Test Report


Test Report

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                                             Certification Test Report
                                                             FCC ID: SK9ACT1
                                                              IC: 864G-ACT1

                                  FCC Rule Part: 15.247
                    ISED Canada Radio Standards Specification: RSS-247

                                              Report Number: 72124754-100

                                                        Manufacturer: Itron, Inc.
                                                            Model: ACT1

                                             Test Begin Date: February 7, 2017
                                              Test End Date: February 9, 2017

                                               Report Issue Date: May 1, 2017

                                 FOR THE SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION UNDER Certificate Number: AT-2021

 This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by ANAB, NIST, or any agency of
                                                       the Federal Government.

           Prepared by:                                                                             Reviewed by:

          Ryan McGann                                                                               Thierry Jean-Charles
          Wireless Program Manager                                                                  EMC Engineer
          TÜV SÜD America Inc.                                                                      TÜV SÜD America Inc.
This test report shall not be reproduced except in full. This report may be reproduced in part with prior written consent of TÜV SÜD America Inc. The results contained
                                               in this report are representative of the sample(s) submitted for evaluation.
                                                          This report contains 16 pages

                          5015 B.U. Bowman Drive Buford, GA 30518 USA Voice: 770-831-8048 Fax: 770-831-8598

                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
1      GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................ 3
    1.1       PURPOSE.......................................................................................................................................... 3
    1.2       PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................... 3
    1.3       TEST METHODOLOGY AND CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................. 4
2      TEST FACILITIES .............................................................................................................................. 5
    2.1     LOCATION ....................................................................................................................................... 5
    2.2     LABORATORY ACCREDITATIONS/RECOGNITIONS/CERTIFICATIONS ................................................ 5
    2.3     RADIATED EMISSIONS TEST SITE DESCRIPTION .............................................................................. 6
       2.3.1    Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Site .......................................................................................... 6
       2.3.2    Open Area Tests Site (OATS) ................................................................................................. 7
    2.4     CONDUCTED EMISSIONS TEST SITE DESCRIPTION ........................................................................... 8
3      APPLICABLE STANDARD REFERENCES.................................................................................... 8

4      LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................ 9

5      SUPPORT EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................................................10

6      EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST SETUP BLOCK DIAGRAM ..........................................................10

7      SUMMARY OF TESTS ......................................................................................................................11
    7.1     ANTENNA REQUIREMENT – FCC: SECTION 15.203 ........................................................................11
    7.2     BAND EDGE AND SPURIOUS EMISSIONS .........................................................................................12
       7.2.1   Emissions into Restricted Frequency Bands – FCC: Section 15.205, 15.209; ......................12
       ISED Canada: RSS-Gen 8.9/8.10 ..........................................................................................................12
        Measurement Procedure ................................................................................................................... 12
        Measurement Results ....................................................................................................................... 12
        Sample Calculation: ......................................................................................................................... 15
8      CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................16

                    5015 B.U. Bowman Drive Buford, GA 30518 USA Voice: 770-831-8048 Fax: 770-831-8598

      Model: ACT1                   FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                       IC: 864G-ACT1

1      GENERAL

1.1     Purpose

The purpose of this report is to demonstrate compliance with Part 15 Subpart C of the FCC’s
Code of Federal Regulations and Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED)
Canada’s Radio Standards Specification RSS-247 for a Class II Permissive Change Certification.

The purpose of this Class II Permissive Change is to add new antenna types/host combination to
the 900MHz LAN frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio.

1.2     Product Description

The Itron ACT1 is an electricity metering module which includes a 902.4 MHz to 927.6 MHz
transmitter as well as WiFi. The module operates on AC as well as DC voltage which is supplied
by a host device.

This test report documents the compliance of the 902.4 MHz to 927.6 MHz transceiver mode of
operation with the new antennas documented below only.

Technical Details:
         Detail                                    Description
 Frequency Range                               902.4 – 927.6 MHz
Number of Channels                                     64
 Modulation Format                            FSK, OFDM, DSSS
                                             FSK: 50kbps, 150kbps
       Data Rates                          OFDM: 200kbps, 600kbps
                                           DSSS: 6.25kbps, 12.5kbps
    Operating Voltage                            120Vac to Host
                                     ¼ Wave Embedded Slot Antenna / 2dBi
                         Patch Antenna (External Adhesive Patch Coupler) – New to C2PC
    Antenna Type(s) /     PCTEL, Inc. ASPG918 Whip Antenna / 3.0dBi – New to C2PC
         Gain(s)        Larson LP800 Low Profile Radome (Puck) Antenna / 2.14dBi – New
                                                    to C2PC
                            Contelco A158192B Stub Antenna / 2.0dBi – New to C2PC

Manufacturer Information:
Itron, Inc.
313 N Hwy 11
West Union, SC 29696

EUT Serial Numbers: 9840001301 (Single Phase Meter), 9840004089 (Poly Phase Meter)

Test Sample Condition: The test samples were provided in good working order with no visible

          Report: 72124754-100           TÜV SÜD America Inc.                   Page 3

      Model: ACT1                     FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                          IC: 864G-ACT1

1.3    Test Methodology and Considerations

The Class II Permissive Change testing was to add additional antennas to the original
certification, therefore only radiated emissions were performed.

The antennas included in this filing are connected to the EUT host via an adhesive patch
antenna. The intention of the patch antenna is to couple the EUT 900MHz LAN antenna over-the-
air. The coupled signal is then to be routed, via coax, to the antennas described in this filing. The
ACT1 module was integrated into representative hosts for showing compliance with the new
antenna configurations. See section 5 for information pertaining to the hosts used in this

For radiated emissions, the EUT was temporarily modified with a USB cable to facilitate
programming of the EUT for a continuously modulated signal on each channel evaluated only.
The cable was removed from the programming computer during the evaluation. Based on the
radiated emissions data collected on the original certification, the worst case data rate was
evaluated to show compliance. The worst case data rate was DSSS at 6.25kbps.

Software power setting during test: (-2)

         Report: 72124754-100               TÜV SÜD America Inc.                     Page 4

      Model: ACT1                   FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                         IC: 864G-ACT1


2.1     Location

The radiated and conducted emissions test sites are located at the following address:

      TÜV SÜD America Inc.
      5015 B.U. Bowman Drive
      Buford, GA 30518
      Phone: (770) 831-8048
      Fax: (770) 831-8598

2.2     Laboratory Accreditations/Recognitions/Certifications

TÜV SÜD America Inc. is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation
Board/ANAB accreditation program, and has been issued certificate number AT-2021 in
recognition of this accreditation. Unless otherwise specified, all tests methods described within
this report are covered under the ISO/IEC 17025 scope of accreditation.

The Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Site, Open Area Test Site (OATS) and Conducted Emissions
Site have been fully described, submitted to, and accepted by the FCC, ISED Canada and the
Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Interference by information technology equipment.

FCC Registration Number: 391271
ISED Canada Lab Code: IC 4175A
VCCI Member Number: 1831
•     VCCI OATS Registration Number R-1526
•     VCCI Conducted Emissions Site Registration Number: C-1608

         Report: 72124754-100             TÜV SÜD America Inc.                    Page 5

      Model: ACT1                     FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                          IC: 864G-ACT1

2.3     Radiated Emissions Test Site Description

2.3.1    Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Site

The Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Site consists of a 20’ x 30’ x 18’ shielded enclosure. The
chamber is lined with Toyo Ferrite Grid Absorber, model number FFG-1000. The ferrite tile grid is
101 x 101 x 19mm thick and weighs approximately 550 grams. These tiles are mounted on steel
panels and installed directly on the inner walls of the chamber.

The turntable is 150cm in diameter and is located 160cm from the back wall of the chamber. The
chamber is grounded via 1 - 8’ copper ground rod, installed at the center of the back wall, it is
bound to the ground plane using 3/4" stainless steel braided cable.

The turntable is all steel, flush mounted table installed in an all steel frame. The table is remotely
operated from inside the control room located 25’ from the range. The turntable is electrically
bonded to the surrounding ground plane via steel fingers installed on the edge of the turn table.
The steel fingers make constant contact with the ground plane during operation.

Behind the turntable is a 3’ x 6’ x 4’ deep shielded pit used for support equipment if necessary.
The pit is equipped with 1 - 4” PVC chases from the turntable to the pit that allow for cabling to
the EUT if necessary. The underside of the turntable can be accessed from the pit so cables can
be supplied to the EUT from the pit.

A diagram of the Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Site is shown in Figure 2.3-1 below:

                                             3 Meters

                                                                         5 Feet

                                                                                    20 Feet

                                               30 Feet
                        Figure 2.3-1: Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Site

         Report: 72124754-100               TÜV SÜD America Inc.                     Page 6

    Model: ACT1                      FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                          IC: 864G-ACT1

2.3.2   Open Area Tests Site (OATS)

The open area test site consists of a 40’ x 66’ concrete pad covered with a perforated electro-
plated galvanized sheet metal. The perforations in the sheet metal are 1/8” holes that are
staggered every 3/16”. The individual sheets are placed to overlap each other by 1/4” and are
riveted together to provide a continuous seam. Rivets are spaced every 3” in a 3 x 20 meter
perimeter around the antenna mast and EUT area. Rivets in the remaining area are spaced as
necessary to properly secure the ground plane and maintain the electrical continuity.

The entire ground plane extends 12’ beyond the turntable edge and 16’ beyond the antenna mast
when set to a 10 meter measurement distance. The ground plane is grounded via 4 - 8’ copper
ground rods, each installed at a corner of the ground plane and bound to the ground plane using
3/4" stainless steel braided cable.

The turntable is an all aluminum 10’ flush mounted table installed in an all aluminum frame. The
table is remotely operated from inside the control room located 40’ from the range. The turntable
is electrically bonded to the surrounding ground plane via steel fingers installed on the edge of
the turn table. The steel fingers make constant contact with the ground plane during operation.

Adjacent to the turntable is a 7’ x 7’ square and 4’ deep concrete pit used for support equipment if
necessary. The pit is equipped with 5 - 4” PVC chases from the pit to the control room that allow
for cabling to the EUT if necessary. The underside of the turntable can be accessed from the pit
so cables can be supplied to the EUT from the pit. The pit is covered with 2 sheets of 1/4"
diamond style re-enforced steel sheets. The sheets are painted to match the perforated steel
ground plane; however the underside edges have been masked off to maintain the electrical
continuity of the ground plane. All reflecting objects are located outside of the ellipse defined in
ANSI C63.4.

A diagram of the Open Area Test Site is shown in Figure 2.3-2 below:


                                                        3 Meters



                                           66 Feet

                               Figure 2.3-2: Open Area Test Site

        Report: 72124754-100               TÜV SÜD America Inc.                     Page 7

      Model: ACT1                        FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                          IC: 864G-ACT1

2.4       Conducted Emissions Test Site Description

The AC mains conducted EMI site is located in the main EMC lab. It consists of an 8’ x 8’ solid
aluminum horizontal ground reference plane (GRP) bonded every 3” to an 8’ X 8’ vertical ground

The site is of sufficient size to test table top and floor standing equipment in accordance with
ANSI C63.4.

A diagram of the room is shown below in figure 4.1.3-1:

                   Vertical Ground Plane (8’ x 8’)

                                                       Non-Conductive EUT Table
                                                           (1m x 1.5m x .8m)

              .4 Meters

                 .8 Meters

                                                           Horizontal Ground Plane (8’ x 12’)

                             Figure 2.4-1: AC Mains Conducted EMI Site


The following standards were used:

          ANSI C63.4-2014: American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise
           Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz – 40 GHz.
          ANSI C63.10-2013: American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of
           Unlicensed Wireless Devices.
          US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): Title 47, Part 2, Subpart J: Equipment Authorization
           Procedures, 2017.
          US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): Title 47, Part 15, Subpart C: Radio Frequency Devices,
           Intentional Radiators, 2017.
          ISED Canada Radio Standards Specification: RSS-247 – Digital Transmission Systems (DTSs),
           Frequency Hopping Systems (FHSs) and License-Exempt Local Area Network (LE-LAN) Devices,
           Issue 1, May 2015
          ISED Canada Radio Standards Specification:            RSS-GEN – General Requirements and
           Information for the Certification of Radiocommunication Equipment, Issue 4, Nov 2014.

           Report: 72124754-100                TÜV SÜD America Inc.                     Page 8

       Model: ACT1                                      FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                                   IC: 864G-ACT1


The calibration interval of test equipment is annually or the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Where the calibration interval deviates from the annual cycle based on the instrument
manufacturer’s recommendations, it shall be stated below.

                                                    Table 4-1: Test Equipment
    AssetID         Manufacturer               Model #      Equipment Type        Serial #   Last Calibration Date      Due Date
      30        Spectrum Technologies        DRH-0118          Antennas           970102          4/30/2015            4/30/2017
      40               EMCO                     3104           Antennas            3211            6/8/2016             6/8/2018
      73               Agilent                 8447D           Amplifiers       2727A05624        7/21/2016            7/21/2017
                                            Chamber EMI
     167                  ACS                 Cable Set        Cable Set             167          9/30/2016            9/30/2017
     331          Microwave Circuits         H1G513G1            Filters           31417          5/13/2016            5/13/2017
     338           Hewlett Packard             8449B           Amplifiers       3008A01111        8/21/2015            8/21/2017
     394            Florida RF Lab      SMRE-200W-12.0-SMRE      Cables              N/A           1/9/2017             1/9/2018
     412           Electro Metrics             LPA-25          Antennas             1241           8/8/2016             8/8/2018
     422             Florida RF                 SMR              Cables            805            10/27/2016           10/27/2017
     616          Florida RF Cables            SMRE              Cables            N/A             9/2/2016             9/2/2017
     654            Micro-Tronics            BRC50722             Filter           -10            4/27/2016            4/27/2017
     676           Florida RF Labs           480.0-SMS           Cables         MFR2Y194          11/4/2016             11/4/2017
    RE135         Rohde & Schwarz              FSP30       Spectrum Analyzers   835618/031        10/31/2016           10/31/2017

              Report: 72124754-100                              TÜV SÜD America Inc.                                 Page 9

      Model: ACT1                          FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                      IC: 864G-ACT1


                                      Table 5-1: Support Equipment
    Item      Equipment Type         Manufacturer Model/Part Number                  Serial Number
                                                      CN2SRD (Single Phase)           317 782 420
     1          Electric Meter            Itron
                                                       CP2SR (Poly Phase)             317 879 574
                                                         N/A (Single Phase)
     2        Electric Meter Box     Milbank MFG                                             N/A
                                                     Series 9700L (Poly Phase)

                                  Table 5-2: Cable Description
    Cable #            Cable Type           Length      Shield                 Termination
                                             45 cm                         Patch – Whip Antenna
         A         RF Coaxial Cable         565 cm       Yes               Patch – Puck Antenna
                                            570 cm                        Patch – Stubby Antenna
         B       USB Programming Cable      200 cm       Yes                EUT – Unterminated
         C          AC Power Cable          200 cm        No                   1 – AC Mains



                                       A                            Patch Coupling Antenna





                                                 AC Mains

                                   Figure 6-1: Test Setup Block Diagram

             Report: 72124754-100              TÜV SÜD America Inc.                   Page 10

      Model: ACT1                  FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                        IC: 864G-ACT1


Along with the tabular data shown below, plots were taken of all signals deemed important
enough to document.

7.1    Antenna Requirement – FCC: Section 15.203

The external antennas are connected to the EUT via an adhesive coupling patch antenna.
Professional installation is utilized. The antennas are a PCTEL, Inc. ASPG918 whip antenna with
a maximum gain of 3dBi, a Larson LP800 low profile radome (Puck) antenna with a maximum
gain of 2.14dBi, and a Comtelco A158192B stub antenna with a maximum gain of 2.0dBi.

        Report: 72124754-100            TÜV SÜD America Inc.                   Page 11

      Model: ACT1                           FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                                IC: 864G-ACT1

7.2     Band Edge and Spurious Emissions

7.2.1     Emissions into Restricted Frequency Bands – FCC: Section 15.205, 15.209;
          ISED Canada: RSS-Gen 8.9/8.10     Measurement Procedure

The unwanted emissions into restricted bands were measured radiated over the frequency range
of 30 MHz to 10 GHz, 10 times the highest fundamental frequency.

The EUT was rotated through 360° and the receive antenna height was varied from 1 meter to 4
meters so that the maximum radiated emissions level would be detected. For frequencies below
1000 MHz, quasi-peak measurements were made using a RBW of 120 kHz and a VBW of 300
kHz. For frequencies above 1000 MHz, peak and average measurements were made with RBW
and VBW of 1 MHz and 3 MHz respectively.

Each emission found to be in a restricted band as defined by section 15.205, including any
emission at the operational band-edge, was compared to the radiated emission limits as defined
in section 15.209.     Measurement Results

 Table Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data – Single Phase Host – Whip Antenna
                         Level       Antenna      Correction     Corrected Level       Limit               Margin
   Frequency            (dBuV)       Polarity      Factors          (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)               (dB)
                 pk        Qpk/Avg    (H/V)          (dB)         pk     Qpk/Avg   pk     Qpk/Avg    pk      Qpk/Avg
                                                 Low Channel
       1002     59.41       47.71       V           -13.13       46.28    34.58    74.0    54.0     27.7       19.4
       1002     57.32       46.08       H           -13.13       44.19    32.95    74.0    54.0     29.8       21.0
      2707.2    46.79       36.35       H            -3.74       43.05    32.61    74.0    54.0     30.9       21.4
      2707.2    45.83       37.01       V            -3.74       42.09    33.27    74.0    54.0     31.9       20.7
      3609.6    48.60       38.21       H            -0.81       47.79    37.40    74.0    54.0     26.2       16.6
      3609.6    47.82       36.92       V            -0.81       47.01    36.11    74.0    54.0     27.0       17.9
       4512     46.38       36.32       H            0.79        47.17    37.11    74.0    54.0     26.8       16.9
       4512     46.92       36.62       V            0.79        47.71    37.41    74.0    54.0     26.3       16.6
      5414.4    44.39       34.25       H            3.52        47.91    37.77    74.0    54.0     26.1       16.2
      5414.4    45.06       34.09       V            3.52        48.58    37.61    74.0    54.0     25.4       16.4
                                                Middle Channel
       1001     60.81       48.73       V           -13.14       47.67    35.59    74.0    54.0     26.3       18.4
       1001     56.87       47.11       H           -13.14       43.73    33.97    74.0    54.0     30.3       20.0
      2745.6    46.13       36.40       H            -3.63       42.50    32.77    74.0    54.0     31.5       21.2
      2745.6    46.88       38.27       V            -3.63       43.25    34.64    74.0    54.0     30.8       19.4
      3660.8    48.18       38.94       H            -0.62       47.56    38.32    74.0    54.0     26.4       15.7
      3660.8    48.44       38.36       V            -0.62       47.82    37.74    74.0    54.0     26.2       16.3
       4576     45.63       34.62       H            0.99        46.62    35.61    74.0    54.0     27.4       18.4
       4576     48.40       39.19       V            0.99        49.39    40.18    74.0    54.0     24.6       13.8
                                                High Channel
       1025     56.78       49.87       H           -12.94       43.84    36.93    74.0    54.0     30.2       17.1
       1025     58.08       51.30       V           -12.94       45.14    38.36    74.0    54.0     28.9       15.6
      2782.8    46.26       40.77       H            -3.54       42.72    37.23    74.0    54.0     31.3       16.8
      2782.8    48.49       44.54       V            -3.54       44.95    41.00    74.0    54.0     29.0       13.0
      3710.4    49.98       41.58       H            -0.45       49.53    41.13    74.0    54.0     24.5       12.9
      3710.4    49.72       40.12       V            -0.45       49.27    39.67    74.0    54.0     24.7       14.3
       4638     48.54       40.64       H            1.19        49.73    41.83    74.0    54.0     24.3       12.2
       4638     49.78       41.16       V            1.19        50.97    42.35    74.0    54.0     23.0       11.7

          Report: 72124754-100                    TÜV SÜD America Inc.                            Page 12

   Model: ACT1                            FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                                IC: 864G-ACT1

Table Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data – Single Phase Host – Puck Antenna
                       Level       Antenna      Correction     Corrected Level       Limit               Margin
  Frequency           (dBuV)       Polarity      Factors          (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)               (dB)
               pk        Qpk/Avg    (H/V)          (dB)         pk     Qpk/Avg   pk     Qpk/Avg    pk      Qpk/Avg
                                               Low Channel
    2707.2    47.15       41.56       H           -3.74        43.41    37.82    74.0    54.0     30.6       16.2
    2707.2    47.97       40.55       V           -3.74        44.23    36.81    74.0    54.0     29.8       17.2
    3609.6    48.29       40.13       H           -0.81        47.48    39.32    74.0    54.0     26.5       14.7
    3609.6    48.23       39.48       V           -0.81        47.42    38.67    74.0    54.0     26.6       15.3
     4512     46.44       38.08       H           0.79         47.23    38.87    74.0    54.0     26.8       15.1
     4512     47.41       38.48       V           0.79         48.20    39.27    74.0    54.0     25.8       14.7
    5414.4    47.32       37.33       H           3.52         50.84    40.85    74.0    54.0     23.2       13.1
    5414.4    46.77       38.14       V           3.52         50.29    41.66    74.0    54.0     23.7       12.3
                                              Middle Channel
    2745.6    52.29       47.56       H           -3.63        48.66    43.93    74.0    54.0     25.3       10.1
    2745.6    46.21       41.42       V           -3.63        42.58    37.79    74.0    54.0     31.4       16.2
    3660.8    49.38       40.19       H           -0.62        48.76    39.57    74.0    54.0     25.2       14.4
    3660.8    50.10       39.95       V           -0.62        49.48    39.33    74.0    54.0     24.5       14.7
     4576     48.37       38.84       H           0.99         49.36    39.83    74.0    54.0     24.6       14.2
     4576     47.47       39.09       V           0.99         48.46    40.08    74.0    54.0     25.5       13.9
                                              High Channel
    2782.8    47.65       42.99       H           -3.54        44.11    39.45    74.0    54.0     29.9       14.5
    2782.8    47.21       41.52       V           -3.54        43.67    37.98    74.0    54.0     30.3       16.0
    3710.4    49.57       41.25       H           -0.45        49.12    40.80    74.0    54.0     24.9       13.2
    3710.4    49.54       40.32       V           -0.45        49.09    39.87    74.0    54.0     24.9       14.1
     4638     48.21       39.35       H           1.19         49.40    40.54    74.0    54.0     24.6       13.5
     4638     49.55       41.20       V           1.19         50.74    42.39    74.0    54.0     23.3       11.6

Table Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data – Single Phase Host – Stubby Antenna
                       Level       Antenna      Correction     Corrected Level       Limit               Margin
  Frequency           (dBuV)       Polarity      Factors          (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)               (dB)
               pk        Qpk/Avg    (H/V)          (dB)         pk     Qpk/Avg   pk     Qpk/Avg    pk      Qpk/Avg
                                               Low Channel
    1000.4    57.38       47.74       H           -13.14       44.23    34.59    74.0    54.0     29.8       19.4
    1000.4    57.15       45.53       V           -13.14       44.00    32.38    74.0    54.0     30.0       21.6
    2707.2    47.51       41.44       H            -3.74       43.77    37.70    74.0    54.0     30.2       16.3
    2707.2    49.46       42.00       V            -3.74       45.72    38.26    74.0    54.0     28.3       15.7
    3609.6    49.12       40.61       H            -0.81       48.31    39.80    74.0    54.0     25.7       14.2
    3609.6    48.24       39.62       V            -0.81       47.43    38.81    74.0    54.0     26.6       15.2
     4512     47.87       38.64       H            0.79        48.66    39.43    74.0    54.0     25.3       14.6
     4512     48.29       39.46       V            0.79        49.08    40.25    74.0    54.0     24.9       13.7
                                              Middle Channel
     1002     58.81       47.58       H           -13.13       45.68    34.45    74.0    54.0     28.3       19.6
     1002     56.59       45.31       V           -13.13       43.46    32.18    74.0    54.0     30.5       21.8
    2745.6    47.87       42.35       H            -3.63       44.24    38.72    74.0    54.0     29.8       15.3
    2745.6    48.32       42.64       V            -3.63       44.69    39.01    74.0    54.0     29.3       15.0
    3660.8    49.11       40.50       H            -0.62       48.49    39.88    74.0    54.0     25.5       14.1
    3660.8    47.58       39.56       V            -0.62       46.96    38.94    74.0    54.0     27.0       15.1
     4576     47.76       39.13       H            0.99        48.75    40.12    74.0    54.0     25.2       13.9
     4576     48.40       39.56       V            0.99        49.39    40.55    74.0    54.0     24.6       13.4
                                              High Channel
     1012     55.52       45.51       H           -13.05       42.47    32.46    74.0    54.0     31.5       21.5
     1012     59.23       48.16       V           -13.05       46.18    35.11    74.0    54.0     27.8       18.9
    2782.8    47.40       37.64       H            -3.54       43.86    34.10    74.0    54.0     30.1       19.9
    2782.8    48.12       40.84       V            -3.54       44.58    37.30    74.0    54.0     29.4       16.7
    3710.4    49.19       38.88       H            -0.45       48.74    38.43    74.0    54.0     25.3       15.6
    3710.4    48.75       37.85       V            -0.45       48.30    37.40    74.0    54.0     25.7       16.6
     4638     46.79       37.33       H            1.19        47.98    38.52    74.0    54.0     26.0       15.5
     4638     47.68       39.17       V            1.19        48.87    40.36    74.0    54.0     25.1       13.6

       Report: 72124754-100                     TÜV SÜD America Inc.                            Page 13

 Model: ACT1                            FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                                IC: 864G-ACT1

Table Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data – Poly Phase Host – Whip Antenna
                     Level       Antenna      Correction     Corrected Level       Limit               Margin
Frequency           (dBuV)       Polarity      Factors          (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)               (dB)
             pk        Qpk/Avg    (H/V)          (dB)         pk     Qpk/Avg   pk     Qpk/Avg    pk      Qpk/Avg
                                             Low Channel
   1016     54.08       47.46       H           -13.02       41.06    34.44    74.0    54.0     32.9       19.6
   1016     56.36       48.73       V           -13.02       43.34    35.71    74.0    54.0     30.7       18.3
  2707.2    49.39       45.96       H            -3.74       45.65    42.22    74.0    54.0     28.3       11.8
  2707.2    50.60       46.25       V            -3.74       46.86    42.51    74.0    54.0     27.1       11.5
  3609.6    48.31       37.84       H            -0.81       47.50    37.03    74.0    54.0     26.5       17.0
  3609.6    47.48       37.05       V            -0.81       46.67    36.24    74.0    54.0     27.3       17.8
   4512     48.31       39.96       H            0.79        49.10    40.75    74.0    54.0     24.9       13.2
   4512     47.14       38.45       V            0.79        47.93    39.24    74.0    54.0     26.1       14.8
  5414.4    46.19       36.06       H            3.52        49.71    39.58    74.0    54.0     24.3       14.4
                                            Middle Channel
   1010     55.22       43.49       H           -13.06       42.15    30.42    74.0    54.0     31.8       23.6
   1010     55.16       45.01       V           -13.06       42.09    31.94    74.0    54.0     31.9       22.1
  2745.6    52.20       49.78       H            -3.63       48.57    46.15    74.0    54.0     25.4       7.9
  2745.6    51.83       49.35       V            -3.63       48.20    45.72    74.0    54.0     25.8       8.3
   4576     48.57       43.51       H            0.99        49.56    44.50    74.0    54.0     24.4       9.5
   4576     46.09       41.23       V            0.99        47.08    42.22    74.0    54.0     26.9       11.8
                                            High Channel
   1015     58.37       47.05       H           -13.02       45.34    34.02    74.0    54.0     28.7       20.0
   1015     60.21       49.97       V           -13.02       47.18    36.94    74.0    54.0     26.8       17.1
  2782.8    48.98       37.33       H            -3.54       45.44    33.79    74.0    54.0     28.6       20.2
  2782.8    48.44       39.30       V            -3.54       44.90    35.76    74.0    54.0     29.1       18.2
   4638     49.58       43.25       H            1.19        50.77    44.44    74.0    54.0     23.2       9.6
   4638     48.55       41.41       V            1.19        49.74    42.60    74.0    54.0     24.3       11.4

Table Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data – Poly Phase Host – Puck Antenna
                     Level       Antenna      Correction     Corrected Level       Limit               Margin
Frequency           (dBuV)       Polarity      Factors          (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)               (dB)
             pk        Qpk/Avg    (H/V)          (dB)         pk     Qpk/Avg   pk     Qpk/Avg    pk      Qpk/Avg
                                             Low Channel
  2707.2    52.32       48.28       H           -3.91        48.41    44.37    74.0    54.0     25.6       9.6
  2707.2    48.91       41.51       V           -3.91        45.00    37.60    74.0    54.0     29.0       16.4
   4512     49.72       36.74       H           0.54         50.26    37.28    74.0    54.0     23.7       16.7
   4512     48.86       34.80       V           0.54         49.40    35.34    74.0    54.0     24.6       18.7
                                            Middle Channel
   1072     57.45       43.72       H           -12.60       44.85    31.12    74.0    54.0     29.1       22.9
   1072     56.55       44.84       V           -12.60       43.95    32.24    74.0    54.0     30.0       21.8
  2745.6    52.31       48.35       H            -3.80       48.51    44.55    74.0    54.0     25.5       9.4
  2745.6    51.17       44.73       V            -3.80       47.37    40.93    74.0    54.0     26.6       13.1
   4576     52.31       44.08       H            0.75        53.06    44.83    74.0    54.0     20.9       9.2
   4576     49.69       40.05       V            0.75        50.44    40.80    74.0    54.0     23.6       13.2
                                            High Channel
   1008     55.67       43.96       H           -13.08       42.58    30.87    74.0    54.0     31.4       23.1
   1008     54.39       44.26       V           -13.08       41.30    31.17    74.0    54.0     32.7       22.8
  2782.8    53.73       50.79       H            -3.69       50.04    47.10    74.0    54.0     24.0       6.9
  2782.8    51.62       44.49       V            -3.69       47.93    40.80    74.0    54.0     26.1       13.2

     Report: 72124754-100                     TÜV SÜD America Inc.                            Page 14

    Model: ACT1                             FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                                IC: 864G-ACT1

 Table Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data – Poly Phase Host – Stubby Antenna
                         Level       Antenna      Correction     Corrected Level       Limit                Margin
   Frequency            (dBuV)       Polarity      Factors          (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)                (dB)
                 pk        Qpk/Avg    (H/V)          (dB)         pk     Qpk/Avg   pk     Qpk/Avg     pk      Qpk/Avg
                                                 Low Channel
     2707.2     50.54       45.36       H           -3.91        46.63    41.45    74.0    54.0      27.4       12.5
     2707.2     50.71       45.10       V           -3.91        46.80    41.19    74.0    54.0      27.2       12.8
      4512      51.15       42.54       H            0.54        51.69    43.08    74.0    54.0      22.3       10.9
      4512      49.32       39.52       V            0.54        49.86    40.06    74.0    54.0      24.1       13.9
                                                Middle Channel
      1067      56.03       44.07       H           -12.64       43.39    31.43    74.0    54.0      30.6       22.6
      1067      53.84       42.78       V           -12.64       41.20    30.14    74.0    54.0      32.8       23.9
     2745.6     50.96       47.39       H            -3.80       47.16    43.59    74.0    54.0      26.8       10.4
     2745.6     50.83       46.29       V            -3.80       47.03    42.49    74.0    54.0      27.0       11.5
      4576      50.38       41.77       H             0.75       51.13    42.52    74.0    54.0      22.9       11.5
      4576      49.22       41.00       V             0.75       49.97    41.75    74.0    54.0      24.0       12.3
                                                High Channel
      1023      55.66       44.79       H           -12.97       42.69    31.82    74.0    54.0      31.3       22.2
      1023      55.36       44.03       V           -12.97       42.39    31.06    74.0    54.0      31.6       22.9
     2782.8     48.46       36.54       H            -3.69       44.77    32.85    74.0    54.0      29.2       21.2
     2782.8     49.40       39.43       V            -3.69       45.71    35.74    74.0    54.0      28.3       18.3 Sample Calculation:

CFT      =      Total Correction Factor (AF+CA+AG)-DC (Average Measurements Only)
RU       =      Uncorrected Reading
RC       =      Corrected Level
AF       =      Antenna Factor
CA       =      Cable Attenuation
AG       =      Amplifier Gain
DC       =      Duty Cycle Correction Factor

Example Calculation: Peak – Single Phase Host – Whip Antenna

Corrected Level: 59.41 - 13.13 = 46.28dBuV/m
Margin: 74.0dBuV/m – 46.28dBuV/m = 27.7dB

Example Calculation: Average – Single Phase Host – Whip Antenna

Corrected Level: 47.71 - 13.13 - 0 = 34.58dBuV
Margin: 54.0dBuV – 34.58dBuV =19.4dB

         Report: 72124754-100                     TÜV SÜD America Inc.                              Page 15

    Model: ACT1                   FCC ID: SK9-ACT1                      IC: 864G-ACT1


In the opinion of TÜV SÜD America Inc. the ACT1, manufactured by Itron, Inc. meets the
requirements of FCC Part 15 subpart C and ISED Canada’s Radio Standards Specification RSS-
247 for a Class II Permissive Change Certification, for the tests detailed in this report.

                                  END REPORT

      Report: 72124754-100             TÜV SÜD America Inc.                Page 16

Document Created: 2017-05-01 14:58:35
Document Modified: 2017-05-01 14:58:35

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