Test Report BT

FCC ID: SG7201511L50

Test Report

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                                                                   Report No.: SET2015—17174

                   RF TEST REPORT
         Report No.:     SET2015—17174

     Product Name:       Mobile Phone

             FCC ID:     SG7201511L50

         Model No. :     L52, L5Oa
          Applicant:     Haier Telecom{Qingdao) CO., Ltd.

            Address:     No1.Haier Road,Hi—tech Zone Qingdao,China

  Dates of Testing:      11/10/2015 — 11/24/2015

          Issued by:     CCIC—SET

      Lab Location:      Electronic Testing Building, Shahe Road, Xili, Nanshan District,
                         Shenzhen, 518055, P. R. China

                        Tel: 86 755 26627338         Fax: 86 755 26627238

    This test report consists of 33 pages in total. It may be duplicated completely for legal
use with the approval of the applicant. It should not be reproduced except in full, without
the written approval of our laboratory. The client should not use it to claim product
endorsement by CCIC—SET. The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.
The test report shall be invalid without all the signatures of testing engineers, reviewer and
approver. Any objections must be raised to CCIC—SET within 20 days since the date when
the report is received. It will not be taken into consideration beyond this limit.

CCIC—SET/T (€00)                                                                Page 1 of 33

\(D                                                                      Report No.: SET2015—17174

                                              Test Report

Product Name.................... : Mobile Phone

Brand N@MQ ...........cccccc.ll.. : Haier

Trade N@M@ .........cc cce : Haier

ADDIICANT . ... .cceeccenmerernerenaneees : Haier Telecom{(Qingdao) CO., Ltd.

Applicant Address............... : No1.Haier Road,Hi—tech Zone Qingdao, China

MaNUfACtUP@T........cccccccsekkkkll}. : Haier Telecom{(Qingdao) CO., Ltd.

Manufacturer Address ........ : No1.Haier Road,Hi—tech Zone Qingdao, China

                                                 1            : Radio F        Devi
Test Standards..................... : 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C . adio re.quency evices
                                        ANSI C63.10—2009 :       American       National Standard for
                                        Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices
                                        KDB 558074D01 v03r03

TeSt R@SUIt .......cscee k : PASS

Tested bY ..........ccccck. :            [               5

                                        Lu Lei, Test Engineer

ReVi@W@U DY..........cccccccccceele :         7 l
                                          ~                           2015.11.25
                                        Zhu Qi, Senior Egineer


                                        0/‘”        /‘                2015.11.25

                                        Wu Li‘an, Manager

CCIC—SET/T (€00)                                                                       Page 2 of 33

                                                                                                  Report No.: SET2015-17174

                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 4

 1.1.   EUT Description .................................................................................................................... 4
 1.2.   Test Standards and Results ..................................................................................................... 5
 1.3.   Facilities and Accreditations .................................................................................................. 7

 2. 47 CFR PART 15C REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 8

 2.1.   Antenna requirement .............................................................................................................. 8
 2.2.   Peak Output Power................................................................................................................. 9
 2.3.   6dB Bandwidth .................................................................................................................... 10
 2.4.   Conducted Band Edges and Spurious Emissions................................................................. 13
 2.5.   Power spectral density (PSD) .............................................................................................. 18
 2.6.   Radiated Band Edge and Spurious Emission ....................................................................... 21
 2.7.   Conducted Emission ............................................................................................................ 29

 3. LIST OF MEASURING EQUIPMENT .............................................................................. 33

                                                          Change History
        Issue                      Date                                               Reason for change
         1.0                    2015.11.25                                              First edition

CCIC-SET/T 00                                                                                                           Page 3 of 33

                                                                       Report No.: SET2015—17174

1.         General Information

1.1.       EUT Description

     EUT Type                          Mobile Phone
     Hardware Version                  HOL
     Software Version                  vOI
     EUT supports Radios application   WLAN2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n (HT20/HT40)
                                       Bluetooth V3.0+EDR / Bluetooth V4.OLE
     Frequency Range                   Bluetooth LE 4.0   2402MHz~2480MHz
     Channel Number                    Bluetooth LE 4.0   40
     Bit Rate of Transmitter           Bluetooth LE 4.0   1Mbps
     Modulation Type                   Bluetooth LE 4.0   GFSK
     Antenna Type                      PIFA Antenna
     Antenna Gain                      1.30Bi
Note 1: The EUT is a Mobile Phone, it contain Bluetooth 4.0 LTE Module operating at 2.4GHz ISM
           band; the frequencies allocated for the Bluetooth 4.0 LTE is F(MHz)=2402+2*n (0<=n<=39).
           The lowest, middle, highest channel numbers of the Bluetooth Module used and tested in
           this report are separately 0 (2402MHz), 20(2442MHz) and 39 (2480MHz).
Note 2: For a more detailed description, please refer to Specification or User‘s Manual supplied by
        the applicant and/or manufacturer.
Note 3: The EUT was programmed to be in continuously transmitting mode and the transmit duty
        cycle is not less than 98%.
Note 4: The EUT is a Mobile Phone, it contains two models, they are L52 and L50a. They have the
         same size, appearance and internal structure, and the only difference is the model number.

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                                                                         Report No.: SET2015-17174
1.2.    Test Standards and Results
The objective of the report is to perform testing according to 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C (Bluetooth,
2.4GHz ISM band radiators) for the EUT FCC Certification:

         No.            Identity                           Document Title
                     47 CFR Part 15
          1                                           Radio Frequency Devices
                     Subpart C 2013
                                               American National Standard for Testing
          2         ANSI C63.10-2009
                                                   Unlicensed Wireless Devices

Test detailed items/section required by FCC rules and results are as below:

         No.        Section in CFR 47                  Description                 Result
          1               15.203                  Antenna Requirement              PASS
          2             15.247(b)                  Peak Output Power               PASS
          3             15.247(a)                      Bandwidth                   PASS
                                           Conducted Band Edges and Spurious
          4             15.247(d)                                                      PASS
          5             15.247(e)             Power spectral density (PSD)             PASS
          6              15.207                    Conducted Emission                  PASS
                                            Radiated Band Edges and Spurious
          7         15.209 15.247(d)                                                   PASS

The tests of Conducted Emission and Radiated Emission were performed according to the method of
measurements prescribed in ANSI C63.10-2009.

These RF tests were performed according to the method of measurements prescribed in KDB
558074D01 v03r03.

40 channels are provided for Bluetooth LE 4.0

          Channel            Frequency(MHz)             Channel           Frequency(MHz)
                0                   2402                  20                    2442
                1                   2404                  21                    2444
                2                   2406                  22                    2446
                3                   2408                  23                    2448
                4                   2410                  24                    2450
                5                   2412                  25                    2452
                6                   2414                  26                    2454
                7                   2416                  27                    2456
                8                   2418                  28                    2458
                9                   2420                  29                    2460
               10                   2422                  30                    2462
               11                   2424                  31                    2464
               12                   2426                  32                    2466

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                                                                   Report No.: SET2015-17174
            13               2428                    33                  2468
            14               2430                    34                  2470
            15               2432                    35                  2472
            16               2434                    36                  2474
            17               2436                    37                  2476
            18               2438                    38                  2478
            19               2440                    39                  2480

                                       Test Items                  Modulation     Channel
                               Peak Conducted Output Power           Type
                                  Power Spectral Density
        Bluetooth LE 4.0              6dB Bandwidth                  GFSK         0/20/39
                             Conducted and Spurious Emission
                              Radiated and Spurious Emission
                                       Band Edge                     GFSK          0/39

1.3.    Table for Supporting Units
  No.     Equipment    Brand Name   Model Name      Manufacturer     Serial No.      Note
   1      Notebook        DELL        PP11L           DELL           H5914A03      FCC DOC

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                                                                       Report No.: SET2015-17174
1.4.     Facilities and Accreditations
1.4.1.   Facilities
CNAS-Lab Code: L1659
CCIC Southern Electronic Product Testing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. CCIC is a third party testing
organization accredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS)
according to ISO/IEC 17025. The accreditation certificate number is L1659. A 12.8*6.8*6.4 (m)
fully anechoic chamber was used for the radiated spurious emissions test.
FCC-Registration No.: 406086
CCIC Southern Electronic Product Testing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered
and fully described in a report filed with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). The
acceptance letter from the FCC is maintained in our files. Registration 406086, valid time is until
October 28, 2017.
IC-Registration No.: 11185A-1

CCIC Southern Electronic Product Testing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered
by Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for the performance of radiated
measurements with Registration No. 11185A-1 on July. 15, 2013, valid time is until July. 15, 2016.

1.4.2.   Test Environment Conditions

During the measurement, the environmental conditions were within the listed ranges:

 Temperature (°C):                15°C - 35°C
 Relative Humidity (%):           30% -60%
 Atmospheric Pressure (kPa):      86KPa-106KPa

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                                                                          Report No.: SET2015-17174

2.         47 CFR Part 15C Requirements

2.1. Antenna requirement

2.1.1. Applicable Standard

According to FCC 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other
than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently
attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be
considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section.
And according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.247(c), if transmitting antennas of directional gain greater
than 6dBi are used, the power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the
antenna exceeds 6dBi.

2.1.2.     Antenna Information

Antenna Category: Internal antenna

An Internal antenna was soldered to the antenna port of EUT via an adaptor cable, can’t be removed.

Antenna General Information:
     No.                      EUT                            Ant. Type             Gain(dBi)

      1                   Mobile Phone                         PIFA                   1.3

2.1.3.     Result: comply

         The EUT has a permanently and irreplaceable attached antenna. Please refer to the EUT
internal photos.

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                                                                            Report No.: SET2015-17174
2.2.      Peak Output Power

2.2.1.    Limit of Peak Output Power

        For systems using digital modulation in the 2400-2483.5MHz, the limit for peak output power
is 30dBm. If transmitting antenna of directional gain greater than 6dBi is used, the peak output power
from the intentional radiator shall be reduced below the above stated value by the amount in dB that
the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi. In case of point-to-point operation, the limit has to
be reduced by 1dB for every 3dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6dBi.

2.2.2.    Measuring Instruments

         The measuring equipment is listed in the section 3 of this test report.

2.2.3.    Test Setup

2.2.4.    Test Procedures

       1. The testing follows the Measurement Procedure of FCC KDB 558074D01 v03r03.

       2. The RF output of EUT was connected to the power meter by RF cable and attenuator. The

path loss was compensated to the results for each measurement.

       3. Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously.

       4. Measure the conducted output power and record the results in the test report.

2.2.5.    Test Result

                     Frequency               RF Power(dBm)                   Limit
         Channel                                                                          Verdict
                       (MHz)                  GFSK/1Mbps                    (dBm)
             0          2402                      -0.60                                   PASS
            20          2442                      -0.39                       30          PASS
            39          2480                      -0.43                                   PASS

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                                                                             Report No.: SET2015-17174

2.3.     6dB Bandwidth

2.3.1.   Limit of 6dB Bandwidth

         The minimum 6 dB bandwidth shall be at least 500 kHz.

2.3.2.   Measuring Instruments

         The measuring equipment is listed in the section 3 of this test report.

2.3.3.   Test Setup

2.3.4.   Test Procedures

   1. The testing follows FCC KDB 558074D01 v03r03.

   2. The RF output of EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer by RF cable and attenuator. The

path loss was compensated to the results for each measurement.

   3. Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously.

   4. Make the measurement with the spectrum analyzer's resolution bandwidth (RBW) = 100 kHz.

Set the Video bandwidth (VBW) = 300 kHz. In order to make an accurate measurement. The 6dB

bandwidth must be greater than 500 kHz.

   5. For 99% Bandwidth Measurement, the spectrum analyzer's resolution bandwidth (RBW) is set

30 kHz and set the Video bandwidth (VBW) = 100 kHz.

   6. Measure and record the results in the test report.

2.3.5.   Test Results of 6dB Bandwidth

                                                   6 dB
                              Frequency                              Limits
            Channel                              Bandwidth                            Result
                                (MHz)                                (MHz)
                0                2402              0.71               ≥0.5            PASS
               20                2442              0.70               ≥0.5            PASS
               39                2480              0.70               ≥0.5            PASS

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                                                 Report No.: SET2015-17174
2.3.6.   Test Results (plots) of 6dB Bandwidth

6 dB Bandwidth Plot on channel 0

6 dB Bandwidth Plot on channel 20

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                                    Report No.: SET2015-17174

6 dB Bandwidth Plot on channel 39

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                                                                            Report No.: SET2015-17174
2.4.       Conducted Band Edges and Spurious Emissions

2.4.1.     Limit of Conducted Band Edges and Spurious Emissions

          All harmonics/spurious must be at least 20 dB down from the highest emission level within
the authorized band.

2.4.2.     Measuring Instruments

          The measuring equipment is listed in the section 3 of this test report.

2.4.3.     Test Setup

2.4.4.     Test Procedure

       1. The testing follows FCC KDB 558074D01 v03r03.

       2. The RF output of EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer by RF cable and attenuator.

         The path loss was compensated to the results for each measurement.

       3. Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously.

       4. Set RBW = 100 kHz, VBW=300 kHz, Peak Detector. Unwanted Emissions measured in any

         100kHz bandwidth outside of the authorized frequency band shall be attenuated by at least 20

         dB relative to the maximum in-band peak PSD level in 100 kHz when maximum peak

         conducted output power procedure is used. If the transmitter complies with the conducted

         power limits based on the use of RMS averaging over a time interval, the attenuation required

         under this paragraph shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB per 15.247(d).

       5. Measure and record the results in the test report.

       6. The RF fundamental frequency should be excluded against the limit line in the operating

         frequency band.

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                                                                Report No.: SET2015-17174
2.4.5.   Test Results of Conducted Band Edges

                            Low Band Edge Plot on Channel 0

                            High Band Edge Plot on Channel 39

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                                                                Report No.: SET2015-17174
2.4.6.   Test Result of Conducted Spurious Emission

                  Conducted Spurious Emission Plot on Bluetooth LE 1Mbps

                               Channel = 0, 30MHz to 1GHz

                               Channel = 0, 1GHz to 25GHz

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Conducted Spurious Emission Plot on Bluetooth LE 1Mbps

            Channel = 20, 30MHz to 1GHz

            Channel = 20, 1GHz to 25GHz

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                                              Report No.: SET2015-17174

Conducted Spurious Emission Plot on Bluetooth LE 1Mbps

            Channel = 39, 30MHz to 25GHz

            Channel = 39, 30MHz to 25GHz

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                                                                              Report No.: SET2015-17174
2.5. Power spectral density (PSD)

2.5.1.     Limit of Power Spectral Density

      The peak power spectral density shall not be greater than 8dBm in any 3kHz band at any time
interval of continuous transmission.

2.5.2.     Measuring Instruments

         The measuring equipment is listed in the section 3 of this test report.

2.5.3.     Test Setup

2.5.4.     Test Procedures

    1. The testing follows Measurement Procedure 10.2 Method PKPSD of FCC KDB 558074D01


    2. The RF output of EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer by RF cable and attenuator.

The path loss was compensated to the results for each measurement.

    3. Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously.

    4. Make the measurement with the spectrum analyzer's resolution bandwidth (RBW) = 3 kHz.

Video bandwidth VBW = 10 kHz In order to make an accurate measurement, set the span to 1.5 times

DTS Channel Bandwidth. (6dB BW)

    5. Detector = peak, Sweep time = auto couple, Trace mode = max hold, Allow trace to fully

stabilize. Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum power level.

    6. Measure and record the results in the test report.

    7. The Measured power density (dBm)/ 100kHz is a reference level and used as 20dBc down

limit line for Conducted Band Edges and Conducted Spurious Emission.

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                                                                    Report No.: SET2015-17174
2.5.5.   Test Results of Power spectral density

                                  Spectral power density (dBm)
                  Frequency                                         Limit
   Channel                             PSD/3kHz (dBm)                            Verdict
                    (MHz)                                        (dBm/3kHz)
       0             2402                    -16.34                   8           PASS
      20             2442                    -16.01                   8           PASS
      39             2480                    -16.03                   8           PASS
   Measurement uncertainty: ±1.3dB
1. Measured power density (dBm) has offset with cable loss.

2.5.6.   Test Results (plots) of Power spectral density

                                      PSD Plot on Channel 0

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                         Report No.: SET2015-17174

PSD Plot on Channel 20

PSD Plot on Channel 39

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                                                                            Report No.: SET2015-17174
2.6.      Radiated Band Edge and Spurious Emission

2.6.1. Limit of Radiated Band Edges and Spurious Emission

      In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the intentional radiator frequency band, all
harmonics/spurious must be at least 20 dB below the highest emission level within the authorized
band. If the output power of this device was measured by spectrum analyzer, the attenuation under
this paragraph shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the
restricted bands must also comply with the FCC section 15.209 limits as below.

Note: Wireless charger configuration was evaluated.

           Frequency (MHz)                 Field Strength (µV/m)           Measurement Distance (m)
             0.009 - 0.490                      2400/F(kHz)                         300
             0.490 - 1.705                     24000/F(kHz)                          30
              1.705 - 30.0                            30                             30
                 30 - 88                             100                              3
                88 - 216                             150                              3
               216 - 960                             200                              3
              Above 960                              500                              3

2.6.2.    Measuring Instruments

         The measuring equipment is listed in the section 3 of this test report.

2.6.3.    Test Setup

For radiated emissions from 9kHz to 30MHz

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                                            Report No.: SET2015-17174
For radiated emissions from 30MHz to 1GHz

For radiated emissions above 1GHz

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                                                                         Report No.: SET2015—17174

2.6.4.   Test Procedures

  1. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3 meters

   semi—anechoic chamber. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the

   highest radiation.

  2. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference—receiving antenna, which was mounted

   on the top of a variable—height antenna tower.

  3. Height of receiving antenna is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to

   determine the maximum value of the field streagth. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of

   the antenna are set to make the measurement.

  4. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna was

   tuned to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the rotatable table was turned from 0 degrees to

   360 degrees to find the maximum reading.

  5. The test—receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified

     Bandwidth with Maximum Hold Mode.

  6. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was lower than the limit specified, then testing

     could be stopped and the peak values of the EUT would be reported.

     Otherwise the emissions would be re—tested one by one using peak, quasi—peak or average

     method as specified and then reported in a data sheet.


  1. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 120kHz for

   Quasi—peak detection at frequency below 1GHz.

  2. The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz and video bandwidth is

    3MHz for Peak detection at frequency above 1GHz.

  3. The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz and the video bandwidth

  is2 1/T (Duty cycle <98%) or 10Hz(Duty cycle > 98%) for Average detection (AV) at frequency

  above 1GHz.

  4. All modes of operation were investigated and the worst—case emissions are reported.

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                                                                                       Report No.: SET2015-17174
2.6.5.   Test Results of Radiated Band Edge and Spurious Emission

For 9KHz to 30MHz

The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated by more than 20dB below the permissible

value has no need to be reported.

For 30MHz to 1000 MHz

    Marker:                 30 MHz                         36.53 dBµV/m

     Level [dBµV/m]








         30M          50M    70M            100M                     200M      300M        500M   700M      1G
                                               Frequency [Hz]

         MES V1
         LIM FCC Cl.B F QP/AV           FCC ClassB, field strength

                                 Plot A: 30MHz to 1GHz, Antenna Vertical
               Frequency    QuasiPeak          Bandwidth                     Limit
                                                                height                 Antenna    Verdict
                 (MHz)      (dBμV/m)              (kHz)                     (dBμV/m)

                 30.00          36.53           120.000         100.0        40.00     Vertical    Pass

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                                                                                       Report No.: SET2015-17174

Marker:                   319.06 MHz                        29.07 dBµV/m

 Level [dBµV/m]








     30M            50M      70M        100M                     200M        300M          500M   700M      1G
                                           Frequency [Hz]

     MES H1
     LIM FCC Cl.B F QP/AV           FCC ClassB, field strength

                             Plot B: 30MHz to 1GHz, Antenna Horizontal

          Frequency       QuasiPeak     Bandwidth                         Limit
                                                         height                     Antenna       Verdict
            (MHz)         (dBμ V/m)        (kHz)                        (dBμ V/m)

           319.06           29.07         120.000         100.0           46.00     Horizontal     Pass

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\/                                                                            Report No.: SET2015—17174

For 1GHz to 25GHz


                       Emssion            20.          .   Antenna    Table         Raw       Correction
         Frequency                      Limit     Margin       .
  No.                    Level                              Height    Angle        Value        Factor
           (MHz)                      (dBuV/m)|    (dB)
                      (dBuV/m)                               (m)     (Degree)    (dBuV/m)       (dB/m)

   1      2390.00    57.10       PK     74.0      —16.90   1.01 H      228         24.90        32.20
   2      2390.00    43.60       AV     54.0      —10.40   1.01 H      228         1140         32.20
   3      *2402.00   |104.70     PK       /         /      1.03 H      112         72.50        32.20
   4      *2402.00   |103.90|    AV       /         /      1.03 H      112         71.170       32.20
   5      4804.00    51.60       PK     74.00     —22.40   1.00 H      254         46.30         5.30
   6      4804.00    45.80       AV     54.00     —8.20    1.00 H      254         40.50         5.30


                       Emssion            20.          .   Antenna    Table         Raw       Correction
         Frequency                      Limit     Margin       .
  No.                    Level                              Height    Angle        Value        Factor
           (MHz)                      (dBuV/m)|    (dB)
                      (dBuV/m)                               (m)     (Degree)    (dBuV/m)       (dB/m)

   1      2390.00    56.70       PK     74.0      —17.30   L1 V        228         24.50        32.20
   2      2390.00    44.40       AV     54.0      —9.60    L1 V        228         12.20        32.20
   3      *2402.00   |107.10     PK       /         /      1.09 V      112         74.90        32.20
   4      *2402.00   |104.60|    AV       /         /      1.03 V      112         72.40        32.20
   5      4804.00    5340        PK     74.00     —19.60   L2LV        254         48.10         5.30
   6      4804.00    44.70       AV     54.00     —9.30    L2LV        254         39.40         5.30

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                     Emssion           20           .   Antenna    Table         Raw       Correction
       Frequency                     Limit     Margin       .
No.                   Level                              Height    Angle        Value        Factor
        (MHz)                      (dBuV/m)|    (dB)
                    (dBuV/m)                              (m)     (Degree)    (dBuV/m)       (dB/m)

 1     #*2442.00   |107.60    PK       /         /      1.01 H      210         75.40        32.20
 2     #*2442.00   |104.80    AV       /         /      1.01 H      210         72.60        32.20
 3      4884.00    53.50      PK     74.00     —20.50   1.03 H      272         48.20         5.30
 4      4884.00    45.90      AV     54.00     —8.10    1.03 H      272         40.60         5.30


                     Emssion           20.          .   Antenna    Table         Raw       Correction
       Frequency                     Limit     Margin       .
No.                   Level                              Height    Angle        Value        Factor
        (MHz)                      (dBuV/m)|    (dB)
                    (dBuV/m)                              (m)     (Degree)    (dBuV/m)       (dB/m)

 1     #*2442.00   |108.60    PK       /         /      1.09 V      112         76.40        32.20
 2     #*2442.00   |105.70    AV       /         /      1.09 V      112         73.50        32.20
 3      4884.00    54.80      PK     74.00     —19.20   L2LV        254         49.50         5.30
 4      4884.00    42.50      AV     54.00     —8.50    L2LV        254         40.20         5.30

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                                                                                  Report No.: SET2015—17174


                      Emssion            20            .   Antenna      Table           Raw       Correction
        Frequency                      Limit      Margin       .
 No.                    Level                               Height      Angle          Value        Factor
         (MHz)                       (dBuV/m)|      (dB)
                     (dBuV/m)                                (m)      (Degree)       (dBuV/m)       (dB/m)

  1     *2480.00    |105.80     PK       /           /      1.05 H          215        73.50        32.30
  2     #2480.00    |104.70     AV       /           /      1.05 H.         215        72.40        32.30
  3      2483.50    56.90       PK     74.0       —17.10    1.05 H          211        24.50        32.40
  4      2483.50    44.60       AV     54.0        —9.40    1.05 H          211        12.20        32.40
  5      4960.00    52.20       PK     74.0       —11.80    145 H           320        46.10         5.50
  6      4960.00    46.90       AV     54.0        —7.10    145 H           320        41.40         5.50


                      Emssion            20            .   Antenna      Table           Raw       Correction
        Frequency                      Limit      Margin       .
 No.                    Level                               Height      Angle          Value        Factor
         (MHz)                       (dBuV/m)|      (dB)
                     (dBuV/m)                                (m)      (Degree)       (dBuV/m)       (dB/m)

  1     *2480.00    |107.40     PK       /           /      1.05 V          174        75.10        32.30
  2     *2480.00    |106.80|    AV       /           /      1.05 V          174        74.50        32.30
  3      2483.50    56.80       PK     74.0       —17.20    1.05 V          177        24.40        32.40
  4      2483.50    45.40       AV     54.0        —8.60    1.05 V          177        13.00        32.40
  5      4960.00    55.60       PK     74.0       —18.40    145 V           201        50.10         5.50
  6      4960.00    45.60       AV     54.0        —8.40    145 V           201        40.10         5.50

         1. Emission Level(dBuV/m) = Raw Value(dBuV) + Correction Factor(dB/m)
         2. Correction Factor(dB/m) = Antenna Factor(dB/m) + Cable Factor(dB)
                                             —   Pre—Amplifier Factor(dB)
         3. The other emission levels were very low against the limit.
         4. Margin value = Emission Level — Limit value
         5." * ": Fundamental frequency.

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                                                                               Report No.: SET2015-17174
2.7.       Conducted Emission

2.7.1.     Limit of Conducted Emission

         For equipment that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the
radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or
frequencies within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz shall not exceed the limits in the following table.

                                  Conducted Limit (dBµV)
       Frequency range (MHz)
                                  Quai-peak                         Average
       0.15 - 0.50                66 to 56                          56 to 46
       0.50 - 5                   56                                46
       5 - 30                     60                                50

2.7.2.     Measuring Instruments

           The measuring equipment is listed in the section 3 of this test report.

2.7.3.     Test Setup

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                                                                            Report No.: SET2015-17174
2.7.4.     Test Procedures

   1. The EUT was placed 0.4 meter from the conducting wall of the shielding room was kept at

         least 80 centimeters from any other grounded conducting surface.

   2. Connect EUT to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN).

   3. All the support units are connecting to the other LISN.

   4. The LISN provides 50 ohm coupling impedance for the measuring instrument.

   5. The FCC states that a 50 ohm, 50 microhenry LISN should be used.

   6. Both sides of AC line were checked for maximum conducted interference.

   7. The frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz was searched.

   8. Set the test-receiver system to Peak Detect Function and specified bandwidth (IF Bandwidth =

         9kHz) with Maximum Hold Mode. Then measurement is also conducted by Average Detector

         and Quasi-Peak Detector Function respectively.

2.7.5.     Test Result
    1. The EUT configuration of the emission tests is Bluetooth Link + USB Cable (Charging from
       Adapter) + Earphone.
    2. The power adapter support (100~240V AC, 50/60Hz), the EUT was tested at the both
       available voltages (120, 240V AC), and 60Hz. Only the worst-case mode (120V/60Hz)
       was record in this report.

                                                                                        Page 30 of 33

                                                          Report No.: SET2015-17174

                                (Plot A: L Phase)

                    Conducted Disturbance at Mains Terminals
                                  L Test Data
               QP                                          AV
                          Measurement                            Measurement
Frequency    Limits                       Frequency     Limits
                             Value                                  Value
  (MHz)     (dBV)                          (MHz)      (dBV)
                            (dBV)                                 (dBV)
0.523500     56.0            47.244        0.523500      46.0       37.038
0.436650     57.1            42.365        0.604500      46.0        33.496
0.920000     56.0            42.931        0.685500      46.0        31.031

                                                                      Page 31 of 33

                                                                                             Report No.: SET2015—17174

                                                 FCC Voltage Test

                100 7

                90 +
                   L.     514.500k82             $02.500 k8z                 4.105500MHz
                go [      16065 dB               40.998 gBl                   41211 gBl






                10+                                 —
                  L        492.000 kHz          568.500 kHz                726.000 kHe
                 ol        36.018 gBl           34.746 dBI                 31.305 gBJ

                  150k           300 400 500     £00 1M             PM     3M 4M 3M 6008 10M         20M    30M
                                                              Frequencyin Hz

                                                  (Plot B: N Phase)

                                 Conducted Disturbance at Mains Terminals

                                                      N Test Data

                           QP                                                                 AV

  Frequency             Limits           Measurement                Frequency              Limits     Measurement
    (MHz)              (dBuv)                  Value                     (MHz)           (dBuv)            Value
                                               (dBuV)                                                      (dBuV)
     0.514500            56.0                  46.065                    0.492000           46.1           36.018
     0.802500            56.0                  40.998                    0.568500           46.0           34.1746
     4.105500            56.0                  41.211                    0.726000           46.0           31.805

Test Result: PASS

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                                                                             Report No.: SET2015-17174

3.         List of measuring equipment

     Description   Manufacturer     Model         Serial No.    Test Date        Due Date        Remark
      EMI Test
                      R&S           ESIB26       A0304218       2015.06.02      2016.06.01      Radiation
 Full-Anechoic                    12.8m*6.8m
                    Albatross                    A0412372       2015.01.05      2016.01.04      Radiation
      Chamber                       *6.4m
 Loop Antenna      Schwarz beck    HFH2-Z2         100047       2015.06.02      2016.06.01      Radiation
 Bilog Antenna     Schwarzbeck    VULB 9163       9163-274      2015.06.02      2016.06.01      Radiation
 Double ridge
                      R&S           HF906          100150       2015.06.02      2016.06.01      Radiation
 horn antenna
                      R&S           HL562          100089       2015.06.02      2016.06.01      Radiation
 Test Antenna –
        Horn           ETS          3160-09      A0902607       2015.06.02      2016.06.01      Radiation
                      R&S         PAP-0203H        22018        2015.06.02      2016.06.01      Radiation
                      R&S         AFS42-0010       25-S-42      2015.06.02      2016.06.01      Radiation
      Ampilier                    JS42-180026
                      R&S                       12111.0980.00   2015.06.02      2016.06.01      Radiation
 18G~40GHz                         00-28-5A
                      R&S           FSP40       1164.4391.40    2015.07.07      2016.07.06     Conducted
Power Meter           R&S           NRVS        1020.1809.02    2015.06.02      2016.06.01     Conducted
Power Sensor          R&S          NRV-Z4       823.3618.03     2015.06.02      2016.06.01     Conducted
       LISN                        ESH2-Z5       A0304221       2015.06.02      2016.06.01     Conducted
Test Receiver         R&S          ESCS30        A0304260       2015.06.02      2016.06.01     Conducted
       Cable       SUNHNER                            /         2015.06.02      2016.06.01      Radiation
       Cable       SUNHNER                            /         2015.06.02      2016.06.01      Radiation

                                       ** END OF REPORT **

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Document Created: 2017-11-15 01:02:42
Document Modified: 2017-11-15 01:02:42

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