Users Manual


Users Manual

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                                                        PRELIMINARY                                                 Confidential

                                      SmartMesh-XDTM M2140/M2040
                                                                                                  2.4 GHz Wireless Mote

Product Description
Dust Network’s network-ready SmartMesh-XD™ M2x40 allows OEMs to build solutions for the global market using ultra low-power,
highly reliable system-on-chip (SoC) mesh networking solutions. The M2x40 combines a microprocessor and a standards-based 802.15.4
radio with robust networking capabilities built on top of the industry-leading Time Synchronized Mesh Protocol (TSMP) pioneered by Dust
The M2x40 is tailored for use in battery- and line-powered wireless devices for applications that demand proven performance and
scalability. The innovative radio design in the M2x40 operates in the global license-free 2.4 GHz band, with 80% less receiver current than
comparable radios in the market. The combination of extremely high reliability and low power consumption enables applications that
require very low installation cost for low-maintenance, long-term deployments. The M2x40 provides all the functionalities of a mote in an
easy-to-integrate Mote-on-Chip™ (MoC). The multi-functional interface of the M2x40 gives it the flexibility to be used in a wide variety
of applications, from industrial process monitoring to building control to machine health monitoring. The M2x40 requires no embedded
programming, enabling OEMs to reduce the development time and cost for wireless sensor networking solutions.
About SmartMesh®
Dust Networks SmartMesh® products combine robust networking capabilities with TSMP, pioneered by Dust Networks, and standards-
based motes to provide proven wireless sensor networking systems. SmartMesh® systems achieve high network reliability in the face of
unpredictable or harsh RF environments, utilize frequency hopping for interference rejection and have a typical battery life of 5-10 years.
Each node in a SmartMesh-based network is a router, offering mesh-to-the-edge™ advantage for easy network integration, installation and
maintenance. With a flexible platform and predictable network performance, OEMs can wirelessly enable a whole host of solutions for
their industrial automation, building automation and defense markets.
Key Features
                                                                    Easy Integration
Ultra Low Power Consumption
  •    Innovative radio design that consumes 80% less                 •    M2x40 provides all the functionality of a mote with zero
       power in receive mode than competing solutions                      embedded programming, or complex configuration
  •    Delivers additional 5X increase in battery life                •    Complete RF stage—balun, antenna matching circuitry,
  •    Automatic network-wide coordination for efficient                   Power Amplifier, and antenna connector included
       power usage                                                    •    High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) serial interface
Reliable Networking                                                        with bidirectional flow control
  •    Uses the Time-Synchronized Mesh Protocol                       •    Industrial temperature range –40 °C to +85 °C
       (TSMP) for high reliability (> 99.9% typical                   •    FCC, IC and CE modular RF certifications (pending)
       network reliability)                                         802.15.4 Standard Radio
  •    Frequency hopping for interference rejection                   •    Global 2.4 GHz license-free band: suitable for use in
  •    Mesh networking for built-in redundancy                             North America, Europe and most of Asia
  •    Every M2x40 acts as both an endpoint and a router,             •    +8 dBm (6.3 mW) conducted RF output power
       increasing network reliability: mesh-to-the-edge™              •    –90 dBm receiver sensitivity
  •    Automatic self-organizing mesh networking                      •    300 m outdoor range (typical)
       capability built-in                                            •    Direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) for additional
                                                                           interference rejection

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                             Dust Networks™                                                                         1

                                                       PRELIMINARY                                               Confidential

Table of Contents
1.0      Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................4

2.0      Normal Operating Conditions .............................................................................4

3.0      Electrical Specifications .....................................................................................5

4.0      Timing Values.....................................................................................................6

5.0      Radio..................................................................................................................6
  5.1 Detailed Radio Specifications ................................................................................ 6
  5.2 Antenna Specifications......................................................................................... 7
6.0      Pinout ................................................................................................................8
  6.1 M2x40 Pinout ..................................................................................................... 8
7.0      Mote Boot Up......................................................................................................9
  7.1 Power-on Sequence............................................................................................. 9
  7.2 Inrush Current.................................................................................................... 9
  7.3 Serial Interface Boot Up ......................................................................................10
      7.3.1 M2x40 Serial Interface Boot Up......................................................................10
8.0      Interfaces ........................................................................................................10
  8.1 Timestamps ......................................................................................................10
             ¯¯¯ Signal ..............................................................................................11
  8.2 Status LED
  8.3 Serial Interface..................................................................................................11
      8.3.1 Serial Interface Overview ..............................................................................11
      8.3.2 Serial Interface Timing Requirements .............................................................13     CTS Byte-level Handshake .....................................................................13     Data Flow Out of the Mote Serial Port ......................................................14     Data Flow Into the Mote Serial Port .........................................................14
9.0      Packaging Description......................................................................................15
  9.1 Mechanical Drawing............................................................................................15
  9.2 Soldering Information .........................................................................................16
10.0     Regulatory and Standards Compliance .............................................................16
  10.1         FCC Compliance...........................................................................................16
      10.1.1 FCC Testing ................................................................................................16
      10.1.2 FCC-approved Antennae ...............................................................................17
      10.1.3 OEM Labeling Requirements ..........................................................................17
  10.2         Industry Canada (IC) Compliance...................................................................17
      10.2.1 IC Testing...................................................................................................17
      10.2.2 IC-approved Antennae..................................................................................17
      10.2.3 OEM Labeling Requirements ..........................................................................17
  10.3         CE Compliance ............................................................................................17
      10.3.1 Declaration of Conformity .............................................................................17
      10.3.2 European Compliance ...................................................................................18
      10.3.3 OEM Labeling Requirements ..........................................................................18
      10.3.4 Restrictions.................................................................................................18

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                           Dust Networks™                                                                       2

                                                 PRELIMINARY                                          Confidential

  10.4      Industrial Environment Operation...................................................................18
11.0   Ordering Information .......................................................................................18

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                      Dust Networks™                                                                3

                                                 PRELIMINARY                                        Confidential

1.0               Absolute Maximum Ratings
The absolute maximum ratings shown below should under no circumstances be violated. Permanent damage to the device
may be caused by exceeding one or more of these parameters.
Table 1     Absolute Maximum Ratings
           Parameter                    Min         Typ         Max         Units              Comments
 Supply voltage (Vcc to GND)            –0.3                     3.6           V
 Voltage on any digital I/O pin         –0.3                  VCC + 0.3        V
                                                              up to 3.6
 Input RF level                                                   10         dBm       Input power at antenna
 Storage temperature range              –45                      +85          °C
 Lead temperature                                               +230          °C       For 10 seconds
 VSWR of antenna                                                 3:1
 * All voltages are referenced to GND
           Caution! The M2x40 can withstand an electrostatic discharge of up to 2 kV Human Body Model (HBM) or
           200 V Machine Model (MM) applied to any header pin, except the antenna connector. The antenna input can
           withstand a discharge of up to 50 V.

2.0               Normal Operating Conditions
Table 2     Normal Operating Conditions
            Parameter                   Min          Typ         Max         Units             Comments
 Operational supply voltage             2.75                      3.3          V        Including noise and load
 range (between Vcc and GND)                                                            regulation
 Voltage on analog input pins             0                       1.8          V
 Voltage supply noise                                             200        mVp-p      50 Hz–15 MHz
 Peak current
   Power amplifier enabled                                       TBD          mA        TX during OTAP*. (TBD)
                                                                                        ms max
                                                                 TBD          mA        TX, 5 ms maximum
                                                                 TBD          mA        Searching for network, 60
                                                                                        minutes maximum
                                                                 TBD          mA        Radio turn on, (TBD) μs
                                                                 TBD          mA        boot_delay (see Table 7)
 Peak current
   Power amplifier disabled                                      TBD          mA        TX during OTAP*. (TBD)
                                                                                        ms max
                                                                 TBD          mA        TX, 5 ms maximum
                                                                 TBD          mA        Searching for network, 60
                                                                                        minutes maximum
                                                                 TBD          mA        Radio turn on, (TBD) μs
                                                                 TBD          mA        boot_delay (see Table 7)
 Average current

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                      Dust Networks™                                                             4

                                                   PRELIMINARY                                       Confidential

     Power amplifier enabled                            TBD                   µA       Assuming 80 byte
     Power amplifier disabled                           TBD                   µA       packets, 1 per 2 minutes,
                                                                                       data-only mote, 3V, 25 °C
 Storage and operating                    -40                       +85       °C
 Maximum allowed temperature                                         8       °C/min    –40 °C to +85 °C
 ramp during operation
 Operating relative humidity               10                       90       % RH      Non-condensing
 *OTAP = over-the-air programming of motes
Unless otherwise noted, Table 3 assumes Vcc is 3.0 V.
Table 3       Current Consumption
              Parameter                   Min           Typ        Max       Units            Comments
     Power amplifier enabled                            18                    mA
     Power amplifier disabled                            7                    mA
 Receive                                                 6                    mA
 Sleep                                                   5                    µA

3.0                  Electrical Specifications
Table 4       Device Load
              Parameter                   Min           Typ        Max       Units            Comments
 Total capacitance                                                 15.5       µF      Vcc to GND
Unless otherwise noted, Vcc is 3.0 V and temperature is –40 °C to +85 °C
Table 5       Digital I/O Type 1
            Digital Signal               Min            Typ        Max       Units            Comments
 VIL (low-level input voltage)           –0.3                       0.6        V
 VIH (high-level input voltage)        0.8 x VCC                 Vcc + 0.3     V
 VOL (low-level output voltage)                                     0.4        V
 VOH (high-level output voltage)          2.4                                  V
 Digital current
       Output source (single pin)                       3.7                   mA      25 °C
       Output sink (single pin)                         2.0                   mA      25 °C
 Input leakage current                                  50                    nA      25 °C
     This current level guarantees that the output voltage meets VOH and VOL specifications above.

Table 6       Digital I/O Type 2
            Digital Signal               Min            Typ        Max       Units            Comments
 VIL (low-level input voltage)           –0.3                       0.6        V
 VIH (high-level input voltage)        0.8 x VCC                VCC + 0.3      V
 VOL (low-level output voltage,                                     0.6        V      IOL < 0.6 mA, 85 °C
     multi-function I/O configured
     as output)
 VOH low-level output voltage,         VCC – 0.6                   VCC         V      IOH > –0.6 mA, 85 °C
    multi-function I/O configured
    as output)

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                        Dust Networks™                                                         5

                                                  PRELIMINARY                                        Confidential

            Digital Signal               Min         Typ         Max          Units            Comments
 Digital current
       Output source (single pin,                    0.6                       mA      25 °C
       multifunction I/O configured
       as output)
       Output sink (single pin,                      0.6                       mA      25 °C
       multifunction I/O configured
       as output)
 Input leakage current                                50                       nA      25 °C
     This current level guarantees that the output voltage meets VOH and VOL specifications above.

4.0                  Timing Values
Table 7       Timing Values
        Variable                                 Meaning                              Min       Max       Units
 ¯¯¯ pulse width
 RST                    Reset timing                                                  125                  µs
 interbyte_timeout      The time between consecutive data bytes on the serial                    7         ms
                        port cannot exceed this time.
 interpacket_delay      The sender of an HDLC packet must wait at least this          20                   ms
                        amount of time before sending another packet.
 ack_delay                                              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ and the
                        The max time delay between the MT_RTS                          1        500        ms
                        receiver’s acknowledge, SP_CTS
 time_ack_timeout                                ¯¯¯¯ pin activation requests
                        The mote responds to all TIME                                           100        ms
                        within this time.
 diag_ack_timeout       The mote responds to all requests within this time.                     125        ms
 min_strobe_length      The length of the strobe signal.                              500                  ns
 boot_delay             The time between mote power up and serial interface                    6250        ms

5.0                  Radio
5.1                  Detailed Radio Specifications
              Parameter                  Min         Typ         Max          Units            Comments
 Operating frequency                    2.4000                  2.4835        GHz
 Number of channels                                   15
 Channel separation                                    5                      MHz
 Occupied channel bandwidth                           2.7                     MHz      At –20 dBc
 Frequency Accuracy                      -50                     +50           kHz
 Modulation                                                                            IEEE 802.15.4 DSSS
 Raw data rate                                       250                      Kbps
 Receiver operating input level                        0          -10         dBm
 Receiver sensitivity                                –93                      dBm      At 50% PER, VDD = 3 V,
                                                                                       25 °C
                                                     –90                      dBm      At 1% PER, VDD = 3 V,
                                                                                       25 °C, (inferred by 50%
                                                                                       PER measurement)

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                                                   PRELIMINARY                                          Confidential

             Parameter                    Min          Typ           Max        Units              Comments
 Output power, conducted
   Power amplifier enabled                              +8                       dBm        VDD = 3 V, 25 °C
   Power amplifier disabled                             –3                       dBm        VDD = 3 V, 25 °C
   Power amplifier enabled:
           Indoor                                      100                         m        25 °C, 50% RH, 1 meter
           Outdoor                                     300                         m        above ground, +2 dBi
                                                                                            omni-directional antenna
   Power amplifier disabled:
           Indoor                                       25                         m
           Outdoor                                     200                         m
 * Actual RF range performance is subject to a number of installation-specific variables including, but not
   restricted to ambient temperature, relative humidity, presence of active interference sources, line-of-sight
   obstacles, near-presence of objects (for example, trees, walls, signage, and so on) that may induce
   multipath fading. As a result, actual performance varies for each instance.

5.2                 Antenna Specifications
A MMCX-compatible male connector is provided on board for the antenna connection. The antenna must meet specifications
in Table 8. For a list of FCC-approved antennae see section 10.1.2.
Table 8      Antenna Specifications
                        Parameter                                                        Value
 Frequency range                                               2.4 – 2.4835 GHz
 Impedance                                                     50 Ω
 Gain                                                          +2 dBi maximum
 Pattern                                                       Omni-directional
 Maximum VSWR                                                  3:1
 Connector                                                     MMCX*
 * The M2x40 can accommodate the following RF mating connectors:
   • MMCX straight connector such as Johnson 135-3402-001, or equivalent
   • MMCX right angle connector such as Tyco 1408149-1, or equivalent
When the mote is placed inside an enclosure, the antenna should be mounted such that the radiating portion of the antenna
protrudes from the enclosure. The antenna should be connected using a MMCX connector on a coaxial cable. For optimum
performance, allow the antenna to be positioned vertically when installed.

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                        Dust Networks™                                                                  7

                                                      PRELIMINARY                                           Confidential

6.0               Pinout
The M2x40 has two 11-pin Samtec MTMM-111-04-S-S-175-3 (or equivalent) connectors on the bottom side for handling all
of the I/O. The third pin in each of the connectors is not populated, and serves as a key for alignment. The connectors are
mounted on opposite edges of the long axis of the M2x40.

6.1               M2x40 Pinout
The M2x40 provides a bidirectional flow-controlled serial interface (serial protocol is specified in section Error! Reference
source not found.).
Table 9      M2x40 Pin Functions
     Pin              Pin Name                      Description                    Type         Direction
       1                 GND              Ground                               Power           –
       2                 VCC              Power                                Power           –
       3             KEY (no pin)         –                                    –               –
       4                  RX              UART Rx                              Type 2          In
       5                   TX             UART Tx                              Type 2          Out
       6                 ¯¯¯¯
                         LED              Active low led turn on               Type 1          Out
       7               ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
                       MT_RTS             UART active low mote ready           Type 2          Out
                                          to send
       8               ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
                       MT_CTS             UART active low mote clear to        Type 1          Out
       9               ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
                       SP_CTS             UART active low serial               Type 2          In
                                          peripheral clear to send
      10                 ¯¯¯¯
                         TIME             Falling edge time request            Type 2          In
      11             Mode_pin_B           Selects between Mode 1 &             Type 2          In
                                          Mode 3 operation (9600bps &
                                          115.2 kbps)
      12            ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
                    FLASH_P_EN            Active low flash power enable        –               –
      13            No connection         –                                    –               –
      14            No connection         –                                    –               –
      15            No connection         –                                    –               –
      16            No connection         –                                    –               –
      17                  SCK             SPI clock                            –               –
      18                 MOSI             SPI master out slave in serial       –               –
      19                 MISO             SPI master in slave out serial       –               –
      20             KEY (no pin)         –                                    –               –
      21                ¯¯¯¯¯¯
                        SPI_CS            Active low flash chip select         –               –
      22                  ¯¯¯
                          RST             Active low reset                     Type 1          In

      ¯¯¯ input pin is internally pulled up, and connecting it is optional. When driven active low, the mote is hardware reset
                                                                                    ¯¯¯ pin. Note that the mote may also be
until the signal is deasserted. Refer to section 7.1 for timing requirements on the RST
reset using the mote serial command (see Mote Serial API guide).
     ¯¯¯¯ input pin is optional, and must either be driven or pulled up with a 5.1 MΩ resistor. Unless noted otherwise, all
signals are active low.

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                          Dust Networks™                                                                     8

                                                     PRELIMINARY                                           Confidential

7.0               Mote Boot Up
7.1               Power-on Sequence
The M2x40 mote has internal power-on-reset circuits that ensure that the mote will properly boot. However, for the power-
on-reset circuitry to function properly, the external power supply must meet the timing shown in Figure 1 and specified in
Table 10.

Figure 1     External Power Supply Timing Requirement
The following reset sequence (shown in Figure 2 and specified in Table 10) is required for external power supplies that fail to
meet the requirement above.

Figure 2     Power-on Sequence
Table 10     Power-on Sequence
     Parameter              Min          Typ           Max         Units           Comments
 TVcc2RST                    0                                       ms
 TVccRv1v2                                              10           µs

7.2               Inrush Current
During power on, the mote can be modeled as a lumped impedance, as shown in Figure 3 . With a source impedance (Rsrc) of
1 Ω, the inrush current on the mote appears as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 3     M2x40 Equivalent Series RC Circuit

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                         Dust Networks™                                                                  9

                                                            PRELIMINARY                                    Confidential

                                         Vcc Inrush Current (Power On with Supply Impedance of 1 Ohm)


               Current (mA)



                                     0        50                100               150              200         250
                                                                      Time (us)

Figure 4       VCC Inrush Current

7.3                            Serial Interface Boot Up

7.3.1                          M2x40 Serial Interface Boot Up
                            ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ line is high (inactive). The M2x40 serial interface boots within boot_delay (see Error!
Upon M2x40 power up, the MT_CTS
Reference source not found.) of the mote powering up, at which time the M2x40 will transmit an HDLC Mote Information
packet. Note that full handshake (see section 8.3.2) is in effect and is required to receive this packet.

8.0                            Interfaces
8.1                            Timestamps
The M2x40 has the ability to deliver network-wide synchronized timestamps. The M2x40 sends a time packet (as described
in Error! Reference source not found.) through its serial interface when one of the following occurs:
    •      Mote receives an HDLC Get Parameter request for time/state (see Error! Reference source not found.)
    •                         ¯¯¯¯ signal is activated
           On the M2x40, mote TIME
     ¯¯¯¯ pin is optional and has the advantage of being more accurate. The value of the timestamp is taken within
approximately 1 ms of receiving a TIME¯¯¯¯ signal activation. If the HDLC request is used, because of packet processing, the
value of the timestamp may be captured several milliseconds after receipt of the packet. The real time delivered to the sensor
processor is relative to the real time clock on the Manager, which serves as the Network Real Time Clock (NRTC). The time
stamp skew across the network is guaranteed to be within ±250 ms of the NRTC.

Figure 5       Network Real Time Clock
When the time pin is activated for at least min_strobe_length (see Error! Reference source not found.), the mote responds
by sending the time packet within 100 ms delay.

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                                 Dust Networks™                                                        10

                                                         PRELIMINARY                                      Confidential

Figure 6        Operation of Time Pin

8.2                        ¯¯¯ Signal
                    Status LED
                                                                  ¯¯¯ . This signal indicates network connectivity information
The M2x40 provides an output that can be used to drive a status LED
which is most useful during mote installation. Alternatively, the mote’s network status may be polled via serial using the Get
Parameter request with the mote state parameter (see section Mote Serial API Guide).
Table 11               ¯¯¯ Signal
                Status LED
                        ¯¯¯ Signal Behavior
                        LED                                                               Mote State
    High                                                               Off, or in sleep mode
    Single blink (750 ms low, 3 s high)                                On, and searching for potential network
    Double blink (750 ms low, 750 ms high, 750 ms low, 3 s             On, and attempting to join the network
    Triple blink (750 ms low, 750 ms high, 750 ms low, 750 ms          On, and attempting to establish redundant links
    high, 750 ms low, 3 s high)
    Low                                                                On, fully configured into network with redundant

8.3                 Serial Interface

8.3.1               Serial Interface Overview
The M2x40 offers a well-defined five-signal serial interface that is optimized for low-powered embedded applications. This
                                                                                                     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ , MT_CTS
serial interface offers a serial port comprised of the data pins (TX, RX) as well as handshake pins (MT_RTS    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ,
SP_CTS) used for bidirectional flow control. Through this port, the M2x40 provides a means of transmitting and receiving
serial data through the wireless network, as well as a command interface that provides synchronized time stamping, local
configuration, and diagnostics.
The serial handshake provides for flow control of packets transmitted via the M2x40 serial interface. Packet delineation and
error control are handled separately. The handshake supports the following:
•     Full-duplex communication
•     Bidirectional byte-level flow control
                                                                                                  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ,MT_CTS
The five-signal serial port is comprised of the data pins (TX, RX) as well as the handshake pins (MT_RTS   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ,
SP_CTS) used for bidirectional flow control. This port supports 9600 bps operation in full-duplex mode. The handshake
signals are active low.
Table 12        Mode 1 and Mode 3 Serial Parameters
                Parameter                                     Mode 1                                Mode 3
       Control signals                        5-signal                              5-signal
       Flow control                           Bidirectional                         Bidirectional
             Bit rate                         9600 bps                              115.2 kbps

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                           Dust Networks™                                                             11

                                                    PRELIMINARY                Confidential

The following diagram illustrates the pins used in the handshaking protocol.

Figure 7     Diagram of Pins Used in Handshaking Protocol

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                        Dust Networks™                              12

                                                      PRELIMINARY                                       Confidential

Table 13         Pin Usage
           Pin                                                       Usage
 RX, TX                   Used for serial data flow into and out of the mote.
 MT_RTS                   This signal goes active low when the mote is ready to send a serial packet. The signal
                                              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ signal from the microprocessor goes active low (indicating
                          stays low until the SP_CTS
                          readiness to receive a packet) or the ack_delay timeout (see Error! Reference source
                          not found.) expires.
  SP_CTS                  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ should transition from high to active low in response to the MT_RTS
                          SP_CTS                                                                ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ signal from
                          the mote. This indicates that the microprocessor is ready to receive serial packets.
                                                                            ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ after receiving each byte. After
                          Following this, the microprocessor should strobe SP_CTS
                                                                                             ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ signal.
                          all packets are received, the microprocessor should de-assert the SP_CTS
 MT_CTS                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ indicates the state of the network connection and availability of data buffers to
                          receive packets destined for the network. Once the mote has established wireless network
                                                      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ pin to signify availability to accept serial packets for
                          connection, it will use the MT_CTS
                          wireless transmission. At certain critical times during communication, the mote may bring
                          ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ high. MT_CTS
                          MT_CTS          ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ will remain high if the mote does not have enough buffer space to
                          accept another packet. It will also remain high if the mote is not part of the network. OEM
                                                        ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ pin is low before initiating each serial packet for
                          designs must check that the MT_CTS
                          wireless transmission. Note that the mote may receive local serial packets at any time
                                              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ state.
                          regardless of the MT_CTS
                                                                                              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ in
                          Upon receipt of the first byte of the HDLC packet, the mote strobes MT_CTS
                          acknowledgement of each subsequent byte. After the last byte of the packet is received,
                          ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ switches back to signaling the availability of the network connection and data
                          buffers. The microprocessor should wait a minimum of interpacket_delay (see Error!
                          Reference source not found.) before initiating another packet transmission.
                          The mote can accept local commands (packets that are not sent through the network) at
                                                          ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ pin may be ignored when initiating these packets.
                          any time, and the status of the MT_CTS
                          (MT_CTS acknowledges each byte, as specified in section For a list of local
                          see Mote Serial API guide.)
   TIME                        ¯¯¯¯ pin is optional and can be used for triggering a timestamp packet. For details,
                          The TIME
                          refer to 8.1.

8.3.2                Serial Interface Timing Requirements      CTS Byte-level Handshake
The following diagram shows generic CTS byte-level flow control timing. The following details are applicable to both
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ and ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
MT_CTS       SP_CTS.

Figure 8         CTS Byte-level Flow Control Timing

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                         Dust Networks™                                                            13

                                                      PRELIMINARY                                           Confidential

Timeouts T1, T2, and T3 are defined as follows (refer to Error! Reference source not found. for values):
 T1: interbyte_timeout—Maximum time between the transmit module sending a byte and the receiving module
   acknowledging the byte using CTS (requests the next byte).
 T2: interpacket_delay—For communications into the mote, the minimum time after the mote receives the last byte of a
   packet before it can start receiving the next packet. For communications out of the mote, the minimum time between the
                                                                                                  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ to request to send
   mote receiving acknowledgement of the last byte reception (or timeout) and the mote driving MT_RTS
   another packet.
 T3: min_strobe_length—The minimum length of time that CTS must be held active to be recognized by the receiver.
                                                                                                             ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ is
In idle mode or upon expiration of the interbyte_timeout, the transmit side treats CTS as level triggered (MT_RTS
disregarded in case of local serial packets). After transfer of the first byte of a packet, the meaning of CTS signal is changed
to a byte acknowledgement strobe, active on a falling edge. In other words, CTS becomes a request signal for the next byte of
a packet. This acknowledgement strobe will occur for all packets (both local and network packets). Whenever timeouts T1 or
T2 occur, the packet is discarded and both sides switch to idle mode and start hunting for the next HDLC packet, assuming
CTS active low. If a packet is transferred completely, the interbyte_timeout after the last byte naturally takes care of
switching to idle mode.      Data Flow Out of the Mote Serial Port
Figure 9 illustrates the process that the mote uses to transmit serial data:
1. The mote ensures the interpacket_delay time has passed since the last transmission.
2.                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ to active, waits for a falling edge on ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
     The mote drives MT_RTS                                         SP_CTS. Timeout is defined as ack_delay (see Error!
     Reference source not found.), and is long enough to handle the worst-case response.
3.   If the mote times out before the ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ to inactive and drops the packet.
                                      SP_CTS becomes active, the mote restores MT_RTS
4.   If ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
        SP_CTS is active, then the mote transmits the first byte and follows the CTS byte-level handshaking rules for
     subsequent bytes.
5.   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ is restored to inactive after the ack_delay timeout has expired.

Figure 9      Packet Transmission from Mote      Data Flow Into the Mote Serial Port
Figure 10 illustrates the process the mote uses to receive serial data.
The mote may receive serial packets for local commands (not intended for wireless transmission) at any time regardless of
    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ status.
the MT_CTS
The mote signals its readiness to receive serial packets for wireless transmission (serial payload command 0x80) by driving
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ active low. The mote will drive MT_CTS
MT_CTS                                      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ low within interpacket_delay time (see Error! Reference source not
found.) after the transmission of the last packet.

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                          Dust Networks™                                                                14

                                               PRELIMINARY   Confidential

Figure 10   Packet Transmission to Mote

9.0            Packaging Description
9.1            Mechanical Drawing

Figure 11   M2x40 Mote Mechanical Drawing

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                      Dust Networks™              15

                                                     PRELIMINARY                                           Confidential

Figure 12     M2x40 Mote Footprint

9.2               Soldering Information
The M2x40 can be hand soldered with a soldering iron at 230 °C. The soldering iron should be in contact with the pin for 10
seconds or less. The M2x40 is also suitable for eutectic PbSn reflow.

10.0              Regulatory and Standards Compliance
10.1              FCC Compliance
The M2x40 mote complies with Part 15.247 modular (Intentional Radiator) of the FCC rules and regulations. Changes or
modifications not expressly approved by Dust Networks could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

10.1.1            FCC Testing
In order to fulfill FCC certification requirements, products incorporating the M2x40 mote must comply with the following:
1.   An external label must be provided on the outside of the final product enclosure specifying the FCC identifier as
     described in 10.1.3 below.
2.   The antenna must be electrically identical to the FCC-approved antenna specifications for the M2x40 as described in
     10.1.2 with the exception that the gain may be lower than specified in Table 14.
3.   The device integrating the M2x40 mote may not cause harmful interference, and must accept any interference received,
     including interference that may cause undesired operation.

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                         Dust Networks™                                                                16

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4.   An unintentional radiator scan must be performed on the device integrating the M2x40 mote, per FCC rules and
     regulations, CFR Title 47, Part 15, Subpart B. See FCC rules for specifics on requirements for declaration of conformity.

10.1.2            FCC-approved Antennae
The following are FCC-approved antenna specifications for the M2x40
Table 14      FCC-approved Antenna Specifications for the M2x40
           Gain                   Pattern                 Polarization             Frequency                Connector
 +2 dBi maximum            Omni-directional          Vertical                 2.4-2.4835 GHz           MMCX

10.1.3            OEM Labeling Requirements
The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) must ensure that FCC labeling requirements are met. The outside of the final
product enclosure must have a label with the following (or similar) text specifying the FCC identifier. The FCC ID and
certification code must be in Latin letters and Arabic numbers and visible without magnification.

            Contains transmitter module FCC ID: SJC-M2140
            Contains FCC ID: SJC-M2140

10.2              Industry Canada (IC) Compliance

10.2.1            IC Testing
The M2x40 is certified for modular Industry Canada (IC) RSS-210 approval. The OEM is responsible for its product to
comply with IC ICES-003 and FCC Part 15, Sub. B - Unintentional Radiators. The requirements of ICES-003 are equivalent
to FCC Part 15 Sub. B and Industry Canada accepts FCC test reports or CISPR 22 test reports for compliance with ICES-003.

10.2.2            IC-approved Antennae
The following are IC-approved antenna specifications for the M2x40.
Table 15      IC-approved Antenna Specifications for the M2x40
           Gain                   Pattern                 Polarization             Frequency                Connector
 +2 dBi maximum            Omni-directional          Vertical                 2.4-2.4835 GHz           MMCX

10.2.3            OEM Labeling Requirements
The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) must ensure that IC labeling requirements are met. The outside of the final
product enclosure must have a label with the following (or similar) text specifying the IC identifier. The IC ID and
certification code must be in Latin letters and Arabic numbers and visible without magnification

            Contains IC: 5853A-M2140

10.3              CE Compliance

10.3.1            Declaration of Conformity
We, Dust Networks, of
30695 Huntwood Ave
Hayward, CA 94544 USA
declare under our sole responsibility that our product,
SmartMesh-XD M2140 and M2040, and in combination with our accessories, to which this declaration relates is in
conformity with the appropriate standards ETSI EN 300 328, ETSI EN 301 489-17 and EN 60950, following the provisions

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                          Dust Networks™                                                              17

                                                     PRELIMINARY                                              Confidential

of Radio Equipment and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment directive 99/5/EC with requirements covering EMC
directive 89/336/EEC, and Low voltage directive 73/23/EEC.

10.3.2           European Compliance
If the M2140 and M2040 motes are incorporated into a product, the manufacturer must ensure compliance of the final
product to the European harmonized EMC and low-voltage/safety standards. A Declaration of Conformity must be issued for
each of these standards and kept on file as described in Annex II of the R&TTE Directive. Furthermore, the manufacturer
must maintain a copy of this M2140/M2040 user documentation and ensure the final product does not exceed the specified
power ratings, antenna specifications, and/or installation requirements as specified in the user manual. If any of these
specifications are exceeded in the final product, a submission must be made to a notified body for compliance testing to all
required standards.

10.3.3           OEM Labeling Requirements
The ‘CE’ marking must be affixed to a visible location on the OEM product. The CE mark shall consist of the initials “CE”
taking the following form:
    ƒ   If the CE marking is reduced or enlarged, the proportions given in the drawing below must be respected.
    ƒ   The CE marking must have a height of at least 5mm except where this is not possible on account of the nature of the
    ƒ   The CE marking must be affixed visibly, legibly, and indelibly.
Furthermore, since the usage of the 2400 – 2483.5 MHz band is not harmonized throughout Europe, the Restriction sign must
be placed to the right of the ‘CE’ marking as shown below. See the R&TTE Directive, Article 12 and Annex VII for more

Figure 13    CE Label Requirements

10.3.4           Restrictions
France—France imposes restrictions on the 2.4 GHz band. Go to or contact Dust Networks for more
Norway—Norway prohibits operation near Ny-Alesund in Svalbard. More information can be found at the Norway Posts and
Telecommunications site (

10.4             Industrial Environment Operation
The M2x40 is designed to meet the specifications of a harsh industrial environments which includes:
•   Shock and Vibration—The M2x40 complies with high vibration pipeline testing, as specified in IEC 60770-1.
•   Hazardous Locations—The M2x40 design is consistent with operation in UL Class 1 Division 1 and Division 2
    hazardous locations.
•   Temperature Extremes—The M2x40 is designed for industrial storage and operational temperature range of –40 °C to
    +85 °C.

11.0             Ordering Information
Product List:
        M2x40: Marconi / 2.4 GHz MHz Mote
Contact Information:
        Dust Networks
        30695 Huntwood Ave.
M2x40 Mote Datasheet                         Dust Networks™                                                                   18

                                            PRELIMINARY   Confidential

       Hayward, CA 94544
       Toll-Free Phone: 1 (866) 289-3878

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                   Dust Networks™              19

                                                                   PRELIMINARY                                                          Confidential

  Dust Networks™, the Dust Networks logo, SmartMesh-XT™, SmartMesh-XD™, Marconi™, mesh-to-the-edge™, and Mote-on-Chip™ are trademarks
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  Dust Networks products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or other systems where malfunction can reasonably be expected to
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  Dust Networks reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products or services at any
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  Dust Networks does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any Dust Networks patent right, copyright, mask
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  other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from Dust Networks under the patents or other intellectual property of Dust Networks.

  © Dust Networks, Inc. 2006, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

                                Document Number:           020-0026 rev 1 M2140 / M2040 Datasheet
                                Last Revised:              December 7, 2007

Document Status                         Product Status                                                         Definition
Advanced                        Planned or under                            This datasheet contains the design specifications for
Information                     development                                 product development. Dust Networks reserves the right to
                                                                            change specifications in any manner without notice.

Preliminary                     Engineering samples and                     This datasheet contains preliminary data; supplementary
                                pre-production prototypes                   data will be published at a later time. Dust Networks
                                                                            reserves the right to make changes at any time without
                                                                            notice in order to improve design and supply the best
                                                                            possible product. The product is not fully qualified at this
No Identification               Full production                             This datasheet contains the final specifications. Dust
Noted                                                                       Networks reserves the right to make changes at any time
                                                                            without notice in order to improve design and supply the
                                                                            best possible product.
Obsolete                        Not in production                           This datasheet contains specifications for a product that
                                                                            has been discontinued by Dust Networks. The datasheet is
                                                                            printed for reference information only.

M2x40 Mote Datasheet                                     Dust Networks™                                                                                      20

Document Created: 2007-12-07 10:09:59
Document Modified: 2007-12-07 10:09:59

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