RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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                        RADIO FREQUENCY EXPOSURE
                         ADDENDUM TO TEST REPORT 93692-20

                                          FOR THE

                         Device: 802.15.4 Wireless Mesh Mote*
                                    Model: ETERNA2

                                   Report No.: 93692-20A

                                Date of issue: December 5, 2012

PREPARED FOR:                                  PREPARED BY:
Dust Networks                                  Eddie Wong
30695 Huntwood Avenue                          CKC Laboratories, Inc.
Hayward, CA 94544                              5046 Sierra Pines Drive
                                               Mariposa, CA 95338

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                                    Report No: 93692-20A

                                       Revision History

Original: To demonstrate compliance of device 802.15.4 Wireless Mesh Mote*, ETERNA2 with United
States, Canada and/or European Union RF Exposure requirements for Portable equipment (devices used
≤20cm from the body) or Mobile equipment (devices used >20cm from the body) with power output
below exemption levels and Mobile equipment, where Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
Calculations apply.
Addendum A: To add one row for European Union to the table on page 6.

United States Compliance Requirements (1.1310):

                                     RF Exposure Evaluation Limits
                                   Occupational / Controlled Exposure
Frequency Range      Electric Field       Magnetic Field        Power Density       Averaging Time
(MHz)                Strength (V/m)       Strength (A/m)        (mW/cm2)            (minutes)
0.3-3.0              614                  1.63                  *(100)              6
3.0-30               1842/f               4.89/f                *(900/f2)           6
30-300               61.4                 0.163                 1                   6
300-1500             ---                  ---                   f/300               6
1500-100,000         ---                  ---                   5.0                 6

                                    RF Exposure Evaluation Limits
                              General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
Frequency Range      Electric Field      Magnetic Field       Power Density         Averaging Time
(MHz)                Strength (V/m)      Strength (A/m)       (mW/cm2)              (minutes)
0.3-1.34             614                  1.63                  *(100)              30
1.34-30              824/f                2.19/f                *(180/f2)           30
30-300               27.5                 0.073                 0.2                 30
300-1500             ---                  ---                   f/1500              30
1500-100,000         ---                  ---                   1.0                 30

* Plane wave equivalent power density
Limit is calculated based on the mid-band frequency used in the operating frequency range.

Exemption Level: Power output <60/fGHz (mW)

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                                         Report No: 93692-20A

Canadian Compliance Requirements (RSS-102):

                                     RF Exposure Evaluation Limits
                                  Occupational / Controlled Exposure:
Frequency Range     Electric Field        Magnetic Field       Power Density   Averaging Time
(MHz)               Strength (V/m)        Strength (A/m)       (W/m2)          (minutes)
0.003-1.0           600                   4.9                    ---           6
1.0-10              600/f                 4.9/f                  ---           6
10-30               60                    4.9/f                  ---           6
30-300              60                    0.163                  10            6
300-1500            3.54 f0.5             0.0094*f0.5            f/3           6
1500-15,000         137                   0.364                  50            6
15,000-150,000      137                   0.364                  50            616000/f1.2

                                   RF Exposure Evaluation Limits
                             General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
Frequency Range     Electric Field      Magnetic Field       Power Density     Averaging Time
(MHz)               Strength (V/m)      Strength (A/m)       (W/m2)            (minutes)
0.003-1.0            280                  2.19                   ---           6
1.0-10               280/f                2.19/f                 ---           6
10-30                28                   2.19/f                 ---           6
30-300               28                   0.073                  2             6
300-1500             1.585 * f0.5         0.0042 * f0.5          f/150         6
1500-15,000          61.4                 0.163                  10            6
15,000-150,000       61.4                 0.163                  10            616000/f1.2
*Power density limit applicable >100MHz

Exemption Level:
                      Maximum Output
Frequency Range (MHz) Power
                      (Conducted or EIRP)
0.003-1000            ≤ 200 mW
1000-2200             ≤ 100 mW
2200-3000             ≤ 20 mW
3000-6000             ≤ 10 mW

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                                          Report No: 93692-20A

European Union Compliance Requirements (ICNIRP):

                                         RF Exposure Evaluation Limits
                                      Occupational / Controlled Exposure:
Frequency Range         Electric Field        Magnetic Field       Power Density   Averaging Time
(MHz)                   Strength (V/m)        Strength (A/m)       (W/m2)          (minutes)
0.00082-0.065           610                 24.4                   ---             6
0.065-1.0               610                 1.6/f                  ---
1.0-10                  610/f               1.6/f                  ---             6
10-400                  61                  0.16                   10              6
400-2000                3.0 * f0.5          0.008 * f0.5           f/40            6
2000-300,000            137                 0.36                   50              6

                                       RF Exposure Evaluation Limits
                                 General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
Frequency Range         Electric Field      Magnetic Field       Power Density     Averaging Time
(MHz)                   Strength (V/m)      Strength (A/m)       (W/m2)            (minutes)
0.003-0.150          87                     5.0                    ---             6
0.150-1.0            87                     0.73/f                 --              6
1.0-10               87/f0.5                0.73/f                 ---             6
10-400               28                     0.073                  2               6
400-2000             1.375 f0.5             0.0037*f0.5            f/200           6
2000-300,000         61                     0.16                   10              6
*Power density limit applicable >100MHz

Exemption Level: Power output < 20mW1

    May vary by product type
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                                            Report No: 93692-20A

Device and Antenna Operating Configuration:
     Device operating at maximum output power with continuous transmission of
     modulated data.

     Antenna gain : not to exceed 10 dBi
     Modulation: 802.15.4
     Firmware power setting = 8dBm

     Measurement procedure In Accordance With FCC document KDB558074 D01 DTS Meas
     Guidance V02, 8.1.1
     15.31(e) compliance: the supply voltage was varied between 85% and 115% of the
     nominal rated supply voltage, the following change in the Fundamental signal level was

             2405MHz                        2440MHz              2475MHz
     3.45V   8.40 dBm 0.0069W          8.40 dBm 0.0069W        8.72dBm 0.0074W
     3.00V   8.00 dBm 0.0063W          8.01 dBm 0.0063W        8.26dBm 0.0067W
     2.55V   6.94 dBm 0.0049W          6.63 dBm 0.0046W        6.80dBm 0.0048W

Test Procedure:
      This equipment is evaluated in accordance with the guidelines set forth in OET
      Guide 65 & ANSI C95.1 for the US and Health Canada Safety Code 6 & RSS 102
      for Canada.

Other Considerations:
     None or Delete “none & Insert specific

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                                        Report No: 93692-20A

                                                MPE Calculations

                                        X           General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
      Limit Used
                                                    Occupational / Controlled Exposure
                                        x           United States
      RF Exposure Exemption             X           Canada
                                        X           European Union

Equipment operational details:

         Config       Operating          Measured          Antenna      Antenna Type /          EIRP
           #          Frequency         Output Power       Gain (dBi)    Configuration         (dBm)
                        (MHz)              (dBm)
           1          2412-2472             8.72               10             Ant1             18.72
          Measurements based from EMC Test Report(s): 93692-12

MPE Calculation:
                      Power Density             Given: EIRP in mW or W and d in cm or m
                                        4d 2

                             US (1.1310)                   Canada (RSS-102)                    ICNIRP
Config     Distance      Power         Limit              Power        Limit          Power              Limit
  #          (cm)       Density      (mW/cm2)            Density      (W/m2)         Density            (W/m2)
                       (mW/cm2)                          (W/m2)                      (W/m2)
  1            20        0.015              1              0.15          10           0.15               10

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                                                Report No: 93692-20A


MPE Calculation Results:

In the case the equipment meets compliance by MPE Calculations the product is approved for use under
mobile conditions without further testing under the condition that any additional collocation or
simultaneous transmission requirements (including necessary separation distances) have been met. It is
assumed that the manufacturer shall design the equipment such that the minimum separation distance
of 20cm (or greater, as listed above) is met or that the manufacturer provides a protection guide (or
installation instructions) to the end user such that the antenna(s) may be installed in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions in such a manor to maintain the minimum separation distance.

The Absorption and distribution of Electromagnetic energy in the body is a very complex phenomena
that depends on the mass, shape and physiological condition of the body; the orientation of the body
with respect to the fields; and, the electrical properties of the body and the environment. Variables that
may play a substantial role in possible biological effects are those that characterize the environment
(including but not limited to: ambient temperature, air velocity, relative humidity and body insulation);
and those that characterize the individual (including but not limited to: age, gender, activity level and
existing debilitation or disease). Because innumerable factors may interact to determine specific
biological effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields, any protection guide should consider both
intended and unintended operational environments and provide guidance for installation and use of the
product such that proper separation distances can be maintained. (ANSI C95.1)

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                                          Report No: 93692-20A

Document Created: 2019-09-18 02:09:16
Document Modified: 2019-09-18 02:09:16

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