Users Manual


Users Manual

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                            ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide
                                                                                                                                      023-0002 rev 1

                                                                                                                               November 1, 2012


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1 Introduction .............................................................................................................4
    1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................. 4
    1.2 Scope................................................................................................................ 4
    1.3 References ......................................................................................................... 4
    1.4 Definitions ......................................................................................................... 4
    1.5 General Description ............................................................................................. 4
    1.6 Operational Description........................................................................................ 4
    1.7 Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 5
2 Command and Response...........................................................................................5
    2.1 CLI UART ........................................................................................................... 5
    2.2 API UART ........................................................................................................... 6
3 Test Configurations ..................................................................................................6
    3.1 Radiated Immunity.............................................................................................. 6
    3.2 Emissions and Conducted Measurements ................................................................ 6
4 Tests ........................................................................................................................7
    4.1 Conventions ....................................................................................................... 7
    4.2 Receiver Emission Tests ....................................................................................... 7
    4.3 Transmitter Power and Spectral Tests .................................................................... 7
    4.4 Transmitter Carrier Tests ..................................................................................... 8
    4.5 Radiated Emissions ............................................................................................. 9
    4.6 Radiated Immunity.............................................................................................. 9
    4.7 Minimum Frequency Occupation, Hopping Sequence and Tests .................................12
    4.8 Occupied Channel Bandwidth, Duty Cycle and Dwell Time Tests ................................12
    4.9 Radio Inactive Emission Tests ..............................................................................13
5 Specifications .........................................................................................................13
    5.1 Radio Specifications............................................................................................13
6 Regulatory and Standards Compliance ...................................................................14
    6.1 RF Exposure ......................................................................................................14
    6.2 User’s Manual Language......................................................................................14
    6.3 FCC Compliance.................................................................................................14
      FCC Testing ..........................................................................................................15
      6.3.1 Antenna Selection ........................................................................................15
      6.3.2 OEM Labeling Requirements ..........................................................................15
    6.4 Industry Canada (IC) Compliance / Conformité à la norme Industrie Canada (IC)........15
      6.4.1 RF Exposure / Exposition aux Rayonnements Radiofréquences ...........................15
      6.4.2 User’s Manual Language / Libellé du Manuel d’Utilisateur ...................................16
      6.4.3 IC Testing / Protocole d’Essai.........................................................................16
      6.4.4 Antenna Selection / Choix de l’antenne ...........................................................16
      6.4.5 OEM Labeling Requirements / Etiquetage des appareils .....................................16
    6.5 CE Compliance ..................................................................................................17

2                                               Dust Networks                                   ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide

     6.5.1 Declaration of Conformity .............................................................................17
     6.5.2 European Compliance ...................................................................................17
     6.5.3 Antenna Selection ........................................................................................17
     6.5.4 OEM Labeling Requirements ..........................................................................17
  6.6 Compliance to Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) .....................................17
  6.7 Encryption Cipher ..............................................................................................18

ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide                       Dust Networks                                                          3

1            Introduction

1.1          Purpose
This document is provided to OEMs for the installation of the ETERNA2 into a finished product. Provided the OEM’s usage
of ETERNA2 is compliant with the requirements included in Section 6, the OEM is not required to complete radio
certification of ETERNA2’s radio performance in FCC, IC and CE regulated geographies. In addition this manual provides
the information necessary to perform certification of the ETERNA2 module for other geographies.

1.2          Scope
This document is intended for those who are responsible for installing and testing the ETERNA2 module design for
regulatory requirements.

1.3          References
    [1] IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006, Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for
        Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs)

1.4          Definitions
    DUT                        Device Under Test
    Mote                       A node in a mesh network
    Low Channel                The lowest frequency channel occupied by ETERNA2 is channel 0 centered at 2405 MHz.
                               This channel corresponds to channel 11, as defined by [1].
    Mid Channel                The channel closest to the center of the 2.4 GHz ISM band occupied by ETERNA2 is channel
                               7, centered at 2440 MHz. This channel corresponds to channel 18, as defined by [1].
    High Channel               The highest frequency channel occupied by ETERNA2 is channel 14, centered at 2475 MHz.
                               This channel corresponds to channel 25, as defined by [1].

1.5          General Description
ETERNA2 combines a microprocessor and a IEEE-802.15.4 radio with networking capabilities to provide a time
synchronized, ultra low power network, designed to enable operation from battery sources for extended periods of time. The
design is a PCB including “castellated” leads for access to the device and network, an SoC (includes radio and CPU), power
supply filtering, and an MMCX connector to the antenna port or integral antenna.

1.6          Operational Description
ETERNA2 provides a IEEE 802.15.4 compliant radios that modulate a DSSS OQPSK set of symbols at a chip rate of 2
Mcps. Dust radios operate on a TDMA time schedule that uses either 7.25 or 10 ms timeslots. A transmit timeslot consists of
5 stages:
     1. Initialization: radio is prepared for transmit (transmitter is off)
     2. Ramp: transmitter is ramped to peak power
     3. Transmit: 128 bytes of data maximum + 5 bytes preamble/SFD
     4. Turnaround: radio is set to receive
     5. Receive: radio waits in receive for ACK, then turns off

Total transmit time for a 128 byte packet plus all overhead (SFD / Preamble / Ramp) is 4.33ms.
A receive timeslot consists of 5 stages:
    1. Initialization: radio is prepared for receive
    2. Check for start of packet – if no packet is received within a guard time the radio is disabled and no further action is

4                                             Dust Networks                                 ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide

    3. Receive the packet: up to 128 bytes of data maximum + 5 bytes preamble/SFD
    4. Turnaround: radio waits 1 ms and then is set to transmit
    5. Transmit: radio sends an ACK (21 bytes of data + 5 bytes preamble/SFD), then turns off
Total transmit time for an ACK is plus all overhead (SFD / Preamble / Ramp) is 1.101 ms.
Measured records and calculations of ETERNA2 radio transmit duty cycling are included in “ETERNA Duty cycle.pdf”.
When the radio is not in operation, the CPU is occasionally (every few seconds for a few milliseconds) operating, monitoring
temperature and voltage. The remainder of the time the ETERNA2 in a low power mode operating solely from a 32 kHz
crystal source.

1.7          Block Diagram

                                                                                            32 kHz

                                             Timer Clocks
                                Timers       32.768 kHz &      32 kHz, 20 MHz
                                                20 MHz
         SRAM                                                     Primary                              Voltage Reference
         72 KB                                                    DC/DC
                                                                 Converter                              Core Regulator

                                                                                                        Clock Regulator
          Flash                 PMU /
                                            Microprocessor              Relaxation                     Analog Regulator
         512 KB                  Clock
                                Control     Clock 1.8432 to              Oscillator

                                                                                                                           20 MHz
                                             18.432 MHz                                  PA
        Flash                                                 PoR
                                AES             802.15.4
                                                                 DAC          LPF
          Code                                                              Tx VCO out = fc MHz               PA
                                                802.15.4                                             PLL
      Cortex-M3                                   DMA                  Rx VCO out = fc – 2.5 MHz
                                                               ADC Limitter           BPF               PPF     LNA

            IPCS        CLI         API
                                               ADC            10-bit                                           Bat.
             SPI      UART        UART
                      (2 pin)     (6-pin)      Ctrl.          ADC                                              Load
            Slave                                                             VGA

Note that fc = 2405 + n*5 MHz, where n = 0, 1, 2, … 14.

2            Command and Response

2.1          CLI UART
ETERNA2 includes a Command Line Interface, CLI, UART that supports a full set of text commands described in this
document to enable product certification. The interface operates at LVTTL levels matching the VSUPPLY input to
ETERNA2. The UART is configured at 9600 baud, 8-bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, and does not support flow control.

ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide                          Dust Networks                                                        5

2.2          API UART
ETERNA2 offers a comprehensive Application Programming Interface, API, that provides full programmatic access to
control the device, monitor its status (such as battery charge and network status), and provide access to the wireless mesh
network. Messages over the API UART are HDLC encoded and require specific software to support command and response
communication required for regulatory testing. Refer to the SmartMesh API Guide for details.

3            Test Configurations

Test configurations can be divided into two distinct configurations, one for Radiated immunity and a second for Emissions
and Conducted Measurements.

3.1          Radiated Immunity
Operation of the network in the presence of an interferer can most easily be monitored by operating ETERNA2 as a mote
participating in a network. In this configuration, the RF link between the ETERNA2 and a network manager can be
exercised and simultaneously monitored via the network managers UART CLI port. Communication and monitoring to the
UART CLI port can be done via generally available terminal emulation software, such as TeraTerm, HyperTerminal, or

3.2          Emissions and Conducted Measurements
Emissions and Conducted measurements can be made with ETERNA2 integrated into a product or stand alone. When
integrated into a product a convenient method to invoke commands over ETERNA2’s CLI or API UART should be
considered as part of the product design. To access the CLI port and power on ETERNA2 in a stand alone configuration, a
Samtec MTMM-111-04-S-S-175-003, connector should be installed on J2, as shown below,

J2 per the pinout shown below, provides both power and connection to ETERNA2’s CLI port. Connection to pins 1 through
6 are optional for CLI access.

6                                            Dust Networks                                ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide

4            Tests

4.1          Conventions

Input from the user during a test will be in bold. Command line information will be shown in Plain Text. Command
parameters, either numerical, alphanumeric or enumerated, are shown between greater than and less than symbols. I.e.

4.2          Receiver Emission Tests
Much of the testing focused on the receiver can be accomplished by enabling ETERNA2’s radio to receive for an extended
period of time using the following sequence:
Power up ETERNA2 and connect to the CLI port. Enter the following command

> radiotest on

Reset or power cycle ETERNA2 and enter the following command

> radiotest rx <chanMask> <time>

Where <chanMask> would nominally be set to 0x0001 (low) , 0x0080 (mid) or 0x4000 (high) and <time> in seconds..
This sequence enables testing of:
    •    Receiver Conducted Spurious Emissions Operating (EN 300 328)
    •    Receiver Radiated Spurious Emissions Operating (EN 300 328, FCC 15.109)
    •    AC Conducted Emissions (FCC 15.207)
After completing tests that require radiotest commands (tx and rx) use the radiotest off command to return the device to it’s
normal state:

> radiotest off

Reset or power cycle ETERNA2.

4.3          Transmitter Power and Spectral Tests
Much of the testing focused on the transmitter can be accomplished by enabling ETERNA2’s radio to continuously transmit a
modulated signal using the following sequence:
Power up ETERNA2 and connect to the CLI port. Enter the following command:

> radiotest on

Reset or power cycle ETERNA2 and enter the following command:

> radiotest tx cm <chanMask> <power>

Where <chanMask> would nominally be set to 0x0001 (low) , 0x0080 (mid) or 0x4000 (high) and <power> to 8, the
highest output power setting used in the OEM product.

ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide                         Dust Networks                                                         7

This sequence enables testing of:
    •    Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EN 300 328)
    •    Maximum Spectral Power Density (EN 300 328, FCC 15.247(e))
    •    Frequency Range / Band Edge (EN 300 328 / FCC 15.247(d))
    •    Transmitter Conducted Spurious Emissions Operating (EN 300 328, FCC 15.247(d))
    •    Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions Operating (EN 300 328, FCC 15.247(d))
    •    AC Conducted Emissions (FCC 15.207)
    •    Bandwidth (FCC 15.247(a)(2), RSS 210 99% Bandwidth)
    •    RF Power Output (FCC 15.247(b)(3))
After completing tests that require radiotest commands (tx and rx) use the radiotest off command to return the device to it’s
normal state:

> radiotest off

Reset or power cycle ETERNA2.
NOTE: If testing encompasses measuring ETERNA2’s output power or PSD, Power Spectral Density, over a range of
voltages, the radiotest off command must be issued every time the voltage to ETERNA2 is changed to ensure accurate
output power measurements. During product operation ETERNA2, dynamically adjusts its regulation to it’s power amplifier,
based upon the supply voltage to keep the supply to the PA constant. The radiotest tx cm and radiotest tx
cw commands do not dynamically adjust the power to the PA, only taking a single measurement when the command is
WARNING: It is possible to permanently damage ETERNA2, by initiating a radiotest tx cm or radiotest tx
cw command at a low voltage and susiquently raising the voltage without issuing a radiotest off command.

4.4          Transmitter Carrier Tests
Testing ETERNA2’s carrier frequency accuracy can be done by enabling ETERNA2’s radio to continuously transmit an
unmodulated signal using the following sequence:
Power up ETERNA2 and connect to the CLI port. Enter the following command

> radiotest on

Reset or power cycle ETERNA2 and enter the following command

> radiotest tx cw <chanMask> <power>

Where <chanMask> would nominally be set to 0x0001 (low) , 0x0080 (mid) or 0x4000 (high) and <power> to 8, the
highest output power setting used in the OEM product.
After completing tests that require radiotest commands (tx and rx) use the radiotest off command to return the device to it’s
normal state:

> radiotest off

Reset or power cycle ETERNA2.

8                                            Dust Networks                                 ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide

4.5          Radiated Emissions
Radiated emission tests, such as described in EN 301 489-17, are designed to test that a DUTs unintentionally radiated
emissions are below defined limits. As the radio itself has been modularly certified this is not a test of the emissions with the
radio in operation. To prevent ETERNA2 from actively running it’s radio during connect to ETERNA2’s CLI port and enter
the set command as follows:

> radiotest on

Reset or power cycle ETERNA2. The radio is now inactive and will remain inactive until a tx or rx command is given.
After completing tests that require radiotest commands (tx and rx) use the radiotest off command to return the device to it’s
normal state:

> radiotest off

Reset or power cycle ETERNA2.

4.6          Radiated Immunity
Radiated immunity tests, such as described in EN-61000-4-3, are designed to test a DUTs operation due to an out of band
interferer. When performing such tests the test system should be verified to prove the test system is not injecting noise due to
harmonic distortion into the 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz band. To perform this class of test ETERNA2 should be placed in a network
and the network function can be demonstrated as follows:
Create a network of devices with a network manager and two ETERNA2 motes (the minimum configuration to form a
network). Make sure the MAC addresses for both ETERNA2 motes and the manager are clearly labeled on each device.
Connect to the manager’s CLI port and issue the following commands:

> login user

> show mote *

Mote #1, mac: 00-17-0D-00-00-19-20-2C, ver:
   State:   Oper, Hops: 0.0, Uptime: 2561, Age: 0
   Number of neighbors (parents): 2 (0)
   Number of links (tx/rx): 17 (0/4)
   Number of no bitmap links : 13
      <- #2   Q: 28
      <- #3   Q: 28

Mote #2, mac: 00-17-0D-00-00-19-33-07, ver:
   State:   Oper, Hops: 1.0, Uptime: 2475, Age: 13
   Number of neighbors (parents): 2 (1)
   Number of links (tx/rx): 15 (2/2)
      -> #1   Q: 28
      <- #3   Q: 29

Mote #3, mac: 00-17-0D-00-00-10-20-4D, ver:
   State:   Oper, Hops: 1.4, Uptime: 2460, Age: 7
   Number of neighbors (parents): 2 (2)

ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide                          Dust Networks                                                           9

     Number of links (tx/rx): 14 (2/0)
        -> #1   Q: 28
        -> #2   Q: 29

Note: It can take up to 10 minutes for the network to form and will take longer if the manager has been powered up for a
lengthy period of time. For best results power up all devices within a couple of minutes. Mote 1 is always the mote in the
Network Manager and the assignment of motes 2 through 3 are based upon order of joining the network which is not
deterministic. To determine which mote number is which device use the MAC address as a reference:

To force a message to a particular mote enter: ping <mote number> which will look like:

> ping 2
> Sending ping request to mote 2
> Ping response from mote 2, time=900 msec v=3645 t=25
Ping commands that fail will return with a timeout error message:
Ping from mote 2 timed out
Inherently the manager CLI port will generate a notification when a device fails to communicate and falls off the network.
During normal network operation devices are communicating at least every 15 seconds. To reduce dwell time the use of a
script to ping the target device will increase the radio traffic. The traffic rate will be twice the rate of the ping command
being sent. A simple method, uses the windows program TeraTerm Pro. TeraTerm Pro can be downloaded at Configure TeraTerm as follows to communicate with the network managers
CLI port with the following steps:
             1.   Launch TeraTerm

10                                            Dust Networks                                 ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide

            2.   Select the serial port corresponding to the CLI interface to the network manager

            3.   Setup the Serial Port via the Setup -> Serial port … Menu item:

           4. Create a TeraTerm macro, a text file with the extension *.ttl, with the following content:
;   Tera Term macro for pinging Dust motes in a network over the managers CLI port
;   File: ping_loop.ttl
;   Description: Looping ping macro for support of Radiated Immunity testing of Dust
;   Networks Radios. Set for one ping two messages every delayInMiliSeconds period,
;   with 255 steps from 80 to 1000 MHz. For Radiated Immunity above 1 GHz testing is
;   only intended to be performed for bands where portable radios are permitted to
;   operate - this range and therefore the test duration will change over time.

timeout = 10
steps = 255
delayInMiliSeconds = 3000
for i 1 steps

ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide                       Dust Networks                                          11

              sendln "ping 2"
              mpause delayInMiliSeconds

pause 5
sendln "#----- Macro Finish -----"
               5.   Call the macro from the TeraTerm menu Control -> Macro and load the created macro file.
This will create a series of Ping request and responses from the mote.

4.7            Minimum Frequency Occupation, Hopping Sequence and Tests
Testing ETERNA2’s Minimum Frequency Occupation, Hopping Sequence is most easily measured by operating ETERNA2
in a self hoping mode.
Power up both the manager and the mote and connect to the CLI port of each. Enter the following command

> radiotest on
Reset or power cycle both the mote and manager. The devices will hop between channels and transmit despite not being
joined in a network.
Start test:
> radiotest tx <testType> <chanMask> <power> [<repeatCnt> {<pkLen> <delay>...}]
<testType> is Type of transmission test to initiate: 'pk' = packets, 'cm' = continuous modulation, 'cw' - continuous wave.
<chanMask> is a hex bitmap of channels to use with the LSB corresponding to channel 0 and the MSB corresponding to
channel 15. Channel 15 in product is never used. E.g. 7fff results in operation on channels 0-14 and 0001 results in
operations only on channel 0. <power> sets the radio output power, a value of 8 should be used for maximum power. The
transmitter will transmit in a sequence of packets and gaps defined by a series of alternating <pkLen> and <delay>
parameters. The <pkLen> parameter defines the packet length in terms of bytes and is limited to a range of 2 to 125 bytes.
Note the protocol will append 8 bytes to the packet payload, so the actual transmitted length of bytes <pkLen> + 8, for a
maximum of 133 bytes. The <delay> parameter defines the delay from the start of one packet to the next in μs. The
<repeatCnt> parameter defines the number of times that the defined packet sequence will repeat. A <repeat> value of
0 results in the sequence repeating indefinitely. To demonstrate the maximum duty cycle of the system on the low channel
using every slot issue the following command:
> radiotest tx pk 0x0001 8 0 125 11483 24 6855 24 6833 24 2177
To demonstrate the maximum duty cycle of the system on the middle channel when every other slot is active, issue the
following command:
> radiotest tx pk 0x0080 8 0 125 11483 24 6855 24 6833 24 2177
To demonstrate the maximum duty cycle of the system on the high channel when every other slot is active, issue the
following command:
> radiotest tx pk 0x4000 8 0 125 11483 24 6855 24 6833 24 2177
After completing tests that require the DUT to hop outside of a network, use the radiotest off command to return the device
to it’s normal state:

> radiotest off

Reset or power cycle ETERNA2.

4.8            Occupied Channel Bandwidth, Duty Cycle and Dwell Time Tests
Testing ETERNA2’s Occupied Channel Bandwidth, Duty Cycle and Dwell Time, as per EN 300 328, is most easily
measured by operating ETERNA2 in a network, in which both the network manager and the mote are configured to hop on a
12                                            Dust Networks                               ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide

single channel. If possible perform the test in a conducted fashion, connecting 70 dB of attenuation to the radio that is not the
DUT. Connect a splitter or RF-T to the DUT radio, attaching a spectrum analyzer or power meter to one port and the non-
DUT radio via 70 dB of attenuation to the other port.
Power up both the manager and the mote. Connect to the CLI port of the manager. Enter the following command
> onechan <channel>
Where channel number is any channel between 0 and 14. Reset or power cycle both the mote and manager. The devices will
hop on a single channel after rebooting and forming a network.
After completing tests that require the DUT to hop on a single channel, use the onechan off command to return the manager
to its normal state:

> onechan off

Reset or power cycle ETERNA2.

4.9          Radio Inactive Emission Tests
To test ETERNA2 for emissions with the radio inactive:
Power up ETERNA2 and connect to the CLI port. Enter the following commands:

> set mode slave
> reset

NOTE: The device will remain inactive through power cycling. To resume radio testing, enter the following commands:

> set mode master
> reset

5            Specifications

Table 1    Normal Operating Conditions
             Parameter                      Min           Typ          Max          Units               Comments
 Operational supply voltage range            2.1                        3.76           V        Including noise and load
 (between VDD and VSS)                                                                          regulation
 Operating temperatures                      -40                        +85           °C

5.1          Radio Specifications
ETERNA2 operates as an IEEE-802.15.4 compliant radio, both transmitting and receiving in a TDMA channel access
Table 2    Radio Specifications
             Parameter                      Min           Typ          Max          Units               Comments
 Frequency Band of Operation                2400                       2483.5        MHz
 Number of channels                                        15
 Carrier Frequencies                               2400 + (n-10) * 5                 MHz        Where n = 11 to 25
 Occupied Channel Bandwidth                               2.7                        MHz        At -20 dBc
 Channel separation                                        5                         MHz
 Frequency Accuracy                          -40                        40           ppm

ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide                          Dust Networks                                                         13

              Parameter                     Min           Typ           Max         Units               Comments
 Conducted Output Power                                     8                        dBm
 Radiated Output Power                                     9.5                        dBi       The LTP5901 oderable
 (LTP5901)                                                                                      instantiation of ETERNA2
                                                                                                includes an integral antenna
                                                                                                with a peak gain of 1.5 dBi
 ITU Designation of Emission             2M70G1DDT (numbers in bold)
 Modulation                              OQPSK
 Signal Information                      IEEE-802.15.4, TDMA

6             Regulatory and Standards Compliance

6.1           RF Exposure
The radiated output power of ETERNA2 is far below the FCC, IC and CE radio frequency exposure limits. ETERNA2
complies with FCC, IC and CE radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. When nearby persons
has to be kept to ensure RF exposure compliance, in order to comply with RF exposure limits established in the ANSI C95.1
standards, the distance between the antennas and the user should not be less than 20 cm (8 inches). ETERNA2 shall not be
co-located with any other tranmsitter within 20 cm; otherwise further transmitter testing may be required.

6.2           User’s Manual Language
The user’s manual for end users must include the following information in a prominent location:
IMPORTANT NOTE: To comply with FCC, IC and CE RF exposure compliance requirements, the antenna used for this
transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
     1.   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
     2.   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
     3.   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
     4.   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference
that may cause undesired operation of the device..

6.3           FCC Compliance
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may
not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.

14                                             Dust Networks                                 ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide

FCC Testing
ETERNA2 complies with Part 15.247 modular (Intentional Radiator) of the FCC rules and regulations. In order to fulfill FCC
certification requirements, products incorporating ETERNA2 must comply with the following:
     5.   An external label must be provided on the outside of the final product enclosure specifying the FCC identifier as
          described in 6.3.2 below.
     6.   The antenna must have lower gain than specified in 6.3.1.
     7.   The device integrating ETERNA2 may not cause harmful interference and must accept any interference received,
          including interference that may cause undesired operation.
     8.   An unintentional radiator scan must be performed on the device integrating ETERNA2, per FCC rules and
          regulations, CFR Title 47, Part 15, Subpart B. See FCC rules for specifics on requirements for declaration of

6.3.1         Antenna Selection
Per KDB Publication No. 558074, ETERNA2 may be mated with an antenna with a maximum gain of 6.6 dBi.

6.3.2         OEM Labeling Requirements
The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) must ensure that FCC labeling requirements are met. The outside of the final
product enclosure must have a label with the following (or similar) text specifying the FCC identifier. The FCC ID and
certification code must be in Latin letters and Arabic numbers and visible without magnification.

                            Contains transmitter module FCC ID: SJC-ETERNA2

                            Contains FCC ID: SJC-ETERNA2

6.4     Industry Canada (IC) Compliance / Conformité à la norme
Industrie Canada (IC)
Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna with a maximum (or lesser) gain
approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna gain
should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful
Suivant la législation Industrie Canada, ce transmetteur radio ne peut être utilisé qu’avec une antenne dont le gain est
inferieur au gain approuvé pour le transmetteur par Industrie Canada. Pour réduire le risque d’interférence aux autres
utilisateurs, l’antenne doivent être choisies telle que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (PIRE) ne dépasse pas ce qui
est nécessaire pour une communication réussie.

6.4.1         RF Exposure / Exposition aux Rayonnements Radiofréquences
The radiated output power of ETERNA2 is far below the IC radio frequency exposure limits. ETERNA2 complies with IC
radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. When nearby persons has to be kept to ensure RF
exposure compliance, in order to comply with RF exposure limits established in the ANSI C95.1 standards, the distance
between the antennas and the user should not be less than 20 cm (8 inches). ETERNA2 shall not be co-located with any
other tranmsitter within 20 cm; otherwise further transmitter testing may be required.
La puissance émise par ETERNA2 est largement inferieure aux limites d’exposition aux rayonnements de la norme IC.
ETERNA2 est conforme aux limites d’exposition aux rayonnements de la norme IC établies pour un environnement non
contrôlé. Pour garantir la conformité aux limites d’exposition aux rayonnements de la norme ANSI C95.1, la distance entre
l’antenne et toute personne doit être supérieure à 20 cm (8 pouces). ETERNA2 ne doit pas être localisé à proximité d’un
autre transmetteur à moins de 20 cm ; le cas échéant, d’autres mesures de rayonnement pourraient être nécessaires.

ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide                          Dust Networks                                                          15

6.4.2        User’s Manual Language / Libellé du Manuel d’Utilisateur
The user’s manual for end users must include the following information in a prominent location:
IMPORTANT NOTE: To comply with IC RF exposure compliance requirements, the antenna used for this transmitter must
be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference
that may cause undesired operation of the device..
Le manuel d’utilisateur du produit final doit comprendre et mettre en évidence les informations suivantes:
NOTE IMPORTANTE : afin d’assurer la conformité aux limites Industrie Canada d’exposition aux rayonnements, l’antenne
utilisée pour ce transmetteur doit être installée en considérant une distance de séparation à toute personne d’au moins 20 cm.
NOTE IMPORTANTE : Toute modification non expressément approuvée par la partie responsable de la conformité pourrait
annuler l'autorisation accordée à l'utilisateur d'utiliser cet équipement.
Cet appareil est conforme à la norme RSS Industrie Canada exempt de licence. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux
conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne peut pas provoquer d’interférences ; et, (2) Cet appareil doit accepter toute
interférence, y compris les interférences qui peuvent causer un mauvais fonctionnement du dispositif.

6.4.3        IC Testing / Protocole d’Essai
ETERNA2 is certified for modular Industry Canada (IC) RSS-210 approval. The OEM is responsible for its product to
comply with IC ICES-003 and FCC Part 15, Sub. B - Unintentional Radiators. The requirements of ICES-003 are equivalent
to FCC Part 15 Sub. B and Industry Canada accepts FCC test reports or CISPR 22 test reports for compliance with ICES-003.
ETERNA2 est un module certifié conforme d’après la norme RSS-210 d’Industrie Canada (IC). Le fabricant d’appareil
d’origine est responsable de la conformité de son produit aux normes IC ICES-003 et FCC Part15, Sub. B « Unintentional
Radiators ». Les exigences de ICES-003 sont équivalentes aux exigences de FCC Part 15 Sub.B et Industrie Canada reconnait
les rapports d’essai FCC ou CISPR 22 pour démontrer la conformité avec ICES-003.

6.4.4        Antenna Selection / Choix de l’antenne
This radio transmitter ETERNA2 has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna with the maximum
permissible gain listed below. Antenna’s having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated, are strictly prohibited for
use with this device.
ETERNA2 may be mated with an antenna with a maximum gain of 6.6 dBi.
Le transmetteur radiofréquence ETERNA2 est approuvé par Industrie Canada pour opération avec une antenne dont le gain
est inferieur ou égal au gain maximal ci-dessous. Il est strictement interdit d’utiliser ce produit avec une antenne de gain
supérieur au gain indiqué.
ETERNA2 peut être utilisé avec une antenne de gain maximal de 6.6 dBi

6.4.5        OEM Labeling Requirements / Etiquetage des appareils
The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) must ensure that IC labeling requirements are met. The outside of the final
product enclosure must have a label with the following (or similar) text specifying the IC identifier. The IC ID and
certification code must be in Latin letters and Arabic numbers and visible without magnification.
Le fabricant d’appareil d’origine est responsable de la conformité de l’étiquetage aux exigences IC. Le texte suivant (ou
semblable) indiquant le code IC d’identification et de certification doit figurer a l’extérieur du produit final. Le code IC doit
être écrit en alphabet latin et chiffres arabes et doit être visible à l’œil nu.

                           Contains IC: 5853A-ETERNA2

16                                             Dust Networks                                  ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide

6.5          CE Compliance

6.5.1        Declaration of Conformity
We, Dust Networks, of 30695 Huntwood Ave, Hayward, CA 94544 USA, declare under our sole responsibility that our
product, ETERNA2, and in combination with our accessories, to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the
appropriate standards ETSI EN 300 328, ETSI EN 301 489-17 and EN 60950, following the provisions of Radio Equipment
and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment Directive 99/5/EC with requirements covering EMC Directive 2004/108/EC,
and Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC.

6.5.2        European Compliance
If ETERNA2 is incorporated into a product, the manufacturer must ensure compliance of the final product to the European
harmonized EMC and low-voltage/safety standards. A Declaration of Conformity must be issued for each of these standards
and kept on file as described in Annex II of the R&TTE Directive. Furthermore, the manufacturer must maintain a copy of
the ETERNA2 user documentation and ensure the final product does not exceed the specified power ratings, antenna
specifications, and/or installation requirements as specified in the user manual. If any of these specifications are exceeded in
the final product, a submission must be made to a notified body for compliance testing to all required standards.

6.5.3        Antenna Selection
Per EN 300 328, ETERNA2 may be mated with an antenna with a maximum gain of 4.9 dBi.

6.5.4        OEM Labeling Requirements
The ‘CE’ marking must be affixed to a visible location on the OEM product. The CE mark shall consist of the initials “CE”
taking the following form:
    •    If the CE marking is reduced or enlarged, the proportions given in the drawing below must be respected.
    •    The CE marking must have a height of at least 5 mm except where this is not possible on account of the nature of
         the apparatus.
    •    The CE marking must be affixed visibly, legibly, and indelibly.
See the R&TTE Directive, Article 12 and Annex VII for more information.

                                              Figure 1    CE Label Requirements

6.6          Compliance to Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) is a directive that places maximum concentration limits on the use of cadmium
(Cd), lead (Pb), hexavalent chromium(Cr+6), mercury (Hg), Polybrominated Biphenyl(PBB) and Polybrominated Diphenyl
Ethers (PBDE). Dust Networks is committed to meeting the requirements of the European Community directive 2002/95/EC.
This product has been specifically designed to utilize RoHS compliant materials and to eliminate, or reduce, the use of
restricted materials to comply with 2002/95/EC.
The Dust Networks RoHS compliant design features include:
    •    RoHS compliant solder for solder joints
    •    RoHS compliant base metal alloys
    •    RoHS compliant precious metal plating
    •    RoHS compliant cable assemblies and connector choices

ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide                            Dust Networks                                                       17

6.7         Encryption Cipher
ETERNA2’s 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher has been certified compliant to the United States National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) FIPS-197 (NIST certificate number, AES: 1437). To view the FIPS-197
validation list, go to:

18                                         Dust Networks                              ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide

Document Created: 2012-12-06 11:12:46
Document Modified: 2012-12-06 11:12:46

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