Users Manual 5 rev1.pdf


Users Manual

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Cont. AF                                            Face Detection
Enable the continuous AF to be able to              For detecting and focusing on faces to
continuously focus automatically when               make all faces as clear as possible in
taking pictures.                                    photo mode.
                               Cont. AF                                      Face Detection

       Date Imprint                          Off           Date Imprint                          Off
                Off                                               Off
       Quick Review                          Off           Quick Review                          Off
                On                                                On
       Cont. AF                              Off           Cont. AF                              Off

       Face Detection                        On            Face Detection                        On

       Custom Settings                                     Custo
                                                           Custom Settings

       Function Ring (Smart)              Normal           Funct
                                                           Function Ring (Smart)              Normal

            Se                      Set      Exit             Select
                                                              Se                     Set         Exit

    • Off                                           1. Hold the camera steadily and then
                                                       focus on the object to detect its face.
    • On                                               A focus frame will appear at the face
                                                       on the screen when a face is detected.


                                                 Custom Settings
     2. Press the shutter button half-way down   Custom Settings stores the current photo
        to focus. The LCD will show a green      shooting mode and its parameters. The
        focus frame when the subject is in       stored mode and parameters are directly
        focus.                                   invoked in Custom Settings mode.
                                                                Custom Settings

                                                                  Set camera to
                                                                user custom mode



              F2.9   1/50

     3. Press the shutter button all the way         • No
        down to take pictures.                       • Yes
          The closed eyes detection is usually
          on. If the camera detects in the
          course of quick review there is a
          face with eyes closed, a prompt of
          closed eyes will appear     .


Function Ring (Smart)
The options listed below can be set as                       • Continuous Shot
Function Ring (Smart) Custom. Once
set, the chosen function can be quickly                      • Color
adjusted with the lens function ring                         • White Balance
during shooting.
                                                             • Image Size
                           Function Ring (Smart)

          Date Imprint
                 Normal                               Off    • Expo Metering
          Quick Review                                Off
                 Aperture priority
                                                             • Flash
          Cont. AF                                    Off
                 Shutter priority
          Face Detection
                                                      Off    • AF Area
          Custom Settings
          Funct    Ring (Smart)
                             Shot                  Normal

             Se                        Set            Exit

   • Normal
   • Aperture priority
   • Shutter priority
   • EV
   • ISO


       Playback Menu

     Mode:                                        Menu
     1. Press the    button to display the         7 options in [ Menu ]
        playback screen and press the
                                                   • Shoot Settings 1
        button to enter the menu.
                                                    (See P81 for details)
        7 options in [ Playback Menu ]:
        •     Menu                                 • Shoot Settings 2
        •     Display Mode                          (See P87 for details)
        •     Rotate                               • Playback Settings
        •     Color                                 (See P97 for details)
        •     HDR
                                                   • General Settings
        •     Touch-up                              (See P101 for details)
        •     Resize
                                                   • File Settings
     2. Press the [       ]/[       ] button to
        select the playback to be set and press     (See P104 for details)
        the     button to enter.                   • Connection Settings
     3. Press the [     ]/[   ] button to
                                                    (See P108 for details)
        select an option and press the
        button to confirm.                         • Wi-Fi Settings
     Refer to the following pages for more          (See P41 for details)
     details about each setting.


Display Mode                                  Rotate
                                              You can use this setting to change the
                                              orientation of the picture.

                      Date Folder

               Date Mode: Arranged by date.


      Normal Mode: Display all images.

      Date Mode: Arranged by date.
                                                    : Exit
      Cont. Photo Mode: Arranged by
      Cont. Photo Group.                            : Turn Left

      Slide Show                                    : Turn Right

    The Date Folder is displayed in date           Videos and panoramic pictures
    order based on photo shooting date/            cannot be rotated.
                                                   The rotated picture file will replace
    If there is no continuous shot image
                                                   the original photo.
    file in memory, continuous photo
    mode cannot be enabled.


     This setting allows you to change the          •       Vignetting
     picture color effect. The file is saved as a
     new photo and stored in memory together        •       Salon
     with the original photo.                       •       Punk (4M)
                                                    •       Negative (8M)
                                                    •       Reflection
                                                    •       Fish Eye
                                                    •       4 Grids - Stylish (2M)

                                                        In playing back single photos, press
                                                        the     button to enter the color
                                                        effect setting menu.
        •      Exit
        •      Vivid
                                                        Fish Eye effect is not available when
        •      Black and White                          shot size is 20M.
        •      Sepia
        •      Partial Color-Red
        •      Partial Color-Yellow
        •      Partial Color-Blue
        •      Partial Color-Green
        •      Dreamy

Document Created: 2017-05-11 12:43:35
Document Modified: 2017-05-11 12:43:35

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