Operational Description

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     FCC Part 15 Transmitter Certification
                 Test Report

                            FCC ID: SK9C1A-2

                          FCC Rule Part: 15.247

               ACS Report Number: 04-0396-15C

       Manufacturer: Itron Electricity Metering, Inc.
Equipment Type: Electricity Meter With Dual RF Transmitters
           Trade Name: CENTRON ™ ICARe
                      Model: C1A-2

                   Theory of Operations

    5015 B.U. Bowman Drive Buford, GA 30518 USA Voice: 770-831-8048 Fax: 770-831-8598

                                                                                                                            Page 1 of 29

                                 Functional Specification
TITLE: CENTRON ICARe Functional Specification
AUTHOR: D.P. McConnell

  REV         CCO         DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE                              DATE                        APPROVALS
                                                                            23 Sep
                                                                                             Project Leader            D. McConnell
    A                    INITIAL RELEASE
                                                                                               Manager –
                                                                            29 Dec
                                                                                               Residential                F. Kobbi
                                                                             2004               Metering

                                                        REVISION HISTORY
                         Update to support version 1.9.0                     13 Jul
    B                                                                                        Project Leader            D. McConnell
                         Firmware                                            2004
                                                                            28 Dec
    C                    Update to Itron Document                                            Project Leader            D. McConnell

                                        NOTICE OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION
 Information contained herein is proprietary and is property of ITRON, Inc. where furnished with a proposal, the recipient shall use it
 solely to evaluate the proposal. Where furnished to a customer it shall be used solely for the purposes of inspection, installation or
 maintenance. Where furnished to a supplier, it shall be used solely in the performance of work contracted for this company. The
 information shall not be used or disclosed by the recipient for any other purpose, whatsoever.

                                                      ITRON CONFIDENTIAL

ICARe Project Functional Specification

                          REVISION CHART

  Version            Primary                            Description of Version                      Date
                    Author(s)                                                                    Completed
Draft            DP McConnell            Initial draft                                           9/23/2002
Draft            DP McConnell            Incorporated comments from Jerome Bartier, Eric         9/25/2002
                                         Deschamps and Vladimir Borisov
Draft            DP McConnell            Updated document with management requests               9/26/2002
Draft            DP McConnell            Added R300 functionality                                10/1/2002
Draft            DP McConnell            Added Interval and randomization examples               10/11/2002
Draft            DP McConnell            Added RF power consumption assumptions                  10/14/2002
Draft            DP McConnell            MCU Requirements made more generic                      11/19/2002
Draft            DP McConnell            Updated document for company split and to address       1/16/2002
                                         selected MCU
Draft            DP McConnell            Changed CRF900 to COSMOS                                3/31/2003
Draft            DP McConnell            Changed CentronCRF to ICARe                             4/10/2003
Draft            DP McConnell            Updated document to reduce overlap with architectural   5/15/2003
Draft            DP McConnell            Inserted Mobile Network Section                         7/14/2003
Draft            DP McConnell            Incorporated comments from Product Services             8/23/2003
Draft            M.Peters/               Updated Hardware and Firmware sections                  12/19/2003
Preliminary      DP McConnell            Cleaned up format and made final changes from           1/15/2004
                                         previous spec
Preliminary      DP McConnell            Added display functionality                             2/20/2004
Preliminary      DP McConnell            Added changes for Cellnet/RMR meter types               6/15/2004
Final            DP McConnell            Update for 1.9 Firmware separating Cellnet & RMR        7/13/2004
Final            DP McConnell            Update for Itron                                        12/28/2004

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ICARe Project Functional Specification

                                                         TABLE OF CONTENTS

DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ....................................................................................................................................1
   REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................................................6
   Description ...............................................................................................................................................................6
   Endpoint Function ...................................................................................................................................................6
   References: ...............................................................................................................................................................6
RF NETWORK SERVICES ................................................................................................................................................6
   CellNet® Network System Services........................................................................................................................6
     Information Provided .............................................................................................................................................6
     FCC Regulation .....................................................................................................................................................6
     RF Characteristics for Fixed Network ...................................................................................................................6
   R300 Mobile Network System.................................................................................................................................6
     Information Provided .............................................................................................................................................6
     FCC Regulation .....................................................................................................................................................6
     RF Characteristics for Mobile Network.................................................................................................................6
   Schlumberger R900 Mobile Network System........................................................................................................6
     Information Provided .............................................................................................................................................6
     FCC Regulation .....................................................................................................................................................6
     RF Characteristics for Mobile Network.................................................................................................................6
SYSTEM HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................6
   Power Supply Specification.....................................................................................................................................6
     Power supply inputs and outputs description.........................................................................................................6
     Specification on inputs and outputs .......................................................................................................................6
       Power grid input specification ...........................................................................................................................6
       Serial Port interface power input specification ..................................................................................................6
       3.4V regulated output specification ...................................................................................................................6
       2.65V regulated output specification .................................................................................................................6
     Power Supply output current specification ............................................................................................................6
   RF Section Specification..........................................................................................................................................6
    CRF ASIC part ......................................................................................................................................................6
    RF on board circuitry.............................................................................................................................................6
   CENTRON Meter Metrology Interface specification...........................................................................................6
   Display Specification................................................................................................................................................6
     Energy Options ......................................................................................................................................................6
     Manufacturing Segment Test .................................................................................................................................6
     Operational Segment Test......................................................................................................................................6
     Display Configuration Options ..............................................................................................................................6
   Manufacturing specification ...................................................................................................................................6
    Test Points .............................................................................................................................................................6
    Manufacturability ..................................................................................................................................................6
    Mechanical guidelines ...........................................................................................................................................6
SYSTEM FIRMWARE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................6
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ICARe Project Functional Specification

   Firmware Description..............................................................................................................................................6
   Firmware Requirements .........................................................................................................................................6
SYSTEM RF OPERATION ................................................................................................................................................6
   RF Characteristics ...................................................................................................................................................6
   Fixed Network Description .....................................................................................................................................6
     Spreading Code......................................................................................................................................................6
   Mobile Network Description...................................................................................................................................6
   R300 / R900 Transmissions.....................................................................................................................................6
   Transmission Randomization .................................................................................................................................6
     Fixed Network Randomization ..............................................................................................................................6
     Fixed Network Intervals ........................................................................................................................................6
     R300 / R900 Mobile Network Randomization ......................................................................................................6
     Mobile Channel Selection......................................................................................................................................6
SPECIFICATIONS & STANDARDS.....................................................................................................................................6
     Operating Environment..........................................................................................................................................6
   Meter Base Requirements .......................................................................................................................................6
   External Standards ..................................................................................................................................................6
     ANSI Standards .....................................................................................................................................................6
     FCC Regulations....................................................................................................................................................6
       CFR Title 47,Part 15, Subpart C, Paragraph 247 ...............................................................................................6
       CFR Title 47,Part 15, Subpart C, Paragraph 249 ...............................................................................................6
   Internal Standards...................................................................................................................................................6

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ICARe Project Functional Specification

                                 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES
Table 1 Fixed Network (CellNet) RF Transmitter Characteristics ________________________________________ 6
Table 2 Mobile Network (R300/R900) RF Transmitter Characteristics ____________________________________ 6
Table 3 COSMOS Voltage Specifications ___________________________________________________________ 6
Table 4 Digital Circuit Voltage Requirements _______________________________________________________ 6
Table 5 Component Current Requirements __________________________________________________________ 6
Table 6 Power Supply Current Requirements ________________________________________________________ 6
Table 7 CENTRON Interface Pinout _______________________________________________________________ 6
Table 8 ICARe Firmware Modes __________________________________________________________________ 6
Table 9 Mobile Channel Selections ________________________________________________________________ 6
Table 10 Transmitter & Receiver Channels _________________________________________________________ 6
Table 11 Meter Specification Types________________________________________________________________ 6

Figure 1 RF Network Interfaces __________________________________________________________________ 6
Figure 2 ICARe Block Diagram __________________________________________________________________ 6
Figure 3 Metrology Energy Pulses ________________________________________________________________ 6
Figure 4 LSYNC Signal _________________________________________________________________________ 6
Figure 5. 5 digit X 1 display _____________________________________________________________________ 6
Figure 6. 4 digits X 1 and 4 digits X 10 display ______________________________________________________ 6
Figure 7 Unprogrammed Manufacturing Segment Test Display _________________________________________ 6
Figure 8 Operational Display Segment Test _________________________________________________________ 6
Table 9 Display Configuration Codes ______________________________________________________________ 6
Table 10 Program Code Display Time (Seconds) _____________________________________________________ 6
Figure 11 ICARe Modes of Operation______________________________________________________________ 6
Figure 12 Fixed Network Bandwidth_______________________________________________________________ 6
Figure 13 Fixed Network DSSS Pattern ____________________________________________________________ 6
Figure 14 Mobile Network Transmission Bandwidth __________________________________________________ 6
Figure 15 Mobile OOK versus Manchester Encoding _________________________________________________ 6
Figure 16 Fixed Network Interval Randomization ____________________________________________________ 6
Figure 17 Cumulative 2 with 18 Intervals ___________________________________________________________ 6
Figure 18 Cumulative 3 with 10 Intervals ___________________________________________________________ 6
Figure 19 Mobile Network Randomization __________________________________________________________ 6

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ICARe Project Functional Specification

This document will describe the functional design specification for the ICARe RF electricity meter. The purpose
of this project is to provide a meter module based on the COSMOS RFASIC developed in Montrouge, France
and produced by Atmel. The design will allow the CENTRON meter to communicate in both the mobile and
fixed network environments.

The ICARe will be a transmit-only meter module that collects and transmits metering data over the 902 - 928
MHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) RF band. The unit will contain both a Direct Sequence Spread
Spectrum (DSSS) transmitter and a Frequency Hopping (FSK) transmitter.

Endpoint Function
The ICARe functions as a RF transmitter that is capable of supporting remote meter reading using mobile and
fixed network protocols. The mobile network functions will be the R300 (ITRON™ protocol) or the R900
(SURF© protocol). The fixed network function will be the CellNet© electricity endpoint protocol (PID2) to
maintain legacy functionality.

The endpoint will be installed in the CENTRON meter as the register board. The metrology board will provide
power and energy data to the endpoint in the same manner as a normal register board.

The endpoint will provide the following data depending on configuration and firmware option:
• Cumulative energy readings using the ITRON protocol
• Cumulative energy readings using the Schlumberger SURF protocol
• Cumulative and interval readings using the CellNet by Atos Origin protocol
The endpoint will determine electrical energy data by counting pulses from the metrology board and then
converting them to energy values for display and transmission. The endpoint will use a constant loaded during
configuration to provide the correct energy values for the network being supported.

The endpoint will also use a serial protocol for configuration and testing using the register serial port.

It is also necessary for the endpoint to be able to be installed on previous meter bases with no modifications to
the base to maintain the modularity requirement of the CENTRON meter.

COSMOS RFASIC Requirements, by Gilles Picard
Schlumberger Qualification Test Specification for Solid-State Electricity Metering Products, SLB-QTS
SURF protocol Schlumberger Unlicensed Radio Frequency Protocol specifications, Version 1.0
dated June 9, 1998
Electric Interval Packet Transmission Randomization, White Paper, by Susan Stulz dated 24 June 2002
ICARe RF Protocols Specification
ICARe Product Vision
ICARe Business Case

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ICARe Project Functional Specification

                                         RF NETWORK SERVICES

                      CellNet Fixed                R300 Mobile
                        Network                     Network

                                                                                 R900 Mobile

                                                            ISM 900 MHz Mobile
                                                               Network FSK

                                                     123 4 5
                 ISM 900 MHz Fixed
                   Network DSSS

                                                               CENTRON ICARe
                                                                  RF Meter

                                          Figure 1 RF Network Interfaces

CellNet® Network System Services
The ICARe RF module will transmit a single channel of data at the 917 MHz using a Binary Phase Shift Keying
(BPSK) spread spectrum transmitter. The transmitter is capable of transmitting both the On-Off-Keying (OOK)
and the Cyclic Code Shift Keying (CCSK) chipping methods. The fixed network transmitter is capable of
providing output power of 24 ±1 dBm to the antenna. The fixed network module transmits standard CellNet
Protocol Identification 2 (PID2) packets to the network. Refer to the ICARe RF Protocols Specification for
message format and details.
Information Provided
The ICARe will provide the following information to the CellNet fixed network:

    •    Local Area Network Identifier (LAN ID)
    •    Meter ID
    •    Register Configuration
    •    Cumulative Active Energy delivered daily
    •    10 or 18 Active consumption data intervals
    •    Power fail notification
    •    Reverse power flow notification
    •    Magnet switch activation flag
FCC Regulation
The fixed network transmitter operates and meets the requirements in the US code of federal regulations
(CFR) Title 47, part 15, subpart C, paragraph 247 of the FCC rules.

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ICARe Project Functional Specification

RF Characteristics for Fixed Network
               Function                                       Requirement
RF Frequency                          917.58 MHz
Spreading Modulation                  OOK & BPSK (CCSK)
Conducted Power Output                24 dBm ±1 dB (into 50 ohm load at 25° C)
Power Output Temperature Variation    ±2 dB from –40/+85°C
Effective Radiated Power (ERP)        +28 dBm minimum peak
Carrier Suppression                   <+3 dB in 3 kHz RBW to adjacent spectral components
Side Lobe Suppression                 -13 dB to main lobe
Data Modulation                       OOK and CCSK
Symbol Data Rate                      19.27 kBPS for OOK and CCSK
Chipping Code Length                  63 bits for OOK and CCSK
Preamble Length                       92 (93 CCSK) bits
Transmit Duration                     11.0 msec to 23.5 msec
FCC Certification                     Per Part 15.247
                   Table 1 Fixed Network (CellNet) RF Transmitter Characteristics

R300 Mobile Network System
The R300 is a frequency-hopping RF transmitter that operates in the 910 to 920 MHz band. It transmits on an
average of once per second with a randomized time interval to reduce interference and collisions. The R300
module transmits an Itron standard consumption message (SCM) protocol composed of 96-bits of data. Refer
to the ICARe RF Protocols Specification for message format and details.
Information Provided
The ICARe will provide the following services to the Itron Mobile network:

    •    Module ID
    •    Meter Type
    •    Cumulative Active Energy
    •    Tamper Information
FCC Regulation
The mobile network transmitter operates and meets the requirements in the US code of federal regulations
(CFR) Title 47, part 15, subpart C, paragraph 249 and paragraph 247 of the FCC rules.
RF Characteristics for Mobile Network
                 Function                                          Requirement
RF Frequency                                910 to 920 MHz
Spreading Modulation                        OOK
Conducted Power Output                      -8 dBm conducted (Para 249), 5 dBm conducted (Para 247)
Power Output Variation over Temperature     ±3 dBm
Effective Radiated Output Power (ERP)       -13 dBm peak (94 dBuV/m) @ 3 Meters (Para 249)
                                            4.5 dBm peak @ 3 Meters (Para 247)
On Air Transmission Time                    6.71 milliseconds (SCM), 7.4 milliseconds (SURF) per
Data Modulation                             OOK
Data Rate                                   16.384 kBPS (32 KHz clock, Manchester coded data)
Data Pacing                                 1 Packet per second typical (125 milliseconds minimum)
Number of Channels                          64 or 50 Utilized, 77 Receiver channels
Channel Bandwidth                           <200 KHz transmitter, 208 KHz receiver
Frequency Stability                         <750 KHz/ Packet
Frequency Accuracy                          ±3.75 MHz Max over Temperature
FCC Certification                           Per Part 15.249 and/or 15.247
                 Table 2 Mobile Network (R300/R900) RF Transmitter Characteristics

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ICARe Project Functional Specification

Schlumberger R900 Mobile Network System
The R900 is a frequency-hopping RF transmitter that operates in the 910 to 920 MHz band. It transmits on an
average of once every 2 to 4 seconds with a randomized time interval to reduce interference and collisions.
The R900 will operate at 0 dBm ±3 dBm to the antenna. The R900 module transmits an Schlumberger SURF
consumption message protocol composed of 116-bits of data. Refer to the ICARe RF Protocols Specification
for message format and details.
Information Provided
The ICARe will provide the following standard services to the CellNet fixed network:

    •    Module ID
    •    Meter Type
    •    Cumulative Active Energy
    •    Tamper Information
FCC Regulation
The fixed network transmitter operates and meets the requirements in the US code of federal regulations
(CFR) Title 47, part 15, subpart C, paragraph 249 of the FCC rules.
RF Characteristics for Mobile Network
Same as defined by the R300 in section 2.2.3.

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ICARe Project Functional Specification

                          SYSTEM HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS
The ICARe will function as a transmit-only meter module that will be installed in the register board slot in the
CENTRON electricity meter. It will be configurable to provide a single channel of data to the CellNet fixed
network or a single channel of data to the R300/R900 mobile networks or a combination of the two mobile
                                                                                                                  Metrology Board
                                                                       Sign & Energy                                                     240VAC
  Shooter (Cellnet)
   Port Connector                                                                               18VDC
                                Serial Data

                                    SPI                    Atmel                Voltage_cap_check
                                                      Microcontroller                                          3.4 V Voltage regulator

                                               SPI Data            EEPROM
                                   Display                                                3.4VDC

                                                                      2.65VDC                                                  POWER SUPPLY
                                                      SPI Serial                            2.65V internal
                                                      Interface                            voltage regulator

                                 DIGITAL SECTION
         Port connector     2.65VDC
                                                                                         Fixed Network
                                               VCO, analog and digital                       Circuit                Circuit          Antenna
                                          synthesizer,digital control, analog
                                                   base band cells
                                                                                         Mobile Network
                                                                                             Circuit                Circuity        RF SECTION
                                                       CRF900 RFASIC

                                      Figure 2 ICARe Block Diagram
The CENTRON meter is composed of the base, the register board and the meter cover. The base contains the
metrology board and provides energy pulses and voltage via the interface connector to the register board. This
section will deal with the signals coming to the register board via the interface as well as the register board.

Power Supply Specification
The power supply will be designed to meet the requirements of cost (PCB, component count, component
cost), voltage regulation (normal processing, power fail detection) and current consumption (RF transmission,
digital processing and voltage regulation)
Power supply inputs and outputs description
The power supply will use external discrete components to get a regulated 3.4V from the 240VAC/120VAC
main. This 3.4V will then be supplied to both the internal CRF voltage regulator and the internal CRF RF
Power Amplifiers. The internal CRF voltage regulator will then provide a regulated 2.65V voltage to the micro-
controller, EEPROM, CRF VCO, CRF analog and digital synthesizer, CRF digital control and the analog base
band cell.

    • 120 VAC or 240 VAC from the Metrology Board Interface when the meter is plug into a base
    • 18 VDC unregulated from the Serial Port Interface when it is connected

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ICARe Project Functional Specification

    •    Regulated 3.4 VDC for the internal CRF power amplifier and voltage regulator
    •    Regulated 2.65 VDC for the Digital section and the CRF internal digital and analog cells
Specification on inputs and outputs
Power grid input specification
The power supply is required to be capable of drawing power from both 120VAC and 240VAC-power line with
minor changes. The power supply operational conditions are:

•   The power line could have a 20% voltage variation
    o 120 VAC: 96 VAC< Power line < 144 VAC
    o 240 VAC: 192 VAC< Power line < 288 VAC
•   The power supply will be capable of handling a 0 VAC potential for up to 100ms without triggering a power
•   Power fail detection should be triggered when:
    o 120 VAC: power line voltage< 72 VAC for >100 mS
    o 240 VAC: power line voltage<144 VAC for >100 mS

Serial Port interface power input specification
The power supply will have an additional requirement of being capable to accept an unregulated 18 VDC via
the serial port.

3.4V regulated output specification
The 3.4V regulated will have to meet the specification for the COSMOS internal voltage regulator as well for
the COSMOS internal Power amplifier supply voltage:

                             Device           Minimum           Typical         Maximum
                                              Voltage           Voltage          Voltage
             CRF Power Amplifier              2.4 VDC                           3.75 VDC
             CRF Voltage Regulator            3.2 VDC       3.3 VDC              3.6 VDC
             Supply Ripple                                                      20 mVpp
                               Table 3 COSMOS Voltage Specifications
2.65V regulated output specification
The 2.65 VDC regulated outputs from the COSMOS are the preferable voltage sources for this design since
they were designed specifically for the COSMOS voltage requirements and they will reduce the overall
component costs. The CRF internal voltage regulators provide:

•   One source for the internal features of the CRF controllable by the MCU.
•   One source for the Digital circuitry on the board that is constantly on as long as 3.4 VDC is supplied.

The 2.65V digital source meets the specification for all the major digital components in the design.

                                     Device              Minimum        Maximum
                                                          Voltage         Voltage
                        Atmega169V Microcontroller        1.8 VDC         5.5 VDC
                        MicroChip 8kbit EEPROM            1.8 VDC        5.5 VDC
                        CRF Internal Devices              1.8 VDC        3.15 VDC
                                Table 4 Digital Circuit Voltage Requirements

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 ICARe Project Functional Specification

 Power Supply output current specification
            Part                                    Descriptions                    Maximum Current Value
Micro-controller Atmega169V                        16K ROM part
            CPU                   No sleep mode, run at 1Mhz on internal RC       0.7mA
Analog Digital Converter (ADC) standby when it is not used (200uS max             300uA active/5uA standby
                                  conversion time~40 ADC clock)(200Khz clock)
                                                     8Kbit part
                                  Standby mode                                    0.5uA
                                  Write 16-Byte page sequence in 5ms max          3mA
                                  Read sequence at 2Mhz clock                     0.5mA
                                                  RF Transmitter
                                  Shutdown mode                                   10uA
                                  Serial Communication 1Mhz max                   0.5mA
                                  Crystal and PLL stabilization in 10ms max       1.5mA
                                  Fix Transmission 25ms max at 23dBm              350mA
                                  Mobile Transmission 10ms at 8dBm                30mA
                                   Pull up to convert a +/-2.5V in 0V-2.5V logic      130uA low/0uA high
                                  Watt hour pulse duration 10ms                   130uA
 Metrology Board Interface
                                  Lsync pulse                                     65uA
                                  Energy sign                                     130uA positive/0uA negative
                                             Power supply regulation
        Power Supply              Voltage capacitor detector                      70uA
                                  Quiescent current in the LDO                    100uA
                               Table 5 Component Current Requirements
 From the above table the following charge quantities will be needed for each operation as well as the DC
 current that the Power Supply will have to provide.

                     Event Description                     Total Charge Needed            Average Current
   Each 150s-period, the algorithm will write and read          Read:1.5uC              I_EEPROM=1.5uA @
(worse case) 250Khz=>250bit/ms~32byte/ms~2page/ms)              Write:90uC                  150s period
         2 locations of 2 pages of the EEPROM.                 Total:91.5uC
                  CRF transmission steps:
 COSMOS RFASIC Serial communication: 54-byte max              Serial com:1uC           I_CELLNET=(8.75+0.01
  for a CCSK plus ~10 bytes for CRF configuration and        Crystal+PLL:15uC            5+0.001)/300=30uA
      start of transmission (@250Khz~64Byte/2ms)              Cellnet:8.75mC           I_MOBILE=(0.3+0.015+
           25.58Mhz Crystal + PLL stabilization                Mobile:300uC                0.001)/1=316uA
         Cellnet transmission every 300s period
            Mobile transmission every 1s period
              Analog/Digital Converter (ADC):             ADC conversion:0.06uC           I_Check_Cap=15uA
         Check the capacitor voltage every 9ms                                           I_Check_RMS=15uA
    Check for Temperature Compensation every 9ms                                        I_Check_Metro=15uA
   Check the metrology power supply(Vdd) every 9ms
                 Metrology board interface :                                               I_Lsync=65uA
          3 lines are coming from the metrology:                                       I_positive_sign=130uA
  Sign : when the energy is positive the line is at –2.5V                             I_32HzWhpulse=41.6uA
 Lsync: Squared signal between 2.5V and –2.5V @60hz
 Whpulse: -2.5V 10ms-pulse for one unity of 50Wh. Max
                     frequency is 32Hz.
                                Table 6 Power Supply Current Requirements

 In Normal mode without transmission, the power supply should handle the following current:
     • MCU - 700uA
     • Metrology Board Interface Circuitry – 240 uA (no input pulses present)
     • MCU ADC – 50 uA
     • COSMOS Standby Current – 500 uA
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ICARe Project Functional Specification

    •    Power Supply – 180 uA
    •    Total of 1.7mA DC current

Here are the criteria that the power supply is required to provide:
   • Handle 1.7mA DC current
   • Handle 350mA-25ms transmission every 300s
   • Handle 30mA-8ms transmission every 1s
   • Handle 350mA 20ms power transmission
   • All requirements are valid for 15 years product life time
   • Power up the board and ready to transmit in less than 8.2s (see manufacturing specification)

RF Section Specification
CRF ASIC is handling the major functions required by the network:
   • Receive data from microprocessor and modulate it following the Cellnet protocol
   • Receive data from microprocessor and modulate it following the R300 or R900 or SURF protocol
   • Each timing related to the RF data is handle by the CRF ASIC through a 25.48833MHz crystal
RF on board circuitry
The RF circuitry is divided in two sections:
   • Antenna
   • Matching between antenna and the CRF ASIC

The antenna is required to:
   • Have a minimum 0dB gain at 917.58MHz for both horizontal and vertical polarization
   • Be matched for 50ohms in the 910MHz-920MHz band

The matching circuit between the CRF ASIC and the antenna:
   • Design a strip-line balun for both Cellnet and mobile Power amplifiers
   • For Cellnet, the Power amplifiers need to matched both at the fundamental (917.58MHz) and the
       second harmonic (1.835GHz)
   • For Mobile, the power amplifier need to matched over the band 910MHz-920MHz
   • Harmonics rejecter low pass filter to be design to have a minimum 40dB attenuation for harmonics
       3,4 and 5
   • For Cellnet, balun and filter losses should be lower than 2dB
   • For Mobile, balun and filter losses should be lower than 8dB

CENTRON Meter Metrology Interface specification
The endpoint will utilize the standard CENTRON interface for power and energy readings consisting of the
following signals.
                                      Pin Number            Signal
                                             1          120/240 VAC
                                             2            +2.5 VDC
                                             3              LSYNC
                                             4            Sign Pulse
                                             5         Watthour Pulse
                                             6             -2.5 VDC
                                             7               GND
                                     Table 7 CENTRON Interface Pinout
The two outputs of the metrology board from pins 4 and 5 are pulses that represent the watthours measured
and the direction (sign) of the energy flow. The Watthour Pulse is a normally high signal with a 10 millisecond;
low going pulse to represent the energy signal.

The sign pulse is either a high signal representing a negative energy flow or low signal representing a positive
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ICARe Project Functional Specification

energy flow.
                                                                                              +2.5 V
                 Watt Hour Pulse
                                                                                              -2.5 V
                                          10 mS                        10 mS

                                                                                              +2.5 V
               Energy Sign Pulse             Negative Energy Flow      Positive Energy Flow
                                                                                              -2.5 V
                                     Figure 3 Metrology Energy Pulses
The LSYNC signal is a 60 Hz square wave that will be present as long as power is available on the main. This
is the signal that should be monitored to calibrate in real time the internal RC oscillator of the microprocessor
                                                                                   +2.5 V

                                                                                   -2.5 V

                                         60 Hz
                                           Figure 4 LSYNC Signal
For interfacing to the register board microcontroller, the signals from the metrology board will have to be level
shifted to 2.65V-0V levels.

Display Specification
The ICARe display will be the same as the CENTRON ACE register. It will display the following:
   • Detented kWh
   • Non Detented kWh
   • Net (Future addition, not in the first release)
Energy Options
The ICARe will be capable of displaying the following options for energy:

5 digit x 1 detented and nondetented

                       DEL               NET        REC             DET kWh
                                             Figure 5. 5 digit X 1 display
4 digit X 1 detented and nondetented
4 digit X 10 detented and nondetented

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ICARe Project Functional Specification

                       DEL               NET       REC           DET kWh
                                   Figure 6. 4 digits X 1 and 4 digits X 10 display
Manufacturing Segment Test
The ICARe will also provide a segment display test for manufacturing when the EEPROM is not programmed
as show in figure 7.

 Segment is Illuminated when
  the PWB is in the vertical
   position and clear in the
      horizontal position            D EL        N ET          REC          D ET kWh
                        Figure 7 Unprogrammed Manufacturing Segment Test Display
Operational Segment Test
Finally, the ICARE will provide a segment test that can be configured to work with the kWh display.

Note: The watt-disk emulator should continue to operate normally during normal operation
independent of the configuration.

                       DEL               NET       REC           DET kWh
                                    Figure 8 Operational Display Segment Test
Display Configuration Options
The display configuration utilizes one of the following programming codes to enable the energy display and the
segment test display. The Upper nibble represents the display time and the lower nibble represents the
segment test display time.
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ICARe Project Functional Specification

                                                        Display       Display        Segment       Display Off
Program Code                       Description
                                                        On Time      Off Time        Test Time        Time
      F0               Energy Always Displayed           Always           0               0             0
      F1                Energy & Segment Test            15 Sec         1 Sec           1 Sec         1 Sec
      E0                         Energy                  14 Sec         1 Sec             0             0
      XX                Energy & Segment Test           1-14 Sec        1 Sec         1-15 Sec        1 Sec
      0X                      Segment Test                  0           1 Sec         1-15 Sec        1 Sec
                                    Table 9 Display Configuration Codes
For the time options for the individual program code nibbles are as follows:

                                            Nibble   Display Time
                                              0            0
                                              1            1
                                              2            2
                                              3            3
                                              4            4
                                              5            5
                                              6            6
                                              7            7
                                              8            8
                                              9            9
                                              A           10
                                              B           11
                                              C           12
                                              D           13
                                              E           14
                                              F           15
                                 Table 10 Program Code Display Time (Seconds)

Manufacturing specification
Test Points
The module will contain test points to support manufacturing operations as well as providing necessary access
to signals for debugging both the hardware and firmware. Each node of the circuit requires a test point. All the
Test points will be used in ICT test whereas only some of the test points will be use to perform the FVT test.
Manufacturing is specifying that the test points should be either all on the bottom layer of the board or on the
top layer of the board. The number of test point per board should be limited to 102 test points (maximum of
2048 test points available on a fixture and panel of 20 boards). The test point should also be numerated from 0
to 101.
•   The component count cannot exceed 150 components on the design
•   The unit must have test points for ICT and FVT testing
•   Increase of the number of boards per panel from 16 to 20. Note: This will reduce the total board area and
    with the new LCD holder it will have an impact on the size of the onboard slot antenna.
•   All components have to be surface mount to eliminate any through-hole processes.
•   In order to meet the present burden and overhead costs of the RMR, the power supply will have to handle
    a transmission within 8.2s after power up while test in process.
•   During the Meter Functional Test (MFT), the meter will be fully assembled with no external access to the
    board. A magnet to produce a magnet packet for the CellNet fixed network application will trigger the RF
Mechanical guidelines
•   The board material structure should follow the following optimum conditions:

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         ƒ   4 layers (layer1->14mils->layer2->28mils->layer3->14mils->layer4)
         ƒ   Material will be a FR4 (permitivity close to 4.6)
         ƒ   Inner layer should be 1oz thick (start and finish), external layer should start with 0.5oz
             thickness and finish with 1oz thickness
•   Copper should stay at 20 mils from the edge of the board after scoring operation (manufacturing
    cutting operation requirement)
•   Use of the new board-to-board connector pads (bigger pads for GND and 240VAC)
•   Use of the newest LCD pads developed by mechanical Engineer to decrease problem in
•   Keep a space for the new bar code developed by manufacturing

The module will be able to pass all standard qualification tests per the Schlumberger Electricity Qualification
Test Specification listed in the references in section 6.

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ICARe Project Functional Specification

                           SYSTEM FIRMWARE REQUIREMENTS
The firmware will be located in the MCU ROM with a maximum of 16 kBytes of code space. The firmware will
encompass the functionality of the Cellnet and SURF protocols.

The firmware will be written in “C” for portability requirements. The code will be modular in nature with each
unique function having it’s own module. This will enhance the reuse capability of the code for future projects.
The code will be maintained using version control software at all times.

The firmware should attempt to maintain commonality with existing CENTRON products as much as possible.
This will reduce the risk of introducing problems that have already been resolved back into the system. Both
the CENTRON and RTEMS teams should review all firmware.

Firmware Description
The firmware will operate in several states shown in figure 2. These states will be used to validate ICARe
power levels, support existing serial interfaces, verify and load the static and dynamic data, process metrology
and power fail signals, update the LCD, save and verify dynamic data, and create and schedule RF messages
for transmissions as needed. This diagram is the “large picture” with the details of the firmware to be
presented in the firmware specification document.

                                         Figure 11 ICARe Modes of Operation

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    Mode                                                     Description
  Power Up           The Power Up mode will be the initial state of the module. It will enter this state upon a power
                     on or watchdog reset. This mode will initialize the MCU’s peripherals and then determine
                     when the power levels are sufficient to progress to move onto the initialization mode. This
                     state is exited when:
                     • Shooter detected → Shooter Mode
                     • Powered by Zeroer → Zeroer Mode
                     • Power Levels good → Initialization Mode
 Initialization      Once the module has verified that reliable supply power is present, the configuration data will
                     be read from the nonvolatile memory and the module will initialize itself. This state is exited
                     when one of the following conditions are met:
                     • Invalid configuration → PowerUp Mode
                     • Initialization successful → Normal Mode
    Normal           This will be the main operating state for the module. In this state the module will update the
                     LCD with the cumulative consumption value determine, implement the EEPROM data saving
                     algorithm, and call functions to schedule and create RF messages for both Mobile and Fixed
                     technologies. A pet of the watchdog is also performed in this normal mode loop.

                     This mode is exited when:
                     • Interruption from Timer Monitor → Timer Monitor Mode
                     This mode is entered when:
                     • Configuration is validated and loaded from Initialization Mode
                     • Timer Monitor interrupt is complete
    Shooter          Shooter mode is entered when it is determined that the shooter is connected to the ICARe
                     board. This mode will be used to configure the Fixed configuration parameters as well as
                     other test utilities to support the Fixed network. This state is exited when:
                     • Shooter RxD low for > 1.5 msec forces watchdog reset → PowerUp Mode
    Zeroer           Zeroer mode was designed to support RMR using the I2C protocol. After power is determined
                     to come from the Zeroer device, the firmware gathers data and awaits either a read or reset
                     energy command from the user. This state is exited when:
                     • Zeroer voltage is removed and forces reset → Power Up mode
Timer Monitor        The mode is entered via a timed internal interrupt. This interrupt when entered will conduct all
                     metrology signal processing and check signal levels for possible power fail mode entry. This
                     mode also operates as the firmware’s freerun timer. This state is exited when:
                     • Power Fail Detected → Power Fail Mode
                     • Completion of tasks → Normal Mode
  Power Fail         Power fail mode commences when the Timer Monitor mode detects a possible power fail by
                     evaluating several signals on board the ICARe. This mode is exit when:
                     • Power Fail Detection Confirmed → Resets
                     • Power Restored → Timer Monitor
                                         Table 8 ICARe Firmware Modes

Firmware Requirements
The ICARe firmware will perform the following functions:

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ICARe Project Functional Specification

•   Count energy pulses from the metrology board
•   Monitor the sign line from the metrology board for energy flow and open bond detection
•   Maintain module CellNet and R300/R900 configuration data in EEPROM
•   Maintain module cumulative and interval counts in EEPROM
•   Monitor Power Fail and Power Recovery operations
•   Update LCD with cumulative consumption and perform temperature compensation
•   Load and validate static configuration and dynamic data
•   Schedule RF Transmissions

Interface with Serial port
• ESP serial interface capability
• Use standard Shooter interface
• Maintain MMLIB functionality as much as possible
• Support the Zeroer and I2C functionality for the RMR version
Interface with COSMOS CRF
• SPI serial interface capability
• Provide RF configuration data to CRF
• Confirm RF messages sent
Transmit PID 2 Message Packets to CellNet fixed network
•   Nominally transmitted every two native intervals (2.5 minute native interval) with a randomization period of
    one native interval. Packets could be transmitted from anywhere between 0 to 5 minutes minus one
• Consumption data packets, both CUMINT2 and CUMINT3
• Administrative packets, ADMIN3 only
• PowerFail and PowerUp packets
• Magnet Packets
Transmit R300/R900 Message Packets to mobile network
• Consumption data packet
• Nominally transmitted every 2 to 4 seconds randomized
Utilize present CENTRON algorithms in all applications
• Monitor the energy accumulation to detect the metrology bond wire failure
• Monitor the LSYNC line from the metrology board to aid in power fail detection
• Perform EEPROM backup every interval period and 91 Whr

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ICARe Project Functional Specification

                                         SYSTEM RF OPERATION
RF Characteristics
The COSMOS RFASIC is designed to provide both direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) and frequency
hopping OOK transmissions in the 902 – 928 MHz ISM band. The characteristics of the transmitters for both
the fixed (DSSS) and mobile transmitters are detailed in section 3 of the COSMOS RF ASIC Requirements

Fixed Network Description
The fixed network RF transmitter is designed for integration into the Cellnet by Atos Origin Fixed RF Network.
The RF transmitter specifically works within the Cellnet RF local area network (LAN) in the unlicensed 900
MHz ISM band. The transmitter complies with title 47, part 15, section 247 of the FCC rules for radio frequency

                                                                          Center Frequency
                                                                           Fixed Network

                                       Fixed Network
                                                                              917.58 MHz

                                   Transmitter Bandwidth
 902 MHz

                                                                                                                       928 MHz
                                                                                             918.78 MHz
                                                             916.38 MHz

                                             ISM Band
                                         Figure 12 Fixed Network Bandwidth
Spreading Code
The COSMOS RFASIC is capable of both On-Off Keying (OOK) and Cyclic Code Shift Keying (CCSK) for RF
data transmission based on the requirements of the network. The 917.58 MHz carrier is Binary Phase Shift
Keying (BPSK) modulated with a 63-bit pseudorandom code sequence. This COSMOS RFASIC design
contains only one DSSS RF channel. For details about the OOK and CCSK messages refer to the ICARe RF
Protocols Specification.

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                                                                917.58 MHz

                                                                                                13 dBm

                                                            1.22 MHz   1.22 MHz

                                                   916.36 MHz                    918.80 MHz
                                         Figure 13 Fixed Network DSSS Pattern

Mobile Network Description
The mobile network works within the 900 MHz ISM band using an OOK transmitter. The COSMOS RF is
capable of providing 50 channels with 196.5 kHz channel spacing, 64 channels with 131.072 kHz channel
spacing or 128 channels with 65.536 kHz channel spacing.
                                                                        Center Frequency
                                                                         Mobile Network
                                                                           915 MHz

                                                                                              919.67 MHz
                                               910.04 MHz
 902 MHz

                                                                                                                             928 MHz
                                         910 MHz

                                                                                                      920 MHz

                                                                  Transmitter Band

                                                                Mobile Receiver Band

                                                                       ISM Band

                               Figure 14 Mobile Network Transmission Bandwidth

R300 / R900 Transmissions
The R300 and R900 use two different transmission methods that should be noted. The R900 transmissions
are standard On-Off-Keying (OOK) while the R300 is a Manchester encoded signal. The R900 transmitter
basically turns the amplifier on and off to represent a 1 and a 0 respectively for the OOK. The R300
Manchester encoded signal actually is a double chipset that has a 1 to 0 transition to represent a 1 and a 0 to
1 transition to represent a 0.

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                1      1       1   0     0       1       1   0         0   1       0   1     1   0       1   0     OOK

               10101001011010010110011010011001                                                                    Manchester

                           E                         6                         5                     A
                                   Figure 15 Mobile OOK versus Manchester Encoding

Transmission Randomization
The ICARe will have the ability to transmit multiple data protocols from the same meter. The data will be
converted to the proper protocol and then transmitted on an interval period loaded during configuration.
Fixed Network Randomization
The randomization of the fixed network takes place over a 150 second native interval from the EOI which is
the default setup. The normal operation for most deployed residential fixed network endpoints are two native
intervals of data per transmission. That means that while 150 seconds of interval data is collected,
transmissions occur every 300 seconds. The randomization values will be between minimum of 1 second and
a maximum of 140 seconds to allow for an additional clearance time of the message transmission.






                                       Figure 16 Fixed Network Interval Randomization
Fixed Network Intervals
The fixed network transmissions include cumulative and interval data. There are two formats for the messages
that can be transmitted. The first format is a Cumulative 2 (CumInt2) message that has 18 bytes of interval
data that is transmitted along with the total energy cumulative count. Since the normal setup for the residential
transmitter is to transmit every other native interval each transmission will include 2 intervals (300 seconds) of
data. For the residential meter the data is the total energy accumulated during the interval.

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                    2.5 Minutes

                                              45 Minutes

    17   16    15   14   13    12   11   10   9    8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0              Transmission 1

               17   16   15    14   13   12   11   10   9    8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0    Transmission 2

     Transmission 3      17    16   15   14   13   12   11   10   9    8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1     0

              Transmission 4        17   16   15   14   13   12   11   10   9    8    7    6    5    4    3     2   1    0

                          Transmission 5      17   16   15   14   13   12   11   10   9    8    7    6    5     4   3    2

                                    Transmission 6      17   16   15   14   13   12   11   10   9    8    7     6   5    4

                                              Transmission 7      17   16   15   14   13   12   11   10   9     8   7    6

                                                        Transmission 8      17   16   15   14   13   12   11   10   9    8

                                                                  Transmission 9      17   16   15   14   13   12   11   10

                                                                            Transmission 10     17   16   15   14   13   12

                                Figure 17 Cumulative 2 with 18 Intervals
The second format is a Cumulative 3 (CumInt3) message that has 10 15-bit intervals of data that is transmitted
along with the total energy cumulative count. This message operates in a similar fashion to the cumulative 2

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                                                 2.5 Minutes

                                                                     25 Minutes

                     Transmission 1         9    8       7       6     5   4      3    2   1       0

                               Transmission 2            9       8     7   6      5    4   3       2   1    0

                                           Transmission 3              9   8      7    6   5       4   3    2   1   0

                                                     Transmission 4               9    8   7       6   5    4   3   2       1   0

                                                                      Transmission 5       9       8   7    6   5   4       3   2

                                                                                  Transmission 6       9    8   7   6       5   4

                                                                                           Transmission 7       9   8       7   6

                                         Figure 18 Cumulative 3 with 10 Intervals
R300 / R900 Mobile Network Randomization
The randomization of the R300 / R900 mobile network takes place over a 1 second interval. The normal
operation for the mobile network is one transmission per second randomized. The mobile transmitter will
transmit the cumulative data as it is updated as opposed to the native interval method of the fixed network.






                                      Figure 19 Mobile Network Randomization
Mobile Channel Selection
Based on the equation given in the COSMOS RF specification version 2.4 the following table should give
the correct N & M values to correspond with one of the allocated frequencies.

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                Channel        Channel                  Channel    Channel               Channel      Channel
  Value        Frequency         No.         Value     Frequency     No.        Value   Frequency       No.
  1615         910962087          1          1657      913714041     22         1699    916465994       43
  1617         911093133          2          1659      913845086     23         1701    916597040       44
  1619         911224178          3          1661      913976132     24         1703    916728085       45
  1621         911355224          4          1663      914107177     25         1705    916859130       46
  1623         911486269          5          1665      914238222     26         1707    916990176       47
  1625         911617314          6          1667      914369268     27         1709    917121221       48
  1627         911748360          7          1669      914500313     28         1711    917252267       49
  1629         911879405          8          1671      914631359     29         1713    917383312       50
  1631         912010451          9          1673      914762404     30         1715    917514357       51
  1633         912141496         10          1675      914893449     31         1717    917645403       52
  1635         912272541         11          1677      915024495     32         1719    917776448       53
  1637         912403587         12          1679      915155540     33         1721    917907493       54
  1639         912534632         13          1681      915286586     34         1723    918038539       55
  1641         912665678         14          1683      915417631     35         1725    918169584       56
  1643         912796723         15          1685      915548676     36         1727    918300630       57
  1645         912927768         16          1687      915679722     37         1729    918431675       58
  1647         913058814         17          1689      915810767     38         1731    918562720       59
  1649         913189859         18          1691      915941813     39         1733    918693766       60
  1651         913320905         19          1693      916072858     40         1735    918824811       61
  1653         913451950         20          1695      916203903     41         1737    918955857       62
  1655         913582995         21          1697      916334949     42         1739    919086902       63
                                                                                1741    919217947       64
                                         Table 9 Mobile 64 Channel Selections

                Channel        Channel              Channel    Channel                   Channel      Channel
  Value        Frequency         No.      Value    Frequency     No.            Value   Frequency       No.
  1601         910044770          1       1652     913386427      18            1703    916728085       35
  1604         910241338          2       1655     913582995      19            1706    916924653       36
  1607         910437906          3       1658     913779563      20            1709    917121221       37
  1610         910634474          4       1661     913976132      21            1712    917317789       38
  1613         910831042          5       1664     914172700      22            1715    917514357       39
  1616         911027610          6       1667     914369268      23            1718    917710925       40
  1619         911224178          7       1670     914565836      24            1721    917907493       41
  1622         911420746          8       1673     914762404      25            1724    918104062       42
  1625         911617314          9       1676     914958972      26            1727    918300630       43
  1628         911813882         10       1679     915155540      27            1730    918497198       44
  1631         912010451         11       1682     915352108      28            1733    918693766       45
  1634         912207019         12       1685     915548676      29            1736    918890334       46
  1637         912403587         13       1688     915745244      30            1739    919086902       47
  1640         912600155         14       1691     915941813      31            1742    919283470       48
  1643         912796723         15       1694     916138381      32            1745    919480038       49
  1646         912993291         16       1697     916334949      33            1748    919676606       50
  1649         913189859         17       1700     916531517      34
                                    Table 10 Mobile 50 Channel Selections

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                     Rcvr        Rcvr Chan     Rcvr     Rcvr Chan    Rcvr   Rcvr Chan
                     Chan        Frequency    Chan     Frequency     Chan   Frequency
                      102        910032474      76      913440346     50    916848218
                      101        910163546      75      913571418     49    916979290
                      100        910294618      74      913702490     48    917110362
                       99        910425690      73      913833562     47    917241434
                       98        910556762      72      913964634     46    917372506
                       97        910687834      71      914095706     45    917503578
                       96        910818906      70      914226778     44    917634650
                       95        910949978      69      914357850     43    917765722
                       94        911081050      68      914488922     42    917896794
                       93        911212122      67      914619994     41    918027866
                       92        911343194      66      914751066     40    918158938
                       91        911474266      65      914882138     39    918290010
                       90        911605338      64      915013210     38    918421082
                       89        911736410      63      915144282     37    918552154
                       88        911867482      62      915275354     36    918683226
                       87        911998554      61      915406426     35    918814298
                       86        912129626      60      915537498     34    918945370
                       85        912260698      59      915668570     33    919076442
                       84        912391770      58      915799642     32    919207514
                       83        912522842      57      915930714     31    919338586
                       82        912653914      56      916061786     30    919469658
                       81        912784986      55      916192858     29    919600730
                       80        912916058      54      916323930     28    919731802
                       79        913047130      53      916455002     27    919862874
                       78        913178202      52      916586074     26    919993946
                       77        913309274      51      916717146     25    920125018
                                          Table 11 Receiver Channels

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ICARe Project Functional Specification

                               SPECIFICATIONS & STANDARDS
Voltage Ratings:                              120V & 240V ± 20%
• Frequency:                                  60 Hz ± 5%

Operating Environment
•   Temperature:                        -40° C to +85° C
•   Humidity:                           0 to 95% relative humidity, noncondensing
•   Accuracy:                           ± 0.5%
•   Transient/Surge Suppression:        ANSI C37.90.1-1994
                                        IEC 61000-4-4
                                        ANSI C62.45-1992
•   High Voltage Surge:                 ANSI C62.41
•   Electrostatic Discharge (ESD):      ANSI C12.1-2001,
                                        10 pulses of 15kV direct contact to meter enclosure per IEC 61000-
•   Radio Frequency Interference (RFI): EMI/RFI fields of between 15 V/m for all frequency
                                         ranges between 14 kHz and 10 GHz.

Meter Base Requirements
The ICARe will be required to work in CENTRON meter with the following form, class, and voltage ratings:

                                         Class        Volts         Form
                                           20          120             3S
                                           20          240             3S
                                           20          240             4S
                                          100          120             1S
                                          200          120            12S
                                          200          120            25S
                                          200          240             2S
                                          320          240             2S
                                         Table 12 Meter Specification Types

External Standards
ANSI Standards
The system will be required to meet the following standards.

    •    ANSI C12.1 - 2001
    •    ANSI C12.20 (Class 0.5) – 1998 as a minimum requirement since the present metrology/base unit
         was certified under this standard. If at all possible, the meter should strive to qualify under the newer
         ANSI C12.20 (Class 0.5) –2002 specification where possible.

FCC Regulations
These regulations will be required to be verified using the in-house RF test facility for verification and a
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FCC certified RF OATS test facility for certification.
CFR Title 47,Part 15, Subpart C, Paragraph 247

Applicable section for 902-928 MHz include:

Field strength of fundamental:                      500 mV/m @ 3m
Field strength of harmonics:                         1.6 mV/m @ 3m

“Frequency hopping systems shall have channel frequencies separated by a minimum of 25 KHz or 20 dB
bandwidth of the hopping channel whichever is greater. Hopping channels are selected at the system hopping
rate from a pseudorandomly ordered list of hopping frequencies. Each frequency must be used equally on the
average by each transmitter.”

“If the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel is less that 250 KHz, the system shall use at least 50 hopping
frequencies and the average time of occupancy on any frequency shall not be greater than 0.4 seconds within
a 20 second period; if the 20 dB bandwidth is 250 KHz or greater, the system shall use at least 25 hopping
frequencies and the average time of occupancy on any frequency shall not be greater that 0.4 seconds within
a 10 second period. The maximum allowed 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel is 500 KHz.”

“The maximum peak output power of the intentional radiator shall not exceed 1 watt for systems employing at
least 50 hopping channels; and, 0.25 watts for systems employing less than 50 hopping channels.”

“If transmitting antennas of directional gain greater that 6 dBi are used the peak output power from the
intentional radiator shall be reduced below the stated values above as appropriate, by the amount in dB gain
of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi.”

CFR Title 47,Part 15, Subpart C, Paragraph 249

Applicable sections include:

Field strength of fundamental:                      50 mV/m @ 3m
Field strength of harmonics:                        500 uV/m @ 3m

“Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated by at
least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits whichever is the
lesser attenuation.”

Internal Standards
The following internal quality standards will apply to this project.

    •    N-Q001 : Quality Manual
    •    N-Q017 : Documentation & Control of Changes
    •    N-Q034 : ECN
    •    N-Q043 : Calibration, Traceability of Electronic Measuring Equipment
    •    N-Q050 : ESD Control
    •    N-Q057 : Identifying the Latest Revision of Engineering Drawings
    •    N-Q071 : Initiating & Releasing New Engineering Drawings
    •    N-Q075 : Control of Software
    •    N-B010 : IPO Management

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Document Created: 2005-01-04 10:16:00
Document Modified: 2005-01-04 10:16:00

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