars n hot veatnr                             you exciave remedy                                                         +. Inerease th separaionbebveen the eementand recever
                                                                                                                                                This varanty does not corer Prodict that has beon sublcld to miice         «: Connecthe eipmert no an outt on a creut fferent omm trat
         Ithe status indeator romains dadwnen you turn te gover swich       + The bltinIhlur in battey mustnot e exposed o lame o               accider, shning or ihe rysical damage, ioraper Instataten, abnomal            to whichtherecaariscommected
         to "on,"the speakerneedsto be charged                                excessve heat Expouig Rtofre may cause the batey to genente       perton or hantinnesiec, nundaton, frewater o othar laud in or              + Consutthe dealeoran experinced radfTV teteican fr help
                                                                              hest, lonte or exslod. Foryour safe, do notatermet t remove or    Froducthat has beon darmiged due t repat, ateraton or medifeaton by
       * Your devic reedsto have Blilott® actve and t neaus to e              mady trebaten                                                     armoneother thanan EMate authorzed reprsentave                         caution Any changes or madieations not expressly amoroved by the narty
         actvey searchng fornow deves                                                                                                                                                                                  responsibl for comoliance couldvoid the users authon‘y t operate the
                                                                            +. The sseakarand ts battey shoul not dposed as muricpal sld                                                                               eauipment
         Some Bustot:equipned dences d not cary the 20P pofle                  waste To reyel A,contactyour ol hazardous waste processar or     Customer service
         your dence needs t be exuened win tre A20P protle for auo             cortct CaltRecycle (webote ealRecycl o9,phone 877.273.2029)      \Wete harto hap Iyou have aprolm h thi roduct orhave uestons on        Trademarks
         siaprack and the HFP rotl fo spedkarnone use                          to in e rearet wof locaton fo um in baties                       hwto useA leas conac Ellte n You donatneedto cntettre mtater           Tech &.Go is a rademkorEate nc
                                                                                                                                                you purchased ths modict fom Please contact ane of our senvce          Blastoolni a regiered vadematc o lstoct® 816 nc
         ‘he ditance betwen your device and the speaber my need o be                                                                            represenaes betere snipoing merchandoeto us                            Allctharmarksarropories oft respectve omners
         less than 2 est(10 metrsfor ating X may be atima tokeep                                                                                vinetite com                                spportetlisecom
         yourderce nest othe speater                                                                                                            i0 senrom                 @19 ass—rom       rax (o1e se tooo
                                                                                                                                                11o2t Whte RookRead
         Ensure ht you have enteredthe corect nasswort "0000° gour                                                                              Rarcho Cordra OA 95742 Customer serice represenalves are avalale
         reros9                                                                                                                                 Bebeen am and S n PacileTme, Mondy—Frday

REFRS: 240880m
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Document Created: 2013-03-25 15:16:09
Document Modified: 2013-03-25 15:16:09

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